Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 20 days ago

Thana Martin

Location: The Truck
Skills: N/A

Thana threw the truck into park and glanced around. It seemed that they weren't drawing any attention as far as Walkers in the area were concerned, so that was good. They had a minute or two. Looking down the roads and up the on ramp she sat there for a moment in silence. Thana wasn't a navigator by any stretch of the imagination nor did she had a vast skill set when it came to roads and routes of Georgia. Yet she had been born in the state. Being born and raised in Ga, you knew of 4 main highways. The loop: 285 around Atlanta. 75: which ran from Florida into Tennessee - everyone eventually got on it to either go to the mountains or to the peach on vacation. I20: which took all the fans out to Athens to see the bulldogs. Last but not least was 85: Which ran from Bama to Atlanta and then some. People took it when they were leaving a Bama game to go back home or from Atlanta to Columbus to hit back roads back down to Albany.

"Check the map. Find Newnan, this has got to be 85," Thana finally said after a bit of common sense reasoning. "Because if that is 75 or 20, we found some wormhole..." she followed up as she pulled her cap off and ran her fingers through her hair. Slipping it back into place she glanced over towards Thalia.

"Those Bama folks are nuts when it comes to football... I will never understand how they could be so behind a place where they are known as the Crimson Tide... I mean... Brapalorch... Yuck..." Thana said in passing before looking back around to make sure no walkers were getting close to the truck. They were still okay for now. She hoped Ash was doing okay, she was even a little worried about Gavin. Yet she didn't let herself think on it long. She was setting in her mind that when push came to shove and this day was done, she probably wouldn't see either of them ever again.

Gavin & Lola

Location: The Tank
Skills: Tank Operations (Lola)

Gavin sat there and pulled his hands from his face. "Yes Ma'am Auntie," he said as he let his hands drop back over his knees. He found himself staring off and centering in on a single rivet across from him on the wall of the tank. This was how he always got before he knew someone was going down. Being a Ranger there were plenty of times when he had to be on a stake out, or in a shootout, or have been on a stake out and ended up in a shootout. Sometimes you just knew shit was going down. This time Gavin was the one starting shit. No, he was finishing it.

"Yeah, Is believe in God. Just don't claim to be understandin' him. There be a heaven and a hell. Hell to punish the fuckers who hads it good on earth that shouldn't have. Heaven to reward the ones that had a shit show down here and still stayed good." Gavin had been raised in the south. He was a good ol' southern boy, with good ol southern values. You either shot it, stuffed it, or married it. Needless to say he did a lot of shooting and stuffing. Gun toting Jesus loving Country Boy. He might not have carried a bible on him but it was easy enough to see the gold cross that hung from a chain on his chest. "Like I be sayin' I ain't aiming for either, just wantin' to give God a few folks to sort out."

Now during all this Lola wasn't paying a bit of attention. Well she was, she heard what they were saying but she wasn't interested. All she did manage to acknowledge between the other two talking in her tank was the Mad Max references. "Break a deal, face the wheel!" she chirped as she bounced in her seat and turned down another road. She would bounce in her chair, humming to herself. At least she wasn't singing currently, the humming was far less annoying. How in the hell Thalia put up with her was beyond anyones guess. Lola had to be the type that was placed on Ritalin back in the day. She wasn't, her parents didn't believe in meds. She probably could have used it though. Several had joked in the past she must have had a personal straitjacket with her name bejeweled on it.

Laughing, she kept driving, heading towards Peachtree city. She didn't seem to care that she was running over numerous deadies as she went. Hell she seemed to be making a game out of it to pass the time. Every so often she would call out. "Oh ball cap stayed on, that's two-hundred points," or "Wack a Dead!" as she turned the cannon of her tank to catch one and knock its head off. At least things were never boring with Lola around. She turned everything into a game. "Anyone got a bat and want to go play Mailbox baseball with those Face eaters from my recliner uptop?" she asked with a giggle as she lit up a cigarette and took a long pull from it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location:The Truck

Alexander's eyes scanned over the map again and again, refusing to give up the simple task of finding out where they were. Well in theory it was simple enough, but when you'd never seen the map before or even been in the area, complications always arose. Alexander looked up from the map and at Thalia and Thana as they both offered various bits of assistance. "Okay, so if that's the 85, that means...You might actually do better with this, Tha..."

He stopped mid-sentence. It was as if something clicked inside the veteran's brain; some kind of old instinct or knowledge that kicked into gear. Because he suddenly thought that it didn't look as if they were wrong per-say, just...just in the wrong order of things. Alexander turned the map around, looked from it and out his window, and back at it. He was a genius. That, or an idiot. He had been holding it upside down all this time. "Got it, finally got it. Yeah, that's the 85 on our left, which means we're close to Exit 41. If we keep going down this road, we'll have to take left at the first intersection and keep heading east down Polar Road past the hospital."

The world finally began to make sense again, for once in a world that had stopped making sense far too long ago. Alexander smiled with satisfaction; finally he had done something helpful to others. And no, he did not count the tea-set or that mug, even if that was a nice find. "Keep driving down that same road for a while, we can either take a left at Parks Road northward and keep going, or keep driving east, south-east 'till we hit the 16th eastward, head on the 54th north and just keep going. I say we take the first and head north ASAP." Alexander stated in his new role as designated-navigator, before looking up from the map again and jumping back into the conversation about footbal. "You won't say that when you've got one of those 'Bamas watching your Six. No Einstein, but man how they throw; you can't kick or hit a grenade with a baseball."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Thalia Carmichael

Location: The Truck
Skills: N/A

The truck coming to a sudden stop threw Thalia into survival mode. She didn't really know either of the people she was sharing space with, and the unannounced cessation of movement prompted her hand to begin moving to her knife. She told herself to calm down, reminded her basic instincts of self-preservation that the three of them, plus the crazy bastards in the tank, were headed toward the same purpose. At the very least, they were allies. You don't start off into an unknown, mortal situation by causing harm to your allies. As slowly as it neared her blade, Thalia's hand retreated, hopefully without the notice of he others in the truck.

When Thana began talking about the map, she eased back into her normal, only somewhat edgy state of awareness. Her hands curled around the edge of Astrid's shield instead, memories playing about in the back of her brain as she scanned the terrain outside of the truck, playing lookout as Alexander fumbled about with the map some more. Then Thana made the "Brapalorch" comment that, despite Thalia's reluctance to trust these people, made her snort out a laugh before she could stop herself. "Brapalorch? Jesus, I've been having mensies for a while now, nevah knew it made a Brapalorch sound." She allowed herself another snicker before adding, "Roll Tide!", shaking her head, and getting back to lookout.

Something else that surprised her: Alexander wasn't really fumbling about with the map in the back. He began rattling off a series of street names and possible routes that was actually a little impressive in how fast it came back, and all without dipping into electronic resources. Damned shame about a lack of electronics. It was her bread and butter, or used to be. "Well, you go, Mugsy... Nice work for a Bama fan."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 20 days ago

Amelia, Raymond, & Samira

Location: Church southeast of Newnan
Skills: Stealth (X3), Athletics (X3)

Raymond wasn't going to say no to any help, he was getting tired a bit from all of the running that they have been doing since Newnan had fallen. He looked towards Sam when she asked if they had a plan, he wasn't sure about the plans at the moment. "When we get somewhere safe and able to rest we can discuss that then." Ray said, right now all he really cared about was getting to a safe location as soon as they could. Raymond then gently patted the pack that he had. "Hopefully there is a bugout plan in here and we can work off of that."

As he continued to remain alert Ray looked around for the walkers that were nearby, he was hoping that they would still be able to keep their distance. Ray was also nervous that he could end up slowing down both Amelia and the newcomer. But he kept those thoughts to himself, he just remained focused on what was ahead of him and what else was around them as well.

Helping Ray was starting to get harder on Amelia. She just barely avoided tripping and pulling him with her. She kept him up alright, but her own mobility right now was suffering. The energy and vigor from earlier was suddenly sapped as if by a force divine as just moving was harder. The grace to avoid making sounds was also gone as every step she made turned into a noise be it from snapping branches under her every step. The attention of the walkers was pulled.

“Dammit...” She mumbled, still struggling as they moved. This is now how she wanted to go.'NO!' She screamed in her mind. This is not where they'd die dammit. They had to make it out and fast. She tried to calculate how much time they had till the walkers reached them, but it was impossible. She found herself overwhelmed by the variables. This is what she got for neglecting math the apocalypse happened." If we are lucky we might be able to juke them around those houses in front of us... maybe. If they don't reach us by then that is."

"Sure thing Chief," Sam replied with a small smile. They look exhausted, hell, I'm getting exhausted. Probably isn't the best time for idle chatter. Sam looked around and an idea sprang in her mind, she turned to Ray and Amelia "Hold on, I'll be right back." Sam left Ray's side for the moment being as she moved ahead and searched the ground for something useful for Ray. She grinned as she spotted a large piece of wood half leaning up against one of the trees. She approached it and picked it up, the mud and melting rain colored her hands black, but the piece seemed sturdy enough. She'll only know just how sturdy it is when Ray will add his weight to it, but Sam was hopeful as usual.

Sam turned toward the pair when she heard a crack that startled her, shit! Sam was an optimist but there's no way they could ever outrun that horde and Sam only has about two dozen shotgun shells left - She didn't know how equipped her new friends were. Not to mention the sounds of weapons firing would attract more to their location, they needed to find a way to sneak past them and fast.

Sam made her way back to the pair and offered Ray the makeshift walking stick: "Here, this will help. And it'll give Red a bit of rest. I can scout ahead to clear the path." Sam paused and looked back over her shoulder, her heartbeat increased as adrenaline started to make its way through her system. She spotted the houses Amelia was talking about and nodded when she turned back to her. With a lowered voice she asked them: "Great, sounds like a plan." Sam could clear a path for them, move some logs around and go around hills. If they do this slowly and quietly, they could make it without alerting those walkers.

Raymond looked as he watched Sam running off to grab something, he wasnt sure if he could trust her just yet or not, she just happened to appear near Newnan when shit went down. But he decided for now to keep his thoughts to himself, right now wasn't really the time to think about it. There was a herd of walkers nearby and they would certainly be on them if they remained still, Ray gave Amelia a nod losing them if they attempted to go past the buildings would probably be good.

A few seconds later Sam came back with a stick, he was grateful for her help, but still wasn't that convinced just yet if she was from Eden or not. "Thank you." Raymond said and accepted the stick, he had lost the crutch somewhere in the chaos Ray then shifted his weight somewhat more on the stick while still clinging onto Amelia. "Lets keep moving." Ray said taking a deep breath as he followed Amelia's lead.

It wasn't working well. Amelia's strength was more or less spend at this point. Moving was hard, helping Ray was even harder. Not to mention the mental fatigue and stress that accumulated by everything that transpired. It was hard to focus. She was making mistakes left and right as she did so. Making noise, attracting attention to them.” I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...” She mumbled to Ray, trying to keep calm, but failing.” I'm... attracting them now...” In her mind though, she knew she was tired, despite the fact she was trying to continue.' So tired... just a little more. Till we get away... please.'

Sam had moved ahead of the pair, the path they were currently on wasn't going to cause them any problem - well, any more problems than they already faced. She thought that it would be safer if they stuck together, and as she moved back towards them Sam could clearly see the exhaustion on Amelia's face. "Path's clear," she paused and then added: "for now." Sam watched Amelia struggle with the task, with good reason. She didn't know how long she had been carrying Ray, but it was clear it had taken its toll on the woman. "Hey, why don't you take a break? I'll take him for a bit."

"How you holding up Chief?" Sam supported Ray as they covered a lot of ground; she didn't know where this renewed vigor came from but she was happy her body was finally cooperating with her. Sam checked on Amelia and noticed she was trailing behind them. Damn, I hope this place is not much farther. She needs to rest and eat. Well, we all do, Sam thought as her stomach grumbled and her lungs burned but she could see the road ahead and it fueled her fire even more. "Nothin' like a good hike to get that heart pumping, am I right?" Sam joked, though it was sarcastic through and through. For the first time in a while, she could only dream of the moment she could rest her legs.

The muscles in her legs burned, but she didn't let that slow her down and were able to reach the road quickly. Sam had no idea where they were, all she knew was that they were north of Miami. She would have to rely on her companions to guide them where they wanted to go.

Raymond looked over at Amelia he was getting worried about her, she was tired and worn out more because of him he thought about just letting them go on ahead of him. "Tired I guess." Raymond said hearing Amelia's groans they were drawing the attention of the walkers towards her. Looking over at Sam. His leg felt like it was on fire still he wanted to press forward the walkers were slowly getting closer towards them. "It's more like hopping on one leg constantly then a hike." Raymond said jokingly.

He could see the road now they just needed to continue forward, looking over at Amelia with a concerned look on his face. "If they get to close, just save her i'm slowing you guys down." Raymond said softly, he thought about Tiffany and hoped she was still alright, he wanted to live but he didn't want these two to die because of him.

Amelia was currently behind Sam and Ray. She just couldn't keep up with them right now. Her fatigue was showing, but now that Ray was no longer weighting her down, she appeared to be at least faring better than earlier. Her movement was steady and she wasn't making as much noise anymore. In fact she was almost willing to say she was making just the ordinary amount now by walking, but that didn't mean the zombies she attracted earlier were no longer after her, to have her for a juicy snack.' I want to see Riley!' She thought, focusing on that singular desire to keep her going.

Sam chuckled at Ray, she wondered how it happened but she knew better than to ask. Besides, it wasn't important. Sam thought he was lucky to have survived the injury, especially if it happened post-outbreak. She didn't know how many surgeons there were these days, but Sam figured it was probably close to how many firefighters there were. She frowned at his last statement, "the only thing that needs saving is your optimism, friend." We'll get through this, Sam thought decisively.

As she continued to exert herself, her stomach started to grumble embarrassingly loud. Sam hadn't eaten in a while but she knew the last thing she had wasn't exactly fresh. Dammit, I know I should have had my power bar instead of that burrito. Her stomach started to hurt more and more as she started to sweat a little more than she already was. The jolts of pain came in waves and valiantly fought her own bowel movements, but it became harder and harder with each step she took. She was even reciting the Lord's Prayer, but nothing worked. It had to get out, she feared she may explode if it didn't and God only knows what farting inside of yourself does.

Sam tried the slow release technique, but it came out as a full force blast that was almost as loud as her shotgun. Some of the walkers diverted their broken bodies towards them. Okay, I'm ready to die. It can't get any worse than this. At least she didn't shit herself. That's a plus, right? Right. The smell hit her quick and swift, even she knew it would be too much for someone else's poor nostrils to inhale.

Raymond looked towards Sam at her comment and smiled slightly shaking his head, it was hard to be optimistic when you watched your home for the last several months get destroyed in front of you. And having to worry if someone you loved going missing in all of the chaos that happened shortly after. "Kind of hard to be when you watch everything around you fall into a massive sinkhole." Raymond said, then he noticed as Sam started to slow down somewhat looking over at Amelia a few feet behind them worried that she was lagging behind.

Ray then froze for a moment as he heard the loud sound coming from Sam, and then shortly after that the nasty ass smell that came from the fart. Raymond felt his stomach starting to feel twisted and knotted at the scent, as he leaned forward and turning his head slightly towards Sam. Releasing all of what he had eaten earlier in the day, hitting Sam on the shirt, pants and shoes. Groaning slightly as he whipped his nose and mouth away of snot and drool from it feeling completely embarrassed about what he had just done.

Amelia found herself catching up to Sam and Ray to her joy. She was sadly thinking of just going out with a bang if she couldn't escape. Maybe draw the walkers attention so they don't chase down the other two, but luckily such grim thoughts weren't a thing she was ready to do just yet. It had to be a situation where death was certain anyways.

Still the fact she was catching up fast was good, she made some noise, but nothing overly big. What was not as good was the wall of stench of decay that hit her face as she got closer to their previous spot. It made her stomach want to turn inside out right away, but miraculously she held it in! 'Dear god...' She thought, pressing her sleeve to her mouth and nose.
Nallore, Rivaan, The Real Slayer

Ashton, Riley, Niesha

Location: The Hordebuster
Skills: N/A

Objectively, the concept of putting space between them and the crater that was Newnan was a good idea. He even had a destination in mind; one of the established bugout points north of them. The death throes of the once populated city were already drawing in the Dead, and it was only a matter of time before the living came to pick over the bones of their deceased home. Ash also considered it a matter of time, and likely a very short time, until the terrorists from Eden decided to start hunting down anyone who managed to get out alive. For this, Ash was thankful that Thana and the others were on their way to give them some hell. Even if all they did was harass them, it would buy the survivors needed time. Thana's safety was still heavily on Ash's mind. Perhaps that is why he did what he did.

The Hordebuster blew through another walking corpse, this one exploding so spectacularly that part of it painted the windshield and safety bars atop. Without warning, Ash stomped on the brakes, bringing them to a shuddering, skidding halt just before the intersection with the highway. Ash was wide-eyed and close to hyperventilating as he managed to finally get out, "Jesus Fucking Christ, that was Thana!". Clumsily, he fumbled for the lock and door handle, apparently uncaring of the danger outside the vehicle.

Niesha flinched as the a walker exploded on the windshield, raising her hands up slightly, even though she knew that it could not hit her. She let out a soft sight, but was soon throwing her arms out to stop herself from hitting something as Ash slammed on the breaks. Looking about for whatever had caused Ash to stop- and now freak out she sure- Niesha frowned. They'd just hit a walker, hadn't they?

As Ash fumbled with the lock, Niesha reached out to yank him back, his shout causing her to believe he wasn't as stable as he seemed. "ASH!" Niesha shouted, her shout louder then she intended especially inside the enclosed space, "It wasn't Thana! It was too dead for a fresh corpse! Thana is fine! ASH!" she thought about hitting him over the head, but was a little hesitant to do so. "RILEY! HELP"

Riley jumped slightly when she heard a thud on the hordebuster she saw the bits and remains of a walker that was there, then she suddenly gripped the sides of the seat. Ashton was stopping in the middle of the road, and saw him trying to reach for the door Riley nodded towards Niesha and then tried to help pull Ashton back. "Ashton calm the fuck down, it was just a regular damn Walker it wasn't Thana!" Riley said. Riley looked towards Niesha, and then started to wonder if she should actually start to drive herself, and let Ashton cool down, and if he freaked out again she would smack him if she had to.

Ash's mind, meanwhile, was struggling for a sense of what was accurate and grounded in reality. He knew that something wasn't right, but he was fairly damned certain that he just partially liquefied his Thana. His eyes were still wide, face splattered with a look of uncertainty, and breathing at a rate that threatened unconsciousness if he persisted. His left hand still moved awkwardly at the door, blindly trying to locate and disengage the lock. His eyes were directed at Niesha in the passenger's seat even as hands attempted to keep him from exiting his truck. Ash knew what he saw, thought he was certain of it, but the barest thread of confusion prevented him from acting upon it with absolute clarity. "...i saw her. I killed her. She's dead..."

Niesha shook her head, swallowing back emotions that wanted to spew out. Right then, it wouldn't do any of them any good. "No, Ash... you didn't. It's what ever has fucked with our minds, you didn't kill her. She's alive." She hoped that was true, but right then, she had to break through that confusion, "Ash. I promise you, that wasn't her. On my own life, it wasn't her! You can't go out there, you'll die and then you won't be able to see her again!" A strange thought entered Niesha's mind.

What if that was what the... visions were about? Chloe had had a gun to her head... Ravi had thought he had a razor going to his neck... And if Niesha had followed Sophia, would she have found her death? Guilt over not following her still twisted Niesha's heart, but it had been the right decision at the time. And now this... But what could do that to them? "Please Ash... "

Riley groaned slightly and stared Ashton down as he awkwardly kept trying to fumble with the lock on the door to the Hordebuster. "Get a fucking hold of yourself Captain Tight Ass, that was not fucking Thana out there!" As far as Riley knew she was still alive wherever she was. "There is a damn horde right behind us, if you get out we fucking die, and if we don't continue moving soon we fucking die!" She saw her sister kill herself right in front of her, and then Ravi getting killed she didn't want to see Niesha, or Ashton get torn up by a herd of walkers, or herself. Riley wasn't sure if she was even getting through to him at this point.

Ash's clumsy attempts to unlock the door slowed. This was progress, though possibly not fast enough progress considering that the Dead trailing the Hordebuster had begun to catch up. The first few were already laying decomposing hands upon the body of the vehicle; their groans could be heard through the protection of steel and tempered glass as they shambled up to the sides and attempted in vain to pry inside to get the juicy nuggets of peoplemeat within. The look of loss and confusion stayed on his face, but his words of protest slowed considerably. "No. I don't... just no." Ash saw what he saw. Then why wasn't he acting on it? At that moment, his desire to leave the safety of the 'Buster was just about even with his responsibility to what remained of his people. He stood upon a knife's edge of decision, unsure as to which would win out.

Niesha weighed the different options. It was unlikely that Riley and herself would be able to hold Ash back for long, especially not when he was in such a crazed state. She hurried went through the options. Knock him out? But what if they were overwhelmed, had to make a break for it? Neither she nor Riley could carry him, and they couldn’t do it together for long. Especially if they were surrounded by walkers. It was clear that they needed to do something however.

Hopefully, whatever "something" was, whether it was a break of realization by Ash or outside intervention, it would have to happen soon. Ash's mental and emotional condition was getting worse. He could clearly see a neatly decapitated head on the hood of the Hordebuster; it belonged to a woman with dark hair and fair skin. Piercing blue eyes bored into him as it spoke directly to Ash with a familiar voice that only he could hear: "Ash whys you go be doin' this shit to me? I mean, I wasn't all that bad was I? Sure I did me some shit but I be keeping Dick in tow, I did good fer yous peeps. Just because you be gettin' it on with me sister and she gots a corncobs up her ass doesn't mean yous gotta takes me out like this..."

Ash's eyes focused on Zoie's head. His own tilted to the side, mimicking a confused German Shepherd in appearance. His mouth opened slightly as if to respond to the severed head on the hood, only to be cut off by another voice originating from the same source. "Ash... you got us confused.... It wasn't her, it was me you got..."

Niesha decided that getting in trouble was a shit ton better than Ash getting eaten by walkers, and opening that door. Shifting so she could do the move justice, Niesha raised her hand and brought it down in a slap, the sound on impact somewhat satisfying, at least to her. ”Pull yourself together, Ash! You damn well know that a fresh corpse wouldn’t go splat like that!” She decided the time for subtle was over.

His face didn't flinch in the least as the slap landed. Ash just remained sitting and staring like a piece of meat, either unaware of the pain or welcoming it. Inside, he knew logically what had happened. Something began to come together in his mind. He just couldn't physically react to Niesha's attempt to help.

Without warning, tears stung her eyes and she cursed. ”It wasn’t Thana, Ash. It’s all in your head… Just… Just like it wasn’t real that I saw Sophia… please Ash… snap out of it. I know how hard it is.” Her voice shook slightly with the emotion it held, and fell into a soft whisper.

”I don’t want to die today.” The words slipped out, and she suddenly realized the truth to them. She didn’t want to die. ”So I damn well will slap you silly if I have to, and tie you up to keep us all alive.” What she’d use to do so, Niesha didn’t know. But she didn’t think Ash was in a sound mind to realize that.

Riley turned her head as she could hear the groans of the walkers getting louder, and then she could hear their undead hands hitting against the doors and glass of the Buster. Her heart started to race as panic started to set in, and Ashton was still dead set on trying to unlock the doors and get to his non existent girlfriend who wasn't there. Then Riley heard a slap looking at Niesha surprised that she actually hit him. "Ash don't you fucking dare open that door I will punch you the fuck out if I have to!" Riley yelled towards him, as she contemplated on if she should even attempt to knock the man out if he continued to attempt with the door again.

Riley looked towards Niesha for a moment. "If Ashton doesn't snap out of it, and he opens the door get back here as quickly as you can." Riley didn't want to die today either, she wanted to live for as long as she could. Riley went back to thinking as she thought about just knocking him out again and taking the wheel herself and drive as far away as she could.

The voices in the cab of the Hordebuster rattled around in Ash's head, snippets and snatches of the vocalizations of the two women with him. "...it's all in your head... ...wasn't real... ...don't you fucking dare open..." Finally, "I don't want to die today." He began to truly hear the sounds of the Dead outside of his truck, keying into his base instincts for survival. The head on the hood was still there, still looking at him, but a modicum of clarity hit. Single tears came from each of his eyes, subtle as the moisture necessary to remove a film of dust from them. Quietly at first, "...i'm seeing things." then with a little more strength, "I'm seeing things." He looked to Niesha, whose handprint he wore in swelling rouge across his face, beaming grateful tenderness. "Thank you." Ash was still a little disconnected, but he knew where his responsibility lay. He had to get them out of there. Now.

Niesha let out a relieved breath. She hadn't thought much beyond the basic "Someone freaking out, slap them". If she had, she might have thought she'd get in trouble. "How often does one get to slap a superior without repercussions?" She said, trying to make light of the situation. "What say we bust through this hoard? I promise, I'll let you know if what you see is real or not." Which might not be the best idea, but she hadn't been seeing or hearing things in a while, so she figured she was out of that danger. "We all good?"

Riley leaned forward resting her head against the back of Niesha's seat for a moment and looked towards Ashton when he finally started to get some sense into him now. The slap seemed to get Ashton back on track for now at least looking at the walker that was still on the hood for a moment then turned to look at Niesha. "Probably not that often." Riley said lightly joking she was still on edge, she was still worried about Ashton's mental state more then her own at the moment. "we just need to keep moving forward"

Nodding at Riley's assessment of the situation, Ash brought the Hordebuster into gear and put his mind into a determined place. Deep within himself, he felt clarity wash over his beaten psyche, strengthening it, reinforcing his sense of self and his awareness of the world around him. You're back, Captain. Good. Tend to your people. This is your duty. Excellent. In a baffling twist of irony, Ash could tell his mind was back because he could clearly hear the voice in his head tell him so. Such was the dilemma of being Captain Ashton J. Holloway. The good news was that this voice in his head looked out for him, more or less. Kept him on task. Was recognizably part of him.

Ash leaned onto the gas pedal of the great, modified dump truck known as the Hordebuster. In just a moment, they would be across the highway and leaving this group of dead people behind them, en route to the bugout point to regroup before the push to Zebulon. Unfortunately, the truck had other ideas. Instead of roaring forward and blowing past the dangers around them, it shuddered once and rolled backward, nailing the curb and halting. "...damnit." growled Ash. The gear had slipped into reverse, pitching them into the embankment. Not ideal, but fixable. He shifted gears and gently pushed the gas, only to hear a responding sound of tires spinning in mud. The Dead could also be heard shambling toward the Buster, making their position even less ideal.

"Shit." It seemed a fitting thing to say.

"I concur." Niesha replied wearily, leaning back in her seat and closing her eyes. Why did everything seem to be against them today? She tried to think what they could do, with the dead crowding them. They could stay, but how long until the horde grew strong enough to break through the buster? She didn't want to try and find out.

"I suppose we should clear the horde, then try to push the buster out?" There didn't seem to be any question about leaving the Buster- that was probably going to be the only thing that would keep them alive.
Riley felt the buster lunge backwards onto a curb, looking over her shoulder for a moment as she could hear the tires getting stuck in the mud. Really things aren't getting any better as Riley turned her head to look between Ashton and Niesha hearing her suggestion on clearing out the horde that was behind them, then trying to push it out. It was really risky Riley could hear the walkers outside, she wasn't sure what to actually do. "Is there a way to get out onto the top and clear them out without having to get onto the ground?" Riley asked, looking towards Ashton, since it was his ride after all.
Sigil, Nallore, Caits

Tiffany Lyle and Jack Hudson

Location: Walking Towards Arnco Mills

With all the chaos from the destruction of Newnan and losing Tatiana, Jack didn't even think twice as he reached for his gun, a Colt M1911, instead of his knife. Pulling his gun, he barely had time to aim as he fired off a shot towards the walkers in front of him. From his position on the ground, it was a miracle he even got a shot off - and not altogether too surprising when it missed. The bullet didn't hit the walkers - or Tiffany, for that matter.

However, it gave him enough of an edge that he managed to shove the two walkers back, scrambling out from underneath them and to his feet.

Tiffany looked over to see Jack still on the ground. She then turned her attention back on to the oncoming zombie. It was then she heard the gunshot. Thankfully, it had missed her, but it also missed any of the walkers. Jack was on his feet now though, which was a good thing. But she wished he'd taken the time to aim.

Her walker was getting nearer and Tiffany knew she had to end this now if she wanted to help Jack. So as the walker inched closer, she jumped forward, diving her knife into the walker's briain. She could see the small struggle, but she pulled it out quickly, ending whatever hope the creature had at living. She kicked it down as it flopped to the ground.

She then turned her attention to the two on Jack. They needed to get moving soon or the rest of the horde would be on them.

Jack needed to get back into the habit of counting his ammunition. He fired his pistol twice, attempting to take out the two walkers in front of him. With the first shot, he missed the walker completely. Maybe it was nerves, maybe it was an after effect of the hallucinations - he didn't know and he didn't stop to think it through. He hit his second target, however, dead on. The walker dropped down to the ground, leaving just one. "I'm down three, gonna use the knife now," Jack explained quickly. He didn't want to waste anymore ammunition if he could help it - not with his 33% success rate today.

Tiffany was thankful Jack's aim was more or less all right as he managed to take down one of the walkers, but he was no down three bullets. They had precious little to spare, especially considering her gun and bow were now in what was once Newnan. She ran up behind the walker and plunged her knife deep into the back of it's skull. She whipped it out, sending some chunks to the ground before it dropped.

"Why don't I take care of that." She said as she dropped it. She put her knife away as she scanned the surrounding area. Surely they drew more attention to themselves. "We should leave before more come on us. We need to get to wherever we are going and soon."

"The Mills - it's one of the bug out spots," Jack said, grateful that Tiffany had gotten the last of the walkers. He didn't want to risk taking another shortcut and decided the best choice would be to head west - there was a lot of snow over on the road, snow that they could use as cover from any more walkers that turned up. Using all of his survival skills, Jack expertly ninja'ed his way over to the road, ducking for cover as needed and somehow avoiding any additional walkers coming his way.

Tiffany never considered herself a sneaky person. In fact, she remembered a time when she tried to be. It was during her rebellious years when she walked into a convenience store and tried to steal make-up. She felt so daring at the time, but she was also incredibly nervous. She remembered picking the lip gloss and putting it in her pocket, turning around, and colliding smack into the sunglass display, knocking it all over. She, sprawled on the floor, trying desperately to get out of there, but all of those around her running up to see if she was ok.

She never stole anything again.

And much like that time, this didn't go as planned. As she took a trip down memory lane, she forgot where she was. Jack had already walked plenty ahead of her. In that instance, she stepped in a horribly placed hole in the ground made by some animal. As she stumbled forward, her mind went back to that sunglass display, "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" she screamed, almost as if in slow motion, as she fell forward. Wouldn't stop there though, her momentum propelled her forward, falling down a small incline. Now, not only had she embarrassed herself in front of ALL the undead, but they were now very aware of her.

As she already had stated: Fuck.

Jack stopped in his tracks as he, along with practically every walker in the area, heard Tiffany slip. His heart skipped a beat at the thought of losing someone else. Without Tiffany, he would be completely alone. And with how his psyche was, that didn't bode well. Yet he didn't want to use his entire clip of ammo if he didn't have to, and so, Jack dug deep. He took a deep breath, before mustering all of the mediocre dancing skills he possessed.

"IT'S THE EYE OF THE TIIIIIIGAAAAAAH!" Jack screamed, as he proceeded to perform a series of completely unrelated dance moves. In one second, he was twirling like a ballerina. In the next, he was doing the standard White Girl Shuffle TM of every prom. And then a moment later, he was doing the Egyptian before going into jumping jacks. If he had faith in his ability to moonwalk backwards, he would have done that. Hell, he even played his own leg like a guitar.

"IT'S THE THIRLL OF THE FIGHT! RISIN' UP TO THE CHALLENGE OF OUR RIVAAAAAAL!" Jack bellowed. And with his truly horrendous display of dancing, all of the walkers began to shuffle towards him, rather than towards Tiffany.
FantasyChic, Morose

Beatrice Decker

Location: in a TANK
Skills: None

From what Beatrice could tell, Lola appeared to be enjoying herself. She couldn't help but smile slightly at the sight. She doubted anything had ever phased Lola and she felt a certain kinship with her. Her fearlessness could have easily gotten Lola killed - but it seemed to keep her alive. As an ex-Justice native, she could appreciate that. Certain weaknesses and failings could be seen as strengths - it all depended on the context. A borderline anti-social personality - such as her owns - had allowed her to survive. It had kept her alive this long, but now that she was doing something for a reason other than her own wellbeing, she felt that she was on death's door. There was no telling if she'd be able to hover there safely.

"If I were to believe in a higher power, it'd be an absentee father," Beatrice said. "In this world, there's no comforting light. Just demons - the ones already here and the ones we made for ourselves." She was a firm believer that even if the walkers hadn't started the end, even if it had been a natural disaster or something else, the end result would have been the same. People would have killed each other, one way or another. The walkers were just an excuse. Even James, one of the arguably best intentioned people on the planet, had committed murder. The walkers and this world didn't force him to it. He had chosen that darkness.

"How far out are we from Eden?" Beatrice then asked, addressing Lola.

World Narrative

I do not believe that a single group right now is having an easy time. Well, groups 4 and 5 are. They are in vehicles and while they did just watch a couple die and are on their way to hell to dance with the devil, they are doing pretty good. Groups 1-3, that's another story. Lady Luck has each of you in some interesting predicaments. Now time to keep moving.

Groups 1-3: You are on cases once again. We will stick with the ten day counters. You are to keep moving. Goal? Get to the edge of your provided map! So chop chop and get the lead out! 10 days and counting! Updated maps below - now roll out!

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Thana Martin

Location: Exit 41 to U.S. Hwy 85
Skills: Redneck Vehicles

"There we go," Thana said as she turned in her seat somewhat to listen better to what Alex was saying about where they needed to go and to get a look at the map some. It may have taken him a few minutes to get his bearings but once he did he had come up with a rather decent route. "Let's get a move on." Throwing the truck into gear Thana eased pressure onto the gas peddle and started up the on ramp. First thing was first, to the other side of the highway. Things looked to be pretty cut and dry on the map.

Thana knew however that in this day and age things were never as simple as they appeared on the map. It seemed that Newnan had taken sometime to mark out roads that seemed to be permanently blocked when these maps were put together but thing was, how long ago was that? How often did they update that stuff? She imagined it had probably been a time. Even if it had been the month before with the snow and storms, it could mean a simple 20 mile trek would take hours. She hoped it wouldn't.

They hadn't yet heard from Gavin and the women with him, so that told Thana that they had least not arrived at Eden yet. That was both a good and a bad thing. Good because it meant she wasn't falling behind. Bad because it could mean they ran into trouble. It could be looked at as either way but for now she was just going to hold on to no news was good news. She had too because outside of the Eden situation was the Newnan situation. The question remained, did Ash get back to town? If he did, did he find anyone alive? If he had, was he able to get back out? It was all up in the air. Yes, hold onto no news is good news.

Glancing over at Thalia she let out a breath. "While we have a chance we should eat. Can you go into my bag there and pull out the MRE's? Let's divide one up so we can at least get something on our stomachs. Once this whole Eden thing starts, who knows when they next time we will be able to will be," she said as she glanced down at her bag before placing her attention back on the road as they turned onto Hwy 85.

Gavin And Lola

Location: Heading For Peachtree City
Skills: Tank Operations (Lola), Land Navigation (Lola), People Reading (Gavin)

"Rights now miay' onlies goal is to be ables to make some of them demons out'dare choke on their cudes. Ifs I gots time laters Is be willin' to deals with me own demons. Rights nows those, their my bruders in arms" Gavin said as he let his head rest against the cool wall of the tank. He knew he had his own demons. HE could feel them inside. Sure he was a good ol' country boy with good old suthern' values. He loves his momma and Jesus. (In that order) He had read his bible. Did what he could to make people happy, smile, and take care of them. Yet part of being a good ol' boy meant you pushed all that aside to drag a fucker out behind the woodshed from time to time. Now was that time.

He couldn't help but chuckle a bit at Lola as she had turned a simple driving job into a game. He understood how she was. Sure he was in his brooding mode right then he had been known to turn many a bad times into a game. It wasn't but a day ago he was sloshing through the woods outside of Newnan with his best mate at his side, singing away as if they were two prison mates. (Minus the keistering.) So as she yelled out her points he had to sit up a bit more and give her a challenge. "Fuck I ain'ts got a bat, we should get one after this. Have a real game of mailbox smash! Ain't no postman to piss off."

Lola nodded, she liked that idea. "Aces mate! Okay, we get done with Eden we hit the road, find a bat, and gave some real fun. Oh shit! 500 points! That one left half his head on the gun," Lola said laughing her ass off, so much in fact she slipped out of her seat and onto the floor. It took her a second to get back into place. Thankfully with tanks, it wasn't like with cars. She didn't suddenly veer off the road. The tank kept going the direction it had been. She did manage to take out another one while she as on the floor, only to see is platter when she got back into her seat. "Blind hit! 2000 points!"

After a minute she realized that Beatrice had said something to her. Of fuck, map. Yeah, forgot about that." Laughing she picked up the map, took a look at it, looked back at the road, back at the map, the road, map, road, map, road. "Okay, here we are. Here is where we is going," she said pointing to the map before handing it fully over to Beatrice. "No downed bridges out or major road blocks and we should be to the city in twenty, round about."

Alexander Polawski

Location:Going Up the Country

The sign of approval from the front seats was a relief to Alex sitting in the back. He looked up from the map he had just been given directions from and watched as the scenery started to move again down the windows of the pick-up, pulling it up onto the ramp of Highway 85. If they were lucky, Alexander's plans had not resulted in them getting stuck somewhere down the line without any option but to turn around. All of which would simply mean time wasted doing nothing, and more time for the so-called Eden folks to organize after Hell opened its proverbial gates.

Eating? Well it did sound like a good idea. Even more so once Alexander sensed the empty feeling in his stomach. He hadn't eaten in a while, not since...well now that he thought about it, the only thing he'd 'eaten' was the handfull of snow after the night at that hospital. Sure he had gotten a plastic bag of hot cocco, but that gave more warmth than anything else. "Sounds good. Mystery E's are better than nothing. Not that I'm complaining." Alex said, looking at the two ladies in the front, waiting for Thalia to find the Bag Nasty before turning his eyes at the road forward as well. "If we get blocked up ahead, can the truck still get us through?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Thalia Carmichael
Location: In The Truck
Skills: N/A

The idea of food was appealing to Thalia. That is to say, it was always appealing to her, but the concept of breaking bread with new people had a way of bringing them closer. As much as the once formidable level of rat's asses she could have given was massively depleted, the very appearance of said Hindpartus Rodenta to offer could mean a definitive difference in the amount of trust they might have for one another as they go about their epic quest to outright murder as many fuckers from Eden as they possibly could before cruising out.

That and, well, food. Thalia had an almost unnatural ability to pack away sustenance at levels beyond the capacity of hungry men twice her size, all without the appearance of gaining an ounce. She once postulated that, given time to prepare and barbecue sauce, she could ingest an entire roasted hog. Right about now, she could really go for that whole hog. Hell, she'd go whole hog for a whole hog. A good, cold lager would hit the spot nicely, too. Yah, some Harpoon Ale sounded like heaven. Unfortunately, all she had was an MRE. Check that: Part of an MRE.

It was also her habit to be thankful for what she had. She got a little breakfast that morning, along with instant coffee. Now a little pre-violence snack to tide her over before she could get to sweet, sweet spoils of war. Or died. Seeing as she had places to go after today, she really hoped it was the spoils of war bit. Dying would suck. This in mind, Thalia retrieved Thana's pack and pulled out a brown-green plastic covered box with muted black letters printed upon the side, reading: Meal Ready to Eat, and ripped it open following the soft click of her automatic knife actuating. Before she started distributing the packets within, she uttered a quick, "Dibs on the matchbook!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Beatrice Decker

Location: in a TANK
Skills: None

Beatrice chuckled slightly. She had to admire Gavin's conviction. In most scenarios, people didn't take too kindly to her opinions, especially on a matter as intimate as religion. For a moment, she saw a reflection of herself in him. If she hadn't been exposed to Justice at a young age, perhaps she would have turned out like him - or maybe if she hadn't returned to Justice, then she would have channeled that darkness into some type of law enforcement. It was an odd moment, noticing a version of oneself in someone else. The only other person Beatrice had experienced that with in a long time had been Ash.

She accepted the map from Lola, giving it a brief scan. Lola's estimation appeared to have been correct. The craziness that came out in her personality appeared to be contained when it came to basic skills - such as map reading and tank driving. "Thanks," she said curtly, handing the map back once she had finished examining it. She then paused for a moment, shaking her head slightly at Lola. It wasn't a negative don't do this type of look - more of a I'm amused and glad to have experienced this weirdness.

"If we play baseball with walkers, I'll win," Beatrice wagered. "I always bring the very best violence." It was in her blood.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 20 days ago

Thana Martin

Location: Exit 41 to U.S. Hwy 85
Skills: Redneck Vehicles

Thana looked over at them for a brief second before turning her attention back to the road in front of her. There were some slick spots but it wasn't any difficult at this point. Yet she didn't relax, though from her ways it was hard to tell if she ever relaxed when she was in front of people. Thana was a Sailor after all, but more than that right then she was a Southerner driving on Georgia roads after an ice storm... This was never a good thing. You see, in the south they are not prepared for snow and ice, no more than those in the north are ready for three months of 110 degree weather and 100% humidity but without a single drop of rain. Yet even if Southerns were equipped for snow normally this was not normal times. There was no Georgia Department of Transportation (G. Dot) to call and say, "Hey,yeah, it's slicker than snot on a door knob right now and colder than a witches tit, mind coming and throwing some of that salt shit on the road near my house?" So while things were melting away, there was still black ice out there and Thana still had had limited exposure to driving on ice. Muddin'.. That was a different story.

"I believe we should be okay. Chevy does well to make good trucks, and I doubt James would have driven anything that wasn't up to snuff if he could help it. Actually would rather deal with a ditch than the ice," Thana admitted before giving a partial glance to Thalia as she claimed the matchbook. She let the corner of her mouth curl slightly into what was the best she could manage smile-wise when she was on-duty. "I've already eaten to do so just whatever small amount of crackers or the like is in that one will do for me." It was the truth. She had finished eating the rather large helping of food that Ash had brought for her from the reception this morning. Now while she couldn't be sure when the other two had eaten last was, she was sure neither of them had had a fully home cooked meal today, so she didn't mind taking the lambs portion of things right then.

Gavin And Lola

Location: Heading For Peachtree City
Skills: Tank Operations (Lola), Land Navigation (Lola), People Reading (Gavin)

Gavin looked over to Beatrice and his brow rose slightly. He had heard that expression once but he couldn't place it. Then it suddenly dawned on him. He remembered exactly where he had heard it before. It was on a date. He had taken to the movies after Hurricane Rita. It had been a drive since he was helping with the entire disaster, so they had to go a good 100 miles inland to find a theater and it wasn't exactly the biggest release but they had made it. He had never seen anything firefly related before so he was behind in the story but he enjoyed the movie and more along the company. It was his first date with Thana. Chuckling a bit, he took it as a sign of some sort. "I ain't no leaf on the wind..." he said before looking over at Lola.

Lola on the other hand had no fucking clue what he was talking about or that Beatrice had even made a movie reference. "Leaf on the wind? What the bloody hell does that mean? Leaf on the wind. Like plastic bag dancing around, whooo oooo ooo, wee watch it, it's so beautiful. It's like its dancing," Lola started as she waved her hands around mocking the bag from American Beauty. That was a movie she had seen and while she didn't know they were talking about another movie, the phrase Leaf On The Wind made her think of that horrible scene. "Should have called it American Dumbassery."

The cowboy found himself snorting a laugh at that. He had seen that movie as well. He was a fan of movies, enjoyed them. Granted he hadn't though that American Beauty was that horrible. It wasn't that good either in his mind. Nothing could top the Duke in True Grit or any punk feeling lucky. Hell the man would have killed to see My Darling Clementine again. Now that was a classic. It had everything a good movie needed. Cowboys, Horses, and Cowboys. In that order of course. Adjusting his own stetson and shook his head slightly with a broad grin on his lips as he cracked his knuckles. At least being with these gals wasn't dull. Lola was an entire Variety show wrapped up in a crazed little package.

"Okay, think we are about 10 minutes out now from Peachtree before we gotta find that golf course," Lola said as she leaned forward and took note of a few signs on the road. The tank began to come to a hault and then eventually stopped there in the middle of the road. "Alright mate and matess, how close you want me to get before you are up top cowboy?" Lola asked before looking over at Beatrice. "Think after a crash course you could handle some things in here with me?" she asked as she pulled her flight cover off her head and wiped some sweat from her brow. It was starting to get a bit warm in the tank. Three people, small closed quarters. It was bound to happen.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Going Up the Country

If Thana was correct in her assesment of the truck's capabilities, Alexander was starting to feel that things were actually going to plan for ocne. They had a functional vehicle capable of getting them from point A to B; a decent route planned out to maximise the time used - which included fuel consumption -; a somewhat sound battleplan of what they were going to do once they reached Eden, and Thalia wasn't berating him. All in all, it made him feel comfortable enough for him to lean back and actually take a deep, calm breath for once.

Alexander smiled a half-smile at Thalia's dibs on the matchbook. Sure she could have them, it hadn't faced him to take them himself. All he wanted was half of the half-decent MRE coming his way. "Fine by me, never was a fan of crackers either way. But I really hope there's some cheese in that mystery pack. Haven't eaten that in years." Alexander said hopingly from his back seat, trying to actually think back to when he had had a decent slice of Vermount. He swore he could almost taste the bitter cheese as he thought back on it. Had he been in a comic, he'd probably have a cheese hovering over his head while he drooled indefinietly. But thankfully he wasn't, or he'd appear something like Goofy.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Thalia Carmichael

Location: In The Truck
Skills: N/A

Thalia looked at the MRE and knife in her hands. She turned her eyes to Thana, carefully mulling over what she had just said about already getting a meal that day. As it turned out, she had also had a meal that day, too. Not unlike whatever lay inside of this prepackaged, camouflaged, plastic-covered container of textured, non-perishable to semi-perishable foodstuffs. She even got a hot cup of coffee out of the whole deal, be it the dehydrated instant kind. That's just what it was like, living out of a piece of frightening WWII combat machinery with a mildly unstable Kiwi named Lola. Between her knack of hoarding supplies in a more or less secure, mobile fortress, combined with Thalia's abilities as a survivalist and scavenger, they were doing pretty good on the road, just the two of them. Lean but stable times, as reliable of security as could be realistically expected... and a gnawing feeling just hit her that she was never going to see her friend again.

She settled into a more serious look and mechanically fished the book of matches and pack of crackers out of the MRE. The matches found their way into her pocket (different one from the last book of matches she appropriated earlier that morning), and she fished out a packet of peanut butter for herself. The rest she handed back to Alexander with the noncommittal words of "Bon appetit, Mugsy." It wasn't that she wasn't hungry, persay; She was technically always hungry. But like Thana mentioned about herself, Thalia had already had a little something that day, and all of her own supplies were back on that tank. She didn't know what all was in this truck, nor did she know how long this little detour was going to last. So far as she knew, Alexander was the only one who hadn't gotten a bite all day.

The memory of the first time she saw a Zed crept up unbidden. It was back in Boston. She had passed out in her office, again, and had decided to take a jog up to a nearby bakery in hopes of getting that good, fresh stuff early in the morning. Three of them - and this was back before she knew what they were - went after a dog and then a garbage collector. Long story short, stealth and discretion got her back to her office safe with a big box of yummies.

"Damn, I miss that bakery..." she mused aloud, slipping on a pair of sunglasses.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Ashton, Riley, Niesha

Location: The Hordebuster
Skills: Mechanic (Ash)

Ash's eyes darted to the rearview mirrors, taking a second to note the exact position he had inexplicably gotten them into. His beloved vehicle was mired in a widening swath of Georgia's famous red clay, turned partially to slush with the melting of the season's snow. The Dead were coming closer to their position, indeed many a few were already there, clawing upon his Hordebuster and making the prospect of leaving the vehicle perilous. This would not do. Considering Riley's suggestion on the topic, he responded with determination in his voice. "Leaving the 'Buster is not the best course of action. I built this girl to endure, and we've been through worse." He tested his luck with the accelerator again, hope bleeding away but unwilling to show it outwardly. Very little in the way of movement was achieved with the Hordebuster, but Ash knew that his creation was capable of more than it was demonstrating. "Even if we are stuck, we're safe from the Dead in here. We stay quiet, they'll remember there's something more interesting to the south."

Niesha sighed and nodded. It would be a long few hours until the dead figured there was nothing of interest... that wasn't what worried her. What if a group like theres stumbled along and saw them? They'd be sitting ducks, even if they couldn't get in... all they'd have to do was sit there and let them starve and dehydrate in here.

"A few hours is well and good, but if it takes the dead longer to disperse we might have to consider fighting free." she said softly, glancing down at her things, she knew she couldn't waste any arrows. She had a finite number of them... and her bat, and knife. Neither would be good with a herd of walkers... "Well... not the worst situation to be in." at least they were all sane, for now.

"Anyone got a set of cards then?" Riley asked as she leaned back in her seat as she could hear the tires trying to move forward from the mud. She looked towards Niesha and then Ashton understanding that getting out would still be really bad. But she wasn't that keen on staying in the car with a herd of walkers nearby and surrounding the vehicle. Riley rubbed the back of her neck and looked over at her pack and her gear that was there.

"Cards?" questioned Ash, "Doubt it. Not giving up yet, anyway. Just saying, if we have to wait, we're good for a while." Like hell he was going to stay there any longer than he had to. Taking a different approach, Ash shifted the Hordebuster into reverse and eased on the gas, hoping to gain a little purchase on more solid ground before gunning it forward. The vehicle moved, but just a little. While it was not success by any means, it was something. "C'mon girl, you've got this..." His voice made it uncertain whether he was speaking out of confidence or desperation.

Niesha shook her head, leaning back in her seat, she shifted just enough so she was sitting on one leg, the other on the floor. If they were going to be there a while, she was going to get comfortable. As Ash once more tried to move the Hoardbuster, she shifted again, glancing about them as they moved just a little. Not wanting to say something, and jynx them, Niesha leaned back in her seat.

Riley remained quiet after her comment as she looked over towards Chloe's pack she had managed to take off of her body before leaving the funeral home. She closed her eyes letting out a soft sigh. She felt the Hordebuster move slightly as Ashton tried to get it out of the mud. But still no use she reached for her radio giving it a quick look over before setting it down to the side for now, she wasn't sure if it still worked or not but she didn't want to waste the batteries on it.

The tiny amount of movement was both disappointing and hopeful, as was the sudden quiet inside the cab of his big truck. Ash could get his Hordebuster the slightest bit of purchase in the muddy ground next to the road; hopefully it was enough to get them moving again. The Hordebuster was, once upon a time, a severe duty tandem axle vehicle, useful on work sites without proper roads. While the outside received a massive makeover and the fuel system converted into a multi-fuel unit, the core of the great roadbeast remained the same. It could save them, like it had saved so many long ago. "We're not done yet, girl. One more time, please." Ash spoke, treating the truck like an old friend. He shifted into reverse, bringing the Hordebuster back further off the road. As the saying went, "In for a penny, in for a pound", and there wasn't much good attempting the exact thing that netted so little results. Shifting back into first, Ash turned the wheel sharply, gunning the vehicle along another angle away from the squishy patch that was giving them hassle. There was a tense, laborious second when everything seemed to stop. The wheels spun impotently against wet, unstable ground, until Ash could feel a change in vibration through the frame of the truck. One of the wheels had caught solid earth and was pushing against it, hauling them free. Once back on the road fully, Ash exclaimed, "Yeah! That's my baby! Now let's get the hell out of here." He could be stoic in a minute. This was a time for relief.

As Ash seemed to get the hoardbuster to move just a little bit, Niesha closed her eyes. Which didn't do much against the noises the walkers were making, but Niesha didn't care. She sighed softly. Ash would either get them out, and probably destroy the ground doing so, or they'd be stuck here for a time until the ground hardened a bit or they could get out.

There wasn't anything she could say, nor any advice she could offer, so Niesha stayed silent, keeping to herself. There was no point breaking Ash's concentration, and for a moment, she was enjoying the respite.

Riley kept her fingers crossed as she watched Ashton doing his best at the wheel to get the Hordebuster unstuck closing her eyes quietly praying to herself that they would get free. When the buster finally got itself free Riley leaned back in the seat and took a very deep breath. Waiting for a herd to thin out while in a vehicle was probably the worse thing that could happen in her opinion.

"Thank fucking god." Riley said softly as she ran a hand through her hair, looking over towards Niesha and gave her a gentle nudge seeing that she was being pretty quiet. "We are free." Riley said giving her a happy smile at least something was finally working for them now.

And it certainly seemed like things were working out for the gang in the Hordebuster. The big, barrelling mass of cowcatcher primed, diesel-booze fueled machinery was back on solid, level pavement, headed forward as fast as it could safely grip the road. Cautious optimism (or something that had to pass for optimism out of sheer necessity) filled Ash's words as they pulled out into the highway intersection, "Alright... I think we're going to be okay."

Apparently, the word "okay" was the signal that fate was waiting for, having conveniently put a horizontal pane of ice in front of them, still hard and smooth enough to make a truck of its size lose friction with the road below. Also unfortunately, the laws of physics still applied, meaning that the object at motion (The Hordebuster) tended to stay at motion, unless acted upon by another force. Now, the writings of the immortal Mr. Newton had bearing in this instance for two reasons: 1) The Hordebuster couldn't stop, and 2) the poor sap driving it (Ash) couldn't steer. Any second now, another force was going to act on it, with potentially mortal consequences for the trio inside. Ash gunned it, hoping that speed would be enough to regain some semblance of control. The results were not ideal. Oh, the truck made it across, more sideways than straight on, taking out a business sign in the process and damn near plowing into a once brightly-colored orange building that used to be a child daycare center. An eerily calm, "Damnit." issued from the driver's seat, prompting one to potentially wonder about Ash's sanity yet again. At least being off of the road for a second time gave him the gift of traction; a thing which the former Army Engineer utilized to decent effect, getting the truck pointed in the right direction and back on the road.

Just for good measure, Ash obliterated a lone corpse shambling cluelessly toward them as soon as they were righted. It's what the truck was built for, anyway.

As things seemed to go well for all of two seconds, Niesha relaxed. As shit once more hit the fan, Niesha couldn't help it. She started laughing, a full on belly laugh that brought tears to her eyes. She was soon out of breath, but the laughter would not be denied. As she tried to rein in the now breathless laughter, Niesha hugged herself, her arms around her stomach as the ache of laughing so hard made itself known, and still she couldn't seem to stop.

What twist of fate, what role of the dice, what flip of the coin would strand them in such circumstances, one after the other, and still keep them alive, still keep them kicking? It almost seemed like someone was toying with them, some god in the heavens maybe, or maybe one of those trickster gods or something, that just wanted to see them suffer, and enjoy that suffering.

For a brief moment or two, Niesha was left breathlessly laughing, slowly bringing herself back under control. She reached up to wipe laugh tears from her cheeks, "You can't make this shit up."

Riley felt the Hordebuster loosing traction as it hit a patch of ice on the road, her thoughts quickly turned bad as she thought that they would end up wrecking. She strapped herself in tighter into her seat as tight as she could, Riley took in a few deep breathes as she heard and watched the sign before them easily get turned into a mess. Seeing the children's daycare center that it had belonged to.

Then another walker ended up being the next victim of Ash's driving, though it was designed to mow down a bunch of walkers. Riley looked towards Niesha as she started busting out laughing, she didn't really know why she decided to be quiet about it as Riley thought about Amelia once more, still worried about her girlfriend and wondered if she did make it out of Newnan alive still. "Maybe we should start scoring points on how many things Ash can run over?" Riley said with a light laugh.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Samira,Raymond & Amelia

Location: Church southeast of Newnan
Skills: Stealth, Athletics, First Aid

This can't happeninging, Sam kept telling herself as she watched chunks of half digested food splash onto her clothing and drop down onto her boots. She tried to avoid having to look at her companion's vomit but when she looked down at herself to assess the damage a lump quickly formed in her throat and she gagged pretty loudly. Sam had trouble picking up her cat's puke, human vomit was way out of her comfort zone.

Come on, this would be by far the most embarrassing death. Get a hold of yourself. Instead of focusing on her damp clothing soiled with clumps of Ray's food, Sam instead steeled herself and trained her eyes forward. They had arrived at the road, the houses weren't that far off now. She continued to pull Ray along with her, her steps determined and strong. "If we get out of this alive, this never happened," Sam half-joked, though her embarrassment was quite clear.

Raymond looked at the mess that he had made all over Sam's clothes feeling completely embarrassed at what he had just done, but god that smell was so horrid. Raymond looked away and tried to ignore the smell and the sight of his own vomit, and he simply continued to move forward. "Yeah lets just keep it between us and never speak of it again then." Raymond said, his stomach then started to slowly get back to normal. "Could be worse getting covered in Walker guts is probably far worse." Raymond said jokingly as he looked over towards Amelia once more.

It wasn't as horrible as some things she had smelled in the past. The apocalypse had made her get better at surviving certain things and standing uncomfortable experiences,but her first conclusion that it wasn't as bad was quickly draining. It was rapidly getting worse as she found herself trying to hold it in. The desire to puke all over was growing as she, in the end, couldn't even take another step. Placing hands on her mouth and nose, trying to lessen the disgust. She remembered people telling her to take a deep breath when she was feeling the desire to puke... well she was not in this case given the reason for said stimuli.

"Sounds good to me, Chief." Sam turned to glance over her shoulder as she quickly checked on Amelia. She wasn't that far behind, but Sam didn't want them too get too far ahead of her either. She believed it would be much safer if they stuck together, especially with all the walkers around them. "Hey-" Before Sam could get another word in she lost her footing on the icy ground beneath. She valiantly attempted to stay upright, but the fatigue and Ray's weight hit it at once and she went tumbling down and took her companion down this slippery slope right along with her.

The sound she made when she hit the ice told her something would be sore for days, or worse. Sam attempted numerous times to catch herself, but the road's decline and her hands trying to grip ice was an uphill battle, so to speak. Sam made it to the end of the road and for a moment she thought she could make it to a stop and stand on her feet, but before she knew it she was sliding down again just like a rollercoaster, a really really shitty one. She rolled roughly on the ice and hit the ground hard again, "Where are the breaks on this thing!?" Sam joked as she yelled out to her companion.

As she continued to go down at a speed that was a little to fast for comfort, Sam abandoned trying to stop herself as she instead shielded her face from the barrage of branches scratching and clawing at her. She tried to avoid getting beat up, but it was almost futile to do so. She's going to feel that in the morning. Fifty yards later, their thrill ride from hell ends into another snowbank, and Sam isn't sure if she can get or if she even wants to attempt moving.

Raymond was worried for Amelia it looked like that she was starting to lag behind, when he looked towards Sam when he felt her tugging on his sleeve. Raymond yelled out as he suddenly lost his footing when Sam took him down with her. "Not again." Raymond groaned loudly making sure he had a good grip on the makeshift walking stick. Remembering just a few moments ago losing his footing caused Meghna to die. Raymond did his best to try and slow himself down, he let out a loud groan in pain when he felt his left arm getting scratched. Quickly rolling over onto his back.

Ray stopped fighting it until he hit his back up against the snow bank, looking up at the sky, breathing heavily he looked over at his left arm. Seeing a small one inch scratch going across his arm, it could have been worse, Ray reached for the walking stick and slowly helped himself back up. He then reached his hand to offer to help Sam back up onto her feet, looking over to where Amelia was. "You okay?" Raymond asked, taking a deep breath as he tried to look for her. "We need to wait for Amelia to catch up."

Amelia almost missed it in her struggle to hold in the urge to throw up, but she did see it. In a display of almost cartoony laws of nature, Sam and Ray slipped... They fell and slipped, attracting attention sure, but also impossibly gaining such an incredible lead of 50 or so yards in fraction of the time it would have taken to cross that distance. She looked at them with big eyes, displaying shock, surprise and amazement. Finally she brought herself together and starting moving, getting outside of the throwing up zone, reaching the roads... there was ice and everything else of that nature. She had to carefully move around it.

Still Amelia build up a pace to quickly get further and further until catching up to Sam and Ray." Are you two alright, anything broken?" She asked seeing that Ray was already getting up and all, but the other woman appread to have taken the brunt of the hits.

Sam groaned as she rolled over a few times, she could feel that nothing was broken so that was a plus. She took Ray's offered hand and got up with a groan and as some of her muscles flexed she could feel skin stretching and burning. Damn, ribs are definitely bruised, Sam thought as she had trouble taking in deep breaths. "Thanks," Sam hissed as she inspected a furious looking gash on her stomach. Her shirt had ripped and her blood stained the dark clothing.

"Well, I'm alive...I think." Sam joked as she glanced at her fingers now coated in her own blood. She had other numerous gashes on her thighs and arms. Hell, she looked like she got into a fight with Freddy Kruger and lost. She thought she'd better get the wounds cleaned up before they get dirty and infected. She stared up at Amelia and managed a smirk, but it probably looked like she was making a weird face since her ribs were hurting like a bitch and she had trouble breathing correctly. "Good thing you didn't hop on, it was a hell of a ride." Sam looked down at herself and back up to her companions with a slight smile, "A little TLC wouldn't hurt."

Raymond dusted the bit of snow off of himself looking over towards Sam, wincing slightly seeing the wounds that she had gotten from their little frozen slip n' slide. "No problem but hey could be worse, no broken bones or missing limbs." Raymond said jokingly as he turned his head to see that Amelia had finally caught up to them. He really wasn't sure if they were safe enough yet or not, but he didn't want to wait and find out. And he felt way too vulnerable he wasn't sure when Eden would show up either, it would certainly draw their attention with the explosion and the plume of smoke. "We should try and find a place and hold up for a few hours or so, and get our wounds tended to." Ray suggested looking towards Amelia and shook his head. "Just a scratch, nothing to serious. She got the worse of it though." Raymond said.

"Don't move much for the moment. Those wounds look bad." Amelia quickly said to Sam and looked at Ray who was in visibly better condition from the other woman." We can Ray, but we need to quickly bandage her first those wounds will lead the walkers to us otherwise..." She mumbled and quickly pulled her bugout bag, opening it and going through it as fast as she could. Finally she pulled the medkit from it. It was basic and she was mostly knowing what she had to do. It's been a while since she did this and she had only pased the basic first aid course after all." Sam, don't move too much... I need to get those wounds bandaged." Amelia said to the other woman and looked at Ray." Can you look out for closing in walkers while I bandage her up?" She asked and looked down at the wounds, pulling some disinfectant, bandages and so on. Those were a lot of wounds be they not down to the bones. Still that was a lot of wounded skin." This will sting..." She added and got to work cleaning and bandaging. She was a lil clumsy on the job, but still serviceable.

"This should do for now." Amelia finally said, throwing whatever remained from the medkit back into the bag.

Sam chuckled at Ray's words, "Looks like slip N' slide had it out for me," If Sam was perfectly honest, she was glad Ray didn't get anything worse, poor guy had a missing leg. She stared at the man's face for a moment, wondering what he was thinking. He looked positively exhausted and beat up, but that wasn't anything new. There was something else there, but she couldn't quite pinpoint it. Must be the exhaustion, she thought. She turned to Amelia and watched the woman pull out a medic pack from one of their bags. Usually, Sam would have fixed herself up, but her wounds were pretty deep and hard to clean on her own, especially those she couldn't see or reach on her back.

Sam reached for the nearest tree as Amelia started to apply antiseptic to her angry wounds, she knew this was going to be far from pleasant and needed something to hold onto. Her nails dug into her wood as she hissed in pain - Sam looked up at the sky and for a moment she found it funny that she was on the receiving end on what she had been so used to do to patients. She looked down at Amelia and could see how concentrated the woman was, "You eh-" Sam clenched her teeth at the jolt of pain in her side, son of a bitch! "You ever done this before?" Sam wasn't judging, she thought Amelia was doing a pretty good job; gentler than most nurses that's for sure.

After a few more agonizing minutes all of her wounds were patched up and Sam felt like she could breathe again, though her ribs still worried her. "Thanks Red, I'm ready to go if you are." Sam knew the next morning was going to be hell even if they would somehow get a really good's night sleep. Her body is going to be screaming tomorrow, and not the 'I'm getting muscles gains' kind of soreness.

"I know, just feel like we are sitting ducks out here right now." Raymond said softly as he gave Amelia a nod as he looked up and down the road in case there were any walkers. He was pretty exhausted, and still a lot of things were going on in his head but his mind always went to towards Tiffany. He looked over his shoulder towards Sam and Amelia as Amelia dug into the bugout bag and pulled out the medkit that was inside of it. Ray gave Sam a friendly smile and nod before turning his attention back towards their surroundings.

It felt good to at least have a small breather room letting out a slight sigh as he moved over towards a nearby tree putting his full weight onto the tree. His foot felt so incredibly sore he closed his eyes as he took the bit of time to relax and listened in on the sounds around them.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle and Jack Hudson

Location: Walking Towards Arnco Mills

If it wasn't in front of her eyes, she wouldn't have believed it. She half expected the entire horde to be on her, instead, she heard another sound. A sound unlike any other. It was loud and annoying. And given who it was coming from, it was the most glorious sound she ever heard. Jack, leaping around, singing Eye of the Tiger like his life depended on it. Rather, HER life did.

Tiffany stood up quickly. Jack's antics bought her time, but if she didn't hurry, Jack would be swarmed. She quickly ran, making a lot of noise in the process. However, Jack's moves were more attracting than her running, which was good for her. Still, she wasn't about to have her hero die while singing to save her life.

Jack took a quick glance behind him in the middle of a rather epic round of moonwalking, noting the thick flurries and piles of snow. It hadn't melted yet, so while he originally would have used it for shelter, he now saw it as a trap for the undead. They didn't deal with the cold as well as the living and he couldn't help but imagine the sons of bitches getting stuck in it. Letting out a particularly high squeal that could have once been weaponized, Jack slowly made his way backwards, hoping that the walkers would follow him towards the snowdrift.

Yet the opposite happened. As if the novelty of such atrocious dancing had worn off, the walkers reversed direction and started shambling back towards Tiffany. "Tiff - I think they're hipstahs or somethin'. Eye of the Tigah isn't workin' anymore," Jack called out. If he had a flare or something, he'd toss it to try to get their attention - but for whatever reason, they were obsessed with Tiffany. If he didn't know how truly awful his dancing was, he might have had his pride slightly wounded.

Tiffany heard Jack's cry as the walkers seemed to take notice of her again. She needed to get to Jack quickly now, or else the horde would cut them off. It was as if the spirit of dance itself had moved on from Jack's rendition of "Eye of the Tiger" and took over Tiffany. Powered by the late MJ himself, Tiffany spun around, hopped up and began to move quicker than ever before. She could hear the beat in her head, one of her favorite songs, Billie Jean, and felt compelled to honor him as he granted her the gift of speed. Tiffany turned and began to moonwalk over to Jack. The walkers were either stunned into slowness or she was quicker than she thought (and a better dancer than she gave herself credit for) but she made it all the way to Jack. "Don't ask questions about what just happened, let's just get out of here quickly!"

"Yes ma'am," Jack replied quickly. He wasn't certain he could have described what just happened if he even tried. But with Tiffany over by his side and the small bit of separation they had from the walkers, he turned and began to race down the snow-covered road. Had he ever taken a high school physics course - or even showed a small inkling in science - he perhaps would have realized how foolish this was. At his speed, friction didn't help him stay upright - in fact, it hindered him. He went just a little too fast and managed to fall on his ass - again.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Beatrice Decker

Location: in a TANK
Skills: None

Beatrice didn't remember exactly where she had picked the expression up from, yet had she been able to recall the circumstance under which she viewed the Firefly movie, it wouldn't have shocked anyone. An honor student had gone missing and she was hired to track them down, with the parents fearing foul play and a police force insisting the kid was another runaway. She ended up finding the kid with his girlfriend at the movies, and for some reason, she decided to sit down and watch the movie before notifying the parents she had found the children. It had been a quiet moment in her career and hardly stuck with her, beyond the one quote that resonated with the Justice native, enough so that she remembered it even as she forgot the movie.

Beatrice nodded. "I'm a quick study," she then said. While she may not look it, she had survived the modern university. She had basic competency when it came to memorizing and applying information. And beyond that, the thought of learning how to operate part of a tank had a certain novelty to it. For someone who had a healthy respect for firearms, this was a once in a lifetime chance to learn how to operate the ultimate firearm. She then picked up the walkie and switched it on, figuring now was a good time to check that the Earth hadn't suddenly swallowed up the other group.

"This is Decker. ETA ten minutes. What's your location?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 20 days ago

World Narrative

Alright, each of Groups 1-3 have declared where they are headed. Two are currently headed for Arnco Mills, one for Moreland. As you can see below we have new maps! Including a very special Newnan Bugout Map! Please review the map, where your groups are on the maps, and so forth. The goal is to really put a move on it. Red dots mark individual walkers, blue is snow/ice in various depths and such.

I will update the maps at the end of the round to move your characters. Make sure when you are posting to use the street names, building names, and so forth as much as possible to make me knowing where you are easier. You are free to use google to bring up the map for your group and zoom in more, use that 3d street view shit. It is amazing for this. Will let you know what your character is seeing. If you want to know the buildings current condition that your character sees - drop me a line when you go for rolls.

Remember to use those skills! And really think about it when you do. Never know. Also, even if you can't come up with something, it doesn't mean your character wouldn't. Perception checks, random idea checks, holy shit math works here checks, and so forth can be called! Example: Lady A, drawing a blank, can you give me a random check on characters memory to see if anything pops to mind? Never know what LLA might trigger.

Groups 1-3: Talk to each other before you start your next post just so you have an idea of how to handle things. The day is dragging on, by the end of this round it will be about 4 p.m. Get as far as you can in this post. The more you collab this, the more rounds you do, the further you get, the better. I will take roll requests until the counter of this post turns over to 9, once it hits 9 no more. If you can get at least half way through the updated map for your group this round that would be fucking awesome!

Group 1: Remember you don't need rolls unless you are preforming an action or using a skill or want a random check. Ash will need driving rolls each round. Sigil if you would prefer I can do driving checks for the length of the map to start and just dish them out to you "per round" to move things forward.

Group 2/3: Get your checks, get a move on, someone find Ray a fucking peg leg and Jack a dance instructor. Move your asses!

Eden: Time for Eden. We are not on Case as of yet. Not fully. Ours will most likely be better handled in individual posts because of each going in different directions. So pay close attention to the maps and to my posts for Lola/Gavin/Thana for information and details. Get your skill checks, lets do this. Today we either die or live - more importantly we either succeed or fail. May the odds be in our favor... Someone sacrifice a village to LLA please.

Group 1:
Members: Niesha, Ash, Riley
Length: 10 days

Group 2:
Members: Tiffany, Jack
Length: 10 days

Group 3:
Members: Ray, Amelia, Sam

Members: Thana, Thalia, Alex, Gavin, Beatrice, Lola
Length: Normal counters - no collab - go from your last post.


Location: Near Eden
Skills: Redneck Vehicles(Thana), Sniper Rifle (Gavin), Rifles(Gavin), Tank Operations (Lola), Land Navigation (Lola)

Thana took a turn and pulled the truck into a large parking lot area in front of a rather large building. It looked like it had been some sort of manufacturing building back in its day but there was no sign out front. Thana had gone off roading a bit to get them there, cutting across what had looked to be the back end of a golf course before she finally stopped. Oddly enough pulling up into a parking space and actually parking properly. It seemed the navigation skills of Alex had paid off and got them there without much issue. Taking the small bit she had asked for she popped it in her mouth and climbed out of the vehicle with her stuff and what others hand left in there before she had taken over driving.

"Fucking Aces, I'll have you ready to fire this baby in no time," Lola said as she kept driving down the road. The closer they got to their destination the less time she spent trying to hit everything in their path. Seemed that even though the woman seemed to be a crazy as a fruit bat and about as grounded as a Tasmanian Devil, she knew how to do combat. Part of that was not to stand out. Granted that was real damn hard in that thank of hers, especially the way she had it decked out but that didn't mean she had to make things even louder. At least not yet.

"Equipment check," she said as she adjusted her cap and climbed into the bed of the truck. Gavin had let boxes of shells, a .357 Sig, M1911, clips for both, shotgun shells. Decent stuff. "Who can use these?" she asked as she started laying out the three runs, clips, and shells. She had guns and ammo thanks to Newnan. She had no idea what Alexander and Thalia were packing right then. She wasn't surprised that Gavin had so much on him. The man had a love affair with weapons, granted most Texans did.

Flipping open one of the rifle cases Gavin got to work on making sure it was assembled and the scope was set properly. Loading one up, he moved on to the other. He hadn't touched a sniper rifle in sometime and now he had two to play with. He intended to make the most out of each shot. "Hopefullies theys be close to where they be needin' to be by now." Gavins voice was flat as he spoke. Finishing up the second one he shouldered one and then rested the other in his lap before shutting the cases and stacking them against the wall of the tank.

Seems James had left behind some weapons as well. Thana took the Axe. Why she had no idea but she took it nonetheless. Gavin had the other sniper system on him from what she remembered when he went over to the tank. She also took his game processing tools and a dark look came over her features for a brief moment before shaking it off. "Beretta 17, and a bow," she said as she set them next to the weapons she had laid out of Gavins.

Lola looked at Gavin and let out a whistle. That's some nice shit. Okay, up top Cowboy and get your look out on. We are pulling up to the waiting spot," Lola said as she started to pull the tank off the side of the road and into the woods a bit. Not fully mind you but enough to where they weren't sitting ducks in the middle of a street. There was a bridge coming up. Gavin nodded and climbed up and out of the tank. Time to do his job now that Lola had done part of hers.

Then the radio went off and Thana looked over at Alexander. "Relay ETA 20 minutes until in position," Thana said as she pulled out the map and looked over it. "We are here, this is where we are headed," she said pointing on the map so Alexander could see. Where they were headed was on the other other side of the front nine of holes, near the waters edge. They would have a lot of cover until they reached the parking lot of Edens main building that way, even if it meant they had to get in the water a bit to get passed their walls.

Gavin looked around from on top of the tank and braced the sniper rifle along the top. He had one in his hand and a back up rifle next to him. He wasn't going to get caught with his pants down. Looking through the scope he started along the water line and took in what he could see. "They's gots a wall on the bridge, ain't nothin' this machine can't takes out though Blaster," Gavin said as he spoke towards the portal that lead into the tank proper.

"Aces mate." Lola looked over towards Beatrice. "Alright girl, gonna get shit in order while you get their location," she said, climbing out of her seat and grabbing her very decorated army helmet. Putting it on she grinned as she moved over to a crate. "Ba, ba, ba, boom," she cackled. It had been far too long.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Near Eden
Skills:Radio Operator

"Ah...that really filled the spot." Alexander said, like a gust of wind that flew out of his previously empty stomach - save from a few, if any, worms hiding in the handful of snow he'd eaten earlier. He really couldn't complain about his current treatment; more than he had expected from an MRE, some peace and quiet, and best of all cheese! He was in his little personal Heaven there in the backseat. Yeah, the world had gone to shits and most of it's people too, but for a moment, Alexander enjoyed the moment.

It wasn't much, but more than enough for the old veteran to get going for a long day. Alexander climbed out of the truck with Thana and Thalia, following to the bed of the truck. With the call for an equiptment check, he swallowed the last remains of the glorious food down and started going through his pockets. " I've got a Beretta, 9mm; two mags. And my fireaxe." He said to Thana, before observing the weapons she had lain out in front of them. "If I have to choose; The Colt. More used to that than the 357."

The crackling of the radio caught Alexander's attention immediately, and he quickly held it up to listen to the message coming through. This time it was neither the Kiwi or the Cowboy, but a third voice; Decker. It had to be the third one going in the Stuart, though he hadn't gotten much of a picture of her before they left. 10 minutes until ETA. The veteran looked at Thana, listening and watching to her explaination for their route. "Mugs here. 10-4. ETA 20 Mikes. Over." Alexander communicated, releasing the transmitter after said message. Then he had an idea. He quickly, but dilligently changed channels in quick succession; if anyone were also using radios to communicate in a hectic situation, like observing something strange or an imminent attack, they would want to check the radio.

Nothing. The airwaves were dead silent, only the static akin to a lone night in the Artic, save from their Brothers in Arms in the tank. "Can't hear anyone else out there. Might mean our cover isn't blown, or that they're keeping radio silence. I'm for the former." Alexander said to his would-be superior, then turning to Thalia. "Any word you need passed on?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Thalia Carmichael

Location: In The Truck
Skills: N/A

Like a bright eyed young lady checking to make sure that her makeup was on juuuuust right before arriving at the prom, Thalia looked in the rearview mirror to make sure that the Death's Head she marked upon her face with ash and soot was still present and unsmudged. It wouldn't matter a hell of a lot to the people she intended to murder later on that day, but a girl's got to have standards. She was representing her people, after all. Glancing down at Astrid's shield, she realized that she was representing them, too. There was no one else left.

When the Silverado rolled to a stop, and in a parking space no less, Thalia marveled over the utter novelty of it all. She suppressed the urge to make some manner of comment, owing to the fact that this was a damned commonplace activity not so long ago, and when the first opportunity presented itself she rolled out of her seat and onto the blacktop upon which they had parked. Thana was pulling out a tiny arsenal, that was for sure. Not that she hadn't seen better in the course of her life, but in this day and age a bullet was damn near currency and full magazine of ammunition was something worth killing over.

After hearing that Alexander was foregoing the 9mm, Thalia jumped on the opportunity. Without a word, she walked over to the Beretta and snatched it up, giving it a once-over. She ejected the clip and cleared the chamber, tapping the extra round onto the bed of the truck. With what looked like precision experience, Thalia examined the action of the firearm, checked for any internal difficulties (grit, rough spots, etc.) and then quickly reassembled the weapon. She grabbed the spare clip and tucked it into her tac belt, giving Thana a rough, "Thanks." The inflection of actual gratitude was muted a little bit by thoughts of what lay ahead for them, but she was thankful nonetheless. It was like a tiny Christmas for her. The Beretta and her Glock were both built with the exact same frame at the exact same length. Thalia didn't even have to worry about mixing up the ammo. She even gave a coy smile when she noticed that Thana had taken the game dressing tools, which she assumed had belonged to James. Her eyes went from the roll of sharp things up to Thana, then back down. Then a kind of realization set in.

Thalia was not a fan of unnecessary cruelty. If someone needed to die, they needed to die. Period. Torture was for extracting information, and it wasn't really as reliable as people claimed it to be. Otherwise it was just for sick fun, or grotesque punishment. Thalia was not particularly fine with either. Some in her family were, hell, they were even really good at it. But not her. Torture just didn't seem to serve a point. She leveled her eyes at Thana, but did not share her thoughts. Instead, "If there's a spare short blade in the mix, I'd appreciate." She was good with sharp. Quick, precise, lethal. Just like her Papi taught her. Guns were good and all; necessary even. But nothing says "quick and quiet" or makes a statement like melee stabbing.

On second thought, she would share a piece of opinion with Thana. "Make sure they deserve it, yah?" She then looked to Alex, on the radio. "Alright. You tell Lolz to keep her ass in one piece. And don't give my stuff away. I'm coming back for it."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 20 days ago

Thana Martin

Location: Near Eden
Skills: N/A

Going into her pack Thana pulled out her rope and slipped it over her shoulder. The only thing she had that even resembled a blade was James Axe and she wasn't forking that over. Why she had no idea but she was just going to keep it. She didn't have a knife on her currently. That had been her sisters thing. Sure she knew how to fight with a knife but that wasn't exactly her specialty. Plants were but it wasn't like she could science the shit out of this, or could she. She might be able to later but right then they needed to get a move on. They had a time in play and if the other group was going to cause a distraction they had to be in place when they did.

"No, what I have is what is laid out there," Thana said before looking at Alex. "Okay, let them know we are on the move." Looking at her watch she thought for a moment before continuing. "T-Minus 18 minutes, radio silence after that last communication. Let's get a move on. Stay a quarter click back from me, spread out just in case," she added before lowering her arm and adjusting the rope on her shoulder some.

"I don't have time to be a judge, I just have to let someone else sort them out at this point," she said flatly, sounding like a Marine for a moment. "Rule 16, never hesitate," she added before giving a slight salute to them before and starting to make her way down the path she had pointed out on the map to Alex. They had to be quick, they had to go unseen, and they had to get this done. Hopefully all without one of them dying.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Beatrice Decker

Location: in a TANK
Skills: None

Beatrice tilted her neck from side to side, stretching out her muscles as she worked out the small bits of tension in her body. While she was inside of a tank, she wanted to be prepared for anything. Today she was the predator and Eden was the prey. The cracked her knuckles and rolled her wrists, feeling herself becoming a little more mobile, a little more ready for the unexpected. There was a slight delay before the radio communication was returned. "I copy," Beatrice radioed back, before ceasing communication. She didn't necessarily like that the other team was still twenty minutes out - there was a ten minute gap - but it would have to do.

"They're twenty minutes out from their destination," Beatrice relayed to Lola. Even Lola appeared to be transitioning from a relaxed and carefree mode to one ready for combat. She couldn't help but wonder what exactly Lola would be having her do in the tank. She had never given too much thought to the various roles needed to be filled inside one of these metal traps. In fact, she couldn't be certain if someone told her, years ago, to pick which was more likely - her learning to assist in a tank or the outbreak - that she would have picked the former.

"Let me know when you're ready for the crash course," Beatrice requested. She didn't bother making small, idle chitchat with Gavin anymore. They all had jobs to perform, roles to fulfill. Otherwise, this could easily turn into a slaughter of the Newnan associates and not the likes of Eden.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Near Eden

Alexander nodded to Thalia, acknowledging her last message for Lola, her crazed friend in the Steel Duck. "Decker, this is Mugs. Watch yourselves, we all want to see you alive and well afterwards. Tell Kiwi to be safe." Alexander was unsure of how to phrase Thalia's message, but decided that Lola probably knew what Thalia wanted. Or not, but did it make any difference? If she was crazy, she might as well pull through the coming engagement with the enemy. Thana's message was clearer though. "T-minus 18 Mikes. We're going silent, no comms after this. Mugs over and out."

With that, Alex turned off his radio and holstered it in the belt. Never knew when a clear line of communications was needed. And after grabbing the Colt M1911 and the magazines, he saluted Thana back and waited for two things: Firstly he waited for Thana to get the ordered spacing between them before he started moving too. He knew all too well what a cluttered squad would look like in a firefight, or around a Viet-Cong IED . And secondly he thought about the so-called 'rule' mentioned by her. Quietly he questioned himself "I thought Rule 16 was to always have an extra pair of socks...", hopefully quiet enough for neither ladies to hear him.

Now on the move and armed to with what he felt to be the teeth, Alexander let his eyes wanderd around the landscape in front of the group and to his sides. Even the most well-made plans got ruined within seconds of enemy contact, and this was no different. Well, at least Alexander instinctively thought so at first, before his observations made him change his mind; the coast was clear and was getting to his mind. Not only that, but in the emptiness of his observations, his mind began to play tricks on him. All he could think, see and hear was a very specific song playing on repeat in his head. The one Lola had sung when they first met that day, one that made her look even more wacky than one could possibly imagine without actually meeting her. And what did he do?

Alexander, the old veteran and probably partly scarred for life both from old and new memories, pictured himself on patrol in the humid jungle once again; a melody played over this series of images, "Let's fall in love", and Alexander just had to start singing himself. He pictured it to be a rather harmless situation, seen as they hadn't been hit by Viet-Cong guerrillas all day and their NCO was in a good mood for once. And so he started to sing, lounder and louder for every step. "...Mosquitos, heaven forbid, do it - So does every katydid do it - Let's do it, let's fall in love!"

Yeah, he was losing it again.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Thalia Carmichael

Location: Near Eden
Skills: N/A

Lacking the option of yet another sharp item in the back of the truck, Thalia had to remain content with the machete on her back, her survival knife, and (in a pinch) her E-tool. Though there was always room for more. Thana insisted on taking the axe, which was well and good. An axe was a hell of a tool, even made a pretty good weapon for those with the preference, but it was hardly her go-to item for personal dismemberment. A little too overbalancing for her tastes.

Thalia was occasionally fond of military types. They had their little proclivities and rituals, not unlike the way in which Thana and Alexander saluted one another before heading out. She was tempted to make note of it, but considering she was neck deep in little rituals and quaint, ancient practices herself, she felt it might be a touch toward hypocrisy to mention anything aloud. It wasn't exactly the vision of normalcy to paint a skull of one's face with ash and char while reciting a prayer to the female representation of Death in Spanish, all after supplicating the ancestors of a friend while sending them to Valhalla. Thalia wasn't military. But, feeling the mood of the day, she had to admit she was something similar.

Without a pack to weigh her down, Thalia could travel light and quiet. This was the benefit to leaving it behind, in the tank. It also allowed her to strap Astrid's shield to her back without much fuss. She kept her shiny, new Beretta at the ready, round chambered and ready to make some noise. She hoped it wouldn't come to that this early in the game, making noise, so kept it at the ready but did not plan on using it unless thee was no other option. Her machete, though, found a place in her hand. That, she had no problem making liberal use of.

What she did have a problem with was that she could hear singing. Singing. Cole Porter to be precise, so she was pretty sure where the idea came from. Lola wasn't here, and that wasn't a female voice belting it out. Nope, it was Alexander. She could only hope that, if they were caught, the bad guys would eat him first. She could also hope that they were spread out enough on their approach that attention called to him did not effect her. She shot a look over in Alexander's direction that promised horrifying things if he kept singing, but in their present position she could not ensure that he would notice, nor comprehend the murder in her eyes.
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