Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Winter Star12
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Winter Star12 The Guild's Nightmarish Shapeshifter

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I have a question. What type of pets do you have at your house I myself have 4 cats and one dog.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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My rommate and house owner doesn't allow pets but I visit my parents all the time and they still have one of the dogs I grew up with, Buster.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

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I have a tiny dragon! (bearded dragon lol) and also a corn snake (who is more grumpy and a lot less cuddly XD)
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Winter Star12
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Winter Star12 The Guild's Nightmarish Shapeshifter

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@The Elvenqueen At least he's non-venomous right?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

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@Winter Star12 ahaha yes, true, but she's still big enough to make me bleed when she decides she's having a bad day T_T XD
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Winter Star12
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Winter Star12 The Guild's Nightmarish Shapeshifter

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@The Elvenqueen Sounds like my cat Gabriel he is 7 years old we call him the grumpy old man cat lol ฅ'ω'ฅ
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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I had a hedgehog, Spartacus. He passed away last December but we visit his grave at my parent's place at least once a week.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Winter Star12
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Winter Star12 The Guild's Nightmarish Shapeshifter

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@Xandrya that's sad before we had our kitty Valkyrie we had a Maine coon named Darcy and she passed away about 2 -3 years ago.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

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@Winter Star12

It's never easy, that's for sure.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Winter Star12
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Winter Star12 The Guild's Nightmarish Shapeshifter

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@Xandrya yeah but everyone eventually moves on even if you were close to that pet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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@Winter Star12

Oh yeah, over time it gets easier. I just mean the death of a furry (in my case, spiky) friend is hard every time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Winter Star12
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Winter Star12 The Guild's Nightmarish Shapeshifter

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@Xandrya Yeah I personally couldn't stop crying when we buried our kitty Darcy under a tree I planted when I was in kindergarten it was at my grandparent's house.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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I only have a cat now. (5-6 years old.) Since my roommate moved in with his bride-to-be. (Who themselves have three big ass turtles and four cats.) But while living with my parents we had over such time...two dogs, multiple parakeets/parrot, a lot of guppies, three turtles, six cats, three injured young squirrels that we nurtured to back to health. (that ignores that dozen or so other cats that came by, that we had in our home at one time for various reasons.)

They only have one doggo, and three cats now.(and a turtle that they aren't properly taking good care of that I want them to reach out to a pet store already.)

If I had a bigger home and enough money and my cat wouldn't kill it the moment it came across it. I'd totally get a ferret. (maybe a Snek, if I could find ones as chill as the ones we had back at the school I went to, caring for animals.)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jurassic Weeb
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Jurassic Weeb Iris's Indomitable Thief

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These are my puppers.

Mr. Tumnus (left) is half-Pomeranian, half-toy poodle, is turning 11 in September, and he acts like an old man sometimes (certainly grumbles like one ). He used to be mostly a copper color but he's turned white over the years. Bella (right) is an AKC-certified purebred Pom, and just turned 11. She's a rescue dog, and she doesn't warm up to me even though we've had her since she was maybe two years old. She's shy and skittish, but she also doesn't have a single violent bone in her body. She's so sweet, and something of a tsundere. I'm not making that up. When everyone else is around she avoids me, but when everyone else is gone she comes to me for attention.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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My baby, Elsworth.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Winter Star12
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Winter Star12 The Guild's Nightmarish Shapeshifter

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@Otaku95 OMG BE STILL MY HEART! @Ruby You two are going to make my heart explode if not careful
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Whilst I don't have any pets right now, I've had several in the past. For dogs, I've had a Schnauzer and an Aussie Shepard-Black Lab mix. I'm not sure what breed our three cats were, but one of them somehow managed to get pregnant (from I assume an outdoor stray), so we had kittens for awhile. I've also had numerous Betas and other fish, along with various frogs. Along with gerbils, I've also kept toads, a lizard, and even worms as pets. If you want to count it, I've also raised mealworms too. Some of you might remember raising them in those little film canisters.

Additionally, you could include my grandparents' pets in that total, seeing as I've spent a heavy chunk of my life at their house. My grandparents had four Siberian huskies that I grew up with, and later two yorkies that I also would grow up with (possibly part Shih Tzu as believed), although sadly one had died not long ago from old age. They also have three cats, yet they had gotten one of those three later to replace my grandfather's cat that they had received in the original trio. I forgot what exactly had happened, but it had some terminal illness or something that would've put the cat through a lot of suffering, so they put it down.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

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Good boys.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Winter Star12
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Winter Star12 The Guild's Nightmarish Shapeshifter

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@mdk is Blitz playing on a tablet?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Qarix
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Qarix The unchained

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I have got 2 cats, a dog , some tropical fish and a turtle! So I have a few.
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