Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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What we really need is Athenian style ostracism! How much fun would that be!

Boy howdy, that'd be so fun I'd want to take over the entire aegean as some sort of colonial empire.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Penny
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I suppose that petition to deport Justin Beiber a few years ago was sort of like an ostracism...
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Penny
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Boy howdy, that'd be so fun I'd want to take over the entire aegean as some sort of colonial empire.

Also its totally a League of completely voluntary members! *Looks around nervously*

Hotel California rules though, you can sign up any time you like but you can never leave.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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<Snipped quote by POOHEAD189>

Also its totally a League of completely voluntary members! *Looks around nervously*

Hotel California rules though, you can sign up any time you like but you can never leave.

Oh no, they can leave anytime they want! At the low low price of a siege and an execution of your government body.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Penny
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Oh no, they can leave anytime they want! At the low low price of a siege and an execution of your government body.

Right but the re-enroll you once they tear down your walls and install a democracy. I guess you personally get to 'leave' :P
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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@Dynamo Frokane I can't take anything seriously on here. So not putting jokes aside for me...

Yes, I did think that sounded bitter. Dude, well aware that it's generalizing. I also don't really care in this context, because it was stating my own opinion and elaborating on it. Ofcourse it would rely on personal anecdotes. And I don't disagree that sexual attraction/sex life is the contributing factor of most marriages. Though my own argument wasn't about that, and in fact pointed out that was a problem. (even knowing, the 50% marriage/divorce stat is bunk. And most married couples, are statistically more happy and healthy folks.)

So, I'm not actually bitter to anyone who finds the right one. Good on them, I'm happy when others are happy. I'm just different, for reasons I'm well aware of and I won't go into further.

I call it bullshit progressive terms, because I'm perfectly aware I'm an outlier to societal norms, and considered abnormal as a result. I don't want, nor care if anyone believes or accepts that terminology. I won't change people's mind,

Sounds very similar to the experiences of the LGBT that you would discard as 'special snowflake' the irony is delicious here.

Not that I give a shit, my brother is Asexual, but he doesn't have your crippling arrogance to to try and lecture people on what orientation and attraction entails for the rest of the population that isnt like him.

On to traps, itd be hard for you to grasp this concept, not because you are Ace, but because it requires a level of nuance. My point is that orientationans depend on perception and no biological sex.

Im sure there are some female celebs you find attactive, and you probably find them attractive from signifiers of femininity, which are obviously extremely more common, but not completely exclusive to the female sex. The reality is, any of the women you (or any other straight guy) find attractive could actually be a biological male. And you might never find out.

Nobody gets aroused by someones Y chromosome or lack therof. You are attracted to what you percieve. And by that same reality, if you percieve a trap to be woman, can you really be called gay?

Think about that one hard for a moment, and try not to get upset, we are just talking about hypotheticals here.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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@Penny I'll just flee to Sparta and sleep with the King's wife. No consequences, right?

Think about that one hard for a moment

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Penny
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@POOHEAD189 There is certainly no way that could lead to you being assassinated in exile. Stick with that!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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@Dynamo Frokane

even if they do not advocate one culture, ethnicity, or race as one superior to another. Congratulations, we might well have found one.

Why is your definition of racisim so narrow? You do realise you can be a racist without claiming some sort of vague 'supeririority'. They are racists because the discriminate based on race. In this particular case the context of the discrimination extends to those they want living in the european continent, take away the immigration argument, they are concerned with the demographics and advocacy of the ethno-cultural make up of europe (white people) as apposed to the non whites who are in europe. They literally detail this in the James Allsup conversation. Let me know if you need time stamps.

Its about race, its always been about race with these types, and its no surprise that a racist ethno-statist James Allsup would be in complete agreement with this group.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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Sounds very similar to the experiences of the LGBT that you would discard as 'special snowflake' the irony is delicious here.

Not that I give a shit, my brother is Asexual, but he doesn't have your crippling arrogance to to try and lecture people on what orientation and attraction entails for the rest of the population that isnt like him.

On to traps, itd be hard for you to grasp this concept, not because you are Ace, but because it requires a level of nuance. My point is that orientationans depend on perception and no biological sex.

Im sure there are some female celebs you find attactive, and you probably find them attractive from signifiers of femininity, which are obviously extremely more common, but not completely exclusive to the female sex. The reality is, any of the women you (or any other straight guy) find attractive could actually be a biological male. And you might never find out.

Nobody gets aroused by someones Y chromosome or lack therof. You are attracted to what you percieve. And by that same reality, if you percieve a trap to be woman, can you really be called gay?

Think about that one hard for a moment, and try not to get upset, we are just talking about hypotheticals here.

*Tries his best not to bring up the repeated grammar and spelling mistakes. Like really obvious ones!*

Yes, clearly I'm the one judging people merely different than I. (And not pointing out that unlike Progressives, I don't used identity as a weapon. And use labels that don't actually mean the same thing to everyone else, making them practically meaningless.)

If you didn't care, you wouldn't have brought it up, and then judge me on that I couldn't judge attraction based on it. Do you you even read what you type? :)

The term Traps are not related to transgenders either. So you're beyond disingenuous for trying to mix them up into the LBGT group.

There is a biological sex. Speaking bluntly. You're an idiot. It's not arrogance to know that things are not commonalities. That's called being in reality. Try it some time.

Edit: Also while I'm at it, your country sucks too. And your father smelt of elderberries...

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Pepperm1nts
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>Criticizes someone's grammar

>Proceeds to make grammar mistakes and butcher punctuation

>For good measure, insult the person and their whole country but hide behind a thin veil of humor with a Monty Python reference to avoid ban

Hyuck, goteeeeem.

btw totally not mad
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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>Criticizes someone's grammar

>Proceeds to make grammar mistakes and butcher punctuation

>For good measure, insult the person and their whole country but hide behind a thin veil of humor with a Monty Python reference to avoid ban

Hyuck, goteeeeem.

btw totally not mad

No, ya see. I crossed it out. Also I specified obvious mistakes, like repeating words twice and misspelling words which can't be snarky on that can ya? :D


>Criticizes someone for jokingly mentioning someone's grammar and spelling

>Proceeds to blanket statement without elaboration, while themselves ignoring obvious truths and uses text shorthand. Butchering the English language themselves.

Facts don't care about your feelings.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>

*Tries his best not to bring up the repeated grammar and spelling mistakes. Like really obvious ones!*

Yes, clearly I'm the one judging people merely different than I. (And not pointing out that unlike Progressives, I don't used identity as a weapon. And use labels that don't actually mean the same thing to everyone else, making them practically meaningless.)

If you didn't care, you wouldn't have brought it up, and then judge me on that I couldn't judge attraction based on it. Do you you even read what you type? :)

The term Traps are not related to transgenders either. So you're beyond disingenuous for trying to mix them up into the LBGT group.

There is a biological sex. Speaking bluntly. You're an idiot. It's not arrogance to know that things are not commonalities. That's called being in reality. Try it some time.

Edit: Also while I'm at it, your country sucks too. And your father smelt of elderberries...


Nowhere did I write the word transgender, a trap can look convincingly like a woman without being trans. Use your imagination....oh wait you don't think about girls do you? Well take my word for it.

Your history of making spelling mistakes while criticizing others for the same thing is well documented, remember when that guy who you consider to be an infant, pointed it out for the whole damn roleplaying bitchfest thread to see and laugh at?

@Pepperm1nts Scroll through this thread to see that this is just typical behaviour.

Yes there is a biological sex, its determined with chromosomes. Everything else can be altered, masked or interpreted. So yes you can be attracted to someone you think is a woman but is actually a guy. Wrap your head around that concept because you're so goddamn smart.

EDIT: If my country sucks then why is your AMERICAN racist brittany pettibone trying to get in? Tell her to fuck off back to whatever flyover state she was spawned in. We don't want any of your KKK members or anti semites either, sort your shit out.

But you LOVE our Paul Joseph Watsons and Milos, our gift to you!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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@Dynamo Frokane Again, be wrong about me for my sexual preferences and mock it. I've been to enough schools to deal with that, doesn't quite have the same punch. Or be wrong about lecturing me for being the better man that doesn't prejudge others using identity politics. Can't, okay you can and are, but you cannot do both without looking foolish...

You brought up biological sex and the LBGT movement in a conversation on traps. That was on you.

Yes, a pattern of someone, anyone following me to a creepy obsession and being bitter and obnoxious to me for the sake of it. If a rose by any other name is just as malarkey.

My history of spelling mistakes? Please, elaborate. Go through every post you can, show me my spelling errors that I have left, right and center. Do go on...can't just spew shit without proof...okay you can and are...wait I did this already.

I'm not going to lie, I was half convinced you'd get butt hurt and scream "DON'T INSULT MY FATHER!" at a Monty Python quote. Already showing improvement. Maybe one day emoticons and their mere use will no longer get your panties in a twist. Well at least here in the U.S, they won't be arrested for jokes. ^-^'

Though, again might I add. I know you said all jokes aside. But may I remind you, I've long stopped taking any conversation here specifically seriously.

Remember when I, or Odin (which for some reason you used to make your case.) Both stated politics rarely actually get discussed here and you whined about it and said both of us were overstating it. Pepperidge Farm remembers...

INB4: You take that seriously, and forget the bored fulfilling sarcasm admitted on my part, a mere sentence ago.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

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@Dynamo Frokane

A majority of the time I never bother posing questions in reverse, so perhaps now is the best time to start doing so. Let us start this from the top then, shall we? Why is your definition of racism so broad? I mean this in the sense that it is, perhaps with utterly no jest in it when I say this, almost every conversation you seem to lead in politics exclusively about race and how everything is in some way racist? You needn't actually answer this question as I only wish to bring attention to it; the fact you are still hung up on someone as James Allsup months later is sufficient testimony for this to me in conjunction with everything we have spoken to before.

Continued, I do not see an issue with a predominantly white continent, as Europe, advocating for preserving its ethnic, cultural, or racial qualities. Why? Well, in large because it will legitimately never happen, but too because there is destruction of many of those things. You might see enclaves of "traditional Europe" survive, but with the social dynamics it has brought on itself and rather the world abroad, this is not going to matter, utterly ignoring the fact they indeed have loaded in an absolutely maddening amount of people who have a general hatred and disdain for European culture, zero interest in integrating, and are continually pushing for their own cultural, ethnic, and racial groups inside already established territories, to say nothing of how many are comfortable with radicalized religion or outright agree with it.

Yet again you continue to keep mentioning James Allsup as if I care about his opinion; I do not, just as I admittedly do not for anyone else's opinion be that the man down the street, the college student one-hundred-twenty-three miles away, the house wife in California, a regional office manager in Zimbabwe, or yours. What I care about is, is there a larger, more prominent, actually successful or dangerous movement that they represent? No, there really isn't, especially not with the example we received with Generation Identity. If anything my assessment and argument was completely glossed over. Let me restate it clearly for you, "They are fair-weather friends and allies, it is no surprise that groups with similar interests, even if the motives behind them differ, will ally together for a common cause. No less, it further stands that because of their belief and the allies they do even at distance keep, especially in the United States, they are not going to find success."

I note this is an utterly pointless exercise as you are not going to accept any other answer than your own; this isn't the first time you have made such a demand and my opinion is not about to change. I do not really care if the person's opinion is "racist" so much as I care if they actually do something racist. Do they refuse to hold the door for black people? Do they spit on Latinos and call them names? Do they try to avoid hiring Asians? Are they attempting to a white employee over a better qualified Native American? Or... are they just going to say things both equally stupid and mean spirited? But I digress, whip yourself into a frenzy over it if it so pleases you, but as before stop labeling people - myself included - because we do not match your opinion on something.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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A majority of the time I never bother posing questions in reverse, so perhaps now is the best time to start doing so. Let us start this from the top then, shall we? Why is your definition of racism so broad?

Not him, but to be frank and spare you as much sarcasm as possible.

His definition of racism is broad because, he thinks race is a social construct and isn't biological. When you don't believe in a biology with gender as @Penny and @Andreyich do. You believe that Autigender (a gender that specifically relates to autistic people, that only they can have.) and the 76 growing list of genders must exist. So you can only image, why it wouldn't be concise and straightforward.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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>someone mentions racism

"Surely this will be a civil discussion"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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>someone mentions racism

"Surely this will be a civil discussion"

Come on now.

Surely it wouldn't take that long, you've seen this place long enough to know that.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Penny
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Hey cancer can be cured, feminism is terminal ;)
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