Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Banzai Tracers
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Banzai Tracers Always on point.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hi, i'd like to join!

I will be playing another military junta. Not because im copying, this idea has sat in my brain for many years. The nation will have spawned from two worlds but is now mostly fleet based.

I'd just like to say i have a habit of joining these games on roleplayerguild but often falling away from it, this is because i'll say things like "lets have a diplomatic summit like Nuremberg or Geneva convention, to ban the use of more destructive (OP) weapons", or "lets start a multinational race car event like F1, so our peoples can expend some rivalry in another fashion besides military", and then no one responds for 4 weeks. Hopefully people will respond to things i say, even if its negative thats ok. Just dont ignore my nation pls!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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@Banzai Tracers Well we're a pretty close-nit group, we tend to collab quite a bit, so no worries there :)

Of courses, things may get slow every now and then post-wise.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ekreture
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

So I'm looking at this and it looks fun, but I've gotta ask this just in case, what's the opinion on mechs? Because I already have a mercenary based nation from an older, deader RP I'm thinking of using, but a big part of their story and military revolves around cool mechs. If mechs aren't a fit, then I might just go with space orcs, but the friendlier version. Like Elder Scrolls orcs, not Warhammer ones.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 9 days ago

@Rabidporcupine Mechs are good in this setting. Several nations making use of them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Commodore
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Commodore Condor

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Rabidporcupine Eyy join the discord, its where most of the conversation happens and you can get quicker replies that way.

A link if you need it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Would of I could, but my computers been broken or about two years now, hence why I make all my posts on my phone, and said phone just won't let me download discord, along with many other apps, for some reason.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Oh, also, what's the thoughts on making a new species or two?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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@Rabidporcupine Not a problem, the Species Database updates every now and then, two more species wouldn't hurt. Just PM them to the GM when they're done.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Alright cool, thanks!
3x Like Like
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Note: Heavily WIP, just putting this here for visibility.

The Posthuman Eusociate of Perseus

“We will steal fire from the gods”

Brief Description: The Posthuman Eusociate of Perseus, formerly the Sector of Perseus, is a former Orionic Empire sector that through desperate and all-consuming total war held onto parts of the Perseus Arm against the Zuukid horde. They did anything to survive the 250-year long war, even progressively using the Zuukind’s alien technology against them. The Great Existential War, the conflict that the Eusociate is built around, acted as the utilitarian justification for the mass use of genetic engineering and other forms of superscience. The Perseusian humans went further and further into the spiral of ever escalating bio-warfare and engineering, until by the time the humans were aware of the danger of their own weapons, rabid fringe extremists had already taken control of the apparatus of state. In a great coup of humanity, these radicals instituted a ‘Eusocial Revolution’, forcibly modifying the increasingly modified population into a posthuman species completely alien to anything humanity ever was. Now with a massive eusocial hive of former human monsters as their tools, a crazed group of self-modifying elites and former humans seek to become the ultimate hyper predator lifeform, redeeming humanity of its failures and inherent weakness.


Blue = Eusociate Government claim but doesn't actually control in any significant way (including claims on top of the Zuukid Empire)
Red = Actual borders of the Posthuman Eusociate


The Posthuman Eusociate is a nation of eusocial posthumans divided into castes and given very specific and often lifelong purposes for existing (and bodies and minds to match their purpose). All these castes serve their creators and masters, a formerly human elite of techno-aristocrats that through mad bio-engineering superscience have transformed themselves into posthuman eldritch abominations, with the overall objective of achieving a singularity event by becoming an 'ultimate lifeform' and galactic hyperpredator. The so-called 'Ultimates' as they are called are a relatively hands-off bunch, being hyper-individualistic ubermensch who consider themselves a nation-in-of-themselves, and many consider their Eusocial posthuman creations as a physical extension of their own being rather than citizens or even slaves. The Eusocial Posthumans in contrast are hyper-collective, being neurologically shaped to extreme cooperative behaviour and thought.

A particularly important caste below the Ultimates are the Breeder caste, which act in a similar manner to most Eusocial species, being centralised matriarchial breeder-governors, however with the difference being that they are often designed in a manner to force them to be reliant on their Ultimate creators, often through certain neurological triggers or biological instincts built into them, much like the other castes below them.

In terms of legislation or judiciary, there is very limited legislative action taken outside of ad-hoc councils or 'moots' made by the Ultimates who occassionally come to agree to change laws, or triggers, which are then carved into their creations to follow. A judicial system of sorts exists to deal with unintentional mutant outliers in the population, as well as aliens and humans who are not absorbed into the eusocial caste system. Prisons do not exist, and instead those deemed criminals or mutant outliers are often shortlisted for quick genetic and neurological modification. The Judiciary system is mostly managed by the breeder caste. For more information, see 'Genecastes' under the culture section.


We are the destiny of mankind

The Posthuman Eusociate once upon a time was known as the Imperial Sector of Perseus, the largest sectorial sub-government of the Orion Empire on the Perseus Arm. Once a safe, cultured, and wealthy region of the Orionic Empire, it was home to many aristocrats and villas of the Imperial family as well as headquarters of the Imperial Institute of Xenobiology, The Academy of Higher Sciences, the Society for Learned Gentry and other scientific and intelligensia gathering areas. it prospered from its proximity to Sol and relative distance from the borders with the xenos, that is until the Zuukid Crusades in 495 I.E.

The Great Existential War: Perseus did not avoid the Zuukid's by a long shot, even if it avoided its initial mass push into Orion and Sagittarius. For five short years of extreme and relentless total war, the Perseusians were slowly and surely pushed back by the advancing Zuukid and other xeno hordes. During this five bloody years, the Perseusian humans delved into the reverse-engineering of the alien's technology, in particular their methods of applying bio-engineering to war. The remnants of Perseus' great academic schools, facilities, intistutes and scientists were put to work in a conflict which would continue long after the fall of the Orionic and even Zuukid Empires... The Great Existential War.

By 500 I.E and the sacking of Mars, the Imperial Sector of Perseus was already well on its way towards forming the Eusociate. Mass use of transhuman supersoldiers and retrofitted warships with organic biomechanical grafts, mass snap-cloning of expendable soldiers. The pure imperial human majority was gradually pressured into numerous mass modification campaigns by the government and the needs of the war effort. These changes were seamless at first, ranging from slight biological modifications to raise fertility rates and increase resilience to chemical weapons, starvation or certain diseases. The modifications escalated, the majority population soon becoming transhuman rather than human. Even after the Orionic Empire's collapse following the sacking, the war against the Zuukid Empire and later its successor states and unaffiliated xeno-barbarians continued.

Post Fall: Even after the fall of the Orionic Empire, Perseus continued to stubbornly refer to itself as the Imperial Sector of Perseus, as part of the Orionic Empire. It never forgot the 'betrayal' of the Martian State abandoning the war effort, or the religious rebels overthrowing imperial space in the form of the Ecumene. Perseusian resentment over this betrayal has remained for the coalition even to this day, even long after the Perseusians themselves have long since abandoned their humanity.

The Imperial Sector of Perseus though at the time, still loyal to Orion and humanity, continued the war. An alliance was forged between itself and the nascent Aurolian Republic, as well as the Empire of Astrana. This 'post-imperial' military league continued the war against the xenos for another twenty years. Perseusian, Aurolian and Astranan forces were eventually able to stabilise its front, the Zuukid advance slowly and finally ending since its own empire unravelled in 507, following their emperor's assassination and succession crisis.

Resurrectionism and the Eusocial Revolution: It is often wondered by human historians what would have become of the Alliance of Imperial Remnants (Aurolia, Astrana and Perseus) had Ressurectionism not rose to prominence in 520IE Cygnus-Orion. With the advent of Resurrectionism, human purity, both culturally and ethnically, moved to the forefront of political and social concerns across the ex-Orionic galaxy... and this concern was not felt anywhere more severely than in the Imperial Sector of Perseus, where the minority of pure humans left and the larger swaths of humanist-transhumanists realised with increasing fear that they had handed their nation over to radicals that were corrupting everything that was human.

As the Resurrectionist Spring swept forth to spread the word of Elias Daley, moving human citizens to mass protest and rioting, the humanist forces within Perseus plotted to stage a last-ditch effort to save humanity from the ambitions of their military and government leadership. They saw said leaders to be so transfixed by its ever-escalating biological arms race with the Zuukids, that they no longer considered the sacrifices made from the losses to human culture or the species existence. This was particularly important now that the Zuukid threat had greatly diminished following its 507IE implosion, with much of the war being one of reconquest rather than defence. The government and military on the other hand, saw these moves as suicidal by the humans, dooming Perseus at its moment of glory, right before it was at the very cusp of victory against the declining Zuukids, who by this point were made up of numerous infighting successor states.

A great deal of foreign meddling was involved in this brief but intense crisis, with both the young Resurrectionist States providing armaments and support to the human populists, and on the other side the Free Nests, fearing the expansion of the human supremacist Resurrectionists, provided support to the Perseusian government. The human uprising coincided with an attempted Zuukid counter-offensive by one of the empire's successor states, the Armterni Union, which eventually led to both sides of the Perseusian crisis to conclude that their civil war must be rapid and decided in a single event, else the Zuukids will conquer the nation with it split. At the climax of this crisis, elements of the Perseusian army and navy attempted a coup at the capital of the Imperial Sector, and then after seven hours were defeated. Mass arrests, political and military purges and intense propaganda followed.

The victory for the government of Perseus came at an enormous cost, as their victory in this coup was dependent upon a deal with the devil - that devil being The most extreme wing of the Intelligentsia and military-science, ardent posthumanists hell-bent on replacing humanity with an ultimate form. In the following months, this posthuman wing of the government and military assumed control of the apparatus of state, beginning what would eventually become the Eusocial Revolution, as the many humans that were mass-arrested were subject to the first biological and neurological modifications that would eventually form the new Eusocial Posthuman.

The Eusociate: With the Posthuman Intelligentsia now running the country and the state-mandated eusociality modifications forced first on the Resurrectionist rebels, and then the wider populace and military (the latter already heavily modified transhumans), the Imperial Sector was remade into the Posthuman Eusociate and its claims to be a remnant of the Orionic Empire abandoned. In the following years, the Republic of Aurolia distanced itself from its increasingly totalitarian and nightmarish ally, eventually abandoning in full and going on to become a founding member of the Coalition. The Alliance with Astrana too faded, not so much out of fear but it becoming unnecessary, as the Zuukid Empire's fall was so severe that it ceased being a galactic threat. 305 years since its initial invasion, the Zuukid Empire's remnant states are now the defender against Eusociate advances, seeking to reclaim what was once lost. The Eusociate has in the last century launched a number of great offenses, and in the present day has completely destroyed the Armterni Union, with most of its former territory reconquered by the Eusociate or lost to its successor-state rival, the Teramentai Sovereignty, which is now the main Zuukind successor fighting in defence against the advancing Eusociate.



Doctrine: The Eusociate uses a combination of overwhelming numerical superiority, attritional warfare and subversive tactics in its war making. In particular, its biotech is geared towards sustaining long-term conflicts and resistance, including such things as organically grown projectiles, regrowing hulls and armour, troops and armour that can be born and grown on the battlefield (and easily replaced) at rapid rates, warships that can grown in far-off frontline systems or even isolated ones, and various hardened counter-measures to common weapons used against them in past wars - in particular biological warfare as well as advanced A.I technology. Its methods are cheaper and provided in large number, though overall is of lesser quality to those 'quality over quantity' doctrine militaries. This is not to say the Eusociate has no higher quality forces, but it tends in general to aim towards lower quality, cheaper and higher quantity armies.


  • Eusociality Eusociality, the extremely collective-cooperative form of society observed in certain insectoid species was never natural to humanity as it was to species like the alien Loxonoi, so it is by far the most unique trait of the Eusociate Posthumans that they have artificially shaped Eusociality into their very being through genetic and neurological engineering. Eusociality in Posthumanity includes such things as hardwired genetic castes defined by specialised purposes, with brains hardwired towards obsessively centralising their entire lives around these specialised purposes. An example of this is a worker only achieving a sense of existential satisfaction and security through mining. Another trait of Eusociality is the existence of three hardwired genders, the centralised female and male supported by the aesexual and sterile majority toiling away at the periphery, each gender specific for specific tasks. Each Eusocial member is given a body and neurological makeup specifically tailored for their role, including fabricated instincts and hormonal drives. The family unit is replaced by mass communal care, and communities are based around a very few (and often singular) female breeder caste governor, who in turn is designed as a manager for the driving will of the Eusociate, the Ultimate caste.

  • The Genecastes: Also known as simply the castes, these are the genetic specialisations that posthumanity are divided into by birth (or in special cases, modification from another caste). There are many hundreds of niche castes, however broadly speaking they fit into the main castes seen below:
    -The Ultimate Caste: Unplugged from Eusociality, the singulatarian techno-aristocracy that rules the Eusociate. They do as their whims demand though most are self-improvement fanatics attempting to become gods. They have very distant views of politics and the world, as well as morality, though they are also in charge ultimately of all the genetic designs and decisions of the Eusociate - The Driving Will.
    -The Breeder Caste: All-female breeder-queens and centers of any hive-community. Their specialisations include purely breeding, administrative and government work, the genetic-judiciary (mostly dealing with mutant outliers) and the scientific branch of the medical/bionengineering sciences. In the absence of the highly flighty Ultimates, they are the apparent rulers and managers of the Eusociate, and as such nominally the Eusociate is run as a matriarchial social model (though in truth is more complicated).
    -The Adjutant Caste: All-male caste originally designed as primary a breeding caste orientated around the actual breeding caste, they are also given sub-caste roles revolving around the social-sciences and economic activity of the Eusociate, as such they player a similar managerial role as the Breeding Caste, though are more along the lines of middle-ranking managerial staff, finance and industry.
    -The Militant Caste: Dominated by mostly by members of the Eusex infertile third-gender, the Militant Caste is the primary caste that makes up the military of the Eusociate, though other castes are also represented to some degree in the military. Perhaps the most diverse and hyper-specialised of all the castes (outside of the Ultimates), the Militant Caste live and die solely for war.
    -The Social Caste: The Social Caste is dominated by members Eusex infertile third-gender and mostly exist as a combined role of nurse, communal caregiver, teacher, social-services and scientist. They primarily serve the role of ensuring the correct raising of new Posthuman generations, the continued development and transference of additional genetic memory and new knowledge not encoded into new Posthumans at birth and the continued health and development of Eusocial society. Though understated by the Eusociate itself, non-eusocial foreigners take particular interest in the fact that they also are designed with a heightened interest in culture and creative expression... being the closest to what could be an artisan caste.
    -The Worker Caste: A Worker Caste entirely comprised of members of the Eusex infertile third gender, the worker caste are the endless small cogs in the greater whole, performing the many millions of tiny small tasks of little note. The Worker Caste is notable for being hyper-specialised like the Militant Caste, including biological factories and people-equippment. The Worker Caste also serves a large role in the military, working alongside the the Militant Caste both in combat roles and (more often) logistical roles.
    -The Exo Caste The most out of place caste, the Exo-Caste are 'incomplete' or imperfect members of the Eusociate, referring to those who are exo-humans, or externally still 'human'. They are either humans that have joined the Eusociate and have only taken on minor internal modifications like eusocial neurology or are those in the process of joining and still haven't even been modified. Most Exo-humans were unwilling, however of those that willingly joined, they usually did so due to various personal issues like a desire for a purpose in life which eusociality promises them. The Exo Caste also includes a very new wing of the Eusociate, being experimental efforts to convert intelligent xeno-lifeforms into posthumans.

  • Religion: Religion in the Eusociate is in a state of disrepair, with much of the leading ‘ultimate’ caste abiding by either existentialist or materialist-atheistic philosophies (or self-worship) and see religion as a weak fantasy of the humans and aliens. This is particularly notable with the fact that the overarching societal goal of the Eusociate is to achieve a singularity lifeform and to ‘become gods’. The eusocial castes below the ultimates however are still capable of spiritualist beliefs to some degree, however find it physically difficult to achieve the same neurological/hormonal feelings of fulfillment and satisfaction from religious belief as normal humans, due to how their brains have been rewired for Eusociality, and so there is less incentive to regularly practice organised religion. Kineticism of all the religions has a continued presence in the Eusociate, though greatly warped. Highly altered Universalist Kineticism as such is allowed to continue its practice in state-approved and observed temples, mostly due to the historical presence of the faith since the Orionic Empire. It should be noted though that its presence is more cultural than genuinely religious, as many of its Eusocial members are particularly inattentive and lacking in religious expression. For more, see Posthuman Universalism.

  • Posthuman Universalism: A deeply corrupted and intentionally modified version of Kineticist Universalism, the Ultimate caste of the Eusociate found particular parts of the religion suitable for their goals and ideals, so have since co-opted the faith. The universe is indeed unknownable to the weak human mind, so the purpose of all faithful beings is to achieve enlightenment through singularity, so they may truly be able to observe the true nature of Spiritus. The state operates as the extension of the temple (despite being itself secular) and will guide the faithful towards enlightenment - and this guidance states that enlightenment can be achieved only through self-perfection of the mind, body and soul, combined with ascetic dedication to a singular purpose (and alignment with their eusocial caste) and perfection of collective harmony and the common good.

  • Exohumanity:


Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Banzai Tracers
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Banzai Tracers Always on point.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Emergent

"Virtue- born in hardship".

The Emergent are a post singularity race of genetically modified people that are no longer strictly 'human'. They are a military totality with no civilians left to vote and pursue the security of all its members by political and military means. Defence of its territories, allies and to create a spirit of solidarity and cohesion among its members and allies.


The Emergent are ruled by a Military Junta. The Council Castellan is made up of 7 Generals, each from various branches but the largest majority being from the Infantry. They are fleet based and reside inside the capital ship "The Graceful" within the Emergent Fleet. These generals can be said to do more than administrate facets of Emergent governance, they are also the cultural core of the Emergent, as Emergent military with its focus on mental discipline stretches to a spiritual one also. More is explained under "History" and "Religion".

The Domains exist as follows; WIP



All Emergent are military assets, varying in rank. One doctrine of the Emergent is universal armament, that each branch weather first line or second line must be equally armed, this also applies to officers and even generals must pass a yearly arms competency exam. Other doctrines include the use of shock troops, orbital deep striking and combined arms. Thus all Emergent are trained on multiple weapons systems, every conceivable weapon they might encounter and even some that are not.



93% Emergent
7%" Cultors
Unknown number of Parasitians.


Martian Coalition:
Zuukid Empire: The State, of course, hates the Zuukids, and will eagerly seek war given any provocation. However the counter-Crusade was halted after a number of new systems were taken and consolidated.


WIP. Aforementioned huge space fleet.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Ok, so I accidentally just deleted a sizeable chunk of history, culture and religion... I may still be a little while.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Commodore
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Commodore Condor

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

May i ask in what state is the earth as at the start of the rp? I assume it exists since luna is a thing but...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 9 days ago

@Wernher Earth exists in a way, but has been scorched, a lifeless rock.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Still working on my space orcs, progress is just a little slow.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ekreture
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Wernher Sig is correct, earth is dead. Also, I own the Sol System. That said, if you did have some sort of idea for earth, feel free to pm me or join the discord and message me on there, although I'm telling you now that it's very unlikely I accept it.

@Rabidporcupine Sounds good, there's no rush! :)

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Thanks. Is it possible to reserve a little chunk of space outside of ex-imperial space and on the outer rim? Because I'm worried that all those spots will get claimed before I can finish my app.

Also, do I just telegram you for new races? Because I've got two of them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ekreture
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Rabidporcupine Message me about the races, message DracoLunaris (the other gm) about your map claim
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