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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Location: 1F
Interacting with:N/A

Nor didn't need to be told to hurry up and get out, that'd been what he'd been doing the entire time that the tower had spent in decline. Of course, it was real easy to shout at people that they needed to move when they weren't the ones standing right there in the danger zone. Not everyone was batshit enough to just jump out the third floor of a building and end up fine. Nor did he have the long, gangling legs that the taller races had, yet he was still the farthest ahead to the exit of any of the party members, aside from the wee dire wolf and his dead master.

Scratch that. He was now the farthest ahead of anyone not crazy enough to just hurl themselves out a window and hope for the best. But seeing Ash get crushed under a stone the was a roach would receive a boot was plenty more motivation to move his stubby legs even faster than they were moving already. The trouble was, with stone and debris constantly following his path, he constantly had to shift, dodge and juke around, which slowed his pace considerably than if he was just able to perform a normal, but balls to the wall sprint. Even with all that shit in the way, he was able to make it right in the doorway. Just another set or two and he would be in the clear.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 25 min ago

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: Tower Ground Floor/Ground Zero?
Interacting with: The Ground Floor Ground.

((This post dedicated to Ash. Poor Doggo))

This is the end,
Hold your breath and count to ten,
Feel the earth move and then,
Hear my heart burst again.

To die for such a noble cause. The loyalty of a dog truly tested to follow one's master to the grave. There could be no end more glorious, more sincere, more true than a lifelong companion to accompany one in the afterlife. For if indeed a dog is man's best friend, there must be a reason why the heavens sent Ash to join Kyra as fated to be. Sure to the scholarly stellar sorcerer it was just a stupid beast, trying a fool's errand to remove the Kyra's corpse, but had he been more solar-inclined, perhaps the boy could have shed a tear for a lost partner. Cats were the devil who thought themselves gods and demand you worship them, but dogs were pure innocent dumb things who love you and worship you for simply being their best friend. But alas, it was the end, and Kyra and Ash died, together.

But not a tear was shed by the emotionally-detached star-phase, as the significance of such a gesture was lost on the aloof academic. Although simple physics caught up to Thomas, as his momentum carried him a bit too far and certainly the upstart youth would receive his comeuppance. The basic laws of physics applied, objects which stay in motion trend to stay in motion, and thus the forward movement of the sorcerer's flight coming to a sudden halt upon witnessing the death of a lupine. A meteorite of a floor piece, or perhaps wall piece came down upon the wretched wolf and made it into the strawberry jam sandwich the pile of mangled fur was. When this was over, and if they survive, Thomas would certainly seek vengence for the loss of his fine robe and see if a tanner would be interested in pelting the wolf to create a new, more grandiose robe for Thomas. But for now the most threatening obstacle was falling, and falling pieces, lest one wished to be a raspberry jelly sandwich following Ash. Hence why perhaps, the sudden stop at the bottom of the stairs watching the sky fall and crush a wolf into a bloody pulp gave reason for a sudden stop. And then perhaps it was karma, which tripped Thomas' footing to humble the ever arrogant mage to kiss the ground. Hurting a bit more than his pride as his chipped tooth bit into his lip with the faceplant.

Getting up, Thomas wasted no time in restarting his escape, he would certainly feel the pain tomorrow, but neither Ash nor Kyra felt pain right now. Thus using the minor irritation, and the taste of blood seeping, Thomas was adequately motivated to retake his lead in their contest of survival between he and Keystone to prove the intellectual superiority of a wizard against a simpleton cook who- nevermind. This was no time for long drawn out thoughts, the dwarf hairdresser had just cleared most of the way to make a route towards the door, Thomas would poise himself to be the next one out as he ran just shy of the dwarf's original position a pace behind it beside the table.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Location: Outside the Tower
Interacting with:N/A

The swallow standing on the cold dirt had had quite enough of being a small, easily freezable bird with hollow bones, so almost immediately after landing, it grew and morphed until it reverted back to the more familiar half-orc druid everyone had grown accustomed to seeing over the past few days. Concerned, she turned to face the interior of the Tower just in time to see Ash and Sana be crushed under a massive rock.

It always pained her to see animals of any kind get hurt or suffer, let alone killed (well maybe not any kind. Those summoned fiendish beasts they had had to deal with on the upper two floor deserved everything they got, and the residual bear hormones working throughout her brain made her quite proud of her various bloody achievements). So seeing Ash meet such a sudden, gruesome fate was like taking a knife to the heart. The only solace she had was that it was so quick at least he wouldn't have suffered before passing. And as far as good news went, it seemed that at least one person other than Sana (how did she make it down here so quickly?) would be able to make it out. She could only hope that the rest would be able to follow.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago


The tower is not holding. The third floor gives way and crashed down into the second. The shaking is horrible and dust is flying down the stair case from the second floor to the first and out around the tower outside. Stones, rocks, wood, and thatching are flying out from above and crashing to the ground below.


1st Floor

New Rotation:

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 16 hrs ago


Location: Deymin's Tower (1F)
Interacting With: His Flagging Sense Of Balance. Again. And Thomas. Especially Thomas.

Keystone could see the outside. He could feel cool air on his face. The sight of fresh death aside, this was damned near a blessed moment. Or it would have been, except for the fact that for some ungodly reason, it seemed like every ounce of bad booze he had ever consumed in his life decided to pay him a visit unannounced. All he knew was that a hammerblow of dizziness and nausea reamed him from the stomach upward. He glanced to the side for an instant, hoping to throw a belch wide so as to spare himself the indignity of running through his own gastric vapors. Unfortunately, this is all it took for one massive boot to get caught upon another massive boot, both attached to the man.

He pitched forward, sailing a few feet into the remains of the centrally located table, or more appropriately, what was left of it. His bulky form continued the work of the ongoing battle and the collapse of the ruined tower. Ruined seemed to be the word of the day. The trip ruined his attempt to escape just then. His fall ruined what was left of the table. And the dead centipede that was on the table's remains, well, it ruined plenty.

The massive bug, dead or dead enough at any rate, was a little too close for Keystone's comfort. While the big man did not know much about Giant Centipede Anatomy, he did receive a lesson in the digestive system thereof. No classes were necessary for this lesson, nor lecture, no stifled discussions about histories and theories, nor even the invasive procedures of dissection or vivisection. Nay, the lesson (like many of those in Keystone's inglorious background) came from the annals of brutal, painful experience.

The dead(ish) beast's innards relaxed and, jostled about by the commotion, vented a noxious and horrifying wind from what passed for bowels in the arthropodic form and issuing forth with a slipping, clicking, chitinous sound. It was the reek of old blood and spoiled meat, the rancid and alien stench of abyssal dietary habits mixed with corruptive rot. The smell of raw chicken left to decay in the sun, mixed with a funk spawned of the vigorous and sweaty mutual gratification of two homeless manure salesmen gyrating against each other in a sockfull of stale piss on a humid day. Pickled ass. Prehistoric cheese. A battle royale of turds fighting over a skunk carcass for breeding rights. To say that it was merely unholy was a mockery of decent, self-respecting worshipers of legitimately recognized dark forces worldwide; and in that moment Keystone was glad he killed the son-of-a-bitch that summoned it. He only wished he had the time to defile the corpse with farming implements.

The experience keyed off something primal within Keystone. It was a revulsion so immediate and powerful as to lurch him to his feet without the aid of himself or others; as surely and wildly as water pushed through a hose far faster than he thought possible. His brain allowed himself to process the inevitable action which was to occur next, previewing the result of the sudden tightening, lifting feeling rising from his own entrails after getting a nose full of aerated insect expulsions. Oddly, the split second before his own horror hit free air, Keystone got the interesting mental image of Femnal, the tavern owner.

Well if he was going to hurl, then damnit, he was going to hurl with purpose. Thomas, that insufferable user of magic, that insulting little buffoon that stood as a slave to his own power, the foolish, pantsless boy who might have gotten them killed by the enclave of Orcs a few days earlier and otherwise contributed little (in his eyes) to their as yet not fully determined success, who had just now slipped past him yet againin their daring tower escape... Oh yes. Keystone might die, but he'd go with a smile in his heart. And obscene gestures on both hands.

Keystone raised both of his arms in front of him as best he could, considering the fact that his stomach was turning itself inside out, and extended the first two fingers of each hand skyward with his knuckles facing forward. He enhanced the rolling wave of juggernaut vomit by utilizing his lungs' remaining oxygen in a single, sustained roar, a protesting battlecry that paired nicely with his reddened face and crossed, bloodshot eyes. The neutrally colored chunky semi-liquid contents of his stomach arched from his mouth in a manner most projectile, sailing haphazardly forward in an example of a hellworthy fluid fractal, changing and scintillating in the varying light of the collapsing tower while still retaining its identity of chewed up, partially digested eggs, steak, bread and gravy and local cheese, all undulating within a small fjord of gut-soured ale.

It splattered against Thomas forcefully, whipping his hair into a gooey blowback and cascading down his shoulders in hot, fermenting rivulets of disgustingness. The sound was a burbling, screaming slap repeating a thousandfold, as wet stew flung forcefully onto an irregularly mortared stone rampart. The fevered, gurgling cascade of used food continued bellowing out from Keystone until, his sense of revulsion satisfied, the broad Puglist's survival instinct kicked back in.

Gotta run.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Location: Tower 1F->Freedom
Interacting with:N/A

There was some kind of mess going on behind Nor. Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of it was was that his years of experience both in the military and "private sector" weren't enough to provide him with even an educated guess on what could be occurring behind him. Sure, it was probably organic in some way, but that wasn't nearly enough to go by. A very small part of him wanted to look behind and check out what all the commotion was about. But that wasn't the part of him currently in command of the whole situation.

The hypothalamus had taken charge and it told him to keep running. The exit was right there, and nothing behind him was going to keep the tower from crashing down on his head. At best, it was just a distraction. At worst, it was some new monster that had remained hidden until now. But if that were the case, there were plenty of other, squishier targets for it to go for first. Wrapped up in Dwarven Plate as he was, he was about as safe from attacks to the back as he could be. Once out of the tower, Nor didn't break stride until he had gotten past where Sana and Cyne had been standing. If this tower was going to collapse, he wanted to be sure it wouldn't be on him.

Wait a minute. How did these two lasses get out here so quickly?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 25 min ago

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: Tower Ground Floor
Interacting with: Keystone.

Carapichea ipecacuanha. A most noxious flower, its drab white petals presented in a cluster, its broad leaves like spearheads, its roots gnarled knots. A clever herbalist would know the tincture that could be made from those woody anchors, a poison so foul that the body would purge itself of it upon ingestion. And though the draught was fast to act, the plant was slow to grow, thus alas was the extract of ipecac a rare and curious bit of alchemy. It was capable of reducing a fully grown man into horrid retching, turning his stomach into a sea of troubles and spilling forth the contents inside out, a terrible experience that none should have to live through...

Unless his name was Keystone. Drenched in whatever that foul man decidedly considered food, the unamused Thomas found himself silently screaming sworn vengeance at the disgusting deplorable. The sorcerer himself would have made it clear his newfound quest would be to see to it that somehow such insults were not to go unpunished. By the thistle crown, a muttered oath, a mental vow invoking Nemesis: Nemo me impune lacessit. How dare that oaf direct upchuck at him? Had not these robes already been ruin by that mutt, and had the tower not become their death trap because of that stupid cook's gambit to throw a bear at the one being obviously keeping the rotting tower togeth-

A million thoughts of anger and revenge raced through Thomas' mind before the smell finally overpowered that neurons he could commit to plotting against Keystone. Such a deliberate act of targeting him when the fist-fighter could have easily just chosen the floor or that already stinking refuse of a arthropod corpse, did not escape the sorcerer and the sour note, as sour as the acidified stomach contents permeating through him in awful chunks of rank cheese, rotten eggs and whatever else came out from the forceful vomit comet blazing out to strike Thomas. Alas if only he could return the volley, heaving from the grossly gross experience that was seen as beneath a man of learning, but Thomas had already emptied his stomach earlier, and once again from the memory of Keystone's befouled nature. Thus the boy had nothing to give but empty purges as he clutched his stomach, soaked with goop and muttered his airy curses between his episodes of wanting to shove a potion down Keystone's throat or watch him choking on his own spewed stew.

If they survive this, he would no less hold a grudge against the pugilist as he wiped his face of the gunk in the short recovery.
And if they did not? Keystone was the first person Thomas would destroy once he ascended to the cosmos to rejoin his darker brothers.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Satilla Valen

Location: The Tower, Floor 1.
Interacting With: Ancient cosmic powers of the load bearing boss cliche and the sturdy floor!

Satilla's movement was well hindered by the tower coming down around them. By the sounds of it the top floors were collapsing and it was probably only a matter of brief moments in time before the first floor gives way too. She was silently reciting prayers to all the good spirits for help and hopefully to survive this ordeal. She was a good witch, but if she survived this hse was so getting a few weeks rest from helping anybody and doing anything.

She nearly busted her hind areas as she was stumblign down the stairs." Spirits!" She shouted, but luckily it came to pass without any major health related issues... be they just butt related. She let out another silent prayer of gratitude to the good spirits as she stumbled forward despite the shaking so she moved away from the stairs somewhat. Yeah she was making progress, but it appeared she was the last one in line. Yeah well she was going to make it! Yes no matter hwat she was going to make it, but in the small percent chance she didn't, at least she didn't ever give herself to darkness and become an evil witch! So she was happy with herself to keep morale up.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago

Location: Grounds outside of the tower.
Interacting With: No one

Sana didn't like this, no she didn't like this one bit. This entire scenario had turned out less than ideal. Yes the bad man was dead and it seemed that all his little undead and summoned things were dead as well but so were Kyra and Ash. More could die if they didn't gt out of there quickly. Sure she had taken the quicker way out and just jumped from the tower but others couldn't do that, or least they could but it might not have turned out as well for them as it did for her. Cyn and Nor were out as well but that still left Thomas, Satilla, and Keystone in the tower.

Sana was really beginning to hate that damn fog that kept whisking her away from one place and sending her to another. Granted it hadn't sent her here. She had gone home only to find Kyra had come here so she followed so she could catch up with her childhood friend but that friend was gone now. Sana was not looking forward to having to explain that to Kyras father the king... That was going to be a tough conversation.

Taking a breath she jumped back as stones and wood splintered from the tower above and headed down at her. Landing in the dirt but out of the way. Rolling onto her back she spat out a mouthful of earth before sitting up and looking through the front door of the tower. She wished she hadn't. It seemed that Keystone had lost his breakfast, and dinner from the night before, and everything else he had eaten in the last three weeks all over Thomas. This was a shit storm.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Location: Outside the Tower
Interacting with:N/A

That was one more person who was able to make it out the tower. Cyne kept her eye on the dwarf as he sprinted out, if only to make sure he didn't accidentally run headfirst into a tree. When she turned back to check on Keystone and Thomas. Oh. Oh gods. Ew. Gross. Gross. Gross. As covered in filth and viscera as she was, there was some unspoken difference between bodily fluids spilled in combat and those expelled from a preexisting orifice. One was an outcome of battle, the other of illness, which made it grosser. The fact that this was the second time today vomit was spewed on Thomas didn't help matters either. So the mage was now a walking cesspool of intestinal backwater.

So disgusting was this sight that the druid couldn't bear to look into the tower any longer. She had to turn away and walk from the entire scene. Yes, they might be about to die, but she wasn't mentally ready to handle what she had just seen, and she didn't want to lose her own lunch as well. She hoped that they would all be able to make it out safely, but on the way back to town, those two boys would have to stay in a separate group well behind the rest of them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago


The back of the towers wall can't take the weight of the second and third floors debris anymore. Just as Satilla gets clear of the stairs, the back wall gives way and the stairs cave in on themselves. Clouds of dust and debris rush out in all directions with a massive force. The ground is shaking violently both inside and outside of the tower for nearly a quarter of a mile. (Due to ground, dust, and debris all posts will require rolls even if no actions are taken.)


1st Floor

New Rotation:
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 25 min ago

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: "Tower", the walls and ceiling closing in.
Interacting with: Vomit, lots and lots of it.

Another one bites the dust. And oh was there plenty of dust to bite. Gritted through teeth in frantic despair, a thousand curses mentally directed at Keystone for this amount of stupidity. To destroy the only anchor this structure clearly had left! What bumbling simpleton oaf would throw an ursine projectile at someone they could have apprehended and interrogated on the methods of his magicks? Ignorant imbecile! The more moronic persona of Thomas may have nearly killed Sana in his misguided attempts to save her, but this moronic meathead had just possibly killed the three of them without securing a method of escape! If only his saving spell had recharged, had only a week's time passed and then he would be able to save himself from this tower's downfall. But no, instead he was here in this crumbling tower, covered in the gastric contents of a dunce, trying to keep himself from falling down as the ground trembled at his filth splashing feet. Where is the moment when we needed the most? You kick up the vomit, and the magic is lost.

But it wasn't just the blockheaded bully that infuriated Thomas. No, there was something else that stemmed this deep hatred of another man. Sure there stupidity, and the current phase of Thomas passionately despised the uncouthed and unlearned, but there was something else the boy dreaded. The walls were made of glass, the ceiling made of paper, the tower imploding under its own crushing weight. The stability destroyed the moment the man behind its structural integrity was lost, and now this tower would be Thomas' tomb. His unworthy, low-borne tomb where he would spend an eternity enclosed in the ground. The fate of the dog and the master, shared as the sorcerer's destiny. No, the room had to hold, it had to be solid long enough for Thomas to escape! He had survived all this humiliation and indignity for what? To be trapped in this prison? The falling debris gave Thomas pause as he attempted to get back up, stopping his advance as the sky fell. The slippery floor, the shaking ground, all the elements were against him. No, he would not die in this coffin! He must press forward!

One block. All that could be measured, past the table and away from that- That- That... The words could no longer describe what Thomas thought of Keystone adequately. Not without a greater thesaurus and right now being eloquent and verbose was perhaps the last thing that would save Thomas. Plus he shuddered at the thought of opening his mouth and having chunks of goop fall in. One can never be too careful.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Cyne & Nor

Location: Outside the Tower
Interacting with:N/A

If Cyne were more like the wild animals she spent much of her time in the guise of, she would have left this location long, long ago. The sixth sense of danger would have indicated that the area anywhere near this tower was a highly dangerous area. Sticking around was just an invitation to die. Hells, even without any animalistic instincts, she already knew as such and even the precise variety of danger that was latent to the tower. The earthquakes were a surprise however.

But she couldn't bear to flee. In fact, she had to turn back to see the scene inside now that the gross part was over. Part of her was concerned about the fate of her comrades, but a more significant portion just had to see what happened for herself. And it was a good thing she turned back when she did, because just then the tower decided it'd throw an entire wall at her. She didn't have much time to react, but she managed to spot an opportunity in the falling blocks. A hole that should be just large enough. The druid took a large step to the right and stood as straight as she could. When the snow and debris cleared, Cyne stood perfectly unharmed surrounded on all sides by stone and rubble.

Nor on the other hand couldn't run any faster if he tried. Now he hated cowards as much as the next guy. Well way more than the next guy in all likelihood. If you couldn't take a bit of danger, what good were you? Might as well be a sheep rather than a person. Worse than that actually. At least with a sheep you could get some economic value out of it. A coward would only cost you in opportunities, which was the worst kind of cost aside from taxes.

But there was a difference between running with your tail tucked between your legs, and being smart enough to not stay in an obvious danger zone. If some big greenskin is swinging a pollaxe at your head, you don't stand in the way of it. And when a tower was swinging itself at you, you get out of the bloody way. That earth shaking was a real bad sign. As he ran, he kept looking back to make sure the building didn't get any funny ideas. Now it thought it could get one over on old Nor, chucking some of its Eastern wall at him. But he was a lot sharper than to get fooled by some shoddily crafted stone. Nor dove to the side, avoiding the bit of debris and got back up to his feet. The thing was just about toast. After the thing finished collapsing he would return to check on the others. For now he'd keep running.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 16 hrs ago


Location: Deymin's Tower (1F) -> Out
Interacting With: N/A

The delay necessary to spew innard gravy was horribly counterproductive to the overall goal of survival. While the act of actually vomoting was not a thing he could help, hindsight would have told him that intentionally aiming it at someone was a tad childish. Funny, but again counterproductive. But when Thomas likewise lost the contents of his stomach, well... Keystone was sometimes a big kid.

Putting away the need for childish guffaws despite the pressing mortal danger, Keystone made a single, serious push for the exit. Not necessarily the exit; any means of egress would suffice. The shifting and sliding stone of the tower made that perilous, obviously, but slightly less perilous that staying put. Keystone made a beeline for the nearest piece of open air visible through the outer wall and, in a feat of agility not ordinarily attributed to a man of his breadth, jumped for it.

The aperture was somewhat irregularly shaped, prompting the big man to match his posture to fit through the Hole In The Wall. Resembling a flailing practitioner of limbo dancing crossed with a stylized Egyptian walk, Keystone was barely able to fling himself through and into freedom beyond. He hit the ground at a stumbling run, having to scramble on all fours at first, but righting himself in short order.

Now, to see who else made it out.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Satilla Valen

Location: The Tower, Floor 1.
Interacting With: Ancient cosmic powers of the load bearing boss cliche and the sturdy floor!

The tower was coming down on them and it was going down fast! She was sure it was pure miracle it hadn't quite crumbled already. Maybe all the prayers to the good spirits were giving an effect, but she didn't want to count on that. They had to move fast so she did and Thomas was on her way. So she decided to try and help him so they can move together and cover longer distance.

On hindsight this might have been a mistake of it's own kind as she fumbled instead and fell face down into what was left of the table and Keystone's usual tendencies. At least it wasn't shit right now but puke. Somehow she managed to not throw up either! A miracle of her very own actually.

'I sure hope there will be a convenient rain happening outside once we get out...' She thought with dreamy fleeting thoughts as she pulled herself up. She sure didn't want this to be her grave given her state right now. She hated graves and preferred to be burned to ashes. Just the thought of a hole in the ground to a body rot was filling her with great dislike. Yeah she wished they all get outside, but from now on she decided she'd better focus on getting out.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago

Location: Grounds outside of the tower.
Interacting With: Keystone

Watching the tower nearly take out Cyn and Nor wasn't a fun thing to watch but at least they were out and they were safe. It wasn't long before Keystone came running out as well. She would have hugged the big oaf but she had seen the throwing up and she knew better. She just kind of stood there, her knees buckling slightly under the shaking of the ground. He was alive, the hug could wait until the bastard had a bath. A long bath, in bleach.

"Where's Satilla and Thomas?" she asked Keystone. He was the last out of the tower and those two were still missing. Cyn and Nor were out, he was out, she was out, Kyra and Ash were dead, so that left Thomas and Satilla. She hadn't seen either of them make a leap of faith like she had out of one of the upper levels. She was pretty sure she had seen Keystone vomit on Thomas but now with all the dust and debris she shouldn't be sure. Carefully she started looking around as she brought her hand to her mouth and nose trying to stave off a lot of the dust and not breath it in.


Remember to get rolls even if outside of the tower due to the fact the walls are a tumbling down. The last floor of the tower is holding constantly but shit is still up for grabs and will be determined by a roll by roll basis for each person about to post.


1st Floor

New Rotation:
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
Avatar of The Grey Dust

The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 25 min ago

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: "The Structure Formally Known As Tower" & Freedom
Interacting with: Satilla, Keystone,

Well, the undertaker drew a heavy sigh,
Seeing no one else had come,
And a bell was ringing in the village square,
For the rabbits on the run,

Man on the run. Fueled by a powerful mix of anger, fear, and the arrogant airs of superiority, Thomas sloughed off the vomit as he rose up from his fall. A long descent from the heavens for a stellar being, but the boy brushed off his shoulders as he turned his head to see their foolish healer tumble face-first into a pile of stinking vomit. Surely with such emesis, Keystone earned himself another nemesis. Thomas'own filth lay outside, just beyond the tower where surely by now the patch had dried as the earth swallowed up the wallowing waste. The healer could get up herself, she had two arms and a two able limbs, and once Thomas could rid himself of these robes and find a hot bath to be drawn to wash his vessel of this cretin's gastric contents he could perhaps drink a potion to recover and rest. Vengeance could wait until he was appropriately dressed to harvest the long-due reckoning upon that oaf! He had robe left unspoilt, one befitting of his current stellar phase. His black robes as dark as night would match his goal... Good. Use your aggressive feelings boy, Let the Hate flow through you.

So he did, the surge rising as the tower fell, blocks of stone crumbling like hailfire and dust like rain. His feet moved and towards the exit, the doorway of his escape. He would not be entombed there in that idiot's folly, no the buffoon must pay dearly for the mistake. A fellow mage, they could have interrogated, questioned, learned from maimed. All the knowledge of the tower and his techniques lost. Yes, burning the infuriating thoughts into the combustion engine, Thomas took off after Keystone, running past the imploding ruins and into the promise of freedom and whispers of revenge. The loose archway of the door itself began to fail, the breaking archstone began to quiver, an omen of things perhaps? And the brown dirt and the black ash and the grey dust, curtained over the doorway, into a cloud of obscuring fog as the structure became a storm. Yet his final push knew no bounds, his eyes closed and chin tucked, his shoulders squared off as through the shaken void the cosmic sorcerer ran, freedom at last...

That is, until he felt something stopping his further movement, as a paunchy fleshy wall stopped his advance. This was a rather awkward moment given both parties'positioning. The younger lad having his forward momentum stopped by the bulk, notably colliding with the other man's backside. Of which, when perhaps looked at a particular angle, maybe if one squinted one's eyes a bit, and cocked a head over to a degree of tilt...

You might have sworn that Thomas just pelvic thrusted Keystone.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
Avatar of Sigil

Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 16 hrs ago


Location: Outside Deymin's Tower
Interacting With: Thomas, involuntarily.

Hell of a day, all around. Hell of a day. There was light and fresh air and bits of tower flying about him; choking dust swirling around, making breathing slightly more perilous that is otherwise would. Granted, the fact that he was breathing at all was something of a miracle in and of itself, considering the nature of the structure he had just exited. The moment he got free of the collapsing tower, he set his sights on locating the rest of the group. His first concern in that regard was finding Sana. A quiet sigh to himself seemed to bookend the thought that, out here in the world, that pushy, arrow-flinging Gypsy was the closest friend that he had. Maybe even a little more. It would pain him greatly if something had happened to her. So definitely, finding Sana.

Luck seemed to be with her, and also with Keystone, as the first thing that he heard upon reaching freedom was her voice, barking an urgent question at him concerning the location of Thomas and Satilla. He had just began to shrug; he had no idea where Satilla was and Thomas, well... is presence made itself known as he unceremoniously plowed into the big Pugilist's posterior. All things being equal, he wasn't going to fault the guy for a tiny mishap while trying to save his own ass, but nor would he give him any reassurance. He took a step or two forward so as not to block the way out for anyone else behind them, an addressed Sana with a voice struggling not to cough on tower dust, "Found Thom!" He jerked a thumb backward to indicate the spellcaster's presence, then turned to him as he moved farther away from the decrepit building, "Oh, you don't want nothin' from that end, lad."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Location: Outside the Tower
Interacting with:N/A

Why any of these humans thought it was a good idea to stay put was beyond him. Just because you were outside the building didn't mean you were safe. The bloody thing could still fall on your head, and it had tried to do that to him just a few seconds ago. You couldn't be sure until you'd actually moved yourself to either a safe distance or until the whole thing completely collapsed, or fell apart as much as it would. Perhaps that remaining floor would stay where it was, but he wasn't going to give it the chance to take another potshot on his arse if he could help it.

Not that it was making things easy. It felt like every other step some miscellaneous chunk of the tower happened to fall right in front of his foot, so he'd have to alter his course so as to not trip over it. And then the altered course put a tree directly in his path so he had to maneuver around that. But around the tree was a great, big, thorny bush. He might have been in full plate, but that just meant that any vines that did get through would be that much harder to remove. And so on. He did manage to get some more distance in the chaos. Perhaps a bit more and he'd be more or less out of the danger zone.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago

Location: Grounds outside of the tower.
Interacting With: Keystone/Thomas

Sana ducked and was able to get out of the way of the majority of a larger piece of stone that came from the tower, it only catching her hip as she turned. It was enough to cut some skin but after the day they had had it was of little consequence. Grunting slightly she nodded as she heard Keystone yell out he had found Thomas. Coughing from the dust she pulled up her veil around her nose to keep the majority of the dust from getting into her lungs. It was a bit late but late was better than never.

"Personally I'd rather deal with the tower than his ass," she said as she took a few more steps away from the tower. It seemed that everyone was out now, everyone but one person. Satilla. That could pose a problem. Sana was inherently a decent person, a good alignment in the grand scheme of things but she was chaotic and there was a breaking point to putting her neck on the line. She had already lost a friend today though and while she hadn't known Satilla long, the girl seemed alright.

"If that girl isn't out soon..." she began to say but let the words hang in the air as she eyed the tower.
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