Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 25 days ago

π•Šome 𝔻on't 𝕋hink

Jasper quirked a brow as he watched the woman speed past him and into the next room. He called out to her, "Miss, the kitchen is closed off to you all as it is in the east side of the manor!" He shook his head slightly as he turned his attention back to the four men. There was the sound of music playing, he thought he knew the piece that was playing and he motioned towards the Breakfast room. "That way Gentlemen, I believe what you need is that way," he said to them before someone else decided to speak.

"Do not play me boy. You had no ties to the woman that died so do not use her to try seek any type of sympathy. You are unwelcome guests in my masters home. Whether you like it or not, you do have the choice to leave and if you speak to me or any in this house again in such a manner I can promise you this. Death will be a welcome passing of time compared to what is done to you within these walls," Jasper said in a warning tone. He eyed the boy for a moment before walking passed him to catch up to the woman searching for the kitchen. "What are you needing miss?" he asked her.

"Some people don't speak before they think," the blonde said as he shook his head.

"One died? Oh that must have been the blood on the tracks we spotted," the light eyes man with the dark head said in passing. Looking at Tact he shook his head. "You really must be stupid to have that tone in this place," he chuckled before they four men started towards the Breakfast room.

Looking at Moss, one of the dark haired dark eyed men nodded to him. "Evening."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 13 days ago

Miss Creme
Location: Breakfast Room -> Music Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

Miss Creme swallowed the last of her candy, and looked up at Madam Mauve with a neutral expression on her face. She didn't know what it was, but she didn't get a good feeling about this Madam. "Indeed," She said evenly, "I'd hate to get separated from the group." She was looking for a tactful way to step away from Mauve at this point. Not quickly seeing one, and not wanting to upset her, she decided that she'd have to wait for Blush to return, but she'd be minimizing talking to this woman as much as possible. She folded her hands behind her back, and followed the group into music room.

And there was that man again, she knew not his title, only by the horrid feeling she got upon seeing him, sitting on the piano bench. The situation she'd found herself in at this point was quite distressing. She seemed to be in between a rock and a hard place. Drawing breath, she was about to step closer to Prima, before she seemed to address the man on the piano bench, quickly causing Creme to take a step back to where she was. Having a good feeling about Envy, she instead looked back towards the room behind them, hoping Envy wouldn't be far behind, not particularly wanting to be stuck on her own in here.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Billiards Room -> Joyous Corridor
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Cobalt stepped through the doorway, allowing the door to swing closed behind him. Once again, he found himself in the corridor, and as he glanced up and down, he saw that no-one had made the decision to move further into the house yet, and the corridor was still empty. He took a deep breath, enjoying the moment's pause. Jane's warning still rang in his ears, and he resolved that he would seek the relative safety of the other guests, at least for now. The closest were no doubt the doctor and Chanteuse Amaranthine, and as if on cue, music spring to life.

He saw that the door that he had last seen the two guests step through was slightly open, and from beyond it, beautiful music. Passion and emotion swelled with every note, no doubt echoing throughout the house as Cobalt was enraptured by it for a moment. Just for an instant, he wasn't in the strange manor, surrounded by potential enemies, he was far away. All at once, he was safe, the music descending over his senses like a heavy blanket.

Managing to shake himself free from spell that the music had cast, he braced himself to find it's source. He had already sensed the doctor's contempt towards anyone attempting to encroach on his self-claimed 'prize', and Cobalt had hardly enamored himself to the man regardless. But the shadows were lengthening, and perhaps it was time that Cobalt found some company. He took a step towards the door.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Congee

Congee best served hot | perpetually bored

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Madam Envy
Location: Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Madam Envy gave Moss a short nod, as he went his way back to the vestibule. As she was on her way Envy looked behind her on the other three, who made their way towards the opposite door and probably deciding to go exploring at this point. She would follow it weren't for her own curiosity and caution. It merely dispel her worries if she was well aware of her environment, specially the people around her. "Let's make it quick then. I simply cannot wait to see what my eyes will be feasting on this place." she simply says to Moss.

Not long he crossed paths with four men, two of them were masked, whom she figured might be the guests who just shortly arrived. She decided to stay as she observes the two masked figures making their way to the breakfast room, hands on a half filled glass and a taking another small sip. Madam Envy gave them a short greeting as they passed. "More guests on these evening's Machiavellian's revelry. I extend to you my greetings." she forces a smile over her own wariness.

The small tinge of the alcohol in her throat reminded her that she should need to level discomfort, or make it better so she would not have another embarrassing episode. So far she feels nothing coming yet, though she hopes this tour would lead them closer to the kitchen area where she could ask a servant to make her something warm to drink.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 25 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gaming Room
Skills: Charisma, Intelligence, Dexterity
Hit Points: 4

The one known as Chanteuse Amaranthine continued to play her little tune, the notes echoing through the room and down the hallway as it filled a large part of the manor with music. Her bodied swayed as she played, her eyes drifting closed as she let herself become lost in the music. The longer she played the better the song became and more she let herself go. Right then it was just her and the music. There was no death outside, no eyes on her. Just the music. Just her instrument and her. They seemed to play off each others like two lovers who had been apart for far too long and were making up for lost time.

A gentle smile came to her lips as the song drew to a close. The last long pull of the bow across the strings ended the tune. She remained there for a moment before the world came back to her and her eyes drifted open. Looking around she spotted Doctor Swamp sitting there watching her and she lowered the violin from her chin. "I do hope that was an adequate repayment of your kindness," she said in a soft voice. She looked a little nervous now that the song was over, reverting back to how she had been acting since she arrived on the grounds. "Or perhaps you would prefer something more technically challenging for me to play?" she said, offering another dive into melody while they had a chance.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

Alright this was a nice enough music room from the general feel of it. There was the nice piano which was cool, she hadn't seen one up close before. Considering the amount of people who entered here earlier, she was rather surprised they all already moved on, leaving only the crow keeping man. He spoke weirdly, she was a little confused at first, but after listening to all he had to say, she understood it well. It's not that he was speaking in hard to understand speech or anything, it's just that he was sort of speaking in limericks.' How peculiar.' She thought, having heard it all. He had talent for it though. She probably wouldn't be able to do it on short notice even if she wanted.

β€œAhmmm... okey. Pleasure to meet you sir, I'm Prima Rave.” She introduced herself and made a slight polite bow of her own in reply to the man. He was indeed different from other people in his mannerisms, but that wasn't always bad really and she wasn't feeling anything overly bad about him. He looked polite enough.

She then heard the door opening behind her and turned that way to see who was the one entering. It turned out to be Madam Mauve and after her there turned out to be the Miss Creme. She pulled her attention from those arriving and focused on the room itself. Was the piano all that was here? She wasn't sure that she was able to believe that at this point, having seen the wonders of this place and the horror in the face of a certain dead person. Thus she studied the room.

Eventually her eyes fell on the fireplace. It was different, it took her a little while to realize how though. It wasn't ending at a wall, you could see on the other side! It must be warming two rooms at once and she could vaguely see someone walking on the other side of the flames. She now wondered who was there.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: Shadowell Manor: Central Hall (Just Outside The Starry Saloon)
Skills: CHA
Hit Points: 4

Blush was markedly quickening her pace as she aimed for the kitchen. The words of the rather rude man went in one ear and out the other. Quite frankly, even if she did hear him it mattered not. How could one be so rude to invited guests, whether you expected them or not, and then expect them to sit there and take it? No, Blush was made of stronger stuff and would not bend.

If only she could find what she needed.

Before she could make her way out of the room and closer to her destination, the same man managed to catch up with her just before she could enter the Starry Salon. With an eye roll, she turned to face the man. She couldn't outright say what she needed and have others look at her with pity or contempt. No, she would have to think of another reason. "Ah yes. I am so sorry about that, but you see, my friend in the other room is quite desperate for...Cocoa Lea," she added the last part in a whisper, away from listening ears. "She's rather adamant about it and I, being as good a friend as I can, went off to find her some. Naturally, I assumed it would be in the kitchen. I know that may be off limits to us, but she is rather keen on obtaining some. I don't suppose you know where I may get some for her?"

Jasper quirked a brow at listening to the womans request. Nodding slightly he leaned in a bit and kept his voice quiet. "Yes, it is something I can help you with, if you could wait here for just a moment." Motioning towards Oliver, the boy came over. A few whispered words and the boy snapped to work and dashed off, through the door to the east. "He will be back shortly with what you friend needs."

Blush smiled and patted the man's hand. "Thank you, dear. And thank you for the discreteness. She will appreciate it, I am sure."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gaming Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

This evening was indeed an evening to weigh options. The first such option had to wait for a moment as Chanteuse Amaranthine let ordered, talented notes fly from her instrument. The skill involved with the performance was beyond skill, and the emotion that the artist concentrated into it was phenomenal. Dr. Swamp could not help but move his hands with the music. No grand, sweeping gestures, as if he were conducting an imaginary symphony, but smallish, relatively tame movements that indicated a high degree of personal enjoyment coupled with a passing familiarity with the actual piece of music. As it came to a close, Swamp murmured a quiet, "Hmm." It was wistful and just a touch sorrowful at the music's end.

The option presented now was tougher than it appeared at first glance. The initial instinct upon arrival to this place, to inspect and deduce as much as he could concerning the situation that weighed him down so, had taken a savage beating by the news that the lot of them were unwelcome visitors. The instinct was further shadowed, albeit much more positively so, by the presence and talent of the Chanteuse. Given as this was likely the only opportunity that he would have to keep her attention and have a private showing of her abilities as a performer, before pressing business or intrusion from fellow music lovers spoil the moment, Dr. Swamp allowed for another indulgence.

"I would say that I am now in your debt. Anything I might scribble onto a pad or set to canvas is a poor equal. If the spirit is with you, I would listen to more of your art with gratitude. Afterward, I would hope you might join me in pursuing the mystery of our presence here."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 25 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: Starry Salon
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

While awaiting an answer from the lovely woman on his arm, Titian took a look around the room. It was a rather pleasant room to him, more cozy and welcoming than most in the manor that he had seen thus far. Well, except for the man Quinton that was standing there and eying the two of them. Looking passed him, he noted the door there but he wasn't going to try the man right then. Maybe he never would or maybe something would make him want to but for now he just gave a grin towards the man and looked back ahead of him. His eyes widening and nose wiggling for a moment, the mask adjusting slightly on his face.

There was a bit of noise coming from the other side of the doorway, where the Central Hall was. What was going on he couldn't make out but he did spot Jasper and one of the women that had arrived with their portion of this party. He watched for a moment before looking down over towards Professor Walnut and smiling as his eyes drifted to the door at the west. "Yeah, thinking that door is looking better by the second," he said with half a laugh as he reached up with his free hand and scratching his chin a bit beneath his bearded face.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 17 min ago

Master Plum
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room (Piano Bench)
Skills: Charisma
Hit Points: 6

"Excellent... Prima Rave makes for one,
Then add the two more who have come,
At three the count is not yet done,
For five with Bran and Master Plum."

Pantomiming his tally on the fingers of his right hand as he revealed his name. A closed fist opened like a blooming bud palm up. A thumb abducted out for Rave, then the first two fingers extended to account for the visitants in dress. And then finally the last two fingers flicked out to represent his raven and himself in the order of the little finger first, and then the ring finger. Two figures in women's clothing, a stark contrast to Prima Rave who wore something more befitting a man. And now with his open hand extended at the fully masked person in red, who was the one not to look away and step away from the group, the beaked man made his pitch in an attempt to gain her allegiance.

"And who are you so heavily masked?
With porcelain cheeks and ruby lips,
Forgive this fool for having asked,
What beauty lies under mask eclipsed?."

The board needed setting, each piece to be aligned as this evening passed. The weather shut them in together, these strangers who perhaps were looking to pluck the same lily as he. A cabin fever to ensue the coupe, how many minutes will it be until another fell dead? The locket weighed still as a reminder of the danger and the fortune to be made, and thus the most dangerous game he still played. without insult, without harm, with only dandy and darkest charm, there was no trace of her alarm/ for now it seemed he caused them all no grievance.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 9 days ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Starry Salon --> the Trophy Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4
Walnut was considering his words carefully. The sound of the bell they had heard previously prevented further questions, yet the more they explored this place, the better it would be in the long run. Having made her internal arguments, Walnut then gave Titian a curt nod. Their judgments had come into an accord. "Yes, the unexplored path will suffice," she told him, before she stepped forward and opened the door, entering the trophy room.

She noted the present of a servant and she thought of it for a moment. There had been a servant in every room that they had entered thus far. At no point had they been left alone. That - that could present some issues for certain activities and exercises she had in mind for herself and Titian. "What do you make of the others?" she asked Titian quietly, as she explored the room. She was walking slowly enough that he could whisper his reply if he so chose. She had some concrete opinions on some - and could not care less about others - in their group.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Joyous Corridor -> Gaming Room
Skills: Perception, Charisma
Hit Points: 6

Cobalt was still standing outside the ajar door as the music stopped, as suddenly as it had sprung to life. His hand hesitated, half-outstretched to push the door open, as he heard voices within. He could hear the doctor and Amaranthine talking. She certainly seemed willing to please him, but it seemed that the doctor seemed to be taking the initiative, even seeming to suggest a loose friendship between the two. Cobalt decided that it was perhaps time for him to interject.

Gently pushing open the door, Cobalt slowly clapped, smiling beneath his mask as he nodded his head slightly towards Amaranthine, carefully watching her as he spoke.

"Beautiful playing, Chanteuse. I join the good doctor in admitting that I am now in your debt. You've brought a sense of beauty and joy to a place that is sorely lacking it, and for that I am more than grateful."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Captain Moss
Location: Grand Vestibule -> Central Hall
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

As Captain Moss looked around the Grand Vestibule he stopped and eyed the man named Master Tack voicing his dislike of the butler by the looks of it. He was either really dumb for that, or he actually did have a reason for it even though he did agree with him when the lost one of their own by those rocket propelled chairs. Captain Moss though wouldn't barge in on the conversation as Jasper threatened him, he noted to not get on the butler's bad side at all. Captain Moss looked over his shoulder seeing Madam Envy was about to head into the Grand Vestibule as well.

The four men started to make their way towards the breakfast room, one of them a man with dark hair gave him a nod. "Good evening to you as well sir." Captain Moss said, he wasn't sure what to exactly say towards them and he assumed that they were one of the many guests that were actually allowed to come to this place. Jasper headed off towards the kitchen by the looks of it, he then decided to move towards the next room. Captain Moss gave a slight nod towards Master Tack and Sister Penance as well, as he walked past the two of them and into the Central Hall.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: Grand Vestibule -> Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Penance was a little surprised by Tack's outburst to Jasper. It was not something that she would have expected to come from the man, that was for sure. This man seemed to be full of surprises, of course, the other man had practically insulted them, so maybe it wasn't all too surprising. Though Jasper did have a point there about them not knowing the dead woman, after all, she had been a complete stranger to them, so why should they really care about her? Not to mention trying to use her death to gain sympathy about it was not the best idea.

"Come along Tack, we should not impose our presence on the man any longer," she said, giving him a slight smile. "Let's see about going to get a drink, okay?" she continued as she headed towards the Breakfast Room. She glanced back slightly, to see if Master Tack was following her, before she continued into the Breakfast Room. Figuring that Tack would either follow her or not, his choice really.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 25 days ago

𝕂eep 𝕄oving

Jasper nodded towards the woman and waited for Oliver to return. His eyes moving around as he seemed to keep checking around before he heard the door opening again even if he couldn't see it. Oliver rushed over to them with a small bag. Oliver took it and motioned for the boy to return to his place, which he did quickly but glancing back towards the woman and grinning slightly. Jasper palmed the bag into the woman's hand and whispered against her ear.

The four men out in the Grand Vestibule stood there and waited for the lady to pass them before following into the Breakfast room. The sound of music had stopped and they exchanged glances between each other before making their way around the front end of the table. Each one of them whispering to the other as they each reached over and without hesitation grabbed bits of food here and there, as well as pouring some themselves something to drink. None of them looked concerned as they ate and drank quickly. It appeared that they were no going to be remaining in the room long as the one with blonde hair pointed towards the music room.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Madam Mauve
Location: Shadowell Manor - Music Room
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 3

Mauve absentmindedly noted the sound of music drifting to her ears, but she paid it little mind as she was too transfixed by the man before her. Catching movement out of the corner of her eye, she took a quick glance back at the two other ladies in the room. She arched a bit of a brow at seeing how they seemed rather uneasy in the presence of this man. As far as she was concerned, he didn't seem half bad. Maybe a little odd, but certainly not worthy of being feared.

Her gaze gravitated back to him when he seemed to address her specifically. The corner of her lips twitched upwards at his words. She gave him a onceover, seeing if there was anything else to the man beyond just his poetic flattery, but nothing in particular seemed to stick out. "Wouldn't you like to know?" she teased, a playful glint to her dark eyes. "You may call me Madam Mauve, and this woman here is my new acquaintance Miss Crème." She gestured back to the petite woman of the namesake, before returning her attention to Master Plum, as he had called himself.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ciaran
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Ciaran Lord's Blade

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Master Tack
Location: Grand Vestibule -> Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 5

Master Tack had been feeling very confident just a moment before, utterly certain that, when made to face facts, Jasper would admit that he was wrong and that the guests were the victims here, not the criminals, and so shouldn't be mistreated. Even now, Master Tack felt that was the truth, but had only now realised that it didn't matter. It wasn't about who was right and who was wrong here, though it seemed some liked to pretend otherwise. It was about power, and the guests had none.

Jasper's response to Tack's outburst was cold and unnerving. Though Tack felt he had been quite justified with what he was saying, he knew now that he couldn't afford to do so again, at any cost; the desire for goodness and honesty had and most likely would continue to be at odds with the desire to avoid death. The way Jasper had so casually alluded to something very vague but apparently horrible that might happen to him or perhaps another guest entirely through Master Tack off; the seemingly jovial response of the blond guest, the one who had been invited, was far worse. It was one thing for the residents of the building to react casually to death on their grounds, another entirely for subsequent guests, even invited ones, to do so, since it implied they faced the same danger. On the other hand, they seemed familiar with the place, so perhaps the comparison was unfounded.

Whatever it was, Tack needed to stop drawing attention to himself, immediately.

"My apologies, Sister Penance. I'll be with you right away," he said, following the woman in green through to the breakfast room.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 25 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gaming Room
Skills: Charisma, Intelligence, Dexterity
Hit Points: 4

There was a slight grin that came to the woman's features. A nod as she stood there as a thought came to mind that she decided to vocalize. "Then perhaps with this song you should show your talent and try to capture its essence," she said in a voice that had a hint of playfulness to it. Her eyes staying on Dr. Swamp as her fingers motioned as if she was drawing. She was wondering if he would take the most obvious hint.

It was about at that time she turned as she heard the door and looked over at the newest edition in the room. Her breath held but finally released when she noted who it was. It was the man that had introduced himself as Justice Cobalt. "Perhaps if I continue enough will be in my debt that I can leave freely," she quipped before taking a breath. Was it a joke or was she miffed by the intrusion? One could not be sure as she stood there.

Rolling her neck she brought the instrument back to her chin and readied her bow. Music was solace at least and it was a respite from conversation. Before the air in the room changed began to play once again. This time the song was vastly more technical than the one before it. It was clear and crisp and clean but still held feeling. As if one was in a chase during the full light of the day, branches breaking as they ran, confused and trying to distance themselves with no thought of pace until confusion set in and they were caught wondering which way to turn.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 25 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: Starry Salon -> Trophy Room
Skills: Dexterity
Hit Points: 4

Titian nodded and followed Professor Walnut into the Trophy Room. Well perhaps not followed but followed her lead as she was on his arm. Making sure to hold the door open for her and then gently pushing it closed behind them as to not have too much noise when it closed. It drifted closed and clicked quietly behind them but the music that had stopped started again but this time coming from the other door on the opposite side of the room from which they entered.

Hearing the question, Titian looked at Walnut and shrugged a bit. "Hadn't really, no one else got my attention," he said as he looked around all the dead and stuffed things hanging on the walls as well as the two large "statues" of bears that were stuffed and poised as if they were going to attack them on either side of the fire place where a woman who must have been a member of the staff was standing there watching them. He grinned slightly towards Walnut and gave her a bit of a wink.

"What's through that door?" he asked the woman.

The woman he was addressing looked at him from muddy hooded eyes. She couldn't have been but within an inch of height of the woman on his arm but lacked beauty. She however, even if chubby with thin mousey hair had a presence about her that couldn't be missed. A very strong presence at that. And when she spoke her voice nearly boomed, it was odd to come from such a short stature of a woman. "The Rocaille."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gaming Room
Skills: Intelligence
Hit Points: 4

It was not surprising when someone entered the room, lured in by the sound of Amaranthine's music. Not in the least. Though it was mildly offputting when he noticed who it was - the man with the seating issues from earlier. The beak of Dr. Swamp's mask dipped slightly as he brought two fingers up to a temple, seemingly to ward off a coming headache. As Cobalt used the occasion to borrow the Doctor's sentiment about the music and express it further, Swamp peered at the man from behind his bone-like, avian mask. He tilted his head to the side just a bit, a small smile barely visible below his mask. Straightening in is seat, Dr. Swamp removed his fingers from his temple and turned fully to the Chanteuse. His eyes lingered on Cobalt until the moment that the talented lady musician spoke.

He understood the intent behind the words of Chanteuse Amaranthine, even before she began to pantomime a person taking a writing utensil to paper. Though he did find the action endearing in its own way. His response was to nod once, produce his sketchpad from inside of his vest, and wait as the music began to move him before setting graphite to paper. Dr. Swamp gave the recently arrived Justice silent regard from his seated position. Words would have to wait for a later moment.

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