Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Member Seen 4 days ago

At five minutes past seven, Santiago’s red Lambo was parked in front of Mara’s house, windows up and engine still purring. The young man behind the wheel was feeling quite unhappy, even after the shots of Don Q and the blasting reggaeton music that made the whole vehicle vibrate whenever the bass dropped. Not only had Kavi been testing his patience all week with dropping all sorts of comments about April, she was still walking around as if he was nothing but dirt under her shoes. He'd figured that she'd start to miss him by now, that she would text him to meet up so they could kiss and fuck and make up and carry on with their lives as if nothing had ever happened. But nope. This time around, the girl had been monumentally stubborn, and they had yet to so much as exchange a single word or text message. And for some reason he couldn't begin to understand, he was feeling ridiculously guilty about the whole situation. So much so, that he had ignored all other females hitting up his phone looking for a taste of him, to the point that his calls and messages now were about business only. Never in his eighteen years of life had Santiago regretted any hook-up of his, but if he'd known just how much that one lame kiss with Bea and a spicy night with Ximena would disrupt his perfect universe, he would have probably thought about it twice. Hell, in truth, a part of him wanted to apologize to April so they could move the fuck on. But with how "well" the last time he'd humbled his ego had gone, there was no way he would be humiliating himself again any time soon. If Lils wanted to be a part of his life, then it was her turn to put that pride of hers aside.

But why did it hurt to so fucking much to miss her?

Fuming at the way his chest was starting to sting, Diablo smacked the steering wheel in frustration and honked twice. He'd been sitting outside Mara's fucking house for fifteen minutes now, and the unwelcome thoughts were thinning out his already-limited patience. But it seemed that Mara didn’t want to graduate, because five minutes later there had been no sign of life or movement coming from the house. Well, that was that. If Miss Prissy even wanted to get to homecoming, she'd need to drive her own ass up there.

With a pissed-off groan about being kept waiting in vain, Santiago stomped the gas pedal and left the opulent house, tires squealing on the brick entrance. In less than a minute, Mara's house was long gone, replaced by a blurry landscape rushing past the mirrors. The only sounds being heard through the night were the roaring engine of the boy's Lambo and the loud Hispanic music from the speakers.

Before he realized it, Diablo was pulling into the country club, having absentmindedly driven himself there with no memory of how. He looked around the parking lot and cursed under his breath, begrudgingly pulling into one of the multiple empty spots. The place looked deserted with the exception of maybe about seven cars, which meant that he was one of the first people to arrive. Santiago despised being early, because it meant having to sit pretty waiting around for everyone, and waiting was definitely not a virtue of his. On the other hand, this meant that he would be easy to spot and access, and whatever customers that wanted to get their fix before this ridiculously boring party could get their favors before going in.

And speaking of party favors...

Making no effort to leave the sanctuary that was his car, Santiago gave a discreet once-over around the lot again to make sure the coast was indeed clear before opening the glove compartment of the vehicle. He rummaged around his zipped-up black bag until he produced one pure white circular pill and a miniature bottle of alcohol. One quick once-over later, and the young man was popping the Xanax pill in his mouth and downing it with the miniature Bacardi. Diablo flinched and shuddered at the burning sensation of the liquor going down his throat, but he knew the brief discomfort would be worth it in the end. The questionable combination should be able to keep him chill enough to survive the long night ahead.

Now, all that was left was for the effects of his self-medication to kick into his system. Meanwhile, Santiago would turn up his music just a little louder, lower the back of his seat into a resting position, and sing along to the lyrics blasting from the sound system.

Prendo pa' ver si me olvido
De tu nombre, de tus besos, tu cuerpo, tus gemidos
Lo hacíamos en el carro, me gritabas al oído
Cierro los ojos y pienso en todo lo que hicimos, baby.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SpicyMeatball
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SpicyMeatball The Spiciest of Them All

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Truthfully, April hadn’t been feeling amazing today. She’d woken up with a wicked headache that put most of her previous hangovers to shame, then after she’d finally had her coffee her dad dragged her out the door to pick up her dress before she’d even had a chance to eat. Only after she’d practically begged her dad to stop at the closest McDonald’s did she finally satisfy her need for food. Between the headache, her father’s insufferable dad jokes and the nonstop driving around Palm Beach, her day hadn’t been great so far.

Following the chaos that was making the final adjustments to her homecoming dress--apparently something to do with incorrect waistline measurements--things finally calmed down a bit. April had insisted on driving herself to the hairdresser and so after being dropped off at home, she hopped in her Maserati and took off towards Fort Lauderdale. It wasn’t a terribly long drive. The shocking lack of police presence today meant that she could easily bypass the speed limit and finished the roughly fifty mile drive in just under thirty minutes. A stupid grin was plastered across her face as she pulled into the parking lot. Something about going 160 km/h (100 mph) down the highway and the sound of the Maserati’s engine always made her day.

After she’d returned, it was approaching four o’clock. Plenty of time to get ready. She quickly ate a small dinner and then made her way to her room. With the dress already laid out on her bed, April went to work on her makeup. April spared no effort in applying it while keeping her look more reserved. There was no point if the end result made her look like a clown.

With the finishing touches down, it was now time for the dress. She continued to question how the measurements had been taken wrong. It had only been two or three weeks since she’d gone in for the initial fitting. April pulled out her phone and brought up the photo she’d had her father take of her those few weeks ago, before she pulled on her dress.

April started at the mirror, her eyes glancing over every single inch of the dress. Every time she looked however, her eyes were always drawn back to the waistline. Something wasn’t right. Her heart sped up as she ran her hand down from her chest to her waist and then looked back to her phone, the pieces coming together in her brain.

”Fuck!” April exclaimed, albeit a little louder than intended.

“Everything alright sweety?” Her dad inquired.

”Everything’s fine! Just… … ... knocked something over!” April called out nervously, her heart pounding against the walls of her chest.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 1 day ago


Raven had spent the last two hours getting ready for prom. Since her mother and father were away on business as usual, they had decided to make it up to her by buying her dress for her. It was a white, tight fitting dress that reached her mid thigh, and was styled to have tank top like straps. She had chosen a pair of white wedge heels to match.

What took the longest to fix wad her hair. She had put it up lovely in curlers, then dried it. When she took it down, it had just the right amount of wave to it. Match her outfit with mascara, light pink lip gloss, and some eyeliner and bam! Raven was ready to go.

Filling in for her parents, Ravens brothers were there to take her pictures and compliment her. On her way to the venue, she had texted Oliver, stating that she had something to tell him. When he asked if she could do it over the phone, Raven had denied his request, saying it needed to be done in person.

As her first, only, and best fried in Palms, he had the right to know she was moving away, right? Only time would tell if she was making the right decisions.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A Collaboration between @Altered Tundra & @Hero
featuring: The Drakes and Victoire Bailey

The past week went on as if it was a blur. The days happened to blend in with each other, homework, tests, surprise quizzes, going to the beach and surfing while also balancing in an increased friendship with, of all people, Julie. Amid everything, Sonny found talking to her was actually not a bad thing. In fact, while Sonny was hesitant at first, there was something about her that made Sonny feel a little good about himself. They had nothing to balls in common and maybe that was a good thing. And she didn’t seem to be interested in him like some might be, which he found to be a good thing. At the very least, they were getting along and he didn’t have to worry about getting the wrath of Chanel on his back, so that was good too.

Everything else aside, Sonny could be honest and say that the week went by a lot more quickly than he thought it would. In addition to everything else, he also became a little more friendly with Nadia. Talks here and there about homecoming, about the hard exams they had for the two classes they had together, and generally about how the dance was like a prison sentence ...well, Sonny was the one who brought it up. As he recalled, she just laughed and didn’t make any specific comment about it.

In all honesty, Sonny never expected himself to become as friendly with Nadia in the week they’ve met up for coffee, for study dates, and in overall, they just hung out and got to know each other more. By the time Friday came and it was time for Sonny to endure the last day before he took that perp walk, he had really found himself to be a bit of a friendly flirt with her. It was all fun and games, of course, but there was no denying it was playful on his part. He was naturally a confident, arrogant flirt, but surprisingly harmless - at least, that’s what Sonny believes. If Nadia took it another way, then that was just something else he could laugh at and tease her for.

Throughout the final hours leading to when Sonny arrived at the home of the three siblings (Nadia was one of them), Sonny did everything he could not to really care about getting ready. Of course, thanks to both of his parents who hounded him to get ready and not make an embarrassment of the family, he was forced to actually shower and eat and be ready before he ever planned to be ready. Before five, Sonny was full of enough fuel to last him throughout the night, his hair was groomed and combed back to his own satisfaction, and his suit with red tie and handkerchief that made him look like a poor excuse for a wiseguy. Odd of course because he wasn’t even part Italian.

“Look at my boy. All groomed up and ready to slay,” Jackson said, getting a good look at his son as he came down the stairs.

Sonny just rolled his eyes, hands in his pockets. Thankfully, only his parents were there. He got a text message from Stella and she said most of her entire family was there. He’d die if his sister had dropped everything from New York and decided to show up. He was lucky that she was too swamped with exams to make an attempt to embarrass him further.

“Let’s not make a big deal about this. It’s just a dance. And it’s not like me and Nadia are going to be dating or anything. We were forced into this,” Sonny clarified once again for the million-and-second time to them. They were ready to make a big deal about it when he first told them and they appeared to be ready to do the same thing right now.

“We know, but it’s not every day our son gets all dressed up like this. We just want to admire you, Sonny. That’s it,” Viola stated, flashing the camera in his face.

Sonny wanted to say something, but he just closed his mouth. He endured it for about fifteen minutes as they wanted to take all sorts of photos. He smiled for some and brooded during the rest.

After he was released from flash hell, he hopped into his orange truck and drove to Nadia’s house. It was only fifteen minutes away. Despite it being in the general area which, if everyone was being honest, it was like a small town that had big ass houses, over-the-top beaches and inhabitants, and a too-rich-for-their-own-good vibe. Sonny still felt like he stuck out like a sore thumb, but it didn’t change him from enjoying the actual luxuries and benefits that came with coming from the Banks family wealth.

He popped on some tunes as he drove, though only a few minutes after he did, he slowed down as he passed April Foster’s house. That tacky mint green Ferrari that belonged to Kavi’s father was parked there. Jesus," came Sonny's exaggerated, repulsed gag-like response to seeing the ugly as all fuck Ferrari. "And people give me shit for having a bold color for a truck,” Sonny laughed as he sped along to Nadia’s house.

And what a house it was. Holy shit, Sonny’s parent’s house was large but it wasn’t over the top. He didn’t know what was worse: the fact that poor, little Nadia who is so shy and the least boastful person he knew lived here or that she had to keep on that facade knowing that her parent’s house would give the Diablo’s parties a run for their money if a couple of them were thrown here.

Sonny would remember to mention that to her later on.

As he parked in the driveway, which was just as large as the house (when compared to other houses in the neighborhood), Sonny made the marathon-length walk to the front door. Everything about it just screamed white privilege. The only thing missing was some minority serving as the butler, but Sonny pushed those thoughts of white fuckboy-ism out as he gave the door a series of hard knocks.

The door opened right away, purely by coincidence, leaving Sonny face to face with the other resident: Victoire Bailey. Her expression was as interested as someone watching paint dry, less so when she noticed who was before her. She was dressed and ready to go, her clutch in one hand and her keys in another. God knows she wasn’t going to risk Jun finding out where she lived.

”Wow...coming to the door to pick your date up and everything, how cute,” She said, nodding in fake approval. ”All dressed and everything. You almost look presentable.”

It was a mutual surprise for Sonny as well. Who would have suspected that on a night where semi-formal was the style in which the students were expected to dress in, of all people, Victoire would actually take that as an excuse to out do just about everyone who appeared on social media flaunting their outfits before the grand unveiling. Not that Sonny was even remotely surprised. He knew she’d slay any outfit she put on, but there was a moment where Sonny had almost let her know that. And that was something that just couldn’t happen.

”No need to state the obvious, Viccy.” He offered in a response, holding his own as he gave her a smug smile. ”Why does it look like you’re about to leave? I don’t see the class clown anywhere. Did he not come and pick you up?”

”And have to deal with him more than I need to? No, thank you,” Victoire immediately shut that idea down, shaking her finger at him. For once she wasn’t going to bother getting into it with Sonny, deciding that she needed a clear head if she was going to focus on avoiding Jun like the plague. ”Besides, despite the facaulty thinking I’m a joke, I still need to oversee a few things. You know, making sure no one spikes the punch, double checking the dark corners in case anyone feels like making babies, watching out for any losers stuffed in lockers--you know, the usual.”

As Victoire spoke, Nadia herself descended the staircase, her eyes lighting up as she spotted her talking to Sonny. After giving herself a once over to make sure she was ready, she popped up behind the brunette. ”Hey! Did you want to hitch a ride with us?” She asked her.

”No thank you, I’d rather choke on glue,” She replied.

Sonny wasn’t sure what he was going to say to Vic because, to his surprise, Nadia came out looking not half-had; actually, if he had to be honest with himself, he would have to say she looked positively hot and that wasn’t because of her red hair - though that was also styled in a way that made Sonny forget completely about Vic’s annoying self.

“Well, have fun living an 80s high school movie. Be sure to give Emilio Estevez and Molly Ringwald my best.” Yeah, that’s what he was going to say to her.

So much for staying civil. ”Eat a dick, Torvald,” Victoire ended the conversation, avoiding him as she promptly made her exit and went to her car.

Biting her lower lip to avoid laughing too much, Nadia cleared her throat, her hands on her hips as she looked Sonny over. ”You look really good,” She paid him the compliment, giving him a genuine smile.

From everyone else’s mouth, his middle name had little to no effect on Sonny, but when Victoire said it, especially in the way she said it, he just couldn’t get that bad taste of it out of his mouth. He was silently cursing himself for letting himself walk right into it and cursing his parents for giving him such an awful middle name, but as soon as that came, it also soon ended when he turned around to face Nadia once more.

And at that moment, he returned her smile back to her, a gesture not always done with an equal authenticity. “If I look good, then you look incredible,” he shot her back with a complement of his own as he looked her up and down.

Nadia grinned, clearly pleased with his compliment. ”Thank you!” She knew it was genuine, so it made her happy. Realizing that she was probably smiling like an idiot, she shook her head. ”Sorry, I’ll tone it down. Ready to go?” She said, closing the door behind her.

“Don’t stop on my account. You have a cute smile.”

That was the only thing Sonny said until they got to his trick. If anyone saw them right now, what he did next was going to be quite the shellshock for anyone who knew Sonny Drake at all. Before she had the chance to open the passenger door, Sonny did it for her, offering her a smile.

It was a good thing that Sonny didn’t think much of it, because Nadia couldn’t quite hide her bashful smile. Tucking some of her hair behind her ear, she thanked him as she got into his car, making sure her dress wouldn’t get caught in the door. His car was well taken care of, and she took a moment to just look around as he got into the car. She didn’t know what to say, but for once staying quiet didn’t feel awkward or weird. She was perfectly comfortable around him by now, and she was actually looking forward to homecoming now.

The time it took for his truck to get from the outside of Nadia’s house and to the freeway was under ten minutes and in that time, Sonny didn’t really speak. He honestly didn’t know what to say nor did he feel like talking. It wasn’t that he had been suddenly in a bad mood or anything like that -far from it, actually. He was just enjoying the company and the drive. Traffic wasn’t too terrible and the brisk air was just enough to give them a breeze. In addition, it was just bright enough so that there was no need for any sort of headlight action.

When Sonny took a turn at an exit, he felt his stomach growl. He didn’t just hear it, but he felt it, so he pulled into the driveway of a Red Robin. “I was so focused on trying to be civil with Vic that the silence reminded me I’m hungry” Sonny admitted, parking near the front entrance.

Nadia laughed. “Might as well grab something now,” She agreed, though she paused. “We might be late getting there.”

She had a point and Sonny seriously considered, but as his stomach continued to grumble, his hunger overtook his logic reasoning. “So we’re late," Sonny shrugged, taking his keys from the ignition. "They said we had to attend. They never said when we have to be there.”

Oh, how Sonny loved himself loopholes.

The redhead grinned again, nodding in agreement. He had a point, after all, and grabbing some food before going was a good idea. “If you say so,” She joked.

“Then, as the saying goes: let us eat!”

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by spooner
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spooner *cough*

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Looking at his reflection in his mirror Archer let out a tired sigh as he straightened his gray suit jacket. His bedroom door opened and he closed his eyes in anticipation, “Hah! Could you have put on a gayer outfit for your homecoming?” his brothers deep voice boomed from the hallway. Archer pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath.

“Yeah, I could have worn your old football gear we all know they represent repressed sexual tension!” he quipped at his brother and turned to face the taller blond man. “What do you want Warren?! Aren’t you supposed to failing out of college somewhere else!” the curly haired boy pleaded, his voice was tired and annoyed. Warren’s eyebrows rose as he lent against the doorframe of Archer’s room.

“Woah woah, a little touchy there little brother. What’s wrong… the guy you wanted rejected you?” Warren asked with a rare form of sincerity in his voice. Archer rolled his eyes and let out another sigh.

“Not really… Whatever Warren just fucking leave me alone, I need to leave anyway!” Archer grunted as he stormed past his burly brother. Warren stepped back as to not be crashed into.

“Well excuse me for trying to give a shit!” He called after Archer as he rounded the corner and bounded down the stairs. Without even saying goodbye to his parents he was out of the house and in his car in a few seconds. After a few jiggles of his keys his decrepit car started and he made his way towards homecoming, where he would meet up with his makeshift date.

When the shock of being forced into a homecoming pair, Julie felt like it was actually a pretty interesting idea of sorts. The hard part was getting in touch with her date, with him having soccer practice and hanging out with Martha. After a few feeble attempts of talking to Andres at school, she had settled for communicating with the boy through texts and they had decided to meet up at the dance.

The majority of the day had been spent locked in her room with Iris figuring out Julie’s senior homecoming look. They had settled on an emerald wrap dress, keeping her makeup light with hints of gold and copper and letting her hair fall around her with soft curls.

“So, who is this Andres dude?” her sister asked as she lounged on Julie’s bed lazily reading a magazine as the younger redhead finished up her makeup.

“Oh you know… popular, sporty, charming.” Julie began as she added a hint of a rose gold blush to her cheeks, she stopped and looked at Iris through her mirror. “That sounds like he’s the most clichéd man in Florida. To be completely honest I don’t really know him that well… he is very busy.”

Iris looked up from her magazine “Huh?… that school seems just as crazy as since I left. I mean who in their right mind would pair up strangers for homecoming? It’s insane, especially after that one girl went postal on that car.” she scoffed.

Julie scowled at her “Marisol was under a lot of stress and wasn’t thinking clearly, she’s a very sweet girl actually.” she huffed.

“I’m sure she is…” Iris trailed of “What’s more interesting to know is who you would have gone with if you chose a guy. Maybe that Sonny guy you told me about?” Julie could sense her sister was poking around for something.

“No. No no no. Sonny? That is something that… just no.” Julie scoffed, surprised at her own reaction. “No I would probably just have gone with Chanel and like… April I guess.” she finished as she put her brush down and stood to face Iris. “So? Is this presentable?” Julie asked.

“Perfect, just one thing missing!” Iris chirped and took of one of her rose gold Hermes bangles and put it on her little sister. “Ok go have fun!” she smiled and smacked Julie on the bottom.

Archer drummed his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of his spotify list as he drove towards the dance. As he stopped at a crossing he saw a lone figure in green standing in a driveway in front of a huge beach house. Squinting, Archer realized it was Julie Macmillan looking concerned. Not really knowing why he pulled over and rolled down his window.

“Hey Red! What’s up? You look lost… in front of your own house.” he looked up at the huge house and then back to the redhead.

“Oh Hello Archie, I’m actually waiting for an über, but I think the driver’s lost… it’s stuck on 5 minutes… and has been for the last 15 minutes” Julie said waving her phone around and looking down the road to see if she could see the car coming.

Archer followed her gaze and looked back at her “Get in you can ride with me!” he said with a wave of his hand.

Julie eyed the rusty car for a minute before pressing cancel on her app and walked around the blue hunk of junk and got in the passenger seat. “Thank you this is a… uh nice car.” she offered meekly.

The car pulled out of the driveway as Archer laughed loudly at the girl’s comment “Yeah sure Red, thanks!” he chuckled as he looked at the mess in the backseat through the rearview mirror.

As they drove down the road the silence in the car was like thick mist around them and Archer hated every minute of it. “Uhm so… I wanted to apologize for yelling at you that one time.” he shifted uncomfortably.

“You’re fine.” Julie twisted her hands together in her lap “I deserved it, I have done some pretty dumb things during our time together at King’s. So in a way I’m the one who should be sorry.” She smiled.

Both of them took breath of relief when they finally arrived at the dance, and they finally could get out of the car. A lot of people had already started to arrive and were crowding around the entrance, and of course Archer spotted Ariel standing on the edge of the crowd avoiding eye contact with anyone. Archer motioned for Julie to follow.

“Ever the social butterfly Ari!” Archer smiled at his date as him and Julie got close to the raven haired girl. “You know Red from school?” he asked and pointed a thumb at Julie.

“Hi… Ariel right?” she smiled and offered her hand to shake. “That is a very pretty dress.” Julie twittered.

“Actually it’s Serafina…” Archer smirked knowing how much Ariel hated being called that.

Julie smiled even wider“Well a pretty name to match the pretty dress! I guess I should go find my date, thanks for the ride Archie!” she said with a wave and disappeared into the crowd.

“See you in there I guess! Should we head in as well?” Archer turned and asked Ariel offering his arm.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 8 days ago

Between the constant pressure of performing by his peers and coaches, there was barely any time for Andres to focus on anything but soccer. Soccer was his life, and that was his own choice. Had it been up to Andres, he would have quit school and played soccer full time. That was, until fate led him to his Gothic girlfriend, Martha Radley. A weird pair for sure - some might call it a crack ship, with them being polar opposites and all. Once news broke out of their unholy union, word spread like doves out of a wizard's hat. Only there were no tricks or smoke screens behind this pairing: just honest to God love and affection. So when the homecoming pairings were finally made final, one would understand why Andres might have been a little less than ecstatic at not being paired with his strange love.

After practice was over, Andres had decided to stay behind and vent his frustrations. The sound of the net removing all the momentum out of the black and white ball was all that could be heard within ear shot. This went on and on until Andres was drenched in sweat. The Friday night lights shut off all in unison, leaving the hot-blooded Colombian in nothing but darkness; an ambiance he had grown accustomed to with the aid of his partner. A long session in the showers allowed for Andres to temper his anger and allow for a cooler head to prevail. Steam fogged the mirrors as the young boy thought, “There’s no point in me getting upset. I see Martha all the time anyways. Besides, she would want me to enjoy myself at homecoming, right?”

Doubt slowly crept back into the forefront of his mind, his amygdala playing for overtime. Luckily enough for Andres, he reassured himself that they would see each other at homecoming regardless of who he was paired with. It was nothing a quick visit to the bathroom couldn’t fix.

In the remaining countdown for homecoming, Andres had finally been able to end the game of cat and mouse he had been playing with his date. Julie Macmillan was in her own league: the daughter of a rich and powerful family known throughout the fashion world. If it wasn’t for his cousin Xixi always going on about her Macmillan bag, the boy would have been out of the loop. It wasn’t her name or fame that drew Andres to her originally. Instead, it was her beautiful locks of red hair that almost set him ablaze from stealing a glance too long. While she was prim and proper, yet vain and conceited, Andres felt something else lurking behind those tempestuous gray/blue eyes.

The date was finally set, and Andres had spent the entire day mulling over what he wanted to wear. His older brother had been watching in the hallways as Andres made several passes to and from his closet to his bed, and ever so quietly, had crept into the room like a fox. Andres had been so engrossed in rifling through clothes and finding what suit even fit him anymore that he didn't notice the older male until, without warning, Santiago struck him.

Andres, in a quick scare, couldn’t help but lift his head up in response, only to then have it crash into the shelf above him. “Que te pasa hombre? Siempre estas jodiendome,” he complained, face red and flustered.

“Ya hermano, cálmese. Solo vine a ayudar. Tu querido hermano te compró el traje perfecto para tu baile” Santiago said, showing off what he had hidden the whole time.

A wave of relief crashed onto him: it was love at first site. Standing up, he couldn’t help but start laughing as he pulled his brother into a loving embrace. Andres put on the slim fitting slacks, paired with a blazer and appropriate accessories. A spritz of cologne here and some more there and Andres was finally done: dappered down in a cohesive blue ensemble. With that, his brother gave him a last once over before sending him off.

Andres jumped into his McLaren hoping to pick up Julie on the way, but it seemed she had already found a ride. So he simply shrugged his shoulders and made his way down to the country club by himself. Shortly after arriving, the dark-haired young man locked his car and checked his hair in his car window one last time before making his way inside. How hard could finding a red head in a sea of people be? It didn’t take long for him to find his pair. Making his way through the sea of people, Andres straightened himself out and took a deep breath before tapping Julie on the shoulder.

“Hey, your Uber driver is waiting outside,” hoping to break the ice with a mediocre joke.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A Collaboration between @Altered Tundra & @SpicyMeatball
featuring: Papa Foster

Somewhere between the time that Kavi had skipped out on the school day of Friday and when he woke up from a power nap that he took around three or so, Kavi was getting himself ready for Homecoming, which wasn’t technically going to happen for an entire school day later, but he had other things to do in the day that didn’t include being one of those guys that just automatically showed up at their date’s houses.

Would it have been the good, decent thing to get there early? Probably, but anyone who knew Kavi by now would know that he was anything but that.

So, instead of Kavi Salvador showing up at April Foster’s place right away, he made it his known mission to visit a few places before making his way back to Crown Heights. Among those things he had to do, Kavi had to make sure that he looked the best that he could, so he made a trip to Miami to get his hair done. It took a special kind of gel and hairspray and overall treatment to get the silky smooth texture that his hair often had. It certainly wasn’t natural. For something this great - and by extension, the someone - Kavi had to put in the work. But it was so worth it when he touched it.

Once he made his grand return around six (or close to it, anyway), he took the keys to one of the three cars the Salvador-Parata driveway. Today, Kavi was feeling like driving his father’s pride and joy, a mint green ferrari. Everyone knew it was Italian based on how it purred through the streets. Even though Kavi knew where she lived, he wanted to show it off. There was no doubt in his mind she heard it.

By the time he finished his arrogant rounds, Kavi parked the spring green car in front of April’s house. The man of mixed Hispanic and Asian blood came strolling confidently in a reverse white and black suit, though he bore no tie. If anyone had to gauge him at this very moment, they’d say he looked like a fuckboy from Tampa Bay. those entitled pricks really knew how to look like they belonged in an early-2000s Romantic Comedy.

And then came Kavi’s knocks. There were three of them and they were somewhat hard. And when he was greeted by a male, he smiled. “Hello sir, April Foster, a party of two. Your Carriage is ready,” Kavi said as if he was some fucking waiter to a person he knew was her father.

“Sweety? Your...date is here to pick you up.” April’s father called out from the front door, glancing suspiciously at Kavi.

”I’m coming!!” April called out as she quickly corrected a few stray locks of hair. She paced out of her room, making sure to grab her small purse on her way. As she got to the door, she took in a breath before revealing herself to Kavi.

”Well, how do I look?” She asked, a nervous smile on her face. Hopefully, the nerves would be associated with the date and not with...no. Not now. It was homecoming and she was going to enjoy it, dammit!

Kavi took no steps in trying and hide how he looked her up and down. He gave her a smirk, eyes going from her round, slightly-pudgy face to her body and the curves that came with it. He honestly didn’t know what was better: her body or how her dress complimented it. The black and gold in appeal alone was worthy of someone to ride beside Kavi, but the way the fabric really hugged her body was another story. If it wasn’t for her father being in the house, Kavi had half of a mind to take her into her room, although given the first impressions they had of each other, it was probably not something she wanted to do.

“You look hot,” he stated rather simply. Truthfully, it was his honest-to-god opinion. “You’re going to make Diadumbo jealous without question.” He just had to make that comment. Again, it was another truthful one from his lips.

“Can’t say I’m surprised by that answer, coming from you.” April replied, her deep brown eyes giving him a quick once over. “I guess you clean up pretty decently as well.” April had to admit once again that Kavi was certainly attractive, at least on the outside.

What wasn’t attractive though, was that ungodly monstrosity of a Ferrari that now sat in her driveway. In April’s mind, whoever had decided to put that color of mint green onto a beautiful Ferrari 458 should be brought out into the street and shot. “We’re not riding to homecoming in that are we? What the hell did you do to the poor thing?” she inquired, motioning to Kavi’s car. Pacing over to it, April ran her fingers gently across the painted surface. After a moment of silence next to the car, she glanced to Kavi and then spoke to the car much like a parent would speak to a toddler “I’ll save you from his poor taste baby, don’t you worry.”

He just gave her a look. It was the sort of glance that was one that was born from shock as if she had the audacity to assume his father’s prized Ferrari 458 was his own choosing. “I don’t know what’s more offending,” he paused, turning to face her from his previous position of admiring his father’s Ferrari. To him it was priceless (even if others thought it was trash). “The fact that you don’t like it or that you seem to not like my father’s taste in colors,” he said, somewhat rolling his eyes at April. “But of course, if you don’t like it, you’re free to walk to the country club. I’m not sure how far you’ll get in those shoes, though.” He said, offering her a smug shrug.

“I think it’s more offending that your father chose that color for a Ferrari. The only colors a Ferrari should ever be is red, black, yellow or white. Certainly not that….odd choice of green.” April looked back to Kavi at the mention of her walking. “You really think I would resort to walking when I have my own beautiful baby in the garage?” She clicked the button on her keyring and the garage door behind Kavi opened to reveal her trademark white Maserati, it’s sleek form laying dormant in the garage as if waiting to be awoken. “Still a Ferrari engine, just in a different body. Tastefully colored.” She shot a playful smug look right back at Kavi.

The brunette paced back to Kavi from the Ferrari and stood even with him. “Admittedly, my comments were more of a joke to begin with, but we could certainly make this evening more interesting. How about it? A race to homecoming. If I win, you repaint the Ferrari.” April crossed her arms and looked Kavi in the eyes, her own eyes playful as she stared him down.

”Yeah, that’s not happening.”

In what could only be described as a rare moment, Kavi swiftly put to rest April’s bet. There was no way in hell he was going to be the source of his father’s anger (yes it existed) simply because of some jealous girl’s envy of his father’s superior taste in colors for sports cars. Of course, the main reason was that he took his father’s car as a reward for not being a total dick at school. Why in the hell would he risk that because April ‘Not April O’Neil’ Foster wanted to channel her inner Michelle Rodriguez and street race?

“Alright killjoy, we can take your distastefully colored Ferrari to homecoming instead of doing it the fun way.” April produced a fake pout before turning around and making her way back over to the mint-green supercar. She wasn’t really surprised that Kavi didn’t go for the bet, but it was how quickly he shot it down that did shock her. Normally Kavi seemed to be relatively carefree, not super by-the-book, mister goodie-two-shoes. Oh well, his loss.

As she opened the smooth hinged door of the Ferrari and carefully slid into the seat, she clicked the button on her keyring once again to close the garage door. ”Goodnight my sweet prince.” she said quietly, watching the headlights slowly disappear behind the door. Briefly, she glanced down to her waistline again to make sure she hadn’t been seeing things before but praying that she had. The paranoia was not to last though, as she felt a headache that had harassed her all morning beginning to crawl it’s way back into her skull.

Keep it together April, you’re fine, she thought to herself as she closed her eyes and rested her head against the window.

It was plenty clear to Kavi that things were a little awkward since but not limited to when he dismissed her offer to race and the eventual uncomfortable silence that followed. He tried not to act like it bothered him. And he succeeded for a while. The sound of his father’s flawless, superior sports car revved through the Crown Heights neighborhood. This was a testament to Kavi’s similar love of going fast that he knew April Foster had. It wasn’t necessarily his need to feel the engine beneath him sending him into the 100+ speed, but more like how he liked the power that came with driving such a beast that was his father’s Ferrari.

As he put the pedal to the metal as it sped down the highway, but not even five minutes, Kavi found himself particularly nettled by April’s obvious lack of talking. “Okay, what’s wrong now? Are you not used to being in the passenger’s side in this kind of car?” He asked. He did his best not to show his annoyance, but no matter how much he tried to hide it, Kavi Salvador never did excel in truly hiding such a feeling.

As they drove through Crown Heights, April’s head pounded like a bass drum. Her eyes had remained closed since they’d left the Foster estate and despite the glorious sound of the Ferrari’s monstrous engine, April’s mood had declined significantly. Had she not been feeling so off, the thrill of going at some ludicrous speed down the highway would’ve certainly brought a smile to her face. It was one of the few things that April and Kavi actually agreed on. When Kavi finally spoke up after what seemed to be like hours of silence, April couldn’t help but feel a bit of guilt for making him feel like her silence was his fault.

“Don’t take it personally, but I’d rather not say. It’s not something you did, not at all. I’m just not feeling great.”

The speed of the highway certainly wasn’t doing her head any favors, nor was the gentle vibrations that came through the car of the tires rolling over the tarmac. It was only when a huge wave of nausea hit her like a freight train that April finally spoke up. “Kavi pull over the car.”

Does she not realize we were on the highway?

Only for a moment, Kavi thought about fighting her on this, but the way she looked actually sent him into a mild panic. If the way her eyes and her overall complexion was any indication - mainly Kavi knowing that look from his sister when she got too drunk at a party - it was that she was either just about to throw up or was well on her way. Either way, Kavi knew his dad would kick his ass if he let that happen. So the teen slowed as he pulled into what was often referred to as the Bike Lane.

In less than half of a minute, the beast of a vehicle that had been easily clearing 80mph was now at a complete stop. “Just..don’t get anything in the car. You have no idea how pissed my dad will be if he smelled the slightest hint of vomit and you certainly appear like you’re close to doing just that,” he noted to her. There was no hiding that fact from him, though Kavi found it odd. She seemed to be fine earlier.

With a practiced hand, April quickly and regrettably put her perfectly styled hair up into a ponytail and opened the door of the car. The fresh outside air made her feel better momentarily, but not before April dropped to all fours and threw up into the grass. How it hadn’t hit her dress was some miracle, maybe the homecoming gods were watching over her today. It would certainly be nice to have a streak of good luck for once. Though when April remembered what else she’d caught up in tonight, that streak of good luck she’d so hoped for fizzled in front of her eyes.

A few moments later after April regained her breath, she coughed a bit and shuddered. With the vile taste still filling her mouth, she stood back up and walked back to the car. April took a seat and closed the door with a shaky hand. “Thanks…” She said quietly and meekly, before leaning her head on the window once again. It was going to be a long night if this was going to continue.

“Please don’t tell anyone about this Kavi…I don’t need pity.” April certainly didn’t look her best, and while the makeup helped a bit, her discomfort was still quite noticeable.

”What’s the big deal about a little nausea? Everyone gets it from time to time. I don’t think anyone would have any particular interest, let alone ‘pity’ you for it,” Kavi spoke honestly. He was finding trouble understanding why she wanted him to keep quiet about it.

“You’re right...I guess there is no big deal.” April kept her eyes closed in an attempt to hide the absolute blatant lie she just told. Surely Kavi wouldn’t put the pieces together before they got to homecoming. Then again, if he knew Diablo--and he did--Kavi may very well put two and two together, and tell the world of her secret before she could speak. Now there was a nightmare she didn’t want to live. Or think of for that matter.

“Are we almost there, Kavi?” She said in an attempt to change the subject. “I’m starving now…” The brunette opened her eyes to examine their surroundings, wincing gently as the light caused her a bit of pain from her headache.

He really wasn’t buying it, but to save himself whatever remained of his favor points with April, Kavi decided not to push her on it. He was feeling remarkably unlike himself tonight, which meant he was going to cut her some slack. Whatever was bothering her, if she wanted to, he would be an open ear for her. It wasn’t that Kavi was trying to get into her pants. At the state, she was in, that particular experience wouldn’t be as enjoyable for her as it might be for him.

Kavi took a detour as he went to the furthest left lane, a slight swerving action taken, resulting in a couple of cars honking at his reckless action. “Oops,” he laughed, speeding down the exit. Quick, expert-like turns brought them in the parking lot of some restaurant. Kavi didn’t know what it was, but April said she was hungry, so he just found the closest one. Unbeknownst to him, he didn’t realize that it was some lower class place that only the poor kids eat at.

“Well, it’s no luxurious, 5-star dining establishment, but I suppose Red Lobster will have to do,” Kavi said to himself, looking to April, “or are you allergic to shellfish?”

“Honestly Kavi, if I hadn’t thrown up five minutes ago I would kiss you.” April looked over to him, a warm smile on her face. “I won’t be long...just gonna grab something quick. I really appreciate it Kavi.”

The brunette hopped out of the car with a little bit more energy than she had before and closed the door behind her. She paced up to the front of the building as her heels clicked against the paved parking lot, turning back to Kavi for a single moment as she got to the door.

“I totally forgot to ask, did you want anything?” April called out from where she stood, hoping that Kavi could hear her through the window. She felt super out-of-place, wearing a fancy homecoming dress in front of a not-so-fancy restaurant. Overdressed was an understatement.

Looking at her for a moment, Kavi just gave her a shrug. “Just get me whatever you’re getting. I trust your judgment.” As he said that, Kavi shot her a playful wink. Shades of how Kavi normally acted slowly returned and all it took was April’s fine ass to stand there looking pretty in this dump of a parking lot. Obviously, she stood out in the best of ways.

A few minutes later, April returned to the car with a styrofoam take-out box in one hand and a bright colored paper bag in other. The brunette couldn’t hide the biggest shit-eating grin on her face as she walked back to the car. Not because she’d actually done anything to his food, no that would’ve been too easy. No, April had gone a little further than that. As she got in the car and handed Kavi the paper bag, it became clearly evident that she’d bought him a kid’s meal. She shot a playful grin to Kavi before diving into the garlic shrimp she’d bought for herself.

“Enjoy! I hope the portion isn’t too big for you.” April couldn’t help to stifle a laugh as she took a bite of her food. It was evident that despite the events of before, April was feeling much better.

As he opened up paper bag, which was considerably lighter than hers, contained a serving of seven, small chicken tenders/sticks and a small styrofoam bowl with creamy mac and cheese. Kavi wasn’t exactly sure if she got him this as a serious gesture or a joke. Whichever the case was, instead of acting like he was offended (he wasn’t), he laughed and smiled at her.

“Oh, how did you know these were my favorites?” Kavi said, taking one of the tenders into his mouth.

“Lucky guess? I dunno, guess I just tried to think about how much of a child you are and went from there.” She shot him a playful grin before taking another bite of her shrimp. Despite the rather...cheap restaurant--at least for someone of Crown Heights--April found the food quite passable. Now it was nothing like the local restaurants, but for a fifteen minute prep time, it was quite good.

“Aww, look at you thinking about my needs--” Kavi began saying as April suddenly interrupted him ( and alarmingly so at that).

April looked to the time and her eyes widened. “Hey uh, we should probably get to the country club before there’s no parking. Even though they still had plenty of time, April was one for being early to an event and nothing had changed in her today. That, and the longer they were at homecoming together, the bigger the chance was that Diablo would see her and Kavi together in some form. Maybe then he’d see what he’d lost. Maybe then she could finally corner him and talk to him alone.

Kavi faked a disappointed frown. “And here I thought you were enjoying our date,” he joked, starting up the Ferrari. As he looked behind him, as soon as he was sure there weren’t any cars in the way (his father would literally kill him if he got even so much as a scratch on the car), Kavi pulled out of the driveway and made his way back the way they came. After their short detour, Kavi knew he had to get there as fast as he could (less April make a demand again).

“I never said I wasn’t enjoying it…” April replied, though no longer with the playful tone she’d had before.

The traffic on the highway was less than it was before he pulled off for Red Lobster, so it allowed a swift journey to their desired exit, which was the next one after the one that just passed. And for whatever reason, April was once again a little quieter than she usually was. “Do you need me to pull over again?” He asked her, already slowing down from the 80 MPH he had been going in the 65mph zone.

April shook herself from her thoughts as Kavi spoke, glancing at the time once again. “No no, not on my account.” The brunette was about to go quiet again when something caught her eye in the passenger mirror. “You may have to pull over for that guy, however.” She motioned to the police car not three car lengths behind them. “I saw him turn on behind us about a mile after we left Red Lobster.” April’s heart instinctively sped up. Even though it wasn’t her behind the wheel, having a cop following them still made her nervous. It was like they were drawn to her. It couldn’t possibly have been just the car.
“Oh, well then what should I do? Slow down so he can pass us or something?” Kavi asked, keeping with the speed limit as he occasionally looked through the driver-side mirror to see if that car was still following them.

“Worst-case scenario, he pulls us over and we have a neat story to tell when we’re two hours late because the car was impounded.” April shrugged. The cop hadn’t turned on his lights yet so, for now, they were in the green. “Honestly, he’ll probably just give you a ticket for a public eyesore. Despite all that Kavi had done for her, April was far from done with the jabs at Kavi’s car. It was too much fun to ignore.

He knew she didn’t like the color, but just for that, Kavi had decided he was going to do something a little reckless. Whether it was to hurry and get to the dance or as revenge for her constant jabs at his father’s Ferrari, April wouldn’t know. The only thing that she would ever know was the sudden increase Kavi made in speed as soon as he made the turn from the exit he just took. As soon that happened, the Ferrari went from a casual 45mph, which had the engine roaring somewhat mildly, but as soon as his foot pressed on the accelerator, that engine purred like she was meant to, bringing the total mph into the 60+ range.

And it was from the moment he did that to the half of a mile it was from the country club did that same car that April was talking about, turn its lights on, the sounds following the mint green Ferrari. “Would you look at that? It Seems we got a friend who wants to play,” Kavi smiled, looking through the rear-side mirror. There was no mistake it was a cop and he meant business.

April grinned as Kavi floored it. Finally, he’d caved to her pestering and her jabs at his car. As much as she liked the sound of her own car, the Ferrari was no slouch under the hood and took off like a rocket as he pressed the accelerator. April instinctively grabbed the handle on the door to steady herself. It was a new feeling, being in the passenger seat while going this fast. She felt so out of control, and yet that grin had yet to leave her face.

“Well, that's one way to make this evening more interesting. Just remember this is on you, I’m just along for the ride.” April reached down and plugged her phone into the stereo, quickly flipping through her playlist before arriving at Bell Bottoms by Jon Spencer. She cranked the stereo as Kavi whipped down the road, her playful eyes dancing between the windshield and the mirror on her right. Her wish had come true. They’d certainly have a story to tell when they got to homecoming. If they got to homecoming.

April wasn’t the only one who knew her way around a steering wheel. Kavi might not be the speed demon she was, but he had enough experience behind the wheel to know when to floor it and when to turn sharply. Based off how the cop was falling behind, Kavi was confident he would be able to get the upper hand. And that’s exactly what he did. A swift turn that cut in front of some oncoming traffic from the opposing lanes, Kavi sped right into the parking lot of the country club. He then whipped the Ferrari down a sharp turn again, this time, pushing his foot down on the break as hard as he could, drifting slightly into a free parking slot.

“Whew! That was lucky, wasn’t it?” Kavi let out a relieved laugh, but before April would be able to say anything, that same cop finally caught up, but he didn’t seem to know where they were. “Quick, get out. If he doesn’t see us, he won’t be able to give me a ticket,” Kavi urged of her, opening both doors thanks to a function on the set of keys to the Ferrari.

April was still grinning like an idiot as she scurried out of the car, all too aware of the cop car cruising down the road towards them.

“Come on Kavi! He’s right there!” April urged her partner on, taking his hand and practically dragging him towards the country club entrance. There were a decent amount of people already at the venue and so once they got close enough, picking them out from the crowd would’ve been damn near impossible. Especially because the cop had never gotten a decent view of them during the chase.

As they finally had a chance to relax, April looked to Kavi. “I was wrong about you Kavi.” The brunette looked down to her feet, trying to put the words together in her head. No matter what she tried, it always sounded cheesy. Fuck it. she thought to herself, before looking back up at her literal partner in crime. “I’ve had more fun this afternoon with you than I’ve had in a while. I was really dreading this evening after our encounter at lunch, but you’ve definitely changed my mind.”

“Oh?” Kavi looked at her curiously, smiling with a grin. “As I recall, you thought I was a ‘complete asshole’ and you were going to ‘make me say goodbye to my perfect smile’,” he reminded her, that perfect smile of his still grinning at her like the cheeky bastard he was.

“Believe me, it’s still a possibility...but for now you could say that I’m pleasantly content with how the evening’s gone so far.” April returned his grin with a warm smile of her own before turning to the party before them. “Shall we go raise some hell? They may have forced our dates for this evening, but they can’t force our actions.

“I like the way you think, April Foster.”

With their hands locked together, in went a couple of Kavi and April and it now the night had truly begun.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Okonuki
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Okonuki ok this is epic / bottom text

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It wasn’t that Declan didn’t want to go to the homecoming. Well, maybe it was a little. His lateness had more to do with the unfortunate meeting of a stray rock and the front tyre of his band van on the way home from a concert. Spending hours on the side of the highway waiting for road service hadn’t been his first idea of a good afternoon, but you didn’t get much choice when your tyre was looking more like a Dali-esque melting clock than a circle.

He’d picked out the suit well in advance- over a year ago in fact, for a cousin’s wedding where he was a groomsman. Who needed more than one suit anyways? Black was a little too cliche, so he’d gone with a navy blue jacket, paired with an electric cyan tie and polished brown shoes. Declan was never really comfortable in such formal attire, so he tried to make it a little more interesting.

Only a few stragglers hung around the entrance to the country club. He checked his watch again. Five minutes wasn’t that long. Spotting what had to be his date across from him, he wandered over and gave her a smile.

‘You look uh... cool.’ Her dress looked like it had fallen the wrong way out of a renaissance fair. ‘Haven’t kept you waiting long, have I?’

She looked him over, the eyes trailing across his navy blue coat, bright blue tie, and brown shoes. Goodness in the eyes of the lord almighty. Brown shoes. The bright tie was bad enough. She did her beat to give him one of her most charming and docile smiles. All the sweetness she could muster spread through her body as the shorter small woman moved toward him and straightened his tie.

“Well,” she replied, “It most certainly could have been longer. Did you secure our tickets?” Her inquiry was accompanied by hands against his chest, a coy and suggestive smile, and bright sparkly eyes that hinted that she knew she might have to pay their way.

‘Tickets… oh yeah.’ Declan moved slightly away from her- the distance between the two of them was a little too close and he didn’t like the way her hands curled against his chest almost flirtatiously. Just because the school had forced the two of them to go together didn’t mean he had to like it. Or make it easy. He patted his thighs anxiously for a second before finding the slips of paper in his breast pocket.
‘Almost thought I forgot them. That’d would have made a fun night, huh?’ he grinned uneasily.

Her smile faltered slightly when it seemed he might have forgotten the tickets and took slight offense to his backing away. Wasn’t she lovely enough to have him in total awe of her appearance? She began to feel she should have put even more effort into it, maybe gotten that adorable dress that was cut short to show some leg.

The tickets appeared and she gestured toward the doors. “Well, onwards then.” She did not attempt to touch him again and simply snatched her ticket from his fingers. As she made her way through the decadent, starlit entrance she could tell she had at least attracted someone as the boy who took her ticket looked hungrily over her form. This helped calm and reassure her ego that the boy she was paired with was just a dope. Maybe he was gay?

The inside was both gorgeous and tacky. There was certainly thought and creativity put into it but the execution was cheaply done. At least in Penny’s opinion. She asked her date. “Shall we get drinks?”

“I think I’ll need several to get me through tonight. Though I guess the school is hardly going to be sponsoring underage drinking with anything good. Hopefully someone’s spiked the punch.” He sniffed at a half-full scoop of the juice. “Smells legal. Unfortunately.”
Declan poured two cups, handing one to his date.

A more natural grin spread over her lips. ‘Okay, that was actually pretty funny,’ she thought as she accepted the glass. Taking a sip she wrinkled her nose. “Tastes legal too.” Much to her disappointment. She was beginning to wish she had brought something bigger than her clutch. Penny could have at least brought a few mini bottles. Her blue eyes turned mischievous as she said, “I’m sure someone here could set us up if we asked nicely enough.”

Declan peered around the dance floor, but it seemed that most of the current attendees were the teachers unlucky enough to draw the short straw on chaperoning. “Man, and I thought we were fashionably late. There’s like no one here. And I somehow doubt we’re going to get a peek at Mr Gomez’s secret tequila stash.”

Penny snorted with derision, “Only if he hasn’t drunken it all already.” The corners of her lips tugged upwards, “I would love to see a drunken Gomez though. I’ll bet he’s a riot.” She downed the last of her cup and held it empty. “Music is kinda lame too. Did the teachers pick it out too?” She was starting feel annoyed by the whole thing again. It was like some old fogey party Daddy Donny made her go to with some stupid rich boy. At least at those parties she was guaranteed to get laid. She regretted not doing a line before she came to this sham of a homecoming.

“They need some live stuff. I’d rather be up there on the keys than down here dancing.” He looked forlornly at the few pathetic speakers they had scattered around the floor, playing seemingly what the teacher’s thought was ‘hip.’ Declan rolled up his sleeve for a quick glance at his watch. “Do you reckon they’ve set a time limit on us? They said we had to show up, not stay the whole time. I bet ten minutes counts enough to walk us at graduation.”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “I spent hours on this, I’m not about to leave until I have at least five men drooling at my feet babe.” She grinned and tapped her empty cup. “You know… I’ll be you El Diablo has some good stuff. Maybe we help Senor Stuffy-Pants loosen up? Hmmm?”

‘What, Gomez?’ The english teacher was currently leaning against the wall across from them, a half glass of water in hand and his eyes fixated on the clock. “He already looks like he’s having the time of his life. I bet he wouldn’t even notice a little hit. I think I saw Santiago’s car outside- he must be here somewhere.”

“I’ll look around in here if you want to look around outside? He shouldn’t be too hard to spot. He usually makes a scene.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Venus
Avatar of Venus


Member Seen 4 days ago

I like that you're broken
Broken like me
Maybe that makes me a fool
I like that you're lonely
Lonely like me
I could be lonely with you

There's something tragic, but almost pure
Think I could love you, but I'm not sure
There's something wholesome, there's something sweet
Tucked in your eyes that I'd love to meet

If Marisol had thought that she would be out the door the second her feet hit the first floor of her home, she'd been gravely mistaken. No sooner than her family upstairs had heard Salem’s voice they had all rushed downstairs: cameras in hand and swarming the young couple with like some crazed hoard of paparazzi and effectively interrupting the moment they’d been having. The brunette had been happy to indulge them in the first round of photographs, which included ones of her and Sal posing together nicely, making funny faces at the camera, and some candid ones of their first impressions of each other - you know, right before her family had fucking dashed into the room like a stampede of elephants. After ten minutes of this madness, Mari had decided that enough was enough, and she’d used the advantage of being right next to the door arm-in-arm with Salem to dismiss everyone and finally make their escape.

“Sorry about that! My family doesn’t see me dressed up like this often, so they make a huge-ass scene whenever I do,” Marisol apologized sheepishly once they were safely outside the confines of Casa Castillo, rolling her eyes. Just remembering her family’s reaction to this event was enough to make her cringe, even if she knew it came from a good place. She had never been one to be good with dealing with attention. Pushing the thoughts aside, she continued. “But anyway, I have more important topics to discuss with you… Like: how the fuck did you know about the sunflowers?” the girl asked Salem as they walked in the direction of his car, with her still happily holding the bright, beautiful flower he’d gifted her.

“Well, there were fifty different flowers they sold there, so I had a one in fifty chance. I figured my odds were pretty good.” Salem hummed playfully, moving his head close to Mari as if he was telling her something in confidence, “Plus sunflowers suit you.”

This brought a grin to the normally sulky Marisol. Being compared to flowers was not something she heard very often, and especially never from anybody besides her father, older brother and cousin. “Then I don't know how the hell you guessed it, but sunflowers are actually my favorite kind of flower. You must be a fucking psychic or something,” she said with a laugh, shaking her head at the irony of this whole thing.

What were the odds that Sal had actually picked her favorite fucking flower out of all the ones in the store? Either he had previously stalked her social medias to know this, she'd accidentally blurted it out in a convo during the week, he was telling the truth about merely guessing right, or there a supernatural chain of events pushing the two closer together. Frankly, Sol didn't give a shit about which one it was. All that mattered was that Salem had made her pretty damn happy with this bright little flower.

As she revised his answer in her head, another question came to her. “Why do you say they suit me, though? I am genuinely curious to hear your opinion.”

Salem bought himself time by opening the passenger door for her to slide into. He didn’t know exactly how to explain why the sunflower suited her without potentially offending her. Though, Salem imagined it would be hard to offend anyone over a flower. In truth, the sunflower just fit her. It was wilder and more free-spirited than the other typical flowers, but saying that out loud just sounded ridiculously cliche.

“Well,” Salem exhaled once Marisol was in the car, leaning over her to buckle her in since the old car’s seat belts could be particularly tricky, “Roses seemed too romantic and mushy for your personality, tulips are too delicate, but I felt like sunflowers were spunky, like you.”

When Salem basically leaned over -and in the process invaded her personal space- to buckle her seat belt, the smell of what was probably the best cologne her nose had ever had the pleasure of sniffing invaded Marisol's senses. The green-eyed girl had been right in the middle of her response back to his comment when the scent hit, immediately rendering her speechless. She closed her eyes for a second and breathed in deeply, trying to take in and enjoy as much of the cologne-soaked air as she could. Say what you will about Marisol, but she was a sucker for men’s cologne.

The hormonal thoughts that were racing through Sol's mind were definitely not ones she wanted to entertain at the moment -if she wanted to keep things normal and not any more awkward than they could already be-, so she begrudgingly opened her eyes and willed herself to act normal.

“Jesus fuck, you smell amazing…” Mari muttered out loud, not really realizing that she had until it was too late. In an instant, her eyes widened, her cheeks blazed red, and she quickly looked away towards the window so he couldn't see the obvious embarrassment painted all over her dolled-up face. It took all of her self-restraint to not humiliate herself even further by smacking her open palm against her forehead. ‘Way to go, Castillo.’

“Thanks, it’s Clive Christian’s Imperial Majesty. I only use it for special occasions ” Salem chuckled, a smile coming to his lips. He slowly drew back from the car, leaning against the open door and giving Marisol full view of his cheeky grin, “You smell nice, too.”

Marisol grinned, amused at their laughable attempts at small talk. “Viktor and Rolfe’s Flowerbomb. My aunt Callie gave it to me for Christmas last year.”

Salem closed the door, taking care to make sure her dress was not caught. He didn’t bother to trot around the car, but leisurely strolled to the driver’s side and climbed in carefully. Even though the car was old, it purred nicely when he started up the car.

“Alright, let’s go, my little enchilada.” Sal said, peeling out of Mari’s driveway.

The short girl quickly barked a laugh in response. “Are you fucking serious right now, my king-sized cannoli?” she said right back in a mocking tone, lightly punching Salem's arm with a grin.

“Hey, hey, I’m driving here.” Salem jokingly admonished while pressing his palm into the back of the seathead and reversing out of the driveway. He quietly drove down the road before fiddling with the old school knobs. “Hey, so my car’s too old for music, but I have a bluetooth speaker under the seat if you want to play something.”

This brought a devilish grin to Mari’s lips. “Boy do I have a treat for you,” she said in a teasing tone, pulling out her phone from her clutch and quickly going through the procedure of connecting it to the vehicle’s bluetooth system. “Do you like rap music? I’m not really a big fan, but Eminem sent my mom a digital copy of his new album that drops next week, and I have it right here if you wanna listen to it.”

Rap wasn’t much of Salem’s thing either, but Eminem was one of those artists you just listened to sometimes. He shrugged with one shoulder, flashing a quick smile towards Mari so she would know he was game. Because safety comes first, he kept his eyes on the road with his hand draped over 12 o’clock and his other hand gripping 7 o’clock.

“You get exclusive early releases often?” Salem inquired, eyes flickering to her every now and then.

“Only Em’s,” Mari said with a shrug, bobbing her head to the music. “To make a long story short, my mom’s boxing name is Shady because she’s been a fan of Em’s all her life. And when he found out about it after she made it big and they met at an event, they’ve been in contact ever since. Now she gets the early heads up about any events he’ll be in, his merch and his releases.”

His eyebrow raised in surprise, but also with a hint of impressed. “Well, if I ever need an Eminem heads up, I’ll give you a call. Though, if you ever hear anything about Shania Twain, I better be the first person you tell.”

Marisol shot Salem a revolted look. “Do I look like a Shania Twain girl to you?” she asked him in disbelief before bursting into laughter.

“No,” Salem said, grinning at her, “but I’m a Shania Twain girl.”

This earned him another round of laughter from Mari, who playfully shoved the boy's shoulder. “You're so stupid,” the brunette said softly, shaking her head with a smile on her face before pressing the play button and getting their party started.

That’s how they spent the rest of the ride to the dance: trading tidbits about their lives and listening to music. Eventually, Salem learned one of Eminem’s raps after listening to it three times and enthusiastically started shouting it to encourage a laugh from Marisol. Pulling into the parking lot for homecoming, Salem couldn’t help but think that the car ride was a good indication of how well and fun this homecoming would turn out. Marisol was a fun girl and Salem was genuinely hyped to spend time with her for the next couple of hours.

On the other half of the equation, Marisol was equally looking forward to the night ahead. It had been some time since she’d felt genuinely excited about a school event - or just a night out, really. Her relationships with those closest to her had been on shaky ground since the scene with Victoire’s car weeks previously, making it stressful for her to navigate around them. She knew they all had the best of intentions, but sometimes it could be too much to handle.

But with Salem, the jeweled-eyed girl found it easy to be herself, without having to worry about him feeling sorry for her or gauging her every reaction for any signs of another ‘incident’. The young man had been a breath of fresh air when she felt she was drowning, and she planned to savor the feeling for as long as she could.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 8 days ago

Scribble scribble scribble

All sorts of creatures cohort on the whites of Aaliyah’s notebook. The margins filled with pointless scribbles, maybe she could make her own burn book. Who was she kidding? Aaliyah could never be as savage as Regina George nor as pretty. That thought lingered in her mind as her physics class droned on in the background as white noise. Attendance was being called and the teacher finally got to King.

“King, King, King”

The scene was straight out of Ferris Bueller’s day off. The teacher spoke in the same monotonous monotone voice as his celebrity counterpart. A black hole swirled in the middle of her paper with no signs of stopping, consuming everything surrounding it. Suddenly an asteroid collided with Aliyah’s head, grounding her back to earth. Except it wasn’t an asteroid and more so a crumpled piece of paper. Aaliyah’s cheeks went flush as her words started to spew out in word vomit. Why was it so difficult just to say “here”?

As the day went on, things hadn’t gotten any better for the young wallflower. Homecoming was right around the corner and it seemed like it was more of a mating season than a formal courtship. Aaliyah hadn’t planned on going and finding academic excuse to not, but she was out of luck. With the pairings out Aaliyah looked to see her partner. Sweat started to accumulate on her forehead as her glasses became uneven. Her eyes would avert themselves from the list every time she approached her name.

“Please not a jock, please not a jock” she chanted.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and traced her finger to her name before slowly opening them to reveal J.J. Reyes as her match.

“Of course, I get the jock” she said dejected, her back turning to the wall before she slid down to take a seat. Her worries didn’t concern the jock so much as what she was going to wear and how she was supposed achieve a “glow up” in such a short window. Aaliyah was really wishing she had her own fairy godmother that could help her go to the ball. The closest thing she had to that was her mother and maybe Chanel, but she was barely even a blip on the fashionistas radar. With some more existential sighs, Aaliyah was finally ready to collect herself and head home on her favorite bicycle. Her mom was going to have a blast.

It was finally the day of homecoming and Aaliyah had spent every waking hour prior to homecoming with her mom in search of the perfect dress. At this point most of the shopping was for her mom rather than her. A slave to her mother’s idea of a makeover, Aaliyah began to feel like a stranger in her own skin. After finding a dress she was comfortable in, her mom decided to take her to a salon and makeup artist to get her glow up professionally done. First was the salon, where they thoroughly washed and brushed her hair. Knot after knot was finally broken down into long lush waves of hair. It was the first time Aaliyah had ever gotten her eyebrows waxed as well. You know when you get hit by a rubber ball in dodge ball? Yeah it felt like that but directly on the eyebrow. With some tears and hair follicles lost, Aaliyah was ready for makeup. Bright lights and mirrors had surrounded her as if she was in a mental hospital, but to think that all of this wasn’t crazy would be a stretch. Aaliyah could feel like extra layer of skin covering her body like an alien symbiote. Once she looked at the mirror, much to her dismay she quite liked how she looked.

All those years spent surfing Pinterest and Tumblr look at other girls and wishing she was just as flawless, and fashionable were now coming full circle. The ugly duckling was finally feeling pretty for once and with it a blossoming sense of self confidence, which once trapped under the soil of her self-doubt. If only Jew boy Elijah could see her now. Now it was time for wardrobe; black dress slipped on, accessories coming shortly after, Aaliyah was ready to dazzle her peers with her new look. Tonight, would be the start of a new life, a better life. And with that Aaliyah had made her way to the party after being taken by her big brother.

“Since when did you start looking grown?” Josiah asked, confused as to what happened to his sister.

“This is always who I was meant to be. I can’t let you and sis show me up” Aaliyah setting up her brother to be put in check.

“I see you sis, just make sure none of these dusty niggas holla at you now. If they do let them know they can get the smoke”

Aaliyah couldn’t help but chuckle as her cheeks turned red from embarrassment, “Don’t worry, I’ll call you if I need you.”

The two had arrived at the venue, as more students and faculty poured in. “Thanks for everything Josiah, I’ll see you later” she said to her brother giving him a hug and kiss before getting out.

“Just breath and don’t trip over anything” giving herself a quick pep talk before she entered the event. The first thing she needed was a drink, so the chess queen made her move to the punch bowl in anticipation of her big night.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 1 day ago

Palm Beach, Florida
October 6th, 2018

“What the actual fuck?”

The words had almost left her like clockwork as the blonde-haired girl expressed a look of confusion and rage on the steps to her front door.

Despite her thoughts on Diablo, Mara was fully ready to swallow her pride (and pool of hatred) for the “greater good”. The greater good meaning her future academic prospects, of course. If the school board hadn’t put a bullseye on every student for their imbecilic experiment she wouldn’t have even considered the idea in the first place. Hell, without the interference of her own friends she probably wouldn’t have even graced the event with any sort of “proper” appearance. But she had foolishly admitted to Victoire that she had little experience with dress shopping and some of the other finer points. Hell, she wasn’t even a big fan of dances; she thought them a waste of her very precious time. And what did she get exactly from Diablo for all of her patience?

Being made a mockery of before she was even out of the door.

“Motherfucker.” She mouthed as she let out a frustrated sigh as she stomped toward the three car garage attached to her parent's house, shuffling through her handbag for her keys as she did so.

Mara had been willing to play nice with Diablo for the night for the sole reason that both of them had been put in an uncompromisingly shitty situation they didn't want to be in, but after this? That deal was off. Fortunately, she didn’t need to rely on anybody but herself; a fact of life she was already rather accustomed to. Mara only needed Mara and she was sure glad she was raised with the idea that everyone else was incompetent. If she hadn’t she would’ve probably been right fucked because Diablo wanted to act like a pompous impatient diva.

As she got in her 2011 Porsche Cayenne she pulled out her phone as she put her handbag in the passenger seat. Angrily typing to a text to Vic about how well her night was going already. The words “TFW your date ditches you before you can get out the front door.” couldn’t have been typed any faster. When that was done she groaned again to clear her anxieties as she turned the key and took off for the dance she had been forced to attend. Out of all the ways this night could have gone she couldn’t have imagined this was the way it was going to go. But given her knowledge of Diablo and his reckless, selfish, egotistical behavior? She should have.

But even Mara made miscalculations.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 1 day ago

Palm Beach, Florida
October 6th, 2018

“For real? You didn't even try to find out where she lives in a week? Are you seriously that stupid?”

Truth be told, J.J. knew his sister was absolutely right.

He may have not known very much about senior dances like homecoming and prom, but he knew enough to know that not showing some initiative to learn more about Aaliyah King was in poor taste. Trip had already filled him in on some basic information, but J.J. had put in little effort despite his future being on the line regarding his attendance at the dance. But it wasn’t like he had ignored the subject intentionally, either. When he had heard the news about his best friend in New York had been in an “accident” his mind had gone from Palm Springs to New York City for several days. He had been asking questions about his friend pulling through rather than seeking out Aaliyah King at school and asking how she wanted him to handle things.

J.J. didn’t blame his sister from screeching at him when he tried explaining the situation as he shuffled through his closet as he prepared to leave for the dance. But he really did want her to stop so he could focus.

“Maya. Can you just... chill? I get it.”

“Do you, Basketball Jones? This is supposed to be Homecoming! You need to stop acting like you have the intelligence of a Tyler Perry character. You better make it up to this Aaliyah girl. If she even wants to look at you. I know I wouldn't.”

He laughed, mostly out of nervousness. “Message Received. Now can you get out of my room so I can get ready and go?”

“Yeah. But don't you fuck up again like this. I'd hate to kill you in the name of sisterhood.” Maya uttered before making her way out of the room, closing the door behind her as she left.

J.J. sighed as he moved his suit jacket to his bed, keeping in mind to have some measure of tact in how he decided to go to Homecoming. He didn’t want to appear too formal but at the same time, he didn’t just want to slap some basic t-shirt and pair it with the jacket. From what he understood about Homecoming and especially Palm Springs he knew he needed some kind of balance. Something that didn't make everyone look at him like he was a eskimo in a desert.

Once he figured out that part he’d jump in his car and go to the dance and hopefully he’d run into Aaliyah there. It wasn't a great plan, but it was what he had to work with.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ejected
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

an @Ejected & @eclecticwitch collaboration
Featuring Beatrice Endive and Kavan Varma

It was a couple of days after the school assembly that Kavan took the dreaded trip to the nearest Men’s Warehouse in order pick out a suit; as expected, his sister decided to tag along in order to make sure that he didn’t walk out with something unsuitable for the homecoming dance. It took them a little over an hour to complete Kavan's ensemble, and another for the boy to convince his sister to forgo taking him to get a haircut. "Whatever," the girl had said to her brother after listening to his protests, "but only if you promise me that you won't wear any eyeliner. I refuse to let you leave our house looking like Jack Sparrow." As the young man sat in the driveway of his date's home, taking one last glance into his rear view mirror and running his fingers through his freshly combed hair, he had to admit that his sister did a pretty bang-up job. The suit was simple, the only pop of color being his bright red handkerchief. Soon, he took his keys out of the ignition and tossed them into his jacket pocket before getting out of the car and strolling up to Beatrice's front door. He had just finished rapping his knuckles against the door when it was suddenly pulled open.

The door was opened by none other than Papa Elliot. He wasn’t much taller than Kavan, perhaps an inch or two. He was wearing his best, stern dad face and looked the young man up and down. There was a long silence as he studied the boy; Kavan, who was usually cool and collected at all times, couldn't help but feel slightly on edge as the older man looked him over. After a few more moments of awkward judging he finally stepped back and allowed the young man in. Kavan let out a deep breath that he hadn't even realized he'd been holding as he entered the large home.

"You must be one of Bea's dads," Kavan said after clearing his throat, trying his best to break the awkward silence, "It's nice to meet you; you all have a lovely home." As Kavan spoke, his eyes began to roam, taking in everything he could see from his place in the foyer. Elliot simply made a harrumphing sort of sound and kept his eyes on the stairs. The entrance showed a grand living room with multiple couches and an enormous television. There was a fire place, plush blue curtains, and wooden floors with a few throw rugs near the furniture. To the left there was a archway that lead to a sparkling kitchen. From here another man appeared. He was tall, lanky and quite handsome per his husband’s boasting. He wore a warm and welcoming smile compared to Papa Elliot’s cold glare. It was his warm welcome that ultimately eased Kavan's nerves.

“Hello, welcome! You must be Kavan. Bea hasn’t told us much about you I’m afraid. It is a pleasure to meet you and thank you for taking our little lady to homecoming. I’m Roland, though you can just call me Ro.” He strode forth and offered a hand to shake. Kavan, without hesitation, grabbed the man's hand and gave it a firm shake.

“It’s not like she had a choice,” Elliot grumbled. “And all this business with just boys and girls... I should threaten to pull my donations to the school.” He mumbled this last part and crossed his arms over his chest. Obviously he was annoyed not only by a complete stranger taking his only daughter to a dance but also the fact that there were only heteronormal choices.

“You know the school is a bit old fashioned. How about a much more patient approach. Besides, it would hold much more water if the parents were involved. And other groups. Stop your bothering. We’ll make sure nothing like this happens again.” Despite the warmth of his appearance, there came a dangerous cast over his expression that implied he planned to drag the school through the mud. “Anyway, our little bumble bee should be right down. Can I get you something to drink?” Ro led the way to one of the decadent couches. He chatted idly while Elliot chose to stand by the staircase and await his treasured daughter.

"I'm alright, thank you," Kavan responded politely as he took a seat on the sofa, "And I do agree with you two, if I may add... about the school's blatant heteronormativity. It's such a shame..." As Kavan spoke, he couldn't help but think back on the day that the whole "pairing" idea was first announced when one other than Archer Diedrikson had been one of the very few people who'd voiced their complaints about there only being hetero pairings. A smile tugged at Kavan's lips as he continued to speak, "But I am happy that I was paired with your daughter, all things considered. She's a pretty cool girl." Elliot seemed to appreciate this sentiment as his cool gaze turned to one of warmth, though no where near Roland’s open welcoming.

At long last Bea descended the stairs; Kavan stood and approached the bottom of the staircase as she did so. She was the picture of a pin-up. Her curls were smoothed and fluffed around her face with a portion of it rolled back from her face with a flower pin holding it in place. Her make-up consisted of bright red lipstick and a smokey eye but the eyeliner was not just winged. Curling, floral embellishments of different colored liquid eyeliner sprouted from the winds. Her dress was black with white polka dots. The bell of the skirt shape gave her the appearance of more curve than Bea naturally had. She wore a simple pearl necklace, gauze black shawl, and a larger than normal black and white polkadot handbag. Her legs were encased in fishnet stockings and black heels completed the ensemble. She looked ready for a photoshoot.

"You look beautiful," Kavan said with a grin once she'd reached the bottom. Bea reacted with a roll of her eyes, as it truly hadn’t been her idea at all. However, it was at least a nice thing to say so she didn’t stick her tongue out at him.

“You look like a true pin-up girl! Let's get some pictures~” Papa Ro was prepared, pulling his smartphone from his pocket and gesturing for Kavan to join her on the stairs. Bea held a cool and non-interested appearance that echoed Elliot’s grumpy one. Per Ro's instruction, Kavan joined Bea on the stairs; he gingerly wrapped his arm around her waist, placed his free hand in his pocket, and smiled his usual, crooked smile for the camera.

She stiffened as the arm came about her waist and started to shrink away but she caught the glee on her father’s face and so relented. Her body relaxed and she leaned more into Kavan, her hands daintily folded in front of her. She still glowered until Elliot came up behind the cameraman to smile and used his hands to help relay the intention. With a sigh, Bea allowed herself a small, shy smile which helped to lighten her features. Perhaps she looked even a bit pretty instead of withdrawn.

SNAP SNAP SNAP - Ro moved around, getting them into different positions and ending with them facing each other. Kavan’s arms were wrapped around her waist and her hands rested on his chest. She was blushing now from nose tip to ear tips. Finally it seemed he had finished and the two were ushered with speed out of the door.

A limo was waiting for them and the driver held the door open. “No alcohol, but plenty of other things to drink,” he said kindly. Bea climbed into the back seat and smoothed out the polkadots and black crinolines while Kavan came to sit beside her. The doors closed, music came on through the speakers, and the limo took off. From her little purse Bea took out a flask and opened it. Taking a couple of gulps she then offered it to Kavan.

“Want some? It’s a bit strong.” Her impassive face had calmed down from the blush, giving her a mildly peeved appearance. After eyeing the flask and Bea’s expression for a brief moment, Kavan shrugged his shoulders and took her up on her offer; Kavan had never been much of a drinker, but he figured that he would make an exception for homecoming. Besides, if Bea could down the liquor in a couple of gulps like it was water, surely he could do the same. Right?

Wrong. Kavan had managed to only take one quick swig from the container before erupting in a fit of coughing, his face screwed up in a look of disgust. He handed the flask back to Bea without hesitation as he wiped his mouth with the palm of his hand. “Jesus Christ, Bea,” Kavan said as he searched around the limousine for a bottle of water, “I think ‘strong’ was a bit of an understatement.”

A giggle escaped her as Kavan nearly choked on the alcohol. She had a hand to her lips as her eyes sparkled with bemusement and her lips widened enough to show a hint of her white teeth. She corked up the flask and put it back in her purse before wading through all her crinoline to open one of the side fridges and pulled out a bottle of orange juice. “Something sweet soothes the throat best,” she said and offered him the drink. Kavan took the drink with a thankful nod. She settled back into her seat. “I’m glad you’re not as scary as I thought you would be. You are always just so… loud.” She sighed and watched the boy with benign interest.

“You thought that I was scary?” Kavan said with a chuckle as he twisted the cap back on his bottle of orange juice, “See, I could understand if you felt that way about Marisol after she busted up our class president's car with a baseball bat. Or maybe even that new chick who made Johnny-boy step out of his character on the first day of school. But me?" As the young man spoke, he took a quick glance out of the window; it only felt like they'd been in the limousine for a few moments, but they were already a little ways away from the country club. "I don't think I'd call myself loud, either. Maybe just... expressive."

She looked down at her hands and fiddled with the edge of her dress. “Looking at you is… loud,” her brows knit as she tried to find the best way to explain. “There just a lot and it hurts my head sometimes. Your face and hair are always so… much. Maybe too pretty?” If she wasn’t careful she would pick apart the hem of her skirt. “Like looking at the sun… or something.”

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Member Seen 4 days ago

For the better part of twenty minutes, Santiago was sulking in his car, wasting the gas in the tank and risking the risk of dying from carbon monoxide poisoning. Not that he gave a damn, though. Although the lyrics had absolutely nothing to do with what he was going through, music did make him feel better. The Xanax’s effects had kicked in now, so his mood was now slightly improved. Feeling it was about time to head inside, the young man moved his seat so he would be in a sitting position again to eventually leave his safe place. To his dismay, Diablo turned his head in the direction of the venue just in time to see April and Kavi heading inside, holding hands and looking like they were enjoying themselves.

It took all of his self-restraint to not jump out of the vehicle and tackle Salvador. Diablo knew that if he continued to be by himself any longer, his hot head would eventually beat his reason and all hell would break loose. So in order to prevent him pulling a Marisol Castillo, the furious Diablo typed up a quick text to his boy Lucas and sent it his way. If there was a time that he badly needed his best friend, it was now.

Where are you? Mara the Lubitch fucking ditched me. I need my wingman asap.

A horn honked not too far in the distance, followed by the slam of a car door and some scuffling. The guy himself rapped his knuckles against the glass, causing Santiago to bolt upright and while Lucas gave the surprised male a rather comical grin. “Already?” He asked, his other hand showing the text history between the two of them.

Puñeta!” Diablo muttered under his breath, heart still pounding a million times a minute. Shaking his head, he significantly lowered the volume of his thumping music and rolled down the driver’s side window. “What the fuck, man?! You scared the crap out of me!”

Lucas grinned as he propped his elbows on the now-open window. Granted, he should have just texted him back like a normal person would, but it had been hard to resist giving him a good scare. It had been some time since he had seen his friend so pensive. “You should have seen me coming from a mile away,” He pointed out, eyeing his radio warily. “What crawled up your butt?”

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” the gray-eyed male lied, waving a hand to dismiss his friend’s concern and putting up his most convincing fake smile. “Now get in, Luke. I’ve got some refreshments to get us through this boring crap fest,” Diablo told his best friend, pointing at the passenger’s side glove box while suggestively wiggling his eyebrows.

The teenager was all too happy to comply, going over to the passenger’s side in record time. Sliding himself into the unoccupied seat, he got himself comfortable. “I definitely need something to help, I don’t think I’ll make it otherwise,” He whined. After popping open the glove box, he looked over at Diablo. “And you’re sure you’re fine? I just don’t want to have to hold your hand while you cry drunkenly.”

This earned him a round of loud, rowdy laughter from Santiago. Leave it to Lucas to make a joke out of his misery and in the process lift his spirits; that’s why he was so fond of the guy.

“The only time I’ve cried as a grown dude is when I lost my grandmother. I don’t plan on wasting tears on anyone that’s not immediately related to be my blood,” he stated confidently, grabbing one of the two cans of beer, popping it open and taking a long swig. His last statement was yet another lie, but he wasn’t about to admit that his eyes had stung a few times after thinking for too long about how he’d screwed up things with April.

“Uh huh,” Lucas grabbed a beer, using his keys to open it before immediately taking a gulp. There was nothing like a crisp beer before a lame-as-fuck party.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Diablo asked Lucas, playfully shoving his shoulder before taking another sip of beer.

Tapping his fingers on his knee, he decided to take a sip of his own before he would continue. “I would just like to think that after years of us bullshitting together, we would recognize one type of shit from another,” His attempt to sound wise was clunky at best, but he summed it up with: “Are you going to be okay tonight? Like, really okay?”

To say that Santiago Fernandez had never been good when it came to expressing emotions was an understatement. Even as a kid, he had a hard time trusting anybody with his issues, which ended up driving him to not-so-great coping mechanisms to deal with everything that he kept bottled up inside. But Lucas was like his own brother, and he was right in his assumption that things weren't okay with Diablo. If the roles were reversed, Santiago would want Luke to trust him with his issues. So in order to receive trust, he would have to give it forward.

“Fuck, man… You know I’m not good with all this feelsy bullshit, Luke…” Diablo started, scratching the back of his head and shifting in his seat, looking visibly uncomfortable. But once he started talking, the words seemed to just stream out of him. “It’s just… All the shit with April, man. All I can think about is how I screwed things up with her, and driving me fucking insane. And I know I shouldn’t really give a fuck - it’s not like we were dating or anything -, but it’s still fucking eating at me. Dude, I haven’t even touched another chick in like two months. Two fucking months!” he exclaimed, making the peace sign towards Lucas as if to emphasize his point. “Do you know how fucked up in the head I must be that my dick’s been limp for two fucking months?! I’m going fucking crazy here.”

Slowly nodding in understanding, Lucas put his lips to his beer again. At the risk of getting punched in the face, he knew he needed his friend to understand what was becoming glaringly obvious. “Uh...you’re not going crazy ‘cause you haven’t gotten any,” He raised an eyebrow at him. “You have the hots for her.”

Diablo snorted, shaking his head with a close-lipped smile. “Of course I have the hots for her. I wouldn't have fucked her for three years if I didn't have the hots for her,” he told him proudly, taking another swig of beer.

Ah, that was his fault. ”No, I mean, you want her and only her,” He clarified. ”With commitment and all that shit.”

The next thing either of them knew, Diablo had spit out his mouthful of beer, liqueur suddenly covering the dashboard of the vehicle. The small amount that was left in his mouth had gone down the wrong side of his pharynx, causing him to go off on a rather comical coughing fit.

“What?!” he croaked in between his fits, looking at Lucas through the cough-induced tears.

Taking out some napkins, Lucas put himself to clean up once he finished his beer. ”Your reaction says everything,” He noted, placing another napkin on Diablo’s lap as he made sure to get everything else. ”Don’t try to tell me I’m wrong, either.”

“How does me spitting out my beer at your fucking craziness says anything other than I think you're insane?” Diablo replied, grabbing the napkin and making a half-assed attempt at cleaning himself up. His suit was now stained and he would smell like beer. Great.

”So, if April actually gets together with Kavi tonight, you wouldn’t care?” He asked, not believing him for a second.

There was no hiding the look of pure rage that overcame Santiago at just the mere thought of Kavi’s nasty hands all over his girl, and the way he would most definitely rub it in his face. The boy's knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel. “You'd have to hold me back so I don't fucking clock the guy,” he grumbled, now directing his ugly glare at the spot where he'd last seen April and Kavi walking into the party together.

”Of course you would. ‘Cause she’s your girl,” Lucas replied, as if reading his thoughts. ”And Kavi’s a real ass, but that’s beside the point. My point is that you’re in love and don’t know what to do, so you get all pissed off at everything.”

At the sound of the word ‘love’, Diablo choked again, staring at his best friend as if he'd just grown an extra head. “Whoa, hold the fuck up!” he cried out, gray eyes wide. “That's a pretty big word you're throwing out there, my man! I understand I can be pretty fucking possessive, but love?! Seriously?!”

”Do I look like I’m kidding?” He said, shaking his head. ”You’re so in denial that you’ve made yourself miserable because of it. News flash, D, you’re allowed to be happy.”

Santiago was thoughtful for a long while, silently pondering over Lucas' words on repeat. It wasn't that he was afraid to be happy - not when he lived to do things that brought him pleasure and satisfaction.The reality of it all was that Diablo’s true fear was of not only opening up to someone, but becoming vulnerable by giving himself up fully to one person only to end up getting his heart and his ego fucking destroyed. That was the true fear that had kept him up at night more times than he would ever dare to admit.

Finally, the young man let out a long, deep sigh. “Okay, so let's pretend for a second that I entertain this idea that I'm suddenly ‘in love’ with Lils,” Diablo began to say, pausing to chug the rest of his beer and throw the now-empty can back into the glove box. “What am I supposed to do about it?”

My God, he would take a bullet for this guy, but he was as stupid as a pile of rocks. Was this how his sister felt when he said dumb stuff? After making a mental note to apologize later, Lucas shrugged. ”Tell her. And you tell her the truth--you don’t play it off, you don’t half-ass it, you don’t downplay it. And then you’ll both finally stop beating around the bush and be together in your whirlwind of drama and intrigue.” He said, cracking open another beer.

“You mean like tell her now? Today?” Santiago asked in disbelief, grabbing one of the small bottles of rum from the glove compartment and downing half of it in one gulp.

”Doesn’t have to be now. Just has to be before Kavi sinks his claws into her,” Lucas pointed out.

Diablo scoffed, shaking his head. “So basically now, then,” he muttered angrily, finishing up the miniature bottle of liquor and also putting it back inside the compartment. “If I know anything about Salvador is that the piece of shit's probably already got Lils half tangled up in his web of lies. I just hope my girl's still being her smartass self and keeping him in check like she always does.”

Lucas grinned, tilting his head back and chugging his beer, not stopping until he was finished. Letting out a burp, he slapped Diablo’s arm. ”That’s the spirit!” He cheered, fumbling with the car door until he managed to open it. ”Let’s go wreck shit!”

Now that he was feeling significantly better about this whole thing, Santiago shut off the engine, opened his own door and exited the car. The full effects of the alcohol he'd consumed hit him like a pound of bricks, causing the young man to stumble a little at his first few steps. Diablo chuckled at his lack of balance, taking a moment to steady off his spinning head by leaning against the Lambo for a few minutes. When he had finally gained control over his body, the young man stood up straight and began to walk.

“Let's go get ‘em, man,” he finally responded, throwing his broad arm around Lucas’ shoulders as the pair stomped and stumbled into the venue.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

L O C A T I O N / / Homecoming @Crown Heights Country Club I N T E R A C T I O N S / / Sickly Speed Demon

It was loud. Really loud. It was so loud that Kavi wasn’t even sure if he could hear himself think, which was certainly a problem for him. If he couldn’t hear himself think then he couldn’t hear himself speak. And if he couldn’t manage that much, then how the hell was April to know the compliments he has been trying to give her for the past three minutes. He certainly heard her, mainly talking about Diablo. Kavi wasn’t surprised. He passed them right as soon as they reached the dual tents where the homecoming was being held at in the country club. The one thing that Kavi wasn’t particularly thrilled with was the choice whoever was in charge of the music selection chosen.

At some point, Kavi and April managed to find a free table. It was a decent length away from the dancefloor, so the unreasonable blaring of EDM beats wasn’t so ear-piercing and it allowed Kavi to actually hear himself, though it wasn’t without some downsides. Specifically, April and Kavi left alone and only the awkwardness of silence remaining. Yeah, now it’s quiet.

Kavi checked his phone as he found himself scrolling through his many missed calls. If he was being honest, his mind was not necessarily on the dance or Santiago or even April, though his eyes couldn’t help but glance at her dress occasionally, which was a lot in a short amount of time. The truth was he was uncharacteristically distracted by the slight fear that the cop from before would come find them. Be whatever Godly figure that compelled him to actually give a rat’s ass about it, it couldn’t be helped. It wasn’t every day he cared about shit like that, but Kavi as too beautiful to go to jail. He wouldn’t last a day and if he got arrested, that’s exactly where he was heading.

“So, I was thinking,” Kavi suddenly said as he took his eyes from his Samsung Galaxy S9 and directed them at April, “if for whatever reason I get arrested, don’t be the hero and say you were the one driving. One, they’d never believe you because I’ll say I was and two, well actually there’s only one thing. And another thing, how are you feeling?” Kavi asked, quickly directing his own topic to a totally different one.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SpicyMeatball
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SpicyMeatball The Spiciest of Them All

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

As they walked inside of the transparent tents that were set up outside, April couldn’t help but be at least a little bit impressed. Despite the circumstances surrounding this homecoming, so far April had little to complain about. Even the partner that was forced upon her was turning out to be not-so-bad afterall. Kavi was surprisingly easy to be with ever since they’d argued in the cafeteria.

There was just one problem. That tiny voice inside of her head still told her something was wrong. Something was wrong with her.

April shook the thought from her head as she sat down next to Kavi at a free table. She glanced over him with her warm brown eyes as Kavi scrolled through his phone, drinking in his rather handsome exterior while he was occupied. Even as she enjoyed the view, April could tell something was up with Kavi. A few thoughts went through her head, but the only obvious thing that could be an issue would have had to be something to do with the police chase. How they could possibly be arrested.

A moment later she realised Kavi was talking to her and managed only to miss a few words.

“...don’t be the hero and say you were the one driving. One, they’d never believe you because I’ll say I was and two, well actually there’s only one thing. And another thing, how are you feeling?”

The brunette stifled a laugh, shaking her head gently before she tucked her hair behind her one ear. “You expect too much of me, I get enough attention from the cops when I drive on my own!” She shot him a grin in an attempt to lighten the mood before she listened to the rest of what he had to say. “I’m feeling a lot better. I’m sure it was nothing.” April couldn’t help but feel like that was more of an attempt to convince herself than Kavi. Regardless, tonight would show it for sure. She glanced to her purse, but resisted the temptation to give in to the temptation just yet.

She turned to Kavi in an attempt to move her mind from the subject. “Would you care for a dance, my dear partner? It only makes sense, plus it would help you blend in…” April batted her eyelashes at him, her playful brown eyes sparkling in the dim light of the tent. Tonight would be interesting before anything else, that was guaranteed.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

L O C A T I O N / / Homecoming at the Country Club
I N T E R A C T I N G W I T H / / Herself and soon the Devil.

To say that Stella was a bit on edge and nervous was to say that the homecoming decorations were just nice. It would be like saying that Oliver’s bowtie made him look alright. The bottom line was that, while completely accurate to say that Stella’s nerves were on high alert, it didn’t do them or her any justice. She was experiencing a lot. No matter what she tried to do, whether that meant she was focusing on Oliver’s occasional comment from the time she entered his car to when they stepped into one of the tents, his hand holding hers, she just couldn’t shake this uncontrollable feeling that was churning in the deepest regions of her small stomach.

As she tried to feel the groove of the current song playing, much like she had seen the others a few yards away do, she was only able to partially give into the rhythm. The rest of her was too nervous (or was it anxious?) Truth be told, at the rate she was going, the two might as well be one and the same. What seemed to bother her the most was the fact that Oliver was looking finer than hell and the romantic lighting the stars and lights that made her think of what Kavi said. How that she was the one least likely to get any sort of action.

She didn’t know why it got under her skin. Just about anyone who knew her, which she knew Kavi knew her but he was just being a dick about it, knew that Stella Lambert wasn’t the kind of girl who slept around for the sake of it. The last time she got herself that close to even doing that sort of thing was when she was briefly involved with Santiago Fernandez. Maybe that was it? Maybe Stella was nervous because she didn’t want this night to go that way. It was certainly a possibility. She hadn’t really thought about it that much. She didn’t think it would be on the table because Oliver wasn’t exactly the kind of guy who swung in the same area code as her, but she still couldn’t help that there was a chance. The way he looked at her was enough to give her some hope.

I’m probably fooling myself--

And just as Stella was going to poise herself right up, she saw …him. There he was with his dark hair groomed in the way she could remember. Even in the light and how dimmed some areas, she could still spot it a mile away. And his choice of outfits reminded her of the time he took her out on a date, which wasn’t a date date, but it still involved him romancing her (more in her mind than what actually happened). She knew he was the reason her mind was a giant, scattered mess.

“I can’t..not with him here,” she muttered to herself. Before she could do anything, however, she acted without thinking. “Santiago!” She shouted. He was only a few feet away from where she and it was too late for her to take it back. What was even worse, she saw that he heard her and he was coming her way. “Oliver, please don’t let this be the reason our night is ruined. I just...can’t control myself around him,” she said rather quickly, knowing the seconds were counting down quickly until the devil himself came to greet her.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by fledermaus
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fledermaus 𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙣𝙤𝙬, 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧

Member Seen 2 days ago

Before you came round, my heart would never beat much faster
Before you came round, I was ready to slow down
Before you came round, I was heading for a small disaster
Before you came round, I was ready to blow me down

Before I was found, I felt like I could drain the ocean
Before I was found, I didn't want to breathe out
Now my soul beats a sound, loud enough to quiet the thunder
A love with no doubt, and now I'm never gonna slow down
Never gonna slow down

The last time Salem was at homecoming, he accidentally spilled punch all over Gwen’s dress, and spent the rest of the dance shooting guilty looks at his embarrassed girlfriend. She assured him it was fine, and forgave him easily enough, but he could tell it bothered her all throughout the night. Salem’s hand flexed where he held it tucked towards his body, Marisol’s arm looped through his, and he gave a suspicious glare towards the punch table.

Despite being afraid of spilling punch all over Mari’s absolutely stunning dress, he wouldn’t be a gentleman if he didn’t offer her a drink. Leaning down low, so she could hear him over the blasting music, Salem whispered into her ear, “Do you want something to drink?”

Marisol, who had totally not been busy looking around the room for any signs of her ex-best friend and Pinkie Pie, quickly whipped her head towards her date. “Oh my God, yes,” she immediately answered, turning to Salem with a look that was somewhat pleading and pitiful.

Not seeing Sonny around with Nadia was making her nervous… Like really nervous. Her anxiously creative brain was coming up with all different scenarios about where they could be and what they could be doing together, each scene getting progressively more suggestive and painful to visualize. Mar had been right in the middle of one with Sonny kissing Rainbow Dash’s and his hands moving slowly down her body when Salem mercifully interrupted this nightmare. Bless him for coming with a distraction at just the right time.

“Of course,” Salem smiled before guiding Mari around the throngs of people in the direction of the punch bowl, stationed at the very back of the first tent. “Think the punch is spiked?” he muttered curiously in her ear.

A naughty grin spread across the girl's face, green eyes sparkling with the mischief of knowing something nobody else did. “I don't know about the bowl, but ours will definitely be…” she answered before opening her sparkly bag and giving Salem a peek at two miniature bottles of tequila. “Took them from the stash in the game room at my place. Figured they would come in handy eventually in this stuck-up party.”

Salem hummed playfully in response, glancing up to meet her glittering eyes with his own. His eyes flickered and held Mari’s only for a second before he focused on scooping into a cup what is essentially red water with a shit ton of sugar in it. He imagined that if he moved over and took a sniff of the drink, he would probably smell if there was any alcohol mixed in. But, in the end, Sal refrained to do so, because the fun was in the mystery... Not to mention how utterly dumb he would look doing it.

“Well then, have at it.” Salem grins, offering the cup to her and inclining his in her direction to make the spiking of their cups less noticeable by any potentially hazardous people.

“One sec…” Mari said, giving a quick glance around the room. The chaperoning teachers were currently distracted with other students, and the whistle-blowing rats like Victoire Bailey were occupied making others miserable. Without wasting any more time, the young woman pulled out the tequila from her bag, unscrewed the cap and proceeded to use up about half the bottle to spike up both cups before screwing it back up and hiding it from view.

“There we go,” she said, satisfaction heavy in her voice as she took the spiked cup of punch from Sal's hand. Their eyes met again, and another smile was on her lips now. Mar didn't know if it was the lighting in the room or just her imagination, but the Italian-American boy seemed to get more good-looking the longer she stared at him. Alcohol would probably only emphasize this feeling, but that was the least of her worries. “Should we, like, make a toast or something?”

Salem waggled his eyebrows mischievously and cleared his throat, raising his cup and giving his best Gatsby impression. “To a beautiful night with a beautiful lady, and many hopes that I don’t accidentally step on your feet while dancing!”

As usual, the taller boy’s antiques brought a laugh to Marisol, who shook her head and raised her cup towards his. “You are just absolutely ridiculous, you know that?” she told him, a grin stretched from ear to ear. “But, alright, let me add onto that, then: here’s to a beautiful night with the most handsome gentleman, and many hopes that my complete lack of experience does not fuck up your dancing.”

Salem revelled for a second in Marisol’s beautiful laugh, like the sound of windchimes on a summer morning, and his face lit up with a sunny smile. “Bottoms up, then!” He cheered, taking a big gulp of the drink and it burned down his throat like liquid fire. His date followed suit, taking another big gulp of her own cup and giving Salem a bright smile.

Over the rim of his glass, Salem watched Marisol’s expression with genuine enjoyment in his eyes. The lighting was perfect and flattering to Marisol’s soft eyes, so reflective he could swear up and down that he saw his own image mirrored back at him. Her skin seemed so soft and, in the forefront of his thoughts, Salem wondered if it would feel silky under the deep grooves of his fingertips. Salem banished the idea the minute he thought it.

Clearing his throat, Salem dramatically held out his hand and bowed, “Well, my little enchilada, should we slam these drinks back so I can ask you to dance without wasting the tequila you so thoughtfully brought?”

The girl didn’t bother with a spoken response. Instead, she winked mischievously at him before expertly downing the cup in one gulp. “Done,” she announced proudly, acting as if the back of her throat wasn’t currently screaming and burning.

“Mighty impressive for such a small girl.” Sal teased before finishing his drink off, taking extra care to not get it everywhere.

“Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet,” Mari teased back, wiggling her eyebrows at him. “There’s way more where that came from.”

As if on queue, a familiar song began to play over the speakers: lovelytheband’s ‘Broken’. Mari’s eyes lit up instantly at the sound of the first few notes, and she let out an excited gasp.

“Dude, I fucking love this song!” she cried out to Sal, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the middle of the dance floor. Smiling brightly, Mar threw her slender arms around his neck and began to sway to the upbeat music, singing along to the lyrics she knew so well.

Salem laughed at her eagerness, wrapping his arms around her and moving with the beat. Knowing that much of the night would be spent yelling over the din of the music, Salem took the time to rest his voice and simply enjoy the moment with Mari. He didn’t know the song playing very intimately, but he recalled hearing it once on the radio of his ma’s car. Either way, Mari seemed to be enjoying herself, which made him enjoy himself as well.

A few more upbeat songs played back to back after the first one, and Sal and Mari danced and sang along to every one of them. It didn’t matter whether it was pop, rock or rap, or whether they knew the lyrics or not: all that mattered was that they were having a ton of fun together. Whatever negative things she’d been feeling before had disappeared.

“Holy shit. I haven’t had this fun in a fucking while,” Marisol giddily told Salem, once again walking back to the refreshments table to grab one of the water bottles on the cooler. All that dancing and singing had left her breathless and thirsty. “This is the first homecoming I’ve been to since middle school.”

“That long?” Sal grabbed his own bottle and took a long pull of it, humming thoughtfully to what Mari was saying.

“Yup. The last Homecoming I went to was in sixth grade. The boys and I were there for about an hour before we decided to bounce the fuck out. We went over to my place to watch movies, play video games and eat pizza instead. It sort of became tradition after that: we would skip every school dance and just meet up at someone’s place to chill and hang out,” she explained, taking a few seconds to drink some water before giving Salem a soft smile. “I’m glad they forced us to come together this year, though. You’ve been amazing company so far.”

“Well, then, I am happy to be your first high school homecoming experience and I will make sure this will be the best homecoming of your life.” Sal bumped his water bottle against hers in cheers, smiling radiantly at her.

“Then you’ll be even happier to hear that you’re already doing a hell of a job,” she told him softly, looking up at him with a sweet expression that would take by surprise anybody who knew her.

“If I die tonight, I will die a happy man, it seems,” Salem responded and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, “I’m having a lot of fun, too, this time around. It’s easy being around you. Relaxed, you know.”

Sal could feel his face heat up and scratched his cheek bashfully. There must be a dopey smile on his face now; he was always a big idiot around pretty girls.

Salem’s words only made Mari’s smile widen. “You feel it too, huh?” she asked him, brow raised in curiosity. When the boy nodded, looking at her with those sweet, big brown eyes, Marisol bit her lip while heart did somersaults in her chest.

And before she realized it, she was blurting out every single word that was on her mind.

“I fucking swear: I’ve never felt as comfortable with someone as I do with you. And I know it's only been a week since we've known each other, but everything just seems to click. It’s, like, I can be myself without worrying about anyone or anything. Like, ever since the shit with Sonny happened, I’ve been feeling like complete horse shit. But ever since you came around, I haven’t felt like that at all. Instead, it’s, like, not only do you accept me for who I am, but you bring out the best of me. I… I’ve never felt like this before - with anyone. You’re just- You’re just, like, fucking amazing, Salem. Really fucking amazing.”

As she realized what she’d just said, it was Mari’s turn to blush scarlet. She didn’t know if it was the tequila that had caused her to pour her damn heart out like a damn fool, but she meant every single word she’d said. It was too late to take anything back, though. She would take the heat of whatever came next.

Sal’s heart thumped in his chest and he didn’t know if it was from a heart attack, the thrumming of the DJ’s bass, or something else. The feeling was vibrant and lively as much as it was aching and stretched. It was the perfect pull of hurt and heal, the throb being soothed and the soothing cycling to a throb. Like butterflies fluttering in his veins, Salem became hyper aware of the alcohol pumping through him - he wasn’t drunk, but obviously his good sense was impaired.

Even so, Salem reached out his hand to caress Marisol’s cheek. The grooves of his finger slid gently across her silky skin; it was just as he imagined, but better. Salem’s throat felt very dry, and it took him a moment before he could work his mouth long enough to call her name.


Salem wanted more. He wanted to draw her close and feel the pink of her lips, know the way she tasted, and bask in the warmth of her body pressed against his. Dizzy, so dizzy, and he was pulling her closer because he wanted more. Her lips were so close to his, Salem could feel each puff of her minty breath against his cheeks and he wanted to swallow it. So close, he was so close...

Instead, he felt his phone buzz in his pocket like a fly in a room that you just can’t catch. Abruptly, Salem jerked away from her, his hand falling, and his chest pounding. Mind swirling with ‘stupid, stupid, stupid’ and with headiness, Salem just barely saw through the fog enough to manage pulling his phone out to see who the ever-loving fuck was calling.

He was content to ignore it until he looked at the screen and saw who was calling him. Salem’s face contorted into a grimace when he pocketed the phone, his face losing some color and eyebrows furrowing.

“Shit, Mari, I need to take this call. Sorry.” Salem began to walk away when he stopped for a second and turned back around, “I’ll be right back, I promise.”

Marisol merely nodded as she watched him go, her mouth dry and unable to speak. Even if she was, she was certain no unintelligible words would come out. The girl was barely able to breathe, skin on fire where his gentle touch had been, while her heart was thumping loudly in her chest as if she’d just raced a marathon. Her head replayed the scene that had just happened over and over again, helping her come to terms with the very real fact that she’d definitely been just seconds away from making out with Salem Rivera.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

The more she thought about it, the more Marisol realized that she didn’t just want to kiss him, but was craving it… Craving him. Her body temperature rose and her tan skin became covered in goosebumps at the mere thought of it: lips locked together in a kiss that turned from sweet to passionate, bodies pressed together hard, hands running up and down bare skin where fancy clothes had mysteriously disappeared...

Oh God Almighty… She definitely needed a break.

Sighing deeply, the young woman grabbed her water bottle from the table and walked away in the direction of the gardens. Maybe some fresh air would help her clear her clouded judgement and raging hormones.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

L O C A T I O N / / Homecoming and away from the horrible music I N T E R A C T I O N S / / Unintentional Victim of Sonny's Force

As soon as they had stepped inside the doors of the country club and ventured to where the King's Academy homecoming dance was primarily being held at, which happened to be the entirety of the immediate patio of the club. It was an almost-immediate right turn from the entrance to where the teens were being entertained. There was something about the bright lights and fancy decor that wanted Sonny to take himself and Nadia away from the atrocity that he saw in front of him, but as he looked to the redhead next to him, who happened to claim temporary ownership of his hand (Sonny wasn't sure if it was the romantic atmosphere or not), he breathed out a hard sigh. Fortunately for him, it was masked by the pulsating, electronic dance beat.

Oh, that was another thing that had him cursing through the gritting of his pearly whites. there was this unsaid fact about Sonny that he was born in the wrong generation. He clearly didn't have the same opinion about EDM (and its various sub-genres) that the others in his grade did. While the majority of them liked it and found it "catchy", Sonny found it repulsing and he could feel his annoyance levels rising to dangerous numbers. It was getting to such a degree that Sonny had to physically drag himself away from the DJ's booth and closer to privacy, though it wasn't without its downside. Sonny hadn't realized that he forced the isolation on Nadia until he found himself rambling on - ranting was more like it.

“Thank fuck. Another minute of that trash and I was about ready to peel my ears from my head,” he noted, looking at Nadia. “How can you stand that trash music?” Sonny wasn't sure if he was asking her directly or just looking for someone else to confirm the opinion of how much he hated that kind of music. "Sorry, I didn't mean to drag you away. Did you, uh, want to dance?" He asked her, scaling back his tone a bit. He didn't need to speak so loudly given they were a reasonable distance away from where the main party was.

L O C A T I O N / / Homecoming and away from the horrible music I N T E R A C T I O N S / / Hot Stuff

"I thought you'd never ask."

Kavi almost didn't wait for her to get out whatever thought she had in her mind that may have made it to her lips. By the time she or even Kavi realized it, he had whisked her away from where they had been for the past couple of minutes and were closer to the other teens, though Kavi still didn't want to be any closer than he had to. He, much like a few others that he saw were hovering away from the general area of teenager inhabitation, didn't want to be forced to endure the cheesy bass drops and wonky percussion-based beats. Luckily for him, that wasn't his main focus. Despite being hunched over just an hour ago, April was moving and grooving as if without a care. Kavi couldn't help but smile as he noticed her doing the same. As they danced, Kavi happened to notice something else behind him.

Well, someone else. Santiago was walking somewhere and that somewhere was exactly where he saw Stella with her date, Oliver( that was his name, right?) Whatever that meant, Kavi sure wished the music was so loud and they weren't so far away. He would love to know the contents of the conversation they were about to have as it happened in real time. Oh well, he'd have to settle for the cliff notes from good ole' Estelle tomorrow. Or maybe after the devil left her immediate area.

Once more, the more handsome, sly devil Kavi turned his earthy eyes on his dazzling date. He followed the rhythm of the song as he moved closer to her, his left hand slowly reaching around her waist to pull her closer. "That's much better, isn't it?" He smiled, rocking with and against her.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
Avatar of Sugar and Spite

Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 1 day ago

So far, Ariels night was rather uneventful. As she slowly made her towards the venue, she realized that she was among the earlier crowd. The young woman silently cursed herself. Now she would have to spend even longer at homecoming. Or did she? Had the teachers set a time limit, or did the students have to stay the whole night?

That was when she heard Archer’s voice. Turning to look at him, she smiled, seeing that he was in a good mood. A small part of her was excited. She had her friend back, though perhaps not all the way. But when it came to Archie - or any of her friends - she'd take way she could get.

Shaking Julie's hand in return, she gave the girl a smile as well. ”Thanks Julie. You look gorgeous!” Playfully glaring at Archer as he said her first name, she took his arm in hers. ”I guess so,” Ariel replied in a quiet town. Large crowds had always made her nervous.

”How on earth did you end up giving Julie a ride?”

Archer absentmindedly took in the decorations that had transformed the country club from a drab and stiff place to a dreamy venue worthy of King's homecoming “Oh?” he turned back to his date. “Well she looked like she needed help, and I guess I felt bad for her. I was kind of mean to her at Diablo's party.” he stared straight ahead lost in thought.

“Don't get me wrong, I still think she's a spoiled brat. But I guess I have my own things to work out…” he shrugged glancing at Ariel and pressed his lips together into a tight smile. “Sonny and Mari seem to like her a lot… I don't know maybe I'm too judgmental for my own good.”

Ariel looked at him thoughtfully. ”That's seems fair. It was a nice thing for you to help her put regardless,” she responded, directing then towards the drink table. ”Nice suit by the way.”

The boy glanced down at himself “Hah, thanks! I clean up pretty good huh?” Archer chuckled. As the pair eyed the refreshment table the silence was deafening, Archer shifted uncomfortably and ran a hand through his hair. “I mean, you look really good tonight as well.” Rolling his eyes at his stupid comment he pressed on “They really went all in on the decor, but, uh…” he picked up the ladle from the punch bowl “They skimped on the food and drinks! Is this… kool-aid?” he sniffed the ladle before he shrugged and poured them both a glass.

Ariel laughed, taking a glass. ”I really wouldn't be surprised if it was.”

Handing Ariel one of the glasses, Archer scanned the room in hopes of finding something to break up this awkward silence. As if she had been summoned Marisol entered the room with her new best friend Salem… well technically he was her date. But Archer still couldn’t help but feel a little left behind, he had been burned before after all. Archer glanced down at Ari before he cleared his throat “You want to go mingle? Have you met Salem, the new kid?” he asked nodding towards the newly arrived couple.

What to say…. What to say. Gods. Did she have to be this awkward. Here she was standing with her best friend - Well, it was a newly rekindled friendship, but whatever - and she couldn't think of anything to say. Nothing. Nada. Oh, the struggles of being a wallflower. Following Archers gaze, her eyes landed on Marisol and her date as well. Mari looked stunning or course, and the young man looked pretty good too. ”I've seen him around with Marisol. But I don't really recall his name or anything. I guess we could go say hello?”

“Ah. It seems like we missed our chance” Archer sighed as he watched Marisol zoom around the dancefloor. He looked to Ari and turned back to face the dancefloor, “Maybe we should just sit down?” he pulled out a chair and took the seat across from it.

Again, with the awkward silence he thought staring at his hands trying to figure out something to talk about. “The DJ’s pretty good…” he tried. After a few more failed attempts Archer’s leg was almost vibrating through the floor under the table.

Archer stood up slowly “I’m just going to step out for a little bit…” he whispered not being able to take the awkwardness anymore, he needed a smoke. He was almost holding his breath as he sped towards the exit.

When he finally got to take a long drag from his cigarette Archer slumped against the wall and relaxed. The feeling of guilt for leaving Ariel alone came creeping up on him, he took another drag and watched as the smoke disappeared out in the night sky. He just needed to clear his mind.

Was she really that bad? Sure, it was going to take a while for things to go back to the way the were… but she didn't think it would be this bad. As her shitty luck would have it, she was wrong. Speechless once again, Ariel sat in the chair next to the one her friend had just occupied moments ago, doing her best to stop her anxiety from getting the best of her.
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