Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 5 days ago

*facedesks over and over and over until I bleed*

Reborn. We are trying to help you. But you are not listening to any of us.

It appears rather than implementing advice he would prefer to have pity parties in every single calendar year. Can’t say that’ll work out for him or the pool of people interested in writing in the 1x1 section. I believe it would be best for us to stop responding in good faith, or really at all. It’s just redundancy at this point.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rebornfan320
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rebornfan320 Always looking for RP partners

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@TGM I'm not doing pity parties. That is false labeling and shallow in my opinion. Though I don't know you well at all but I don't think you understand what it is like.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kind of predicted this would happen at this point.

@rebornfan320 Have you considered that the problem might just be you and not other people? I mean, you've made like six threads previously with this same topic, and they all got roughly the same response. And now you're here saying the same thing in Bango's thread.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 23 min ago

Well I don't understand it other than them getting people's hopes up only to bail on others that have it happened to me. I don't think it is melodramatic or off-putting because I am tired of having it happen to me time and time again as I want my fair shot but only to get shafted. I disagree with Fleder [nothing against you].

I am not going to stop roleplaying. I feel that would be giving to what everyone is telling me what to do when it comes to this as it feels like no one gets my side you know? I think I can never be happy and that eludes me in other areas as I feel I have no choice but to continue pushing desperately just to be understood and even to have my side looked at while wanting a fair shot. I am tired of just having the tablecloth constantly yanked out from under me because I am trying to get a fair shot like everyone else on an uneven playing field.

Happiness for me is basically a mirage like even a good RP even if I post an IC, I'll never obtain what any of you guys got. Good luck and consistent interest is in the same realms as a mirage no matter what I do. I don't have the options of everyone else as they got it better than me.

Ok, so your answer is, is that you want to keep roleplaying even though you're not happy doing it, and no one understands you. Okie dokie, you can certainly do that and more power to you. But you're going to have to halt complaining. Literally the entire site has heard you and no one agrees with you, which empirically and rationally means that you're incorrect. You're gonna have to suck it up and be the best you can be.

Granted, I cannot keep you from complaining as a mod. However, if it gets to the point where it is insulting or you cause drama, I'll need to halt it. And if it continues, I'll need to halt it more drastically.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 30 days ago


I'll tell you something: I've been pushed around my whole god damn life, I have been backstabbed, lied to, manipulated, called a retard, and taken advantage of (not in a sexual way) and I have just lived with that!

My life has been a series of really bad sitcoms: the audience is laughing but I can't.

I have a mental disability I'm diagnosed as mentally retarded yet I am not, people treat me different because of it, they say 'ooh its ______ don't talk to him' I'm an adult who is fully cognitive and you need to realize that life will fuck you up!

So for god sakes:
Be Happy that you are you and nobody can change that.

And more Importantly live a better life.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Marlowe
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Marlowe Exiled Moondrinker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

And don't wonder why people might not want to rp with you in the first place. The answer itself is obvious.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 5 days ago

@TGM I'm not doing pity parties. That is false labeling and shallow in my opinion. Though I don't know you well at all but I don't think you understand what it is like.

Cut the melodrama. Nobody is going to be sympathetic to it.

You need to be accountable and contain your emotional angst or whatever it is that compels you to make circular arguments about your RP woes. The problem doesn’t appear to be your partners—three years of courting RP partners suggests this and with minimal forays into group role-playing it doesn’t appear there is much to your idea here. Your reputation can only stir away so much people but to make preposterous conclusions and double-downing on your cries of angst are not going to make things better. You keep putting your fingers, earnestly so, in your ears and ignoring multiple suggestions whether it be aesthetics, technical presentation, reputation gain/repair, etc. so the point is really lost on you.

You just want to be the victim and everyone to agree with you. It's not gonna happen.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rebornfan320
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rebornfan320 Always looking for RP partners

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Blackmist, you are not the only one to be pushed around. I have been called a retard, been lied to and even been taken advantage of too [not sexually].

I feel like life for me has been nothing but bad and with very few good points in between and even if then the good vibes are always yanked out from under me and back to where I started too.

I have a developmental disability known as Autism too and people have treated me differently because of it too.
I just wonder how could I be happy if something I like doing is just filled with nothing but bad luck and my efforts aren't getting me anywhere to that good spot like so many others and actually stay there?
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by stone
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stone read Helck

Member Seen 10 days ago

I just wanna weigh in on the whole RP death thing by adding absolutely nothing to the conversation a permanent GM's two cents.

I can understand how you feel, @rebornfan320. You might got good ideas, good characters, hell, even a good camaraderie goin' on with your partner (or group). And then BOOM BAM POW it's all gone (or is it more of a gradual whizzzzzzz as the air deflates out of the RP?)

I've been a GM for ages now. Lots of years. I honestly dunno when I started, at this point. As much as it saddens me to say it, I still haven't seen a forum RP to completion. It's not even an issue with the players I have, and I don't think it's a personal problem of mine, either. It's just the nature of RPing. Hell, my longtime 1x1 partner and I let our RPs die all the goddamn time. It just happens. But we keep going because it's about the journey. And also because of our insatiable need to use the godlike faceclaims we find online.

In the end, I gotta tell you, there's no solving the problem you're having with ghosting. It's all about your perspective. you just gotta keep doin' it. You just gotta keep trying. Cuz if you don't, then you're done with RP. That's just how it is. RPers ghost and get ghosted. It's like a fact of life, a universal constant, like death, taxes, and country music.

You have to find your own fun. Keep searching, man. I'm sure there's a group or partner out there that'll satisfy your needs. It's all a matter of looking hard enough for them. If you can't afford that time or energy, no shame! There are a bajillion other things to do in life other than sending lil messages on a backwater internet forum. Just ask yourself, "Is it worth it?" and let your answer guide you. And, just like country music, if you can't accept that answer, you're gonna have to find something else to listen to.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 5 days ago

I can understand how you feel. You might got good ideas, good characters, hell, even a good camaraderie goin' on with your partner (or group). And then BOOM BAM POW it's all gone (or is it more of a gradual whizzzzzzz as the air deflates out of the RP?)

*cries in Persona*
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 30 days ago

I give up, I understand you @rebornfan320 but I think this problem goes beyond me.
I really wanted to help you but I can't, this is just too much for me.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by stone
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stone read Helck

Member Seen 10 days ago

*cries in Persona*

oof, that one hurts lol I was so fuckin ready for Asclepius. That's just how it be ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rebornfan320
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rebornfan320 Always looking for RP partners

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Stone, adding your weight to this is not a bad thing. For me, it is nice to have people that can understand how I feel. I tend to rp with partners and not groups because one I joined here just died too quickly for me.

I feel I have been trying for 3 years now since I joined here, it hasn't gotten any better. I feel like it got worse. My RP luck and even finding those of interest just seems as barren as a desert and as false as a mirage.

I feel no one is looking at the point that I have been continuing my efforts and trying to look with IC's I had before but I got them deleted because like the others, they got no interest no matter the bump or edit that I did to them.

For me, I just seen myself as the one getting ghosted and with no explanation as to why. Being left hanging on starting phases of RP's and even starting them only to never get an answer back from them is one of the reasons I fight so hard against ghosting because I feel in my perspective it is dishonorable and cowardly to do that to someone and to constantly having to put up with it no matter what advice or action you take and still not get a long-term RP partner is very demoralizing.

I asked myself this and it stems from me seeing everyone else, I have been so vexed with ghosting that I feel like no one can relate to me because as I try to fit in it is like the black sheep effect and I don't feel like I fit in interest wise with everyone else in contrast to seeing people who have it easier than myself. I know if you saw the prior post I don't need to explain more of dead rp's within a year of joining here.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rebornfan320
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rebornfan320 Always looking for RP partners

Member Seen 10 mos ago

And TGM...You sound so full of yourself and you obviously lack any sort of perspective all along. I say my side and you continue to prove you are against me without understanding me or my side at all as you jump of the plank and assume without reason.

I have been listening and yet past advice doesn't work and this new advice I doubt will as from what experience with it has shown me that it won't, maybe you try to open your mind and eyes.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

If you really were listening to the round after round after round after round of advice given to you, we wouldn't be doing this again. So maybe you should ask yourself why you consistently find yourself asking the same question over and over again.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 5 days ago

And TGM...You sound so full of yourself and you obviously lack any sort of perspective all along. I say my side and you continue to prove you are against me without understanding me or my side at all as you jump of the plank and assume without reason.

I have been listening and yet past advice doesn't work and this new advice I doubt will as from what experience with it has shown me that it won't, maybe you try to open your mind and eyes.

Accusing people of arrogance and lack of perspective isn't it, chief.

What you need to do is self-reflect and gather basic critical reasoning skills, because as far as what has been shown the community doesn't feel convinced you have any interest to listening, learning, or growing. Enjoy your time RPing while you can, because I'm done interacting with this mode of conversation.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 23 min ago

Look, the way you get roleplaying partners is to just be really, really good looking. Worked wonders for me so far.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Majoraa

Majoraa Looking for a new profile theme

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Is there really a point in this argument?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 5 days ago

Look, the way you get roleplaying partners is to just being really, really good looking. Worked wonders for me so far.

Your writing is far more attractive.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by BangoSkank
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BangoSkank Halfway Intriguing Halfling

Member Seen 20 days ago

You can expect 100% commitment my dude but you are never going to get it.

We are strangers. This is a hobby. No matter how good an RP may be it is going to come in Second or Third or Fourth or Twentieth to a good number of more real more substantive life issues. If you want 100% commitment, if you expect 100% commitment, you should state as such in your Interest Checks but I guarantee you if you do you will get 0 takers.

You can hate being ghosted with all your being, that is not going to eliminate it. It's something we all experience, it's something we all do much as we try to avoid it. It is a reality of the hobby and something you need to come to terms with if you are going to continue in the hobby.

And TGM doesn't appear full of him/herself. Poo does. And rightfully so. Have you seen those biceps. Boy ah tell you hwat if you put me in the closet with him for 15 minutes of heaven hooo weee son ah'll tell you hwat. Mmmmmm. Oh yeah. Hot dog. Hooo weee. That's a spicy meatball.
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