Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Barioth
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Barioth probably can't read

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tachi said

Alright, fixed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBeggar


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Tachi said
@TheBeggar: Honestly, interesting as it is, I don't see that summoning ability working in this setting. In addition, I'm not sure I like the idea of a character who, if I'm reading this correctly, won't interact with others, either through conversation or sharing missions with them. As he is, I can't accept this character. Sorry.

He won't directly try to interact with others, but he accepts any and all missions involving natural crystals. It's quite easy to have mission like that, or create other events. He's not seeking to avoid others, but at the same time he doesn't have much interest in others. It's more that no-one in the guild has tried to become friends with him that he's by himself, rather then his total avoidance.

Alright, I really want to use summoner roulette however, so I'll keep it and have it spawn 5 different items instead of creatures. Additionally, do I need to change my Reaper ability? It's technically a transformation rather then a summon, but does it interfere?

EDIT: I adjusted my decision with the Reaper form, it's a living being inside the weapon. However, it's transformation isn't a living being, it's another weapon. That should be fine right?
Also i fixed up summoner roulette.
I'll think up a familiar as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArekTheAbsolute
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Civaios Rigas
Age: 24
Appearance:Tall and Skinny with a look of perpetual innocent boredom

Personality: Civ is somewhat of a distracted individual in the fact that he tends to follow his ideas and rarely anyone elses. This however happens infrequently enough that it matters very little, as he is mostly preoccupied by his own tinkerings and thus tends to follow others with little resistance. His tinkerings for the most part are gizmos that run on or use magic as a component. Civ has a very focused intelligence that allows him to solve problems very quickly but this leads to overlooking other problems which may arise.

Back story: Civaios grew up in Nekoyama with his mother, never knowing who his father was. His mother working in the guild hall as one of the chefs gave Civ a lot of time to explore the guild hall as a child. Many of the guild members tended to look after him when his mother couldn’t and they had time making the guild seem like a family home rather than a place of work so it was only natural that when he came of age he joined them. On that day of coming of age and his acceptance into the guild he was given a natural crystal by the other members as a congratulations. His mother gave something separate and while not as as rare as a natural crystal it seemed to be far more useful. She gave him a pre-infused C-wrench, when Civ asked her where she got it she simply responded by saying ‘i just picked it up somewhere in the mall’ and no other details then that.


Akis: Akis is Civaios’ familiar. Akis is egg shaped and built out of metal scraps and gears from scratch. Akis has no mouth and simply responds or conveys emotion by turning its gears in different ways. Civaios made Akis body for no particular reason at first but when given a natural crystal Civaios decided that he would use it for a familiar.

C-wrench: While not as impressive as most guild members weapons it is nonetheless a very useful tool. It is a normal sized wrench that does not seem to have any defining features, however at the will of the wielder it can grow to be the size of an elephant for as long as needed and weighs the same as a normal wrench… for a few seconds after changing size before the weight matches the size of the wrench. The shape can also be changed so that it is long and thin, or change the position and size of the C bit of the wrench or the O bit on the other end. When changing sizes the wielder must hold the wrench from the O bit, This causes the wrench to grow forwards carrying the kinetic energy as well until it meets a object that's is more stationary then the wielder in which case the reverse begins to happen with the wielder bieng pushed in the opposite direction.


Magic: Civaios Has fully explored his magic potential for the most part. He seems to favor electrical and air magic foremost, he cannot use Earth magic in the least bit nor can he use Ice, and fire seems to be completely uncontrollable for him as when he attempts to use it he tends to get a larger effect than planned. Most other magics he has a modest amount of ability in, his favorite to use of these is Gravitic magic.

Also how prevalent is Magical technology If it exists at all, and if such a thing is possible would it be done using infusion or would people activate such things with their own magic?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@TheBeggar: I think you might need to edit some stuff in your profile then, since it seems to contradict you on whether or not he actively avoids people and if he's willing to go on missions with others. As for the abilities, I'm going to need more information about the sword before I can say anything about whether or not it's okay. Both in terms of what it actually is and what its abilities actually are, since, while I missed it reading through the first time, I don't really feel comfortable letting in an ability with basically no description of what it is/does.

As for the roulette...I'm not sure if this was intentional or not, but half of the abilities for it seem to be "make sight useless", which...wouldn't be TOO bad if it weren't for his ability to shut down all of a target's senses except sight. I don't really like the idea of him being able to manipulate nature on a level beyond what he should be capable of, even if it's not under his control after a certain point. Also, gods don't actually exist in the setting (religion does, but...not gods, or if they do exist, they don't really interact with the world) so the staff might need some changes in terms of that. Also, honestly, I don't really like the "99% of its power is sealed" bit.

@Arek: The first thing I've got to ask about is your character's name. Um, is he meant to be a foreigner? Just wondering since the backstory doesn't really seem to suggest that, but I could be mistaken. It's just that the country this is set in is basically Japan. Also, while it's possible to create a familiar, it would be more complex than just "make thing and infuse with crystal". I guess the description in the OP didn't really say much beyond "dolls" but there's magic involved in creating them as well. As far as the wrench goes...I'm not sure how I feel about it growing to the size of an elephant, that just seems a bit too much to be honest.

And as far as magical technology goes...I haven't fully fleshed out how integrated the two are, but for the most part, unless there's a reason for something to have magic involved in its construction, they're seperate. And it really depends, some things would just have magic involved in the construction, some would require infusions and others would be a mix of the two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBeggar


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Tachi said
@TheBeggar: I think you might need to edit some stuff in your profile then, since it seems to contradict you on whether or not he actively avoids people and if he's willing to go on missions with others. As for the abilities, I'm going to need more information about the sword before I can say anything about whether or not it's okay. Both in terms of what it actually is and what its abilities actually are, since, while I missed it reading through the first time, I don't really feel comfortable letting in an ability with basically no description of what it is/does. As for the roulette...I'm not sure if this was intentional or not, but half of the abilities for it seem to be "make sight useless", which...wouldn't be TOO bad if it weren't for his ability to shut down all of a target's senses except sight. I don't really like the idea of him being able to manipulate nature on a level beyond what he should be capable of, even if it's not under his control after a certain point. Also, gods don't actually exist in the setting (religion does, but...not gods, or if they do exist, they don't really interact with the world) so the staff might need some changes in terms of that. Also, honestly, I don't really like the "99% of its power is sealed" bit.

Alright, I'll edit my Personality. And I left the Reaper ability intentionally unknown. I can guarantee you that it is not an ability that goes against the rules, but at the same time its not fun if you already know about the ability. It's kind of his ultimate move, so the secrecy part makes it a real wild card. Additionally, only one of my summoner roulette items visually impairs an opponent, the others are more related to misdirection rather then actual visual impairment.
What I didn't put in is the fact that none of the ability's can co-exist, only one can be used at a time. That's an easy restriction to combat Flash bomb and Silent Art.
Also, as I tried to explain, when he manipulates nature on a level beyond his capability he literally loses all control. Consider it like creating a tornado and telling it to go to your enemies, but instead it goes to your allies. It's considerable luck and hope that makes high level manipulation worth it.
the 1% thing was just a fun back-story to it, i didn't hold any meaning. The staff won't get more powerful. SO yeah I'll just remove it if you don't agree with it.

All of my abilities can be quite strong, but their restrictions and disadvantages are equally as strong. That's why I said I'm a wild card, I could be just the help needed, or the potential problem to make us lose.

If you REALLY don't like not knowing my Reaper ability, I can pm it to you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

PM it to me, please.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bainshie


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Rattle
Age: 14
Appearance: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-k-agq6etiE8/UYX8hJoXyrI/AAAAAAAABBg/4T6yBJrtQdI/s1600/collab___clockwerk_by_nyarmarr-d5qi5hc.png

Personality: Highly protective and loyal, will often think of others needs before attending to his own. In recently months however this has taken a far more negative slant, accumulating into a feeling of worthlessness, self loathing, and even suicidal tendencies. While continuing his tasks with a feeling of duty to the guild that has helped him so much over the previous months, a lack of self care and motivation plagues him: Metal that was once buffed to perfection is now rusted and dim and joints once oiled now squeak and judder.

Has a almost paralyzing fear of deep water.

Backstory: Claire Rumpstall had never had many friends as a child. Complications at birth had left her without full physical movement, and a mother to care for her. Her farther, professor Damian Rumpstall, was also mostly absent in her younger years. The position of great importance he held at the university keeping him away, and his protective intentions of his daughter as well as his reputation of magical prowess meant that there wasn't really anyone she could call a true friend.

But as she wandered around the halls of the manor and the surrounding gardens and parks, the clicking and clattering of the crutches and harnesses she made her way around on, Claire was never really alone. As ever since she was 6, there had always been Rattle. A familiar Damian had created, not brought as a doll but crafted, each nut and bolt, each complex piece of internal structure literally a labor of love. A living breathing sentient sign that for the time he couldn't spend with her, for all the inability he had to replace the mother she never knew, he did care deeply for her.

And Rattle did as well, trailing along by her side not only a protector, but as a friend. As the years went by and the small 2ft little familiar grew from a confused little creature to a 6ft loyal beast, so too did the little Claire go stronger, the harnesses and crutches falling away over the years to reveal a daring headstrong stubborn girl, amazed and interested in the world and all its bugs and beasties.

But life can be the cruelest of mistresses, luck and fortune destroying and wreaking havok where it may. Claire had wanted the pictures, the actual data. Others would have been happy simply using previous research, for the simple assignment at her first year of Magic biology at the university. But that wasn't how science was done! You went and got the stuff and did the hard work yourself! Most of the time the coral reefs of *XXXX would have been fine. 99 times out of a hundred, both of them would have gone home. But on that day... something was down there as well. Something large with tentacles the size of boats. Rattle had tried his best, had done all he can, but on that day two of them had gone out on that little raft 6 months previously, and only one of them had returned.

Grief can make even the greatest men tremble and act irrationally, and with Damian was no exception. He needed something to blame, some logical outlet and Rattle being her protector as the target, not wanting anything to do with the Familiar, dismissing and discarding him out of Damian's life. Rattle had not just lost Claire, but also the entire life he'd ever known.

The guild had been there to pick up the pieces though. To give him help, to give him a place to stay, at the very least a small purpose in life. Aid that while Rattle felt he didn't deserve, a useless failed creation such as himself, attempting to repay some of this kindness through aiding with various 'heavy lifting' that was required, keeping him going day by day.


Electric field: Power builds up inside of Rattle and expands up to a 7tf radius, creating a slightly transparent dome surrounding himself. This dome reduces the momentum of projectiles and takes a considerable amount of effort to walk through. The explanation of the dome back pushback objects. Only one can be created at a time, and concentration must be maintained lest the magical effect end, with thhe more impacts the field takes the effort required to keep it intact.

General skills: Living in the Rumpstall household has given Rattle the chance to learn a variety of none magical skills, including cooking, cleaning, minor tailoring and other maintenance of common goods, catering, and disassembly of intruders.

*I'll make a name for this if I need it :D

I'll also throw up a PM with some info about Damian Rupstall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Barioth
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Barioth probably can't read

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Eh, Clockwerk isn't as good as Tinker.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

If you're still accepting I wouldn't mind joining in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Insomnia


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I'd like to join this if I can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Signups haven't been closed. I'm not the GM but I know that much. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright then I'll put character and see what happens. Thanks Vita.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paradox_Lord


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hmm, seems interesting indeed

Name: Kaz Hezark
Age: 16
Appearance: Medium height, straight medium white hair, green eyes, somewhat pale skin. (Physically he is somewhat similar to Henry from Fire Emblem: Awakening). Wears plain clothes: a white shirt, loose brown plants, leather boots, and a crimson cape with a flared collar, which he thinks makes him look cool (it doesn't). Wears glasses, but only for reading.
Personality: Constantly upbeat and optimistic, to a very annoying extent. Only ever chooses to see the good in the world, and as such he tries to make friends with everyone, even his enemies. Likes to pull childish pranks and make terrible puns when he can.
Backstory: Kaz wandered into Nekoyama about three years ago, dying of a severe concussion. He was taken into the guild, but while he was healed and survived, he lost much of his memory. Because of this, he stayed with the guild since then, not caring about his lost memory and choosing instead to start a new life where he will never be unhappy.
Abilities/Equipment: He uses magic, specializing in magic that allows him to create bubbles of alternate gravity, about seven feet in diameter. His bubbles can cause objects to move upwards or sideways instead of downward, but his magic can only sustain one bubble at a time, he cannot move the bubbles quickly, and he cannot change the direction of a bubble. In combat, he combines this unique magic with a unique weapon- sewing needles. He swings around the needles that are attached by long strings to his fingers, then creates gravity bubbles to "knock" the enemy into the points of the needles, aiming for the enemies pressure points if he can find them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Insomnia


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Oh yeah she's kind of based off an Elementalist from GW2, if you hadn't picked that up yet.

Name: Hinata Kagome

Age: 18

Personality: Hinata is seemingly always cheerful and has the ability to constantly see the positive side of things. She is highly tolerant of everything, but often keeps her other emotions pent up within her. Hinata is occasionally the voice of reason and is known for stopping others from making rash decisions. While she can light up a room in an instant, Hinata knows how to take battle seriously and is seemingly a completely different person, depending on the situation.

Backstory: Hinata lived in a monastery just on the outskirts of Nekoyama for all her life, trained in the ways of the elements. She had a very strict routine and learnt to appreciate what little things she was permitted to enjoy. Her personal belongings were limited so she had little to lose and always maintained a positive attitude through her difficult practice. During the fall of Hinata's final year of training, an unknown accident occurred within the monastery, burning it to the ground. Hinata, who had left for a journey of solitude, returned to the blackened rubble of her previous home and was lost for words and actions. Upon this she turned to the Nekoyama guild which granted her a place to stay in her troubles.


Pandora: Pandora is Hinata's staff, which is used to cast various elemental spells and magic. Hinata can cast magic without it, but by using the staff she is able to create more powerful versions and avoid fatiguing herself more than necessary. Often, for a single spell Hinata will summon whatever element she desires from the orb of the staff and use her free hand to redirect it more accurately.

Earth projectile: Hinata raises a chunks of earth from the ground and hurls them at her enemies at a great speed. The force typically knocks the target(s) off their feet and causes them damage.

Iron flesh: This ability creates a stony armour around herself or allies, creating a near-impenetrable defence towards physical attacks for a short period of time.

Lightning: Hinata has the ability to summon lightning herself or using Pandora, and it is used to electrify opponents and cause them damage.

Fireball: Hinata summons an orb of flames and uses it to attack enemies.

Stream of flames: Using Pandora as a conductor or her hands, Hinata releases a stream of fire which is slower than throwing a fireball but is better for close-range attacks.

Healing rain: Hinata summons a small rain cloud which heals all allies in a small radius for a short period of time.

Ice shard: Using a nearby water source, Hinata forms sharp objects made from ice to pierce and harm enemies. Similar to earth projectile, it is thrown from a distance but is faster and preferably used against targets with weaker armour.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@TheBeggar: Sorry, but the more I think about it, the more I think that character's abilities just don't fit with the setting. There's some interesting concepts there (the roulette kind of reminds me of an awesome character from Hunter x Hunter) but it just doesn't feel like it works. Sorry.

@Bainshie: Sorry to say, but the backstory and personality feel too dark for the tone I imagined for this RP.

@Paradox_Lord & Insomnia: Might need a bit more time to think about these.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Sorry about the delay. Added to Palesean's bio to explain why'd he would be in Japan, added a close-up of what his face is like, and described how he'd dress when not in armor. Hope it's all good!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Let me know if I need to change anything.

Naru stands about 6ft tall with a slender appearance, he normally wears short sleeved button up shirts and black slacks but on a mission he'll normally change into a pair of cargo pants and a long sleeved shirt depending on the location. He has short black hair with bangs that partially cover one of his eyes and has pale skin. Apart from regular exercise and training he doesn't work out so he doesn't have any muscle on his arms or legs.

Personality: Naru is a friendly laid back person who normally has a smile on his face no matter the situation he finds himself in, his casual approach to most things and easygoing attitude has on occasion created the assumption that he may not care as much as he should though his actions prove otherwise. His calm demeanor belies the other part of his personality that seems to fit too easily into his person. Naru is caring individual but he has a tendency to be heartless when it comes to most aspects presented in front of him especially involving a mission, he makes no attempt to deny that his mindset and choices aren't exactly humanitarian and if the situation calls for it is more than happy to leave someone behind if it isn't an absolute necessity they return.
However he's well aware such an attitude isn't favored well especially in a community so he makes an effort not to allow his personal feelings to interfere with everyday life.
He dislikes the idea of harming innocent people and he fully believes cooperation makes things in life easier thus he's always willing to help another person should they need it. Naru always keeps a small distance between himself and others no matter how friendly he get's as he doesn't believe he should be trusted to a certain degree, well aware he would turn his back on his friend in a instant.

Backstory: Naru was born in a rural town near a city where an adventures guild was, he grew up with the possibility of monsters attacking the village at any point in time, to their dismay they lived near a small collection of natural crystals so it happened more often then they wanted. The guild in the nearby city was good at keeping monsters away from the town and any farmers, one person in particular always seemed to keep the town safe. The person went by the name Rose and she was a powerful magic user who normally had her three familiars with her at any point in time. Only her original familiar resembled a human being, the other two who were recently acquired looked more like life sized dolls and they always supported her whenever she went on missions. Rose became famous within the town since she was normally the first one there if a monster attacked and patrolled there often, rumors even circulated she could take a dragon on her own though there was no proof of it people didn't doubt it seeing her fight. Rose was considered the 'protector' of the town and was always welcomed with open arms, Naru however felt uneasy whenever he looked at her. Something about Rose bothered him, he wasn't sure what it was but something was just off about her.
When Naru was old enough he joined the adventure guild in the city, partially out of finance and personal goals but also to quell the uneasy feeling he held for years about Rose.
He met Rose in the guild with her familiars and approached her asking her a simple question, why she always protected his town there were other towns surrounding them. Naru had been sent to the other during his time there and found out Rose's activity was far less than his hometown, and he wondered why she always took jobs there.
The response he got caught him off guard, with a smile on her face she just told him it was easier to patrol since it was smaller, and the pay to take out creatures there was better that was it.
She even went on to tell him she didn't like being called a 'protector' and had even told them she was just doing her job, but she put up with it since it was her job, she even tossed a few insults since they were on the topic saying they were blinded by their own beliefs.
Naru seethed at Rose's words and yelled at her for her inconsideration but the more he went on the funnier Rose seemed to think it was, in one moment Naru realized the uneasy feeling was all too real seeing her laugh at the people he cared about. At the end of it all as he stood there in silent anger as Rose stared at him.
She stood up and held her arms out before offering an offer to him, if he beat her she would apologize to him and the people, Naru also made her swear to stop taking jobs in his hometown if he won which she agreed too.
Naru worked hard in the guild, learned magic and even picked up a weapon as he fought day after day to wipe the smug smile off Rose's face whenever they met, his reputation grew in his town as he took down a creature with some difficulty on his own.Eventually he confronted Rose bit she refused to fight him unless he beat her familiars first. Sadly after he challenged them they beat the living daylights out of him. He attacked each one and lost each time, he lost over and over and over again with Rose watching each and every time. Months went by and Naru managed to get past her familiars and confront Rose only to get beaten down worse than before, while on his hands and knees trying to catch his breath after losing again, Rose tossed him an artificial crystal and told him an infusion might keep from losing so much.
With that Rose walked away from him leaving him beaten and bruised laughing as she faded into the distance, Naru grabbed the crystal and gripping it stood up deciding to confront her again the next day, however Naru never got the chance as Rose went missing during a mission the following day.
The creature she attacked was dead but she and her familiars were gone, Naru heard the news almost immediately, a party had been sent to search for her and though he was offered a chance to go look he declined and returned to his training. He hated admitting it but he knew she had left on purpose, grabbing his scythe he returned to his training waiting for the reports though he was positive they wouldn't find her.
Years passed and Naru had just finished his rounds of his home town, the title 'protector' had been passed down to him after Rose's absence and he was actually starting to understand why Rose disliked being called it. There were plenty of other people who did far more than him, he was literally just doing his job and no matter how often he tried to speak to them they wouldn't listen, even his own parents didn't let it go. He actually started to understand what Rose meant by blinded and he disliked knowing she was right.
Naru returned to his house and after checking his mail noticed a letter inside, the sender caused his heart to skip a beat, 'Rose' was printed neatly on the letter. Naru tore open the letter and after scanning the letter only noticed a location marked on it, no hello or casually placed insult, just a location and a request to destroy the letter.
Naru crumpled the letter in his hand and absorbed the matter before making his way to the location, it took more time than he wanted and a boat ride combined with a little sprinting but he eventually found an abandoned building far away from civilization. He stood at the door for what seemed like ages before pushing it open, inside Rose sat on a love seat the same smile on her face with her familiars next to her.
No words needed to be exchanged between the two, Naru made a motion with his head and walked back outside,Rose walked outside and cracked her knuckles obviously pleased at idea of fighting again.
Of all the creatures and things Naru had to fight just to reach this point nothing compared to the amount of force Rose threw at him, she went at him at full force with the intent to kill and he did the same. At the end of it all however Naru stood over Rose, blood running down his face and his body covered in bruises, she was no better as she stared at the afternoon sky flat on her back. Naru started to speak but froze when Rose started laughing and in one motion quickly jumped back to her feet, Naru stared at her in disbelief confused how she could stand after all that. Rose walked past him patting his shoulder before her familiars followed her, Naru turned to her as she rotated her arm and glanced over her shoulder. She spoke to him her back turned to him and asked him a simple question, why did he want to fight her.
Naru though long and hard at the answer, he knew saying for his hometown was a lie so he told her because he wanted too. She actually laughed hearing the words and told him that's a good thing, during his time at the guild he had a time to think and he realized things about himself he wasn't proud of, even more so because Rose purposely left so he could experience what she did and realize what she had. It was hard to explain but he actually respected Rose for being that honest with herself even though it was a tad heartless, she just forced him to do the same.
"Look at the world you're own way Naru."
With those words Rose left with her familiars, Naru didn't pursue her and watched as she faded into the distance. Eventually Naru made his way back to the guild deciding not to mention this little trip to them, most though Rose was dead and he was sure she wanted to keep it that way. Naru eventually left the guild after hearing about Nekoyama from one of his guild mates, his reputation sunk after his encounter with Rose caused him to be more honest with himself, thanks to this he made more enemies than friends and decided it may be for the best to leave before a job was directed at him.
With a grin he got on a boat and made his way to Nekoyama, though he made it he's still new around the place so he's getting accustomed to everything.

Abilities/Equipment: Naru isn't proficient in using elemental magic, he found that out at a young age thus he studied for other ways to harness magic and he found that by using matter he can harness pure energy. He's able to take the matter out of solid objects and liquids to harness energy which he uses as magic, the energy normally shows as red glow which he uses to attack with. He gains less energy from liquid than he does from solid objects and since his magic pulls from matter he doesn't like fighting in cities, normally he can pull a little and be content but in extreme cases he normally takes a chunk out of it, since this is considered vandalism which is understandable as taking a chunk out of brick wall normally isn't smiled upon he avoids using his magic too often in cities. He always fixes the matter he pulls from with the remnant energy but as this takes time he avoids taking large chunks unless it's absolutely necessary. Though Naru can take energy in he uses his body to convert it into energy thus his power is similar to that of a glass with a lid on it with a small hole on top. Once the glass is full no more can go inside and with the lid it can't overflow, if he takes in too much it can hurt him thus he normally stores the energy and uses it in bursts.
He mainly uses his magic for distant attacks and defense, he can created a small shield to stop attacks but with enough force it can be broken through
He enhanced his body with the crystal giving him a bit more strength and speed than a normal human however as he used a weak one the power isn't much. On a scale if someone has a power of 1 his would be 1.5. He can brawl a little with his fists but since he has no formal training he relies more on his weapon.

Equipment-Naru carries a collapsible pole with him that's about his height, at first glance it seems to resemble a black bow staff however when he adds a bit of his magic to it a large curved red blade forms out of the top revealing a scythe which is what he uses as his main weapon.
The scythe itself has been infused with crystals to compliment his usage of magic, he's able to use the matter from the staff to keep the blade manifested without expelling more energy than he needs too and if necessary he can call the staff to him by pulling the matter towards him, he's unable to do this with any other matter and has practiced long and hard to draw it in with converting it to energy. The crystals within it allow him to increase the blade's size and density to cut through most dense substances, with enough power he can cut clean through a car in one swipe however he'd have to deplete half his 'jar' just to gain the power for it and it would drain his magic faster than a normal sized blade.
Though he's able to manifest the scythe without the pole he uses far less energy using it with it, the crystals also strengthen the pole itself allowing him to block sharp and blunt objects without damaging the pole.
Due to the size of the scythe however he avoids using it in crowded places and will usually use the pole itself as he hasn't fixed it to a point where it can't cut through living things and due to the risk of infusing it with too many crystals he's not willing to risk adding more to it.
The scythe is kept on his person but he won't mention where exactly as he tends to pull it from his sleeve whenever he needs it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paradox_Lord


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tachi said
@TheBeggar: Sorry, but the more I think about it, the more I think that character's abilities just don't fit with the setting. There's some interesting concepts there (the roulette kind of reminds me of an awesome character from Hunter x Hunter) but it just doesn't feel like it works. Sorry.@Bainshie: Sorry to say, but the backstory and personality feel too dark for the tone I imagined for this RP.@Paradox_Lord & Insomnia: Might need a bit more time to think about these.

Okay, tell me if you have any suggestions
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Paradox_Lord: I'm trying to imagine how he uses sewing needles in combat (since at first, I was a bit confused as to how that sort of fighting style could be of any use) and I just want to check to see if I've got it right. Would that be inspired by Toriko? I just want to see if I'm on the right track.

@Insomnia: While I don't mind the monastery being destroyed (it helps that the personality doesn't look like you're using it for an excuse to throw darkness into the RP), I'm not so sure about the idea of a group of "rogues" being responsible for it. It doesn't really feel like it fits the modern setting, to be honest. So, while it's fine for it to be destroyed, I'd like if you could change the reason. I'm not even saying it can't be humans, just...I don't really see there being roaming bands of rogues.

The abilities look interesting (the attunement idea kinda reminds me of Guild Wars 2, ehe), but I don't really see them fitting with magic as it is in the setting. While it's possible that someone could use multiple elements (or even all of them if their affinity didn't get in the way of it), they would just know spells related to the elements, rather than attuning themselves to different elements to change what they can do.

@Mizos: To be honest, his backstory feels too dark for the tone I was aiming for.

@MMM: Accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hmm if it's just the backstory I can edit it, I went through about four before settling on this one. I'll get too altering it. Just let me know if anything else doesn't fit.
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