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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Umbrae Populus opened his mouth to speak but Crassus silenced him with a raise of the hand. "It functions, that is what matters to our fledgling colleagues" He said slowly as he took a few steps away "I trust there is more?" He said as he examined the area, and for a moment it looked as though he was going to walk off alone, but he stopped at the last minute, his iris like ring glowing slightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

"There is more" said Black Marble. They were lead to a area, and infront of them sat a large tub of some sorta of semi-solid white material.
"We call it flesh, a blank genetic material perfect for creating true synths. It is still experimental but it be more effective then recycling bodies and opens up the possibility of creating new species from scratch" said Black Marble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Crassus walked over to it and part of the material broke off, flying into the air he commented "Seems like biomass." He commented, then paused, glancing to Black Marble "That is, exactly what it means. Biological mass. This stuff can be made out of any biological substance if you strip its components away. Can be composed of energy too, if you put it together right, just leaving a 'slab', like wiping clean a page to write it all again. Its inevitable you would do this. Congratulations are in order. This is a hallmark of sorts. I am curious, how are you producing 'Flesh' as you call it?" Crassus said, sensing a spot for heightening the species relations. Biomass had always been a touchy subject with most races. The idea... Often opposed by religions stating it was 'playing god'. Even more so when they realised the collective had no qualms about reducing the dead to biomass as well. Nothing goes to waste, that was the idea. Now he sensed a way to get the Collective and the Equestrians closer again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

"We carefully combine the most basic elements of life in a process that prevents them from building normal DNA. This also isn't against Faust before you ask about it, one of her scriptures state that creating life and advancing every field is not against the rules. We are allowed to use universal mechanics to our will." said Black Marble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Lengthy process, from the sounds of it. A single mistake and that all goes. You said it was experimental, I assume you are looking for ways to better mass produce it? If you do aim to create true Synths from it you need a lot of it, as you know bodies are anything but simple. Why not strip it down from already created biological material? I mean, obviously you lack the access to the vast resources created by the Corruptelae Insectum when they secrete it and build colony walls with a a very simple compound but what about stripping down already created materials such as the dead?" Crassus asked. He had a feeling he knew the answer... In fact, he was almost certain he knew it, but it still shocked him all the same when sentients were against the recycling of bodies
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

"No, it is out of the question " was Black Marble cold reponse, he moved away from the subject and started on something else "If what you say is true and you can still get pure biomass from already created life we could just use plants. With magic we can create so much that we have enough to feed everyone and have massive stockpiles of it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Oh yes, plant life can be used. Saeva Simius farmers produce excess food which we do sometimes change to biomass. The yield of plant life in comparison to animal is minor, original structure really. Plants are smaller, less surface area. Animals have many, many parts. It is similar to the 21st century human idea of biofuels. It isn't a question of whether it could be used so much as whether you are willing to environmentally ravage worlds in order to produce the required land for growth, and whether you could keep it sustainable growing at such a rate." Crassus said "We encountered environmental troubles when settling the Saeva Simius, so many became farmers and manual workers. Entire sections of their jungles completely leveled. The surplus if food was shocking, but the environmental damage was also shocking. If we moved the Saeva Simius out, it would taken dozens of cycles for the worlds to return to normal. It could be done, though my advise would be to be careful with it. Alternatively, we could also arrange some form of trade. Biomass is produced in surplus by the Corruptelae Insectum, they are like a virus with everything, they just make more and more and more. Access to these surpluses was part of the agreement between the Corruptelae Insectum Empress and the Collective when they entered the collective." He said, and the two sides looked to him in surprise. This was supposed to be a scientific venture, not some relations meeting. As for trading, they didn't even know what the Equestrians might have which the Collective needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

"I can assure you we will be extremely careful. To give you a idea of how much surplus we have, and we only need a few 1000s acres at most. Take the mass of the moon we are currently on, multiply by about 100, and then thats how much the surplus of a minor farming world would yield in total mass of the plants, ands that just the a minor farming world. We could always trade for some more from you aswell, we will just throw in some more materials, or another recently discovered substance. It is next on our tour." said Black Marble.

The party was lead to a small room where a bluish material sat on a desk above a large Telsa Coil, after being subjected to massive amounts of energy from the coil the substance seemed to bend the laws of physics within its local area.

"We call it Element Zero, or "Eezo" for short. It is capable of bending physics and with the right conditions can be projected into what we call mass effect fields, these can be used for a wide variety of things, including FTL. It is very poisonous and causes cancerous growths in those exposed, but it does pose another interesting theory refereed to as Biotics. The Asari, who world is rich in Eezo, have it naturally in there veins without the cancerous growths. We believe with the right implants they could control miniature mass effect fields, we also believe that it may be possible for other species to survive Eezo and also gain the biotics. Of course this was all recently discovered and there are other projects we have more focus on, but it does pose some interesting ideas and other devices out of it." said Black Marble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Its an oddity. Strange substances do exist. Substances that phase between worlds, substances that don't have energy in its molecular structure despite all logic saying it should, and now this to add to the list of the strange things we have encountered" Crassus said as his eyes lit up "Do we know what causes its properties?" His eyes grew more intense by the second, and it became apparent that he was drawing energy from the tesla coil for whatever purpose, befores his eyes returned to normal and he let out a sigh, like man who had been dying of thirst having taken a drink "I would rather not attempt to affect the energy field on it to try and test it, lest it have unforseen consequences"
"Affirmed!" The Umbrae Populis aide said, and the Triarian aide took a few steps in advance
"What would be required for these biotics then?" The Triarian aide questioned as he examined the odd substances. Crassus wondered where these Asari were, or indeed where the other Equiis pact races were. Apart from the lone broadcasted appearance he had seen none. Still, this 'Biotics' theory couldn't be more annoyingly named. He supposed terminology might have to be revised for the Equitem... Or he supposed they could refer to this biotic theory as something else, who knows.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

"For a being to be able to gain biotic powers the being in questions need to be subjected to the dust form and survive. Special implants would need to be developed to allow for them to project Mass Effect fields. As for the nature of how it does what it does... We have no clue, magical and regular instruments have revealed nothing abnormal. The current theory on the table is that it partially exists in another universe where physics are different, and by subjecting it to energy it changes the physics within the field to the physics of the other universe." said Black Marble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Triarian aide looked at the Umbrae Populus who frowning, guessing what the other aide was about to suggest and simply stating "No."
"In that case, subjecting it to energy could have implications for the user of these biotics. Past that, implants sound like they would be some sort of altered gravitational field generator, made smaller so to fit in then" Crassus said, as he approached the element and and examined it more closely, before his eyes lit up orange "Energy wise, the object is just... Nothing out of the ordinary, the field it is generating is odd in its self."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Indeed. We are only giving you a small amount to take with due to the limited supply. The best place to find more is in the remnants of stars that have went supernova." said Black Marble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TehAlphaGamer
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SAF 004 Mobilization

Sazkarjhia Assault Fleet 004 came out of warp near the scene of the Pirate-Hach assault. A small group of six destroyers and eight frigates attempted to lead the trail of the pirates, while the remainder of the fleet stayed in the area and remained on guard for any incoming hostiles.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Crassus eyes glow bright orange again. This 'Eezo' didn't seem to have a relative atomic mass of zero, nor did it seem to be a chemical element. The field allowed an odd manipulation of elements once the energy was passed through it... He shrugged and his eyes dulled as he turned to Black Marble again
"You stated the 'Asari' were already exposed to this. If I might request biological reports for them, and possibly a live specimen I might be able to invent these implants you talk of, I promise I will do everything within my power to keep the specimen alive, but obviously there are risks associated with such experimentation, as always." Crassus said, as he aides stood silent, sharing glances with one another as Crassus spoke

Aru'Shumi (Eng: Most honourable ones)
Triarian standard name: honoratissimus aviarius (Eng: Honourable avian)

The Aru'Shumi evolved from avian creatures. They are average sized aliens, their avian ancestry giving them a bird-like beak and long quills protruding from their heads like hair. Smaller quills, possibly the evolutionary remnants of feathers, can be found scattered over their bodies. Maybe the most prominent feature of the Aru'Shumi is that they evolve in two ways. The primary manner is the standard reproductive means, but they can evolve in a secondary manner by selecting traits of their defeated foes to absorb through eating them. Due to this, the inhabitants of different Aru'Shumi planets can be very diverse. This ability is very limited, however. For instance, changes are slow, and the traits that are acquired are the lower end of the spectrum. For example, eating Triarii would not grant them Psionic ability, but would result in the Aru'Shumi evolving for a minor increase in intelligence.
They have a very strict structure of honour. While they do not have a god they believe in the 'Warrior Spirit'. They believe that when a warrior of any race dies, his warrior spirit should be kept, and the only way to do this is by reusing his flesh, sometimes by eating it and sometimes by turning it into clothing. With the arrival of the Triarii, the Collective has exploited this through the use of body recycling, the Aru'Shumi heavily in support of this idea. The idea of the 'Warrior Spirit' was retained as part of their culture, albeit 'Warrior Spirit' now being synonymous with a new idea from the Collective, 'Warrior Genes'. This sort of combination of culture is far from rare within the Collective
Their leader is the Emperor of the Aru'Shumi, who is now a member of the Primicerii Xenos, and the Aru'Shumi are now officially a client race of the Collective. The majority of the Aru'Shumi surrendered to the Collective upon the Emperors orders, as disobeying the orders of a superior is seen as even more dishonourable than surrendering. Despite this, there is some resistance on a handful of planets, and the Collective is working quickly to stomp it out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Of course, we will need to arrange for the biological reports from the Asari before we can, and we will find some volunteers and verse them on the risks of what they are about to go through. These experiments will also need to be conducted humanely and with some of the Equiis Pact present, they will assist in the project. We have a empty facility on the planet below they would be perfect." said Black Marble

A few hours later

Black Marble stepped back into the room in which Crassus had been waiting.
"Everythings in order, we have the biological report here and the volunteers are already at the facility. Did you get the permission from the collective?" said Black Marble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Crassus stood, staring at the Tesla coil as his eyes glew bright orange, and it was clear he was absoring energy from it. A few seconds later he turned to Black Marble and spoke, in a stronger voice than before, more powerful and echoing "Affirmative" He said, taking a few steps forwards. Energy seemed to swirl around him, the lights flickered and he stood slightly straighter, before everything returned to normal "Apologies, I required more energy. Revitalising cells is taxing." He said slowly, holding out his hand for the biological report "Thank you" The Triarian aide followed after him, closely, and the Umbrae Populus aide trailed behind slightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Black Marble led Crassus back to his shuttle. A Equiis Pact science team could already be seen boarding another shuttle. The pilot of the Triarian's shuttle was given the docking instructions. Shortly after landing a large facility could be seen, while it was maintained it was obvious that it had rarely been used. Trucks could be seen transporting equipment into the base and a few Asari volunteers could be seen milling around while the Equiis Pact science team introduced themselves to Crassus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Saeva Simius who had received docking instructions stood in surprise for a moment, before chuckling and turning to the dropship, tapping on the side and speaking to it in some alien tongue. The living, crablike dropship let out a strange, whining noise in response as the Collective proceeded to board, before flying down to the planet and landing proceeding to make a slowly noise as it went to 'sleep'
Crassus nodded to the members introducing themselves and responded with "A pleasure to make your acquaintance" before setting work work, his eyes glowing bright orange as he examined the volunteers. His aides eyes also glew orange as he read over the biological report, and the Umbrae Populus checked the equipment that was being brought in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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EAS Icarus, Pulsar KR-2297
Alarms sounded all over the ship as the outer hull plating began melting under the stellar heat, the crew rushing to repair heat-damaged systems and seal off breached ares. Suddenly, the captain regretted taking the assignment to explore a pulsar on a starship named Icarus. Seriously, that wasn't tempting fate, that was yelling "come at me bro" while naked and unarmed.
"Electrical systems failing captain! All systems overheating, the sublight engine is gone!"
"Warp out!"
The science officer called out, instead of the usual ops-captain conversation that always seems to happen.
"Picking up an anomaly! Captain, you're not going to believe this!"
"I know Fergus McClain! Of course I'll believe it!"
"Our mass has decreased by a factor of ten thousand! We've just traveled though a dozen galaxies, I'm initiating emergency shutoff!"
The ship's warp drive abruptly shut off, and when it did the mass of the ship returned to normal. with most of the navigation systems down, the crew triangulated their position using a good old starmap and sextant. Turns out that they are in the worst possible place for an EA ship to be: above an Equiis Pact world. They quickly transmitted a message to explain the transgression.
"This is the EAS Icarus to Equiis Pact planet, we apologize for the transgression. It was completely unintended and the result of an anomaly that altered the mass of our ship. We were trying to escape from a pulsar about twenty galaxies away from here when the event occurred, the trip took us only a couple seconds due to the anomaly. We will attempt to enact repairs on our ship, and will leave your space as soon as we are able to."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago


Crassus had a plan. Crassus had a crazy plan
From what he could tell from the Asari biology, there were some form of nodules throughout the nervous system. These were presumably caused by this 'Eezo'... god he hated that term. These Nodules were essentially benign cancerous cells, which explained Eezo causing cancer. If the cancerous cells were benign then the individual would have these nodules, and given their location on the nervous system, they could be stimulated. In the Asari they were all synchronised in their usage, which meant they could produce these fields. Given the natural nervous system of the Asari, which was vastly different to the other species in both the collective and the Equiis pact, it would seem the others wouldn't achieve this... so he needed to sunchronise them...

New Units

Habitat Walker:
The towering Habitat Walker has four long, but bulky legs that it uses for movement and sports dozens of plasma cannons and hardlight turrets. It also has two massive warp cannons and sports a sort of low powered energy projector on it's main body. The walker contains many sophisticated teleporation systems, hallways, storage bays for synths and mechs, which are beamed down through it's teleporation system. The Walker's upper body is somewhat shaped like a lopsided hexagon.
The sheer size of the Walker allows it to destroy many buildings by simply stepping on them with its legs. The walker is also truly "all terrain", able to climb cliffs and mountains or wade through lakes and even be fully submerged. It's external armour is extremely thick, battle ship grade with shielding, making it hard to destroy with most grond based weapon. Rather, enemies should destroy its hardpoints to expose the walker's internal workings, then break the dark energy cores protective casing and from there destabalise the dark energy core through damage.

Assembly Walker:
Like the Habitat Walker, the Assembly Walker is a massive, quadrupedal walker armed with plasma cannons and a teleportion system. It is more than twice the size of the habitat walker, making it a gargantuan walker. The Walker's upper body features two large 'arms' that are covered in weaponry on either side of the main body and a giant teleport device on its back. The assembly walker has hundreds of plasma cannons and hardlight turrets. It sports four massive warp cannons on each arm, and has a newly designed armament, the Dark Engery Caster on it's main body. The Assembly walker acts as a sort of walking manufactorum, producing synths and mechs as it advances across the world, through supplies that are teleported to it en mass
Like the other large walkers, the Assembly Walker can crush almost anything in its path and traverse nearly any terrain, including cliffs. The sheer size of the Walker allows it to destroy many buildings by simply stepping on them with its legs. The walker is also truly "all terrain", able to climb cliffs and mountains or wade through lakes and even be fully submerged. It's external armour is extremely thick, even stronger than that of the habitat walker. Enemies should destroy its hardpoints to expose the walker's internal workings, and from there disable it's internal energy shielding, followed by it's internal protective casing then the dark energy core can be destabalised, causing a self destruction

Reaper Drones

The Reaper Drone is a mech that is essentially a mobile teleporter for breaking down materials (organic or not) and teleporting them to supply ships or assembly walkers. Each Reaper Drone possesses advanced artificial intelligence that allows it to distinguish between different materials and collect them in a prioritised order based on how easy they are to break down, how much of each resource is required etc. The Reaper Drone's teleporation beam works by breaking down an object and teleporting it away over short distances. They have a Heavy Plasma Machine Gun to help defend them, but often they simply use their beam to break down and teleport any enemies who attempt to attack them.
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