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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Alxendriel
Age: ???
Gender: None
Race: Sword
Appearance: Looks like this but with a golden blade and a red gem near where the handle meets the blade.

Personality: Being an artificial spirit infused into the sword by way of the gem, it actually has somewhat of a personality, which can only be found out upon wielding it and it chooses to speak into the wielder's mind if it finds them worthy of wielding it. It's personality slowly changes to match the wielder if it's not careful and tries to cut itself off mentally from them should it not like the wielder. If the emotions of the wielder are strong enough then it has extreme trouble resisting the urge, especially if the sword "tastes" lots of blood. Under normal circumstances it usually has a determined and regal tone in it's voice. If wielded by someone of less noble intentions it sounds sort of frightened and tries to keep people from using it for evil purposes by using persuasion, but having no control over it's actions this depends on how willing the wielder is to listen. If it takes on the wielders personality it's hard to return back to it's neutral personality without being wielded by someone very skilled at calming it back down.


Physical Abilities- It doesn't dull so can be kept at maximum sharpness without negative effects, and it is virtually indestructible. The cutting power depends on the wielder, but it's cutting potential is extremely high. The gem on the hilt is only as powerful as crystal, being the obvious weak point, but it does have a strong resistance to magic so must be physically hit to shatter. Shatter it and the blade itself will begin to show cracks that run down the blade, further and deeper, until it completely shatters within 1 minute even if not receiving any major hits.


Power Link- This is difficult to pull off and requires both wielder and sword to be completely in sync with one another. The wielder and sword can then exchange physical qualities, making the wielder virtually indestructible but more then likely making the sword much weaker. The wielder has to keep a grip on the sword the entire time, and if the sword is destroyed then the link obviously fails and the wielder is put into a state of extreme mental shock for a around 3 seconds afterwards, making them have a powerful headache and confusion. They won't return completely to normal for a good 10 seconds in the best of circumstances.
Re-forge- It can be re-forged if destroyed, but this is a difficult process known only by a sacred blacksmith who has the right materials and a whole lot of free time to devote to such a task. Every last shard of the soul crystal must be accounted for in order to stand any chance of success.


Created to combat a great evil, it's soul is designed to bridge the gap between the hero and his weapon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Randy Moreno
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Human. Italian/Colombian
Appearance:This but not the uniform. He doesn't wear clothing like that, instead preferring the stereotypical poor kid look. He also wears a sumo outfit during fighting and sometimes when he's just lounging around when he's too lazy to change. He doesn't like it, but sometimes he's forced by his family to wear a suit like a gangster.

Personality: He does most things as if he enjoys it, showing an eager face and energetic movements. He rarely runs out of energy and gets depressed even though he doesn't have much money. His family does, being gangsters, but he only wants money that he earns himself so often turns down his family's offers. Some of his heritage does leak into his personality with his love of fighting, but he doesn't like fighting dirty or harming innocents. He hates things that are too easy, loving to push himself, and if he looses or makes a fool of himself in the process then so be it. He finds value in losing, learning his lesson from it so he can improve in the future. He can be kind of selfish, wanting to do things he wants to do and will be stubborn at doing things he doesn't agree with. If he realizes that he has no choice in the matter then he tries to make the most of it and maybe even come up with games to play while doing it to distract himself.


Physical Abilities- Despite being a sumo wrestler fighting style, he's surprisingly fast and nimble, but not outside of a natural human range. His strength is what one would expect, able to toss people around, but usually struggling against the heaviest of opponents.
Sumo Training- His primary fighting style is sumo wrestling. He's been training since he was seven so is decent at it, excelling in fast grapples.
Weapon Training- He knows how to use a pistol due to his gangster heritage, forced to be good with it but he never uses it outside of the shooting range.


Self Gravity- He can control gravity on himself, changing his weight from his normal 140 pounds to up to four times that or up to four times less then that. He can go from extreme to extreme in only two seconds, but this can wear his body down. It hardly effects his body at all if done slowly and not taking from extremes so often.


Weapons: A pistol he more then likely doesn't have on him


His father is an Italian gangster who traveled to Columbia as part of a business transaction. On said trip he met a beautiful Columbian woman, who he conceived with on a one night stand while out at a drunken party. Although his father wasn't the best person by any means, he did try to be a good father, which could actually get annoying for Randy because what his father thought was good for him often wasn't. He didn't like the lifestyle, preferring a simpler (and consequently poorer) lifestyle while staying with his mother. Entranced by sumo wrestling he saw a documentary on, he decided that he wanted to be one despite not being from a place known for such a sport.

He had to travel far and wide to find a school to help train him, and this ate up a lot of money that he had gathered together from chores and an odd assortment of jobs. He still found it worth it, much to the dismay of his father. However, his father gave up trying to stop him and was too busy with his own work anyways, heading back to Italy most of the time. Randy was surprisingly good despite being in an incredibly low weight, acting as if he was much heavier and sturdier then he looked. He didn't know he was subconsciously making himself heavier. This gave him a huge advantage psychically and in the element of surprise. He's quickly rising to fame, but this has attracted rival gangs who want to see him dead. Somehow he has managed to retain his life and his lifestyle despite this.
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Takkyu
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: This

Personality: His love for table tennis trumps all other emotions. He's incredibly dramatic, shouting even simple statements at the top of his lungs while doing dramatic poses. He's arrogant, not knowing when to give up on a match.


Physical Abilities- He has normal human abilities. Most notable is his superb hand-eye coordination. He's also able to flip and cartwheel around.
Table Tennis Pro- He's so good at table tennis he's easily among the top.


Supreme Table Tennis- Once his trusty paddle is in his hand he can take on a whole new level of power, able to hit tennis balls so quickly that they can do as much damage as bullets and he can cut people with the paddles as if they were as sharp as swords. However, this strength boost only works through his paddles, and by extension the balls he hits on them.
Dramatic Scene- For 10 seconds (his time) he can make everything appear to be slow motion and do insane levels of athleticism, flipping around, wall jumping, etc. He can only do this once a battle and only in the second half if there's a lot of tension in the air.


40 Regular pin pong balls
10 explosive ping pong balls- After the initial hit on the paddle, the next hit makes it explode.
Red paddle and blue paddle- Both the same.

Ball Bag- Able to hold all of his ping pong equipment. It can be slung over his shoulder on a strap.


He was so good at ping pong that nobody could challenge him, so he decided to take his ping pong skills to new heights and engage in mortal combat with it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Remme Age: 16 Gender: Female Race: Human Appearance: This, but she also has a top on that matches the bottom half of the dress, and silver armor over it. Personality: She's a silent, "cold as ice" girl who's focused on goals rather than having fun and messing around. Because of this she's often alone and doesn't make friends easily. She doesn't try to be mean, just doesn't make much effort in being nice so comes across that way often. However, she'll help out in doing what's right to save others from harm. Abilities Physical Abilities- An unenhanced yet highly athletic human girl. Katana Training- Extremely good with a katana. Powers Temperature Shift- She can change her body temperature to below freezing without suffering any negative effects (her body doesn't actually freeze), but in this state she is able to freeze others on contact just as well as any cold object would be able to. She can get as cold as liquid nitrogen in this matter. Deep Freeze- She can intentionally freeze herself solid instantly, her entire body or just parts of it. It doesn't transfer cold as well as her previous technique, but it upgrades her defense to that of crystal. If pieces are broken off they can be re-frozen on and be good as new. The main downsides are that she cannot move the frozen body part, if used on her entire body then she looses consciousness, and her body has to thaw back out at normal speeds. She cannot raise temperatures, after all, only lower them. Ice Limb- She can form an arm or a leg out of ice collected on her skin. She cannot create ice out of thin air, so needs to either freeze water or find ice somewhere. She can freeze moister in thin air, but this would be very slow going to form enough to make an entire arm. If an actual arm or leg gets cut off she can have one of these take the place from the stump. Weaknesses *Heat *Range Equipment Weapons: Katana Bio
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Grunund
Age: 10 (young adult in wolf years, but the aging slows considerably at around 8)
Gender: Male
Race: Wolf (although from a fantasy world)
Appearance: A slightly heavyset white wolf, but not so heavy that it would appear to have mobility issues. In fact he looks quite healthy and active. The fur on his neck is slightly longer and grey at the tips, giving an appearance of a mane. He has a medium length bushy tail. He has silver eyes.

Personality: Loyal and brave are his two most distinguishing characteristics. He's also prideful, but is willing to put pride aside if something else takes priority. He has a near human-like intelligence, allowing him to interact with them at a level of a mature child who knows how to take care of himself.


Physical Abilities- He's able to run at 140 miles an hour for extended periods and lift 6 tons in his jaws, equivalent to the weight of an elephant. Of course without a proper grip on an object he'd have trouble lifting this optimal amount. His bones are thick and very durable, able to survive getting crushed underneath a van and walk away from it.
Senses- His sense of smell is that of a hound dog with the added feature of smelling magical energy, which is present in all things and each thing having a unique magical signature. His eyes are only about 1.5 times better humans but he has night vision. His hairs have a sense of touch delicate enough to detect wind changes. His hearing is as good as an owl.
Sword/dagger Training- Able to wield it in his mouth. Not his preferred method of combat but he can do it.
Combat Skills- Able to fight tooth and nail with a fighting style expected of a wolf, but with more intelligence behind his actions.
Poison Tolerance- Not perfect, but he can more easily survive many different types of poisons.
*Hunting Skills
*Animal Instincts


Cloning- He's able to have mirages extend off of his body and then take physical form. They look like exact clones of him but their physical abilities are reduced to that of a normal earth wolf. That means that, if he's to successfully trick others, he must reduce his own physical abilities to that level while using this technique. He can gain sensory information from the clones from any distance. They fight based on instinct if left alone but can follow the same strategy that Grunund uses as if they can detect his intent without speaking any words, but they must be within visual range of him so it's clear they need him around for such commands regardless if spoken or not. By expending additional energy he can infuse his clones (only upon their initial creation) with explosive energy held in place in a ball form inside the clone's chest. Once activated by Grunund's intent, the clone's chest expands to a balloon shape within 5 seconds and then explodes like a grenade with magical energy. Don't worry, although they act like it they are not actually alive, only working due to an artificially made instinct. When they "die" they simply disappear into a cloud of white arra (otherwise known as energy). He can create as many clones as he has energy, which would be enough for up to 240 normal clones or 20 explosive ones, but this would make him so exhausted that he, himself, could no longer move.
Internal Barrier- The arra situated within his skin naturally forms a barrier that deflects any attacks (up to a point) that are coming into him while still allowing his own arra to flow outward. The arra barrier is damaged with any attack, breaking down more or less depending on the strength of the attack. The damage to the arra barrier is usually contained to the area that was attacked and it repairs itself over time, but if the barrier is shattered then that part of the body doesn't completely recover the barrier for at least a couple of hours.


His loyalty to his "owners" can put his own life in jeopardy to save them.


Where will a wolf put anything? Well, to be fair he has worn equipment on certain assignments, but he probably won't unless otherwise stated.


He works for an enemy organization to Alden, but they are generally more honorable then the standard foe. That doesn't make them any less dangerous.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

(Character removed)
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Melon (Human undercover name. Real name undisclosed)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Regalnian (Human looking alien)
Appearance: He looks like a slender human boy with short, semi-spiky light green hair and pale skin. His eyes are a very bright blue, almost appearing to glitter. Like his body his pale face is also slim. Some people would find him quite attractive, but he has more of the mysterious looking face rather then any rugged handsomeness. People might compare him to how elves tend to look, but as a child.

For mannerisms he's often using the proper poster while at rest, his back straight and his hands clenched lightly together at his waist. He does head tilts quite often, especially when he's intently examining or is otherwise interested in something. When he wishes to emote then he's very expressive in his actions, only subdued when he's in this concentrating state, which sometimes causes him to absent mindedly make "hmmmmmmmmm..." sounds. Where he comes from the person space is much smaller, so he often stands closer to others then two humans would.

Personality: He's very outgoing, charismatic, playful, and open to new things. His main flaw is his mischievousness, playing pranks and getting into things he shouldn't. Due to anime being unintentionally broadcast into space, this was one of his first contacts with human culture, making him believe that being "kawaii" (cute) was the proper way to react in social situations. Therefore, a lot of his actions might make him seem rather gay coming from a male, but he's only gay in the original term for happy (this might be further cause for confusion of people ask him if he's gay). He does "love" everyone, but is only physically attracted to women in a romantic way, even if it might seem otherwise with his friendly antics. He dislikes killing so he only uses weapons that can only incapacitate. He believes that everyone deserves a second chance and has good in them. He's very naive and kind of dense, but mostly in matters he doesn't understand such as certain aspects of human culture, although through his mandatory Earth Study course before traveling there he does know the basics.


Physical Abilities- He is similar to a human with more mobility by around 10% but less physical strength and durability by about 15% then the average human. In fact he's pathetically weak, even among his own kind, often needing people to help open jars for him, for example. This is the bane of his existence, him never being able to get through certain child proofing locks and the like without an adult's help.
Intellect- Although smart, he doesn't know how all his technology works besides a very rudimentary level (pull the trigger, make energy pop out). Of course due to the schools he went to having more knowledge of the universe and it's workings so does he, but he never took any advanced courses because they made his head hurt. Just because there's more knowledge at his disposal doesn't mean his brain is any more adept at handling such complex things. He would do quite well in earth science courses, though, and is a fast learner compared to humans.
Weapon Training- He has training in all the weapons he has on him, but not any serious military training.


Telekinesis/Telepathic- His race is naturally telekinetic and telepathic, although in the later case only among members of his own race and at the distance of a couple of miles away. His telekinetic ability is strong enough to allow him to lift only as strong as his natural lifting ability but at a range of up to 87 meters and only if he can see it. People can struggle out of it just as easily as if he was physically grabbing them.


Head: White fluffy cap made out of fibers.
Body: Something like this. It can insulate his body and protect it areas with vast pressure differences if he also puts on a helmet.
Hands: White gloves with small glowering pads on the fingertips. They record data upon touch into a small chip on the back of the hand. They are able to scan the entire object (no larger then the size of a typical building, in which case it would have to scan it in chunks) and builds a 3-d image of it as if it sent x-rays through the object. They can also scan so sensitively that it can read DNA and check for poisons, viruses, etc. All of this finer detail requires around 5 seconds to scan, while simple 3-d images of the larger structures can be done at a tap.
Feet: White knee high boots with a slight heel to them not enough to disrupt walking, and the heels are not at a point, more like just a elevated portion of the sole of the boot. They have small devices inside that, when clicking his heels against the ground, can allow for a discharge of electricity of up to 800,000 volts on the next impact such as a kick, but it does not have enough amps to be lethal. He could alter it to be more powerful if desired but he does not, especially if it makes it lethal. His natural walking can recharge the battery up to full in 5 minutes at a brisk walking speed. If he only recharges half that amount then the attack would just be 400,000 volts.
Stun Ray- It fires off yellow glowing circles at speeds of 100 miles and hour that can stun a normal human at a distance of up to 12 feet away, armor having little effect against this unless magically protected or advanced shielding. If taken effect with a hit on the central nervous system then it will knock the target out for roughly 30 minutes on it's default setting, although at full power can send them off to la la land for an entire night. Glancing blows would just numb the area for a bit. Such a high powered shot of an entire nights rest causes the ray to lose power for 10 minutes and it can recharge by way of solar power. The fire rate is only once every 5 seconds.
Deflection Baton- Glowing light blue energy comes out of the handle to form a baton with a length of up to 2 feet, but he can make it smaller if desired. It's capable of repelling almost any objects that touches it, physical or magical, as if the touching object has to fight against a powerful cushion of air, and it takes away 90% of the recoil that he would experience by taking the hit. Upon pushing a button it can act like the stun ray, but only within a 1 foot range that extends in all directions. Because it has to hit their central nervous system to take effect in knocking someone out, as long as he keeps it at a proper distance he will only have a numb arm for a couple of seconds.
Freeze Ray- Capable of inclosing a human sized target in a layer of ice in 5 seconds of continued freezing. It leaves whatever is inside the ice layer both warm and alive, only being effected by way of having ice over their joints to prohibit maneuverability. He can fire continuously for a minute before running out of fuel, a special gas found in a round container at the back of the weapon. If you burst this container then everything instantly freezes within a 5 foot radius in an uncontrolled manner. Luckily the container can withstand the damage of all modern weaponry outside of powerful/lucky gunshots or stronger. It can be tampered with by intentionally removing a seal on it, which makes it go off with any sufficient impact, and can be detached from the gun to be flung like a grenade. He'd never use this against live targets because it would likely be lethal if immediate medical attention is not given.
Mechanical Lullaby- A small device plays a series of high pitched notes when flipped on, and upon hearing it and focusing on it for 10 seconds will make you drowsy, and 30 seconds will put most people to sleep. It even works on him, so he has to be incredibly careful when he uses it not to focus on the sounds. He can flip the device back off before it's too late.

Marshmallow- Appears similar to this but without the face or other coloring and glowing light blue pads underneath the wings. It's a device that can hover around and fly at speeds up to 100 miles an hour. He had stand on it to surf it through the air. Although levitation would seem to require a lot of energy, it never seems to run out.
Personal Deflection Shield- A device as large as a backpack and worn like one as well. One turned on it activates the shield automatically upon high intensity projectile attacks. Basically, that means that anything gun related or stronger will trigger the shield while magical, melee, or weak ranged such as throwing a softball won't. It can withstand around three direct hits from bazooka rockets before failing. Even if it withstands an attack it will still lose energy, so even a bunch of pistol shots would eventually take it down. It can only recharge completely after 3 hours.
Cammo Emitter- A device strapped around his abdomen like a belt. It bends light around his entire body, causing him to blend in to his surrounds. If he moves the image flickers and distorts. It runs out after 3 minutes of constant use and requires 10 minutes to completely charge.
Healing Shot- A small gun-like device that can press against a wound and shoot in a healing agent capable of closing most wounds in a white foam in seconds, stopping the bleeding and sticking the tissue back together. This is only for emergency closure and should be used as a permanent healing method. A large would require using an entire vial, which he can then remove and insert another vial, of which he has three spares and one in the "gun".
Hacker- It looks like a usb. The tip can meld into electronics and begin to cause them to go haywire or even turn to his command, but the process can be interrupted upon tearing the Hacker back out. It often takes 5 minutes to take command unless there was little to no protection software, and about 3 minutes to simply make it go haywire.
Invisible Pocket- Wonder how he can store all of his tech in the weapons and item category? They can be sucked into a small device on his wrist in a flash of light and then phasing in or out of existence within 3 seconds, sending it too and form another dimension at the push of a button, capable of containing 8 different nonliving objects. He does not need to put the small devices into this that can fit in his pockets, which is the Mechanical Lullaby, the spare vials for his healing shot, and the hacker. He keeps one spot open in case he comes across something he simply must have.


Born on the home world of the Regalnian, Regalantia, he lived a typical childhood for a spoiled only child. He got picked on because of this at school, but being a pacifist he never fought back, making it all the easier for bullies to target him. He knew people all around the galaxy and beyond had it much worse then him, being killed without being able to defend themselves. He was eventually able to peacefully convince the bullies to see the error of their ways and their lives were reformed for the better, so he was inspired to try out his technique all over the universe, not knowing that not everyone would give in as easily as the Regalnian children who had bullied him. He wanted to change the universe in any way that he could, even if it's just a little bit at the time to make life better, even if he could convince just one criminal to see the error of their ways and improve themselves and their environment because of it.

He got all of his equipment from his home planet, a highly advanced civilization. His parents are wealthy, his dad a business executive and her mother a doctor, and they both spoil him with whatever he desired to start his adventure in "saving the galaxy".
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Minnum Age: 244 Gender: Male Race: Chitrin Appearance: He's only 2 inches tall and appears to be a cross between a human and an insect, most notably a beetle with a shell on his back that has frail looking transparent wings. His eyes are like a fly's and he has two antenna. He has four spindly arms, each with only three fingers, and two legs. His exoskeleton is green and slightly bulky. Personality: Despite his age he's just a child among his race, and he certainly acts like it. He's very curious and outgoing. He tries to act tough but is quick to run when push comes to shove. Abilities Physical Abilities- He can lift 50 times his weight, equaling 2.5 kilograms. He can only run about a mile an hour, but can fly at 8 miles an hour. He's very durable for his size, able to withstand smacks from human sized objects. Toxin- He can excrete toxin from small pores in the sides of his exoskeleton. It's highly potent if ingested but can also be absorbed through the skin, the toxin can easily paralyze smaller targets but also numb the area of contact on larger targets. The more and more ingested the more of an effect it can cause, eventually able to stop even a human sized target's heart. He can secret the toxin in an airborne mist, but this is by far the least potent form and will likely only cause irritation unless the target starts snorting it in for some odd reason. Combat Training- Trained to use the spear in a way to exploit enemy weak points with jousting or throwing. Powers Toxic Lighting- After rubbing his antenna together vigorously for 5 seconds, creating purple static, the static shoots out as a purple lightning bolt. It's magic in nature, filled with highly concentrated toxin, can fly straight for 5 feet before running out of energy, and can cut through things it hits to better deliver the toxic dose within the lightning. It doesn't have the power to penetrate most metal in thickness of human armor so would just dissipate. Big Bug- Purple static flows around his entire exoskeleton for 10 seconds as humming sounds from deep inside him. He then grows to massive size (2.5 times larger than normal) and floats into the air in a rapid spinning motion, spikes of exoskeleton jutting out of him at every angle. If any spike hits a target then it unleashed a toxic lightning strike directly and instantly into the target. Equipment Weapons: Steel spear Bio
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Lord Chatterteeth
Age: Ancient
Gender: Once Male
Race: Revived Skeleton
Appearance: He's a silver colored skeleton with golden teeth. He wears a red Dracula-like cape with golden embroidery and jewels of multiple brilliant colors all over it.

Personality: Chatterteeth is one of the Seven High Kings of the Undead, and as such he has a lot of pride, preferring "death" over dishonor and will personally take his place on the battlefield rather then just order his minions around. He's stern but fair; a charismatic leader clearly noticeable as being worthy of his position after being around him for a while and feeling the regal aura that he gives off. All things considered he's quite unlike what most people would picture of someone leading a skeleton army. He's not ruthless, not bent on destroying the living, not truly evil. He does what is best for his people, and if possible he's open for negotiations with those who stand against him. Unfortunately, some of his subjects give him a bad name by slaughtering innocents (as undead are prone to doing if left to their own devices), but he does his best to have an iron grip over them specifically to stop such massacres from happening. He's not completely selfless and does think himself better then the common man, but for the most part he's a decent enough fellow as long as you don't become his enemy and do something to deserve his wrath. In that case he may dispose of them ruthlessly.


Physical Abilities- His physical abilities are that of a human in peak form with unlimited physical endurance. With his high level of skill perfected over the years he seems a lot quicker and stronger then what he actually is. His eyesight is 360 degrees but only at 20/30 vision. He cannot smell, taste, or feel (which includes pain). His hearing and reaction times are at normal human levels, but things sound echo-like and hollow to him.
Silver Bones- The marrow of his bones are virtually indestructible, able to withstand nuclear weapons without difficulty. It's unlikely that anything not specifically designed to destroy his bone marrow could do so. However, the outside of his bones "only" have durability 10 times stronger than steel. If this outer layer is destroyed then he won't be killed but will still be out of commission until they can grow back.
Ancient Knowledge- He has many thousands of years of experience and observation of the world around him. He's naturally only average iq, but with all of this practice he's developed into what many would consider a genius.
Charisma- Able to smooth talk people to get his way. This isn't magical, but his level of persuasion is hard to resist.
Control of Undead- Undead who are not already being controlled by someone else cannot resist his will without severe effort. They must hear his orders for this to be in effect, but once heard they will continue to carry out the order until it's fulfilled or they somehow manage to break free.
Weapon Training- Master of sword fighting both single and double handed, shields, spears/lances, single handed/double handed/throwing axes, and using his own bones as a weapon. He can use either right or left hand at a master level with all of his practice, but is naturally left handed.


He has gotten his powers through death; for every death he has experienced he has gained a power related to it. He can only use a single power at one time and to switch requires 5 seconds, during which time he cannot use any powers. Although he has unlimited endurance by using only physical abilities, use his powers for too long and it will begin to exhaust his resources and make him start acting worn out. This can be seen more easily in his tougher techniques and as battles draw on. His powers are listed from least energy cost to most energy cost.

Crush- The force of his physical attacks feel like that of an elephant stomping on his opponent with a standard punch.
Burn-[b] His bones catch on fire. (insert Ghost Rider joke here)
The tips of his finger bones extend outwards by up to 5 feet, but can grow or shrink within a second. These bones, as well as any other bones, act as if they were the edge of a sword. Even a large, rounded bone such as his skull can cut through things with a head butt rather then blunt force trauma. However, the smaller and more pointed the more easily it shows this effect, so to cut through objects four times stronger then steel he would need to use his extended finger bones, which can cut things up to six times stronger then steel.
Freeze- The surrounding area slowly freezes over. A human being standing within 5 feet will be frozen solid in around a minute while up to 20 feet away will experience lesser and lesser effects.
Asphyxiation- The area around him becomes harder and harder to breath as it feels like there's a massive weight on their chests that will eventually stop them from breathing if they don't escape. If they're within 5 feet then they can only last however long they could normally hold their breath. Up to 20 feet away they would still feel some effect but could last around 5 times longer.
Plague- Those who contact his bones will begin to rot from the point of contact. This rot can spread through ought the entire body and turn them into a skeleton within 10 minutes if left untreated. This power only works on living tissue


*Banging against his bones with enough force to cause them to vibrate causes him to loose his control over his power, negating any power currently in effect.
*Cracking the outer layer of his bones severely enough will lead to a complete loss of power until the bones can repair, which is the speed of normal bone repair. In other words he'll be out of commission for a long while. Not only will he loose his powers, but if it was his leg bone then he can't walk good, his arm bone he can no longer punch, etc. Cracking his skull will cause him to loose consciousness until it repairs itself.
*Inside his nearly indestructible bone marrow flows the source of his energy to the outside of his bones that slowly depletes as he uses his powers. Deplete this energy too much and the outer layer of his bones will start to grow more frail. At no energy and he can fall and break his hip as easily as an old lady.
*The points where bones magically attach to each other (now that he doesn't have any tissue around them to do so) can be knocked around with enough force to literally dislodge the bones from one another and send them flying off of the rest of his skeleton. It would take enough force to bend a thick metal bar with your bare hands to do so, but with the proper leverage it becomes easier. His bones can reattach back to his skeleton if placed in close proximity. He cannot use any bones separated from his skull until then.


Head: A very fancy and expensive golden crown filled with jewels, but this often falls off of his skull during battle. Even if it shatters it's of no real consequence to him, as if he dropped a penny on the side of the road.
Body: A fancy red/golden cape with jewels. No more useful in battle then a normal cape, which is to say it can be more of a hindrance if anything and is often removed beforehand.
Weapons: His standard choice of weaponry is his black double edged hand and a half sword that has a 40 inch blade and weighs 4 pounds, as well as a matching black jagged looking shield. They each have a durability to match his outer bones, 10x that of steel, and were in fact carved out of his bones and magically melded together over many years, having since lost their silver shine. He has nothing to carry any other weapons or equipment, but he does have within his private vault numerous treasures and weapons of a wide variety.


Chatterteeth, his real name being Marthius Endlewood, was but a simple human knight thousands of years ago. He had high aspirations and a lust for power that drove him to take on many odd and challenging adventures over the years when he wasn't busy serving his king, although sometimes he could do both at once, being the go to guy for the insane mission that few others had the same zest for. One such adventure lead him to meet a High King of the Undead, one of seven, who he had the intention of slaying by order of his king to protect his kingdom. This skeleton undead offered him a challenge; cut off his skull and Marthius would gain tremendous new power. He took on the challenge and engaged in a long, brutal struggle that pushed his limits more then ever before. However, he somehow managed to prevail in the end and cleaved the skeleton's skull from it's body before collapsing on the verge of death and loosing consciousness.

Or, as he later found out, he actually did die from his wounds and his foe had this outcome planned all along. The previous High King of the Undead retired from his position and was never seen again, so now Marthius had unwittingly taken his place. Although traumatized at first, he learned to use his new position to his advantage to take down the undead threat from the inside, establishing a more peaceful regime, although he was only one of seven and was not a miracle worker. He still had much work to do even if his armies had stand down in their attack on the humans. He was vastly underpowered compared to any of them and still had his flesh body over his silver skeleton that could be killed, a major weakpoint.

The previous king had solution to this problem planned out as well. He sent assassins after him, those who could kill him "safely", destroying his body repeatedly to add on to his powers and eventually obliterate his body itself but leave his skeleton intact. It was a traumatic process but the plan worked. All of his flesh was stripped from bone and he had acquired many new powers that would help aid in his battle against the other High Undead Kings. He was now an undead in full, never to come back to life, not able to die. After hundreds of years of training he was a match for any of the other High Undead Kings.

There was a great war that reduced society back to the dark ages and resulted in the undead loosing most of their vast influence, retreating into the darkest recesses of the world. Chatterteeth personally took out two of the kings, the humans took out one, two were killed fighting amongst themselves, and one went into hiding. New kings that came and went, but none of them wished to challenge Chatterteeth or the humans any time soon, at least without paying the price.

Unfortunately the humans betrayed Chatterteeth to use this as their chance to eliminate all undead in one fell swoop, saving themselves from future difficulties, as they put it. This war is still ongoing, seemingly never-ending. He simply cannot retain large enough numbers to have any sort of advantage over them to end the war in his favor and he certainly won't surrender. He has grown attachment to the undead he has ruled over as they fought together over the years, so seeing them all eliminated in this betrayal was simply too much to ask. Peace treaties have worked out on some human countries, but as of yet his most dangerous foes still exist.
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Sammy (He prefers Samuel or Sam)
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: Similar to this. He's only 5'2'' and is rather slender.

Personality: He's feisty and back talking when the situation arises when someone needs a good knock on the head. He doesn't sugar coat anything, and if he does feel something positive about someone he's reluctant to say it. That being said, if he says a compliment then you know he truly means it quite a bit. He hates when people call him Sammy because he thinks it's a girl's name, so has a few choice words for anyone who is determined to keep calling him that. He's brave but logical, so will not blindly charge in like a knight in shining armor. If it benefits him and is safe then he will help out, or if it's to save a life then he'll consider taking more extreme actions then normal. Most of the time he thinks people get what's coming to them so him helping out that much is rare. Being lazy it's sometimes easier just to rescue someone so everyone around doesn't start annoying him with why he didn't rescue them and such. Annoying people are on the top of his list of things to avoid.

He's perfectly willing to break stupid laws but generally doesn't break laws just for fun or break major laws such as murder. He does kill people if he believes the end justifies the means and he's bothered to put in the effort of killing someone. Most of the time he just prefers to mind his own business and allow others to do the same.


Physical Abilities- He's strong enough to throw rhino's through brick walls with a struggle. This example is completely random. Don't worry. He doesn't have a habit of throwing rhinos through brick walls. His normal defense is technically that of a normal human, but with his power it's irrelevant. He has an insane level of endurance, so is rarely, if ever, seen tired. He can run at 18 miles an hour. The rest of his qualities are that of a normal human.
Street Fighting- He's been in his share of street fights and is skilled at them even without needing physical enhancements.
Stitching- Clothing, but it would stand to reason he could stitch a wound fairly enough. He hates to admit he can stitch because his name is already Sammy so he doesn't want to be feminine at all. However, learning to stitch clothing is important due to how much damage his clothing seems to sustain in combat with his fighting style.


Warp Defense- His body gives way from attacks as if he is completely made out of rubber and then snaps back to his normal form. He's not actually rubber, but it's a space warping magic placed on his body. This allows him to survive almost any blunt force attack with little damage unless they were so powerful they would do all the damage before even the near instantaneous bending could compensate enough for it. No swing of a weapon from a non-magically enhanced individual could get close to this speed.

Detachment- His head, arms/hands, legs/feet, can detach from his body at will, the point of detachment glowing blue across a straight plane. The detachment can occur even as he is sliced or stabbed, making no actual damage received at that point as long as his ability is active. Any damage done on any of his body part remains, and if his chest gets struck in a fatal blow then all other parts while die. Blood stops circulating on his detached parts so he needs to be careful on how long they remain as such or else there could be permanent tissue damage. A lot of damage starts to be done within 2 to 6 hours. just like normal people. After 6 hours the limb is lost.

He can control the lost body parts as normal, but that also means he still needs to visually see what he's doing with them or else he's moving them blindly about. Despite having no obvious form of propulsion, his head can roll around at will. Likewise his other detached body parts can move as if still connected. His feet still walking around, his limbs doing rolling motions, his fingers to run along the surface, etc. He can put himself back together by simply connecting the two glowing blue planes. The connection happens instantly.

Any part disconnected from his body can only do so once at any one time. Put simply, if his arm pops off he cannot then detach his hand from his arm. That would be two pieces of the same limb off his body at once. If his torso splits in two then he cannot separate any limbs at all during that time. His head cannot split unless you count at the neck.

Ultimate Suicide Dissection

Despite it's name it's actually not suicide but is still very costly and is only a last resort as a result.

He can only do this move once every 10 hours and severely drains him of strength for up to half of that time. It allows him to disregard the last paragraph of his above ability so that he can detach any part of his body as many times as he wants, allowing him to split himself into dozens, if not hundreds of tiny slivers. The slivers can float through the air at speeds of 10 miles an hour. They can reassemble at any point afterwards to start the 10 hour period he must wait before doing this again. With this move even his torso/head can undergo this process.


*He has no special defense against magic or anything not relating to blunt force/slashing/stabbing attacks.
*Few options for long range attacks.
*No formal combat training.


Head: A red bandana tied on his forehead
Body: This. They are in tatters and slashed in some locations where opponents have hit him and he was forced to separate himself. To keep it from totally falling apart there's obviously some stitching done but at some point even that is badly frayed.
Hands: Black gloves. Some of the fingers are missing their tips and there's a large gash on the top of the left one.
Feet: Steel plated combat boots.
Weapons: 50 feet worth of steel chain that can latch onto things at the end, such as his detached body parts. He has a set of steel brass knuckles kept in his pockets.


His dad was a drunken thug with little concern for the young Sammy's wellbeing. Not only was he poor but his feminine name got him a lot of teasing while he was growing up. He was constantly in trouble with the authority and his fellow classmates because he wasn't one to take insults lying down. One day while he was in a particularly foul mood he picked a fight with a couple of mean individuals who turned out to be henchman working for a mad scientist named Rave. Rave was also on the scene and the two fought, although Rave threw the fight and claimed Sammy the "winner". The prize? Become a test subject in his latest experiment of spatial manipulation. Sammy didn't have a choice because he was quickly incapacitated when he tried to say no. The experiment was a success, however, and Sammy came out of it with a couple very useful abilities. In return for this gift Rave forced him into servitude, using his abilities to further the mad scientist's goals.

Finding it more troublesome to stay than it would be to attempt an escape, Sammy did just that during one mission when luck was on his side and he had the chance. It was still difficult but in the end he succeeded. Rave decided not to put any more effort into tracking him down and instead said he'd just find a good, not so naughty replacement. Sammy didn't know what to do with his newfound freedom so he just tried to go back to a normal life, as bad as it was. That was until he realized he had no money and his father was dead, killed in a drunken brawl gone wrong and he suffered from a concussion.

He became a bounty hunter, tracking down thugs to throw into prison. It paid the bills and allowed him a bit of revenge on those in his life who had wronged him. He'd have wanted to do the same to his father, but it was obviously too late for that. Now he only takes assignments when he needs the extra money, spending the rest of his time being a lazy cheapskate.
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Majesty Heavenly Golden Ultimacion with Finality and the Rapier of Twin Lights Sunstream (She has three middle names given to her by the three great beings present at her birth; Heavenly Golden, Ultimacion with Finality, and the Rapier of Twin Lights) (She commonly just goes by Majesty Sunstream)
Age: 600 (appears to be in her low twenties or upper teens)
Gender: Female
Race: Majesty is of a mixed race comprised of humans, elves, vampires, angels, the beings of High Light, and even some portions of unicorn DNA

Appearance: She's the most beautiful being imaginable. Her fair skin is without any physical flaws. She has long, sparkling, golden hair that flows around majestically behind her. Her eyes are the same color as her hair. Her figure is slim but not too slim, breasts large but not too large, tall height but not too tall.

Personality: She's so charismatic, cheerful, and wonderful that few can not like her. She's slightly shy, but brave enough so that she can break out of her shell to help out those in need, being far too kind to ignore the plights of others. She loves having the power to help others, but deep down she wants to be like just the other girls. Of course that's impossible, given her remarkable birth.


Physical Abilities- She can run as fast as the wind and is as powerful as a great typhoon. She never seems to run out of stamina, and her durability can withstand low caliber bullets. Even if she's damaged, such as an arrow in her shoulder, she can still keep fighting without appearing to have taken any damage at all. She would go down eventually, but if it's not an instantly fatal wound it would take a long time and a lot of effort to take her out.
Special Vision- She can see in light and dark scenarios without difficulty, her eyes filtering it proper levels instantly. There doesn't even have to be any light at all, or so bright it would blind any normal person.
Hair Maintenance- No matter the situation, her hair seems to stay perfectly beautiful. Just got out of bed? Traveled through dense underbrush? Got out of the pool? Doesn't matter.
Singing/Dancing- She can do these so wonderfully angelic it would bring a tear to the eye.
Cooking/Baking- Her specialty is cakes. Beautiful, delicious cakes that can make a villain turn good just for a taste.
Animal Understanding- Animals seem to understand her, and vice versa. They rarely attack her, even the most mean of animals.


Her aura is a sparkling white, which surrounds her body when her magical energy is at the ready. This aura is what fuels her magic. She has an insane amount of it, but could eventually get tired after using her more powerful skills too often in quick succession.

Aura Deflection- The aura surrounding her provides extra protection and is comprised of three layers. All of them combined can withstand a nuclear blast but would all probably shatter at that point. Multiple attacks in quick succession to the same part of her aura shielding is the best way to break through. Each aura layer can completely repair itself within a minute if no additional attacks are coming in to interrupt this repair. Most damage remains on the single layer, so it would take something super powerful like a nuclear blast to get through all the layers in a single attack.

Regeneration- Her wounds sparkly and glow white, healing itself at a heightened pace. She cannot heal damage that would kill her instantly, but otherwise she can heal the damage within a week even if the wounds were so severe she was near death. A paper cut can close up in a second. Flesh wounds would take around a minute. Re-growing a limb would take the week. Re-attaching the limb would take half a week to get back to full power, but could stick back on within 20 minutes. Regeneration could have her get tired eventually because it takes a lot of energy.

Energy Projection- She can fire off sparkling white energy in any shape from any part of her body. It can travel as fast as a speeding bullet or have no speed at all. Her range is any distance that her eyes can reach. Her energy can also be held in her hand in the form of a weapon such as a sword, or form into another limb, for example.

Energy Absorption- If she gets physical contact with something she can absorb their energy. A normal human can be drained dry in 30 seconds, although cut that time in half if she bites their neck with her vampire teeth (that only grow for this purpose). If given willingly the process can speed up to only a second or two. If she meditates then she can absorb energy from all around her at vast distances, but this technique only works for willing participants.

Telepathy- She's very good at entering into people's minds (and protecting her own). If she's familiar with the mind she can contact them from almost anywhere, but otherwise she'll have to be able to be close enough to detect their presence by other means such as sight.

Telekinesis- She can move things with her mind at around her normal strength for a distance up to 50 feet. This takes a lot of her concentration.

Angel Flight- She can fly when her energy on her back takes the form of angel wings. She can survive in space/upper atmosphere while these wings are out without any problems. Upon releasing this magic the feathers will scatter around her majestically.

Charm Resist- She's not effected by voodoo, hexes, jinxes, curses, etc. Basically, if it would put some effect on her then it's not likely to work. If it does work, she can overcome it quickly enough with enough effort.

Summoning- She can summon her weapons out of thin air in a flurry of sparkling white energy.


What weakness?


Head: A golden crown with jewels on it
Body: Flowing white robes fit for a goddess
Hands: Golden bracelets
Feet: Golden sandals
Weapons: All of her weapons don't break or dull and are fancy and golden in appearance, often with jewels.
Golden Spear to Pierce the Heavens- A spear as large as she is and has thick blades, but still somehow light weight. This is her primary weapon. Using her energy projection to grasp onto it, she can throw it and then pull it back to her quickly, a common strategy.
Ultimate Shield- A massive shield that can increase in size as large as she is. She wields this in conjunction with her spear.
Rapier of Twin Lights- One of her namesakes and given to her as a birthright, these two rapiers can help form her energy around the blades to stab through most objects like butter.
Unicorn Hair Bow/Arrows of Blinding Light- She has as many arrows as she has energy for. They glow so brilliantly that it can make people shield their eyes. They can pierce bulletproof armor of modern times.
Sacred Blade to Cleave all Evils- Her most powerful weapon that requires both hands to use. It's a blade that can grow as large as 20 feet and yet still easily wielded by her. It can also cut through most defenses. However, it's summoning takes the most obvious toll on her energy reserves, which continues during it's entire use. Once it's taken out of summoning it will explode into a majestic stream of energy.
Blessed Necklace- Able to alter reality once as it happens, diverting what would have been a killing blow or something of the sort. All of the gems glow brightly as it uses it's power and then the gems shatter to pieces. They only grow back after they've been cleansed in the sacred pool of heaven.


Majesty was born to a legendary half human, half elf man and an angel mother who had unicorn DNA infused into her body. This was such a glorious event that it brought many heavenly beings around to give witness. She descended downward to help mankind, defeating any evil that threatened to destroy the world.
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Dixie the Space Chicken God
Gender: Female
Appearance: She looks like your average chicken at first glance, but looks can be deceiving.

Personality: She's inquisitive and social, although is honestly quite simple minded. She honestly doesn't do a whole lot, lazing around and eating whenever it's feeding time on a fixed schedule, not caring to go outside the box with any scheduling of her own. Basically, she goes with the flow with whatever is set up for her. She doesn't need any fancy meals or fancy entertainment to get by, and has never even touched a computer or other electronic devices. She wouldn't understand it anyways. Normally she's calm and easy to work with, but approach her too fast and/or make a move to grab onto or attack her and she'll be quick to dart off, turning into a feisty little thing that will refuse to go quietly. Mess with her and she'll mess with you! She will forgive and forget eventually, but might remain suspicious of you for some time afterwards.


Physical Abilities- She has abilities comparable to an average chicken unless she activates Space Chicken God Mode, in which case she's able to stand toe to toe with Superman and be an even match. Her super-human brain can process things on par with a quantum computer, making an average human appear to be standing still even if he was running at full speed. She could fly at 4 times the speed of light and survive a supernova. Although her physical strength hasn't been tested to it's fullest, she has been able to carry a moon on her back and still fly at the speed of light, turning the moon into a cannon of doom that obliterated an entire solar system, leaving her unscathed.
Cosmos Talons- The talons on her feet can rip holes in space-time, allowing her to negate almost any defense into nothingness, and she can fly through the holes to travel in time or warp to her chosen location.
Featherstorm- Shedding feathers, she can send them off at the speed of light. These feathers are the source of her defense, so therefore could slam into almost any material without breaking. Unfortunately this cuts down on her defense because she only has a limited amount of feathers, even if they do grow back within 10 seconds.
Bwak of Devastation- Opening up her mouth she can let loose a mighty bwak with sound waves so powerful it can obliterate a moon.
Winged Hurricane- Similar to her Bwak of Devastation but uses wind rather than sound, can be sustained for longer, but is a tad weaker. It would only blow off the crust at first and slowly blow it apart more and more.
Egg Cannon- Firing normal eggs, which can be done 20 times a second, go 5 times the speed of light. She can also fire nuclear eggs 3 times a second or anti-mater eggs 1 time a minute. It goes without saying that the effects are catastrophic.


*She tastes like chicken because she is, so a lot of people might want to try and eat her.
*Green eggs are her biggest weakness. Just being in the presence of a green egg slowly drains her strength. She has to revert out of Space Chicken God mode if it gets too bad.


She doesn't need any equipment or wear any clothing.


She was born on an egg shaped planet named Eggtton. However, an evil villain wanted to eat the entire planet so she was the only one to escape in an egg shaped pod. She herself was only an egg at that point. She landed on earth and her egg fell conveniently into a farm, where she was raised as a normal chicken. Little did they know that the white egg shells that surrounded her, rather than the normal green ones on her home planet, somehow unlocked her hidden powers while she was incubating. She could now enter Space Chicken God mode at any time there was a threat to world peace.


The following was an april fools entry, not revealing that she was actually a chicken until the end. However, this humanoid form of hers is actually an alternate reality and is now canon.

Name: Dixie (April Fools Humanoid Form)
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has a small, rotund body, although is not particularly unhealthy despite this. In fact, a little plumpness is seen as a positive thing where she comes from. Her scrawny legs are a little out of place for her body size. She has dark, beady eyes, but not in an evil looking way. In actuality she looks really homely and friendly, like you can hang out around her and trust her.

Personality: She's inquisitive and social, although is honestly quite simple minded. She honestly doesn't do a whole lot, lazing around and eating whenever it's feeding time on a fixed schedule, not caring to go outside the box with any scheduling of her own. Basically, she goes with the flow with whatever is set up for her. She doesn't need any fancy meals or fancy entertainment to get by, and has never even touched a computer or other electronic devices. She wouldn't understand it anyways. Normally she's calm and easy to work with, but approach her too fast and/or make a move to grab onto or attack her and she'll be quick to dart off, turning into a feisty little thing that will refuse to go quietly. Mess with her and she'll mess with you! She will forgive and forget eventually, but might remain suspicious of you for some time afterwards.


Physical Abilities- Due to being fat and small she's not very powerful, and in fact would lose quite often to an average farmer. She can be tricky to grab a hold of due to some quick evasive maneuvering, but all in all she's not capable of wining in a fair fight unless she gets lucky. She's not one for combat anyways. It would be wrong if she was.
Talon-like nails- Her primary means of defending herself when people get in too close for comfort, she can lash out at them and give them quite a good gash. It probably wouldn't kill unless it hits a vital, but it will certainly make them think twice of messing with her.


Flight- She's able to sustain flight for around 3 to 4 feet, a surprise given how plump she is. Sure, one might say "why not just jump", but the flying allows her to remain in the air for longer and lightly come back down in a semi controlled manner, and her leaping is not able to reach that far anyways. She can also fly further if going downhill. If on a flat plain she can reach high enough to jump the fence if it's not large enough.


Her small size, low intelligence, and no use of technology puts her at a severe disadvantage even to normal humans. As such she's best just to mind her own business and hope for the best.


She doesn't need any equipment or wear any clothing.


She's a normal farm girl.
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Zade
Age: 247
Gender: Female
Race: (Race name not yet determined)
Appearance: At first glance you'll notice that she has dark grayish blue skin and a large, imposing figure, standing in at 6'3'' and decent muscle tone. Although she's old, for her race she's in her mid thirties and with an appearance to match without many wrinkles. Rather then that she has a fair amount of scars that show her long amount of time spent on the battlefield. She has fawn-like horns, large pointed eyelids, red iris's, fierce/exotic facial features and pointed teeth. Her hair is a very dark, deep purple that appears almost black from a distance. It has a wild and disorderly look to it, reaching down to her lower back with lots of stray hairs, but she's still maintaining proper care of it so that it doesn't get out of hand. Her finger nails are long and pointed, but not so much so that she cannot comfortably hold a sword without poking herself. She has a tail that looks like a lion that is mostly skin up until the tip, which has fluffy hair the color of the hair on her head.

Personality: She's brave and ruthless, a dangerous combination for her foes on the battlefield. Although she's stern towards others, especially when the situation arises, she's arrogant and sadistic enough to allow for some messing around as well, fighting for her own enjoyment. She doesn't like fighting people who she doesn't think deserve it, however, so slaughtering civilians takes all the fun out of it and is mostly out of the question. She has her own form of pride that she's not likely to break so easily. She won't suck up to others and just do what they tell her to unless she was planning on it anyways. She goes out of the box a lot on her battle plans, coming up with new ways to mess with others. She has limited patience for foolery.


Physical Abilities- She's as tough as three human men and can run as fast as 20 miles an hour for extended periods of time, having good stamina. She's as tough as nails, able to absorb a lot of damage that would send almost any human, no matter how tough he was, running to his mother. Her skin almost feels as sturdy as iron and her bones are like steel. Her sense of smell and night vision is enhanced about 50% better then a human, but the rest is on human levels.
Blood and pain- She has extra blood, allowing her to lose more of it before suffering from the negative effects of blood loss. With her greatly enhanced ability to disregard pain, these two factors allow her to continue battling even after heavily wounded. In fact, she actually appears to grow more powerful the more blood she looses as a result of a special aroma in her blood, undetectable consciously but the brain still picks up on it subconsciously, increasing blood lust and further numbing her to pain while increasing physical abilities slightly.
Battle Strategies- She has over 200 years of battle experience, so certainly knows her way around a battlefield both offense and defense, although prefers offense if she can help it.
Weapon Training- She's trained in weapons ceremonial to her race and many other weapons, most notably slashing swords single or double handed, shields, daggers, axes, maces, crossbows, and regular bows. Her most intense training is with crossbows and double handed swords.
Hand-to-hand- She has a brutal fighting style of getting in close and using brute force to overwhelm them, smashing and throwing them around. Oddly enough she still looks refined while doing so, as if she has complete control over her actions.


She has powers over electricity. They cost continual energy while active, tiring her out in about 10 minutes of continue combat while using said powers.

Electric Redirection- She can limit electrical damage to herself as it travels inside her body by redirecting it around, given enough concentration. Extremely powerful electricity would be impossible for her to use this technique on with much of an effect.
Electrowhip-[b] She can create a stream of electricity up to 15 feet long with enough power to cut through steel armor at normal energy levels, or simply stun if she lowers the energy. It can damage without needing to have any momentum, so she has to keep it floating or else cut through the ground as it rested. She has to keep contact with the whip to maintain it, but the part she holds is at a lower energy level so it just does minor tingling in her palm.
A basic move where she can shoot of electricity with an effective range of 40 feet. It builds up in her palm for 3 seconds before shooting out, creating visible static electricity around her hand. The shock can be lethal within 10 feet.
Static Wall- She holds out a hand, and after a charge like the lightning technique, a wall of electricity 10 feet by 10 feet forms in front of her for around 3 seconds, although she can keep it up for around 5 seconds with extra energy.
Static Shock- After a charge time depending on how powerful it will be, 20 seconds for a lethal shock, electricity forms somewhere on her body (or her entire body for more energy), that shocks anyone who makes physical contact or contact through conductible items.
Grounding- Her feet are able to direct electricity through the ground that passes through her body.



Armor: Armor similar to this, hardened leather and cloth
Weapons: A steel greatsword, crossbow, and 5 slim steel daggers is her standard loadout. However, she may come equip with other weapons.
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Mywt
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Race: Human witch
Appearance: She has purple hair that's mostly straight but does curve upwards at the end, bobbing around just above her shoulders so that there's a sliver of visible space between them. The hair covers her ears and eyebrows but doesn't get into her eyes, which are emerald in color. She wears a cartoony looking green turtle hairpin on her left side just above where her ear is. She has a soft, slightly rounded adorable face. Her body is short and childlike, which makes sense because she kind of is one.

She wears a custom witch outfit built to more resemble a turtle in shape with a shell like structure on back that forms into a rounded hoodie. She has purple striped stockings and gloves while the rest of her uniform is black.

Personality: She's upbeat, optimistic, and helpful to those in need. Oddly enough she can stay with such a personality despite her sister suffering from a horrible illness that Mywt is determined to cure. She knows that her sister wouldn't want her to be sad all the time and it wouldn't help anything so she always tries to put on a smile. "Progress is only made through happiness," she would say. She's a bit of a pacifist as one could tell, but she's also not about to let the bad guys just trample all over everyone, including her sister. Therefore she's become more brave and determined than she ever was before the illness first came about. Moments of cowardly incompetence or laziness does show up from time to time, but she's able to get her act together when it's important to continue to move forward. She's kind of a tomboyish nerd deep down.


Physical Abilities- Outside of her magical abilities she has the physical abilities of a normal human girl.
Minor Witch Training- She's only cannon fodder among the witch society so admittedly doesn't know much, but she does know the basics.
Useless talents- She can do things such as balance spoons on her nose or other equally sort-of-impressive minor skills of no combat usefulness.


As a witch she channels her magic through a familiar. Some are more powerful than others are hers is a turtle. No further explanation is needed where that falls on the scale but beggars can't be choosers. He has to be within half a mile of her for her magic to work but is it's most powerful when they're physically in contact. As such he's often in the shell part of her uniform. Her magical energy is purple in color despite most turtle familiars having green magical energy.

Energy Caster- The standard move of any witch, she can send out a burst of her energy from her wand capable of knocking down an average sized man standing unprepared within 5 feet of her. Her range is poor and her power is average. She can charge this move for 5 seconds to increase her power 5 times but her distance only increase by 1 foot.
Shell Deflect- A glowing magical turtle shell large enough to conceal a grown man forms around her and/or anyone within 5 feet. It's able to deflect moderate to weaker magical spells and also block physical attacks from what most normal humans are capable of with standard weaponry. It would quickly break against missiles or more powerful attacks, however. She can put more energy into it for repairs but that would get exhausting really fast if she had to keep it up under heavy attack.
Shell Shuffleboard- Glowing magical turtle shells about the size of those in Mario Kart fly out of her wand at speeds up to 50 miles an hour. They hit with the force that a turtle shell actually would have going at that speed and, being magical, can also have the benefit of hitting things only hit by magic, for example, making it simultaneously physical and magical in nature. She can fire them off up to 3 at a time, homing or straight...okay, she did play a whole lot of Mario Kart when coming up with this spell. She has to recharge 10 seconds between single uses and 30 seconds between triple uses. Homing simply uses a bit more energy to cast rather than waiting time.
Turtle Bracer- Her feet seem to stick to the ground after a 3 second charge time with her feet glowing purple. It's extremely hard for people to knock her down without first knocking her senseless so she can't keep up the spell. She has to make sure it applies to both her feet/socks/shoes or else one time she got her socks knocked off (or more technically knocked out of her socks)
Turtle Weight- This is the exact previous move but placed on an opponent and is called by another name. It's harder to pull off due to the opponent possibly dodging and has to be within 5 feet.
Slowmo- She can slow down her own time gradually or all at once with no g-forces. This is helpful to slow down deadly falls or slow momentum to a stop to instantly be able to go back the other way. Slowing down her own time makes everything around her appear to go faster to her because only she is slowing down in time. Using this energy takes a lot of energy so is not able to maintain her youth, for example. At best she might be a couple hours younger than she would be if she never used it.
Flight- Only able to be used with her broomstick. She can fly at speeds up to 60 miles an hour.


*She's a klutz
*She's not very good at being a witch
*If her familiar dies or her wand is broken she looses magic. If her broom breaks she can no longer fly.


Body: Her witch's uniform can naturally protect herself against minor level magic. Physical protection is no more than a standard robe you could buy at a convenience store.
Weapons: Her wand helps her shoot magic. It's made out of what looks like slightly bent wood and is about as sturdy as the strongest wood on Earth, allowing it to not break simply by dropping it but decently powerful attacks could do the trick.
Items: Broomstick for flight.
Familiar: Nester- This is her turtle familiar. It has a normal turtle body but is blessed with magical energy that can be transferred to a witch, in this case Mywt.


She was late to witch school on the first day, and as such was ironically paired up with the turtle familiar as punishment. She, like most students, needed both a familiar and a wand to use magic, so she had no choice but the accept what she had been given. She didn't want to give up on being a witch because she wanted to learn magic to heal her younger sister, or at least get her foot in the door with someone who would be willing to help her. Her sister's illness could not be healed through normal means no matter how much money they spent, so being a witch was the next best shot, even if it was a long shot at that. Her familiar was no help in curing illness, but he did mention another familiar, the phoenix, that might have a clue. However, there's only one phoenix familiar and she's helping out a dark witch bent on world domination. As such, Mywt would somehow have to grow in power to force this big bad witch to do her bidding. It wouldn't be an easy road, especially for one not inheritably good at witchcraft and with little knowledge of it until joining the school, but she had to try.
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Surren'dal Wrehtc
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Race: Shinigami (Inspired by Death Note shinigami, but not the same. There are many types of shinigami according to lore)
Appearance: He's a pure black figure, as if always in shadow, besides his small glowing beady yellow eyes. He has no other facial features, or any defining features at all besides the outline of his hard to distinguish form. It appears like he's wearing a cloak of some sort and has multiple spindly wings projecting out of his back, upper arms, and lower legs. He has three toed feet that looks like a raptor and his fingers are long and spindly like his wings.

Personality: Despite being a very frightening being, as he's trying to be (given his job), there are a few things that diminish this the longer you get to know him. The first is his, quite frankly, completely idiotic level of intelligence. It's not even an animalistic form of intelligence, but that of a naive child who can get tricked by the littlest things. He's the horror villain that wouldn't find the victim if he's hiding underneath the covers, as if he doesn't have a good sense of object permanence, forgetting that hiding things are still around like a poorly programmed npc guard in a stealth shooter. He can also get bribed by simple things as long as it is pleasurable to him. He doesn't show mercy out of any sense of pity. He'd be willing to kill anyone.


Physical Abilities- He can travel up to 60 miles an hour and is strong enough to burst down doors with ease, lift people up single handedly, and cut through steel armor with his fingers. His defense doesn't seem to be very high, but that doesn't matter much to him as he seems impossible to take down regardless of how much normal damage he sustains. Cut him up a million times with a knife and he just continues on like normal. The best bet is to forcefully knock him back or use magic, which can make him flinch away or be otherwise effected, such as freezing solid in ice magic. He can't get tired and doesn't need to eat, drink, sleep, breath, etc.
Environmental Effects- Just being around lowers the temperature in the air to chilling levels and fills living things with a sense of foreboding dread. This often scares off all nearby animals capable of running away.


Teleportation- He can phase in and out between the shinigami world and the real world. Where he teleports in is up to him. The process requires 5 seconds and he's incredibly vulnerable while doing so.
Hover- He can hover and fly around with ease.
Regeneration- He can near instantaneously recover from any physical damage. Magical damage takes a bit longer, and light damage the longest.
Extension- His fingers can extend to lengths of 5 feet like spears. Touching any point of his fingers cuts like a knife.
Energy draining- Prolonged contact with any point on his body absorbs all of their energy eventually.


*Light/Day Time forces him back and pains him, the only thing which can. Getting a light inside of his body is the only way to kill him.
*His intellect is incredibly poor


As a shinigami he's tasked with killing people who should be dead to preserve the natural balance and order of the universe. Even the slightest, seemingly inconsequential actions might change the entire world, so common people can become their targets just as easily as revolutionaries. Surren'dal is given the easy, unsuspecting targets most often, missions where he's the least likely to mess things up. His poor intellect has left him as the laughing stock of the shinigami, although he doesn't realize when he's the butt of their jokes. A common joke is a pun on his name, which sounds like the human word for "surrender". They give him missions and bet on wither or not he will succeed. He does succeed enough to be of use, and if he does fail then it often leads to a horrified victim who spreads horror stories about him. He likes the recognition, especially when people fear him as they should, so doesn't mind some witnesses every now and then.
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

((This character is from her world))

Name: Excell
Age: N/A
Gender: None
Race: Exilindrite being
Appearance: It's (let's just say he's) made up completely of exilindrite, in his case a liquid metal that has a color of glittering dark purple rather then Xerra's black exilindrite. His most common form is that of a slim featureless male figure with larger arms then normal proportions. However, he can take on whatever shape he desires.

Personality: (Still to come)


Physical Abilities- He's virtually indestructible besides those who are as powerful as gods. Even Xerra's vast power over exilindrite cannot effect Excell very much. The best bet to damage him is incredibly powerful magic because physical attacks are shrugged off unless it's so powerful it can destroy a planet. He can levitate himself at will and fly literally as fast as a speeding bullet. His strength if he were to just body slam people while flying at max speed, then, can be assumed to be as powerful as a bullet with the mass 5 times that of a normal human. As previously stated he can morph his body, so can form it into any shape desired and even shoot off parts of his body, controlling said parts as if they were still attached.


Due to his body being his weapon, he doesn't have any powers outside of his body's normal capabilities.


(Still to come. Don't worry, he'll have some considerable ones)




(Still to come)
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Elaine Elendall
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: She has an athletic build and stands in at 5'8''. She has medium brown haired tied up in a ponytail reaching to her upper back and has a few loose strands of hair on either side of her face, but is mostly kept tidy unless disturbed by high levels of activity. She has a slim face with high cheek bones, green eyes, a slightly pointy nose, and medium thickness lips often seen with a wry smile. She's uses pale pink blush and red lipstick.

She's most commonly dressed in a blue business suit with a white colored shirt and a red tie underneath, and black dress shoes when out and about. She doesn't dress in feminine clothes often at all, and in her line of work it makes a lot of sense because dresses would get in the way in case she's caught in a situation where she must be quick on her feet. That, and she just happens to prefer the feel of men's clothing. He casual clothes are all pants and comfortable tops. She doesn't put on accessories except for practical reasons.

Personality: She's suave and charismatic, able to retain her cool quite well under almost any situation, including while drunk. She doesn't go all out in her partying, but she does love her alcohol and is not a party pooper or prude by any means, just preferring to remain more mellow then the loud and annoying drunken squabble. She enjoys the company of both men and women, but on a romantic level prefers women, and it shows with her flirting. She's not shy about this fact and doesn't feel like hiding anything from others just to get social approval. She sometimes sugar coats things to be nice, but doesn't sugar coat for jerks, instead saying exactly what she thinks of them. Her greatest flaw is that she can be a tad selfish/egotistical at times and not taking certain things seriously enough, becoming cocky if it looks like she has the clear advantage. She also tends to get the wrong people angry with her by telling them off.

She fights for the side of justice and saving damsels, which is her favorite kind of mission, putting priority on that if possible. That doesn't mean she'd ignore men who are in trouble by any means, or that she dislikes men. She's not one to commit any serious crimes, but does occasionally skirt around laws that are dumb and hold her back from doing the greater good. She won't feel bad for breaking such laws in the slightest.


Physical Abilities- Without her magical abilities she's as physically capable of a very athletic woman who's at the tip top shape of health. Her focus is on mobility, making it better then her strength, but even so her strength would still be superior to most unenhanced human women, only loosing out to the ones with bulging muscles. Her reaction time is at the peek of what humans are capable of, honed by many years of training. Her senses are average besides the ones listed below.
Eyesight- She has 20/10 vision and an attention to detail.
Taste- She has an acute sense taste, especially for liquor, being a wine taster on the side. That being said she has a far greater chance of detecting poisoned dinks then the average person.
Intellect- She has an iq of 124 and took education seriously, being a straight A student, so her brains are not to be underestimated by most individuals.


Her powers come through the manipulation of affluowne energy. Most matter deals with potential and kinetic energy, but only through intense focus and meditation can one detect this third form of energy, far less control it. It gets much easier in time, but even for one such as Elaine who has been using it for most of her life it still requires some level of focus, never just a "it came naturally without thinking" moment. Affluowne cannot be effected by the other "normal" forms of energy; only through other affluowne can it be acted upon. Affluowne, however, can act on other things, bending logic in a way that confuses most people from even having a chance of understanding it and being able to use it. This fact is why the Afflaunte, beings made out of affluowne energy, are so dangerous and only able to be harmed by those specially trained in dealing with them.

For a simple explanation you can think of it like this; a punch made up of pure affluowne energy comes into connect with a physical punch using kinetic energy. The affuowne energy punch is unaffected, continuing as normal, while the kinetic energy punch is effected, likely stopped in it's tracks and damage. Of course Elaine is made up of physical matter rather then entirely out of affluowne energy (not by a long shot is she made of affluowne energy), so would therefore have the physical punch aspect of it stopped if the other kinetic punch would be powerful enough to stop it, thus stopping the affluowne energy as well because such energy is tied to her physical form and not capable of just shooting off on it's own for very far.

Affluowne Enhance- Parts of her body, her entire body, or things she's in contact with, whichever she prefers, is shrouded in an aura of affluowne energy after focusing for around 3 seconds and she must keep her focus up for the entire duration. This allows enough focus remaining to concentrate directly on what she is doing, but ask her complex algebra or have too many distractions and she'll lose focus and this move will lose some or even all of it's power. She must be able to track the object she enhances, so it would work on throwing daggers or arrows but not guns, for example. She could put it on a grenade but that would just make the physical grenade more powerful on contact, which is entirely besides the point of a grenade, which is to explode, which she cannot put affluowne energy on both because she doesn't have contact with it and it happens too fast.

Once the object is enhanced, at max power/concentration it will gain enough energy to do 5 times the damage as the object normally would and be that much sturdier so that it doesn't break under it's own power. It doesn't need to be moving to do some damage, but it would be unlikely to kill someone unless they decided to hug the object for a long time as it slowly breaks their body down on a molecular level. That's not to say that they would be perfectly fine if the power was at max. They would experience tingling and an unpleasant burning pain, almost similar to a shock of static electricity constantly running through them.

Most people cannot see affluowne energy so would just think the object is normal until it's too late. However, if they're not a total idiot and are in a fantasy scenario then they should be prepared for such a scenario, as few people are as they seem and can not be underestimated. Those who can see/sense this unnatural energy would say it looks like vibrations of space wobbling around the object.

Affluowne Projection- Her most costly move, this allows her to detach affluowne energy from her physical form and send it outward. This causes the energy to have nothing holding it back, able to pass through any defense not designed to combat such unnatural energies unimpeded. However, her range is limited to 5 feet and it requires all of her focus on the energy. Plus, if she sends out more then about the volume of a single forearm then it will be so hard to control that all of the excess energy will dissipate and waste her energy/effort. The visible strain on her face would be a dead giveaway she's using the technique and it requires another 3 seconds to detach before firing off at about 1/3 the speed of a handgun bullet, 1,000 feet per second.

Affluowne Levitation- This requires her feet to have a lot of control over the release of affluowne just out of the bottom of her soles, making what could be described as a cushion of air but made out of affluowne energy instead. This allows her to hover around at speeds up to 60 miles an hour while looking as if she's skating just above the ground. She cannot levitate any higher then just a sliver of air between her and the ground. She can use this technique on her palms, although less effectively, if she needs to grab something without physically touching it. With the less effectiveness of this technique it would make her grip strength half that of normal, still good enough for holding onto things that don't resist.


*Make her lose her focus and all of her physical enhancements thanks to affluowne energy can disappear in an instant.
*Her cockiness can come back to bite her if it's misguided.


Head: Nothing
Body: Nothing besides her normal suit and a belt that can hold some equipment and it has a fancy silver square buckle.
Hands: Fingerless gloves are put on when she's in battle, but are otherwise put away in a pocket
Feet: Nothing besides her normal dress shoes and socks
Weapons: 10 slim and expensive looking steel daggers, found in two groups of 5 strapped on either thigh. She also has a fancy rapier attached to her left hip in it's scabbard.


(Still to come)
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Glory the Samurai Alpaca
Age: 8 (mid thirties in Samurai Alpaca years)
Gender: Male
Race: Samurai Alpaca
He has a black eye patch over his left eye and blue/red/black striped cloth over his back with straps to hold various supplies, most notably his katanas.

Personality: Glory is very polite, using honorifics when speaking to others and humble terms when referring to himself. Honor is more important to him then anything as he serves his master. Basically, he's a stereotypical samurai.


Physical Abilities- He has the strength of three alpaca put together and can run at speeds of 110 miles an hour without breaking a sweat. His other physical abilities are equivalent to a talented alpaca.
Samurai Skills- He has mastered the samurai alpaca fighting style, being the founding member. Without use of his powers he can still use his mouth to hold onto a katana with great skill. Unfortunately his hooves cannot grab a katana.


He can telekinetically control katanas, and only katanas, as long as they're within 3 feet of him. With his samurai skills he can make them twirl and strike at foes with the skill of an elite samurai who doesn't need to use his hands to wield the katana. With his 6 katanas he can make it seem like he's 6 elite samurai all rolled up into a single mighty alpaca. Why not bring more katanas? His concentration can only make use of 6 katanas at a time. Any more and he'd loose efficiency more so then what he'd gain by adding on an extra katana. Even 6 requires his full attention.


Weapons: He has six katanas strapped to her back, three on each side. These are the only weapons he needs or uses. They are normal katana he inherited from fellow samurai to carry on their legacy.


He was born in Japan during the samurai days, the pet of a very talented samurai who served directly under the emperor. Nobody but a chosen few knew that Glory had special powers because he was a top secret bodyguard. His moment of fame came when a group of ninja snuck onto the premises of his master, ignoring the alpaca, not knowing that he was able to alarm the others to this attack. He joined in on the counterattack, driving away the ninja before they could do their dark deed. At that time he couldn't even properly use his powers and instead had to use his mouth to wield a katana. However, he received advanced training afterwards so that he can continue serving the emperor and his master out in the open as the legendary samurai alpaca.
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Aim
Age: 9 Months (appears to be pre-teen)
Gender: Male
Race: Human created through phiasma DNA synthesis (explained in further detail below)
Appearance: A slightly younger looking version of this, perhaps.

Personality: He's generous to a fault, always eager to please others and does whatever he can to feel needed and useful. He doesn't seem to take a hint well when people don't want his help unless they outright state it. Actually, he doesn't take any hints well period, taking most things literally and not getting sarcasm or reading between the lines. He likes jokes but has trouble coming up with anything funny. He doesn't know how to spend his time off from work, but he does like to read.


Physical Abilities- A normal human boy.
Self defense training- Not trained for large scale offensive battles, only to defend himself should he come under attack.


He automatically generates small amounts of phiasma from his skin, a magical substance that's the power source for many objects in his world, although if he wills it he can increase the amount he releases dramatically. This essentially makes him a human battery; a renewable source for this otherwise dwindling supply. His body takes on some strange properties because of the constant flow of phiasma altering his body state. Phiasma is a blurry white/grey color.

Shielding- The phiasma automatically forms into a light shield just on top of his skin whenever an attack strikes out at him. This automatic shield is powerful enough to stop a couple low caliber bullets into the same point before shattering. With concentration he can pull phiasma out to congregate in certain areas to provide even greater shielding, able to stop almost all normal bullets for multiple hits before shattering.

Cloaking- The phiasma on his skin alters his appearance to whatever he imagines. Large, highly detailed objects are incredibly difficult to pull off realistically, or things he's not familiar with. Normal clothing gets in the way of his phiasma projection, so he's actually using this technique nonstop for his normal clothes, simply altering this to suit his needs.

Alteration- Entire parts of his body can turn into miasma, becoming invulnerable and able to shift into other shapes and/or take on other properties up to the strength of steel. This is an exhausting move to use for extended lengths of time, so if he does use it it's most commonly in the most serious emergencies or just in short bursts. There's a cool-down time of three minutes before he can use it again on the same body part.

Transfer- He can transfer his miasma to others that touches him. This can be done in lethal amounts, overloading the target with energy within 10 seconds of contact. He can also transfer energy from them to him, killing them in 10 seconds of contact as well, unless they are not a normal human so have more energy or better defenses to it being stolen.


*Limited offensive capabilities, especially long ranged ones
*Limited knowledge of the outside world
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Valecia
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: She has whitish grey hair kept in a fancy style; pinned up in the back in fancy golden jewelry, bangs tied back, and a large strand of wavy hair allowed to dangle on the right side of her face, reaching down between the mouth and chin. She has high, prominent cheekbones and a pale, almost chalk-like complexion, her two most distinguishing characteristics. Her eyelids are long, pointed, and thin, often covering dull silver iris's in a dull stare. She has narrow lips, a delicate looking nose, and a pointy chin.

Personality: She's jaded to combat, thinking little of the dreadful horrors of war, viewing it all with a straight face without emotion. She's not exactly bored even if she looks it, but is instead simply rather desensitized to it, thinking it's just the day to day life that has to be dealt with like any other job. She does have bottled up emotions about it that few are able to get out of her, and that she herself has trouble understanding so wouldn't even know how to ask for help about it if she tried.

She can be quite stern towards others if she's invested in something and needs it to be her way. If that's the case you'd be hard pressed to get her to give up or let it go, so be prepared to fight for the death over it if need be. Otherwise, if it doesn't concern her she mostly leaves others alone without a peep, even if it's someone doing horrible things. She doesn't do evil for the lulz, but doesn't seem to care if others do. If they ask her for her opinion then she will tell them bluntly how she feels, but on her own initiative she's not one to just open up about much in general unless it's currently relevant, far less her feelings. She has a poor sense of humor, and if she were to say a joke then it would most likely be black humor, sarcastic, or deadpan.


Physical Abilities- She's an all around fighter in terms of strength and speed. She can outperform the strongest and fastest possible humans by many times. That being said, she can deadlift around 4,000 pounds (2 tons) and run at speeds of around 60 miles an hour. She does get exhausted if working at maximum capacity just as fast as normal people would at their own max. Her reaction time is exceedingly fast, able to notice a person's first twitch as they go in to start the attack, so at an average human speed, without taking her off guard, it's unlikely they could ever hit her. She has keen 25/20 vision, 20% better hearing, and otherwise average senses.

Battle Experience- She has seen and been in many battles so would recognize most, if not all common battle strategies. She's trained in her own battle strategies.

Weapon Training- She's been trained in combat ever since she was a child soldier in hand to hand, swords, spears, and daggers both melee and throwing. That being said she's so well versed with them that they're like an extension of her own body, used with great skill and a combination of strength and speed. Her hand to hand combat likes to strike swiftly at weak points. She can use most other weapons but at decreased efficiency.

Handedness- She's right hand dominate but does have a fair amount of training with her left hand, easily able to outmatch the average swordsman with it.

Pain Numbness- She doesn't feel much pain unless it's a severe wound, in which case you can see her grimace but is not likely to be incapacitated by it as long as it's just pain and not doing something to physically incapacitate her.

Immortality- She ages for now but it is slowing down, and as long as she's repaired she can come back to life. This made her a perfect candidate for insertion of the geneform explained below.

The Geneform

Pronounced geh-neh-form and commonly referred to as "it" or "him", although nobody knows for sure and it's more then likely genderless, and if that's the case they don't know if or how it can reproduce. The geneform is made up of a living blob of white goo with the mass of around a preteen boy. It can alter it's shape at will, although cannot increase it's mass on it's own. In it's normal gooey form it has poor defense to the elements such as extreme hot or cold, magic, and cutting, able to be cut with a standard pair of scissors if in a layer as thin as paper. However, it's very durable to tearing and blunt force trauma. In a process that requires 3 seconds it can undergo a chemical reaction to make it hard and with the defense twice that of steel, even able to withstand moderately powerful magic. It's unknown how it can see, but it appears to have 360 degree vision of it's surroundings up to a distance of 200 feet as long as nothing is obscuring the line of sight of any of it's goo.

Without further adieu, an all important quality of the geneform is that it can meld into a person's body through any opening. Once melded it can physically control the person's actions and move anywhere within the body without interfering with it unless it wishes to. There appears to be something magical about this; how it can move around freely once inside but struggles to get in, as if it can't have any power over their body until it's allowed/manages to get in first. Also, if it goes into one person and decides to leave, it seems to not be able to enter anyone else for days to even weeks. Once inside it can use the person's energy to regenerate missing goo. It doesn't need to eat, sleep, or other human needs of life besides this energy consumption. If it doesn't get it within around a month then it will slowly dry up and die, so melding into someone is a must, preferably at all times to remain in tip top shape and if it wants to get used to the body.

Most of the time it doesn't actively control people because it would be unnatural jerking motions, so it trusts the person to do a better job most of the time unless it sees something they don't. It's far more useful in it's reconstruction job. If the person gets cut it can send part of it's body into the opening to first block it off and then "glue" it back together, which sacrifices the part of the geneform's body used in the glue but restores the person's damage as good as new. Papercuts could be healed nearly instantaneously, while huge gashes/ reattaching limbs might take around a minute. What takes the most time is if things are broken/cut into multiple small pieces because it has to manipulate everything back into place and get into all of the individual cracks, the smaller the pieces the longer this all would take. Severe bone fractures are an example of this type of damage. Too small of pieces, such as being blown up, would be unrecoverable, or at the very least take years of work on the part of the geneform, and it's highly unlikely it would put in such effort.

Although it can be inferred by things previously mentioned, it's best to explain other things it can do in further detail. If there's an opening (if not already existing it can make one of it's own if needed by hardening into a point from inside), it can exit the person with some/all of it's body and harden it to form a weapon/shield, or remain in goo form to stick on to objects like glue to pull cut off limbs back into place or help the person hang on to walls for but two examples. As a last resort the geneform can fire off parts of it's body in hard or goo form. Leaving the person's body can be a dangerous risk if it remains in goo form for very long. If part of it is cut off then it looses control of it unless it can regain contact with it within around a minute. If it goes to solid form inside the body it interferes with them as if any other solid object so would possibly block off arteries, immobilize joints, and cut through various tissue for some examples. Doing it inside of tissue would instantly split the tissue and force it outside of where the geneform is occupying. It can heal the tissue after the fact, but until it does so there would be major problems.


*She has no magical powers other then what the geneform can do, her immortality, and physical enhancements.
*She's at the mercy of the mysterious geneform. So far it doesn't make her do anything too outrageous, but if it did she'd have to comply or it could easily destroy her from the inside or force her hand...literally.
*She can't die forever, but she can still loose consciousness like normal. If something would have killed her she'd be able to come back to life only once that problem is repaired by the geneform.
*If the geneform has to do intensive healing it will use up it's own body quite fast, having to eat up lots of the person's energy in the process to regenerate missing goo. This can get incredibly tiring on all involved and regenerating just 1 square inch of goo would take 30 seconds.
*She and the geneform cannot verbally communicate besides it moving her body certain ways for certain signs. It can apparently understand others, though.


Head: Two five inch long sharp hairpins, a hair ornament, and earrings.
Body: She wears a dress similar to this but slit on both sides so it doesn't inhibit movement. She also wears a fluffy white scarf (commonly taken off before battle) and black mesh underneath that becomes really solid over the underwear regions to make it more difficult for any wardrobe malfunctions with the slits to reveal anything. Although her outfit resembles a Chinese dress from Earth, she's not from Earth so this is a coincidence and she'd have no idea what you were talking about.
Hands: Black and purple gloves that are completely open at the palms and fingers. She doesn't want to inhibit the geneform from an easy exit of her hands, the most common place she'd have it exit to form weapons.
Feet: She wears black ankle high shoes that can easily slip off in battle so they don't interfere with the geneform, just like her hands, should she want to kick with the added benefit of blades or spikes. It can force it's way through the sole of these shoes if absolutely necessary but that would eat up some time, even if only around a second.
Weapons: She has what is comparable to a total length of 80 centimeter (2.62 feet) arming sword as her primary weapon strapped to her left hip. She also has three iron throwing daggers strapped to her right thigh.


Things started off normally enough, but this was short lived. At an age no older then 5 her home accidentally burned down and collapsed, killing her parents and her as a piece of wood pierced her heart. After she was sewn up to be more presentable at the funeral, she came back to life to the utter shock of everyone in the room. When they called to report the incident, government officials stormed in and told them to keep this quiet. In the end they had a closed casket funeral, claiming the body was too horribly mangle by the fire. Meanwhile, she was now in training to become a perfect soldier by combining her immortality with the reconstruction of the geneform, a match made in heaven. Up until then, even if the host of the geneform could be regenerated, they could still die from instantly killing blows, wasting a ton of time and money put into properly getting the geneform and the host up to their best fighting potential together. In her case this wouldn't be a problem. At long last they had the true immortal warrior that they had been searching for ever since they first stumbled across the geneform frozen in a glacier.

They know the geneform is willing to cooperate with them because it needs hosts, and they're providing it with constant willing hosts. As long as they keep doing so they believe it's going to remain complacent. However, they know so little about what it is other then what it has been shown to be able to do. Sometimes it kills the host but other times not, and if it does kill the host then they believe it must be something they had done wrong to upset it. Valecia was kept ignorant of much of this, and she was too young to understand anyways. All they needed her to know was the stuff to improve her abilities as a soldier.

She's been involved in countless military operations over the years, sometimes failing and sometimes being incapacitated but never able to die, just as they had hoped. As she got better and better her failings grew all the more infrequent until she was not only immortal but also one of their most talented agents.

However, she did not stay loyal for long. The geneform had her kill those who she had worked with, some of them even her friends, and she had no idea why. She could only run away as the government tried to track her down and capture her, locking her away where she could never escape. However, she luckily managed to exit the country. From there she joined EVROSS, a mysterious organization with their sights set on world domination, apparently having something to do with the geneform. Nobody would tell her the specifics, but she had no choice but to follow orders. Not that she had much problems with her new scenario, as she was treated with everything she needed and didn't mind all of the killing anyways. At least not on the surface.
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