Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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Willow couldn't help that she was excited, it was the first time she'd interacted with any other heroes in such a long time. "Behave," Artemis had said, "Don't get killed, or I'll kill you." An hour or two of rambling and lectures later, she'd left with her father to end up here. From what she heard, there'd be just five of them, including her. Her father and Batman were friends, so naturally, he told him before anyone else. By that logic, Willow knew, too. Well, she knew from what she heard while snooping in on the conversation (the snooping which was, of course, interrupted by Dick finding her hiding in the closet). There would be at least two alien sort of people, one she noted was Martian. The other could have been Kryptonian or Lantern, but she hadn't caught on in time, as they were the last to be explained. There would of course, be the boy wonder, one other girl, and then herself. She was fortunate to be here in the first place. Willow was lucky that Dick was good with words, and that her mother had a hard time saying no to Wally, or else, Artemis would've never allowed her to come out of "hiding", so to speak. She wondered if the other kids, besides Robin, knew who she was. Not very likely, but it would've been awesome either way. Maybe Artemis would even warm up to the idea more, if she did a good job...

Apparently, something else she also heard, was that Bats had a mission for them right away. Was it urgent? Was it exciting? Was it dangerous?! She was thinking of so many things at once that she almost didn't notice she was about to miss her turn.

"Woah, woah, watch out, kiddo," Wally said, gently grabbing the back of her suit before she ran into the building she was heading for. "Don't get distracted, if you get hurt, your mom will kill you. Or more importantly, she'll kill me." He joked, releasing her again. She managed an awkward smile.
"Sorry, but there's a lot to think about. What kind of mission does Batman have?" Willow asked, getting back in pace with her father.
"Not sure, but I know the league's going to be busy today. Your mom and brother are already off."

She wondered why her brother didn't want to come today, why he didn't want to be a part of it. Her mother always trusted him more, insisted he should be on the team, but he denied. He worked with mom or alone, no teams, nothing. He was almost as cold towards Willow as she was towards Artemis, and she could never pinpoint why. Hey, she had a reason, her mom never let her do anything. He, on the other hand, didn't.

"You're late, Wally." Dick greeted once they were inside. "But lucky for you, so is everyone else, except M'gann. And myself. So I'll let it slide." Willow looked around at the base. Since her father was distracted, she didn't comment on it, but it was as awesome as she expected it to be. In a mountain? Awesome. She'd been told it was, but hadn't believed it. This was a big room, must've been the training room, or the room they got their missions in. As her dad began to converse, Willow's suspicions were proven. There was at least a Martian, and she presumed the Boy Wonder, who was probably off being a bat somewhere, as she didn't see him. Probably climbing on things, hiding. Whatever bats do. The Martian seemed to be getting a pep talk from Miss Martian Miss Martian has a kid? Is she Mrs. Martian now? Willow thought to herself, crossing her arms as she stood beside her father, zoned out of their conversation. She hoped the others would show up soon. She missed being out in the action.

"Now, Charlie, be nice to everyone, listen to your Den mother whenever a new one is assigned, remember Earth culture, and work with your team. But most importantly, make some friends." Charlie shifted uncomfortably as he received a hug from his Mother. "Now I have to go, but good luck on your first day. Batman already has a mission for you."
"Sure thing, Mom." He said with a smile, hugging her in return. She quickly said goodbye to Wally (who had mentioned some innuendo, of course) and then to Batman, before she left. Charlie looked around awkwardly, before turning invisible and sitting on the floor. Maybe if he stayed this way, he wouldn't have to talk to anyone. Maybe they wouldn't notice him, if he was lucky. He didn't want to do this. At all. Ever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by J2


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Dominic laid on the rafters. Using his wrist computer ti watch the teens arrive through the cameras. Batman greeted them, M'gann gave her son, or whatever a few guidelines.

He heard a cough, and looked over to see two narrow white slits glaring at him. Without words the boy wonder knew what was expected of him. "Fine." He jumped off the rafters and glided down. He looked at his teamates with a trained eye under the domino mask.

"Im Robin, but I'm sure you've heard of me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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When Alice arrived to the hall she arrived via Boom tube with Ice, they were in the middle of a conversation but ended it when they were in the hall, Alice's gaze was trained on everyone in the main room, she was quickly quieted by just the appearance of everyone in the room, Ice suddenly tapped Alice on the shoulder and gave Alice a fair well salute wishing Alice good luck and went back through the boom tube. Alice walked closer to the group and suddenly the boy wonder dropped from the ceiling, Alice was a little surprised and looked up for a split second, then looked to him.

" Who ? " she asked in a curious tone messing with Robin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by J2


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He sighed, his ego deflating a little bit. "Whatever." He countered, feeling kinda lame now. He crossed the room, "Anyways, I'm pretty sure we have a mission, from what I could gathe-" He gave a yell of surprise, tripping over an invisible martian that was sitting in the middle of the room, something he had apparently missed on the cameras. He sat on the ground, rubbing his knee. "What the heck man, what are you doing here?!" He questioned, wondering why the green skinned boy was sitting in the middle of a room. "We got chairs for a reason!" He said, upset.

He stood up, pouting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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Charlie had been taken by surprise, jumping away and flying into the air a few feet as soon as someone touched him. He guessed he must've been off his guard, or else he would've moved out of the way. "O-Oh. Sorry. Sorry." He apologized, "I was just-- I hadn't--- I mean. I'm sorry." He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, landing lightly back on the ground.

Willow glanced over at them, seeing that the Martian clearly needed help. She smirked. "Well, Rob," She sped behind him, bending over him from behind so she could look him in the face, putting her hands on his shoulders. "Since we're in the training room, and there's no chairs here, is probably why he was sitting in the middle of the floor. Kind of like how you are sitting in the middle of the floor right now. Just saying." She shrugged, straightening herself and going to put an arm around the martian's shoulders. "Plus he's like, from another planet, probably don't have chairs on mars or something."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"I don't think Mar's is devoid of chairs, but what do I know huh KF?" Sam spoke as he flew into the room. Then it occurred to him that they probably didn't know him. he hadn't really been around much to do superhero team ups or anything like that. In fact today he was freshly back from space because of a stupid meeting with the stupid guardians. Plus he had some training with Kilowag, but well... That was kind of awesome sometimes. Dude was a drill instructor, but still. "Anyway. What's up everyone? I hear we're gonna be a team." He said with a calm smile as he landed on the floor beside Alice. "I'm Sam Raynor. In case you couldn't tell, I'm a Green Lantern." He introduced himself calmly.

Somewhere deep in the heart of Bialya was a small crew of scientists being guarded by a small group of about 5 mercenaries. They were unloading a large pod from a truck which contained a human figure. "Geez... We seriously gonna do this? I mean... the damn thing'll destroy everything right? Women and children too right?" One of the mercs whispered to another. "Look..." The other paused. He sighed. "Long as we're gettin paid we can't say or do nothin. Just keep your mouth shut alright?" He said calmly. "Would both of you shut up?" A female mercenary said calmly.

With that they returned to guard duty as the scientists continued their task of prepping their creation for another test run. Would their code words work? Would it act with precision and proper skill? Whether or not the beast they would soon release met their current expectations as it had so many times before was crucial. After all. This time the Bialyan army had received an "anonymous" tip that they would be attacked soon. This was no simple thing as far as the Bialyans were concerned. They were ready. Too bad they small group had already been in the country. Soon it would begin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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" Hmm, it makes sense, but we're not 100 % on if they really do have chairs, also he could have been doing something or been in deep thought about something, or be shy and slow to open up to us, oh I'm babbling, sorry." Alice said quickly before she stopped speaking and started looking around trying to find something else to talk about besides the alien boy sitting on the floor in the middle of the room, she felt a little embarrassed since she spoke so quickly stopped instantly and said sorry for it, she hoped that the others .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by J2


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He frowned, scowling at the arriving green lantern, already the team he was working with was more then what he had strategies for. Dick, Barbara, and himsefl was the largest team he had ever worked with before, and all of his plans would have to be adjusted in order for them to work properly. "Hmph, I don't want to hear excuses." He checked his wrist-computer, "Anyways, does anybody have any idea why we're here, other then the obvious."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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"Wha? But... Even..." Sam sighed and ran his finger's through his hair letting the hood drop and his mask disappear. "If I had to guess it could have something to do with not just becoming a team but working together in order to handle things under the radar or when the League is busy with bigger problems." He sighed before glancing at a large holographic screen. "Or... You know... Maybe it has something to do with the distress signal Bialya is sending..." He said pointing at the screen. Indeed a distress call had just appeared. Something about needing help. Anyone would do.
In Bialya there was a huge battle raging. Well... More like a one sides slaughter. The figure that was Ragnarok was wreaking maximum havoc. The soldiers were firing at him with various handguns, other larger automatic fire arms and shotguns. They had to be careful though. Many civilians were trying to run and evacuate. They had to make sure as many of the innocent got out as possible. There was a video feed with a shadowy monstrous creature(Ragnarok) But it was so cut when a fist slammed into it.
"Yeah that doesn't look good. We need to move in as soon as possible." He said his mask re-materializing as he pulled his hood back up. Just when he thought he could get at least somewhat of a little rest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by J2


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Robin took the lead, "Alright guys, get in uniform if you arn't already." He said looking at the group. He typed on the computer, zomming in and out in different points of the massacre, seemingly one... Being was doing this "Well, I think we have another superman on our hands, albeit... Possibly flightless." He droned on, listing fighting tactics as the beast fought. "Alright, who's in to take on this thing?" He sighed. "This monster, is now codenamed: Ragnarok." Fitting, he thought to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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" I could be up for some monster fighting as long as everyone else is willing to jump in to help out ?" Alice said to everyone else, she was ready for some real combat and hoped that this fight with the monster wouldn't be completely hard, she looked down and away from everyone while scratching the back of her head, " Sooo anyone besides, me the lantern and the boy wonder up for this ?" she asked out loud.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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"I'm totally up for it!" Willow said excitedly. "Finally, something to do." She'd been suited up for hours, even before her father was ready to leave. She was glad of, too. Everyone else seemed to be as well. Except the Martian, but from what she learned about "Aunt Megan", they didn't really need to go suit up. "Let's go." Willow looked to Charlie, nudging him gently, to which he nodded in response and changed into his costume. "We're all ready, then."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by J2


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Lets go then." He lead the march towards the Zeta Tube. (Does Charlie have a ship?) He was making plans in his head, on possible ways of attacking the beast. As he set up theZeta tube for Bialya he looked over to the corner, where he saw a glimpse of white slits, and a swoosh of black cape and he knew that Dick had been watching the whole thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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"Listen. I think it'd be better if we flew." Sam said quickly not wanting to end up in a bad spot. And if they flew they would have a quicker getaway than if they had to reach another Zeta point. Was there even on in Bialya? "If we don't have a ship I can make us one." He added calmly.
Ragnarok was wreaking utter mayhem bring down his powerful fists onto the Bialyan army and causing buildings to crumble. The army was starting to lose morale. But soon the citizens would be gone. Still how many more would die before then?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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" Yeah I'm with Sam, if we fly we won't have to worry about being dropped somewhere and having to move from there to Bialaya or what ever the area is called." Alice added to Sam's response to the zeta tube," You could make an entire ship with that ring ? That would be good for the rest of us that can't really fly, like really the rest of us here actually." she said to Sam. She though the idea of flying would help, but she also had her doubts, what if the monster they were going after could fly or see them from a distance and try to run off or attack them with something, but it was also better than the Zeta tube.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"Of course I can make an entire ship. If I can imagine it I can make it." Sam said with a small smirk. "Now huddle up." He said as he form a green bubble around them and transported them to the hangar. "Please keep your hands and feet inside the construct as all time. Remember we here as Green Lantern airways are not..." Sam rambled on with his little airport like safety tips as the green bubble elongated, morphed and hardened into the form a fair sized jet with a seat for each member of the team actual working controls, dials and buttons. This thing was legit. "Now brace yourselves." He then said sitting in the seat to pilot the thing. It roared to life as the hangar doors opened. Once they were clear for take off the jet shot off and soon they were speeding through the air.

"Alright so when we get their I'm gonna open fire on the thing to get it's attention. I'll take us in low and drop you guys off before hitting it more. You guy are gonna need to flank it or something. I'll leave that strategy to Robin. Just remember I can only keep it's attention for so long." He said calmly as the jet reached it's top speed. They'd be in Bialya soon. That was nothing to scoff at. Pretty impressive for something that in all fairness wasn't really real.

(Don't need anything for Ragnarok now. You get it. He's smashing shit lol XD)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Alice was startled by the construct forming around them, when it lifted them into the air she felt to her knees and tried to get up when it changed into a jet, she noticed the ship was brightly lit like a giant glowing dot flying in the sky." Wait can you turn down the glow of the ship, if we shine this bright then the monster would see us as if we had a sign saying we're hear to beat the crap out you ." Alice told the Green Lantern, she thought it would be best if they kept a low profile so they could get a jump on the monster and take it down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by J2


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Robin sat in one of the chairs on the construct, "I agree." He said "Please turn down the brightness." He was anlyzing files from Gotham at the moment, trying to pass time until they would arrive in Bialya. "Game pan, antern do you think you can hold this guy in one of your bubbles long enough for me to get some knock out gas working on him..." He thought about it for a second. "Actually, knock out gas probably won't work on him."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"Hey you know you get the ship and the light or ya walk." Sam said with a laugh as he got closer to Bialya. "Just listen. I'm good playing bit. He'll be so focused on the plane he won't notice when you guy's make the drop and flank him." He said calmly. Then he thought about making a bubble. That might take a bit to set up. Remember in order for a plan like that to work we need to leave a spot for the gas or container to get in. He could take advantage of that. And based on what he was doing I don't think a needle or any kind of injection will work. Come up with a formation. I'm not good at the technical stuff." He added as he got a bit lower. "Get ready to drop down."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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Willow had never interacted with any of the lanterns, nor had she seen their abilities to the full extent, but she had known that they were very capable and certainly very powerful... if they had their priorities set. She had been on ships before, naturally, though they were usually Batman's creation. She'd seen the bioship before, as well, but had never really ridden in it, as she only went on private missions most of the time. This ship was very detailed; it amazed her that Sam had the mind power to form this without even blinking. No way would she have such focus. "Cool!" She said excitedly, bouncing in her seat. "I've only seen Green Lanterns on the news, but nothing like this..." She mumbled the last parts to herself, fingers trailing over the buttons. "Awesome. Why didn't we just use the bioship, though? It has the invisible... thing. That Martians do." From what she knew, Charlie had it. Or, at least, Megan said that Charlie would "inherit" it the last time she spoke to M'gann, which was a while ago.

Willow shrugged it off, focusing her attention elsewhere. You're on a mission, she reminded herself, shaking her head. She needed to focus. There were monsters to fight. Or, one monster. A big monster.
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