Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Anita listened and watched as the boy took his remedy. "So your semblance has a drawback? Well it is a good thing you had those pills. As for the ballroom sure I think..just lean on me." She said offering Jurano more support if he needed it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jurano accepted Anita's support, he could barely walk on his own feet. As they made their way towards the ballroom, he couldn't help smile.
She barely knows me and she's helping get around. As they reached the ballroom he found a spare sleeping area, deactivated his semblance. As soon as it happened he crumpled to the floor, his brain couldn't control his motor functions properly any more. He didn't realise he forgot to let go of Anita and pulled her down with him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Anita blinked and made a slight yelp as she was pulled down with Jurano and landed ...on top of him. "Oh I am sorry..you alright?" She asked ignoring a blush of embarassment as she slowely began to move off of him and offered her hand once more. They were not far from the ballroom tho.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 18 min ago

Kat's ears twitched every time Felix stuttered, she wasn't too sure what happened to him, he seemed fine when he had his weapon, and then he went to shaking and stuttered worse than ever now that there were more people...she wondered just how much of an introvert he was...or if he was just the most awkward person she'd ever seen...even more so than her brother. She could at least tell that he was scared...seemed to be a running thing for him. She thought about giving him a pat on the back, but she wasn't sure if he'd have a heart attack. Instead, she tried putting on a small, subtle smile as Felix finished stuttering.

"Listen, don't worry too much about the speech...or tomorrow. You just gotta keep your chin up, and keep your weapon forward, if you're serious about becoming a hunter, then you can't let anything scare you forever, not even the Grimm. Right now, we're just novices, but it's like that old saying: 'Mountains don't rise in a day, they take centuries, sometimes millennium, but in the end, nothing can topple a mountain.'. You won't be alone out there Felix, I'm sure you'll get a good partner, heck, we might even be partnered up. Regardless of what happens..." She extended her hand outwards slowly, trying not to startle him, her hand hung in the hand-shaking position as she smiled wider.
"Good luck tomorrow."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Booker had barely moved as he watched and studied everyone. His face was so calm and innocent as he just stood there, like he was waiting for someone. It wasn't what he was doing though, and his outward appearance betrayed his thoughts. He was gathering information to see who would be the best candidates for a team, and right now, only a few of them suited his needs. It seemed that one girl had suddenly disappeared, but he assumed that she just left to join another group of people. It seemed that a lot of people were already forming groups, and he assumed that he should do the same.

Although he couldn't outright pick who he wanted on his team, he could try his best to target certain people and attempt to join them. Booker's ears perked up as he heard someone talking in his direction, and it seemed like a young man had a tight grasp on someone else. He honestly wasn't sure what to say about it, but he continued onward, and made more notes and continued to study all of the remaining people around him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

"R-r-r-right..." Felix stuttered in response to Kat. She was right of course, everything she'd said was perfectly valid... for anyone else. Those words might have comforted and inspired just about everyone else, but not him. It was nice to hear, he understood her intent and meaning, but it changed nothing. He knew he'd end up working with a team, and that actually lowered his spirits. He'd never fit in properly. He'd be a terrible teammate...

"Th-thanks-" his words caught in his throat when she extended her hand. It was only polite, right? His right hand twitched. She'd been kind to him, if he didn't do this he'd look terrible. Then he broke, his hands diving into his pockets, and his head turning to face the ground. The vision in his head was another of himself dying. He knew it was falst, but still it paralyzed him. "Y-yeah... you too..." He was mortified and disgusted with himself again. He had to walk away.

- - -

She didn't know why she'd called herself a spoiled rich girl. The family that had adopted her was, well, average. They hardly spoiled her either. At best, they'd coddled her for a while due to what had become of her family, and then she'd had a "normal" life... well for about three years until she convinced them to send her to Signal. However, she forgot that her own words were her downfall, and simply felt a hot pit of rage growing inside her.

Perfect? He dared assume her life was perfect? Nothing about her life was perfect! Her jaw tightened, her teeth threatening to shatter if she clenched them together any harder. Anger overwrote reason, and she didn't even consider the fact that it was her fault for bringing it up. Then she got distracted, for just a half-second. Loner, for they still hadn't exchanged names, pointed out another student. She glanced in that direction, for just a moment, and soon found an arm wrapping around her neck.

"Wh-, HEY!" she yelled and grabbed his arm, trying to pry it away. She paused for a second, realizing she could barely budge it. WHY IS HE SO STRONG!? she yelled internally. She then remembered the two huge swords he swung around... that probably had something to do with it. That said, her inability to break free still confounded her. Short of breaking his arm, she wasn't going to struggle free, and she was a lot stronger than her petite build would suggest. Her weapon was plenty big, and plenty heavy, and she had to hold it one-handed and outstretched.

Finally, after a good thirty seconds of tugging at his arm and growling like a rabid animal, she gave up on trying to get free, and just became dead weight. She supported herself only as much as she needed to not choke to death in his grip. So, effectively limp, with a near permanent scowl stamped on her face, she was dragged along until they got close to the boy and... he was ignoring them. A mistake, since she was already in a foul mood.

"YOU! Stop walking! Apparently we're talking to you!" she snapped at the boy, he seemed to be a faunus. In fact, she was pretty sure her captor was also a faunus. Animals trapping people, she was quite aware of the irony. "Now get over here and... talk... or whatever," she growled. The look on her face, the tone of her voice, none of it was especially welcoming. In reality, a smart person would have just walked away if they'd seen someone looking at them like that. Enyo just hoped that he'd distract the idiot who had her in a headlock long enough for her to get free.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redrose640


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lance didn't expect anyone to take being suddenly tugged along to react calmly and the girl with him reacted like he expected. She was basically foaming at the mouth like an animal, despite her not being an obvious faunas in any way, to try and get out. Still, Lance had a hard grip on her so she couldn't go. He still needed allies and when the prospective members walked away, the chance of them coming back was low. She seemed lonely, too. Granted, everyone who would come to the school without friends would be lonely but a few of the ones that were memorable from the ship got a friend to bunk with for the time being, at least.

Lance frowned as the boy who had his attention simply started walking away. It was a little disappointing but it gave some information about this boy already that Lance would have to remember. He wasn't the most social type, like half of the other more interesting students present, and he was more like a depressed loner. Lance could label himself as a loner but he wasn't depressed or anything of the sort. On the contrary, he was simply a...watchful loner and was more merry than some others that were here.

When the girl noticed the boy walking away, Lance let the girl so since she was looking like she was about to blow a fuse. It was more evident when she was easily being the loudest person in the room, with who was left anyway. A good amount of the new students already made their way out to where they were directed, so the girl's voice echoed more or less. Lance calmly put a hand on the girls shoulder, sighing.

"Come on now, that is no way to greet someone you don't know. How about you just quiet down for a moment and let the boy go. He may end up coming over at a later time but I don't think I would be too keen on coming back after being so verbally assaulted." Lance wasn't going to go up to the boy after what the girl had done.

"You know, I have a question. What is your name? I know we haven't been formally introduced yet, so I suppose introductions are in order finally. I am Lance."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Although Booker had done his best to tune out the loud woman, he had been taken away from his thinking as she called out to him in a none-too-friendly way. A look of surprise came over his face as he stopped walking and turned to the two, seeing that the boy had placed a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down. he didn't know why she was so angry, but he wasn't going to ask any question about it, only watch. With her outburst, many more people had left the room, but Booker stayed and walked over to the pair. It had gotten even more quiet as the rest of the people left, and he was able to hear the young man introduce himself.

Booker didn't know how the man could still be around the woman, and he assumed that it was possible that they knew each other before hand and he had gotten used to her. It was the only conclusion he had come to so far, but he knew that it wasn't the only one that was possible. A small smile replaced the look of surprise, but the smile looked... hollow. His eyes were still as blank as ever, but his face had a smile on it. It didn't seem forced in any way, but the smile just looked so odd. The smile quickly left, and his entire face was back to it's blank state once more. "You wanted to talk? Follow me, then. I want to take a look around the academy, and we can talk as I do so." He didn't wait for an answer from them as he left to his own devices. He didn't care if they went with him or not, and he would accept the decision that they would make. If they chose to stay with him, then he would continue to talk to them as he toured around. If not, then he would simply walk around and put all of his focus into observing the area around him.


As nightfall approached, Booker made his way to the ballroom, where he would be staying for the night until the teams would be assigned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 18 min ago

Kat had taken a seat on one of the sleeping bags laid out for all the students in the ballroom now in a blue tank top and the same pair of white shorts she'd worn earlier, she wasn't too sure about socializing with anybody at the moment, she was too focused on thinking about literally every possible partner combination as she glanced around the room. "Let's see...1 x 35 x 34 x 33...So, there'd be ... over 30,000 combinations total for just one team..." She laid back against the lumpy, yet still invitingly comfortable bag and sighed just a bit as she started realizing that the odds of her even winding up in the same team as Felix were about 1/3000. She was honestly a little worried about him...after all, even after she tried to cheer him up, he was still a stuttering mess...She'd thought that she'd be able to watch his back if they were on the same team, but the odds seemed stacked against her idea. Thinking back to Felix's weapon, she turned over and placed her head on the pillow at the head of the bag, sure the thing looked effective, and it must hurt like hell, she couldn't help but wonder if he knew how to handle it right.

Feeling that she'd done enough worrying for the night, she recalled that her dad and given her some kind of "surprise" and left it in her bag before she left for Beacon...fumbling around with her bag for a bit she finally found the small cardboard box that had he told her not to open until she got there. Feeling that now was the time, she opened the lid of the box and found a simple, paperback book, looked fairly worn out, flipping through it to the end she saw the page count was 395, the cover was so worn that she had to open it to find the title printed on the first page. "The...Gentleman's Guide to Evisceration? What the..." She was quickly silenced upon viewing the book's contents, the first line literally said "The Following is a Guide to the Complete and Utter Decimation of Your Foes, In the Most Efficient Manner Possible." Quickly scanning through the pages, she found detailed diagrams, various anatomical and biological descriptions, and finally, she found the chapter devoted to combating Grimm. Her tail swished back and forth behind her as she read through it...it was clear to her why her father had given her this guide.

Too excited to sleep right away, she began fervently reading through the chapter, pouring over the details of the ballistic/blade based weaponry combat techniques...finding small notes scribbled down on the pages. "Thanks Dad..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the two made their way into the ballroom he started regaining some strength in his legs and relied on Anita less. Their were some students that arrived before them but that was only because Jurano fell down a flight of stairs. He walked over to one the pre-prepared sleeping bags and claimed for his own
"Thanks for the help Anita, I appreciate it." He said with a smile.
He unstrapped his sniper and layed it next the bag. Next he undid his pouch belt and went and got changed.

When he returned he noticed more and more people starting to show, he found his sleeping bag and grabbed his back pack and started rummaging through. When he found his weapon cleaning kit he started cleaning the weapon, first the main body, the barrel and so on. While he was doing this he hummed a small little tune that he and his sister used to sing when they were little. He didn't notice at the time but he was crying. Smiling, but crying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

"Eh? Oh... Enyo A-. . . Enyo," she told him. She almost instinctively gave her last name, but when she realized he hadn't given his, she refrained. Why should she give more than he had? It was kind of rude that he hadn't really, she'd gone out of her way to keep him company. She ignored the fact that a fair number of people had fled the room because of her... except, apparently, the kid she'd actually yelled at.

Enyo's head instinctively pulled back when the kid smiled at them.

. . . this kid is creepy. . . Enyo suddenly regretted forcing the issue. She listened as he talked, but decided keeping her mouth shut around him was the better course of action. If there was to be conversing, it would be up to Lance. Yes... yes let's follow the creepy kid through the unknown halls of our new school. What could possibly go wrong? As it turned out, nothing, as their fairly silent trip resulted in them knowing the school a little better, and they wound up in the ballroom unscathed. Well... maybe he's waiting for us to sleep before he reveals his sociopathic tendencies. Enyo sighed. Suddenly she was tired. Lugging around her canister all day after a long airship ride, and multiple screaming fits, had really taken it out of her. Screw it, he can slit my throat if he wants, I'm tired...

"Well boys, it's been a blast... bye." With all the grace of ripping off a bandage, she bid them farewell and went to find a place to change into her sleep-ware.

- - -

Meanwhile Felix had found a nice corner to curl up in, with his weapon not at all conspicuously sticking out from beneath his pillow. OK, the bayonet was a little conspicuous, but it made him feel better if he was to sleep in a room filled with dozens of people. He'd gotten the impression that after tonight they'd have lockers to stick their stuff in, so he figured he should enjoy a night of sleep within reach of his weapon while he still could.

I'm never sleeping again after this, am I? he groaned mentally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redrose640


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lance followed the girl slightly, not paying much attention to any of the students but looking at the school itself. The high ceilings were very tempting for Lance to swing around but with the close-quarters, it would be not smart in any way. Still, there was no telling how much fun he could have after getting back outside. He had overheard rumors about a violent first test from the school but Lance had no clue at all what it had meant. He assumed it didn't mean the students fighting each other since there would be no reason to have a school if the students were going to hurt each other badly.

"Such an interesting place to explore. I can't wait to explore it. Oh, I love the thought of adventuring but I had better find a way to make a trail back." The two students that were close by before had walked off quite a ways, so Lance was more or less talking to himself. Not unusual but it was easy to assume that students were almost banned from anywhere outside the main entrance and their temporary sleeping location for the night.

After looking down a couple of halls, Lance had made his way back to the kids just before the girl had said her good-byes and left quickly.

"You got it." Lance went away from the boy and let him go his separate way, patting his shoulder before taking a bedroll and taking it to closer to one of the walls, leaning his back against it and using the bedroll as a comfortable back supporter. He slipped a small notebook and pencil from his back pocket and jotted down quick notes, about the people he had met and a few other details to distinguish between the kids they were about. He had to keep his thoughts organized from the start, or at least attempt to. When he was finished making his notes, he pocketed his book again and leaned back, falling asleep in no time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"It is not a problem really. It would have been alot worse if you passed out on me." Anita said all in good nature to Jurano as she watched him get prepared for the evening. "I guess I'll see you around." She added as she went and got a sleeping bag of her own.

Looking around she noticed Booker and most if not all of the people on the airship ride to the school. She unsheathed her weopon and propped it up against the corner she had chosen to sleep in which was a good distance or so away from the other students that began to prepare for the night and the next day ahead.

She then decided she would catch some sleep early. The trip up had been very tiring and she felt sleep would be the best option until Ozpin was ready to tell the new arrivals exactly whatBeacon was all about as well as his plans for them. If the speech was any indication he seemed not to have high hopes for anyone .

"I just hope whatever happens my training at home will pay off.." She mumbled as she closed her eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

With the group of a young man, a young woman, and himself now disbanded, Booker let out a sigh as he looked around for the friend that had disappeared hours ago. He didn't know where she was, but he knew that she would pop up at some random time and possible scare the people around her due to her sudden presence. Making his way over to a nearby chair, Booker sat down and unstrapped his legs from his boots. He let out a sigh of relief as he slipped out of them and set them down underneath the chair. The Boots weren't constricting, but they did have some weight, and he was able to move just the slightest bit faster without them.

Rachel had a good first day. It wasn't as good as it could have been if Booker was with her, but she enjoyed in nonetheless and skipped happily into the ballroom where they would be sleeping. She had just entered the room when Booker was taking his boots off, and was easily able to find him. She always seemed to find him, despite how quiet he usually acts around others. "Hey Book!" She called out to him as she skipped over to her Faunus friend. Booker smiled at her and relaxed in his chair. "Who's you tour the academy with!? I met some cool people, but they were already planning to get put in a group together.." Booker yawned at her and gave her a look that silently told her that he'd explain everything the following day. Rachel nodded at her friend and got settled on the ground, closing her eyes slowly. Booker did the same and the two allowed the sandman to claim them within a matter of minutes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The following morning was rather uneventful for Rachel and Booker. The two of them went through the normal morning rituals before grabbing their weapons and heading off the find where the initiation would be. From what Booker had gathered, the Initiation test was the same for every year of students, but the tokens that placed everyone into teams were different for each year. The had no idea what the tokens would be for this year, but they would have to go out into the forest to find out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redrose640


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lance had fallen asleep leaning on the wall he had taken refuge on, which was quite uncomfortable but it served until he had an official bed and room. His weapons had kept his back straight so it wasn't in a bad position but it got his back horribly stiff when he had woken up. Fortunately, he had all of his possessions and had trouble moving. His fauna hearing had picked up the noise of the early movers getting up, at least some of them. If he was too tired, Lance wouldn't bother getting up but he unfortunately couldn't object it seeing as he would have a schedule from now on, or at least he assumed as much.

Lance tried to move onto his feet but ended up slipping sideways, falling onto his side and then onto his stomach.

"...Ouch..." Lance had to stay face-down for a minute before he could easily move himself. When he was able to move, Lance got onto his feet and stretched his back and legs out to finish getting out the stiffness. When he felt himself ready to get ready, he went through his daily routines and such before following some of the early students. When he was still getting himself ready, he recognized a boy from yesterday that had a woman following him. Lance didn't know if it was a sister, girlfriend, or just a friend but they seemed like they knew each other in some way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jurano woke almost instantly, he was always a morning persona and started doing his morning routine, streches, push-ups and sit-ups. He got changed into his combat gear and strapped his sniper onto his back and made his way towards where breakfast was being served.
"Thank you for the meal!" He shouted, this was from years of habit. His master always told him to be thankful for things that he was given. He exited the main hall and found the courtyard was in a circle shape and decided to do laps of it until they called him to leave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 18 min ago

Kat awoke as she normally did, rolling out of her sleeping bag somehow and waking up on the floor. Getting up, she stretched her entire body out, her tail lazily drooping behind her as she went to do her morning routines immediately after. Taking a shower, getting dressed, and eating breakfast, what anybody would do when they get up. Dressed in the exact same outfit as yesterday, she readied her equipment for the test, her revolvers were once again in their holsters on each side of her, and Setanta was resting in it's sheath on her back. Sure her father had already given her a general idea of what the test would be like, she couldn't help but become anxious, she wondered who she'd get partnered up with, wondered what she'd be fighting, wondered if she'd stab the first Grimm she met with Scattach or Setanta, or maybe both at the same time. She wondered briefly how well Felix would do, but even if he was a bit shaky, he had to be good enough with that shotgun to fend for himself.

Her anxiousness quickly turned to boredom as she realized she didn't know when they would call everyone to go to the airships. Unable to sit still, she brought out a whetstone from the satchel at her side and began sharpening Setanta's already sharp blade. Once done, she would move onto her revolvers, and then if she got really impatient, she'd do it again. To anybody watching, it'd look like she wasn't even blinking as she sharpened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Oh god... the beds in this place better be fantastic... Enyo slowly pushed herself up. The morning sun was her arch enemy. She was used to going to bed when the sun rose, not getting out of it. The little sleeping bag set-up on the floor hadn't been especially comfortable either. It felt like every vertebra in her spine cracked as she got up. ...because I am NOT going through this every night! She then hobbled her way to the locker room so she could change back into her usual outfit and grab her weapons from her locker. She'd noticed that Felix, insane as always, had kept his under his damn pillow, but she'd decided to do things the normal way. Once she was dressed to kill, with her weapons on her back, she was ready to go... until her stomach growled. Food was probably important... so she decided to look into that while she had time.

- - -

Felix's eyes slowly opened. He hadn't slept well. When he realized he had no idea where he was he nearly cried out, but his mind caught up with him first. He was at Beacon. He yawned and got to his feet. He hadn't changed out of his outfit from last night, so he was ready to go... even if some might have found that less than cleanly. Well, he'd worry about cleanliness after his test and when he had a proper room to sleep in. He could go another day before he started to smell funny. Well, depending on how much this next test made him sweat he supposed.

I can do this... I can... Why did he even want to do this again? He had no idea, but what were his other options at this point? He couldn't just go home a coward and a failure. Well... he could, but he refused to. He took a deep breath, and found something to eat before settling in to wait for whatever the test was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

Member Offline since relaunch

Anita woke up and immediately headed to the training area with Harvester after grabbing a quick breakfast. She was nervous yet excited about the iniciation. It would be a good chance to show off her skills as a Dusk.

Closing her eyes she focused her mind and then began her training. She swung her ax around in different motions in a graceful and elegently deadly dance.
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