Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Route 1 Gang - FINISHED!

Nidoran and Marill kept an eye on Nose Ring and Mohawk, while Jaden confronted Bat Man and Bouffalant. Jaden gave them a fight or flight option that Nidoran hmphed over.

“You’re the one that can barely stand not us. We do this for a living,” Nidoran reminded him.

Marill peered over her shoulder at the Bouffalant and shuddered. “He’s strong…”

While Jaden shouted to his Pokemon, Bat Man sneered tapping his steel bat against his shoulder.

“This kid already looks softened up. I wonder if he’ll crumple with one swing of my bat?”

The Bouffalant grinned in dark amusement at his trainer’s theory, and immediately his smile faded behind straight lips when Jaden had the nerve to address him.

Sir…do you really not mind taking orders from these thugs? Can you really find anything in it for yourself if you remain faithful to this group of playground bullies and thugs?

Bouffalant smirked. “These playground bullies and thugs are strong individuals unlike some kid unworthy of being a trainer. You send your Pokemon into battle and when the battle comes to you, you can’t even stand. Your weakness disgusts me. I will happily fight to get rid of trainers like you and their crummy Pokemon.”

Bat Man gnawed on his lip idly when Alexis decided to join Jaden.

“You kids are stupid for keeping yourselves separated from your Pokemon,” he informed.

Mohawk had managed to weakly recover to his feet and Nose Ring was looking more determined than ever to not let some firehose spray keep him from wrecking the trainers and the traitorous Pokemon. Jaden, Alexis, Nidoran, and Marill were equally surrounded.

Scorupi frowned slightly when Vix prepped for another attack. She watched her movements to the best of her ability until an opponent she hadn’t taken accountability of lunged at her with a tackle. His elbow struck her face with enough force to turn her and descending upon her head was a ball of flame. It immediately lit her hair, causing the girl’s eyes to shrink in panic as she started to scream in terror.

Slick-back saw how super effective the Vulpix’s ember attack had been on Scorupi and he frowned with distaste, showing no compassion for his Pokemon’s suffering. He instead turned around to face Bat Man as he shouted to him:

“Man…my Pokemon is weak to fire.”

Bat Man shouted back, “Maybe you should have used another Pokemon.”

Scorupi fell on the ground, crying and trying desperately to put the fire out while her trainer just went to his Pokemon belt and selected another Pokemon. Tossing the ball onto the ground, there was a flash of light molding into a glowing, supine form. When the light faded, flopping and gasping on the ground was the weirdest little girl...

“What the fuck!?” Slick-back exclaimed. “SHIT, my deck is lame!”

“You mean your balls are, bwuahaha!”

“Shut up! You just got lucky with the Bouffalant. Now I got this dead girl!”

Chest rising and falling, the Magikarp panted, “I’m…(gasp)…not…(gasp)…dead!”

“What a worthless Pokemon!”

A powerful roar passed over the heads of the trainers and thugs as sprinting toward the group came an orange and white Pokemon. It looked like a tiger, and at the same time it resembled a giant wolf. On its back was a police officer and a young boy—it was Tommy!

“Nidoran!” the boy yelled.

Nidoran whirled with surprise shining in his eyes. Was it actually Tommy? He felt so relieved that his true trainer had returned.

“Halt! You thieves are under arrest!” the cop shouted.

Bat Man tensed at the sight of the cop and his enormous Pokemon. “Shit. It’s the popo! Run!”

The thugs took what they already had on them and started running for their lives, leaving their Pokemon behind without orders. Bouffalant blinked in shock to see his trainer run like a coward.

Arcanine stopped next to Alexis, Rasa, and Jaden, crouching so that its master and Tommy could dismount. The cop dropped off first before he helped Tommy down.

“Arkady, go bring those criminals back!” the cop ordered.

“Raff!” the Arcanine bellowed before it took off like a blur, its muzzle wrinkled as its claws tore at the earth.

Tommy ran over to Nidoran to throw his arms about his Pokemon’s shoulders. He held him tightly, crying against his chest.

“I thought I lost you forever!” Tommy wept.

Nidoran started to cry himself as he hugged Tommy back. “I’m sorry Tommy. I should have fought them off. I should have ran after you.”

Tommy released his Pokemon and wiped his eyes. “It’s okay. We’re together again and that’s all that matters.”

The cop started assessing the damage the thugs had caused. There was a sad Luvdisc, sitting on the ground and holding her legs against her chest. Scorupi was lying on the ground with tears in her eyes and her pigtails burnt completely off. Bouffalant was just angry, there was a gasping and flopping Magikarp (nothing unusual there), and Marill was looking sadly at the ground. He assumed that the other Pokemon belonged to the trainers. Grasping the bill of his patrol cap, the cop frowned.

“We got a lot of lost Pokemon here. It may take a few days to locate their trainers that is if their trainers still want them. I’ve dealt with many cases where the trainers just abandoned them because they had found better and stronger Pokemon by the time we were able to locate them. It’s a shame really.”

He then noticed that Jaden, out of all the other trainers, looked like he had taken a beating. His blond brows shot up as he asked, “Are you all right, kid? You look like you need some medical attention.”

@TalijaKey@Ashevelendar@Feisty-Pants@Raijinslayer@Shadow Daedalus

Level Up!

Vulpix Level 2!

Honedge Level 2!

Open Slot for Rasa's New Pokemon!
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vix -- A Chance Opportunity

Much to her jubilation, the conflict came to a triumphant end! With the police on the scene, all Vix could really do at first was glance back at the Skorupi she had burnt. Satisfied that the bug's hair was completely charred, the little fox puffed out her chest proudly and trudged through the grass back twards Jaden.

Yet there were two things, first, the Policeman was talking to her Master. For once, she decided that it would be wise not to disturb the conversation. After all, Police were authority figures and, well, she sometimes could cause conflict with them from time to time due to uer mischievous ways. The last thing she wanted was for Jaden to get into any sort of trouble.

Second however, was the sorrowful look of a Marrill nearby. So miserable she seemed to be that even Vix felt had for her, heart rendingly so. It also seemed that her trainer was nowhere to be found, and just like the Policeman mentioned, she was likely already abandoned.

Even if not, it would take far too long to return to her original trainer.

"Um...hey." The Fox began with at first, sounding awkward since she had never been tue consoling sort. What she did notice was that the Marrill's head and face were still sopping wet from the Sash she had thrown into her face.

Carefully, the Fox would unravel her kimono to reveal in full the chest wrappings about her torso, and the thin silk pants she wore beneath it all.

"Here, take this to help you dry off." She continued, offering her ruby red Kimono. Once the girl took it, Vix would actually offer an apologetic smile. "Look, sorry about the whole, er, rag to the face back there. But you gotta do what you gotta do, right? You would've kicked my butt otherwise!"

Vix laughed a little sheepishly, which only made her wince from the bite wound on her neck.

Watching as the girl went about drying her hair, the little Fox humbly continued. "I was thinking though, my Master can be a bit daft from time to time as you saw. Yet you also saw that he genuinely really cares about us, Pokémon I mean. He doesn't even make me sit inside a Pokéball!"

"I think I may have been a bit long winded, but how would you feel about traveling with us instead of waiting for your trainer? I think you'd be an awesome addition to our team, and Jaden is really kind. I think the three of us would get along famously. And look, if we run into your old trainer, and you want to go back with them, I'm sure Jaden would let you!"

It really actually made sense after all, Marill could easily handle the rock and ground types that would trouble Vix. While Vix could handle the Grass Types that would trouble Marill. The Fox smiled warmly at the thought, the potential for great synergy was really there!

@Holy Soldier
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis smiled when the police came. The battle was a success and Shadow was stronger for it. " He was a little banged up because he tried to fight those guys that called themselves trainers all by himself. So , I think he could use a small check up to see if there aren't any internal injuries. I wouldn't want to have to catch him in a Pokeball just yet. " said Alexis with a grin on her face. She tried to make a joke, she wasn't used to making them but she tried.
She then left Jaden's side and went to Luvdisc that was still crying on the ground, gesturing for Shadow to do the same. " Great job Shadow. You've been wonderful. A few more fights and you shall be unstoppable. When we get to Viridian city , I shall give you the best Ghost-Pokemon food we can afford. Ok ?" she "patted" Shadow on the shoulder. ( she said all this before she approached Bouffalant ).

She approached Luvdisc with a smile on her face to defuse any situation that may arise with her. " You were great in the fight Luvdisc. I mean it , even if you couldn't hit Shadow here. It's all good. You look really good by the way. I know this is not how things are done but do you want to join my Pokemon team ? You are a really lovely Pokemon and I would love to have you on my team. I'm not like those...mean bullies that called themselves trainers. I promise you won't have to fight those that don't do us or the innocent harm. Ok ? Or if you really want to , you can fight Shadow here and then I'll capture you. Of course , if you don't want to join us...you are free to go. " said Alexis with the biggest smile on her face. She kneeled down near her and raised her arms (as in a hug). The water-type Pokemon was perfect against fire type pokemons like Vix and her charm powers will be good for Pokemon that Shadow cannot fight with.

@shadow daedalus @holy soldier
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rasa was overjoyed when she heard and then saw the policeman and the growlit that was with him. It was a true win that they managed to delay the tugs for the police to arrive. The nidoran was reunited with his trainer. Now all the pokemon had a chance to return to their trainer...only she over heard what was said. The trainers would not want their pokemon back? Even if they were weak you could just train them up... thats the job of trainer its in the name pokemon trainer.

"Hey Corina, You did a amazing job. Come and rest, you have earned it." She called to her eevee and hold her pokeball out. The red light slighted from the ball and covered Corina before she was pulled inside the pokeball and Rasa put it in her bag. What surprised her just then was that Alexis went and invited the Ludvic in her party.

Rasa found that to be a sweet move. She herself hoped the pokemon get accepted back to their original trainers. They all earned it to have as sweet of a reunion as NIdoran and Tommy had. When she looked back at her other rival it appeared like the police would help Jaden with his wounds, that was one worry less. He was in good hands. It was impressive that with words alone he managed to cut the numbers of their enemies, than again he got a beating... A beating he could have avoided.

"See you two." She gave a quick wave before starting to walk the rest of the route in a brisk tempo. There were times to wonder about her rivals and times to get to the next pokemon center. This was the later. At one point Rasa started to jog and sooner than she awaited she was in front of the city. Sure she only had one pokemon on her but the forest after this city will surely have a good wild pokemon she can catch.

Which meant it was time to restock and organise her training sessions. She entered the city and there it was the pokecenter she beelined it and the nurse inside greeted her and healed her pokemon. She told rasa about the cheap inn she could stay in, but Rasa rejected that idea. They got camping equipment for a reason plus regardless how cheap the inn was it would still mean spending money. There were better option to use money for then a inn in her opinion at least.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 8 days ago

Jaden Locke: Route 1


Jaden didn't respond to the Boufflant's words, but he did move out of the way(with Alexis' help) after giving a nod to the Nidoran. He had tried his best, but the smaller pokemon was right. They fought for a living, and if they were willing to fight with him, he wouldn't stop them. He still couldn't help but feel a bit downhearted that his words didn't sway his foe's pokemon, but he couldn't dwell on it for now.

"I think a mixture of both would be the most apt description." Jaden smiled at the ghost specialist, glad for the support. He ignored the Boufflant's trainer as he tried to formulate a good plan of attack for the two pokemon before him when he heard a rather loud shriek coming from one of the other fights. Turning his attention to it, he saw the Skorupi laying on the ground in pain, head set alight by Vix's attack. To see the girl in such a state, and knowing it was because of his command, filled him with no small amount of guilt. However, the callous words and actions of the thug commanded her made Jaden see red for a moment, his body shaking as he struggle to keep himself from running at that thug as well. Instead, he was thinking about having Vix give the thug a similar treatment and see how he liked it

Luckily for the thug, however, a loud roar tore through the air as a police officer appeared on the back of an Arcanine in his beast form. At the sight of the authority figure, the opposition quickly fled without any care for the pokemon they had stolen, leaving them shocked and flabbergasted. The Boufflant, in particular, seemed to be very much angered as those he had just called strong ran away with their tails between their legs at the first sign of real trouble. As things calmed down, it seemed that the only pokemon to be reunited with their partner was Nidoran. The others were alone, and according to the officer, were likely to stay that way. With no one left to fight and no reason left to appear tougher than he was, Jaden took this moment to walk slowly to a nearby tree and ease his way to the ground. As the officer addressed him, he gave a nod as Alexis gave them the run down of what happened.

"A check-up would be greatly appreciated, as well as a bandage for my head. It's probably not as bad as it looks or feels, to be honest, but 'better safe than sorry' and all that." Jaden simply watched everyone else for a moment, noticing that Vix was currently trying to recruit the Marill to their team, and that Alexis' was doing the same with the Luvdisc as well. Taking a few moments to think on somethings, Jaden picked himself back up and walked over to his backpack. After a few moments, he pulled out one of the potions the Professor had given him, hesitating slightly with a gaze to Vix. The bite mark on her neck seemed faint at best, and since she didn't seem to be in any pain, she wasn't likely to be poisoned. This in mind, he nodded his head before walking over to where the Skorupi lay, taking a knee as he raised his arms to show he meant no harm.

"Uh, hello. I kinda feel bad about having to fight you, given the circumstances and everything so I'd like to help you, if you wouldn't mind." If the poison-type allowed him, he'd spray the areas where she'd been hurt with the potion, which should hopefully help heal up all of the damage. Thinking back to what the officer had said, as well as how this pokemon had acted before, he couldn't help but feel bad for her. He doubted that this experience would do anything to make the outlook she had on life change. So as he finished treating her wounds, he began to offer his own proposition."Hey, I'm always looking for new friends to come with me on my journey, so if you don't think your partner would come back like the officer said, you'd be free to come with me if you want? Oh, and the name's Jaden by the way, Jaden Locke. You can take sometime to think about it if you want to, and I could understand if you don't. It's your life, so do whatever you think is good for you.

After he was done taking care of the Skorupi, he'd walk over to the girl flapping not to far away, quickly asking her if she was okay or not. Do you need water or something? Can you stand? If not, I think I could maybe manage carrying you, though you'd have to be a lot more still than you are right now.

And so Jaden would continue to talk to, and fret over, the stolen pokemon, including the Boufflant. He'd get slight headaches from all this movement, as well as needing to sit down and rest from time to time. However, as the adrenaline began to wear off more and more, he finally laid down near Vix, having only one thing to say after everything was said and done. "Vix, do you think that it'd be possible to put me in a pokeball, cause I really, really don't want to walk anymore."

He'd let out a sigh, but would still work up the energy to get onto to his elbows and greet the Marill girl, giving a wave and a smile as he introduced himself, let her know that she was welcome with them if she so pleased, then promptly laid back down as his head started to hurt again, a low groan emanating from him.


We're being followed.

As they began to make it to the point where the ambush would happen, Noibat heard the sound of footsteps somewhere behind them. Footsteps that were moving towards them only every so often, a sure sign of a tail. The only sign of this would be how her large ears would twitch ever so slightly, positioning themselves in a way to best hear the sources, but the action was quickly hidden as she begant o scratch at them, face scrunched up in discomfort. "Ugh, my ears keep on itching, btu I can't scratch them and it's getting annoying. Stupid nurse with her stupid advice." despite her words, a hand did go up to scratch at the base of one of her ears.

These were signals to Z, pre-determined for a while now so that she could stealthily communicate without giving away their plans. Complaining about her ear itching was a signal that they were being followed, confirmed by her following it up by complaining about the nurse. One hand scratching at the base of her ears was a sign of how many were tailing them, which in this case was one. After he 'reprimended' her for not following the advice, she'd continue to sneak scratches in when she thought her 'trainer', more to sell the bit and take away suspicion from the action then anything else. She also continued to ignore the trainer, not wanting to have to interact with him anymore than she already had. Not to mention the fact that he was pissing her off with his comments.

While he no doubt didn't mean them to be insulting or demeaning, all they did was make Noibat feel like she was somebody's pet or doll, something to be owned at dressed up so that others could gawk at her. She was tempted to just rip the clothes off, throw them in the fuck's face, then proceeded to kick his ass repeatedly until she was satisfied. However, she instead settled for a cold, unfriendly glare in his direction, enough to let the man know that his comments had struck some form of chord.

@Holy Soldier
@Shadow Daedalus
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vix -- Friends, New and Old

With Vix's offer, the sorrowful water mouse seemed to perk up a bit, perhaps even a little too jubilant. After all, she was free from the clutches of a bull, and with nothing more than the open road behind in front of her.

Excitedly, the girl nodded just in time for Jaden to exhaustedly crash through the edges of the conversation. Blearily, he introduced himself shortly after he mentioned having Vix put him inside a Pokeball. Which was a silly notion, true, but such a thing would likely result in the concussion or two of Viridian's finest.

That's what happened last time, or so one was told.

Nodding as she dug around in one of Jaden's coat pockets and extracted a Pokeball, the Fox glanced back to the Mouse.

"You know the drill, sadly. While we travel a bit, think of a nick name for yourself! Here here." Gently, she would tap the Ball's capsule button to the little girl's nose, in a flash of blue light, she would be drawn into it. A deft snap announced her capture, and Vix handed the ball back to her exhausted trainer.

"Jaden, here. Take it, it's your first capture." Vix quipped with a brilliant smile. Only to look over ger shoulder to see the Skorupi she had burnt. While she wasn't looking, apparently her master had tried to recruit the bug as well!

Nidding as she dug out a second Pokeball, Vix did the necessary work and soon before long she was handing not one, but two pokeballs to her wounded master.

"The fruits of your toils, master." she began with, leaving the two Pokeballs in his care as she went and retrieved the sopping wet Kimono and Sash. Tossing each over a branch so that they could air dry, the little Fox sat with just her chest wrappings and silk pants in beside her master, who still lay collapsed on the ground.

"What am I going to do with you, hm?" she giggled a little to herself. "A few bruises and you're out for the day I suppose. How about this, instead?"

Instead of forcing him to stand, Vix reached over towards his backpack and instead extracted the tent from his bag, alongside his sleeping bag. Unraveling tue bag so that it lay flat, Vix went through some effort to roll her Master upon it, and then zip it closed around him.

The tent took a few minutes longer than she would like however, as she relied upon poorly pictured instructions. A few grumbled curses here, and being tangled up occasionally in the support strings there, but eventually she would have the tent erected with Jaden comfortably and safely beneath it.

Then she herself would crawl inside, and curl up lazily next to her sleeping master. Stretching and yawning as she did so, the extra warmth she brought would hopefully enable him to sleep more soundly and recover more quickly as she snuggled up closely to him, resting her head upon his shoulder.

Someone had to take care of him after that reckless beating afternall. And might as well be her! Despite that however, she would not rest, with her ears sharply attuned to the outside world, wary of any possible threats.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Officer Sholtz and Arkady Arclady

The officer would have offered/recommended that Jaden return with him to Viridian City when his Pokemon took it upon herself to take care of him...by setting up a tent in the middle of the road. The cop pinched the bill of his cap and gave the two an awkward look for how random it was. Unfortunately, he couldn’t have them endangering themselves or stopping traffic.

“I’m probably interrupting something important, but I can’t allow you and your Pokemon to camp out here in the middle of Route 1. This is a no camping zone. There’s a Trainer House in Viridian City where most of the Pokemon Trainers on their grand journey are staying at. You and your Pokemon can stay there free of charge as long as you all don’t cause any trouble,” Officer Sholtz informed.

Rhythmically, a beautiful young lady strutted toward the officer dragging two men by the backs of their shirt collars. One was Mohawk who had taken too much of a beating to have had the strength to outrun a Arcanine, and the other was Bat Man, a man who thought he could fight the Pokemon off with his bat. Arkady, or rather, Arclady, released the men once she was next to her master and proudly rested her hands upon her shapely hips.

“I managed to catch two, but the other three got lucky,” she informed.

Officer Sholtz turned to her and patted her head, causing her to blush and her big bushy tail to swish behind her. “That’s fine. You did well. I’m sure we’ll catch the other three. I’m just glad these trainers and their Pokemon are all right and safe. It seems that you all decided to adopt the stolen Pokemon except for the Bouffalant.”

Bouffalant crossed his arms before his chest and growled, “I don’t want to be adopted by these weaklings. If I must go without a master, then so be it.”

“Hold on now. I might have room on the squad if you would like to join us. We bust bad guys all the time and we could use a strong Pokemon like you,” Officer Sholtz invited.

Bouffalant peered over his shoulder at the cop, and then over at Arkady who was smiling and trying to tease him to come over by waving at him. His yellows eyes instead lowered to her chest area and he shamelessly looked away with his cheeks flushing.

“I…might consider that,” said Bouffalant.

Officer Sholtz smiled. “That’s great. Just come with us and see how you like the job. If you don’t like it, then you can easily leave.”


“Yay!” Arkady cheered, leaping into the air and Bouffalant watched almost mesmerized before she ran over and gave him a voluptuous hug. “Welcome to the team!”

Officer Sholtz shook his head. “Down girl. You know, sometimes I forget you’re a dog…or just a Pokemon.”

He then remembered that he hadn’t introduced himself to the trainers.

“Well, you folks are going in the right direction. If you ever need anything, you can contact me, Officer Sholtz, by dialing the Pokemon Police number 001, and me and Arkady will come running.”

“It’s Arclady. You thought I was a boy when I was a Growlithe and you changed it when I became Arcanine.”

Officer Sholtz blushed at the memory. I wasn’t expecting such a dramatic growth spurt…

“Arclady…sorry,” he corrected himself. “Let’s get these guys locked up.”

Raising her hands like paws, Arclady ruffed playfully before she transformed back into her Arcanine form. Officer Sholtz loaded the thugs onto Arcanine’s back and then mounted up. He then reached down to give his new Pokemon, Bouffalant a hand. Bouffalant peered down at the Arcanine’s back only imagining that gorgeous gijinka a moment ago. Smirking naughtily, he dug his fingers into her back and gave her a scratch.

Arclady growled happily and her leg started kicking.

“Hey! Don’t scratch the ride!” Officer Sholtz scolded over his shoulder before the Arcanine took off back toward Viridian City.

@Shadow Daedalus@Ashevelendar@TalijaKey@Feisty-Pants@Raijinslayer@Bright_Ops@Caits
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
Avatar of Holy Soldier

Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viridian City

Welcome to Viridian City. A Pokemon Trainer's first stop before Route 2 and the mysterious Viridian Forest, a forest full of many challenges brought by overzealous Pokemon Trainers and entomology enthusiasts! Although Viridian City is one of the smaller cities, there is plenty for trainers and their Pokemon to do! Relax and take a break for there are many challenges ahead!

Pokemon Center

Are your Pokemon injured, tired, or in critical condition!? Never fear because the Pokemon Center is finally here. Pokemon healing is as simple as returning the Pokemon to their balls and placing them within an incubator. After a minute in the machine, they pop out feeling good as new. Of course, Pokemon in serious conditions may sometimes have to stay the night, but no worries. Nurse Joy and her Chancey Charlotte will take very good of your Pokemon and provide loving professional care.

Trainer House

If you're planning on staying the night in Viridian City, then save your money! Viridian City supports Pokemon Trainers and their pilgrimage. Pokemon Trainers and their Pokemon will be treated to all-you-can-eat hot meals, comfy beds, the bath house, and a lounge for resting and interacting with other trainers and their Pokemon. All Pokemon Trainers are welcome until they prove to be a problem. All Pokemon battles are to be fought outside the Trainer House. All rule-breakers will be removed from the establishment.

Lately there have been some suspicious characters staying at the Trainer House. Are they even actual Pokemon Trainers?

Other Mentionables

Poke Mart - Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see what the Pokemart has for sale.

"Hey, did you hear the rumor about a Move Tutor?"

"A Move Tutor?"

"Yeah. It's this old guy who lives in this giant tree at the edge of town. It is said that if anyone ever cuts it down, then he will teach that person one move. I already tried. That tree is too tough!"

"Aw, that doesn't sound easy at all!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 8 days ago

Jaden Route 1 ->(en route to) Viridian City

"Uh. . . Vix? What are you doing?" Jaden would ask as his partner started to ruffle through his backpack, shelving the fact that his team had tripled in size after the events of one battle for later. Right now, Vix's actions were more concerning. If he didn't know better, he'd think she was trying to set up camp in the middle of the route. But that would be ridiculous . . . right? She's . . . she's actually setting up the tent, isn't she. I want to say something, but the gesture is so sweet.

Jaden eventually just let her do what she pleased, feeling to tired to continue, though he did wiggle around a bit before she came in so that his head was still outside the tent flap. He would've done more, and actually gotten up, but then Vix started cuddling him all of the sudden, and Jaden just decided that he'd rest for about 2 minutes before he broke the news, not wanting to bother her. However, the officer would be quick to but the end to that, causing Jaden to nod slowly in embarrassment.

"Come on Vix," He'd say as he flipped over and crawl out of the tent, gripping his head as the world suddenly tilted every which way. Once Jaden was sure everything was fine, he'd start to take the tent apart, hopefully with Vix's help, when he heard a new voice behind him. Curious, he'd turn around to see the return of the officer's Arcanine . . . and would continue to turn around to go back to his work, except now he had a very bright blush on his face. He'd listen in on their conversation a little, a bit dumbstruck by what Arclady had mentioned. How drastically must she have . . . developed if her trainer thought she was a girl before?

A look would then be cast towards Vix for a moment, wondering, before he shook his head. No way, maybe they're just exaggerating things. I mean, I know Evolution's a big change, but no way it's able to cause alterations that big.

. . . Right?

Once they were ready to head out on the road again, everything backed away, Vix's clothes all dried out(wrinkled to an irritating degree, but that could be fixed later), and Jaden's head bandaged up with some first-aid supplies packed away with the other camping gear, they were ready to start heading onwards to Viridian City. As they made their way forward, Jaden would look down at the two Pokeballs in hand, thinking about a number of things. Would they like him? Would they all get along with each other? Could he handle having 3 pokemon already, before his first gym badge? Did he even have the skills to train them, or would he end up being a burden? They were al heavy thoughts, but he couldn't help but have them way him down as they walked, letting out a sigh as he placed the Pokeballs back in his bag. He'd let them out in the city and, if they wished, would 'release' them from the Pokeballs so that they could travel with him like Vix did.

Speaking of Vix, he looked towards his partner, wondering if he'd be able to do right by her as her trainer. They had made a promise, but after the encounter with the thug, he had thought on his actions. He didn't regret any of what he did, but he felt that he had abandoned Vix in those moments, dividing his attention and care between her and the enemy pokemon. And while it worked out this time . . . who was to say that this would be the case in every situation. What would happen if his morals not only got him hurt, but his Pokemon too. If Vix was ever to get captured by scum like those thugs from before, or even worse criminals . . . he didn't even want to think about the possibilities. I. . . I have to find a balance between my beliefs and my duty to my friends to keep them safe. I need to do better. I need to be better.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vix -- Irritation

Just when she was finally getting comfortable, the little Fox's once inevitable slumber was abruptly disturbed by a uniform with a polished brim. Vix scowled, but a glimpse at the Arcanine with the Cop meant that she would keep her silence close, not wanting to cause any trouble.

Oh, but how she loathed cops. With their self righteous ways and insistence on doing everything by the book. A scowl crept up on her lips, but not a single utterance would escape from them. For Jaden's sake, the Fox's would not mix up trouble with the Hound. Even though she was mentally bimminent with a string of insults at the dogs of the law For interrupting a moment of comfort.

Instead, with Jaden's prompting, she would stand up and assist him in breaking down the tent and packing up all his things. Once such a task was complete, she drifted to her air drying Kimono and frowned.

In order to travel with it, she had to wear it. In order to wear it, she had to wring it out of as much water as she could. If she wrung it out, the delicate silks would be horribly wrinkled and look absolutely terrible.

The new clothes in Viridian really couldn't come quickly enough.

So she pulled off the Kimono, and the next moment she was tightly twisting the delicate fabrics and water seemed to pour out the moisture it had kept. Such a process would be repeated in inversely opposite directions time and time again as once she glanced over her shoulder.

Had Jaden blushed at the Arcanine? Why? It made no sense, just because she was a woman? Did he realize that she was going to go through a similar change? Did that thought fluster him a little? Overall, it was amusing, and it was a note for later which she could tease him with later.

So instead they departed, moving away from the Cop and his Mutt, and once they were out of earshot, the Fox quipped a coy smirk.

"You owe me one, for shutting up back there, Master." She joked, lightly elbowing him with that cunning smile of hers. "You have no idea how many dog insults I was coming up with. I can't stand Cops and their mutts."

She laughed at first, until she looked over to Jaden again, and saw the seriousness of his complexion. He looked stressed, worried, which was only heightened by the bandage on his head. So surprised was she by this, that she was actually speechless for a moment. It really was a sudden growth of responsibility for him, of that she was certain.

Instead of teasing him, or harassing him as they walked (even with as much as she wanted to), the Fox instead reached outward and wrapped the invigorating warmth of her fingertips around his hand. Tightening her grip reassuringly, and to distract him from whatever thoughts that might be plaguing him.

"Don't worry so much, Jaden." She stated soothingly as Viridian City neared inexorably from the distance. "You're going to be brilliant. Just have a little faith in yourself, and me. Remember, I made a promise, and I am going to keep it. Okay?"

Soon before long, they were in Viridian, and Vix looked around with her nose twitching all the while. Taking in the scents and sounds of the city. Closing her eyes for a second, she strode forward beside Jaden and found na small clothing store first.

GlimpsING up to him, Vix inquired one thinges quite simply. "Shall we? Because my kimono looks quite dreadful."

Feeling impatient, and not really feeling like waiting for an answer, the young girl marched into the store and dove into the rows of clothing. Rummaging about some, it was an easy task to find a pair of comfortable jeans, a T-Shirt with fiery designs splayed acrost it, and a black Irish Flat Cap, which gave her a slightly tomboyish, but what she felt was an adorable look.

Dipping into the changing room and emerging a few minutes later wearing this new set of clothing, Vix glanced up to Jaden with a genuine smile. "So, what do you think?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


We are being followed.

"You didnt followed the nurse advice, thats why its itching now." Zorua spoke causally but the ear under his cap twitched a bit. He himself wanted to know who was following them. The police, no there would be at least two not one who tailed them. They could give up... no. The dark pokemon wouldnt lose his prize over a curious witness. If worse came to worse he could always switch to his poke form and let Noibat fly him out. They had this sorted.

The plan in his head now crystal clear. Confuse, then cut the bag from his shoulder, then tail it, as he looked behind at Noibat he saw the plant ghost still following them. That was good if she isnt clever enough or fast enough to get out a bad situation herself than there was no point in having her around. It will be like a test. If she escape Zorua would teach her the fine art of taking things. If she fail they had a scapegoat and a distraction. Their tail will be busy with catching the ghost adding more time for their own scape.

"We will check with the nurse again, after the police." He responded his voice a bit low, another predetermined response checking with the nurse again meant that they are still sticking to the plan.

And there they were, the alleyway. Zorua took the newbie trainer hand in his own and pointed into the shadow. "There he is!" Z called out and not giving time for the trainer to ask who or what or where. Because there was nothing there, yet it was dark enough to second guess. Zorua dragged him off the part to the police station with vigor, directly into the privacy and trap. In the alleyway was forking to the left and straight, he turned to the left and stopped.

Now they were in a dead end, a dumpster the only thing in their view. The houses around them casting a nice darkness even in mid day.
Still holding the trainer hand he spoke sounding confused. "Where did he go? I saw him." Adding a bit of desperation to the tone. Zorua gave a open glance to his partner in crime.
"Have you seen the thief?"
Zoruas favorite code, it meant are you ready. The pokemon pretending trainer let go of Gredy hand and made a step to the side giving noibat a clear view on her target and it was the signal for Noibat to attack. A fanged grin spreading over his face, readying to scratch the bag strip clean off the trainer.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Charmander continued to follow, staying at a distance but close enough to hear. The fiery pokemon felt like something was wrong, but she couldn't quite figure it out. However, she was just curious enough to continue following, and she was more than ready to jump in and help if it proved to be some sort of trap. Charmander had seen such things before, which was why she tended to avoid pokemon trainers. Of course other pokemon could be dangerous too.

As the one led the other down an ally, Charmander did truly think something was wrong. She narrowed her eyes, continuing to follow, she drew closer. She bit her lip. Did she have a duty to protect someone against being so totally scammed?

She frowned. In one way, she did. But in another...what if the trainer wanted to try and "Capture" her? she couldn't allow that. Charmander wasn't quite ready to be someone's pokemon. Perhaps that was selfish. With a sigh, Charmander stepped closer, her tail with its flame casting a light around her, and the ally.

"There was no thief there. There is now" She said, and leaped in between the trainer, and pokemon. "Back off" She glanced to the trainer, "This doesn't mean you get to catch me"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

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Gredy Silvertongue

Things happened quickly; Before he really knew what had happened, Gredy found himself pulled into an alleyway in pursuit of a thief wasn't there... which made his gut flip a little bit as he felt the wrongness of this whole situation.

Then there was light.

Turning to look at the source of the light that had lit up the alleyway, Gredy blinked as he laid eyes on a charmander girl that seemed to have been keeping an eye on the situation and deemed it just as wrong as he had... Even if said pokemon requested that he didn't try and capture her in return for the service. Nodding his head slightly, he quickly said "If you don't want to be caught, that's fine by me. I'll owe you one through."

Allowing the fire pokemon to face off against the bat, Gredy turned to face down her trainer fully. While he couldn't quite rule it out yet, he couldn't help but believe that Phantump was just a wild pokemon that had wandered over and got caught up in the whole situation. Taking a deep breath, Gredy tried to keep things calm as he asked "So... Do we have a problem Rua or do you think you can make it the rest of the way to the police station by yourself?"

Technically... Rua hadn't done anything wrong yet. While Gredy's mind could come up with a couple of nasty things that could have happened, the Charmander's arrival seemed to have thrown a wrench in those plans before they could really get going. What happened next depended completely on what Rua did next; While some might look badly on him giving Rua a chance to walk away as if nothing happened, Gredy wasn't exactly in the most secure of positions. Rua's Noibat looked rather strong and while a wild pokemon had decided to step up in his defense Gredy himself didn't have a trained pokemon to battle with...

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Something was wrong. There Pokemon were about to attack this...trainer. He is a trainer but he doesn't deserve this.

As soon as she thought about that and was thinking about what could she do. Another Pokemon appeared. A charmender and it was protecting the trainer. This was her moment. This was the time she had to do something. No more kids had to suffer.

Phantump put on her mask and the leaves turned black. She quickly moved towards the trainer and went by his side. " If you promise, you won't hurt me...I'll hurt them.

Charmender, we can do this together. Yes ?

( will write another post later (hopefully) with Alexis )

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 21 days ago

Shadow gave a long exhale as the battle concluded, although he did spare his purple-haired opponent a look of sympathy. He slipped out of his stance, and he could feel a minor improvement to his body. He was a little faster, a bit stronger and he could take hits a little better. He smiled a little at Alexis's compliment, but waved off her offer of expensive food.

"Save your money for vital things. Regular food is fine for me."

He followed her over to the crying Luvdisc and tried to look as nonthreatening as possible as he went down on one knee. As Alexis spoke, he kept quiet. He, as usual, didn't react much aside from raising an eyebrow at her offer to let her battle him again.

He watched the interaction between the police officer, his Arcanine and the Bouffalant and took note of what he said. Standing up as Alexis was still speaking to the Luvdisc, he looked down the road towards Viridian City.

"We should get going. Viridian City isn't far."

@Holy Soldier
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 8 days ago


[color=Darkorchid]Oh that little ghost twerp is so lucky I don't know anything that'll work on her.[color] Noibat growled as things went from bad to worse, as not only did they have the trainer and the newly revealed charmander to deal with, but also had to deal with the fuckin' spook, who seemed to do a 180 from their previous babe-in-the-woods routine. As the charmander got in their way, she decided that rather than target the trainer, taking her out would at least give them some chance of pulling this off since Z doesn't seem to want to back off. Damn idiot.

Wasting no times on words, she switched to her beast form to take the high ground, letting out a high-pitched Supersonic from above directed at the Charmander, hoping to rattle her brain enough to keep her out of the imposing scuffle. After that, she'd keep to the air just above the scuffle, getting ready to assist Z if need be, or pull him out if things got too hairy. Whether he likes it or not.


Jaden Locke: Viridian City

Jaden didn't say anything as Vix spoke to him, but a smile did grow on his face as he held up his Pinkie finger. Feeling better and invigorated by her faith in him, he felt great as he walked into Viridian city. As Vix showed off a cute ensemble she picked for herself, Jaden nodded in approval, liking the look on her.

"You know Vix, you'd make a really good model. My mother's a fashion designer and she would absolutely love to dress you up in so many outfits." Jaden's smiled started to fade as he thought back to his own experience as a model for his mother. While he was glad to have helped his mother out with her work, it was certainly a special kind of ordeal dealing with her perfectionism when it came to position. His knees were aching just thinking about the hours upon hours he had to spend standing, posing, and more.

Shaking his head, Jaden thought back to her Kimono, hoping there was somewhere nearby where they could get it washed and cleaned. With a sigh, he would get up, wincing slightly as his head still ached a tad. He really should go to the hospital soon, cause while he felt fine for the most part, you never know with these kinds of things. When they went to pay for Vix's new threads, however, a rather important issue came up.

"How many times to I have to tell you Sir, your card doesn't work, and a 1000 Pokedollars is not enough to pay for the outfit."

"Ugh. . . are you sure there is nothing I can do? It's important that my partner here gets some practical fighting clothes. The Kimono is too restrictive. Please!!!!"

The store owner, a woman who looked to be in her late thirties let out a sigh as Jaden gave her a puppy dog look that was surprisingly still rather effective, as she turned around and started rummaging around through the back of the store. After some time, she would return with some black sweatpants, a sweatshrt, and a tank-top around Vix's size, laying them on the front desk in=front of the fire type.

"I know what it's like to be a newbie trainer, so I'll give you these old training clothes from my time for 700 pokedollars, and before you even think about complaining, that's a steal."

Jaden thanked the woman immensely as he payed her the needed funds(which she needed to help him figure out as he'd never held actual bills before), and they would walk out soon with a new outfit for Vix, even though it might not have been what she wanted.

"Okay, so now that we've got clothes, we need to head to trainer house and get to introductions with our new team members. Am I missing anything?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vix -- Frumpy Fox Is Not A Good Look

Vix's face blanched once she saw what she was going to be forced to wear. It looked absoltely dreadful in comparison to the outfit she was wearing at that moment. Grimacing as she looked between the store clerk and Jaden, she plucked the hat off her head and set it back down on the counter.

Yet, it was in that moment she had an ephiphany. Jaden himself said she could be a model. Now she just had to formulate it to be more convincing for the shopkeep.

Meandering back to the changing room to put on tue clothes her master had bought for her, Vix scowled as she studied herself in the mirror. Didn't people understand that Vulpixes were at least a little vain? That at least to some minor degree that how she looked greatly mattered to her?

Sighing and folding back her ears, she carefully folded the clothes and put on the most heartbreaking expression she could ever fathom. With large, sorrowful eyes and her tail betwixt her legs, she placed the outfit she wanted back upon the counter. Biting her lip to fight the tears of disappointment from welling up at the corners of her eyes.

Seemingly from desperation, she turned to the shopkeeper, and spoke.

"Y-you know, I-I w-was thinking." she stammered meekly, with a faint tremble to her voice. "The clothes you make are really a-adorable, and they s-seem very durable, so they're perfect for Pokémon like me. But you're just a local vendor to Viridian City, right?"

The shopkeeper's befuddled nod gave Vix further ground as Jaden began to walk out the door.

"W-well, I could do something for you. I-I think." The little cunning fox continued to speak. "I look really c-cute in those clothes. I could be some cheap a-advertising that goes across the entire Kanto region! Whenever someone asks where I got these clothes, I can direct them here, right to you! H-How about it?"

The shopkeep rubbed her chin for a second, contemplating this offer before nodding to affirm such an idea. Vix certainly did look adorable, and if this boy's relative wanted to take pictures to use as a model, it could mean a big break for the tiny clothes shop!

Briskly, she tucked the clothes into a pink bag and passed them to the Fox, whose face instantly brightened with a beautiful and grateful smile.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I won't let you down, I promise! Vix cried out, seizing the bag and bolting out the door after her master. Catching up to him quickly with the pink bag tossed over her shoulder. The cheerful smile remained all the same, though now there seemed to be a hint of coyness to it.

"Got it for free." She laughed, as the trainer house drew closer by the second. "And certainly, I think our new teammates are going to love getting to know us better. I think you should keep them in the balls however. Let them know that they can come and go as they please, but for the sake of safety, only one of us out at a time. Not counting me of course, since you got rid of my ball entirely."

That moment however, a painful stinging on the side of her neck reminded her of the wound she had been dealt. Perhaps the giddiness of getting what she wanted had finally worn off.

"But first, Jaden....can we stop by a Pokémon Center first? Unless you feel like using a potion. This bite stings a bit."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Things didnt go his way. He stayed silent as the fire type made her great entrance. Openly saying there was now a robber. On top she was a wild pokemon. Why she was helping the trainer was a mystery. Than the grass ghost kid backstabbed them switching sides as well. That was disappointing. So truly disappointing.

He looked at the trainer only two steps away. He was offering them to back down? Zoruas mood was pretty low at that point. Luckily the only pokemon he actually could count on didnt disappoint him. Without speeches she attacked. The supersonic was something Z awaited and was used to he did know Noibat for a while now. Which lead as well to the fact she will chew him out the moment they were safe again. Next gig will be all her lead, Z promised silently. He lowered his gaze and moved his bag from his back to hug it with one arm. He was making himself appear smaller, shyer and shaken. He really wished he knew fake tears now, but even without them he spoke his voice shaking just a bit.

"I didnt want it to come to this... All you had to do was to get us ice cream. But you had to mistrust us, assume the worst of us. What is left then? Only to meet your expectation. "
His other hand gripped in his pants. With his ears under the cap he tried to make sure N was doing fine. If he distract the trainer enough they will not be organized.

"I liked Phantump. I wanted to teach her, to protect her and rise her, but she betrayed me now. Flipped sides as fast as wind direction." This words were actually honest, one could even hear the genuine hurt in them. He spoke them louder, hoping the ghost pokemon gets distracted from overhearing them. He didnt give the time for the trainer to respond as he raised his crystal clear blue eyes and fixed him with a unmoving and unsettling still eyes.

"Did she do it because she felt what I am? Or does she do that to everyone? Or only for you?" He said, knowing the ghost type somehow felt him being a dark pokemon. Yet she still approached them.

"What is special about you? It doesnt matter anymore, does it. Lets accept the prejudices that are given." A blackness covered every inch of Zoruas body, nearly as if it was eating him up. He started moving towards the trainer. In a brief moment as he was airbond, there was only a black thing with piercing eyes and shining fangs going towards the trainer. The moment passed and the darkness melted in the form of a dark type pokemon using scratch with all the force he had on the backpack strap. Hoping it will be cut so he could snatch it up in his teeth and they could start the retreat. He landed on all four the cap falling off his head relieving the read streak of fur on top of his head as well as his two pointed ears. His eyes staring up at the trainer taking in the man expression, as one would a fine threat. "Rua Zo, Zo Rua. Zorua. I spelled it out."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Charmander nodded to the ghost pokemon, watching this strange trainer. She couldn't put her claw on it, but there was just something about them...something not right. The closer she was to them, the stranger it seemed. When they started their 'woe is me' drive, Charmander knew this was no trainer. Even as the Noibat used supersonic on her, Charmander was shoving the trainer out the way, and leaped back from the attack.

When Zorua revealed themselves, Charmander snarled. She looked nothing like the cute girl that she could be as she did so, and she shifted to her charmander form, growling. She matched Zorua's scratch attack for her own, attacking the dark pokemon as Zorua tried to steal the backpack from the trainer. Her claws were sharp, and Charmander slashed at Zorua's face, unconcernedly slamming into the trainer to get them to step back.

All the while she listened for another attack from the Noibat, but she hoped that Phantump had her back. And she hoped the trainer wasn't foolish enough to join the fray, as it seemed like they had no pokemon at all.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Phantump shook her head. " You are bad Pokemon and you shall pay. You will not hurt this child. I don't care he is a trainer. He is innocent. Now..."

She looked straight at Zorua and frowned. " You. Shall. Pay ! " she screamed and started moving her hands. Her mask started to glow a sickly green and soon a small but precise Confuse Ray exited from her holes in the mask ( her eyes ) and it was directed towards Zorua. She hoped to make them retreat. They could defeat them but it would be cost them. The Charmender could get hit and faint by those two bad Pokemon but she couldn't and to protect the trainer and fight the two bad Pokemon it was too much.

" Charmender, duck ! " she said right before the Ray moved towards Zorua.

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