Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"No good huh..."

Ela sighed as she looked over the people there, a lot of them looked like they were already in pairs, and it seemed like anybody she knew was already with another friend. She was just about to give up and ask if she could join as a third wheel when she suddenly heard a familiar voice announce rather loudly "Space-Kita!", she wasn't too sure what the Kita part meant, but she did recognize the voice. She'd known Cleo for a couple of years, they'd gotten along well enough to even be friends, she even let Ela hold her scorpion one time. She tried for a moment to recall the little guy's name...Dig...Digornio? Yeah, that was it, she remembered that for some reason he got along well with Pete, it was kind of cute seeing the beetle and scorpion interact the way they did.
"Buddy Kita~"

Her mind shifted back to the fact that it looked like she didn't have a partner yet. A bit paranoid that somebody was gonna steal her soon-to-be looking at space stuff buddy, she darted over to her, cutting around a couple of people without losing speed before skidding to a stop a few feet away from her.

"Yo Cleo, wanna go look at space stuff? I brought chocolate!"
Elaine fumbled with her bag for a bit before pulling out the bag of chocolate from earlier, and offering a piece to Cleo. "Made 'em last night, there was more, but Curgau...gets a little too hungry sometimes." She said the last part in a hushed voice, almost afraid to see how angry Curgau would get from an insinuation like that, luckily she was over with the other fairies exchanging magic signatu-

"What was that Ela? I could have sworn I heard something..." Ela's eyes widened as she heard the tiny voice come from behind her, slowly turning to face it. Curgau was flying directly behind her, a vein looked like it was just about to explode in her forehead, yet she still retained her usual pleasant smile. Ela tried to make a break for it, but Curgau quickly grabbed her earlobe with her tiny hands, even if she was tiny, she could still probably rip her ear off if she tried to run. "Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow, I'm sorryimsorryimsorry" Elaine muttered as she was pulled slightly by the tiny fairy. Curgau's smile didn't fade, but the vein did go back to it's proper place, and lost it's visibility as she turned her head to face Cleo before saying: "Oh hello there Cleo, it's been ages! How is Digornio doing, I believe he was molting the last time we saw him, correct? Pardon Elaine, she needs to learn to speak more softly and politely is all." She tugged harder on Ela's ear for emphasis.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 34 min ago

Solya turned to the pair that had followed the girl with the golden fairy. She lifts a hand with her index finger extended for Saki to sit on. "Hello, there, what's your name?" She smiles softly, canting her head slightly in an effort to be a little cute. She turned to smile at Alex, shaking her head. "She's no bother. You should take after her a little more, I think. Making your fairy do all the work of socializing for you, tsk." The cat woman chuckled softly. It pleased her to see all these energetic, happy fairies. It was a good sign.

As for the fairies, they feel... pulled toward her. Not literally or anything, but she seems oddly familiar, with the way she looks and the way she behaves. They've never met before, though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A familiar face came skidding into view fast,
"Eh?" Cleo let out, it was Ela!
"Yo Cleo, wanna go look at space stuff? I brought chocolate!" She quickly asked, handing her a piece, "Made 'em last night, there was more, but Curgau...gets a little too hungry sometimes." She remarked quietly.
Quickly after Ela had said that quiet comment, Curgau appeared. After punishing Ela for that comment, she turned to Cleo and said, "Oh hello there Cleo, it's been ages! How is Digornio doing, I believe he was molting the last time we saw him, correct? Pardon Elaine, she needs to learn to speak more softly and politely is all."
Cleo nibbled on the chocolate, and giggled at their banter. "Hey Curgau," She greeted, "Digiorno is good, last I checked he was attempting to fashion some sort of armor out paper." She explained, "Ela, let's go look at space stuff, you lead the way!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex simply glanced around, her tall body a bit stiff at all the people around. The red head always did have a socialble wall around her, and tended to keep it that way. Luckily, most were paying more attention to her apparent partner's golden fairy. Good, that just meaned that they would leave her alone. Then her luck ran out when one of those fetish cat girls decided come up and speak to her.

Saki happily fluttered over and sat on the stranger's finger with a playful squeak. "I'm Saki! And that's Alex, or Al for short." the little fire fairy chirped.

Although Saki might be friendly and cheerful, Alex had the opposite reaction to the golden eyed girl's words. Blue eyes glaring coldly at the girl, her fists clenching tightly in her pockets in a mild growing rage.

"Well maybe I'm not trying to socialize. So fuck off and mind your own business instead of going around and judging people on how they should act." Alex barked with a light snarl before huffing as she turned her head away after blurting out what was honestly n her mind in that moment. She couldn't help it, it was just in her nature to blurt out what she was thiking. Even if she later realized they wee the wrong thig to say.

Stll, some girl she barely knew didn't have the right to order her around. Grumbling softly, the tall woman lightly rubbed the scar across her face. Feeling a light throb, while ignoring Saki's scolding glare.

"Oh don't mind her. She's just cranky. Crankier then some badger." The fire fairy giggled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 34 min ago

"Well..." Solya raised an eyebrow as she watched Alex, before her attention turned back to the fairy on her shoulder. "You've got your work cut out for you, Saki. It's good to see you get along with her so well, though." She smiles and settles the fire fairy onto her shoulder. "Here, I'll give you Lumina's magic signature." For a moment, Solya and Saki form a small magic 'link', for private communication. Basic information about Lumina (magic frequency, identification sequence) is exchanged, before the connection is concluded.

Solya must be really close to her fairy, if the former has ready access to magic like that, and communication protocols.

"If she ever gives you any trouble, I'll see if I can't figure out some way to help, ok?" With that, she turns to the rest of the gathered group. "Enough standing around, whatever the c-"

The lights suddenly shut off.

"... Power outage...?" She frowns softly to herself as Lumina floats toward her, showing her holographic screens of data and analysis.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Hello to you Zara. Most people don't like to call me Empress so call me Foress. This cold beauty sitting on my head." She pointed to Narciss who was merely sitting cross legged on Foress's head. "Is Narciss. She generally doesn't like to speak much. I think she's shy."

"Shyness has nothing to do with it. This is simply uninteresting conversation." Narciss didn't want to admit her lack of sociability when it came to anyone not Foress. It was something about her plans that seemed extremely amusing to her. Having someone who's life is built around trying to conquer world leads to some humorous situation. "How is this uninteresting? Come now I'm sure things will get pretty fun soon." right after Foress statement Alex fired back at Solya's comment which did get their attention pretty easily. Not long after that the power went out. The sudden power outage was startling, but Foress immediately tried to take control of the situation.

"Well everyone stay calm. No need to panic simply because the lights went out." Foress tried to assure herself more so than the others. She hated being in the dark most of the time. Having a flashlight around was her way of fighting it, but now she didn't have one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ayame didn't get the chance to respond to Foress, or much of anything that happened as too much was going on at once for her to keep up. There was the cat lady, all of the fairies, exchanging fairy info, Alex telling the cat lady off, Space Kitaaa...?

"AAAHHHH!" Ayame was one of many girls in the exhibit to scream when the lights went out. She rushed forward, hoping to latch onto someone and quick before something got her. Once she found her victim, her hands came to cup two large and very soft, jelly-like...things in her hands as her arms wrapped around someone's body. Not meaning to, Ayame gave them several squeezes...The last squeeze came after she recognized what exactly she was holding onto. Possibly unfortunately for June, she couldn't let go. Holding this person made her feel a lot safer; even if there were a bunch of other students around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

-Writing for Cleo and Ela because Skryte said it was kay-

Elaine rubbed her ear after Curgau let go, even for a tiny fairy, Curgau must have been as strong as Pete, only she had the dreaded weapons of evolved sapiens: aposable thumbs. Curgau simply acted as if nothing happened and replied to Cleo with :"Oh my! It seems that he and Pete are both preparing for their little sparring sessions then...Pete was trying to fold a toilet paper roll into a spear on his horn...I swear, sometimes they do the oddest things to compete...what was it last time? Trying to fling one another as far as they could? I told Elaine to stop letting Pete watch those violent movies..." She glared in Ela's direction with a much more serious expression on her face, which caused Ela to quickly flinch back before saying: "D-Don't worry! I'll make sure Pete stops trying to build weapons out of our toilet paper...I-It's just so cute seeing him roll the cardboard up and-" Another glare from Curgau made Ela flinch again, except this time she swiftly withdrew a bit of the chocolate from the bag and gave it to Curgau once again. The tiny fairy, appeased with the offering of chocolate deliciousness, slowly nodded and softly said: "Well, so long as you've learned your lesson, it's fine. Now, with Ela's manners settled, let's go look at this 'space stuff'. I believe I saw an interesting looking exhibit...something about 'Dark Nebulas'."

With that, the tiny fairy flew ahead of the two as they walked, guiding them towards the exhibit...or at least where she thought it was. Vetra was still asleep inside of Cleo's bag, not even making a sound as she slumbered. Cleo eventually stopped as the confused fairy lapped the same exhibit for the 2nd time, saying: "You uh...both have no idea where it is do you?" Both Elaine and her fairy gave a slow, silent nod with their heads hung low at their own incompotence. Cleo sighed a bit as she started taking the lead, and within a minute they arrived at the Dark Nebula exhibit...Cleo seemed absolutely enthralled to look at it, because hey, space stuff is awesome. Ela on the other hand was a bit more confused as she read the description for the Space Stuff...something about blocking out stars...lots of space dust...and when it got down to the chemical composition she just stood there confused for a bit. She was just about to ask Elaine what the even is in the what, but there was a sudden absence of light, and the shrill cries of several scared girls ringing out. Elaine wasn't that scared though, after all, it wasn't like all visibility was lost, Curgau gave off a little faint glow as she moved, and Cleo was right next to her anyway. Cleo acted in a similar manner, though in a more joking statement, turned to Ela and said: "Dark Nebula Kita~"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

While Ayame was one of the ones to scream, Alex was one of the ones to hardly react to the power outage. Saki glowed brilliantly red as the fire fairy giggled softly with her new fairy friends. The tall woman though looked to her partner with a slight raised eyebrow at the scene in front of her.

"The lights just went out, there isn't a need to go screaming and grabbing other girl's racks." Alex said in another blunt uncaring manner. Seeming not to realize how embarrassing that sentance was.

It just seemed like the obvious thing to think about in that situation toward someone one hardly knew. Perhaps if they actually were friends, Alex would have reacted differently, but for now she was indifferent to this situation. Not really fearing the dark nor caring what the other students did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ayame perked up and turned red at Alex's comment about grabbing girl's racks. "I-it was an accident!" She stammered, waving her arms around frantically and hugging herself instead. Ahh! Now everyone is going to think I'm a perv! Ayame really hoped June wouldn't be too upset about being groped... She did admit she went a little overboard with the squeezing, but she really couldn't help herself. Ahh! She ducked her head and turned away from everyone in an attempt to hide away from the scrutinizing stares of her fellow classmates.

Zara fluttered over to her human and circles around her head, "Ayame, you love boobies!" She squealed, gaining speed as she buzzed around her head like a bee.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex frowned a little as the short girl seemed to frantically turn away, embarrassex by the situation she was currently in. The her face dead panned as the little gold fairy zipped around yelling how Ayame loved boobs. Sweatdropping slightly, she glared at her own red fairy as she joined in the circle.

"Yay boobies!" Saki cheered as well before yelping as Alex grabbed her fairy in a stern but gentle grip and lightly flicked her off. Watching as Saki spun about giggling as she easily regained balance.

Grunting, Alex shuffled closer to the much shorter girl, seeming uncomfortable and unsure what to do. Before rolling her blue eyes and moved her right hand out of her pocket to lightly pat Ayame's head.

"It's fine. You were just surprised." Alex huffed non-chalantly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 34 min ago

Solya turns to smile at the girls and their fairies, adoring their antics. How peaceful. Lumina flutters over and starts to fly around Ayame's head, mimicking Zara. The little fairy seems to enjoy the time spent with the others. In fact, she'd lit up to compensate for the lights being out. They were in the area just past the foyer, so it was rather dark, except the small amount of light filtering in from above through some of the still open skylights. Solya seemed a little guarded now, though, as she stepped past the girls to gaze around the floorspace that she could see.

Had they snuck in...?


A mysterious voice reacts to Cleo's ending chime. "Dark Nebula? I like the sound of that. That's a good one." A man in rusted armor steps from the shadows, a rusted sword at his side and an electric fairy at his side. It would be hard for anyone else to tell, but another fairy could tell something was critically wrong with this one. The magic flowing through it is... opposed. It would be hard to explain. "In that case, you could consider me a servant of Dark Nebula. I'll be requiring the services of your fairies, and thank you for your understanding. Their power will be necessary to advance the decay of this galaxy." He extends a hand, and a certain... darkness reaches forward quickly, seeking to ensnare the small magical creatures.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

SailorMoon said
Ayame didn't get the chance to respond to Foress, or much of anything that happened as too much was going on at once for her to keep up. There was the cat lady, all of the fairies, exchanging fairy info, Alex telling the cat lady off, Space Kitaaa...? "AAAHHHH!" Ayame was one of many girls in the exhibit to scream when the lights went out. She rushed forward, hoping to latch onto someone and quick before something got her. Once she found her victim, her hands came to cup two large and very soft, jelly-like...things in her hands as her arms wrapped around someone's body. Not meaning to, Ayame gave them several squeezes...The last squeeze came after she recognized what exactly she was holding onto. Possibly unfortunately for June, she couldn't let go. Holding this person made her feel a lot safer; even if there were a bunch of other students around.

Several things happened before the power went out, and for pretty much all of them, June's reaction was nonplussed. The only thought she had, other than that of incredible annoyance at how laid back and overly energetic everyone was. Especially when they shouted. There was a time and a place for raising one's voice. This was neither. June sighed as she was roped into a larger group simply by association. The whole concept of grouping seemed incredibly silly. They were all old enough, right? They could be trusted to wander around on their own. What trouble could they possibly get into in a planetarium. of all places? Planetariums were notoriously boring. At worst they could scuff up the glass of an exhibit. How tragic.

Soli, June's fairy, started to hover around June's head, having moved upward from the shoulder she was previously resting on. Soli had actually managed to break out of her normal mirroring of June's behavior and was fluttering about, incredibly curious about the other fairy; there was something that seemed to draw her towards her, despite having never seen her before. Not even in passing. Perhaps it was nothing, and the hovering above June's head ceased and she casually dropped and came to a rest in June's soft hair. And that's when the power went out.

June didn't panic, though she did let out a sigh and a scoff soon after. How perfect. It didn't help that someone screamed. Really? Someone was afraid of the dark? Really? Before June could speak up to offer what was sure to be a pearl of absolute wisdom, she looked down. There was a set of hands currently attached to her breasts. And the hands were squeezing. There were few things that made June blush, she had pretty thick skin. Her breasts were one of the things that made her blush. Some seemed to like that her breasts were fairly big, not in the heaving sense, but they were a modest size, and judging by the fans of Sugar - the only problem was that they weren't bigger. June, on the other hand, didn't like the size of her breasts. She wanted them to be smaller, but that's a secret she kept in her head.

Regardless, June was thankful for the power outage because it hid her red cheeks. The fairy zipping around about 'boobies' certainly didn't help matters. June turned around after the hands were removed from her chest. She followed the sounds of the fairy talking about Ayame loving boobies, standing behind Ayame, silently. Or at least she assumed it was Ayame, judging by the fact that the body was turned away, as if in shame.

"An eye for an eye," June spoke softly, leaning forward to whisper it into Ayame's ear. Her own hand then shot forth and reached around in front of Ayame, repeating the gesture she had done to June previously. "Hmph...lucky." June said, removing her hands after giving the breasts a quick squeeze. June's hands went back to her sides. Whether anyone saw, she couldn't care less.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ayame figured she was safe in the dark with her back turned, but no... Zara and Saki had to buzz around her head likes bees singing about how much she loved boobies! Not to mention, Lumina joined in as well. How did those two even know?! Must be some weird fairy telepathy. Obviously that was the least of her troubles as June came up behind the poor girl, and grabbed Ayame's boobs in the exact same way she did to June. Ayame only blushed furiously for she was at a total loss for words! It wasn't like she grabbed June on purpose earlier... It was an accident, despite what everyone may think happened.

After seeing what June did to her human, Zara buzzed over to June and flew around her head in the same manner as before. "Boobies!!! Boobies!!!" Suddenly, the little gold fairy stopped and rushed over to Ayame to hide in her shirt. "Ayame! I'm scared!" Zara cried, but Ayame ignored her. She was to busy being embarrassed by being groped.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 34 min ago

Solya looked over her shoulder and sighed softly, shaking her head. It was good they could remain so light-hearted, at least. After a moment or two, emergency lights within the building flicker on, slowly, as though they'd never been activated in many, many years. It was a surprise they still worked. "... Emergency lights? Alright, girls, I need you to stick together. Keep your fairies close. I'm going to make sure the other students are ok."

Lumina departs and joins Solya at her side as she strides away. "Solya. They're here."

"Had a feeling." She sighs and, once out of sight, forms a weapon of magic in her hand. A scythe made of light. She arrives on the scene as the two fairies are ensnared. She jumps to action, severing the connection to the wind fairy, but not the electric. The electric fairy is pulled away, as though by a tether, before she can sever the connection. "Tsk."

"Aah, a warrior presents herself? How quaint..."

"I'll rescue your fairy. Go meet up with the others and get everyone outside, understand?" Solya positions herself between the girls and the armored man, standing straight with her scythe of light in her right hand. The captured fairy is slowly being corrupted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Yeah, real funny Cleo, anyways, we should go check out the other-" Ela had no idea how the armored figure had caught them off guard as it did, but that didn't matter at all. What mattered was that there was some reject from a renaissance fair trying to jack their fairies. Just before she lowered her fists from the back of her head, she heard Curgau chime in with: "Ela, be careful! There's...something not right about that fairy. It...doesn't fee-" before some sort of...black tendril-like smoke stretched out, wrapping around Curgau and reaching into Cleo's monopack before either of them could even react. Ela was only further confused to see the figure of the Cat-Woman scientist from earlier, slashing at the darkness that had enveloped Vetru, but not quiet making it in time to slash away Curgau's bindings as she was drawn to the armored figure.

The two were talking about something...something irrelevant to Elaine at the moment. Anger began swelling up inside her as well as fear, Curgau was her friend, and to see the pained look on her face as she was being held hostage by this freak made her blood turn to napalm and start boiling within her veins. Her fists were clenched so hard that the knuckles were visibly white, if she clenched any harder, she'd tear into the skin of her palm. But she didn't care. As the woman told her to step back, she didn't even consider for a moment trusting a stranger with this, her eyes were only focused on one thing, and one thing alone: This guy was hurting her fairy. She was about ready to charge in head first and take the thing on herself, bus instead she stepped forward to Ms. Frost's side and gazed at the figure in armor with the sword angrily, before speaking in a tone to match her gaze. "You...I don't care who the hell this Dark Nebula is, but I'm gonna send you crying home to him." She cracked her knuckles, and with a sickening pop passing throughout the area, she took an Orthodox stance and started bouncing on her toes. "Without eyes to cry with."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 34 min ago

The man in armor releases a blast of electricity from his first fairy toward Elaine, while simultaneously charging Solya with his sword. She parries with her scythe and the two dance, the already converted fairy continuing to throw magic at the boxing girl. They seemed more like warning shots than anything intended to hurt her, but if she didn't move, she'd get hit. "I wonder, Warrior. How does the rest of your entourage fair?" The man smirks at the cat woman, who jumps away to get herself distance from him.

"... No. There are two of you here."

"Aah, but it's probably too late..."

"Dammit... Lumina! You know what to do!" Solya calls to her fairy before turning and dashing away. Could she make it? Was she already too late?

"Right!" The Light fairy nods to her partner before turning to face the man in rust, and then calling on her magic.

Vetra, the Wind fairy still left unscathed, would receive a strange communication, but one she would find impossible to ignore. The magic signature and type... something deep within her, something ancient, made it impossible for her to disobey. Lumina speaks. "You, with the will to fight. Borrow the power of Wind!" Vetra shines brightly, before her form changes and melts away, converting into raw magic. The currents of Wind generated swirl tightly around the girl, and the fairy's consciousness is brought close to Elaine's.

[[Elaine's First Transformation Sequence, go!]]


Saki and Zara would sense something dark approaching, before another leash of darkness would be lashed toward Zara. The premonition would afford her the opportunity to avoid the offensive, but... what was it? It was dangerous, that much was certain.

"Oooh... so those of you that can detect us still exist? How troublesome..." A knife is the next thing thrown, aimed again at Saki. No premonition this time, but her magic seems to act on its own, deflecting the projectile aside. "Tsk! Feisty!" The voice comes from no discernible location. A figure emerges from the shadows, a female figured dressed as an assassin, with a fairy of Darkness at her side. "I suppose I'll just have to crush you!"

As the woman leans forward to charge the girl and her fairy, Saki receives a communication. A command. In this instance however, it is not so much that she /cannot/ refuse... as much as she /would/ not refuse. Though she cannot quite identify the source, it fills her with a profound sense of loss and longing and nostalgia, this so-familiar source. The fairy's form would dissolve into flame, and that flame would then engulf Alex, but not harm her, and her consciousness would merge with the girl's, though remain independent.

[[Alex Transformation~!]]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex rolled her eyes and made a grunt of annoyance as the small girl ignored her attempt to comfort while being groped by the other pretty girl. As strange people entered, attempting to take fairies, the red head growled and stood her ground stubbornly.

"Can you two save the sexual assaults until you get to bed and when we are not getting surrounded?" Alex barked before putting up her fists and glaring at the dark cloaked assaulters.

As they attempted to make a grab at Saki and Zara, Alex called out to her fairy, making a quick dash for her. Surprisingly moving fast, though was surprised when Saki somehow managed to deflect it. Blue eyes widening as she halted as Saki was engulfed in flame before surrounding her. The tall woman slightly expected to burn alive, but found that it was just warm.

She was getting warmer, and the red head felt flames rip away her her clothes, burning in brand new ones. Red pants with thick dark blood red boots, long flame ribbons sparkling as they danced around her body from her hips and shoulders. Wearing a white long sleeve blouse with a beautiful scarlet ribbon bow dancing against her chest, her belly slightly showing as the blouse mostly clung around her chest. A red collar appearing on her throat with a flame shape symbol in the middle with a dark red color. Seeming to glow and dance with the flames. Fire red gloves glowed on her hands, enveloped with a strange bright flame.

Soon the flames disappated, Alex looking over herself in confusion and she looked around. "Saki?" she whispered.

"Im here... I am unsure what happened but we are one and we need to stop these baddies! Just fight how you normally do!" came a familiar giggle within her mind.

Alex blinked but nodded, deciding to question this later though slightly glared at the girly ribbons.

Glaring at the attackers, she smirked. "You are going to wish you had never decided to mess with me you assholes." Alex snarled, fire sparking and enveloping her as she did before launching at them without hesitation. Her hands seeming to be on fire as she made to punch the woman who had attempted to take Saki.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ayame peaked over her shoulder at Alex, sticking her tongue out, but then yelling as a tendril of darkness shot out for her bosom where Zara was safely hiding. Flailing a bit, Ayame jumped to the side...Well, mostly stumbled to the side, but she managed to get away. The tendril disappeared and out came a female, clearly not a student of their school. Zara peeked out of her human's shirt, her eyes focused on the fairy of darkness. Ayame, frightened yet on guard, watched as Alex got into her battle stance. She couldn't help thinking that Alex was super cool for being so brave.

"Saki!" Zara cried out for the fire fairy, alarmed to see a knife hurling for her new friend. Both Ayame and Zara's eyes widened in shock as Saki deflected it with magic, and then shortly after was engulfed in flames, Alex following suit. The whole room lit up with the flames dancing over the tall woman, a new outfit being burned into place. Ayame's jaw dropped at the sight, she was at a loss for words. What just happened...? She backed up, unable to take her eyes off of the fight.

"Alex is on fire, Zara..." She whispered to her fairy, a hand placed securely over Zara's little body to keep her safe. "I sense Saki's presence, but I don't see her."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Elaine dodged desperately to avoid the tiny bolts being flung at her by the little fairy, while Frost dueled with the armored figure, Ela was starting to get frustrated from the Fairy's intervention. Suddenly, she saw Ms. Frost run away, leaving her fairy behind, her angry gaze turned into one of absolute desperation, she knew there was just no way to fight this freak and his fairy at the same time, she knew Cleo could fight, but she doubted EITHER of them could even hurt the freak in armor. Just when she was starting to lose her zeal, she heard Ms. Frost's fairy tell her to "borrow the power of wind", and she felt something come from behind her...a draft? Soon, the winds grew stronger and stronger, gently wrapping around her as they raged...looked like it wasn't a draft after all. It felt...strange but she felt as if the wind was alive, as if it were trying to push her forward. Slowly, and surely, the wind completely enveloped her, her silver hair billowed behind her as her clothes vanished, and new ones were seemingly woven by the wind itself.

A viridian cloak enveloped her first, a hood wrapping around her hair and head and ending in a point just above her line of sight, as the wind worked it's way down, white thread weaved over her chest, forming a pure white tunic that covered her torso. Next, the wind enveloped her legs in black cloth, slowly forming pants as they moved up to her waist, the top of the pants being covered by the bottom of the tunic, oddly though, it felt as if part of the newly formed leg-garments was...ripped off. Slowly, the cloth on her left leg rotted away partially, exposing her calf. She felt as if something about this wasn't right, but silently waited as it continued, the wind moving down to her feet, soon leather boots fit snugly onto her feet, she felt something cold on it...metal? Yes indeed, the boots were armored, and finally the wind wrapped along her arms, forming sleeves that slowly connected to the tunic, however just like the pants, a part of the sleeves near her left elbow simply ceased to exist...something was off about this.The right sleeve began to change, a light blue streak flew across it and extended the entire way to her hand, and on the stripe, right next to her right shoulder, part of the blue faded and was instead replaced with a white 'II'. After forming, the entire outfit clung to her body closely, the only loose part being the cloak and hood.

She stood there in awe for a moment as the winds subsided...well, that isn't accurate, more like they started billowing around her, she stopped for a moment to examine her new outfit...whatever this wind was, it felt like it was making her stronger. Her wonderment was destroyed when another bolt from the rogue fairy flew and nearly hit her, barely missing her foot. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice squeak inside her head, it was...Vetra?! She could her what she was saying clearly in her mind, telling Ela: "Don't hesitate, Curgau is in trouble. Save her.", before growing quiet. Ela tried to make sense of this, but nothing mattered more to her right now than her goal. Turning slightly to look back at Cleo, she extended her right arm and gave her a thumbs up and a small smile before saying:"Sorry about this Cleo, looks like I'm going to need to borrow Vetra for a bit." She assumed her orthodox stance once again and began approaching the armored figure while dodging the lightning, weaving left and right as she kept her guard up, wind seemed to wrap around her as she moved, eventually the wind blew the hood off her head, and allowed her silver hair to flow freely once more, flowing madly behind her as she advanced.
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