Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Location: inside school gates
interacting with Megumi @Scarifar

Phoebe walked away in a better mood then when she had left the group that had interrupted. She didn’t want to go back to them, that girl still sparked anger in her mind just from a quick thought of her. Yet she wanted to make sure that Megumi didn’t think bad of her… she stopped, looking about her, torn between what she wanted. Did she wanted to bring about more trouble? Phoebe couldn’t ever remember wanting to cause trouble… she’d been good in the orphanage… when she was old enough. She’d helped looked after the little ones… she’d enjoyed that, she’d been happy.

And then the fighting had started. Phoebe had just turned 18, when talk of the treaty began, the rumors circulating of it.... That some of the greats, and the worsts were teaming up, to try and take control of the situation. And that had been the only time Phoebe had ever sought to break her internal vow. She been prepared to use her powers, her abilities, to protect the orphanage. The only home she’d ever known…

Yet although the surrounding areas, towns had had some damage, the orphanage had been untouched… Phoebe still wasn’t sure why. She’d made sure the little ones were safe, happy, and unharmed in anyway by what had been going on, and then she’d left, when she’d turned 18. She got a job, saved some money up, did what she could, before she got the letter from Bruce Wayne himself… or just a copy of a generic letter, at least.

And she knew her mother would be here… and for the first time, Phoebe thought she might just get answers. Shifting, Phoebe looked over to Megumi. For a moment she thought she was teetering on an edge… she could go one of two ways… the way that just took pleasure, or… the one that did the right thing. The right thing was something she had always done. It was imbedded into her… but having a bit of fun couldn’t be that bad, could it?

She sighed, before she walked over to Megumi, ignoring the others from the group that had interrupting them if she was still with them. She hesitated, not sure what to say.. ”Hi” she said softly, ”I’m sorry, for everything so far”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


A black car pulled up to the academy gates, it had no plates and had debadged of any manufacturing or company labels. Inside its tinted windows sat Wren and his mother's ghostly driver. A refined usage of her powers that had never stopped creeping Wren out. He was actually too busy with his phone to realize that he had arrived, he had only received it a month ago but he was already getting very good at using it. Some might think it was impossible but Wren had actually never heard of social media until a few months ago. Strangely enough most people in the mountainous regions of eastern Europe and the remote reaches of southern america did not have smart phones and even if they did, were not the kind of people to be obsessed with things like Instagram and twitter. Despite not having the life experience some had with these complex platforms, Wren had taken to all of it surprisingly quickly and already had quite the following. Apparently the angsty son of a somewhat famous former superhero attracted more fans than one would imagine. At that moment it was his Instagram feed he was scrolling through, as an amateur photographer it was by far the most interesting.

"Mr. Maximoff we have arrived. Your belongings will be in your room thanks to your mothers prior arrangements. I am supposed to remind you to give her a call if she has not already called you." the monotone voice of the driver broke through Wren's transfixed scrolling.

'Right, uhh thanks for the ride. I'll make sure to call her." Wren said while climbing out of the car. By the time he turned back around the car and driver were already gone, back to whatever mystical energy soup they came from. His phone began to buzz, his anxious mother awaited him on the other side. "Yes mom I made it, I'm fine, the trip was fine. Don't worry so much, I'm not mad you couldn't come with me.... How was lunch with your brother?" As he made small talk with his mother Wren took a moment to observe the students that were still milling around near the gates. Most of them seemed to be pretty distinctive in some way, their actions or their appearance. He was obviously in the right place "I would be more surprised if he wasn't emotional mom, you were gone a really long time and you guys used to be close. I bet he missed you a lot." Wren looked down at his feet, hoping to wrap this up soon. "I'm glad things are going well but I have to go...Yes yes, I love you too mom. Yes I'll be safe and careful. I'll talk to you again soon, bye." Wren hung up on his mom and watched his fellow students passively. All of the cultural catching up he had done so far pointed to high school being the worst 4 years of your life and college being the best 4. This school offered both so he assumed both would be true but he was already tired of reflecting on it. Wren just buried his head in his phone again, waiting for some sort of sign there was a dorm ready for him to hide away in.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Cole Morningstar

Cole blinked as the guy asked him if there was anything he wanted. He certainly needed to work on his social skills. "Oh my apologies. I need to work on introductions." he managed a twitch of a smile before tilting his head.

"I simply want to get to know some of the classmates I'll be around while I'm here" He held out his free hand and managed not to show any discomfort at the prickling that occurred in his head for a brief moment.

"Cole" this situation was going much differently so far, but it was a learning experience. And at least this guy didn't have any cats. He hadn't experienced owls going nuts on him...perhaps the owl might even like him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Frank Sage
Interacting with: Sol Quill @TechnoWizROK and Light @Archmage MC

After a moment, Frank noticed that Phoebe had just abruptly left without a word of goodbye to Light, Sol, or himself, though she invited Megumi along with her. As he watched their departing forms, he pondered this: 'Perhaps was disturbed by my scrutiny? Likely theory; been told before that I am creepy. Perhaps was annoyed by Light's bubbly nature? Also likely.' After a moment of thinking it over, he decided that it wasn't worth it ('Not interesting enough anyway'), and turned back to Light and Sol as Light listed off her powers and Sol pointed out Frank's intelligence, due to his deductions on who Phoebe and Deon's parents were.

"Simply took note of powers and paired them with most notable heroes that have similar powers. Anyone could do it. Father would likely have been able to point out how old they are, their city of origin, the extent of their powers based off of their parents, etcetera. Unlikely I could be so thorough." He replied to Sol, then turned to Light. "Interesting array of powers. Explains sudden appearance behind me earlier. Would have heard you approach otherwise." While he said that, he ran her powers through his head. 'Very powerful indeed. Unknown how to counter-act. Perhaps has weakness, I.E. Kryptonite to Superman, yellow to Green Lanterns, etc.? Must investigate further.'
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Crispin Lincoln

Interacting With: Katherin Drake @KatherinWinter.
-Son of Killer Frost and Mr. Freeze-

Seeing the woman he had pin-pointed as the one with ice powers similar to his own walking towards him, Crispin's chin lifted up higher ever so slightly. His eyes stayed trained on her as she approached and nearly said something before he remembered... he never said anything. Not to anyone. Even at his job it was always nods or shakes of the head - subtle universal gestures that could get his message across that either he understood or that he didn't - that he was angry about it or happy to do it.

Swallowing the lump of words that wanted to form in his throat, Crispin blinked twice when she spoke up instead.

"It's nice to know that I am not the only one here used to colder temperatures."

A ghost of a smile flickered across Crispin's lips. Colder temperature? The Penguin practically made his own North Pole within the city of Gotham. He nodded his head - yes he was used to colder temperature. But it was the heat that he liked most; that he craved. He was always cold. Always so very cold.

Eyes darting from the girl to the stolen backpack he used to keep anyone from sitting next to him, Crispin hesitated before grabbing it up and placed it on his lap, directing his eyes back towards the girl and patted the seat next to him. She had found him, which meant her ice powers were very much like his own. Perhaps... perhaps he wouldn't be able to harm her - at least, not as easily as he could harm any of the other students he saw walking around.

Heat sources - that's what they were. He felt their heat off of their bodies. It took every ounce of willpower for him to not take it as his own in an effort to warm up. But if he had learned anything by freezing over the bus of people before arriving here, is that it didn't seem to help. Nothing seemed to help. He was destined to be cold forever.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Benjamin Parker

Interacting with: Wren Maximoff @Sapphire, Phoebe Wayne-Isley, Connor Stark, Barca Xavier @Caits, Megumi Takaki @Scarifar, Cole Morningstar @BlackPanther, Katherin Drake @KatherinWinter, Crispin Lincoln (myself), and Ambrose Wilson @Vicier
-Son of Spider-Man and Black Cat-

”Ben. Ben! Don’t wander off too far, son. You still need to get your schedule in order!”

Peter Parker watched with a lopsided smile on his face as his son took to the ground running just as soon as he put their old station wagon in park.

”I won’t, dad! I just gotta find Connor and unghfff-” Having looked over his shoulder to speak with his dad, Benjamin didn’t even see the dark-haired boy who had just walked through the gates. There was a dull buzzing in the back of Benjamin’s head trying to warn him about the collision, but by the time he paid any attention to it, Benjamin practically side-swiped the young man. Half-running, half-tiptoeing as Benjamin tried to regain his balance until he was running backwards, Benjamin ushered out a quick, ”Sorry!” to the boy before turning around, only to bump right into a tall, red-haired woman speaking with an oriental woman.

Benjamin paused long enough in his awkward side-stepping to keep from falling over for his quick-racing mind to process the two women’s faces that he had bumped into. His face flushing a bright shade of pink, Benjamin tried to get the words out to apologize but they simply weren’t forming.

Girls. Girls! There were girls at this school! Not that he had been expecting anything different. It was just that… girl’s were hard to interact with. Much harder than boys.

Settling on just a sheepish smile and apologetic wave, Benjamin clutched the strap of his backpack before turning himself back around, trying to grab his bearings. Connor had messaged him earlier that he had arrived at the school - so he had to be here… somewhere…. Amongst all these other people.

It was only then that Benjamin could actually take into account just how many people were surrounding him - how many future classmates he would eventually be getting to know (some friendly, some not. This wasn’t all that different from high school). Benjamin frowned as memories of swirlies came back to the forefront of his mind.

Reaching into his pocket, Benjamin fished out his phone and sent Connor a quick text.

Just arrived. Where are you at?

Moving to put the phone back into his pocket, Benjamin looked down at the device with a frown, as he found that he couldn’t. The phone was sticking to his hand - or rather, his hand was forcing the phone to stick to it.

”Not this again…”

Benjamin began to shake his hand lightly - but the phone wouldn’t budge. He shook it more vigorously, side to side and up and down. Still nothing. Groaning, Benjamin took his opposite hand and clutched at the phone, forcibly prying it from his open palm until finally, snap. The front of the phone went flying (while the back of the phone remained stuck to his hand). Benjamin watched with horror as half of his phone arched up into the air, and came back down towards a group of two boys - one with striking blonde hair and the other even more so, almost white.

Even from a fair distance away, Benjamin could hear the audible smack that sounded as the front of his phone came into contact with the boy with blonde hair’s face. The reddish tone that had Benjamin’s face looking like a strawberry drained within a single breath. God only knew why his feet carried him quickly towards the boy he had just assaulted instead of pretending it was someone else and going off in the other direction.

”I. Am. So. So. Sorry!” Wincing, Benjamin carefully peeled off the front of his phone from the boy with the owl’s face, and gave him an apologetic grin. ”Heh. Powers. Am I right?" Benjamin extended both of his arms outwards, palms facing up. However, at the word “right,” a sudden string of webs shot from his forearm, cutting through the air until it came into contact with a bench with two people sitting on it. Right between them, actually. Being pulled by the force of his webbing, Benjamin was there one moment, and gone the next. His body twisted in the air, forcing his feet to land first between the two people and sideways, his back to the male.

”Uh… h-hi!”

Cold. It was suddenly very, very cold. When had that happened?

The force of his sideways landing on the back of the bench had the furniture slowly starting to tilt, giving plenty of time for the two occupants to get up but not enough for Benjamin to get himself unstuck. The bench toppled over, and Benjamin closed his eyes, awaiting the impact. When his eyes opened, he found himself right-side up, stuck in a squatting position, and a lot of eyes on him.

Red took it’s primary color on his face once more though somehow Benjamin managed to “cut” the tie that connected him to his webbing. He managed to stand himself up and take a few steps away from the bench, his intention to squat back down and lift the bench back up to set it upright.

A large, golden dog (what? Dog?) came barreling down the walkway, jumping beside Benjamin and over the toppled bench. The absurdity and suddenness of it all had Benjamin spinning on his foot in an effort to avoid him, his arms moving closer into his body though there was a familiar tug, indicating that his webbing had once more been unleashed, and then soon a tug to follow it.

Benjamin was propelled upwards, his webbing having caught onto the top of the main gate’s entrance. Gripping onto whatever webbing he could, Benjamin had no choice but to go along for the ride, which ended up in the boy swinging around the gate multiple times both vertically and horizontally (an arm every so now reaching out to try and grab onto something) until finally, his hand managed to grab hold of something (or someone) soft, and… kinda squishy.

The object didn’t have him slowing down, though. It did, however, manage to move his body downwards (or was he going upwards?) until he hit the floor just beneath the sign, a warm body crashing down on top of him. Instinct had his arm reaching back to break him from his fall, his finger’s then acting like “springs” as he pushed himself to the side to expel the energy put into his fall, forcing himself and the body to roll around on the pathway a few times before slowing, putting Benjamin on top.

Blinking, trying to see through the area spinning around him, Benjamin looked down at the girl he had quite literally pulled down from on top of the gate’s entrance with him.


Benjamin blinked a few more times, feeling that familiar lump of words getting caught in his throat as he tried to get them past his Adam’s apple.

”S-s...s-sor-ry a-abou… about t-that.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


interacting with: Cole @BlackPanther

The guy seemed a little slow. Maybe that was why he seemed immune to Barca’s telepathy. That boded a little bit of thinking on, although he supposed it didn’t really hold any merit… He had, after all, met many people with mental disabilities… so maybe that wasn’t worth looking into. More than likely it had to do with the boy’s parentage, than anything else… Yes. There was nothing special about the boy other than genetics in that case. Finally, the boy spoke. Barca waited, studying him and all the while trying to figure out a way in. Or figure out why the boy was immune to him.

Was it all an act? This simple minded, socially awkward display? He was sure that there were some people out there who’d want to hurt his father by hurting him… And sending someone whose thoughts couldn’t be read seemed like a good idea to Barca…

So Barca watched Cole, looking for any sign that he was about to be attack. The boy didn’t really scare him… he was certainly no lion, that was for sure. He wanted to know about their classmates? Barca glanced about. He could tell this kid all about their classmates, but he didn’t think that that was what the boy was getting at. He looked back to him, quizzical. At Cole’s offered hand, Barca frowned, before shifting and accepting the offered hand. ”I’m-” but that was as far as Barca got, as suddenly something smashed into his face.

Stumbling back, Barca looked about wildly, managing to keep a hold of Glaber’s cage, he let his telepathy fly, searching for anything that would let him know who had attacked him. They were going to face his wrath. Some thoughts that seemed rather panicked reached his mind, a voice that seemed to match the words, apologetic, came to him, and he turned his gaze onto the boy that retrieved his... phone? He'd been assaulted by a damn phone? Before Barca could do anything, the boy was flung away from them, by… webs?

Ah. A spider brat. And if Barca remembered right, the kid was clumsy. And Barca always remembered rightly. Shaking his head, Barca sighed. He couldn’t punish someone for incompetence, when it wasn’t their fault. Although maybe the boy needed to learn not to… use his webs unintentionally. Barca watched him go with a sigh, reaching up to make sure that he wasn’t bleeding. Maybe his father should hear about this. Perhaps he could organise some more specific power development classes for spiderboy.

This school was going to drive him crazy, Barca was sure of it. Between the hyperactive, attention deficit dog, the boy who he couldn’t read, the annoying girl who thought she could lecture him, the clumsy webslinger, the really over-protective older brother, and the girl… that seemed to fill Barca’s mind for the mere fact she was a puzzle he couldn’t quite crack, Barca wasn’t too sure how long his sanity might last.

He sighed, and ran a hand through his hair, before looking to Glaber and making sure the owl hadn’t been disturbed. The damned bird was still asleep. He looked back to Cole, letting his focus fall onto the curious void of nothing that was the boy’s mind to Barca, the rest of the students minds becoming background noise, he cleared his throat and said ”I’m Barca. And it seems like the other students are… eccentric, to say the least”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ambrose Wilson

Location: The Front Gates; The Academy.
Interacting With: Benjamin Parker (@YoshiSkittlez).

“..I will find you- oh, yes I will… Oh, yes I will, you naughty girl..!”

Lifting the piece of paper up, Ambrose narrowed her eyes, her otherwise (surprisingly) beautiful features scrunching up lightly as she stared at the badly drawn woman on the page in front of her, seeming to examine it for a few moments before she shook her head, frustration crossing over the surface of her eyes as she brought it back down to her lap, once more bringing crayon to paper.

It wasn’t good enough… her boobs were meant to be bigger..! How was anyone supposed to recognize her if she didn’t show the tits..? Pausing for a moment, she blinked, her hand lifting up to cup her own as she took it into consideration. She had to get it perfect, or else she was going to get away again- and there was no way she was going to let her slip through her fingers again..! Nope, no siree..!

“𝔒𝔥 𝑦𝔢𝔰... 𝔪𝔞𝑘𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪 𝔟𝔦𝔤𝔤𝔢𝔯. 𝔅𝔢𝔠𝔞𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱'𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔬 𝔡𝔬 𝔦𝔫 𝔞 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱'𝔰 𝔬𝔭𝔢𝔫 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔭𝔲𝔟𝔩𝔦𝔠 𝔢𝑦𝔢…”

The voice was nothing new… and honestly, neither was the sarcasm. In fact, it was exactly like the shit the person currently writing this little post did that morning when her friend had asked her an extremely stupid question.

“𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚕, 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚍𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚘..? 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚎 𝙰𝚟𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚘𝚜 𝚍𝚘𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚋𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝...”

“Oi… assholes. Can you fucking shut up already, and just let the writer do her thing..? She’s got enough on her plate without having to write out an argument with you two.” Rolling her eyes at the voices that only she seemed capable of hearing, Ambrose lifted her head, her stunning green eyes lifting to stare at what everyone else would consider to be nothing more than an empty sky, flourishing her hand to the vast wide open as though in an invitation, “..proceed…”

Getting a nod of gratitude from the writer, she turned her attention back down to the paper in her hands, her legs swinging lightly back and forth in content as she continued to draw, her mind wandering, and a soft and gentle hum slipping through her lips with the action. Welp, first day of school. I wonder where Francis wandered off too… wonder if anyone knows anything about this chick… Wow; they all look like little ants from up here..! Hm..?

Oh look, a hand.

Blinking, she let her attention once more fall down to her chest, staring for a few moments at the hand that had reached out and taken a hold of her boob. We-heh-hell… someone was being a bit ambitious now, weren’t they..!

“..𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢… 𝔱𝔴𝔬…”

The moment the voice had reached one, they were off..! And speeding down to the ground, they take the lead- OH, and the others don’t stand a chance..! Looks like this one’s a no brainer folks. Gryffindor wins the house cup..! Oh, hang on… that’s the wrong franchise… my bad.

A happy squeal slipping out through her lips, Ambrose reached forward, her arm slipping up to wrap tightly around the back of his neck as they toppled from her perch. Maybe school was going to be fun after all..! Heheh..! The gentle sound of her giggle filling the air, she tightened her hold around his neck, pulling her body even closer against his as they impacted with the path below, the momentum seeming to have them rolling happily over the ground together before eventually, they slowed to a stop, her laughter never seeming to stop as she looked up at the guy who had (so literally) swept her away, “Haha..! Again..! Again..! Let’s do it again..!”

Smiling brightly, excitement shining behind her eyes, she looked up at him, barely even registering the fact that the two of them were seemingly trapped together thanks to the mass tangle of webs that were wrapped around their bodies.

”S-s...s-sor-ry a-abou… about t-that.”

“Pfft… don’t sweat it. That was almost as fun as the time I tripped and fell of the top of the falls; got impaled on the rocks at the bottom… but it was so worth it..! Oh… by the way…” Frowning slightly, she broke a single arm away from the back of his neck, the paper (a little crumpled) coming in between them so that he could see the very badly drawn likeness of herself, “..have you seen this girl..? Been looking for this bitch everywhere…”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Location: Inside the school gates→just outside the school gates
Interacting with: Ben Parker (@YoshiSkittlez), Ambrose Wilson, Salyssa Moon (@Vicier), Tobias Coulson.

Walking through the gates, Connor once more looked about. There was a range of students here that he could see, just ahead of them he could see three girls, with a little boy in tow. That surprised Connor, although he supposed with a large student range, and various ages that it wasn’t strange to see a child. He wondered how that would go, with classes. Was there even a daycare? Classes for a young child? He doubted it, the benefactors and teachers, he knew, had been planning for students, not children… although no he thought they’d have to plan for that. He wondered if the child would have abilities. There was always the chance, especially if both his parents were metahumans… Connor’s thoughts drifted towards Ben, his best friend. Still new to the whole abilities thing, Ben wasn’t new to being the kid of supers.

As if thinking of him had summoned him, Connor used his free hand to retrieve his phone, as it gave a small ‘beep’ sound, and ‘Ben’ flashed across the screen.

Just arrived. Where are you at?

Connor smiled, pleased that his friend had made it. It had been a few weeks since he had last seen him, having come out here early with his parents. So Connor was more than happy that he’d arrived, and he looked about for him. It didn’t take long to find the telltale clumsiness that was his friend Ben. He spied the soaring phone, hitting a young man with an owl, and Connor smiled, shaking his head.

He really had to make a case that would stop Ben sticking to his phone. He had a few ideas about that…

He lost sight of his friend, as he was whipped away by his own webs. Connor chuckled, shaking his head again. He was more than use to Ben’s clumsy antics, although he doubted the rest of the school would be. Connor tried to find him again, soon spotting him once more. Relieved, and thinking that that was that, Connor took a step towards him, forgetting that he was still holding Salyssa’s hand.

He looked back, and in that space of time, a few seconds really, Connor lost track of Ben. Which could be dangerous. Ben could have gotten into trouble, quite easily… especially when he was an a rampage like he was. ”Ben…” he muttered under his breath, looking back over the students, searching for any sign of his friend. A soft thump from behind had him turning around, hand slipping out of Salyssa’s, as he stepped towards the sound.

He started to laugh, unable to help himself. Trust Ben to knock a girl to the ground, and get tangled by his own webs. It took a few moments for Connor to get himself under control, and grinning widely, Connor approached his friend, looking down at him, and the girl. He paused a minute, ”I’ve always heard of being stuck on a girl, but this is ridiculous. And looks like she’s as stuck on you as you are her!” Connor laughed again, glad to have his best friend there.

”Need a hand?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 1 day ago

Interacting with: Sol Quill @TechnoWizROK and Frank@Simple Unicycle

(Soon to be everyone around Ben@YoshiSkittlez, Ambrose Wilson, Salyssa Moon @Vicier, Connor @Caits.)

With the other two girls leaving, apparently because one of them was just super serious when there was no reason to be, Frank made a statement at how easy it was to guess people's parents. "Makes sense. I don't know everyone here, but thats how I'd do it." Light said, looking around for more people to interact with. The more people she met, the more friends they could all have.

Looking around, everyone had mostly gotten into groups. There were the people from before, but then there was this small group of people, with a few of them in some white stuff. Pointing at the group of people, Light said to the other two. "Hey, lets go over there and see whats going on! Maybe this time they'll appreciate my jokes!" she made her way over to the group she had pointed at, hoping the other two came. She would've dragged them, but she was sure at least Frank would come over with her.

The group she was going to was a couple students who had gotten tangled in webbing and the few people around them. Light wasn't sure exactly who did it or what did it, but considering the mess, it looked like a great opportunity to find more friends. Once she made her way to the group, she said to the two tangled in Ben's webbing. "Hiya guys. Whats with the web? Do we have a giant spider classmate I don't know about? That'd be so cool if we did!". Finishing her sentience with a toothy smile, she offered help to get them out if they needed it, just like another student had offered his help as well.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Megumi Takaki

@Caits, @YoshiSkittlez, @Vicier, @Archmage MC (whoever else is around Benjamin)

Megumi nodded and agreed to follow Phoebe, the two setting off to a new location. While doing so, Megumi felt the urge to snack on something again. Looking into her bag, Megumi rummaged around a bit before pulling out a box of strawberry pocky. Megumi returned her attention to Phoebe, only to find that Phoebe was no longer in sight. Blinking in surprise, Megumi turned from side to side, hoping to spot her before it was too late. Unfortunately, Megumi could not find her, and she resorted to having a seat in some shade as she rested against a wall, all while eating her way through her pocky sticks. Just how she liked them, too: sweet and delicious.

Halfway through the rest of her ham-and-cheese buns, Phoebe had appeared again, and Megumi waved to her to get her attention, which seemed to work as Phoebe came over. "No worries," Megumi said with a smile. After getting up from the ground, Megumi looked down at her clear plastic bag containing one final bun, contemplating whether to give it to Phoebe or not. Eventually, Megumi extended the bag towards Phoebe, the opening pointed towards Phoebe for her to reach through.

Regardless of whether Phoebe accepted it or not, a boy suddenly came over, bumping into Phoebe before giving an apologetic smile and rushing off. Watching the boy as he ran away, Megumi tilted her head sideways as she wondered about him. She felt a strange impulse to go after him, though she wasn't sure why. Deciding to just go with the flow, Megumi said to Phoebe, "Let's go," before running after him. Watching him was somewhat uneventful at first, but things took a humorous turn as he began acting oddly with his phone and tore it apart.

The events only continued as the boy caused accident after accident, and finally came to the conclusion of landing on top of a girl. Megumi walked over to Benjamin along with the others who were beginning to gather. Squatting down, Megumi examined the webbing that kept them together, wondering how strong it was. She decided to try it for herself, grabbing a side with both hands and tearing the webbing apart. The strands proved to give quite a bit of resistance, but tore apart after about a second of pulling, and the two were freed rather quickly. "Kinda tough," Megumi remarked her thoughts out loud, looking at the strands of webbing in her hands. Looking back at Benjamin, she only had one word to say to him about this particular event. "Pervert."
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