Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Alright, fair enough.

I'm not a big fan of my mortal, so if anyone wants to make an undead character that can be the champion of Morsay, I'd also be fine with that.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SmileyJaws
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@TheTwistedOne This isn't anywhere near finished, I'm going to change the layout stuff and finish the history etc later. Just wanted to lay claim to a domain lol.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lait
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lait thotalatte™

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I don't have anything like solid yet and only a Goddess atm.
I spoke with Buddha who linked me here and if it's alright/isn't taken could ya girl
could claim Goddess of Rebirth/Reincarnation

Buddha suggested that she could be Death/Undeath's wife or partner or something.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kreutzer
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Here's the CS so far for my Deity, it's a collaberation as mine, @Odin and @Nytem4re have intertwining backstories for our Deities

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I mean, you don't need to make a deity if you want to join. We seem to have a good number of them, I think? Reading and thinking about it all is a bit of a chore without Twisted.

Seems like a few are overlapping a bit, too.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Burning Kitty No worries! If worst comes to worst and we -have- to start.. we can be in search of finding the Prophecy before the Forsaken followers do ;p and I will keep you up to date of everything in a nutshell

I am home most days by 4 or 5 ish, at least so far. I have the time, the energy is another story. After I catch up on my other RPs I will try to work on it this afternoon or tonight.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Member Seen 8 days ago

I mean, you don't need to make a deity if you want to join. We seem to have a good number of them, I think? Reading and thinking about it all is a bit of a chore without Twisted.

Seems like a few are overlapping a bit, too.

In order of submission;

Ehbus, god of conflict
Elvyne, goddess of beauty
Iustitia, goddess of justice
Catalan, god of.. power?
Otisdahnfis, god of water
Morsay, god of (un)death
Dedanann, god of deception
Ianos, god of madness/chaos
Fortuna, goddess of chance
Marielle, goddess of chastity
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheTwistedOne
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@Odin Thank you. When I get home I'll fix up a few things when I'm home and I'll will state all the domains taken.

@lait I'll keep it reserved

@SmileyJaws Looks good so far!

I was going to make a shaman so we could have someone with healing properties, but I've decided on going with My original idea of a Beast Master/Shifter

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SmileyJaws
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@TheTwistedOne It turns out that probably won't be recognizable, except for name and domain. Lol, reworking the character more towards the original thought.

Edit: Make Deanann's domain on the list Deception/Chaos, replace chaos with Trickster if you don't want two of the same. The idea of the rewrite is he's fundamentally ambiguous, clever and mischievous, invested in his own interests so he remains neutral to the plot clash.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Odin Love your deity, so I'm just gonna steal him ^-^
Hope you don't mind my take on an undead champion.

Name: usually goes by Ashra, or 'the Damned'

Age: 4 or 57, depending on how you count


Race: undead abomination

Gender: technically, all of them

Sign/Mark: a 'brand' upon the soul

[A Hundred Souls, A Hundred Minds]
Due to her rather extraordinary origin, Ashra's 'body' contains over a hundred mortal souls. These souls grant her great power and are the source of her supernatural abilities, but also come with great costs. All these souls come with fragmented minds and memories, all of which churn within her form, fighting for dominance. She's constantly attempting to maintain what sanity she retains, and personality traits can change in an instant as a new soul takes control. While it becomes nearly impossible to read or control Ashra's mind, mental attacks or interference will often throw Ashra's mind into turmoil, requiring some time for her to regain control of her body. Even a well-placed jab or jest can throw her off balance. The souls inside of Ashra possess vast combined knowledge and skills, although Ashra is not capable of accessing much of this due to her insanity, and the information she does access is often muddled or twisted. Should Ashra sustain enough damage she will begin 'leaking' souls, who will escape to the realm of Morsay.

[Form of Darkness]
Incapable of containing so many souls, Ashra's original form has long since shattered. But her magic and sheer willpower was able to hold her together as a being of shadow and magic, an undead abomination. Physical attacks mostly pass through Ashra, but the touch of Iron burns her. The purer the iron the more dangerous, and pure 'cold' iron burns her the worst. The touch of sunlight hurts her as well, although this is a dull ache that she can endure. Bright lights can damage her directly, as well as magic of both the divine and necromantic nature. Her body is capable of altering itself, slipping through small cracks in the floor or spontaneously sprouting claws. Despite being made of shadow, after all, it remains Solid unless seriously damaged. Ashra is virtually immune to poisons and diseases, as well as requiring no oxygen or sleep, but cannot stay in sunlight indefinitely without taking damage.

[Blades of Shadow]
In addition to being able to manipulate her physical form, Ashra is capable of forming solid shadow constructs. Lances of solid darkness can arc across the room to impale enemies, and even constructs entirely separate from her body can be created. Her ability to project and manipulate solid shadows is severely limited in direct sunlight, and can be weakened by light, clerical/necromantic magic, and exposure to iron. Seperated constructs can act independently of Ashra, imbued with several of her souls, but share her weaknesses. In addition these separate constructs are not directly controlled by Ashra and may act in odd ways. Often separated constructs will attempt to 'possess' a nearby corpse, puppeteering it from the inside. This protects them from sunlight to some extent, and makes them feel 'comfortable'. It's the closest these disembodied souls can come to being alive again. The disembodied souls cannot travel further than 100m from Ashra, or they will be pulled back into her body.

Weapons: none, besides her natural abilities.

Once, Ashra was a powerful necromancer who claimed to serve Morsay. Despite seeming to act as a servant of Morsay on this world, however, she sought to take that which was only Morsay's to give, the gift of eternal life. And when Morsay did not return her prayers or answer her rituals, she strove to take it herself. To become an eternal being, to transcend death by becoming one with it. And to this goal she continued to study death, and the mortal soul. As her flesh began to give way to the relentless passage of time she gathered the knowledge she needed to master death itself. Although her knowledge and skill were certainly up to the task it seemed like her strength simply was not enough - although her spells could extend her lifespan, no mortal magic could hold back Morsay's reckoning forever. Unrelenting in her pursuit, Ashra concluded that she would simply have to gain power beyond that of a mortal soul.

A skirmish between the neighbouring nations of Tourmaline and Domer provided her with the chance she was waiting for. Although Tourmaline was far smaller than the militaristic Domer Empire, internal strife had begun to shatter the latter. In an effort to unite their people, the dual emperors of Domer sent forth an army to conquer Tourmaline and reassert their strength. Unable to bring it's full forces to bear and faced with the united strength of the fierce Tourmaline nomad tribes the legions of Domer suffered heavy losses. The fields were strewn with corpses and the rivers ran red with blood.

But Morsay would not reap the souls in this great harvest. Instead Ashra bound those unfortunate fools to this world, gathering the fallen to her own form. Death would fuel her, and through death she would achieve eternal life. Over a hundred mortal souls were bound to her failing mortal body, granting her access to untold arcane power. Enough power to shatter the bonds of life and death, and to become a true immortal. To take by force the gift that her deity denied her. But she had not counted on all those thoughts and memories flooding over her own mind. Her self became lost in a torrent of fear and anguish, the words of power twisting and slurring in her mouth as the pain of a hundred deaths ravaged her thoughts. The ritual that would have made her an immortal saint failed, and her body was ripped apart by the very forces she had summoned. Despite this, her sheer will to live, as well as the power of these souls combined, allowed her to forge a new body from solidified shadow. The twisted remains of her mind refused to admit defeat, and clung onto life with whatever power they possessed, straining to the limit under the strain. In the end the creature that was created was indeed immortal, a being that would never age and die only if killed. But in truth it was no longer Ashra, the necromancer who had sought eternal life. Whatever remained of Ashra had been torn apart and roughly pieced together, combined and mixed with hundreds of other souls.

Perhaps it was pragmatism, perhaps it was a cruel sense of humour. But when Morsay manifested to the heretical creature, he did not simply smite her, nor did he retrieve the souls that were rightfully his. Instead he marked the creature with his brand, declaring that it would need to serve him in order to pay for the years it had stolen. Unable to resist the lord of death's command, and too broken to understand truly how to try, this new creature became one of Morsay's dread champions. Ashra would indeed live forever, trapped within a prison of her own mind, drowning in a sea of twisted sorrow.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheTwistedOne
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@thewizardguy I like your take on it! lets see what Odin thinks :P
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Name: Gaivred (Approximate human translation)
Age: Roughly sixty
Appearance (Pictures are always accepted!):

Gaivred is twenty-five feet long from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail. Normally he only stands at roughly seven feet from the ground up. Barely visible within the bony construct of his head are his glowing red eyes. A nice burning red with no visible pupil.

Race: Leviathan
Gender: Male
Sign/Mark(Sign of your deity): A great tooth surrounded by a wavering miasma. Different lighting change its color.
  • Aspect of Power: One of few Gaivred holds his Goddesses Aspect of power towards Strength and Endurance. Allowing him to take and give more damage than a lot of people.

  • Lightning Strike: His horns seem to conduct electricity between them, condensing it into a ball briefly, before sending a straight shot of lightning out in a straight line. It's drawn towards highly conductive metals but will otherwise just go in a line.
  • Ambidextrous Combat: He can use any of his four arms, or all of them at once, in combat to overwhelm his foes in a flurry of blows.
  • Weapon Master: He's been using various weapons for many years, learning the ins and outs, their dead zones, and various useful techniques. This also includes makeshift weapons like branches, stools, rocks, etc.

  • Scimitars: He currently wields a pair of large scimitars. What would be two handed for most humans he uses one handed.
  • Claws: His arms are covered in a bone-like substance that acts as armor. But the tips of his fingers are sharp and pointy, making excellent weapons that others really wouldn't pay attention to. Especially if they're in plate armor.

Not much is known, nor said, about him. Gaivred simply exists much like his goddess. With the patience of a serpent he watches the other races flounder about. Discoveries made, ancient races falling out from something or other. This is probably why he's not a very well known figure outside of the reptile-folk, he reacts more than acts. While he watched over the decades he made sure he could contend with those he watched. The wars that clashed made him feel a desire to be prepared just in case.

So around his mid-twenties is when his training started in the various weapons. Given the known lifespan of his people he decided to go for all within reach instead of focusing on a single one like the shorter lived species. After many years, roughly thirty, of almost non-stop training is when he went out into the world to really experience it and not just watch it from afar.

It's a good thing he trained since mere days from home he was assaulted by a mishmash group of races. Bandits by the looks of their gear and unkempt features. Thankfully for him his movements were so fluid and strange that they couldn't keep up with him. Nevermind the fact that he completely overwhelmed the group with his frightening amount of strength, and their blows seemed to slide off his scaled hide.

With that little eye opener to watch out for the other races, now deemed barbaric, he continued on his way. During his years of travel he heard about some strange Prophecy which drew him in. A good story always had some truth in it after all and he was curious to see what the truth actually was. Would the Forsaken come about? Was there a person born under such circumstances? He'd find out eventually...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I guess I'll change the race of my deity...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Thanks. I was trying to balance out the intangibility thing, so I hope it's not too OP.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I have my mortal done.

As for my deity (that word is the bane of my existence I can never remember it is e before i, you know the i before e except after c) got everything done except history. No clue what to do with that. With the deities the race does that mean there was more than one of each deity race? If more than one I have an idea on how my deity went evil, if there was only one of each deity race then that shoots a planet sized hole in my idea.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Do want. Will begin immediately, as long as this is open.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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@thewizardguy Gives me an excuse to ditch my own undead champion so by all means.

I guess I'll change the race of my deity...

I talked to Kreutzer about his race and he figured that the two can be used interchangeably - the sense of 'a Leviathan' of the sea being some insanely big sea monster/creature, and his race being named Leviathans, after them? You should discuss with Kreutzer.

In my opinion it would be kinda nice if they were named after the Leviathan even if they are Fortuna's chosen people, so to speak. It connects the stories.

EDIT: oh god I didn't realize a third leviathan was made

yeah you guys are gonna have to talk about this, unless they're the same race, lol.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

@Odin I only see one leviathan being and one god that could be classed as a leviathan o.o I is confusticated now
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