Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Letting out a satisfied sigh, Arken stood up from his bunk. Outfitting his bed with light grey sheets, coupled with light grey pillow cases with a navy blue comforter. The night before left him exhausted. He vaguely remember being accompanied back from the forest with Charlie and Summer, but the rest of the time was relatively blurry.

He took the first chance he got when the room assignments were announced to dash up to his room and picked out his bed location. He actually felt like Taking some time, he first set all of his things out on the whatever flat surface he can utilize while not being too...selfish. He made sure to clip a fan to his upper bunk, knowing how heat rises and such. He took some closet space and since he took the top bunk that is often seen as the more inconvenient one, he took the dresser drawers that was easier to access. "That's fair, right?" He said to himself. Packing his toiletries into a corner near his bed, he took another glance and found that he was satisfied for now. He reached into his rucksack and took out a few more smaller items. A small Totodile figure he has had since he was a child and couple of Polaroid pictures that reminded him of his time back home. "Those get pinned to the wall..." He said to himself...

Once he was done 'decorating', he climbed down and straightened himself out. Deciding that it was time for a spot of breakfast, he put on his house-slippers, and went out of the room. Aimlessly walking from his room down towards the kitchen, he noticed Hana and Charlie in a conversation. "Well. Good morning Charles. Hana. How are you two this morning? Have you guys had breakfast yet?" Arken said. As soon as he finished his sentence, he noticed the plate of pancakes. "Ah. Thats whats for breakfast. Thanks Charles." He said with a mischievous grin and took the topmost pancake off of his plate and bit into it. "Mm. Fresh pancakes." He said, giving Hana a small wink. In between bites, he would say "So, has everyone met their roommates? How are you guys all settling in for this fun-ass summer ahead of us?"

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 12 mos ago

“Shit, that was close...” Caleb exclaimed as he watched Dakota use her cool wind magic to stop the pancakes from splattering across the floor. Having saved her friend from a breakfast time disaster, the brunette wasted little time before she had begun to chatter excitably at him and turning towards her, his own expression instinctively shifted to mirror her enthusiasm. He was just glad that the other witches seemed as friendly as he'd hoped they would be. And when she pointed out his scar, his fingers came up to touch the bridge of his nose, rubbing gently over where he knew the faded mark was located. It hadn't hurt in years but sometimes he could still remember that sharp pain as acutely as if it had happened only yesterday.

“Oh this? Yeah it’s kinda cool right? Got it fighting a mountain lion.” He quipped jokingly, before his gaze moved down to Bast. The Savannah Cat was watching Astro impassively as he attempted to wrestle her, lithely moving out of his way when he would dart this way and that. Her ever calm demeanour didn’t break, eyes simply blinking at the overactive creature in front of her. Caleb let out a small knowing laugh at this, before his own pair of deep brown eyes looked up at Alaynas question. “Go for it. Well, it’s up to her really but I'm sure she won't mind.” He shrugged his shoulders, giving the cat a gentle nudge with his foot and pointing towards the witch in question. Bast seemed to understand this wordless message and she glanced between the pair, before wandering over to Alayna, head rubbing against her legs as she began to let out another soft purr.

The teen watched her fondly for a moment, before his attention was drawn back to the others as Calypso began to speak of fortune-telling and the like. It was a branch of magic which he personally had little experience in, aside from the several times in which his sister Lucy had thought it funny to prank him by making up fake readings. It required a level of patience that he had never quite been able to master, but he still knew that it could be pretty fun when done properly. Well, sometimes at least. “Divination?” Caleb tilted his head as he looked down at his own palms, trying and failing to make sense of the mess of lines he could see etched across them. “Sure, I’m totally down for that. Though my palms aren’t that great!” He shook his head, before pointing at her own smaller hands. His index finger moved to hover over what looked to be her life line...or was that the love line? He really wasn't sure. “See, yours are way better! But I hope you give nice readings cause last time they told me I was gonna break a bone...” The teen pulled an unimpressed face, before the smile that had very briefly faltered tugged at the edges of his lips once more. “Though it wasn’t that bad in the end...I got to miss like a whole week of school!” He added happily, clearly thinking this was the absolutely best thing ever. Which it had been. He’d had the whole run of the house whilst his siblings had been in class and his mom had made him several batches of her famous homemade ice cream (magical of course).

Caleb seemed not to notice her slip up as the words continued to tumble from her mouth, a glint of something mischievous flashing in his eyes when she asked where he was from. It would be easy to just say Cali and be done with it, but where was the fun in that? “Hm, how about...if you can guess where I’m from just by reading my palms thennnn…” He trailed off, hands slipping idly into the pockets of his sweatpants as he thought, foot of his right leg moving to rest against the wall behind him. “Oh, then I’ll owe you one favour! Any favour at all...as long as it’s something I can actually give ya.” He raised his eyebrows challengingly at her, a playful look darting across his already energetic expression. Caleb had a habit of making anything and everything into a game. Things were just more exciting that way, though it was always little more than lighthearted jests. He would never hold someone to a favour that they felt uncomfortable keeping. “But if you get it wrong, then you owe me one.”

@canaryrose @Hitman @Qia
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Rowan knew the other witch that entered a lot better. It was Iris and she had immediately set to brewing. As per usual, she looked all out of sorts for the morning. Never the less, she hadn't seen her for a while until all this so maybe she had changed. Looking at her golem, at least that had greatly improved. It was in all sorts of shambles a few years ago, now it could keep some coordination. But what was that it was holding? No no no no no, she wasn't about to trust the safety of herself and everyone in the room to a walking log.

Rowan took the highly toxic chemical out of the golems hands and well out of its reach. "Nah ah ah, you aren't doing this again." Rowan approached the witch dealing with dangerous chemicals. But Iris was also dangerously unprepared for the day ahead. "The Sisters said they had stuff we have to do today. Now go get yourself ready before you carry on with... uh... Rowan waved her hand over indicating toward the brewing concoction trying to find the words to describe it. "I'm not even going to ask what this is." Was Rowan being a little harsh? Maybe. But someone has to mom up in situations like this.

Speaks with: Iris @Blizz
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by blackdragon

blackdragon An Ass Wiser than Yoda

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“A crush? Those two? You don’t say…” Rebecca responded dryly. She didn’t necessarily go looking for gossip among the coven, but if it came up, well, it came up. “Yeah, they’re an item. In love up to their eyeballs. Not that I particularly mind. Everybody needs somebody in this world, it’s too cruel to be alone.”

“As for what the elders want from us, I suppose we’ll be gathering ritual ingredients, doing odd jobs, that sort of thing. They aren’t going to assign us anything heavy, I don’t think. There’s a reason they’re in charge, after all. If you want details about the future, go ask Calypso. She’s the seeress, not me.”
She shrugged, divination was never a bit of magic she was interested in. The future held what it held, and she wasn’t about to try to mess with it.

A newcomer came over. It was a guy, and she had to admit, a cute one. Her heart didn’t skip a beat, necessarily, but he was one to keep an eye on for sure. “I’m Rebecca.” She dropped into a pitch-perfect imitation of the kid from The Sixth Sense. “I see dead people.” It was an ancient joke among mediums, but she’d be damned if it didn’t get a chuckle or two.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Melissa
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Melissa Melly Bean the Jelly Bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mentions: Summer @Danvers, Calypso @canaryrose, Alayna @Qia , and Isolde @Blizz

Within a few minutes of being in her new room, Maggie had already made excellent headway in getting settled. She had sorted her personal effects on the side table, made a small home for the few books on top of her dresser, and hid some shoes under her bed. Her suitcase lay open on her bed, half of the clothes already having found their way into the closet, and the rest folded and organized in piles. She wasn’t a heavy packer, but the blonde had brought plenty of outfit options due to the unknown nature of the coven house when not there for official business. She didn’t know if the elders dressed up every day, or if that was just a solstice or gathering kind of thing, so it was better to overdress then not. She was so focused on color coding and separating her tops that she didn’t hear Summer walk in until she spoke, inquiring why she was on her own whilst everyone else socialized.

Uncharacteristically, Maggie clapped back in an unexpected way. “I could ask you the same thing…” The blonde raised an eyebrow, commenting on the fact that she was also alone and unsure whether Summer was judging her or attempting to initiate small talk. Settling for the latter and giving the redhead the benefit of the doubt, she quickly changed her tone. “I just wanted to get a head start on unpacking and selfishly pick out the best bed in the room for myself before Calypso and Alayna got the chance.” The bookworm added in a laugh, taking another shirt out of her suitcase, folding it once more, and putting it in the proper pile. “You had the right idea about showering though- I feel so gross after sleeping outside last night, so I’ll probably do the same.”

It ended up that leaving the door open was a good idea after all as Isolde appeared in the doorway to ask the ordering of the rooms. Maggie wanted to be approachable and hoped that her fellow witches would feel comfortable enough to pop their head in whenever they pleased. With a friendly smile, the blonde assisted. “You’re one room off- it’s directly next to this one. Even numbers are on one side of the hall, odds are on the other.” Many trips up to the coven house as a child had proven useful, as Maggie knew the whereabouts of each room pretty well for someone who didn’t live there year-round. “I don’t think we got the chance to introduce ourselves last night. I’m Maggie, and this is Summer.” The blonde motioned to herself as well as the redhead. “You’re from another coven, right? In the mountains?”

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kate nod at Rebecca responded, everybody needs somebody in this world. Kate would rather spend their time with someone that they can trust and have a strong connation with, just making jokes, making food and looking at the stars together, with a thought of a future like that, it makes Kate blush. "Yeah, I suppose you guys are right but they better give me a good odd job. Cause there is no way in hell that I'm going to petsit someone cat." Kate say, they and cats never get along, everytime that Kate is near a cat, the felines give them a stink eye, hiss at them or scratch them and Kate never know why nor that Kate cares, they are more of a dog person.

After Hana walk back to the house, a another witch walk outside, a guy named David Thompson. Kate didn't talk to David that much, all they know is that he is Australian, so that cool, Kate guess. "And I'm Kate Shuang, the most talented potioneer of the coven and the most badass witch you'll ever meet" Kate jokingly say to David with a wink

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

David got a bit of a chill running down his spine when he realized Rebecca probably wasn't quoting that movie for the sake of it. I mean sure the sixth sense didn't really scare him or anything, but just thinking of that concept being real freaked him out. Still the girl looked a lot more chipper than David would expect for someone with that ability.

Moving on. "Yeah, you see, Rebecca here has the right idea. What more could the elders do except just having us run chores. Getting free accommodation and food is a sweet deal for a few odd jobs I would say." A bit of recognition struck David that perhaps the other two couldn't quite appreciate that fully yet. "Either way, heres my plan. We go do whatever flower picking, toad stool scouting, or whatever they want us to do. Meanwhile, we have a some proper good parties, and we are on easy street for the summer. Don't that sound good?"

Mentions: Rebecca@blackdragon Kate@sassy1085
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

With permission granted, Alayna's eyes lighten and she gives Bast a big grin as the cat saunters over to her, rubbing her head against her legs in approval. The witch, letting go of her suitcase, bends over to pet her, a small giggle escaping her mouth before she can stop it. It can't be helped though. Cats were always so adorable and it was obvious Bast was trying to make her feel more at ease. They were supposed to be good at picking up on emotional gestures, after all. "Thanks for that," she whispers, scratching said cat under her head, earning another soft purr.

Her attention is only diverted once Caleb moves to lean against the wall, a curious frown playing on her lips. How long had she zoned out for? What favor was he referring to? Alayna looks from him to Calypso before silently cursing herself. If she wanted to make friends with her peers, she had to focus on them a little more, no? But once again she finds herself feeling like the outsider, being the outsider, and she only has herself to blame this time.

Ah well, can't be helped I guess, she thinks to herself, getting up and grabbing her suitcase handle.

"Uhh...what are we talking about here, exactly?" she whispers to Dakota, "I got a little...distracted."

Speaks to:@Hitman
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 2 days ago

. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .

She was a bit startled by the appearance of Charlie, but couldn’t hold back a smile at the muffled hello that was produced through a mouthful of pancake. Hana thought he was just being polite and acknowledging her, that he would be on his way but was pleasantly surprised that he instead started a conversation. This was the second person in a group of people that usually just left her to her own devices instead doing the opposite which was kind of nice but also extremely nerve racking. At least they weren’t complete strangers like some of the others. ”I don’t think w-we have actually spoken before even though we have both b-been around the coven a long time. I got placed with Cass and Kate. Cass is completely sweet and wonderful, we have known each other for a while so I’m not too worried about her. Kate, she seems nice but I-I get the feeling she might not like me much. I am sure it will be fine. I’m sorry you are having a bit of trouble with Jean-Luc b-but it is a bright side that Jeremy seems nice. H-He i-is n-new, right?”, she said, rubbing her arm and feeling more nervous by the end. She hated that new people made her feel slightly paranoid and nervous. The last thing she wanted to be was rude when fully introducing herself to nice new people.

She didn’t have a chance to hear what Charlie’s reply was though as Arken popped out of one of the summer assignment rooms and greeted them good morning. ”Morning, Arken. I’m fine, thank you for asking. I...actually decided to skip breakfast this morning.”, Hana figuring that was the nicest way to explain the situation she had felt earlier. It was interesting watching these two interact with each other and how at ease Arken seemed to be around his friend. Her thought pattern died the instant he winked, her face lighting up bright red as she glanced behind her to check if anyone was there which only made her blush worsen when no one was. It took her a moment to process that it wasn’t a wink at her, he was winking but it was to let her in on teasing Charlie by snatching some breakfast from his plate. She couldn’t help but chuckle a bit, her blush fading once she realized he was just being kind and a soft smile made its way to her face instead.

Hana was thankful she had bumped into these two, her mood already brightening. ”Yes, I have met them. C-Charlie and I were just talking about that. I haven’t settled in yet, I was just headed to my permanent room here to move some of my needed items to the shared assignments for the summer and maybe do a bit of decorating.”, she answered. It was going to be a bit strange moving rooms and being with others but it should be fun. It would make her feel more of something which wasn’t a bad thing. She would just try not to step on anyone’s toes and see how things ended up tomorrow or maybe tonight. The camping thing hasn’t gone perfect or even close to planned but she had still met a new acquaintance and had become a full witch of the coven. Just because things didn’t go as planned didn’t mean something amazing couldn’t happen. Life always has a way to surprise you. She would just keep going with the flow and roll with the punches.

. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .

@KaijuBaragon@Infinite Cosmos
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by blackdragon

blackdragon An Ass Wiser than Yoda

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Myself, actually. This helps a lot with meditation. If I'm going to use black magic on another person, I wouldn't bother poisoning them with a potion. Not that I'm planning on doing such in the first place, of course." Cassandra added the dandelion, and the potion turned a lot better in color. "For the stuff I do, you need to still your thoughts, and then pick out whatever emotion you want to focus on and let it overwhelm you. That's the secret to a good curse." She added two pixie eggs, then gently shook the mixture. "And there we go. That should help me considerably."

She looked over at Rowan. "So what are you working on, then? Anything interesting? I certainly wouldn't mind learning a little bit more of alchemy. It doesn't hurt to have a broader base, and I'd be glad to show what the Dark Arts can do in exchange."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Calypso smiled at Caleb’s comment about her hands, bringing her hand to her mouth and laughing again. She didn’t quite know what had come over her, but she couldn’t say it was that bad- this guy was cute! And funny, too… But if she wanted to be his friend (or maybe something more?), she’d have to calm down quick and stop acting like a useless lump, damnit! “Yeah, um, divination is… it’s fun! I think the same thing happened to Dakota, actually, she broke a bone… right, Dakota? It was a really bad one, too, but she knew about it before! That’s gotta count for something, right? Divination is way more useful than everyone thinks. And it’s not really as depleting as other forms of magic unless I wanna do something super accurate, then…” Calypso prattled on about divination, trying to un-fluster herself, before stopping and letting Caleb talk.

A favor?! Calypso turned bright red again, giggling. She glanced at Dakota and Alayna with a frantic look in her eyes.“That sounds like fun,” she told him, secretly screaming on the inside. “So… it’s like, whatever? I mean, nothing weird, just favor stuff, y’know. Like, like, I could ask you for a bottle of water, or you could ask me for a ride since I have a car… my car is really cool. Well, not to be vain. Dakota’s been in it! It’s very yellow. Anyways. My divination is pretty good if I say so myself, so I might just figure it out. Hold on to your favors, mister.” Calypso poked Caleb in the chest and then giggled again. In reality, she probably wouldn’t be able to guess but… maybe she could play a bit of 20 Questions. Then again, losing might not be that bad either. He might be on the same line of thought she was.

“Ooh, Caleb! I forgot to ask. What’s your favorite type of magic. You seem like an elemental type guy. Am I wrong?” Calypso asked, realizing that she had forgotten to ask him what type of magic he liked. How awkward! Hopefully he hadn't thought she was self-centered or anything. It was a strange feeling, but she sort of wanted Caleb to like her.


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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Parties? Parties do sound nice, it been awhile since Kate have gone partying, they would sneak out of their house and go to their classmates house party back in high school. Kate feel rather nostalgia while thinking about it, they haven't been going to parties for a long time ever since they been busy with their studies and they are craving to party and being rebellious again.

"A party eh? Now you are speaking my language" Kate say to David "Everyone need a party to spice their summer getaway. What you think, Rebecca? What to start a party?" Kate ask Rebecca


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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Chronologically takes place before the previous Rowan post

Rowan was caught a bit of guard when Cassandra mentioned it for self use. "I... oh... yeah see I thought you were going to use it on... never mind, moving on." Rowan stumbled through that first sentence with the grace of a bull in a china shop. "If you are going to use it on yourself, just make sure to watch the doses and to take it with water. Go a bit overboard and you are going to start forgetting things. If we have to get that snooty healer from Maine over here again, I'm not going to forgive you hahaha."

Cassandra looked over at Rowan. "So what are you working on, then? Anything interesting? I certainly wouldn't mind learning a little bit more of alchemy. It doesn't hurt to have a broader base, and I'd be glad to show what the Dark Arts can do in exchange."

Rowan thought about making some excuse up but she also knew she wasn't a good liar. With a sigh, "Pancakes actually. I not busy with anything right now I'm just a bit reluctant to move into my room at this minute." Rowan's spine pricked up a bit when she mentioned dark arts but the Moore family didn't become the Moore family shying away from certain schools of magic. "You know what? I'll take you up on that, at the very least it will be good to know how that stuff is all done." Rowan's eyes trailed a small golem holding a dangerous chemical. "Excuse me sorry, I'll be just a second."

Speaks with: Cassandra @blackdragon
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 3 days ago

Charlie smiled and nodded as Hana spoke. She definitely seemed like a very nice person, and from this extremely short conversation alone he could already tell that they would probably get along just fine. "Oh, I'm sure Kate likes you, some people simply... Struggle to show it a bit." He assured her. "Oh, yes, Jeremy does seem rather nice so far. The only trouble is he seems to bhave this odd quirk where he insists upon calling people by their surnames... But that's only a small thing, he definitely does seem nice."

Charlie was just about to continue talking when he heard some footsteps coming towards him and Hana, turning to see that it was Arken who was heading towards them. Charlie didn't mind Arken at all, he seemed nice enough despite his decidedly annoying habit of refusing to call Charlie by the name he actually wanted to be called by. And sure enough, as soon as the other boy walked up Charlie heard the word Charles come out of his mouth. "Arken, you surely know that I... Hey!" Charlie was interrupted mid-sentence as Arken decided to take it upon himself to steal one of Charlie's pancakes (which were admittedly stacked quite high).

"You know, you can get plenty of pancakes if you just walk past us about 20 metres." Charlie said, although he didn't really care that much. It was just one pancake, after all, and he still had plenty left to himself to eat. "But, yes, we were talking about just that. I’ve just been up there settling in, had to do a bit of decorating to get my room looking the way I want it to, but I think that I have it just right now. Well, that’s if Jean-Luc doesn’t decide to take them down while I’m gone… He doesn’t seem to be fond of the colour yellow…”

He turned to Arken. ”So, Arken. You’re rooming with David and Caleb, aren’t you? I don’t believe I’ve ever actually spoken to either them yet, have you?”

@Akayaofthemoon @Infinite Cosmos
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by blackdragon

blackdragon An Ass Wiser than Yoda

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"A party?" Rebecca seemed to leap out of her chair at the thought. Sure, the initiation ceremony had essentially been one big party so as it was, but this was a chance for her to really set her style and get everyone going. Nothing warmed the heart like a big get together, after all. "I'd love to get something together, Kate! Give me until this evening, and we'll have the biggest soiree the coven's ever seen! I'll even see if we can get some of my... friends to cross over for the night. Do you think we should have a theme?"

The medium babbled on excitedly, clearly in her element. It was going to take some real doing to bring her back down to earth- the question was, would anybody try? If they did, she'd probably listen, but if not, the only place she was going would be overboard. That said, it would certainly be interesting, either way.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

David wasn't sure how he was supposed to react to what Rebecca was saying. She didn't have the same idea of a party that the other two did, at least in David's mind. Then again, was he about to pass up the prospect to get drunk and party with ghosts? Hell no. He gave a devilish smile over Rebecca's shoulder to Kate. "You know what? I think that's a great idea. I think your friends from the other side would love to meet everyone else in the coven here." Was it a smart idea to invite ghosts into your home with promises of a soiree, only to blindside them with a display of sprouting youthful alcoholism? Hell no. "Though I'm not sure on theme... Kate, any ideas?" Was David looking forward to all this? Hell yes.

Mentions: Rebecca@blackdragon Kate@sassy1085

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kate smile at Rebecca while she suggest to bring her ghost friends to the party, they do wonder however if everyone can see her ghost friends or if Rebecca have a spell or potion to make everyone see them. David then ask Kate for any party themes ideas and just like David, they are not sure on theme as well. Obviously the party is not going to be ghost theme, her friends could get offended seeing the shitty ghost decorations and probably hunt the house.

Kate have a long thought about it and then a childhood memory pop up in their mind, Kate and their parents went to the country side to their grandparents, at night, them and their grandpa watch the stars and the moon and he tell them a story about Chang'e, the moon goddess. The thought of those memories bring a smile on Kate face. "How about a moon and stars theme party?" Kate suggest to David and Rebecca "I know, I know, it sounds stupid and boring but think about it, we are in mountains, we can see the stars clearly in the sky and the forest could be the perfect location to have that them. I bet everyone is going to love it" Kate say with a happy sigh.


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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by blackdragon

blackdragon An Ass Wiser than Yoda

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cassandra nods as Rowan leaves. She's never actually *taught* black magic to anyone before, but it will certainly be a good test of her skills. After all, if you can't teach something to others, do you really understand it yourself in the first place? The little blonde laughed at herself- she was almost becoming a philosopher!

Cassandra decided to do a few quick minutes of meditation, feeling the ebb and flow of energies in the room. Taking some of the dark powers within her, she open eyes to find herself levitating a half-inch off the floor. Not exactly what Dakota could do, but enough to make her hit the ground with a bit of surprise. Recovering quickly, the cursewright went off to get herself a late breakfast. Hopefully, there would still be a few other newbies there.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Caleb smiled happily as Calypso talked, nodding his head in affirmation of her statements about Divination. She seemed super keen on the branch of magic and he’d always found it endearing when someone was so invested in a topic. It had been something he’d struggled for a long time himself. His inclination was normally to wander from one thing to another, barely spending enough time on the first before his attention was diverted elsewhere. “Oh, totally! It sounds like you’re pretty awesome at it too. I’d love to see you in action.” He replied, soft brown eyes roving over her face. Caleb liked this girl already. She seemed super genuine and totally not too serious. He was glad he’d already found a couple of people he hoped he’d be able to get along with.

“No, nothing weird.” The teen let out a small laugh, shaking his head in a way that caused his soft brunette curls to smoothly flop this way and that. “Though I wouldn’t waste your favour on a bottle of water - i’d give you that for free. I’m not that cruel…—” His words trailed off as he mentioned a car, eyes widening in excitement. “You have a car? Damn I’m jealous! My folks couldn’t really aff- well, they were convinced I’d just write it off or something! As if!” Caleb let out a noise of indignation as he quickly backtracked, nearly blurting out something he knew his parents wouldn’t be happy about sharing. He was a great driver! Well, sort of. He just liked to go fast sometimes and he figured that some of the rules that they taught you were basically made to be ignored. But he always got from point A to B in the end...usually.

“Trust me. I’m the best favour-keeper. I always keep to my word...we could even pinky swear over it.” He wiggled his eyebrows playfully, before his face lit up at her subsequent question. “Oh sure, I guess elements are kinda cool and all. But I prefer...” He paused, a finger coming to tap idly against his lips as he thought. He knew what he could do was called in comic books but that wasn’t really a very magical way of describing it. It was too sciencey and science was boring. “I like moving stuff basically. Not with my hands obviously...that would be lame! But with my mind, y’know. I started learning it cause I thought it’d be a great way to play pranks on my brothers...turns out I wasn’t half-bad at it. Though I guess we’re all still learning really! It’s crazy what some of the elders can do, right?” He blurted out eagerly, gaze passing over the three girls that were next to him.


After finishing tying her braid, Summers hands came to rest on the bed so that she was leaning back slightly. “Oh, this is Calypso's room? Great...” She rolled her eyes at the thought of the other witch. Though she was less annoying than Dakota, it had still irritated her that she had been so keen to jump to the other girls defence when it was clear she’d been in the wrong. Not that she cared about her approval or even being liked by her, but it still made her eyebrows furrow in annoyance as she thought about it. “Right. I can’t believe they have us sleeping in bunk beds. I have a queen size at home so I’ll probably end up falling out of these tiny ones.” She replied, eyes passing over the belongings that Maggie had begun to set out about the room. Reading for pleasure had never been something Summer was interested in. It was so boring just to sit by yourself in silence. At least running gave your body something to do, let your mind switch off. “Oh yeah, sleeping outside is so gross. Like, why would they think we’d enjoy that? It’s so dumb...” She shook her head, about to say something about how she hoped they didn’t have to do many more group activities, when an unfamiliar face entered the room.

“Yeah, you’ve got the wrong room.” Summer pointed out, even though Maggie had already said that, eyes roving over the newcomer. Her leg moved to cross over the other as she looked her up and down, racking her brain for her name. She briefly remembered her being at the ceremony yesterday but aside from that, she really had no idea who she was. “Summer Abernathy...and you are?” Placing an emphasis on her last name, the redhead raised an eyebrow questioningly at the dark-haired girl. She couldn’t help finding herself staring at her startling blue eyes for a moment too long but stubborn as ever, Summer refused to look away, simply waiting for an answer as she continued to look.

@Melissa @Blizz
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Seeing Calypso's flustered look and with only a little help from Dakota, Alayna bites her lip, still unsure herself what Caleb had meant by his words. Her confusion quickly turns to an understanding of the situation she is in now however once the conversation becomes more of a two-way street rather than a four-way stop. Thankfully, this only lasts for a short time, the mention of the elders providing her the chance to enter the conversation once again.

"Yea, it is," Alayna agrees, nodding her head at Caleb, "It almost makes me wonder if I'll ever be as strong, to be honest with you. The fire element has always been my specialty, and I guess I'm ok with the other elements as well, although not as good. Everything else though is...a lot harder. Your ability sounds...pretty awesome."

Talks to: @Danvers
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