Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sana hissed angrily at being blasted like that, glaring at Shu over his arms. These children were fortunate he was to take them alive, something like that never would pass with him otherwise. Curses it stung, he hated being hit by Ki. Looking down at his burned arms before getting to his feet the Shaharian smiled, amused that the young Prince was trying to intimidate him. The boy was nothing more than a hatchling, and while powerful his looks were anything but imposing. "Strong, are you? I am strong too. I wonder, who strongest? Me or you?" Leaning over Sana opened up his mouth, emitting a throaty hiss as energy began to gather up in his maw. Once a small bit of Ki had formed he clamped his jaws closed around it, eying Shu and T'charrl smugly before opening his mouth and releasing the Ki in a decent sized blast, skidding back along the rooftop as it was released. He'd like to see them dodge this!

Grunting as he picked himself back up onto his feet Takeshi lifted his head, panting tiredly as he eyed the remaining three guards. Damn, only one of them had been hit so far, the other two looked to be completely fine. He on the other hand was battered, bruised and bleeding, not exactly raring to go. Feeling a bit naked without his sword in hand the Saiyan looked over towards the discarded weapon, one of the guards doing so as well. The two exchanged a look before both made a dart for it, getting there at the same time. Trying to pull the weapon away Takeshi punched the alien in the side of the head, getting the same in return. Fine, there was something the alien couldn't replicate. With both of them gripping the sword he shot up into the air, dragging the Shaharian with him. Grabbing the alien's other arm he kicked the guard in the chest, watching as that made the guy tumble down and land on the road with a thud, probably breaking some bones in the process. Okay, so now there was two, but jeez was he feeling tired. In the air he noticed the gathering of energy, looking towards Shu and T'charrl confused. When he saw the blast heading their way his eyes widened in shock, very worried what that might do if it hit. "Shu, T'charrl, move!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu probably had little confidence right about now, but he was still trying to project that at Sana and make sure he knew who he was talking to. He didn’t want to appear weak like everybody thought he was, not to mention Takeshi was relying on him to be strong and tough. Hoping he had the alien on the ropes by now, he moved closer to him and tried to be threatening only for his opponent to laugh. Moving back a few steps he looked to T’charrl quickly, hoping he was okay before trying to charge up an attack the moment he saw one coming, but there was no way he was going to be able to stop that with the build-up of power.

T’charrl knew he had to do something right about now, seeing Shu put up a struggle with matching the sudden build-up of energy. If Shu was to try and match the energy he wouldn’t be able to in time, but he could do something with the energy himself. Letting out a hiss he moved forward, his claws digging into the dry stonework before he inhaled as the attack came right for them. The Ki attack was redirected to him and swallowed, but not without the force of the attack blasting T’charrl onto his back. Rolling off to the side, T’charrl’s claws made a grab for the building as the edge gave way, his wrecked wings flapping to try and save himself from falling off before he toppled off the building. Despite clawing at the building on the way down he couldn’t get a grip of it, falling heavily onto his back.

Shu stopped his charge of energy the moment T’charrl had stepped forward and decided to take the attack himself, but even that caused him to lose his footing and stumble backwards with his friend. It was some force to take in and with T’charrl’s heavy body tumbling away Shu immediately scrambled to get back up, “Friend!!” Watching as his friend fell from the building Shu immediately turned towards the alien in anger, “You hurt him! You-you-you-…!” Hands shaking in rage he raised them slowly before lowering them again as things were soon getting pretty hairy, a vicious scream from Shu indicating he was losing control.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Two good blasts, that ought to put these children into their place. If Shu was taken out by the attack then Sana could focus on the alien, that should make things easier on him. With any luck he'd finish off T'charrl before Takeshi could intervene, and then he'd be more than ready to take down the other Prince as well. With a devious smile the Shaharian tossed his attacks out, watching as they sped towards their targets, moving right at them. They were sure to hit were it not for the damn alien's interference. By some unusual method he actually absorbed the attacks, sucking them in like they were nothing. It did have repercussions however as Sana witnessed his opponent flop onto his back, loosing his footing in the process. While trying to regain it T'charrl made a big mistake and ended up over the edge of the building, desperately clinging to stay up. A fruitless endeavor, Sana watched satisfied as the alien took a tumble, landing on the ground with a resounding thud. Hissing out a laugh he looked over at Shu, instantly regretting that attack as the boy seemed to be close to his tipping point. Realizing what was happening Sana stepped back uneasily, his mouth hanging open as he held his claws up. "H-Hang on! You are to take me alive, yes? Cannot change then! Stay as you, boy!" If Shu was allowed to transform then that would be it for him.

This whole battle just really sucked. Being stabbed, beaten and dragged through the dirt wasn't Takeshi's idea of fun, nor was it Shu's or T'charrl's. At least they were getting somewhere though and it wasn't a moot effort. With most of the guards dealt with now they could hopefully wrap this fight up and be on their way. Between Shu and T'charrl the leader should have his hands full, Takeshi may not even need to become involved. That sentiment lasted right up until Sana went on the offensive, sending a pair of quite strong blasts at his brother and friend. Watching in silent horror as they seemed about to implode, T'charrl's surprising counter probably saved his and Shu's lives. It was not a foolproof plan however as the Kaesstrian was knocked off of the roof as a result, coming crashing down to the street. To make matters worse Shu's Ki levels were spiking, a sign that a change was coming on. Dammit, this wasn't good. Looking over at their fallen friend Takeshi bit his lip, resolving to help T'charrl first and hope his sibling could hold himself back for now. Turning his head back to the remaining guards he reached out to them, firing two Ki blasts that exploded near them and disoriented them, at least for a moment. Quickly running over then to his friend's side Takeshi looked him over uncertainly, not sure what to make of all the wounds. "T'charrl...? Can you hear me...?" he asked, "Say something."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu realised what was happening but he couldn’t help himself, his anger getting the better of him very quickly. The aggressive cocky nature of this lizard made him lose control pretty quickly, his friend down there probably suffering because of this guy. He tried to hold himself together despite wanting to destroy him, his increasing energy hardly holding back. He couldn’t control it, he didn’t know how to control it and ever since his father got a hold of him it had become worse than ever before. Despite the man’s plight and his own struggle to contain himself he was changing, his eyes going a vicious red as he let out an angry snarl. Slowly lowering his hands down towards the ground the fur on his tail stuck on end as his body changed shape into one more ape-like, his shoes proving pointless as they just ripped apart. Letting out an angry howl, he bore his sharp fangs before making a sudden leap towards Sana, jumping off to the side of him again and again as if actively taunting Sana with intent to eventually attack.

T’charrl had landed heavily on the ground on his great form, his body leaving a fairly large impact zone. He had landed on his back, his arms half sticking in the air. He probably would’ve saved himself if he knew how to channel Ki in this form, but he could barely channel his own powers without intense concentration. Remaining on his back as Takeshi came over, his mouth was open slightly and his eyes wide open. He appeared unconscious, not quite dead yet but if he had fallen from a higher height then who knew what might have happened to him. As Takeshi came over and called out to him he let out a soft groan, his claws twitching before slowly dropping as he moved his head. He was hurting quite a lot, but after falling like that it was only natural. Slowly shaking his head, he moved to look over at Takeshi, exhaling a few times in pain and exhaustion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The guards were going to have to wait, T'charrl and Shu were in need of a helping hand right now. Not that Takeshi was sure what he could do for his friend, he wasn't medically trained, at most he could treat small cuts and bruises. Seeing how torn up and battered T'charrl was the Saiyan resigned himself to being useless, not even knowing where to begin to help. The least he could do perhaps was move the Kaesstrian to somewhere out of the sun and the heat, somewhere in the shade. Smiling tiredly he sheathed his sword, moving around and placing his hands on T'charrl's back, hoisting him up into a sitting position. "You're going to be okay, just hang on buddy," he said, groaning as he pulled T'charrl along. They could use the shade of a nearby building for now, the sidewalk might not be the softest thing but it was better than lying in the middle of the road. Propping up his friend against the wall Takeshi patted himself down, certain he had brought something with him just for this. True, he wasn't a medic, but he knew how medicine worked. Miraculously he found a small syringe in one of his pockets, something he'd grabbed before coming out here with Shu. It was a painkiller basically, hopefully it'd do some good. "Hold still... This is going to sting a bit." Pushing some fur out of the way he carefully injected the solution into T'charrl, letting the entirety of it sink in before throwing the used syringe away.

"S-Stop you fool! You can't capture me if I'm dead!" Sana shouted, watching Shu in terror. This form of his, it was supposed to be powerful enough to defeat Commander Viral. If something that strong existed then he didn't have a hatchling's chance in the desert of surviving this fight. Despite his fervent protests the young Prince went on with his changes, turning into a terrifying Oozaru-like being. Trembling slightly at the overwhelming power he felt the Shaharian looked for an escape route, having no desire to do battle any longer. The chance to move was stripped away when Shu turned on him abruptly, closing the gap with astonishing speed and landing right beside Sana. Though they were much closer now, within striking range, the Saiyan made no move to hit him. Why was that? Staring wide eyed at his opponent the Shaharian jumped away, throwing a quick cluster of Ki blasts, anything to keep Shu at bay. "Stay back! Don't come near me!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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T’charrl had seen better days and definitely showed he was not invincible when he was in his strongest form, but he was in a state of great injury. While he had the energy to regenerate, he didn’t have the time to or concentration to focus his energy towards healing himself by the time he fell to the ground. Clicking and hissing as he twitched, feeling as if his insides were burning at the same time. He could use a break; even jumping into a pool of water would do it for him despite his fears. Finding it difficult to move in his position, letting out a slight gasp he was soon moving along through some unknown force. He couldn’t tell that it was Takeshi, his back didn’t have a bundle of nerves to be able to feel for these sorts of things. Being dragged away from his original position, T’charrl let out a gasp when he was sat up, his head lightly shaking before his eyes settled on him, staring at him with dizzy bright eyes. He didn’t think Takeshi would want to go anywhere near him considering what he looked like, but instead he was readily giving him medical attention. Watching him, he made no real reaction to the injection and simply stared at the spot. Feeling curious over it his eyes soon switched to Takshi, hissing lowly as he stared at him before looking up to the building. It would be difficult getting back up there for him and he was overheating. Looking over Takeshi he groaned as he moved his paw over to him, shaking a little before he began to pass energy over to him, trying to get his wounds to close using the energy he stole.

Shu didn’t have any control over himself as he went completely mad, his eyes watching Sana without fail as he jumped around. He was practically taunting the alien, knowing he was no match for him and his rage making his fear of him all the more satisfying. He could do this all day, but his thirst for battle was also proving too much. Snarling at Sana, he raised his claws before he was suddenly whacked by Ki blasts, his feet scratching backwards on the rooftop. The attack only proved to irritate him, his fur slightly singed by otherwise he was okay after that. Taunting him was proving successful, but soon enough he let out a vicious scream once he had enough of it before leaping at Sana, trying to grab onto him so he could maul him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Normally Takeshi wouldn't go anywhere near T'charrl, not in his current state. Their friend was much too... Buggy, for his liking, touching him would be beyond unthinkable. For whatever reason though he put aside his phobia at that moment, perhaps out of desperation or need to help a friend, he didn't know. Shu was rampaging but he would be okay, and honestly at this point he scarcely cared if Sana lived or died. Realistically the outcome would be the same, wouldn't it? Hell, things might even be better if that guy was killed. Grabbing hold of his massive friend, the Saiyan carefully dragged T'charrl out of the road, propping him up against a shady spot along a nearby building. It might be a moot effort, but a syringe he had brought along contained within it a painkiller solution, and it was subsequently injected into the Kaesstrian. Throwing away the used up medicine Takeshi sighed tiredly, lifting his head to watch what Shu was doing. Sana was doing his damnedest to keep away, throwing Ki blasts and darting about. Unfortunately for the Shaharian he didn't know just how moot an effort that was. Once Shu was in a rampage very little would stop him. Takeshi himself wasn't sure if he could even help it now, but he figured he might as well try. Feeling something grab his arm he glanced down, frowning seeing what T'charrl was doing.

"Save your energy, heal yourself," Takeshi said, prying T'charrl's hand away gently. "I'm a Saiyan, it might hurt like hell but this won't kill me. Do what you can for now, heal yourself. I'll be back as soon as I help Shu." He couldn't care if Sana died, but Shu would most certainly be regrettable if he carried out the killing. His little brother simply didn't handle death very well, a trait that Takeshi was quite glad his sibling hadn't inherited. His own being was battered quite a bit, but he had to try and get in the middle of those two and stop anything bad from happening. Giving T'charrl a small smile he nodded his head before flying up towards the roof, watching alarmed as Shu again tried to pounce on the Shaharian. Luckily for their target he was fair slippery, evading the warped boy's grasp by mere centimeters. Setting his feet down on the rooftop he winced as his shoulder stung again, feeling like it was burning from the pain. Placing his opposite hand over the wound Takeshi looked over at Shu, slowly approaching him. "Shu! You need to calm down! You'll kill him if you keep this up!" Gods only hope that he could still listen to reason at this point, the kid had definitely been beyond help before.

Sana had gone from confident to panicked fairly quickly, and for good reason. In his regular form Shu was a fair opponent but nothing serious, he could be handled. This though, even someone as unpracticed as the Shaharian could pick up on the massive gap in their power. It wasn't just an un-winnable battle he was facing here, it was suicide. After narrowly avoiding being trapped yet again he moved closer to the edge of the roof, glancing down over it before looking back at now both Princes. Damn it all, so Takeshi was still able to fight. By some stroke of luck it sounded like the elder Prince was trying to calm his brother down, hopefully that would work in his favor. Knowing full well how bad attacking right now would be Sana tried to take advantage of the distraction, leaping down off of the building and onto the road below. With a final glance back up he began running down the sidewalk, trying to get as far away as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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T’charrl was only trying to help, feeling as if it was his fault for their injuries due to his inability to accept certain habits of Takeshi. He should have been able to fight even without these problems, but he was proving to be useless and slowly succumbing to the heat. Finding his rejection to be a little disheartening, he stared at his claws as they were moved away, frowning deeply as his eyes returned to Takeshi. He was definitely feeling a little discouraged and it wasn’t as if he could tell Takeshi he couldn’t heal himself using that method, seeing as how he could only channel the energy towards others so far. He didn’t know how to heal other than letting his natural regeneration kick in and he needed food for that. Watching Takeshi fly on up to the roof he slowly moved forward, trying to get his claws on the ground as he continued to gaze up at the world above while trying to understand what was happening up there.

Shu wanted to tear him apart so badly, but the guy continued to evade him in his own slippery lizard-like fashion. It was like trying to catch a frog but this one was dry and big. Slamming his fists into the rooftop he let out an angry snarl before raising his fists, stomping towards Sana again until Takeshi decided to step in. Turning towards him with his fists still in the air, he sniffed at Takeshi before letting out an angry growl. He was not in his right mind and seemed wary of Takeshi despite obviously knowing him from before. Slowly approaching him he hissed through his teeth before snarling, his hands quickly dropping down as he instead decided to throw them to the ground all while jumping on the spot in angry frustration. He was completely ticked off and Takeshi interfering just made him even more frustrated, hardly noticing that he let their target run off.

T’charrl didn’t know how to help in any way, but he did notice Sana jump off the building while neither of the brothers seemed to follow. That shouldn’t do at all; that guy had caused them all a lot of trouble and now he was trying to run off and hide away. Moving forward onto his front again he immediately began to run after him, his claws tearing into the ground as he chased after his target while letting out what sounded like an angry profanity in his strange ancient language with every intent to pounce on him the moment he got close.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Having to leave T'charrl on his own was painstaking, but making sure Shu didn't ravage the whole city took priority. Tired as he was Takeshi really hoped they didn't end up fighting, there wasn't a chance in hell he was up to going one on one with his mutated brother. Landing on the roof just in time to see Shu nearly squash Sana the older boy called for a stop, trying to prevent something bad from happening. It had gotten Shu's attention, though the little guy didn't appear to recognize his brother. For a good moment there Takeshi was certain he was going to be attacked, tensing up until Shu smashed his fists into the ground. Watching worriedly as his sibling threw a temper tantrum, Takeshi saw their mark running off but couldn't well do anything about it. Crap, so was all of this going to be for nothing then? He couldn't leave Shu to his own devices, not right now. With his brother still having a fit the older boy slowly approached, holding his hands up defensively to try and not come across as a threat. "Shu... It's me, your older brother, I know you can hear me in there," he said gently, stopping a few feet from Shu. "You have to relax, we can't help anyone if you're like this. You need to stop, right now."

Sana wasn't quite sure what the Princes were up to at the moment, and he really didn't care. All he saw was a route to make his escape and he was going to take it. It was a shame his men had been beaten, but at least he was going to stay free. Sooner or later some actual King's men would appear, and he would regain his power. Until then he may have to lay low for a bit, that wasn't too bad. Jumping off of the roof the Shaharian made a dash down along the side of the road, which was now empty thanks to the commotion. He could get away, there were safe houses in the city just for an event like this. He'd find one of those, get more men and stay safe until those three left, that's all. But wait... What was that sound? It sounded like clicking and scraping, just what was that? Looking over his shoulder confused Sana's heart caught in his throat in fright upon spotting T'charrl barreling towards him. Despite being worn down, the Kaesstrian was quicker than he was and the distance was closing fast. Seeing no chance of outrunning his pursuer Sana spun around to a halt, preparing to try and blast away the alien in one big attack. T'charrl was faster than he though though, and having barely gathered Ki he was set upon, being slammed into the ground and pinned as T'charrl's massive frame prevented any kind of movement. Hissing furiously Sana struggled still, glaring up at his captor. "Get off! Alien, no business here! Off of me, I reward you!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu was pretty angry and it wasn’t looking like he was going to end up calming down by himself miraculously. He was never going to be able to calm down with all this fury inside him and now Takeshi was in his sights and just making him direct that rage towards him. Staring at him with furious eyes, Shu threw his arms around in a wild display while Takeshi tried to find reason instead, raising his arms up in a defenceless stance. Watching him carefully, Shu continued to hiss and snarl through his teeth with great anger as his fur stood on end as Takeshi tried to reason with him. Moving his head slightly to the side he narrowed his eyes a little as if trying to find recognition in him. Staring at him as he came to a stop he breathed pretty fast and heavily, his claws raised as he tried to suss him out before letting out a low growl as he took hold of his head. He was trying to listen to Takeshi and stop himself, slowly lowering his head before he jumped at Takeshi, trying to grab hold of him and wrap his arms around him.

T’charrl didn’t care whether he was hurt or too hot for this, his desire to end this chase was too strong to ignore when it was this alien’s fault. They had come all the way out here for him and to hell were they going to let him get away. His longer pointed appendages made running easy, the reach he could get turned his running into long bounds. Staring down Sana as he bolted onwards he let out a horrid snarl as he gained ground, raising his shoulders once he got close enough before leaping straight at the alien. Slamming right into him he forced his body down, a set of claws moving around to the alien as he hissed lowly, showing off his large teeth, “T’shhhkahnah…dashra! Kimar shina…” he hissed; apparently, he wasn’t going to buy into his plight, especially when he didn’t fully know what he was trying to say to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Come on Shu, you have to settle down! If you keep going like this you might end up hurting someone." Takeshi was all for knocking around the bad guys, but he was pretty against hurting the civilians. Even if they were aligned with Sana they had no business being in a fight, certainly not with two Saiyans involved. And with T'charrl running off to chase down their mark there was all the more reason to settle down his brother, they needed to be there to help their friend. Trying to be as passive as he could the older boy stopped just shy of his siblings, smiling uneasily with his hands up. His words may have gone through in fact, Shu looked to be trying to help himself out there, but he was having a hard time of it. Was that recognition Takeshi had seen, or had he been imagining things? "That's it Shu, remember who I am, and who you are. Come on buddy, you can do it," he urged, stepping closer and reaching out to touch the younger boy. Just as he was about to grab hold of Shu's arm the warped boy jumped out, frightening his older brother quite a bit as he lifted up the older boy in his arms. Squirming nervously in Shu's grasp, Takeshi looked up at his brother, smiling uncertainly as he settled down. "Uh.. Heh... Hi there Shu. Uh... Please don't eat me?"

Sana knew he wasn't going to get away, but he was sure as hell going to try and buy time. Turning to make a stand ended up being a huge mistake on his part however, T'charrl was upon him before he'd so much as raised his hands to strike. Groaning as he was slammed into the ground, the Shaharian wriggled unsuccessfully, both arms pinned at his side and preventing any kind of escape. Out of desperation he even tried to negotiate with the alien, figuring he could buy this one's loyalty as he had so many others. Whatever T'charrl had said in return didn't sound all too agreeable, probably a mix of curses and angry words judging by the tone. Getting quite nervous now Sana tried to get away again, his feet and tail scraping at the pavement fruitlessly in his efforts. Accepting after a moment he was caught the Shaharian glared up at T'charrl, hissing as he lifted his head slightly. "You not get away with this! Saiyans learn of this, of what you do. They send men, get Servas, and then you! King will protect loyalists like me, he swore!" he shouted, laughing bitterly as he laid his head back down on the concrete. "Seal own fate by taking me. I fall, but so will you, foolish aliens."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Describing Shu as hyper might be one way to go about it, but really Shu was just going bananas and his built up frustrations and anger lead to erratic behaviour. Takeshi was close to him and grabbing onto him was the only response he could give all while trying to not attack him as well. He was still seemingly seething with anger, but grabbing onto Takeshi brought on some more familiar scents. Still snarling he held onto Takeshi, holding onto him tight before gradually quieting down again, hiccupping a little as he soon began to change back. Losing his hold on Takeshi he instead fell back, feeling a little dazed and confused as a result. Naturally he was stressed out after all that, his little soul feeling anger like that just wasn’t up to the task of holding onto it.

T’charrl was not going to let him go, even with a lot of aliens now staring at him or fleeing from his presence. There was no doubt that he was a monster considering what he looked like and his massive size, but it wasn’t as if he was going on a rampage attacking them all. Watching the alien try and scramble away from him, he slowly moved his feet around before halting at the threat Sanas sent his way. Growlingly lowly he lowered his head down, staring at him with angry eyes, “Ssssaiyanssss…” he spoke, pressing down harder, “Wheeeere aaare they…?” Wrapping his claws around the alien, T’charrl slowly rose up again to pick him up without taking any chances for his escape. He didn’t like the people seeing him all that much even if the scene of him on the building was probably enough attention he could handle. He needed to get out of here before he fainted and then he would be in a whole mess of trouble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Being clutched by Shu like this was kind of unnerving. Actually, it was downright terrifying. Last time Takeshi had been grabbed by his brother it resulted in his losing his tail, not a pleasant memory. Smiling uneasily up at his younger brother he held as still as he could, cringing slightly as he was sniffed at and subsequently snarled at. Hopefully he didn't taste appetizing or anything, he really didn't want to end up as a snack. Closing his eyes and waiting for something to happen he was a bit surprised when he was abruptly dropped, landing on his feet and stumbling slightly as he regained his balance. Oh thank goodness, something he had done actually worked! Breathing a sigh of relief he looked down at his brother, smiling sympathetically as he squatted down, reaching out and patting Shu's head. "You're alright... Good job relaxing..." Takeshi murmured, letting his head droop for a second tiredly. They weren't done yet though, much as he'd like to be. T'charrl was busy apprehending Sana at the moment, once they had their target they could head back. Smiling Takeshi forced himself back to his feet, looking down at their friend warily. "We've got to get both of them back... T'charrl's pretty beat up. How are you feeling after... That?"

Sana let out a dejected sigh, finally accepting the fact he was captured. Ah well, comparatively his imprisonment under Servas wasn't the worst thing that could happen. Knowing that pacifist he'd be put in prison alright, but his needs would be seen to. And it would only be a matter of time until the Saiyans would return, he wouldn't be fending for himself for long. Wincing as the weight of the alien pushed down on him, Sana looked up at the angry stare he was getting, smiling amused. "You talk... Not dumb as I thought..." he said, wincing again as more pressure was applied. "I don't know where, Saiyans not here. Come later, don't know when even. But... Not matter, they come when you gone. Can't stop them." Unless there was the unlikely event of the Princes returning he would be freed in no time, taking to heart the guarantee that he'd be given more help. Grunting when he was grabbed and lifted up, Sana looked towards his now ruined headquarters. "Ruin building... Harm men... Not take this lightly," he mumbled, looking at T'charrl angrily. "Ever return... I will kill, I swear. Do not forget."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu felt pretty woozy after that, not to mention he was hurting all over. Ever since his father had taken him and tried to modify him that form of his has been pretty painful to go in to. He was hoping the feeling would go away, especially when his body temperature usually rose and this was not the environment to be in. Slowly swaying on the spot, he let out a groan as Takeshi gave his head a patting, his eyes slowly looking up to him after a moment once his head came back around. He looked confused, but he did know what had happened to him and was well aware that he nearly attacked his brother, but that was only after he changed back and regained his senses. Frowning a little he held his arms out to Takeshi, hoping that he might carry him after all that, “I-I want to help Friend T’charrl…” he mumbled, staring up at Takeshi, “I feel sore and dizzy…”

T’charrl wasn’t taking any nonsense from this man, nor was he going to be intimidated by him, especially when only some words were ones he understood. He had come to realise ‘Saiyan’ was universal with very little variation and all this guy seemed to do was scream their glory. If the Saiyans were coming back for him then they would be here by now he would think, but by the time this planet had apparently been freed they managed to rebuild a fairly large settlement pretty well. Holding onto the alien he slowly turned around to face back from where they came from, his large eyes only glancing down at him for just a second. Letting out a grunt he signalled off his care for his words, especially when a lot of them were meaningless. He knew Takeshi would be able to give him a good bite using words, but for now he needed to be concerned with getting shelter and trying to change back. Letting out a hiss, his other arms made a little stretch before he started walking back in Takeshi’s direction with hope that he might be coming and hopefully help him with this man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Thank goodness Shu had changed back, no way could anyone deal with him if he went berserk. Takeshi breathed a bit easier seeing his brother as his regular self, pretty happy with not becoming his brother's next meal, or being mauled for that matter. After giving his brother a bit of reassurance that he'd done well by changing back, Takeshi focused back onto T'charrl and Sana, watching as their friend restrained the alien. So after all that they got their target, good. It felt a bit underwhelming to be honest, all of that work only to grab this guy so easily. Eh, at this point he'd be hard pressed to want to fight though, he'd take it. "We've got to get him back now... Yay..." That meant dragging Sana all the way to their ship, getting him secured inside and dropping him off for Servas. Takeshi was more concerned with Shu and T'charrl personally, but they had a job they'd agreed to and really should see it through. His brother's wishes to be carried weren't going to go unanswered, and with a tired smile Takeshi turned around, squatting again and helping Shu onto his back. Having both the gash on his back and shoulder irritated made him wince, but he ignored the discomfort as he stood up. "After that I bet, heh... Don't worry, when we get back to the ship we'll get you fixed up." T'charrl too for that matter, and himself, all three of them were in a bad way. If they never came back to Shaharia after this it would be too soon.

Carefully leaping off of the rooftop Takeshi descended back to street level, smiling tiredly at T'charrl. "Thanks for the help, you really saved our butts," he said, "You shouldn't have risked coming here though... I mean look at you, you're as bad as us and you hardly fought." It was well intentioned and all, but traveling across the desert was awfully risky. Still, it spoke leagues about what their friend was willing to do for them, and that fact wasn't lost on him. Looking at Sana for a moment as the Shaharian squirmed he stepped a bit closer, frowning as he reached out and clobbed the man in the back of the head, knocking him out with one good punch. "I've been wanting to do that all day," Takeshi said, smiling as he readjusted his grasp on Shu. "Sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to carry him, my hands are kind of full right now," he added, nodding his head to his brother on his back. "If you don't think you can make the trip back to the shuttle I can go get it? You two can wait here and relax while I go, it's not that far." He still had a fair bit of Ki left, he could fly there in moments and be back to pick them both up. Remembering that T'charrl wasn't exactly vocal like this he smiled sheepishly, "Uh... Just nod or shake your head if you want me to go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu didn’t want to be a burden or anything, but he was not feeling up to going anywhere and if he was going to go anywhere at all then he would have to be carried. It wasn’t fun to have to feel this way, especially when his mind set completely changed when he was in his other form. Staring at him with his arms up in the air, he slowly climbed up onto his back all while trying to be careful at the same time. He would probably feel better if he managed to get something to eat and luckily there were fruit on the ship, “We get you fixed up too! I’ll be okay and then you’ll be okay…” he spoke calmly, not feeling all that happy and bubbly quite yet, “We need to help Friend first, though…and my feet still hurt. Friends back at the ship will wonder where we are…”

T’charrl was pretty battered and yet was still willing to hold onto this man, just hoping he could last long enough out in this heat. It felt like he was burning all over and it didn’t help that his skin felt like it was stinging all over. Watching as Takeshi finally came back with Shu he let out a groan in response, tilting his head a little at the sight of him. He was getting pretty worn down; this was the longest he had been in this form and the energy usage was surprisingly high when he was hurt. Hissing a little as Takeshi simply knocked him out with a quick punch. Shame he couldn’t do that earlier, especially when they were tough before. Slowly placing him down in front of him, he looked back to Takeshi and hissed at him, hardly happy with that conclusion. He didn’t even know if he was going to change back in time, but if Takeshi could be quick then he would be willing to wait. Frowning deeply, he slowly nodded, moving Sana close to him and began to roll him over. He seemed to be tying a thin thread around him from somewhere but effectively binding him up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Yeah, I'll get fixed up too, we all will." Takeshi could imagine the look on the others' faces when they returned, each of them being bloodied and bruised. That was a whole lot of nonsense that he could do without really, he'd rather just slink off to the doctor and get checked up on as quick as he could. "They knew we were coming out here to do this, I think... I'd guess Viral told someone by now. They might not know T'charrl came out though." T'charrl after all was basically expected to stay on the ship and relax, neither of the boys expected their friend to appear. Ultimately it was a good thing he had, his intervention had likely saved their collective butts. Takeshi didn't feel much like lecturing the Kaesstrian over his coming here, he hardly had the energy just to carry Shu, let alone berate someone. Walking over to meet T'charrl he glanced down at the writhing Sana annoyed, frowning when he heard a few curses slip out of the alien's lips. Rolling his eyes in annoyance Takeshi brought a fist down on the back of Sana's head, knocking him out easily enough. What a pain in the neck this guy was, and they had hardly even fought him. How Servas planned on imprisoning this one was a bit of a mystery, Sana was certainly stronger than their friend back in the other city. Maybe they had something special in mind, they'd need something extra to keep this one down.

T'charrl was being extremely helpful by carrying Sana for them, seeing as Takeshi was busy with Shu. For someone who was in a bad way their friend was doing an awful lot for them, it was about time they repaid the favor. The only thing that Takeshi could think of doing was going to get the ship himself, let his brother and friend relax while he made the trip back. He had enough energy to fly, and in the meantime these two could catch their breath. Pitching the idea to T'charrl and getting a hiss in reply, the older boy cringed slightly, smiling nervously as he second guessed himself. With the adrenaline of the fight wearing off he was gradually regaining his usual unease around bugs, T'charrl included. The nod to go ahead made him relax a little bit, sighing before nodding in turn. "I'll be quick as I can, promise. You two just try to take it easy until then." Setting Shu down on his backside next to T'charrl, Takeshi smiled before turning around and flying off, making haste back to the ship. The further he got from the scene of the battle the more people he saw, and they were pretty well aware of his involvement. There were a few cheers, or what sounded like cheers, and a lot of shouts of anger or fright. Was taking down Sana the right thing to do? It had to be, the guy was a jerk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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T’charrl wasn’t in the mood for Takeshi acting all fine and dandy when he obviously wasn’t, still feeling a little annoyed that he didn’t accept the offer to close his wounds. He was trying to do something good for once in this disgusting form of his and yet he was still denied. For now, all he could do was wrap up the alien to make sure he wasn’t going anywhere, the thin yet strong strands being his own natural silk. It would take some effort to cut into this stuff, but despite that he didn’t have a care as to whether the man would ever be able to free his arms from it or will have to put up with it for a very long time, especially after all of this nonsense. He found Takeshi’s decision to get out of there quickly to be annoying when he needed to find shelter and nourishment before even thinking of leaving. He was much too big to go in the carrier while some of these aliens looked ready to shoot him with something that could only be pretty painful. Watching Takeshi place Shu down and fly off, slowly he lowered himself down to the ground and let out a sigh, trying to use the ground to cool down while passively hoping he wouldn’t fall unconscious and not get attacked if he changed back.

Shu flinched a little at Takeshi socking that guy one, but it had to be done if they were going to advance any with their quest. They needed to get this guy under their control somehow, even as T’charrl wrapped him up with some strange thread. Tilting his head a little, his eyes soon went to Takeshi as he took off before back to T’charrl who looked close to napping instead. He was a little nervous now, especially when there were a lot of people still around and making all sorts of strange noises at them. Looking around at them slowly, he frowned a little before pulling himself towards T’charrl a little bit more, his eyes looking to the sky hoping Takeshi wouldn’t be too long.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Leaving Shu and T'charrl lying around like that, was it such a good idea? Most of the guards in the immediate area had been dealt with but there was no guarantee more weren't on the way. In their state neither his brother nor friend could really fight off a mass of soldiers if they were beset upon. Takeshi wouldn't be able to either, he admitted reluctantly. That small skirmish had beaten him up much more than he'd expected, having anticipated only getting bumps and scratches. He was still mobile though, hence why he was the one going for the shuttle. If he could get it back before anything happened they'd make a clean escape. Leaving Shu under the care of T'charrl for the moment, Takeshi ran off, jumping into the air and flying hastily back in the direction they had come. People were out further in the city, lots of them, and they were well aware of who he was now. So much for being discreet too, that whole plan sort of flew out the window when this mission of theirs started. At least they had finished it though, they had accomplished what they came to do and could now leave with their materials in tow. Medicine and tools... Not really worth all this trouble, but it was a bit late to doubt what they had done.

Their ship was untouched, thankfully, and in the exact same manner they had left it. Being on the outskirts of the city Takeshi had worried a bit about someone stumbling across it, he was happy to find his concerns were unfounded. Landing at the side of their ship he opened up the doors, climbing in and taking a moment to lean against the wall, relaxing for just a second. His wounds were aching pretty badly and he felt a bit lightheaded, maybe dehydration. They did have fruit and water with them, but eating and drinking right now wasn't fair to the others. Resisting the urge to sink in to the bag of food he trudged over to the controls, sitting himself down at the main chair. Turning the engines back on he gave it a moment before trying to lift up, worried the sand might have messed up the thrusters. It felt smooth as could be, maybe there was no damage after all. The ship rose into the air without any issue, and with a simple push of the throttle it was moving quickly into the city. Since there were so many buildings, Takeshi had to fly it above most of them, weaving in and out would be a real pain. It didn't take very long at all to reach Shu and T'charrl though, and he found plenty of space to land in the street.

Getting Shu inside the shuttle was no problem, he was laid out in one of the drop-down hangars in the back of the ship. Sana was still bound and placed in one as well, strapped in too for good measure. Getting T'charrl inside was going to be another issue entirely. He was as big as the ship itself, it didn't take a genius to figure out he wasn't going to fit. Really there wasn't any way Takeshi could figure they'd move their friend, he might have to carry the Kaesstrian back himself. The problem solved itself thankfully as their friend changed back, returning to his still big, but not nearly as big, fuzzy form from before. Now he'd fit, though they still couldn't quite strap him down anywhere. For the time being he'd just have to hang tight and hope he wasn't tossed about too much while they traveled. With everyone inside the shuttle Takeshi returned to the shuttle, kicking it into gear. With a strong thrust the ship rose back up into the air, coming up over the top of the city-scape before flying back towards their main vessel. Leaning back in his seat, Takeshi sighed softly, turning his head to glance over at Shu. "Good job back there..." he said, smiling tiredly, "And you too T'charrl. You saved us, you know."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu didn’t like the look of T’charrl, feeling as if his friend really wasn’t all that well. He needed food just as much as anyone did and he hadn’t eaten for a while, but there wasn’t anything around for him to eat quite yet either. Going all big like that must use up a lot of energy and looking at him told him he didn’t feel all that good, his friend seemingly struggling to keep together with all these people around him. There was still a good chance that T’charrl was still in danger of being attacked by these people because of how monstrous he appeared to them and Shu knew he wasn’t in a good condition right now either to defend him. Looking around at all the people Shu moved ever closer to T’charrl’s head, slowly stroking his muzzle, “There, there good friend! You’ll be okay and I will be too!”

Anxiously waiting for Takeshi, T’charrl stared at Shu before his eyes slowly looked around cautiously at the people. They were shifting and looking at him nervously, their eyes not appearing to be removing themselves from his body. A few of them had weapons of some kind, all of them pointing in his direction. They were probably worried that he might leap at them and cause great harm and destruction. Hissing lowly at the sight of them he withdrew a little, feeling intimidated by the sight of them. He hoped Takeshi would get here soon, he didn’t know how much longer he could maintain his form and remain a threat to these people without them wanting to jump at him and try to kill him.

Thankfully, not too long later Takeshi soon came flying in with the shuttle and with that his mind was finally allowed to relax. T’charrl felt pretty relieved, his claws moving under his body as he tried to get up but instead collapsed on the ground again, his body eventually shrinking and changing back into his much smaller yet still big fuzzy form. Shu was a little worried for his friend, especially when only the sight of Takeshi returning caused him to lose energy and change back. He would try and help Takeshi with the ship and his friend, but with T’charrl’s size Takeshi was pretty forgiving of his small size and his own weakness that he still helped his friend into the ship. Proving to be a little bit of a squeeze with T’charrl’s big fluffy body, Shu still tried to get settled in and was eating some of the fruit but was also feeding T’charrl some as well, popping some into his jaws. Smiling at him, he looked to Takeshi quickly, shaking his head, “I didn’t do much…but it was close, huh?” he spoke, giving his head a quick scratch, “I guess Friend T’charrl did get to see the place, sort of…but now people are going to be mad at him…”
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