Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

In a Office Deep underground Ryan Dust stood waiting for his Employer~ Mr V.
He was surrounded by Armed guard's all with enough firepower to live nothing but a bloody mess of goo on the floor and of course he was stripped down to his vest and shorts. Just so he couldn't hide Anything. Mr V after was a powerful and dangerous man and people like him have loads of Enemies who would love to put a bullet in his brain, However Ryan Knew it would be foolish of him to try and kill someone who pays well for work, even if he was a paranoid employer to say the least.

"Ryan, its good to see you again" a hoarse voice said from the darkness " I know you hate the pleasantries so i will get straight to the point, you may or may not of heard from slaves that the wasteland hero known as Courier Six maybe be alive in Arizona and i want you to confirm this story and rescue that son of a bitch, if he is alive"

Ryan was shocked to hear that Mr V had taken a intrested in these rumors, after all most people that had been rescued were ill and starving so clearly would be confused, However if Mr V was interested he would pay for it if it really means that much to him " Okay V, you have my interest Costs alone to bribe the right people supplies and everything else on top of my pay will be a lot. this is deep legion territory we are talking about as well as chaotic Mojave which will have thousands of men trying to keep things in order and take down those who still resist." Ryan stated in his usual harsh tone.

" Yes i am paying a lot for this as are the people who have contacted me wanting this job done, And you wont be going alone, you will be taking a team with you i have already took the liberty of choosing them for you" Mr V said with a direct tone of voice, making his point of this not being up for debate very clear.

"Fine, i'll take the job ~ But these fools better follow my lead or this will be a very short trip"


4 days later ~ Hub ~ 1900 hours - abandoned Garage on the edge of town


Ryan sat in the dark reading over the files that Mr V Had given him, two supper mutants Dirge and Milo - A stealth expert - a Double agent and doctor. They seemed okay on paper..sort off But in person who knew he sat in the Dark abandoned Garage on the edge of Hub waiting for the first to arrive. He kept his 12.7mm sub machinegune at hand just incase as you knever know who he was meeting and had his bottle of whiskey in hand so he could keep himself focused without withdrawls.

All it was now is a waiting game
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

-double post
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 20 days ago

The Hub, a metropolitan sprawl, where anything and everything could be found in one city. The sun was setting over the city, casting the world into an amber haze, lights were starting to come on in stores and homes, and the homeless scurried into allyways and public accommodations for the night. Titus walked down the center of the road as day turned to night, he observed as food stands and merchants packed up for the night, rather quickly one might add and saw people locking doors and shutting shutters but there was one thing he didn't see, NCR police. They were all drafted to the army to guard the borders, most people were nervous of a major invasion by the legion, Titus usually scoffed at the idea, the legion-NCR line was far away from Hub. He was following instructions given to him by "Mr V", he still wasn't sure who his mysterious benefactor was, he only knew his handwriting from all the notes and letters he got giving him instructions and now he was in the Hub following another lead from a bother mysterious note. He hoped it was worth his while, the money that was meant to be enclosed with the package was missing, so he had to pay for his passage into the NCR out of his own (sparse) pockets. As he checked the note he heard someone calling out to him, he looked up from the note and looked down, the sound of the voice clearly coming from below him.
"hey mister." a skinny boy, ('no. It was a skinny girl', 'I'll amend it sir.'), a skinny girl called again from under him, so caked in filth and so rough looking that at first glance she appeared a boy, "can I have cap?", she looked at him with glassy eyes, her ands clutching the hem of her tatty dress. Titus sighed through his bandana.
"here.", he stuffed his hand into his pocket and pulled out two caps he tossed them to her one at a time, "one for food," he said "and one for a cola.", she looked up at him with glee and raced towards him and clutched his leg.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she squeed as she embraced his leg in a maniacal like grip.
"you're welcome," he said awkwardly, looking down at the small girl that enmeshed his leg, "now get!" he barked, shaking his leg furiously to dislodge the little girl. She let go and ran off down a side and away from Titus, "children." he mumbled under his breath as he continued forward.
He was at the location, a run down car workshop, he looked back down at the letter confused, 'you shall find my contact at the classy place specified down below' wrote Mr V, however this must have been the opposite, he was going to go in when he noticed another track of footprints leading in. They were large deep foot prints with horizontal lines as the tred, 'must be armored.' thought Titus as he crouched down to rub his fingers on the print, he brought them to his nose and sniffed, 'power armored' he deduced from the heavy smell of hydraulic fluid. He pulled out Right hand and loaded a mag if AP rounds, he creaked the door open and peered in, suspicions correct. Titus sighted down on the armored man, "you work for V?" he called out, crosshairs directed at the mans head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A series of lumbering steps slowly pounding against the dry wasteland dirt could faintly be heard through the air of this oddly silent night. Just a few clicks from Hub the source of this sound could be seen, a massive figure that was shrouded in the nights embrace slowly making it's way to the town. Though the night hide most of the lumbering mountain's features from a distance it could clearly be seen that it wore some sort of hood over it's massive head that attached to a long jacket. As it came even closer one would be able to see the large club that the figure kept strapped to it's back, despite the darkness it was still obvious that this club was crudely made from some sort of truck engine. Up close the figure's true nature would be reviled to be a Supermutant, though there was already little doubt of that. The hulking mutant dawned sickening facial expression with it's mouth wide open and it's rancid yellow teeth clenched together, if one wasn't crazy enough to think it they might believe that this Supermutant was smiling. As odd of a sight as it may of been to others this was the norm for this beast of a former human, Dirge the smiling Supermutant.

Dirge had made his way to Hub do the message he had received from one of his latest "friends" Mr. V. The message was an all to simple one that was read to Dirge by a Courier who looked on the brink of wetting himself and running for his life the whole time. It said that if he came to Hub that he will find Ryan Dust and that he would give him more jinglys. So with a pep in his rather large step, and two days of being lost, Dirge made his way to Hub and to the "old vroom vroom" building, which was word for word from the message. As he arrived the hulking Supermutant first came to the side of the building, which was wall with a window running along it's top. He balled his large hand into a massive fist then preceded to knock on the wall of the building. "Hello? I looking for Dusty Ryan." He said in his rough voice that sounded as if he spent his days gargling nails.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Superfly


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Quentyn Hunter's equipment rattled on his side. He closed his eyes with each step and then opened them and exhaled sharply as he clutched his left leg. Another step, another step and another. It wouldn't be long now. He had been travelling for a couple of days already when he got the letter from 'Mr. V', whoever that was. He assumed it was a legion trap, but no, California was NCR territory.

The luxuries of Jacobstown were still fresh on his mind compared to the scorching heat on the road. He had to leave though, they didn't give him a choice. Still, the road was preferable than his time as a slave with the legion, no-- he mustn't think that. Another step, another step, another step. "Ten steps, another ten steps since my last one. Ten sets of ten, and each step makes the stimpaks rattle twice, ten sets of ten by two is two hundred

"The road is cracked and fragile," He said outloud. "It'll take years to get this stretch of road done. The NCR is lazy. Yes sir, Colonel, I'll fix them up. It's my duty. I did my duty. I didn't flee and leave the wounded, nope. Not me, sir. But the hunter became the hunted, and then became an angel."

The words would slip from his mouth without any real thought put into them. Sometimes Quentyn hardly even noticed he was talking until someone would get his attention at which point he'd become ashamed of himself. The shame became a trigger, and the trigger became a mental breakdown and that became a violent outburst. He didn't mean to hurt the girl, she was just in the wrong place.

Quentyn stepped into the garage, acknowledging the man with a nod. His eyes traced the mans face for a second and then lowered to the floor. "I was told to come here by Mr. V, the courier said there'd be caps, I'm a doctor."

Living on the road was difficult. Quentyn had enough equipment for himself, bullets to shoot at the wildlife and his ripper to hold at night while he slept, but a man needed money to survive. He couldn't get a normal job though, he looked half-ghoul. People took one look at him, noticed his condition and then turned him down on the spot. The courier said it'd get better. The courier didn't lie.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Milo just kept his face covered with his BoS helmet he couldn't take the horror on peoples faces when they saw he was mutant, especially the kids, the very kids who used to run to him and play with him now ran in terror seeing his face. There were a select few who still knew he was just like before, just bigger but even they seemed uneasy near him, because of this covering his face is always better. When people can't see the face they assume he's a big guy, or an android, some even just assuming he's all bot, but all these were wrong they would never know Milo was a mutant. Lumbering along, he followed directions to the old car shop, run down and beaten, a good place for Sprinkles if Sprinkles wasn't with the Brotherhood.

As he entered the building he saw a collection of people already here, a human in Power Armour that had to be an Enclave variant since they are the only others with Power Armour, a human in combat armour with a white and red patch clearly medic, a human cowboy pretty much, and one other mutant big guy.

Sprinkles followed Milo through town, even though the children ran away when he ran up to play with them, and the adults threatened him Sprinkles loved being in this odd place vibrant with people. As he walked through the town, nothing stuck out to him so he just kept walking until they entered the run down car shop. Here he saw everyone, his first reaction was running to one person then the next to play with them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

After taking a sip from his whiskey bottle he heard the door creep open without hesitation he raised his 12.7mm at the direction of the door as man entered the abandoned Garage with his Gun Aiming at his head and called out "you work for V?"
Ryan Didn't responded at first just watched the stranger and his body movement- He could tell he was on the cautious side judging by stable low target area ready to move if needed stance. After gaining eye contacted once again Ryan Lowered his Gun And spoke with his Hoarse voice " Ryan Dust, Mr V's Contact - you must be Titus am i right?"
Ryan Signaled for him to take a seat by the small gas camping stove

A Few moments later large heavy footsteps could be heard outside and then a large banging sound "Hello? I looking for Dusty Ryan." clearly super mutant he thought he picked up his gun once again and walked to the old garage shutters and opened them knowing that a super mutant could never fit through the door " I'm Ryan Dust,i assume that your Dirge? going by your big hammer" he had his gun ready to fire if needed even though it would do littel good against a mutant like him "right come on in then once the others get here we can talk about Caps..jinglies?"
Over the next half an hour the Doctor and the other mutant arrived each getting the message from Mr V and all getting here on time- which was surprising especially form the two mutants.
Ryan still wasn't happy with the idea of working as a team but Mr V was the one who played the money and it was MR V who set the rules for the mission,
he noticed that only one of the group wasn't here yet - the stealth expert. but he thought that he could filler her in with the details once she arrives

"Right, lets get down to why we are here - We have been employed by Mr V to take on a mission going into legion territory to arizona to be precise the Main focus is to get there alive to find intel on the One known as Courier Six if he is alive we are to mount a rescue effort to bring him back to the NCR Assuming he is not with the legion, if hes dead we return home as quickly as possible however this is not our only Objective- our secondary objective will be be gathering intel on what the hell is going on in the Mojave, last solid intel we got was over 18 months ago and Mr V was to know, for what reason is his own but he will pay more for it"

He looked about making sure everyone knew what was going on-

"we will be posing as a caravan and using a contact in the legion we will get a legion Caravan pass this does mean we will have to trade with legionnaires and those few free men that are about, so try to be nice- In terms of caps the "caravan pot will consist of 2000 legion coins which if any is left we will split with those who make it back for success of the primary mission you will all get 10-000 caps or equivalent, with an added 5-000 if we bring six back alive also we will get 3-000 caps if we get any useable intel so we can possible make 17-000 caps. each."
he looked about waiting for their response
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

~"As I laid there, buried beneath the wreckage of old world dreams, I listened, staring into the cracked ceiling until the last voice stopped screaming, and I was slowly consumed by silence"~

Amelia had been getting bored, watching this guy in the armor sit and do nothing. Honestly she hadn't even known if this was the guy she was supposed to meet but considering his gear she wasn't going to chance a confrontation. No, that would be unwise and she'd most definitely lose that engagement. The best course of action would be to wait him out, see what he does and who he speaks with. Worst case scenario she could just sneak up on him and cut something important, if she couldn't just slip out the same way she entered of course. But before any of that it seemed someone new had arrived, pointing a gun at the man in an armor and asking him if he worked for Mr V. She raised her eyebrow, watching the exchange curiously and even more so as more people arrived with similar questions. It was clear these were the people she was supposed to meet, but she decided not to make her presence known just yet. After all just because they were the right people, didn't mean they were the sort she'd run with. Though when the man in power armor announced the contract sum she couldn't help but give a casual smile from under her helmet. That amount of caps would have her living comfortably for a while, and some time off was certainly a welcome thought. "Sounds good to me~" she spoke in a soft and calm tone, the small hexagons of her stealth suit revealing her form as she deactivated the stealth field.

She sat in a chair in the corner with her feet up on a table which seemed to be missing a leg, arms crossed casually as if she really wasn't bothered about anything going on in that present moment. She swung her legs down to the floor, pulling herself forwards to the edge of the seat before she reached up for her helmet, pulling it over her head before running a gloved hand through her hair to make it look at least a little presentable. She smiled, placing the helmet between her legs onto the seat before laying her elbows on it so she could rest her head in her hands. "So where exactly do we start, and not to be rude, but we don't exactly look like your every day caravaners" she spoke, her eyes fixated on the power armored man as she awaited the answer to her question.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 20 days ago

"Ryan Dust, Mr V's contact - you must be Titus." the armored lump said, his throat dry like the Mojave sands, Ryan lowered his pistol and rested his head on the wall behind him. Titus stared at the man dumbfoundedly, 'how the hell does this guy know who I am' he thought to himself. he let himself in, lowering his rifle but not slinging it behind his back, Titus was not one to trust so quickly, he walked across the room to a crate in a far corner and purched  himself on top of it, giving himself a semi-birds eye view of the workshop below him, the small camping stove crackled in the center of the room, illuminating it in a flickering orange light. He was about to lower his guard completely when he heard it, the clicking, it came from the wall behind the power armored lump, how he couldn't hear it was beyond him, he raised his rifle and sighted down, the crosshairs on the wall behind Ryan and pulled the trigger, a high pitched whine broke out through the wall so he fired again, muting the sound instantly. 'rats' he thought to himself as he unloaded the rifle and and started cleaning it,  Slowly and thoughtfully snapping out the bolt assembly and pulling a rag out of his bag, before he could touch the bolt he heard a sound.
A a loud knock on the wall echoed through the building and a voice rang out, "hello?I looking for Ryan Dust.", Titus snapped the assembly back into his rifle faster then he removed it and chambered a HP round as Ryan moved to open the large garage doors to invite the mutant in as the main door was much too small, he sighted down for the 'too-many-time-th' that day. The lumbering mutant entered calmly enough, seemingly smiling, that smiling head would have been blown off if he had done something stupid, as they continued to converse a breeze blew into the room and shifted some dust around, he watched as it flowed through with the light wind. It hit something where there was nothing, the air shimmered among the dust particles and settled again, Titus cracked a smile, 'a stealthy one, huh?' he said sarcastically to himself. 
Soon everyone else filtered in and got settled down, another mutant and ghoulish doctor, a strange team in all respects, talk of money started to excite the people in the room and Titus had to admit he was fairly interested in the large sum but there was something on his mind.
"I'm gonna need 1,000 extra," he said nonchalantly, pulling his bandana further up his face to cover his nose, "I didn't get the money to enter the NCR.", as he finished his words the stealthy spy materialized out of no where.
"sounds good to me- So where exactly do we start, and not to be rude, but we don't exactly look like your every day caravaners" she said a tad incredulously, looking at the group. Titus just smiled.
"I don't know about you," he said bluntly, adjusting his bandana, "but I happen to own a legion passport,"  Titus sat up on the crate instead of leaning on the wall, "we could go in no hassle, you could be my slaves and the mutants defectors." happy with his plan he leaned back and waited for a reply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Dirge stared at the wall he knocked on with a bizarre focus, only moving his gaze from the cement barrier when he heard the rattling of the shutters of the garage be pulled open. He offered the man who clamed to be the Ryan he was looking for a sickeningly yellow grin, the Supermutant nearly threw his arms up into the air but decided against it as the last time he did so he was fired at by someone who assumed that he was doing some sort of odd battle cry. He lumbered forward and entered the building, ducking his head to keep from whacking it on the pulled shutters. He noticed another man in the building and immediately waved his massive hand before nearly shouting in his gravelly voice. "Hello Human!" He would of continued but another entered the room shortly after he did causing him to repeat the same rather unsettling greeting. But as before he could continue a third entered the room but unlike the others this one was obviously not human, but instead like himself a mutant. Dirge took a few cautious steps away from the new arrival as he had very little experience with his own kind and the little he did have was least than pleasant. But luckily his attention was grabbed away from his slow mounding fears and back to the man he was sent there to find.

As the power armored man began to explain what was the plan poor Dirge found himself lost in the speech, the oddest look of utter confusion dawning on his face. He was about to try and ask when he will get his jinglys when he heard a voice much to voice much too soft to be anyone currently in the room. Then as the woman faded into view Dirge began to smile and clap his meaty hands together. "How pretty lady do that? Can you make I do that?" He asked, completely forgetting to ask about his jinglys.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Lady, I don't know who you are, but I recommend you tell me where you got that technology. It's a danger to humanity and must be kept under the security of the Brotherhood. Relinquish it to me, and I will personally reimburse you." Milo said as he advanced towards the once invisible woman. "Please, don't make this hard,"

Sprinkles was initially shocked by the woman appearing, but tht shock didn't last long as he quickly ran up to her rubbing against her leg like a cat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 20 days ago

"Let her have it mutant." Titus moaned at the BOS member, "it's not like it would save her from an AP." with that he rested his head on the wall and closed his eyes, his arms folded across his chest, his right hand clutching his pistol incase things suddenly went sour, which odds are with his luck was a huge possibility.
He started to imagine what he could do with all that money, he would go north, away from everything and everyone and he'd buy a pre-war house and fix it up, make it presentable and maybe start up a farm, 'who knows?'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Amelia listened intently to the plan, she had some reservations about it though, the first of which she voiced in reply. "While not a bad plan, I don't exactly look like a slave..." she said, cocking her head to the side causing some of her hair to slide off her shoulder. She then looked to the super mutant who seemed to enjoy the stealth field built into the armor, smiling softly "I might have something similar I could give you" she replied. She carried a few Stealth Boys with her just in case the armors stealth field ever became damaged during combat. She was about to see about getting one out when the other mutant moved towards her demanding she hand over her gear. "You wouldn't be the first Brotherhood member to try that line with me, and as I'm still breathing I would ask you to question what became of that situation. I strongly recommend you rethink this and give me some space... you're scaring me" she said without any trace of fear or hesitation at all, both her gloved hands resting upon her weapons. She wouldn't draw them unless he came any closer or made a threatening move.
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