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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"I'll still talk with Jack, as he might find it weird you asking for help. Might think you're poaching members" Jamie laughed, looking over when Ferrin created an illusionary Mithera. Jamie studied it and nodded. Even fooling Iron Enigma for a few hours would be beneficial, "You're wrong, I need to tell my members. What if Karn tackled the fake mithera, and found it not quite what it should be? What if someone did something and the fake didn't react as it should? That would be suspicious in itself" Jamie said "and Frankly, I don't want you going with Mithera. You have already caused enough problems, and I feel that it would be better to watch you, as I'm more then sure Grant Vale knows you are part of the group that attacked their guild-Even if he didn't come inside the building, it wouldn't be hard to simply ask around who Ferrin was with to find out you were with him. You go with Mithera, and they are sure to follow even if they don't know you are with her. So you stay. I will enforce that, I have my own magic, and a prison Lacrima"
@Crimson Raven@Burthstone
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago



"C-considering you were toying with people's lives you have no right to complain. Now get up on your feet and walk...please?" The titan of a man added the last part in a soft whisper. The last thing he wanted to do was remain involved with whatever these creatures were, but he may as well see it through the end. They seemed to be offended that they weren't called by whatever in the world that they are. Levi has done many excavations and searches through ruins, but never had he read or seen anything quite like them. Whatever they are though, it seemed like they have bad ties with this Jamie person, presumably Phoenix Wing's guild master.

Levi turned to James who picked the moths up over his shoulder and asked, "Um, sir knight? Why do you refer to your guild master as both a male and a female? He had heard a rumor that no one in the guild that people kept switching their guild master's gender because they didn't know what exactly the mage's gender was though he never would've guessed that it was true.



Ferris arched his brown wondering why Jessie would go to such lengths to charm the entire room. They simply could've just locked the door, but he guessed it was just in case someone decided to tamper with the equipment or play a bad prank on them. "So um, ready to go?" Yikes he never thought he would've been so nervous though thanks to Jessie's little quip about having 'fun' he's been a bit off kilter.



"Yeah yeah, whatever. It doesn't matter anyway. I'm gonna go back to sleep before this day somehow gets even worse than it already has. Ciao." Nolan shut the door on Damian and proceeded back to the chair that he was sleeping in before. He dropped onto it and groaned from another headache throbbing with no sign of stopping. He really just wanted today to end already.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 5 days ago

Dornae Namari - The Luckless Enchanter
Theme I/|\Theme II/|\Theme III

Eyes staring, but at nothing in particular, as if through anything within their gaze, Dornae absorbed the information provided him as he stood there, listening. It seemed that he was not the only one who thought Mithera to be someone in need of assistance or protection. This was made clear by the Guildmaster's worry. However, more interesting was the mention of Mithera's not having been in a human form for over a century. How was she still alive? Perhaps it was a question for later or perhaps he would never know. It all depending on his choices....

The discussion seemed to evolve further as the newcomer, who was apparently also a member of Phoenix Wing, joined in, voicing his willingness to assist the girl. Dornae rubbed his chin absently as Mithera briefly mentioned owing them. He didn't make a move to speak despite her words. In fact, he remained silent until Ferrin's demonstration and then Jamie's words about not wanting them to assist the dragon girl. His eyes rose, their gaze locking onto the man. "My association with them is loose at best," he said, his tone hard, he had decided that hanging around Ferrin, at the very least, was a bad idea in and of itself. He made no effort to soften the blow or look at either of them as he continued, "In fact, I came upon a member of Iron Enigma, if the energy signatures are anything to go by, and he had no idea I was part of the assault. Then again, I served a fairly minor role really. Ferrin put himself out there far more and if he's not careful is going to draw the attention of all the wrong crowds. However..." he started, glancing at Mithera and Lucas, "I have a rather broad skillset and due to my rather bad luck in previous instances, I've had to pry myself out of many situations and hide in plain sight plenty. I know how to stay under the radar, both through behavior and through magic. I also feel like staying in this city for a few more days would be foolish, despite my minor involvement."

His expression was a serious one and he'd made sure to stand apart from Ferrin and Valak, to further give the impression of separation from them. They were trouble, the both of them, though in very different manners, and he'd had quite enough of their brand of trouble. "Although going with her does contradict the whole reason I came here in the first place," he noted aloud, "...as I'd intended to find a Guild while I was here. I've been working solo for far too long and the stable income from missions would be helpful as well." He gave Jamie a small smile, and in a joking tone added, "Any room in Phoenix Wing perhaps?"

@Burthstone, @Crimson Raven, @Caits, @BrodZ11711.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 1 mo ago


The woman frustrated him. He hadn't accused all council members of being scum. They were people to be feared. After all, no matter how powerful one could become, the council had weapons to eradicate all if necessary. He knew how corrupt the council network used to be, having had associates on the inside, through his darkest era. He shouted out to the women as she left. "Hey lady! I know you hate them too." He had gotten a sense of her feelings towards to the council already. "You aren't a very good actress." He sighed. "The point of having magic is protect the ones you care about. If the people I care about are threatened, no matter who they are, I will stand against them." He nodded and said nothing else.


"Hunter... what the..." He turned up behind, assessing the situation. Hunter was a powerful wizard, not far off his own age. The difference was, that hunter still had the mind of a 10 year old. He shook his head and the Jade dragon rushed in. "I'll sit this one out dragon." He formed an iron dagger in his hand, leaning onto one leg. "I assume you wont need me." He played with the tip of the blade, being careful not to cut himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mithera --- Hotel Room
Mithera looked up and around at everyone wanting to help her, and she was very much gladdened, and she made two little jumps to get to the end of the bed, and sat with her forepaws on the foot of the bed. Her tail would wave about happily, and she'd ignore her doppelganger. "I'm delighted that all of you really want to help me and all, but Iron Enimga's probably watching this hotel by now. Anyone who goes in or out will be reported back to them. Not to mention, uh..." she hesitated for half a moment before continuing "Mr. Guy here was seen by Grant. But, uh, besides that... uhm... I think only me and one or two other people should end up going. And anyone who's spotted leaving this hotel p-probably shouldn't go so... Can you leave a teleportation lacrima here too Jamie? So that I can just appear somewhere else in town and not be seen." Mithera's tail would wave a bit more, and she'd start to look excited for this.

@Caits@Crimson Raven@Yoshua171@Brodz11711
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Racist? You guys clearly ain't human, you look more like a spirit or something. But I ain't never seen spirits like you." James gently pushed Cody away, so Cody decided to get up and dust himself off. Cody sighed before going back to the girl, turning back to look at James.
"Do we bring her with us?" He asked the paladin, unsure of what to do. He decided to take her with them for the time being anyway, picking her up and carrying her on his back piggy-back style.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BrodZ11711
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BrodZ11711 Master of the New Age

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lucas Ryder| Hotel Room

Whne Lucas heard that the hotel was probably being watched he turned to Master Jamie and softly whispered into his ear, "Someone was on this building, but I don't think it could be Iron Enigma, not if they have a lightning style mage." He turned to Mithera, and replied to her comment, "I know I was told not too but i guess this came in handy. I followed Master Jamie as instructed, but I wore my mask and hood. This is a new disguise so no one could no its me. I'm safe to take you." Lucas slowly turned to Master Jamie, waiting for the disapproval of breaking his rule about the mask.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

III - the Emperor
IV - the Empress


True to his word, the Emperor and Empress were lightweight, though that didn't make the strain of bearing the indignity of the situation any better. Gil released a thunderous complaint -”Uuuuuuggggggghhhh”- and pleaded, “Aw, not Jamie. Have a heart!” He glared at Levi through the tendrils that contained his companion and him like caught rabbits in a sack. “Are all of you Wingers so oblivious? How, may I ask, can we get up and walk if we've just been picked up in a bag?”

Gil wriggled around a bit, adjusting the position of both himself and a wrathful but unable-to-move-or-speak Sadie. “Oops, sorry love. Tight situation and all that. There!” The two were settled in for the trip. Peering through the hole in his black binding, Gil looked at the passing people, a shining orb of blue from within the dark confines. “I don't suppose you cads are into bathroom breaks? Heh.”


X - Wheel of Fortune
XIX - the Sun


A difficult-to-describe noise, part way between a grunt and a retch, escaped Lakota's mouth when she found herself skewered. As impossible as it seemed, Mark lifted her up on the end of his spear and threw her over to land heavily on the inhospitable street. She wheezed, her eyes literally steaming with a raging inner fire, but the Sun held herself in check and did not rise. “You...” she puttered, barely able to contain herself. “rotten stain...”

The sight of Luna on a knee drew a smile from Lockheart. She stepped forward, a hand on her hip and the other held against the side of her head, mocking the Iron Enigma sorceress. “Aw,” she crooned, “It was just a little voltage. I was really hoping I could up the dose! Oh, I'll just do it anyway.” Her tentacles crackled with more electricity, and she watched a particularly nasty locus of orange lightning aggressive forward rush, and all four of her eyes widened. “What? You should be paralyzed...!” The breath burst from her mouth as her lungs were crumpled by Luna's halberd, and before she could even cry out, a second strike to her face cracked her glasses and sent her to the ground. Gasping for air, and chest heaving, Lockheart struggled feebly. When she could speak again, she rasped, “No. Vale has to pay...for what he did to us.”


VI - the Lovers
XII - the Hanged Man

@Invisible Man@Caits@liferusher

Dog and Jann met in a forceful clash and immediately tangled, but the struggle lasted only a brief time. Between a human, however creepy and unnatural he or his surroundings, and a being designed for battle, a contest of physical strength held a definite bias toward the Zodiac Spirit. Within a few moments, Jann was pinned, his crimson exhalations starting to increase in intensity. The surroundings, meanwhile, altered even further. Now objects very near, including the still form of Cecilia and numerous training weapons, started ignoring the laws of gravity and slowly floated toward the sky.

Naomi, however, did not cease her assault. With Dog out of the way dealing with Jann, the enormous, human-faced serpent had a clear line of attack toward Gabriel, and wasted no time slithering right up to him and beginning to coil around the boy with clear intents to constrict. ”Heart and ssoul,” she hissed in a whisper. ”Paltry consstructs. Love is sstronger. Wait and ssee...” Her coils began to tighten.

VIII - Justice
XVII - the Star


A bed of jade spikes erupted beneath Imani, piercing her in several places and flinging her into the air. Spittle flew from her lion's face alongside her snarl of pain, but if she hoped for relief she would be sorely disappointed. Hunter's Tail Swipe knocked her back down to earth, and her limp form crushed stray pieces of jade beneath it on landing. Ruthlessly, the Jade Dragon Slayer followed up with even more attacks, too intent on throwing out as many strikes as possible to realize that the Mystic Beast was already beaten.

By the time hunter finally relented, the bruised and badly cut-up body of Imani lay partially embedded in the street. Her human skin was wet with blood and her dress in tatters, while her tawny lion's fur had turned a matted brown. And yet, despite it all, Imani still lived; she even retained consciousness, though all that meant for the duel was that she could still feel every bit of agony inflicted upon her unmitigated.

Mercy came quickly, however. Abruptly, the mole from earlier trundled up, and laid a hand on Imani's forehead. A brief but radiant light flashed, and Imani's twitching grew still. After this, the mole looked up at Hunter. “Ya got 'er good, chief. Ah was gonna 'ave a rough time of it, looks like. My name is Clifton, and Ah've been after this lady fer a long time. Dang'rous criminal. Are ya a guild wizzer? If so, we oughta get Miss Lion 'ere to 'im right quick. I reckon a guild master kin hold 'er until the Council arrives.”

Laughing, Nero bowed repeatedly to Trinity and Eve. ”All in a day's work!” A second later his merriment trailed off suddenly, and his face bore an expression that might have been mock seriousness or mock sadness-either way, Nero looked comically crestfallen as his replied, ”That's my only attack. Yeah..”

He found and took a seat to watch Trinity's performance. Of course, the archeress outdid herself, nailing the target repeatedly with impressive accuracy. As much as he envied someone with such skillful combat magic, Nero knew that archery wouldn't fit into his style. Instead, he merely clapped twice and jokingly snarked. ”Show-off. Now I feel bad about my own marksmanship. Remind me to never make you mad. I bet being I the firing line of that bow would be a h-arrow-ing experience, heehee.” Opting to seize the opportunity, the Genie scooted over on the bench until he was right next to Eve, and managed to slide an arm around her expansive waist. ”Ah, I'm havin' a great time! Totally forgotten about those jerks from earlier. What even is anger anymore? Hangin' out in public with my friends, havin' fun. Why, some poor fool might even mistake me for normal!”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Hunter Jorgenson|Streets of Crocus

Hunter, surprised at how quickly her defenses had crumbled at the end, nodded at the moleman, glad he wasn't in for a round two cause now his stomach was really growling. "Yeah, I'm a member of Dragon Fang. We can head to our hotel, since Master Jack should be heading that way here soon. Plus I can grab some grub along the way if not when we get there."

James Hunt|Streets of Crocus-Phoenix Wing Hotel

James raised an eyebrow at Artemis, ignoring the incessant whining of the butterfly knight. "Watch Ariel?What exactly does that entail for you?" Their hotel had come into view and he silently hoped that Master Jamie was back. These two, especially the knight, had a way of grating on peoples nerves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Somehow the snake had gotten passed the dragon, and Gabriel felt revulsion as it began to fool around him. Angry, he lifted a hand, managing, just to get it out of the coiling snake before it grew too tight, and the dagger he had take to carrying since his first job was in his hand. He had forgotten about it, forgotten he even wore it, didn't even know how to use it properly, but figured it was easy enough. Just stick them with the pointy end. So he slashed down and stabbed the snake, because there was no way this was how he died.

The dragon roared and bit down on the snakes tail. "let me go you overgrown; hairless, ferret! Or I swear to all the gods I will shove so many holes in you you'll look like Swiss cheese!" Gabriel didn't even know what Swiss cheese was, but he didn't care.

master Jamie
@burthstone@brodz11711@crimson raven
Jamie just nodded, "I can leave a teleportation lacrima. You chose who you wish, Mithera. But if you get captured, I'm coming after you. I want you to use the communication lacrima every day, just so I know you're okay. If you don't...I will come after you" Jamie said, taking out a teleportation lacrima, and leaving it within reach. Jamie then hesitated, and left another one, "teleport somewhere else, to another hotel, or even to dragon Fangs hotel, for the night. It will be safer, they know you are here after all. Jack won't let them in, and I'll take the illusion out with me, so they think you've left and are at the guild hotel with me" Jamie glanced at the time, knowing she should head back to the hotel now. Make sure everyone was alright. Check that Jarvis had returned.

"I'll head off now, make sure the rest of the guild hasnt destroyed anything" Jamie smiled, looking over at dorane, Jamie said "there's always room in the guild. Come back with me and I'll give you a guild

@yipeeXD@silver fox
Sasha just sighed, and said "let's go back to the hotel, it's getting late" she said, and right then she wanted nothing more then a bed, and maybe some food. She picked up Karn from the railing, so he wouldn't have to fly to the hotel, after the battle she had no doubt he was tired. "we can get a drink at the hotel bar"

announcer Jessie
Jessie smiled brightly and nodded "yup!" Ferris seemed nervous, and Jessie frowned slightly. Was he thinking about earlier? She bit her lip, and said "I know this nice place, it's got good food, drinks, music, dancing. It's a nice place, good to relax in"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Isla's apartment


Argus definitely felt embarrassed by the fact he didn't knew on how to make tea by a simple matter of water cooking but Isla gave a warm smile and chuckled a little at his behaviour "You are definitely something else!..." Isla turned quiet for a bit as her smile turned kinder "I like it though." The tea slowly began cooking and eventually reached cooking point with some small talk between Argus and Isla in the meantime.

Isla had been inspecting his magic for quite a bit and found it rather fascinating on how is power worked but still was curious to how it really worked. It might be a better idea to ask him later about how it works after he uses it a bit more. He seemed to be using it for daily tasks too so she was sure to see his magic again some time. Argus seemed to be liking the taste of the tea but didn't look entirely sure about it. He himself looked more like a coffee person so it was an idea to give him a try at it "Can you get something else out of the kitchen? Uuuuhhmmm, Coffee beans that are in the metal box. A grinder that is in the second cupboard to the right aaaannnddd coffee filter. O and another cup!" She gave a smile at him while folding one of her legs over the other to sit like a real lady while she lightly sipped her tea.

After Argus had gotten the stuff out of the kitchen she thanked him. Argus asked about how Isla the painting would be making and what pose he had to sit in. Isla gave him a small smile while hearing him out and replied back "You don't have to pose! I can make anything just by looking at you so you are free to move. Just tell me what pose you would like to see yourself in or you can do it right now and I'll start painting right away. Oh! Also tell me if you would like any scenery in the background! doesn't matter what it'll be!" Isla tilted her head and gave a short smile before waiting on him to get her a new canvas and her painting supplies.


Frenzy Camp

Gabriel - Magni - The lovers - The Hanged Man

The man in the diving suit slit his own throat and made mucky water spill from the wound right in front of their feet. The grass and such withered as the water engulfed the ground. Thor only became furious and remained charging at the hanged man despite the water being there, a little pain did not matter. The hanged man blocked all Thor's incoming attacks while Thor released a small "Tsjj" from their mouth. A sort of shield surrounded the man in some weird spiritual stuff. When Thor started attacking while the shield was still up multiple ropes exploded from underneath the man restraining Thor from moving any further. Thor didn't have any time to react and was launched backwards. Thor rolled a few times before they could use their lightning form to stand upright again and pull to a stop afterwards with their feet drifting over the grass.

Thor spit some mud from their mouth right next to them on the grass and whipped their mouth. Thor glanced over at Gabriel for a moment to see if he was fine, the lovers seem to be having a great time fighting Gabriel. However it did not go as bad for Gabriel as Thor thought it would. Thor looked around Gabriel and noticed the anti mage was gone from his spot. Thor quickly scanned around and found Magni attacking the diver his back while Thor was slung backwards. In Thor's way of thinking it would have been better for Magni to help Gabriel fight so they could have the upperhand there and later help Thor while Thor distracts the hanged man. Well this would work too.

When Thor noticed the hanged man turning around Thor immediately dash forwards while quickly launching one of their attacks "Lightning Ball" Thor kept dashing forward together with the ball made out of electricity and delivered a fairly hard punch in his back. Thor continuously punched the man sending small electrical shocks through his body. When Thor was mini stun him on the spot for a small amount of time Thor also loaded themselves up with electricity "Discharge" Thor remained punching the man and short after jumped a few feet back with Thor's lightning ball form to see if they had done any damage.


Reddy, Ame, and Fyher's Magic Range

Eve - Nero - Trinity

Ayame lightheartedly chuckled at Nero as he was thinking up a new title for himself "P-pharaoh Nero." She shyly smiled at him and tilted her head a little while they still walked inside. Ayame had taken shelter behind the dark mage his back again to hide from the many new presences that had appeared in the range. She still softly talked with Nero "E-eve should a-also help you w-with guild related t-things then. I-it s-sounds p-pretty hard to d-do alone." Eve talked a bit more about her own magic making Ayame aware of Eve her magic too. They all went straight to the shooting range area for magicians. It didn't seem all that busy then by the normal firing range but how fewer people the better. Ayame felt excitement rush through her veins when Nero announced to launch his own magic attack. She had seen many things before but never his combat magic. Ayame quietly stood besides the mage and watched at him go.

Nero shot out a small black needle out of his hands but it did not produce much sound or anything and it didn't look all that special either. Ayame was quite disappointed this time but still awkwardly smiled at his attack. Eve seemed to dig his attack for quite a bit Ayame remained smiling but just had to make a little tease "I-i'm s-sure you would b-be a great d-doctor someday. The k-kids w-will love i-it how y-you give t-them their s-shots." She chuckled a little at her own joke but still felt a little bad for turning his attack down like that. Trinity went up next and apparently she had some type of archer magic. Once she launched a few shots with her bow and quiver she could only stare in awe at how good she was. Ayame clapped enthusiastically but after that returned back to Nero his back in embarrassment. Ayame wanted to go up next so she went to a close by weapon storage and looked around the multiple weapons. Something that was automated and didn't look all to big fitted her mind. Ayame politely asked the man if she could fire the weapon just once.

Ayame got handed some safety glasses and the weapon after she pointed at Nero that he was her safety protector. With some effort she walked over to one of shooting stalls and raised the weapon onto the table with a whole lot of strength. She carefully aimed at the target and let go of the crossbow. She ducked down and covered her ears tightly "F-fire..." There was a moment of silence before the crossbow fired away by the doll magic of Ayame and launched itself backwards by the recoil. For a moment it balance on the back of the table before it dropped onto Ayame her head. Ayame covered her head with both hands as the weapon fell onto the ground "Ittai!" Ayame her eyes got a little teary but nothing to major had happened to her. The bolt however landed somewhere on the side of the target way off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Magni - Frenzy Plant Camp

The Warglaives sliced against flesh once they managed to slide across the Hanged Man's back. The blades piercing into the body as he tore away something inside of that nasty mess of a living being. It also felt pretty nice to finally be able to see another enemy! The embarrassing defeat that he had suffered from his two opponents struck his ego quite heavily, but the sounds of pained screaming was helping him rebuild his pride. Though, it seemed that the unbridled rage of the Hanged Man was soon going to be directed to the attacker, Magni watched as the body seemed to turn towards his direction with a nasty weapon in his hand. The Antimage, with his trusty quick reactions, managed to protect himself from the damaging blow. He crossed both of his arms together, creating almost an X-shape as both of the blades were on their flat sides making an almost make-shift shield. It was in the nick of time, the Hanged Man's longsword connected to his blades causing Magni's firm stance to be tested.

Metal clashed against metal, the longsword slamming straight into Magni's own weapons. It was a terrifying force, the Antimage's feet sliding against the ground from the power of the angry swing. Though, even with the powerful strike, Magni held true to his defense. It was true that his muscles were hurting quite badly at the moment, due to the earlier fight, but he was just having fun beating people up! As the last of the force from the attack ebbed away, Magni looked to the side to find Thor had awoken, and liked kind of pissed. The Antimage soon blinked away, retreating several meters away and giving the space Thor needed to kick some Mystic Beast ass.

It came in quite a beating, one large punch to the back would signify that it was a rather brutal beating. It didn't help as well when Thor continued to start a flurry of electric punches into the Hanged Man continuing the onslaught of pain. Magni grinned under his mask, might as well help with some of his magic. The Warglaives sparked, lightning crackling off the sharp pieces of metal. So, just as Thor disengaged from the stunned Hanged Man, The Antimage aimed and slammed his two weapons together causing a discharge of lightning to escape from his weapons and straight into the already electrified being. Talk about overkill.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 9 days ago

Argus smiled at Isla's compliment( or at least, he chose to perceive it as such) before getting up to walk back into the kitchen, getting the things she had described. Unlike alcohol or tea, coffee was something Argus was familiar with, though he'd never made it himself. He'd usually just order it whenever he stopped by a place that sold it. He'd tell Isla of this as he went to properly make it, calling back a few times for instruction on how to do certain things. After a few tries, however, he'd come back with two hot cups of coffee.

As the girl explained the details of the process to him, he took to popping a rather size-able amount of sugar cubes into his coffee before stirring the dissolving granules into the cup's darken depths. He took a moment to consider what he wanted, seeming to have a bout of internal conflict play across his face before he finally nodded his head, having come to a decision.

"In my picture, I'd like it if I could be sitting down in front of a pond, looking at my reflection, only instead if only my reflection, I see it joked by two others. One my right would be the me I used to be, dressed in ragged clothes, covered in grime and locked in chains. . . with my mother's blonde hair and my father's blue eyes." As he spoke, the white- haired girl wouldn't be able not see the disheartened look on Argus' face, his eyes glazed over as his thoughts turned to the past, hardly a good memory to be found. "In the center is the me I am presently, with hair, eyes, and soul dyed crimson by many darker deeds I'd been forced to commit. Sand to the left of that would be the me . . . that I can be. There would only be a silhouette surrounded by red and black fire, tongues of crimson lightning branching around me in a cage, the only thing visible through the haze being a pair if eyes glowing a deep menacing red."

Argus would take a second to calm himself down, as tears had started to fall from his eyes, the young man apologizing with a sad smile as he did so.

"I'm sorry for unloading all of that, but I kinda wanted this to mean something if I'm going to keep it, so why not make it a reminder of some memories, some good . . . most being much less so. If you feel awkward about painting the portrait now, then I understand and will take my leave." Argus voice slowly began to gain a vulnerability to it as he looked at the young girl who he'd accidentally given a glimpse into his past, which was something he wanted to bury and leave behind him.

But how can you do that if you're holding on too me!

A familiar voice whispered to him from his subconscious mind, but he promptly ignored it. Twice before, he'd given into to it's honeyed words, and both times it had brought only destruction and death. As long as he could prevent it, there would not be a third.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn || Phoenix Wing Stands

Karn gave out a instinctive purr as he was picked up by the strange woman, though gave a coo of complaint when she set him down on railing. As she bid them farewell and after Lazarus decided to yell after her, the draconic cat purred and chirped. "ByeBye! Have a good night!" he called cheerfully before looking to Sasha as she spoke of heading back before curfew. Karn purred as he was picked up by the ice wizard and happily cuddled up to her, closing his eyes. He was really tired, so he was grateful for the lift.

Prince || Dragon Fang Hotel


"Awww I suppose you would be a little young to know. And your pretty innocent. Probably didn't try to sneak in drinks." Prince teased with a mischievious smirk, his teal eye humming as his slender clawed hands gracefully moved in his open coat, sliding over his bare stomach as he rummaged around in it before pulling out a bottle. Then another. Then he took off his hat, flipping it over casually so the bottom faced upward and he pulled out another.

"Mhmm do you like sweets?" Prince hummed cheerfully.

"Hey you mangy cat!!! Don't you go stealing my alcohol!" The hotel barkeep yelled loudly, making Prince hum innocently.

"Awe My fine FINE handsome man! I am sure I paid~" Prince purred innocently, moving to the bar and moving his hand behind the man's ear and pulled out a coin purse.

The barkeeper gave the feline a irritated scowl before swiping the pouch. Prince danced/skipped back to Michael and cheerfully hugged him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Silver Fox@yipeeXD

Sasha smiled at Karn, holding him close and just right enough so he could breath, but not slip out her arms. She shifted her satchel strap as well so that it wouldn't pinch him, and after a last look around, started back to the guild, deciding that they could all do with being back there


"we didn't exactly have a locked cabnit full of alcohol. And if you're drunk on the road, you tend to get mugged" Michael said with a shrug, watching Prince's antics with the bottles. Use to Prince causing mischief by now it was nevertheless still amusing, but the barkeeper didn't seem to think so.

More then expecting the hug, Michael still blushed, but did hug Prince back
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 38 min ago

Trinity Stratos

Trinity chortles to herself, plopping herself into a chair at the table with Nero. "Harrowing indeed. But, I do have to wonder what that little dart of yours does, exactly. It's probably pretty harrowing, too, huh?" She watched as Ayame went to go try, wondering how she'd do. "Jerks from earlier? Someone bothering you, Nero?" The archer turned to her friend, studying him for his reaction. She only had a moment before she heard a crash from the firing range. Ayame had gotten knocked over by the crossbow she'd picked up from the weapons guy.

"Oh, jeez." Trinity stifled a giggle and straightened her face before she spoke. "Are you alright, Ayame? That looks like it hurt..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Prince || Dragon Fang Hotel

"Mhmm quite true quite true. Unless you know Drunk Fu. Then you're golden." The feline chuckled, purring as his teammate returned the embrace. Michael was probably used to being constantly glomped by the large feline, and unlike most of the other members of Dragon Fang, didn't hit or swat him away. Which of course, the tall feline took advantage of. After all, magic was food. It was like a cat seeking warmth, and finding that person that will let the cat get in their lap for body heat and have a dilemma of being unable to move without bothering the cat. Leading to the cat's great pleasure.

Squeezing the blue haired boy for a moment, he finally released Michael. The boy didn't answer if he liked sweets, so Prince just decided to go with something that tasted sweet and fruity. To ease Michael into the alcohol since he seemed pretty new at it. He took out a cocktail shaker, mixing the bottles he had in a swift yet graceful manner before shaking the liquid in the container. Tossing it from behind with his left hand, before standing straight and catching it above him with his right hand. Moving the container to his nose to sniff it, he hummed before tossing it again and turning around, elbows resting on the bar counter. While his red tail flicked and the tip wrapped around the shaker and resumed shaking it.

"Barkeep, a shot of Natsu's Fireball please!" The feline chirped, setting a coin down. Grinning as he got a shot glass, his tail flicked the shaker up foreword so his free hand caught it. Before he opened it and put maybe two pinches of the red liquid he just got before resuming shaking it. Afterword, he took a martini glass and poured the cherry colored liquid into it, putting crystally sugar around the rim and a tooth pick with a cherry pierced through just hanging out of the glass before handing it to Michael.

"Here ya go. Pretty sweet, with a hint of spice in it. Give it a try." Prince purred.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Sighing a bit Artemis looked at James. "I can't explain everything. But mostly I need to make sure she doesn't make any more spirits. She shouldn't be able to." There was more, but she wasn't at liberty to discuss the matter. Suffice to say Ariel could upset a balance if the right events were to happen. Likely not, but best not to leave it to chance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Silver Fox

michael watched Prince make some sort of drink, nervously. Was drinkkng a good idea? He didn't know, didn't even know if he'd like whatever Prince was making. It seemed to have a bit of this, a bit of that, and how much did it need to be shaken? He shifted,

what would he do if it was bad? He couldn't hurt Prince's feelings. Would he be able to pretend it was okay? Michael didn't know. As Prince served the drink to him, Michael stared at it, a little scared. What would he do, if he got drunk? That terrified him. He knew Prince wouldn't let him do anything stupid, but wnat if he said something he wasn't ready to share? Did something?

He swallowed, and reached out to take the drink, sniffing at it, before taking a small sip of it, finding it surprisingly good. He took a bigger gulp of the drink, and then another until it was gone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Prince || Dragon Fang Hotel


Prince watched the nervous boy stare at the drink with such nervous hesitation. The feline almost half expected for Michael to refuse or scrunch his nose up at the liquid. But the boy was brave enough to try, and found that he liked the drink. Enough to make a rookie mistake which Prince couldn't help but chuckle and pat Michael on the head.

"Aye Mikey boy! Gulping a drink like that will get you drunk super fast you silly cutie~ You should sip it, then sip some water. Glad you like it though." the tall man laughed softly, refilling the empty glass before poofing himself some and casually sipping it. The feline couldn't help but be curious what kind of drunk his teammate was. Happy? Giddy? Sleepy? Angry? It's always a amusing thing to discover. Karn was never fun though. Kid never got drunk.
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