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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Aria, the Mirror Maiden

@Amaya Yashia @Caits @Jangel13 @Zarkun

Aria was getting annoyed at these people. Her headphones where blasting and she swore she had better hearing then them
"The Maiden of the Mist is not my family. I never had a family. No mother, no father, no brothers, no sisters. Nothing like that." She said, a bit of anger entering her usual monotone voice. Turning towards Angelo, she raised a hand, causing several mirrors to surround him before they began emitting a bright light that would leave him surrounded only be his reflection and a seemingly white void. With him out of the way, she turned towards Amaya, Jamie, Jack, and everyone else present "Get out of my way so I can fulfil my orders. If not, I will force my way through."

Lucus picked up when Rose called and listened to her question.
"No, Jackie only ever mentioned her father. While I doubt she has sister, let alone a twin sister, the possibility is there I guess. If this possible twin is with you though, you're likely going to have to restrain her in some way. Siblings are often similar and Jackie does not go down without a fight." he said.

"Interesting offer but no. I want to beat Phoenix Wing on my own terms. Fair and square. I was never one for gods and I don't need some sort of divine intervention now. So, just jump off the edge now and save us all the trouble." Pyrrha said, watching the god pick on Karn. For the most part, his words about her being his favorite infuriated her. She was not some play toy for a male with an ego the size of a damn mountain. When Karn launched his next attack at the god, she was right behind him, launching a stream of flame that was stronger then her previous attacks in the match due to her increasing anger and frustration.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 7 days ago


Nidhogg merely let out a low growl as Manami appeared, her glare doing nothing to cool his rage. When she set up her defenses, he did nothing to stop her, instead focusing his magical energy more fluidly into a small surprise he'd been crafting underneath the arena. The earth rumble again, this time a bit more violently than before. However, it seemed like someone was trying to crash the party, however, as the inside of the dome would suddenly resound with a large cracking sound. Unseen to all, small cracks would appear in the interior wall, an impressive feat all things considered, as chunks of it were even falling off, but the dome had held strong for the most part closer to the interior. On the outside, the moment Ferrin's attack had made contact, that section had exploded into a spray of bone shards and dust as the first 2 or 3 feet were heavily shattered, one foot after that was moderately fractured, and the fine foot was cracked and flaking a bit, but relatively intact. Another hit would probably break through, but the mage would have other problems to deal with before he could try, however.

First, not a moment after he'd made the attack, he'd be blasted by an explosion of necrotic energy, likely pushing him back a small ways and heavily straining his defenses as the energy had been quite intensified. Not only that, but any bone dust that he breathed in was also infused with the energy as well, so that was another dangerous hazard that he and everyone on the outside would have to worry about. Secondly, however, was Nidhogg's response to the unwelcome intrusion, which was the dome suddenly launching a thick pointed spire straight at the man about a second after the explosion of energy, aiming to skewer him but, if his defenses held up, would merely feel like he got sucker-punched in the gut with the concentrated force of speeding truck, so it would likely hurt quite a lot and maybe even break some bones, unless he managed to avoid it that is.

Nidhogg turned his attention back to Manami, intending to put her and her stooge in their place for disrupting him with this garbage, but to his ever increasing frustration, another interruption arose as one of the brats decided to have a rather fiery tempertantrum, nearly flooding the small dome with his flames. Luckily for Nidhogg, he'd noticed the sudden influx of magic before he'd unleashed it and had backed away, switching to his Defense form as the flames washed over him. The Meatbag was fine for the most part due to it's choice to keep away, any damage done by the heat was quickly repaired by his innate regenerative abilities. However, while the creator was pretty much fine after the ordeal, the dome had not survived the ordeal as neatly, as the weakened section of the dome would burst out word in a blast of burning shrapnel, causing even more of the necrotic bone dust to spread throughout the interior of the larger dome. The shrapnel, shards of bone ranging from as small as toothpicks up to a length of nearly 8 inches, would also have traces of necrotic energy in them as well, meaning that for anybody near where Ferrin was, you had a lot of stuff coming your way.

Nidhogg felt himself get greatly annoyed by the turn of events, but the shock of the moment had helped to shake him from his anger and, better yet, present an opportunity. As the flames raged around the boy, a large skeletal hand would suddenly burt from the ground in an attempt to grab him, it's grip tight and any damage being done to it would be repaired as magical energy was being fed into it to make sure it kept it's grip. As soon as it appeared it would sink quickly into the ground, taking the boy with him into the earth. Down Dawn would go, suffering from scraps and bruises from the rough descent until he found himself in . . . darkness. A seemingly empty void where the air was stiff an stale and there was not a single breeze to be had. Unknown to him, he had been dragged through one of the temporary openings in the original tunnel that had been created closer to the start of the scuffle. It had no been sealed off, and had been lowered significantly from it's previous position.

As Dawn would finally get used to his surroundings, he'd be dropped unceremoniously onto the hard floor of the tunnel. And then, he'd suddenly a low, rumbling growl, followed by a earth-shaking rumble as something approached him from the front. As it approached, he'd remained blind to the horror in front of him, and only feel the hot stench of decay that made up the whole of it's foul breath. It did nothing to him, only stayed there in what appeared to be a near motionless trance, it's hidden form staring own at the small figure in front of it.

Soon, however, steps could be heard coming down the path. Nidhogg had taken to escaping underground to this one area, and with a mass surge of magical energy, he'd cordoned off their little section of the tunnel in thick, thick, thick walls. His absence was likely not noticed due to the little stir dawn had likely caused, and even if it was, it would be thought he escaped outside, as he escaped by sliding into the walls of the dome. A little misdirection, but it was needed to make sure that annoyances didn't come to interrupt him. Currently, there were too many potentially hostile presences out there to risk getting involved with Manami right now.

As he approached, Dawn would be met with the wonderful stench of burned flesh, an acrid smell mixed distastefully with the already over-powering stench of death. Not only that, but he was accompanied with the sound of ripping flesh adding the metallic scent of blood to the mix as the place lit up with a flash of violet light coming from the beast. The necrotic energy raged liked a furnace inside the mouth of a large serpentine head, and it wasn't alone, as several others were positioned around the area at varying elevations. Each head was big enough that it could probably eat a horse in a single bite, the rest of it's body hidden down the length of the tunnel however, from what could be seen, the beast was . . . unfinished. The heads were merely skeletons for the most part, all with varying degrees of rotting flesh and muscles covering it, pulsating as it slowly but surely sought to coat the whole beast. And further down it's length, patches and holes could be just barely seen in the dim light of the deadly energies.

Nidhogg himself looked rather worse for wear, as a good portion of his body, currently in human form, seemed to have been burned, some of them being rather serious as bone could be seen in a few places. And yet, while he should've been beyond agonizing pain,he was contenting himself on feasting on a hunk of flesh and meat, the origins of which were left up to the imagination, though the sight of the meat puppet a short ways away might provide some pretty large clues if one had the thoughts for it. The undead mage would not say anything to the Sol mage, seeming to content himself with his meal at the moment.

When Nidhogg had left the stage, the dome's had both dispersed into clouds of bonedust, the collapsing of the smaller dome allowing for the pillar of flame to blast up towards James, who likely lost his footing the moment the material he was standing on suddenly turned into unstable dust.

@Lunarlors34@Crimson Raven@Prince of Seraphs@Natsume Honnaji@Zarkun@t2wave@Silvan Haven@Expolar

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Natsume Honnaji
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Natsume Honnaji Angel among Demons

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Robin continued to watch the others in the small dome when suddenly one of the who had the grimmoire seemed to have snapped inside releasing a large flame pillar. The heat was pretty intense even from where he was standing and caused him to sweat a bit and with the release a blast of energy pushed a few inches back but he still kept his ground almost as if he was being pushed back by some strong man in a sumo style fight who gave up halfway through out of boredom. Following that a large bone hand came from beneath the boy and began to pull him under while the dark mage used the commotion to make good his escape. Once the dark mage was gone the domes Robin was trapped in simply crumbled away into bone dust and Robin knelt down, his blades forming a small dome just over him to keep any from getting on him, or worse, in his lungs.

After about a minute had passed Robin took and deep breath as the blades had separated and Robin had stood back up stretching out then looking around for his robe in the now dimly lit shadow dome. "Ah there you are my old friend." He thought to himself as he smiled happily as he spotted his robe and walked to it picking it up and waving the bone dust and dirt off of it before putting it back on. Once his robe was back on all the blades had floated back into their rightful sheaths inside the robe.

Robin took a quick look around to see how many other mages there were and if any were injured. He spotted the boy who handed over the grimmoire and tossed another sweet roll in his direction before turning away and beginning to run off. "Quite the odd series of events..maybe I should've just stayed in bed today." He thought to himself once again as he got out of the area where the domes were still holding his breath and once far enough away he let out a long deep breath before panting a bit. "I truly...hate...needing to..hold...my breath..like..that.." He then sat down against a building and began to catch his breath as he was light headed now from holding his breath a good two or three minutes, he wasn't exactly sure how long he had to hold it for.

@Silvan Haven @Lunarlors34 @Crimson Raven @Prince of Seraphs @Zarkun @t2wave @Expolar @Raijinslayer
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Online

James Hunt|Remains of Bone Domes

James had been pulling back to deliver another holy magic fueled blow to the dome when it suddenly disappeared and he got the brief glimpse of a pillar of fire flying at him. "Holy Shield!" He barely managed to get the spell off in time, but he still got a little singed by the flames, sending him flying up higher before he began his decent back towards the ground. "Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Holy Landfall!" Admittedly, he could have used a multilayer Holy Shield to lessen the damage, but he wasn't too keen on the receiving end of the impact without using a spell, so when he impacted, there was less of a shockwave and more of an explosion straight up that had James kneeling for several seconds before he attempted to stand and stumble over to Cody. "Ow, ow, ow, ow...Cody, you alright?" He hadn't yet registered the other mages in the area, his focus being on keeping the pain from winning and making sure his guild mate was alright. Once that was done, he'd probably spend a few moments healing the damage he'd taken.

Damian Gerard|Ramen Restaurant

Damian nods, thanking the man for his noodle bowl, and leans back before taking a bite. "I imagine he has, Hyun isn't one to dilly dally around what needs to be done. Still, he will need watching for sure. Besides checking on Marlene, do you have any other plans?"

Jane Addison|City of Crocus

Jane, unable to find anyone who could lead her to the person she had spent the majority of the day looking for, wandered around the city in annoyance, eventually ending up back at the stadium. You would think that SOMEONE would have noticed the guild master of Phoenix Wing walking around at some point, but instead no one had seem her at all. In one particularly crowded seating area of the stadium, someone shoved her out of their way rather unceremoniously and into another bystander, resulting in her and him landing in a jumbled mess. "Oi jerk-off! No need to be so damn pushy!" She set herself to trying to estricate herself from the other person. "Sorry about that, didn't realize so many jerks were here."

Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Hotel

Jack steps forward, sliding into what could more or less be considered a combat stance. "Well, you are most certainly welcome to try, but I will not let you near my guild mate. And I'll be seeing to it that Angelo is free before you leave."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Caasicam
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Caasicam made mostly of bees

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Kaia Iona

The heartbreaking scenario of a lone, wilderness-raised Angel lost and confused in the big city forever doomed to make amazing breakfasts and stutter around pretty girls flashed through her head. Which, of course, caused a dull ache of sympathy and concern to win over the little voice in her head that wanted to go pass out in bed again. He was probably fine. It wouldn't be hard for her to find him.

"Mkay, thanks," Kaia hummed, slipping around Not-Really-A-Morning-Guy to continue on her original path towards the lobby.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Liferusher@silver fox
Penny could see that Thor was as bad as her, if not worse. They'd kill each other at this rate. Penny's heart still beat fast, and weak and she was beginning to feel light headed. She could feel her magic try to heal her, but it wasn't helping this continual fighting. Penny could either finish this right now, and most likely finish herself if she used magic, or finish this by throwing them both over the edge, and probably surviving.

Penny chose the latter. But she looked over her shoulder, seeing Karn losing control.

"karn!" She snapped, her voice strong despite feeling weak, "Keep it together, damn it! Please! I don't have the strength to stop you going out of control" And now her voice trailed to weak.

She could feel her legs begin to shake, and her heart seemed to gallop at an even faster rate. As much as Penny wanted to help, she didn't think she could. It was all she could do to keep herself upright. She didn't even try to avoid Thors attacks, not that she need worry. They missed.

Penny did the only thing she could do right then. She moved closer to Thor, and more fell on Thor then shoved her off the edge, and gravity did the rest.

Penny didn't want to die. For perhaps the first time, Penny didn't want to die. She was happy. She'd found Sasha. She found something she never thought she could. Damian... her vision wavered as the teleportation kicked in, and her last conscious thought was of Damian.


Michael glanced to Prince as he trailed off, seeing that Prince had reacted to something much like Cleopatria would at a sound only she could hear an that agitated her. He looked, quite completely, like an angry cat. And a dangerous one. Something had completely agitated Prince, and it seemed quite similar to whatever was happening with Karn, on the platform.

Michael didn't know what he could do. It seemed that Prince might lose control, and Michael shifted, unsure of what he could, as despite Prince's claims that he wasn't a strong mage, Michael figured he could still do some damage if he lost control.


Michael didn't think to summon any spirit, all he wanted was to make sure his friend was okay. He, perhaps foolishly, reached out to touch Prince, "What is it?!"

@Joshua Tamashii[@Zarun]@Amaya Yashia@jangel13
"Sometimes, jack, the thing we least expect works" Jamie replied patiently, remaining in front of Angelo. despite the mirrors. "I don't give a damn about your orders. You lay a hand on any of my guild members, then, well, it won't be pretty. try it, bitch" For the first time in a few days, Jamie felt...normal. She smiled, almost wickedly.

She didn't draw her sword, but she shifted her stance, flicking a glance at the mirrors, she moved her wind wall in closer, effectively obscuring the view the mirrors projected. "Angelo, you're not alone" Shifting one foot back, Jamie put most of her weight on it.

She flicked a glance towards Amelia, Sam and Elyse, "Amelia? Would any of your spirits be able to help wake Jackie? Even for a moment, just to get an answer to this" Thoughts flowed through Jamie's mind, as she searched for any possible answer. She knew that if Jackie did wake, she'd be in pain, but better in pain then dead, as Jamie was beginning to suspect that this girl would kill her.

And then her gaze returned to the girl, "Leave now, and we won't be forced to hurt you"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Joshua Tamashii@Caits@liferusher@Silver Fox

Loki just stood there and chuckled with a smile on his face, he would applaud Karn's resilience at yet again surviving from going over. The Chimera boy launched a roar at him which Loki was going to avoid, until his favorite spoke to him. He looked over at her and chuckled. "Thats so mean to say. You only make me want you more~" He said before looking back towards Karn and staring dead at the roar of flames in front of him. "Oh shit!" He shouted sinking his fingers into the ground and gritting his teeth before Pyrrha joined him pushing him slightly back as the flames burned against him. He was nearing the edge before he formed an orb around him, only to soak of the damage long enough for him to jump out of the way of the torrent of combined fire. "Whew, that was a good one th-" He was cut off when Karn's teeth suddenly sunk right into his right shoulder.

Loki let out a pained sound before gripping Karn's mane with his left hand. "You are annoying me now. Yet I'm glad you tried killing me first, just means I can retaliate. For my own safety of course." Loki said as blood did leak from where Karn bite into. A portal opened up in front of Loki's hands with the other end popping up on the side of Karn's torso. "Death Point!" Loki shouted to him before ramming both his fists through to hopefully ram right into Karn's side, yet both his fists were covered in dark spikes to pierce through the beasts skin while also hitting him with enough force to push him off the edge. He also looked at Pyyrha and grinned at her. "Your next sugar~"

Ike Riven

Ike listened yet only grew a bit annoyed, didn't he come around asking for help? Whatever it was pointless arguing with this kid. He sighed and just walked up to him activating his magic to draw in magic to give him more while he transferred it to Gabriel. "So if you have a lot, then why did you join Frenzy Plant? Even I knew what the guild was about when joining, its one where fighting is required. I get you don't want to fight, finding it unnecessary but if that's the case. Its only a tad confusing when you join Frenzy Plant. A guild about such acts. So its more so me asking if you have a lot, you might have been better off in Phoenix Wing. They seem to appreiciate the kindness act more than your fighting prowess."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cody Bloodstein, Mayami Fuyu and Shiro Hime

@Raijinslayer@Prince of Seraphs@Crimson Raven@Silvan Haven@Expolar@t2wave@Zarkun@Natsume Honnaji (Is that everyone O_O)
Manami narrowed her eyes as she could feel the sudden impacts around the dome. Someone, or multiple someones, seemed to be trying to break in. She didn't notice the cracks nor cared as a sudden influx of magic could be felt.
Suddenly realising that it wasn't Nidhogg, and instead Dawn, she threw her hands up to summon a sphere of water around herself, Cody and Shiro since they were the two closest to her at this stage in time regardless.
Plus she was sure that Nidhogg could take care of himself, and she hadn't seen Robin at this stage. The heat from the fire was intense, even with her water she could still feel some of the heat and it was a little bit of struggle keeping her sphere up.
Cody at this stage however had recovered thanks to the holy properties of the water and was feeling around in the somewhat illuminated dome now, half due to the fire and half due to Manami's slightly glowing water.

His hand soon grasped the handle of his sword. His grip tightening he went to stab Manami, despite her being the one holding the fire at bay, however Shiro suddenly appeared in front of him and delivered a powerful kick to his chest. As he fell backs and rolled for a bit, Manami glanced over her a shoulder a little.
"Could you two knock it off? I am trying to save us from death by poison and fire here!" She said angrily as the fire eventually seemed to calm down Manami dropped her hands to her side and wiped the sweat from her brows. Keeping a spell like that up to protect them from the fire AND Nidhoggs necrotic energy was draining on her however she had managed to purify a good chunk of it before it could spread.
"But he tried to attack you." Shiro responded coldly as she picked up her scythe while glaring at the Phoenix Wing member. Cody laid on the ground clutching at his chest as her heel had stabbed him slightly, so it was painful but not life threatening.

He managed to glanced up and lock eyes with Shiro however....she had the guild mark as well. As anger started to bubble up his eyes widened when he saw and heard James. What was he doing here?
"No...they're from a dark guild...the one I've been looking for." He hissed angrily. He had never felt this angry before....he thought he would get angry when he finally found them, but was surprised by the anger which was building.
Standing up with a bit of a wobble, he had one hand on his chest and the other gripping his sword tightly as he glared at the two wizards. Manami at this point was getting ready to leave...till she heard Cody.
"Oh? You were looking for us? I wasn't told the details, but that must mean you're a survivor of something our guild committed. I'm afraid I have no choice but to kill you now then, we can't let our guild become too known. It becomes too difficult to move otherwise." Manami said with a sigh now. She would have to kill James as well, and maybe even Robin. However he seemed to just throw Cody a sweet roll and walked off before this she had turned around.

"We were going to have to confront your guild sooner or later anyway Mr Paladin...So suppose now is good a time as any. Then afterwards, we will move onto the slayers." She seemed to aim this comment at James now, before she chuckled slightly as water began to wrap around of her arms. Shiro, fully healed but still somewhat drained of magic, narrowed her eyes towards the two wizards but didn't say anything. However it was at this moment the rest of the dust seemed to come into the picture for Manami.
Narrowing her eyes as it began to get dark due to the shadow dome now took over she sighed as the ground could be felt shaking.
"You lucked out today boys..." She mumbled as water now burst out of the ground and began to swirl around of her "Assuming you survive this that is...I cannot allow innocents to be harmed by this by accident." she added with a chuckle before the water swirl was so large they could no longer see the two female wizards.

Eyes widening in disbelief at the size of such a gold tinged water construct, which was only getting large by the second, Cody quickly thrust his hand out.
"Absolute Wall!" The tips of his fingers now glowed slight as he drew four straight lines in a box shape around him and James quite quickly in the air.
Just in time too as the water slammed into their side...but it was starting to spill in through the top. The shield leapt off of Cody's arm now and covered the top as the water tornado continued to grow in size. Soon enough the entire inside of the dome was filled with the gold tinged water swirling around, the holy attributes of her water possibly killing any remaining undead and shadow creatures breaking through the top as a large spiral of water into the sky.
The water suddenly disappeared as soon as it appeared however, leaving the air filled with what looked to be gold glitter. The two dark mages were gone as well, and the inside of the dome would only be illuminated by the gold glitter for a short while as the hole which was made in the top quickly regenerated.

Elsewhere in Crocus:
Panting heavily Shiro leaned against a brick wall for support as Manami had slumped against a nearby skip.
"Mistress I must ask...why did you help them?" Shiro asked with obvious confusion in her body language and tone of voice. Shiro's confusion made Manami smile slightly.
"As a savior, I must prevent all unnecessary deaths. Besides we have what we want....we will deal with their guild when the time comes." Manami explained softly before grimacing. She had used almost all of her magic on a spell of that magnitude, and Shiro had most of hers drained. They were in barely the condition to move, which was why they had to flee. They were in no condition to fight any of those wizards.
"Short break Shiro...then I must ask you to help us escape. The council will be on our tails before long." Manami said quietly as Shiro nodded simply in understanding. They couldn't stay here too long...that brat and the paladin were sure to report the dark wizards. Both had clearly seen Shiro's guild mark as well, and Manami's wasn't exactly hidden either.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn/EdoKarn || Crocus || Game Stadium

@Oblivion666@Caits@Joshua Tamashii

Karn's bite was successful, his saber fangs piercing right through the flesh and poking out the back of Loki's shoulder. OHie jaws clenching down in a death grip and would probably hurt when forcefully torn out. Of course, he wasn't actually trying to kill anyone as Loki seemed to think. But he didn't know Karn well enough to know the shapeshifter's behavior. He didn't mean to bite as they were fatal attacks, but he couldn't even hear himself roaring in agony, and he was blinded of all around him. Even the blow to his torso as it pierced his tough hide barely felt like anything compared to the pain in his ears. Still he wasn't even trying to stay in the match and his body was flung out of the ring and over the edge, flames continuing to shoot out before he was teleported.

????? || Crocus || Game Stadium

A grin crossed the man's lips as the Dragon Fang member knocked the raging Chimera out of the ring. Wasn't hard when the beast was no longer focused on the battle. The Dragon Fang contestant was either a fool for not realizing what could probably happen now that the rampaging beast was out of the ring and now behind the protective barrier where innocent civilians were, or he just simply didn't care for their lives. Either way, it was either stupidity, or proves the cruelty of wizards.

Now that Karn no longer had the Games barrier to block outside magic, things we're going simply according to plan. It was too bad Karn was way too out of energy to force to turn into a dragon. Even briefly, that creature could crush quite a bit of the stadium. Oh well. A sub chimera will have to do.

Gingerly, the man closed his golden eyes, twisting the pipe in his mouth and continued to blow.

Karn/EdoKarn || Crocus || Game Stadium

Giving another roar as the pain continued, the beast breathed fire against the walls, he charged, ramming his horns against anything near him as he bolted, spewing fire and slamming his sides against the walls. Leaving a trail of blood that Loki left in his shoulder. Unable to utilize this bodies fast healing properties due to sheer overuse and rampant on magic.

Prince || Crocus || Game Stadium

The tall feline continued to hiss and growl as his tail bristled and hair rose a bit. The ringing so loud, it was agonizing. He could barely even make out the roaring crowd, least of all Michael. Growling, he lashed out a bit, swinging his claws accidently against his teammates comforting hand. Normally, Prince though energetic, was always careful with his claws. Though this time he lost a bit more focus. He flinched in minor recongition at the sight at what he did, but was unable to form proper words.

"Can't.... Hear........ Ringing...." he managed to hiss out before managing to crack his eye open to see Karn get thrown out before hissing more. If Karn continued like that, he could cause a greater commotion then Angelo would ever do. As well as kill himself. Or get into trouble with the other Guilds.

Staggering to a stand, he dug his claws into his arms, ignoring the blood oozing out from them. Before quickly starting to move, though in comparison to how fast Prince could go, it was slow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Her beat up body didn't even have the strength to stand up any more. She was totally hopeless at this point. Thor tried to stand up and wanted to shove Penny of the platform since she was in the same state but just couldn't find the will to do it. The red blob slowly went over towards her, Thor threw a few more electric balls at her or what was at least left of her mana. They looked more like sparks then balls. She felt some mass crushing her down onto the ground but didn't realize it was Penny. Thor struggled a little but she couldn't move Penny off of her.

She felt the two of them moving towards the edge. Thor didn't want t give up. She made some muffled sounds but Penny didn't react to them. The ground slowly started to disappeared behind her back and soon there wasn't any ground beneath her legs either. She clinged to Penny a little when they both fell but she wasn't strong enough in this state to hold on. Her lifeless body fell towards the ground. Before she hit the ground she tried saving herself with her last energy, it didn't seem to help much. She was saved by the safety system of the arena anyway. Her body slowly landed on the ground and the people of the infirmary quickly went over to retrieve her body. She was taken towards the infirmary, her vision had already faded and her breathing became slow and soft. The color in her hairs slowly returned again but still was a little white.

Once they were all at the infirmary doctors started working on her injuries. Her body however didn't produce any electricity like it usually did. It was a good thing for the doctors so they could safely work on her body without being electrocuted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Caits@Joshua Tamashii

Angelo growled as he was trapped in the ball of mirrors and he knew he wasn't going to be able to break out on his own but damn it now he was really pissed! You better hope I don't get out of here mirror bitch! Angelo yelled and despite hearing the words that Jamie told him about being here for him Angelo just couldn't take it anymore he hated this, he hated being a target, he hated not being able to fight, why couldn't he just go back to the way he was being happy. No matter what he did this week it seems like he just keeps getting thrown deeper and deeper into a pit of misery. Mach 2! Angelo said as he immediately went about to trying to break his way out the mirrors he couldn't just sit their and wait he had to try and put all his strength into breaking out and breaking a few bones from that mirror user...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Luna Cathris and Arie Jorah -- Stadium Hallways
Luna let go of the hug she and her friend were in and quickly looked down the halls towards the infirmary as she heard a roar. Arie yelped, and hid behind the S-Class mage as it rapidly approached. As Karn came into sight, roaring, breathing fire, and throwing himself against the walls, Luna moved into action. She knew that if she waited to see what would happen, it could be disastrous for her and Arie, and she wasn't going to let that happen. "Solar Armor! Blade of Sol!" Her fiery armor formed around the mage, along with the flaming halberd that always accompanied her arsenal. "Arie, go find a guild, any guild. Someone might be able to help me subdue this thing," Luna shouted at the older woman behind her. She didn't check to see if Arie nodded, but she did hear her running away.

As Karn charged closer, Luna got in the way, her armor protecting her from taking much damage from his fire as she attempted to slam the flat side of her halberd into the side of Karn's head. She was sure it wouldn't be enough to stop the rampant beast, but she wasn't sure it was enough to knock him over. She was ready to move to get in his way if it didn't however. She wasn't going to let this thing run rampant, whatever it was. At the very least, she had to give Arie a chance to get to safety. The problem was she had to be conservative with her magic, as as far as she could tell there was a 1 in 2 chance she was going to be in a fight today.

@Silver Fox
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Nero the Genie – Phoenix Wing Stands

@Prince of Seraphs@cirusarvennicus@t2wave

A magnificent snicker blossomed on Nero’s face, though he couldn’t tell which was the chief contributor: Elizabeth’s asinine statement or the squeaky, high-pitched voice she said it in. Had her mind already reverted? Or had it never developed in the first place? Life’s mysteries would forever plague him. ”Do unto others, kiddo.” A frigid glisten on the ground and seats bade him pause in his derision, however. A roll of his eyes heralded the realization: the little prodigy had magic all the way back then. What a bother. The rate at which it spread perturbed him, and the genie reflexively stepped back. His mind raced to figure out whether age itself constituted a magic inhibitor for Elizabeth –one that his curse unknowingly removed- or the Law of Retrogression somehow backfired and strengthened her sorcery rather than stunting it.

He glared insistently at Trinity as Elizabeth started to talk, demanding mediation. After all, were the Phoenix Wingers not paragons of restraint and virtue when the opportunity suited them? The little creep’s crude poetry certainly registered with the minstrel, but rather than stepping in to try and halt the magical display in any way, Trinity conjured up a miniature orchestra’s worth of instruments and somehow activated them all at once. An impressive noise, to be sure, but other than drown out Elizabeth’s last two sentences it did nothing. Nero groaned. ”So obviously, attack the person with mental problems. You’re a therapeutic genius, kiddo. I liked it better when you didn’t talk.” He snapped his fingers, and the curse relinquished its hold on Elizabeth instantly. She grew back to full size like an unleashed spring. No doubt the unnatural experience disoriented her—just as the dark mage planned. As a hyena darts in to secure the kill, Nero slipped forward and poked the girl in the chest with an outstretched finger. A high-charged Law of Embodiment buried itself within her, and from the impact point outward both human and clothes began to turn to wood. Nero hopped back, smiling and saying, ”Wouldn’t have to do this if these Wingers were any less useless. Then again, I didn’t have to needle ya. It’s not every day I meet someone like me, dearie. Shame you had to get on my bad side. In another life, we could have been the best of friends.” He crossed his arms, waiting for the wood to close over her face and render her nothing more than a statue. ”Still, wood you mind leaf-ing me alone for a while? Nyeheheh! Toodle-oo, psycho!” He beat a hasty retreat, aware that his curse could last as little as ten minutes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@silver fox@burthstone
It was Jarvis who responded to Karn running unchecked, teleporting quickly from the hotel, where he had been watching the games, to the stadium. He glanced at Luna, but his attention turned back to Karn. Jarvis shifted, crossing his arms as if his stature could stop the rampaging Karn.

"If you are seeking to help, keep him busy but do not injure him. I'll set some lacrimas to contain him, for now"

Jarvis didn't wait for a response, beginning to walk about Karn, and the ring, placing every so often lacrima, which glowed and seemed to connect to the others. Jarvis didn't think this was Karns fault. Something's was happening, and Jarvis hoped that by isolating Karn, it would stop whatever was influencing him.

"you're angry. I didn't ask for help. I was just following Sanders orders. I said I could do this." Gabriel said, "and I'd rather not have you kill yourself, or endanger the contests up there, to teach you what can't be taught in five minutes. So you can just be angry. Wouldn't be the first time someone is angry at me for trying to do the right thing"

Gabriel sighed, watching the lacrima, but no more magic was being drawn out. Still, Gabriel wanted to maintain this. At Ike's questioning, Gabriel sighed heavily. "you don't understand. I only have a lot of magic, because it's necessary to summon some of the spirits I do. I can't really fight with it. Something like Phoenix wing...well. I couldn't see myself there.

I guess...

I've seen a lot. I've seen soldiers do horrible things, experienced some of that. I've seen what fighting can do, and I know what it is to not have any control over what you do.

I guess...I guess I just need to see that not all soldiers are bad. I don't want to use my spirits to progress further in the guild, because...because I don't want to treat them like slaves...because I know what it feels like to be one. It doesn't mean I won't learn how to fight, with them, and with a weapon. It doesn't mean I won't do what needs to be done.

It means I understand that sometimes you ha e no choice in fighting. But it also means I want to search for the way that isn't fighting, because of what I've seen.

It means that maybe, I can help frenzy plant be better, as it makes me better"
he gave a shrug, and remembered his hand from the lacrima, figuring the danger had passed for now.

@silver fox
Michael flinched as Prince attacked him, much like an angry cat. Michael had, perhaps unconsciously, expected that. Something was going wrong. He rose, to follow after Prince, when his messenger angel came back. Michael hesitated, not wanting to leave Prince.

He bit his lip, and then summoned Uriel, asking the angel to keep an eye on Prince, before following the messenger, figuring, hoping that this would help Prince. The messenger winked out of existence, and Michael faced the pipe wielding stranger.

"what the hell are you doing?" he demanded, with more force then he expected.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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Samir Saron

"I imagine he has, Hyun isn't one to dilly dally around what needs to be done. Still, he will need watching for sure. Besides checking on Marlene, do you have any other plans?"

Samir thought for a minute as she sipped her last on her glass of water.

"You know I'm not sure." she responds unsurely, "I might just take a stroll for a bit until going back to the arena or something. I'll see what else I can do."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 27 min ago


Unfortunately the poor man she fell on top off was Nolan Waltz, the man that fought against Frenzy Plant's Indigo Afina and tied against her in yesterday's game. This was the same man that was foaming from the mouth, twitching in fear just from being this close to a woman. The rookie from Phoenix Wing that hardly anyone knew about until yesterday and here he was freaking the hell out.

"Uh, Nolan? Ya looking kinda pale there buddy? Need some help?" Dalton was flying right by him, scratching his head wondering what he could do with this strange guy. It seemed like he was just a magnet when it comes to meeting pretty women, for better or for worse. Seeing as he was in a pure state of fear, Dalton decided to take action. "CALM DOWN ASHY!" He flew straight down towards him and slapped him full force.

Nolan disappeared from underneath Jane with a puff of dust and was standing very far away from her. "M-my apologies." He while trying to hide the obvious blush on his face.


Ferris smirked at Jess mentioning that he needed to be kept watch and created a hand made from his Digital Make Magic while his hands were folded on the desk in front of him. The hand slapped her butt playfully as if he was playfully responding to her while somehow looking very innocent despite having a very knowing grin. "It looks like this game has finally reached its climax! Who is going to win? The God Mage of Dragon Fang or the Fire Mage of Rider's Blade?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsume Honnaji
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Natsume Honnaji Angel among Demons

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Once Robin had rested up a bit he stood back up and looked around from where he was. "Hmm..what direction should I go next..I know!" He closes his eyes and spins around elegantly before stopping and pointing towards the west. "Aaaand looks like I'm going that way, hopefully I don't run into too much more craziness, I still haven't gotten to rest yet since I've gotten into town." Robin puts his hood back up over his head and simply walks in a westward direction looking at all the various shops and homes and other assorted buildings the new town had to offer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ashlyn Johnson

Ashlyn watched with stars practically in her eyes due to the excitement of the event currently happening before her eyes. This Thor chick was awesome! So was this Penny girl! And Karn! Now it was down to a fire mage and that Zephyr guy! Of what she had seen of the event, having missed the begining due to her eating a kilo or so of ribs and thus was late, all the people in it were AWESOME!
They were all so cool! So this was a light guild?!
Hugging herself to try and calm herself down from her 'fan-girling' she nodded somewhat seriously to herself now. She had decided, she would join a guild again. Surely a light guild wouldn't be as bad as a dark guild?
The only reason this had been eating away at her...was guilt. She had committed some rather...bad things as a dark wizard, she wasn't sure if she could join a light guild or not.
However she would certainly try today! She fist bumped the air excitedly before blushing out of embarrassment as several members of the crowd gave her weird looks from her strange behavior.
"Sorry.." She mumbled a quick apology before quickly making her away out of the stands. She couldn't wait another moment! She really wanted to fight this Thor chick, even if it was just a spar! So joining her guild seemed like the best choice...Frenzy Plant was it?

After asking a nearby worker for directions to the Frenzy Plant part of the stands she quickly made her way there. She would be furious with herself later for not feeling the magic coming from beneath her as Karn lost control. However she had one goal in mind and seemed to ignore everything else.
Upon entering the the stands she glanced around uncertainly...who did she have to talk to?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shadow Beast and Shutler Wake | Crocus, Inside Ivory Shadowy Dome
@Natsume Honnaji@Silvan Haven@Lunarlors34@Raijinslayer@Prince of Seraphs@Crimson Raven@Zarkun@t2wave
Shutler relaxed within a shadow on a wall as he watched the Necrotic wizard unintentionally did most of his work. That break soon came to an end as a vortex of fire and water cleared the area of most if the shadowlings and undead. But the shadow dome still remained as it cast darkness inside. Just like the dome the Shutler was still around and was excited to get back into the action by himself.

From his wall, Shutler stepped out with the first shadow beast that now stood be him. He rose a finger in the air and gathered the darkness from inside to enlarge his beast. It grew bigger than before since it became taller than half the height of the dome and arched over the wizards who were awaiting its return. With a single swing, the shadow beast carved its giant claws into the ground as it began its attack on the wizards.

As Shutler was about to jump into the battle with his creature, he stopped right as his foot left the ground. He nodded as if he was listening to someone and said to himself "About time he left. I was about to get serious.". Instead of joining the battle, Shutler jumped back and darted away from the fight as he fled away in the opposite direction of the fight. On his way out, he noticed some rune knights already found their way in the dome as well as their reptilian council member helping in the fight. Although the rune knights were in his path, but Shutler was still able to easily slip underneath them unnoticed.

Just as Shutler was made his escape from the battle, he left the dome only to be met by a cluster of light bugs.

Wes Gusto | Crocus, Outside Ivory Shadowy Dome
@everyone mentioned above
With the light bugs surrounding Shutler's path of escape from all direction as Wes flew in with gravity magic to face Shutler. "Enough of this." Wes swung his hands past each other and as the light bugs to move around Shutler
Prison Hive Prisim, of light. The bugs formed a prison of blue light in the shape of a hexagonal prisim around Shutler to prevent him from escaping.

With one hand facing the prisim, Wes the other hand to pull out a device with a screen on it and pointed it at Shutler. "No, why are you still like that?" a fifty percent was displayed on the screen before he put it away. Now that Shutler was trapped inside, he won't be able to regenerate the shadows that he created. But leaving Shutler by himself wouldn't be the greatest plan since he could have his other half that's still outside somewhere to break him free if this situation happened to him. Wes could only gaurd the light prison and watch the wizards inside the dome in hopes that they could defeat Shutler's shadows now that he was sealed and not connected to them again.

Grane Falo and Rune Knights| Crocus, Ivory Shadowy Dome
@everyone mentioned above
When the poison dust from the bones, the flaming vortex, and the water tornado cleared, the runes knights from before as well as more, came marching inside the dome. As they entered, they helped fight off any remaing shadowlings and undead that seemed to still be alive and moving. When Shutler appeared, the rune knights already surrounded most of the interior of the dome to prevent any escape. After the massive shadow beast swung its first attack, it found that couldn't pull its hand back.

At the end of the hand, Grane held onto the beast from its hand to wrist with his hands that were lit with a bright light. Grane sprouted his wings and flew to the air. Still holding on to the beast, Grane lifted the beast into the air and slammed it into the ground.

As the shadow beast was trying to stand up again, Grane noticed Shutler trying to escape. Grane tried to fly in pursuit towards Shutler, but was immediately stopped as the beast brought him down with its shadowy claws and tried to crush him against the ground. But a burst of light shined from Grane and caused beast to reel its hand away. Grane quickly tried to look for Shutler, but couldn't see him anywhere inside the dome.

Although Shutler was no where to be found, he had to deal with the immediate threat and was sure the other wizards that were around could help. He shouted to get everyone attention "Ready yourselves! With enough light, we should be able to dispel this shadow beast and the dome that we're under!" With that said, Grane's arm shined as he fire a large light beam from his arm. The beast still showed itself to be agile enough to dodge the attack, but the light broke through a portion of the shadowy dome and light shined on the beast. As the beast frantically moved away from the light, the light remained and the shadowy dome didn't repair itself.

??? | Crocus, a random alley away from the dome
"Short break Shiro...then I must ask you to help us escape. The council will be on our tails before long." Manami said quietly as Shiro nodded simply in understanding. They couldn't stay here too long...

"If you're going to continue this rate, the Council will surely catch up to you before you escape." A man stood beside the two wizards which should have surprised them by how close he was to them without being noticed. As he spoke, a blue mist filled the air around them. "In your hasty retreat, you left a clear enough trail that a highly trained wizard that can see and track ethernano particles could find you. Luckily for you, it should take them a bit longer to find you since I covered the ethernano trail that you left in the dome."

The air was cold with the mist around them. Soon the mist became thick enough that no one from outside would be able to tell that there were people inside. "I can still help cover the trail that you made when you left the dome and provide a safe house so you two won't be discovered at anytime. But that's only if you can help me. I recognize your guild marks and would like to meet your guild master, Georgie. If you agree with the terms, then I'll explain more about the meeting once we're in the safe house."

??? | Crocus, opposite side of the city and dome

From the opposite side of the city and the dome was something strange. A noticeable crevice could be seen in the ground as if someone dug their way out from the ground and tried to close the hole that they created. Whoever created the hole and left the crevice was gone, no one saw who made it, and person who did it was already far enough from it and the city.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Cyare Staunton

@Plank Sinatra

"Excellent. Where would you expect her to be?" With her attire settled, Cyare set about a few small in-place stretches to work the lazy warmth from her body. Rotations of the shoulder, a few minor stretches of the back, neck, things of that nature. Just enough to keep her moving and get her ready for activity again. She kept her gaze directed, more or less, at Ferrara while she waited for the answer.

"If she is blind, she likely would not have gone far, correct?"

Angel Ferrara

Angel searched for a way to correct Cyare without offending either girl. His mouth hung open as the words came to him slowly. "Picture...a really mischievous, snarky pixie. Who's blind. And snores like hell. She's got too much energy to even stay quiet and still when she sleeps. Awake she's even worse."

Worse was an awful word!

"She's great and all."


"...But worse."

And thus his description came full circle.

"We should check my room first. She's probably waiting for me to realize I left her and come groveling back."
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