Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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We were aiming to do the traditional Japanese name order, sorry >_<
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I left his weapon somewhat generic in description, But playing off the image its barrels can fire projectiles that act as data tears (bullets), a flamethrower (Think of it in terms of a worm that spreads through the data but in the world looks like flames) And of course the good old fashion rocket that explodes into both 0s and 1s.

By extremes I mean he is manic depressive. He reacts with his entire being, and can become obsessed over small details. He can't not think about things, and to top it off hes paranoid.

His alias matches the picture well, its an ink'd style. Imagine it in motion the cape in particular will look as if it breaks apart till it recollects each stroke in his suit seems to redraw itself whenever it is struck. I had planned to describe this in the ic when he was hit, but I figure meh. As for adding color, Spoiler. The white lines would shine and pulse, I had planned for them to show a vibrant red blue or green based upon his emotion at the time.

He is a loose cannon, but hes the kind of loose cannon that if not for a group scenario would have blown himself up long ago. I had no problem with him being part of the group or a group before this one. If anything I had thought him joining this group to cover his little sister.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkmatter
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Darkmatter Resident Engineer & Physics Afficiando

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Still unsure if I'll get around to making a character for this, I want to but need to find the time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago

There's still time...*shrugs*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rata Tat Tat

Rata Tat Tat

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This looks a little dead, but I've got a character in my head now so I might as well see how she rolls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago

Oh great, I'll take a gander!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago

Name: Mimamoru Uede "Mima" or "Mi-chan"

Alias in the DgtWld: Eternal Grace "E.G." or "Grace"

Age: 24

Average Appearance:

Corrector Appearance:

Weapon of Choice: Magic

During her career as a Corrector, she's invented and invested time in a large collection of magical spells, most are used to heal and defend her team. Her magic has been honed over time, powered up thanks to her promotions and longstanding leadership title. Starting out, she only had one spell at her disposal and now she has a dozen. She has six defensive spells, three healing spells and three offensive spells. They're made up of intricate code and require a simple vocal command while using her hands in a specific motion. Her position in the team during battles is usually in the back where she can give out tactical commands and support. She has very low defense in close combat and does everything to avoid attacks, acting as a guardian to those she fights with. And trusting they will have her back as she has theirs.

Known Defensive Spells:

Delta-Y-4-1-3-2-Z allows her to shroud a user of her choice in a thick but weightless and transparent code to help "up" their defense. It lasts for five minutes and wears off when the user logs out of the DgtWld. It allows hards hits to be less critical and also gives the user a temporary healing ability. It will not withstand a big blow to a character, as it is meant to help in close combat in a dire situation for a short period of time.

Delta-X-C-Sigma-4-5 allows her to make a large glass shield. It is a basic code for many uses. It is her weakest shield but is the easiest to conjure. It goes away quickly and is used mainly for a quick defense.

Known Offensive Spells:

Alpha-9-Eplisilon-Q-W-5 allows her to create a large burst of pink energy to explode in front of her target. She must have visual of her target and can knock an enemy back several feet. It can also result in giving burns, confusion or blindness but the side effects are random and hard to dictate.

Known Healing Spells:

Cell Phone:


+ Decisive
+ Bubbly
+ Persistent
+ Protective
- Dramatic
- Stubborn

Background: Her life growing up was uneventful. She was an only child and her parents both worked office jobs. Her father was pretty high up in his company but he wasn't overly ambitious. He was happy to work and provide for his wife and daughter. He worked in a security firm for banks and her mother's company worked with complicated things like lawyers and the like. Mimamoru was a happy child, she often liked going to the local park in the neighborhood, in the suburbs of Tokyo. She loved playing on the swings or in the sand, and only when she was twelve, did she get a cell phone. While most of her friends in school had them already, she was raised to not rely on it. Her eyes couldn't help but wonder though...

When she graduated high school, she wasn't certain what she wanted to do, even though she was working as a Corrector. It's not like her parents could know about her new job, so they just assumed she was in various clubs to keep her busy. Mimamoru had been recruited by the Gvn for her encouragement and affinity for learning new things. She took several computer classes in high school because she was curious. When she saw she could make beautiful things with technology, she found her passion. After her first year, she still had reservations about pursuing a career with technology but because it was becoming more and more present, she bit the bullet and enrolled in a local university to get a degree dealing with computers, despite her parents having reservations.

During the next five or six years, Mimamoru grew close to those she worked with. Some friends move away but continued to work, while some got killed in the line of duty. She graduated school with a B.A in Creative Digital Engineering and moved into her own apartment. She had a few boyfriends in the past but due to her erratic job calling her whenever harm crept up in the DgtWld, they never lasted longer than a month. Mima is hopeful that when her job ends, she'll be able to move on with her life. Even so, she is finding it hard to accept the reality of her impending departure as a secret savior of the interweb. While being a Corrector is difficult, she suspects something has been growing amiss within the depths, while work has been going fine as usual, she can't help but worry that something big may be coming.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Casually deposits a CS.
Name: Matsushita Satoru

Alias in the DgtWld: Futen

Age: 21

Average Appearance:

Corrector Appearance:

Weapon of Choice: The Sword as seen in the Corrector Appearance

Cell Phone:

+ Personable
+ Tireless
+ Cunning
+ Witty
- Machiavellian
- Impulsive

Satoru grew up in Bunkyo, his father a Theology professor at the University of Tokyo and his mother an editor for Kodansha publishing company; the two of them meeting earlier on as college students at Hokkaido University. Matsushita-san was a man of ritual and he had a strict daily routine to prevent himself from becoming sidetracked, one of his steps along the way was to tell a story to Satoru. Usually the stories were centralized around Japanese mythology with his favorite tales being those of Fūjin and Raijin: deity of the wind and storms respectively, hence his Alias in the DgtWld. These tales of ancient heroes and terrifying demons inspired him greatly as a child, filling his daydreams and times of imagination as he pretended to be Susanno slaying the great serpent Orochi among other heroes and gods. He would go talk his friends into playing along with him and soon all the Shinto Deities and great warriors would be fighting Demons together for hours upon hours. For most this was just fun playing with their friends, but for Satoru it was always something more he was always longed to be a real hero like those in his father's stories.

The first twelve or so years of his life were unaffected by the new so called "Renaissance of Technology" that the world experienced predating the new cell phone technology. Cell phones were still powered by batteries and people were still marveling at touch screen interfaces, the idea of cyberspace and entering a digital world was still restricted to shows shown on the television and literature. But being raised in and around the bustling metropolis that was and still is Tokyo, it was not like Satoru could just hide away from the bustling technology around him and become sort of reclusive Luddite. So technology even before the great advancements that were made was still pivotal in his life. He still used a computer, played video games and did other tech based activities like most teenagers and even forayed into programming for a summer before he found it too tedious and boring for him. Once the new cell phone Technology become public Satoru was not an early adapter mostly because his Father instead give him one of his old cell phones he was no longer using; an old flip phone which served Satoru's purposes fine and saved the family money. But by the time he was fifteen his parents had agreed that it was time for Satoru to get a new phone, to keep up with the modern world. That was how Satoru was first introduced to the new tech, a quiet spring day with sunlight beaming through a half cracked open window as he sat on his bed and turned the device on. Little did he know he much the little device would effect his future.

He is currently attending the University of Tokyo in an effort to get a degree in Civil Engineering. The reason for this was not because Engineering jobs had the highest growth and potential for new employees with all fields in technology expanding rapidly each year , though that did have some part in his consideration for the career path. It was not because his Science and Mathematics scores were sufficient enough though that was still true his academics in school were above satisfactory. No the major reason was simply because of his trips to Shinjuku Station to go see his grandmother in Matsumoto. Shinjuku Station is the busiest train station in the world, with about 3.5 million people using the station each and everyday. 3.5 Million people was a very large number that Satoru young mind had trouble comprehending the logistics behind it all. In any normal circumstance 3.5 Million people anywhere would cause chaos and carnage it shouldn't work. Yet to Satoru great amazement every time he went there it did. Everything ran as scheduled and pedestrian traffic was smooth and flowed to and from their platforms without anyone being trampled or killed, it all work effortlessly like clockwork and it was in this precise procession of bodies and trains that just somehow drew Satoru in. He knew from then on that he wanted to become one of the people that could design a place to work like that, that he could baffle logistics and keep order's mastery over chaos. In a way it was still representative of his old dream of being a hero like in the old stories he used to hear about keeping the world in peace and order instead of anarchy of chaos but in a more realistic fashion.

On one completely ordinary day , he ended up getting an email sent to him which told him simply to go to his local Gvn Office. Intrigued, and a little bit surprised Satoru went and that was were he was offender the job as a Corrector. They give him an offer he literally couldn't refuse: by showing up his was put into a binding contract. But Satoru would of taken the job anyway for the idea of being able to be fully submersed into the DgtWld fascinated him. And his job description of battling hackers and viruses was something of a dream come true to him. For the little five year old Satoru inside of himself, the one that always wanted to be a hero. Finally he was getting his chance.

Some Info I need your input on:

Do you want our characters to already know each other?
Preferably yes, mostly because it everyone involved live's easier because we can skip the awkward first page or two of simple introduction posts, that always have a threat of dragging down a RP.
Do you often frequent an OOC of a RP you're in?
I do when I can to see what is going on with everyone, because talking to the other RPers is half the fun of a RP in the first place. Because we are all such "interesting people" XD
How active can you see yourself being in this RP?
I can post a solid four to six paragraph post once a day if needed. I do have to juggle Uni and work between it as well but I can manage.
Any questions you have for me?
How are you fairing today madam?

Future Genres: Do you want this to become post apoc and deal with time travel down the line?
Well I think the post apoc,would be the one to be easier to mesh I guess with the story. With hackers and cyber terrorism a conceivable apocalyptic situation could occur. Though time travel is always fun, so my vote is I could go either way.

RP Post Frequency: How often can you be active in the IC as well as the OOC? What should I expect from you?
As previously stated I can get about one or so solid post a day, now with Uni slowing down and work balancing out that amount will probably increase. And OCC wise, well lack of OCC activity leads to stagnation and death of RPs, besides talking to people is fun!

RP Post Amount: How much are you comfortable posting? Since this is advance, it generally stays in the average of 6-10 paragraphs, that number might dip once or twice but that is generally
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago

Holy crap, a beautiful CS. I shall bask in it posthaste.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Genkai said
Holy crap, a beautiful CS. I shall bask in it posthaste.

I'm flattered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheFake
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


No cs at the moments as I'm on my phone (oh the irony) at work. In response to your questions:

I don't see it as necessary to have all of the characters know eacother at the start but it would certainly ease things. Perhaps as compromise have the newer group members be at least familiar with the others, possibly with a prior meeting.

I see ooc as being quite important. Things come up that sometimes can't be resolved ic. Its also nice to chat with the others and separate them from their characters.

I can usually post daily, typically several times and almost guaranteed in the evenings. I tend to make posts on the shorter side but longer ones certainly aren't out of the question.

I've just got a couple of questions before I start on a character sheet:

  1. You mentioned virtual reality goggles. Would these be similar to the Occulus rift or more like true virtual reality(this is for non correctors).

  2. is the recruitment age of 17 a hard rule? are there any situations that might allow recruitment later?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago

Hexaflexagon said
I'm flattered.

Having read over your fantastic CS, I can happily say you're approved without me even needing to ask for tweaks or corrections. I don't think that's ever happened before. You've restored my faith in humanity! Now to get onto these bits real quick:

Q: Do you want our characters to already know each other?
A: Preferably yes, mostly because it everyone involved live's easier because we can skip the awkward first page or two of simple introduction posts, that always have a threat of dragging down a RP.

GM Note: Thank you for your input, I agree.

Q: Do you often frequent an OOC of a RP you're in?
A: I do when I can to see what is going on with everyone, because talking to the other RPers is half the fun of a RP in the first place. Because we are all such "interesting people" XD

GM Note: Exactly. The more chatter the better, even if it's about toast or sports. (Plz no sports)

Q: How active can you see yourself being in this RP?
A: I can post a solid four to six paragraph post once a day if needed. I do have to juggle Uni and work between it as well but I can manage.

GM Note: Thank you for your honesty, so far based on your CS, you'll be just fine.

Q: Any questions you have for me?
A: How are you fairing today madam?

Oh thank you for asking. I'm studying for a midterm today and tomorrow, otherwise I've had a good few days offline speaking. Sadly online, there is a bit is a bit of petty drama that I'm looking to neutralize.

TheFake said

No cs at the moments as I'm on my phone (oh the irony) at work. In response to your questions:

I don't see it as necessary to have all of the characters know eacother at the start but it would certainly ease things. Perhaps as compromise have the newer group members be at least familiar with the others, possibly with a prior meeting.

I see ooc as being quite important. Things come up that sometimes can't be resolved ic. Its also nice to chat with the others and separate them from their characters.

I can usually post daily, typically several times and almost guaranteed in the evenings. I tend to make posts on the shorter side but longer ones certainly aren't out of the question.I've just got a couple of questions before I start on a character sheet:

1. You mentioned virtual reality goggles. Would these be similar to the Occulus rift or more like true virtual reality(this is for non correctors).

2. is the recruitment age of 17 a hard rule? are there any situations that might allow recruitment later?

Interactions based on "new" / "old" will depend on the applications accepted. It may turn out we have more older Correctors, who would likely need to know each other. Should the younger recruits know the older just based on reputation online or just their same aged counterparts, can be decided closer to the start of the RP I'm sure.

OOC is important so we all know what direction to go in, should posts need to be discussed prior to execution or should one have to be delayed for a short period.

As for size posts, I'd rather get something with thought and depth and length, rather than a short quick post that has minimum input and assistance. I figure if people want a quick fast RP, they'd join Free. But for Advanced, something can still come in a timely manner and still be a couple of meaty paragraphs so if it comes to making someone wait, I'd rather it be worth it, than rushing through things.

Now to answer your questions, 2 is much easier to answer: I don't want special exceptions and it's unlikely or impossible to happen anyway, so no. The older the character, the more stable they'll be for their job, the less of a risk they will be to invest time in if they're nearly an adult and have already grasped the present technology while having developed basic skills of teamwork, discipline, morals, etc.

Now for your first question, I had to do a bit of reading. I understand the premise of the "Occulus rift" but then what are you comparing it to? My best guess would be to compare it to something like the HMDs from .Hack. But design in the RP will be pretty much customizable at this point. Many gamers use them, non-correctors use them to relax, listen to music, shop etc. Correctors on the other hand must use them, because they act as a tether to the real world. Since Correctors are the only ones (legally) capable of sending their mind, body and soul into the virtual reality, they heavily rely on them. Since once they enter, their bodies are pretty much empty and void of movement having a HMD attached pretty much lets other people think nothing is wrong, without giving the image of them being normal users of the internet, people would panic and think the Correctors were dead or something like that. Does that make sense? I wasn't sure the nature or purpose of the question but the short version I think is that any goggles would work and should.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Genkai said
Having read over your fantastic CS, I can happily say you're approved without me even needing to ask for tweaks or corrections. I don't think that's ever happened before.

Success! I blame the shenanigans of at least three wizards.

Now to address the return questions to your other questions.

Do not worry talking about sports is not my forte in anyway shape or form. I'm a horrible Icelandic person that does not care about who gets the Grettisbelti, or how our Football teams are faring. Toast though, I could write a whole academic essay on Toast! It is to say the greatest human invention since sliced bread!

And studying for midterms is always a "fun" experience. I was always more of the savoring of the moment after they are finally finished. For it is that inexplicable combination of existential dread and euphoria, the fear of what the grades actually are and the joy of them finally being over. But I suppose everyone just keeps their heads down and tries to survive the blast wave in anyway shape or form that they can.

Having a few good offline days is always good as well. Though that is sad to hear about your online troubles, though I suppose C'est la vie. Hope by now everything has been sorted out in some way shape or form.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago

Toast is awesome! Bread is yum! I can play sports well enough but boy, I do not have the desire to watch it from the sidelines or couch.

My midterm is done, all that's left is the final. And soon I'll have the grade from today's test, so we shall see if I'm drinking in celebration or defeat.

Things are sorting themselves out, and now that I have some school stuff done, I can focus on the lovely task of job hunting but online life should be taking a turn for the better. *crosses fingers*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Akira Kin.

Alias in the DgtWld:


Average Appearance:

Corrector Appearance:

Weapon of Choice:
A Katana.

Cell Phone:

+Agreeable. +Determined. +Faithful. +Loving. +Silly.
-Greedy. -Moody. -Sarcastic.


Some Info I need your input on:

Do you want our characters to already know each other?

Do you often frequent an OOC of a RP you're in?
Yes I do. When I get off of work I am pretty active, my off days, I'll be on literally all day.

How active can you see yourself being in this RP?
I can post at least everyday.

Any questions you have for me?
How are things going with you? :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I can't wait to see if this one gets started soon T_T I need an escape from my immense stress load from student teaching before all the vessels in my eye balls burst and my brain seeps through my nose in my next nose bleed. I have no currently moving in a forward direction roleplays on here and I think it's adding to my twitchy ness
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Genkai said
Toast is awesome! Bread is yum! I can play sports well enough but boy, I do not have the desire to watch it from the sidelines or couch. My midterm is done, all that's left is the final. And soon I'll have the grade from today's test, so we shall see if I'm drinking in celebration or defeat.Things are sorting themselves out, and now that I have some school stuff done, I can focus on the lovely task of job hunting but online life should be taking a turn for the better. *crosses fingers*

Well one can only hope! In the end though the grades do not matter as much as our scholarly careers have hyped it up. As some people like pointing out your P resident Bush was only a C+ student. It it's more how how you apply what you have learned.

Glad to hear things are getting better. Things around here are a litlle hectic. I have a paper on comparative theology due in a few hours. So you know crunch time lol.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago

Let me know when you finish the CS, iSuspect.

And midterm wasn't as great as I thought but it wasn't awful either. So eh move on and wait for the final in two weeks, all I can do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Genkai said
And midterm wasn't as great as I thought but it wasn't awful either. So eh move on and wait for the final in two weeks, all I can do.

Eh You win some and you lose some. Not being as awful as expected is always a bonus though.
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