Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Name: Lucien

Alias/Nickname: The Fallen Hunter, Kinslayer.

Age: Apparent: 22 Actual: He was alive before the First Great War.

Race: Original Angel.

Appearance: Face:

Armor(helmet long gone): [img=http://essence-of-the-world.weebly.com/uploads/1/9/8/0/19808675/4387934_orig.jpg]
His wingspan is 17 feet long, and his wings are primarily black with clusters of white feathers left.
Social Status: Renegade. Pretty much everyone wants him dead.
Relations: Everyone who didn’t want to kill him is probably dead.

General Activity: Search for the remaining members of the Angelic Council, and kill them. Kill any Demons he finds along the way as well, along with any anything that tries to stop him.

Abilities: As an Original Angel, Lucien possessed more than one power. However, due to the Demonic Virus inside of him, he’s limited to a very powerful, but also Archaic, form of Battle Angel. He has complete and utter control of his body, able to turn anything, even a drop of blood, into a weapon, and heal himself in a matter of minutes or seconds, depending on the severity of wound. Provided that the wound isn’t instantly fatal and he’s conscious enough to do so. Also, he can’t grow new limbs.

Equipment: His sword. His armor. That’s about it.

Personality: Will show IC


Lucien was born during a time when Angels were immortal (in the elven sense. You know could still be murdered, but didn’t age beyond a certain point.), and they were at an uneasy peace with Demons. He was alive when things turned to war, and he is one of the few survivors of the Great War. The reason he hates and hunts down the Council, or the Cowards, as he calls them, is simple. They tested their Demonic virus, supposed to give the Angels and edge of the Demons, on his daughter. It did the opposite. Weakened her, and turned her wings black. And when the Demons were at the gate, getting ready to break in, the Council needed a scapegoat. Lucien’s daughter was used. ‘Her wings turned black because she betrayed us and let the monstrosity at the Gate in!’ they claimed. And the other Angels believed them. They executed her without a trial, right in front of a restrained Lucien. Before Lucien could do more than scream, the Demons broke down the gate. In the Chaos, Lucien killed his daughter’s executioner, before being forced to flee with the rest of the Angels to the Surface. There, the Council decided to set themselves up as minor Gods.

Lucien was imprisoned in Onyx as soon as they could come up with an excuse. In this case, he wiped out a small human city fighting a Demon.

In the hundreds of years that followed, Lucien very nearly went insane. Luckily, they let him out before that happened. Hell’s gate was breaking, and they needed everyone who could wield a sword. Even him. To ensure he didn’t do anything stupid, they promised to kill his daughter (or, her reincarnation) if he did anything they didn’t like. That plan was shot, however, when all hell broke loose. Lucien started killing Council members.

This has been going on for two hundred years. There are still more Council members left alive. And even now,he’s being hunted by anyone who wants to make a name for themselves, or punish the Renegade.


Name: Mary

Alias/Nickname: N/A

Age: Apparent: 18 Actual: 218

Race: Human

Five foot 4 inches, eyes are a solid black orbs. There are various scars over her body, some seeming random, others seeming disturbingly purposeful. Oddly enough, they never go above her collarbone.

Social Status: Apprentice to *insert Merlin’s character’s name here*

Relations: Everyone she knew is dead. She’s currently an apprentice under Lazarus.

General Activity: Study under Lazarus.

Abilities: While this ability is not Mary’s own, it deserves mention. Mary has been bonded with a creature, known as the Abyss. This creature consumes the souls of any Angel, Human, or Demon that dies with in a mile radius of Mary. The radius is increased with each consumption.

Equipment: TBD

Personality: Will Show IC.


Before being dragged, kicking and screaming, into a world of Demons and Angels, monsters and magic, Mary was a simple college freshman. She was learning to become a small animal veterinarian. Of course, that all changed when she was kidnapped on her way to visit her parents (divorced, both single). Because Mary had attracted the attention of a Demon Lord known as ‘Sir’, he sent two of those who serve him to capture her and bring her to him. Why she was chosen, she doesn’t know. But that matters little when you’ve been kidnapped by two vampires. When the two got in an argument and subsequent fight, Mary managed to escape.

She ran away, only to run into another vampire, an angel, and a human with a rather nasty sword. Long story short, her captors tried to take her back. They were killed violently by the vampire and the human, much to Mary’s horror. However, she was far from being safe. An ascended werewolf arrived, managed to implant Mary with the Abyss, before being killed by Solus, who had killed the werewolf’s partner and then followed the werewolf.

Longer story short, the Abyss was contained inside of her mind by Solus, at the expense of nearly driving Mary insane and assuredly driving the Abyss insane. Mary was then supposed to leave through a magical portal (Mary in no state of mind to question exactly how that worked), and be relatively safe in Scotland. Only it didn’t work that way. Mary and her protector were separated, her own portal got hijacked, and rather than going to Scotland, she was dumped straight into Sir’s hands.

What followed was two centuries of experimentation, with Mary mercifully comatose and kept alive (if immortal) in a figurative cocoon of spells. During these two centuries, Sir managed to remove the old Abyss (mental trap and all), and add a new one. One more…kind, to it’s host. When Sir decided Mary was ready for ‘field testing’ he released her and woke her up in the ruins of what had been Loom, where she was found by Lazarus, a week ago.


Name: Luciana

Alias/Nickname: The Last Gatekeeper. Keeper of the Balance.

Age: Apparent: 24 Actual: She was ‘born’ around the same time humans were created.

Race: Gatekeeper.


Human form:

Stands at 5ft 8in, Green eyes.



She shrinks down to 5ft 3in in this form, with the same colored eyes, with three rings (Grey, Red, and a pearl) on her right hand.

Social Status: Well known to some, unknown to others, hated by some…its complicated.

Relations: Most people who actually knew her are dead. Those who can recognize her may hate her, like her, or not care, depending on their feelings about what she did to the Essence of the World.

General Activity: Explore the world.

Form change-Luciana can change between any of her three forms, as it suits her.
Sixth Sense- Luciana can sense humans, chimeras, demons, and angels in a 10 foot radius.

Resilient-She’s more resilient to damage. Things that would kill a normal human being don’t.


Insubstantial- In this form, Luciana isn’t a single demon, but rather hundreds of thousands of tiny ones, all controlled by a hive mind of glowing blue ones. Her form can change, split into many forms, grow short and squat, or tall and skinny, or make weapons of herself, at her whim.

Sharpen- The demons in an area combine all of their claws and mandibles into something that can actually do damage and be used as a weapon.

Consume- The demons swarm an object, devouring it. Flesh and muscle take seconds, bone takes half a minute, stone takes a minute, steel and above take several minutes to hours, depending on what the substance is.


Summon- Luciana summons one of three individuals in this form.

Human(grey jewel):

Richard- A human who took the arrival of Demons(two hundred years ago) badly, losing much of his sanity. Richard believes he's on a mission from God to strike down every fiend of Hell he finds. This includes Humans with even a hint of Demonic taint in them. He killed most of the Gospel 'heathens' he finds as well, because they strike down Angels. The Angels being servants of Heaven, and thus, God. He spotted Luciana in her Hellion form, and tried to kill her. Luciana didn't appreciate that, and he didn't seem placated when she turned to her Angel form. However, she didn't want to kill him. Thus, Richard was dominated and captured.

Powers: Despite his madness, Richard does possess real power. It's mostly a magical resistance and a remarkable ability to see through illusions, but he can imbue his shield with 'holy' energy, blocking most magical damage done to it. And, obviously, extended life. He can imbue his limbs with that same energy, making him a match for any Hellion. His weapon is the last thing he imbues, slipping through most magical shielding and armor with ease.


Ezekiel- Ezekiel was once a loyal Battle Angel to the Council, serving it the best of his ability, even when the Hordes of Hell came to Loom and Angels were dying all around them. He still believed in their leadership, even fighting off the infamous Kinslayer to protect the trio he had attached himself to when Loom fell and they were all scattered. He believed in them even when he threw himself at a Demon had very little chance of beating and surviving. The Council had to survive. So he fought this demon. Nearly died, but he killed it. But the Demon had to get it's last laugh. It cursed him with petrification(much like the human myth Medusa). The Demon died before the curse could be completed, so Ezekiel became a living statue. Without the Council members to guide him(Them having ran far away to survive), he wandered. And he found the Keeper of the Balance. The Council painted her as evil incarnate, so Ezekiel attacked her. Luciana didn't want to waste time killing him, so she dominated and captured him.

Powers: As a living statue, Ezekiel is natural more resistant to damage than others. His strength and speed and flight ability are undiminished as well. However, his repairing as a Battle Angel is slightly...different. Rather than be like most Angels, he has to put together the chunks and pieces of himself he loses. As long as he has pieces of him that are more than just dust, he can put himself back together.

Demon(red jewel)-

Rachel- Rachel came to the Surface after the Gate was so thoughtfully broken down by that mad human, Judas. She just wanted to see what it was like, really. What she found was the structured chaos of humans, sprawling all over the surface of the planet. She just found pure chaos as the forces of Heaven and Hell fought, and Judas made a little army all of his own while another human tried to stop him. She didn't care. What she did care about, however, was all the free meals running about. Humans are such emotional creatures...and when emotions failed, she could always drain their life force. Various emotions powered her spells, and life force was just pure energy. It was a perfect situation for her. Until that inquisitive bitch The Keeper came poking around, finding her in the center of a settlement that seemed to be drained of emotion. Before she could even offer an explanation, Rachel was dominated and trapped in that damn ring.

Powers: As stated above, Rachel feeds on emotions. And, when those are in drained, the life force of whatever her tendrils are touching. She can drain someone's anger, lust, hate, happiness, whatever the emotion is, she can make it disappear, consuming it. When she has turned her victims into emotional husks, she wraps a tendril around them, draining them into literal husks. She uses the emotions to power her spells. Naturally,different emotions power different spells. Anger, for example, powers offensive spells, while Love powers defensive spells. Her tendrils can be used as weapons, in a pinch, and if she has enough time she can drain the life force from someone. If they're unsuspecting..or just don't care.

Equipment: Her twelve string silver harp which has only five actual magical abilities.
Shockwave: By dragging her fingers across the strings, Luciana can send out a shockwave to send anyone too close flying back. Dissipates after 6 feet.
Shield: By playing this tune, Luciana creates a magical shield. By slightly changing the tune she can change it’s form. Dome, small shield, large, etc. The longer she plays the stronger it gets.
Calm: By playing this tune, anyone who hears it loses any aggressive emotion. And calms down. Of course, the emotions could come straight back when they can’t hear it anymore.
Combine: Luciana creates a golem to fight for her out of whatever materials happen to be around. Earth, water, cars, trash cans. Whatever works.

Heal: Luciana plays this tune, and can heal wounds. Obviously, the worse the wounds, the longer she plays.

Personality: Will show IC


Luciana knows five things about herself. 1. Her name is Luciana. 2,3,4. She should be dead. Once for each form. 5. She can play a harp she’s never seen before remarkably well.

Other than that, all Luciana knows about herself is waking up in the ruins of a city, all but a few memories gone.

Now, while Luciana knows almost nothing about herself, the rest of the world knows quite a bit. She was the Gatekeeper for the humans, one of three powerful individuals, tasked with keeping the Essence of the World safe, and keeping the worlds from intermingling. Obviously, during the first Great War, that failed, as Heaven’s Gatekeeper was killed, and the Angels were forced to live in the Surface. Luciana tried to force them back into Heaven for years, attempting to restore balance. She failed in that too.

Things only got worse when Judas got his hands on the Essence of the world. Thus, Luciana was forced to fight against increasingly impossible odds, to try and get to the Essence before someone as bad as or worse(if that was even possible) than Judas got their hands on it. The war happened. Hundreds of thousands died. Luciana kept pushing. Eventually, they reached Judas, and killed him. Unfortunately, the Essence was corrupted by Judas’ constant meddling and foul presence. Any hope of returning the worlds to what they had been was gone. But, she could create a new balance. Give humanity a bigger fighting chance in what was to follow. Luciana convinced the Essence to disperse, but not without a cost. The Essence was made from the essences of two Gatekeepers. A third was needed to give it enough power to disperse. Her race wasn’t needed anymore. She was a relic of an old, dead Era. So she did what was needed. She sacrificed herself and helped uplift humanity. That was two hundred years ago. She’s supposed to be dead and gone, forgotten.

Someone brought her back.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

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Rtron said
Um...that's the plot that didn't involve Mary right? >_>

No one is safe >:3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

yoshua171 said
No one is safe >:3

But what interest could he have in her?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay Im gonna need to edit some of Lazarus' stuff and some of it im gonna leave alone cause I want to know what your feeling on them is. Obviously feel free to veto left and right but I think some of his magic is rather interesting but I'll leave that up to yall
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll only Veto if you don't sell your soul to me. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

done :) you'll like the bit about Mary it actually worked out really well
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Thomas Finch

Alias: Lazarus

Due to a his unique ability to move his soul from one vessel to another Thomas gained the name he typically goes by when he was apparently killed by a surface demon. Four days later he earned the name "Lazarus" when he apparently rose from the grave returned and killed the surface demon whose final words were: And the dead man came out, his hands and feet bound in grave clothes, his face wrapped in a head cloth.

Age: Apparent: 28 Actual: 234
Race: Human


Minus the facial tattoos

Social Status: Lazarus is a recluse to most of the world and as such the the average person doesn't treat him with much difference as Lazarus is a rather unassuming individual. Within the more enlightened communities Lazarus is a respected practitioner of magic as well as a renowned scholar on the topic. Lazarus is also known and feared within communities that have less than favorable intentions towards the surface. His reputation is well deserved.

Relations: Lazarus family died almost two hundred years ago and due to his intensive study of magic and other archaic skills he lacks many close friends.
Lazarus had recently taken on Mary as his ward and after discovered she was incapable of magic he settled for apprenticing her in swordsmanship, painting, sculpting, poetry and music among other things. Mary is the closest thing Lazarus has to family and he will protector her fiercely, even going so far as to die protecting her, if he thinks someone or something is a threat to her.

General Activity: Lazarus practices a variety of martial arts and combat styles, the arts, and academia, in addition to honing his magical expertise. Any time he is not exploring archaeologically or magically significant sights he can be found in his home working on a number of projects. Lazarus has also been know to arbitrate disputes between demons, angels and humans. This occasionally takes the form of him dealing out justice on behalf of a wronged party. Lazarus is also a fairly renowned scholar within the magical world as his innate grasp of magic has allowed him to begin intense studies into the principles behind it and how they interact with the world.

Abilities: Before Lazarus' death he was a professor of archaeology with focuses in Egypt, Europe, The Aztec, and Japan. This was all made possible by the fact that Lazarus is a certifiable genius. Lazarus is also naturally gifted in the use of magic however when the Gate came down his powers increased by an order of magnitude.


Personality: Quirky is the easiest way to describe Lazarus as he is prone to fits of brilliance that cause him to be all consumed by his work. When Lazarus isn't suffering from one of his manic bursts he has the personality of a pleasant college professor.

Lazarus has a fascination with history and archaeology and anything related to magic in mythology which means it is easy for him to tangentialize in conversations. Lazarus does not treat anyone differently based on their race or status.

Lazarus also has a vicious cold side he reserves for his enemies or anyone foolish enough to cross him while he is on a manic high. Lazarus’ hard and cold side allows him to defend himself and those he loves (Which are few and far between), the problem with this state of mind is that it is also is when Lazarus is at his most brilliant in terms of magic. This state is usually brought on by using Dracul and tapping into the well of souls stored in it.

(This information would require you to know Lazarus’ real name to find/know it)
Prior to his initial death Dr. Thomas Finch was a professor of Archeology at Trinity College in Ireland as his genius had allowed him to complete three doctorates and landed him a job as a tenured professor at Trinity. During this time Finch was obsessed with mythology and magic in ancient cultures due to his minor abilities as a practitioner. When the Gate fell Finch finally came into his own as a Warlock.

(His battle and resurrection are fairly common knowledge however most view it as a tall tail more than anything else)
Finch focused much of his time on mastering the art of Necromancy as many of the cultures he studied had focus on death, life and the mastery of the two. While exploring a site in Greece Finch discovered the first half of the information he needed to resurrect himself after his death and a year later he discovered the second half of the information on a dig in Egypt. When he finally returned from a two year sabbatical to Trinity he discovered one of his students had been murdered by a demon. In a rage he tracked the demon down and confronted it. The demon tore Thomas Finch limb from limb. After consuming Thomas’ corpse the Demon assumed it had gotten away with it’s murder but four days later Dr. Finch returned with a horde of walking corpse and tore the demon apart. After the battle Thomas Finch was dead but Lazarus had been born that day. Lazarus resigned his position at Trinity to continue his study of magic in the peace of his newly acquired home Finch’s Loft.

(This isn't known to anyone other than Mary at this point due to how recent the events are)
While exploring the ruins of Loom Lazarus discovered the girl Mary among the ruins. The girl reminded him of the student he had lost and he immediately took her in vowing to protect her as he saw Mary as a chance at redemption for his past failure. After discovering Mary appeared to be carrying some sort of other presence within her and that she was incapable of magic he started teaching her fencing and the arts in place of magic.

(Very few know the rest of the story)
The student that was killed by the demon went by the name of Kathleen O’heir. A striking beauty with fiery red hair and a laugh that caught Lazarus’ heart. After Kathleen was out of Lazarus’ class the two were briefly engaged and then married in the Ring of Kerry. The three years Lazarus had with Kathleen were the best of his life. When he left Trinity to go on his sabbatical he left Kathleen to finish her studying at Trinity. Lazarus promised Kathleen that when he returned they would travel the world and be together. Lazarus had just inherited his family's fortune and he no longer needed his position at Trinity. When Kathleen was killed Lazarus went into a blind rage which led to the events of him receiving his name. After Kathleen’s death Lazarus’ study of magic has been focused on Necromancy and Alchemy for one reason. Lazarus want’s his wife back.

One more step and I'll show you why they call me a Warlock
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Synthorian
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rtron, just read Luciana's bio. Do you actually have a plan for who brought her back?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Closet Nerd

Closet Nerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sry I haven't been poking around as of late. I might as well get to reading, huh?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Synthorian said
Rtron, just read Luciana's bio. Do you actually have a plan for who brought her back?

As of right now, no. If you have any ideas PM me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Anyway, I'll bring Emmet and Olivia back. However there's a slight secret, Wind, you and me , need to talk about with Emmet. Namely since it's going to rather interesting if it's alright to do. I had Mika help me a lot with it and slade as well as few others seemed alright with it, but unlike the rest of you, I know little about the world or what it might clash with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Closet Nerd

Closet Nerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

So in the Skype chat I decided I want to experiment with an insane character and I made up my mind on what her mental instabilities will be. Also I decided that it's a she :P
Multiple personalities, one side being a high-functioning sociopath and the other being a punk-style psychopath (Really don't know what I could clinically phrase the kind of female in-your-face punk character I'm looking for with the more 'outgoing' side so that's how I'm putting it.) The latter will be constantly looking for a thrill even if it puts her or someone else in danger and doesn't pay enough attention to realize her duality, the former will be BEYOND wordy, as in a paragraph for each piece of dialogue if I can pull it off as I imagine it and will actually use her intelligence most of the time, thus considering the multiple personalities an obvious part of her life.

Now the only question I have for myself is whether she's kicked from, currently occupied as, or has never been a student of the Academy. And the reason why I say all my thoughts on the matter so outwardly is because I want to gain some interest from your characters for potential interactions which will help me decide on the previous question. Plus the more collaboration the better.

Also I'm realizing that this group has the big players from Blood as well as one from Zhymos so the roleplayer composition here is utterly fantastic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Closet Nerd said
Sry I haven't been poking around as of late. I might as well get to reading, huh?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Closet Nerd

Closet Nerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hyallo, Fallen & Rtron, long time no see! How has the Guild been treating you two?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Closet Nerd said
Hyallo, Fallen & Rtron, long time no see! How has the Guild been treating you two?

Alright, I suppose. Net problems currently so posting is slow as molassass.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Closet Nerd

Closet Nerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Well, molasses is my nickname so I have no problem with it, ma'am ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

I'm glad, it will be like this until I can get net hooked up but first bills and money are needed. XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fallenreaper said
Anyway, I'll bring Emmet and Olivia back. However there's a slight secret, Wind, you and me , need to talk about with Emmet. Namely since it's going to rather interesting if it's alright to do. I had Mika help me a lot with it and slade as well as few others seemed alright with it, but unlike the rest of you, I know little about the world or what it might clash with.

I was wondering if that plotline would be brought back. Should be interesting. >)

Closet Nerd said
Hyallo, Fallen & Rtron, long time no see! How has the Guild been treating you two?

The Guild? Fine. My computer? Eh, not so much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Rtron said
I was wondering if that plotline would be brought back. Should be interesting. >)

Indeed... I have to, Emmett's and Olivia's just begging to be tools for someone to use after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I enjoyed the character sheet, Hawk, good job ^_^

I'm curious if his ability to read surface thoughts can be clouded or resisted depending on the person and the circumstances.

Also thanks for the mention of Athriohm in there, nice to have a bit of integration :P

Welcome back Fallen!

Sounds like an interesting idea, Clon, can't wait to see how you play this one out :3
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