Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"I am fairly confident though If possible I would prefer to avoid any deaths if at all possible." Minerva stated as she looked at Duncan. She knew that the situation they were in there was probably little room for avoiding deaths but for as long as possible she wanted to avoid doing so. "Though I believe that my reactions would be able enough to trick them should the situation arise." She quickly added She could probably work out something should the need arise to act out being a recaptured prisoner though she probably could take one guard down with a knife she would rather avoid doing so. Plus she had the baton that was handed to her perhaps they could just simply knock them out instead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Jericho shakes his head, not liking having to turn down a good plan, but doing so none the less. "We'd have to meet up with Duncan for our gear. Besides, he's hitting the control room to shut down the AM field, remember?" Checking down the stairs, he motions the others down the other way. "Alright, head right after we go down a level, look for important things to do damage to and free any prisoners you can to cause general mayhem. Meet back at this stairwell in..." He looks at Adam who checks his wrist watch.

"It'll take us about ten minutes if we include taking out the other guards. Trip back will be faster, so at most twenty minutes." Jericho nods.

"Right then, we'll meet back at this stairwell in twenty minutes. Clear?" After getting affirmation from everyone, Jericho and Adam lead the way down the stairwell and then head up to the left, Adam drawing a combat knife and Jericho readying his butcher's cleaver.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Listening to Rachel, Xerox nodded. It was highly probable for him to accomplish those things if he got his gear. All he needed was just any one of his equipment, whether it was clothes, or his weapon, or even just his glasses. He had attached drives to all of his clothes and his weapon, allowing him easy access to his ESS. With Xerox's knowledge, he could even borrow someone else's drive to temporarily access his ESS. "It is highly probable for me to do that if I can just get to my gear." he re-iterated the crucial point.

It seems, however, Jericho disagreed with the plan, shaking his head."We'd have to meet up with Duncan for our gear. Besides, he's hitting the control room to shut down the AM field, remember?" he explained before leading. "Alright, head right after we go down a level, look for important things to do damage to and free any prisoners you can to cause general mayhem. Meet back at this stairwell in..."

"It'll take us about ten minutes if we include taking out the other guards. Trip back will be faster, so at most twenty minutes." Adam informed.

"Right then, we'll meet back at this stairwell in twenty minutes. Clear?"
"But!" Before he got to correct Jericho on what Duncan said, he had started to head down the stairs. "Shit, what is he doing." Duncan had told Jericho to go secure the drives. Additionally, getting Xerox his drive would enable them to make several plans, contingency plans and give them stock to weapons. One other aspect, perhaps more important to Xerox, was the fact that he had medical supplies, and could treat Rachel. Jericho's plan deviated from this, and could potentially lead to a more difficult escape if poorly executed. Sneaking for their drives, felt like the priority, sabotage, secondary.

Still supporting Rachel, he quickly told Heloise, "I'm going to go directly for the drives. I think Jericho completely forgot about them. I'll let you decide whether you go with Jericho's plan or follow me. Just thought someone should know." He then stepped aside, pulling aside the female guard that had informed Duncan of the location of the armory and where another SeeD member was. "Tell me how to get our drives." he asked her. His tone serious, she quivered a little. Taking in a deep breath, he apologised, "Sorry. I just need to get to the drives as soon as possible." his tone softening, calming down at the same time. The female guard seemed to calm down too, pointing down the stairs, "Go down three flights of stairs, across the corridor and there's a room at the end on the right. They should be in there." she replied.

"Thank you, continue with Jericho's plan." Xerox said, before speaking to Rachel, on his shoulder. "Are you alright? Do you want to come with me, or go with Jericho's plan? If anything, I think you should stick with the others. I don't think you are quite right to fight alone, sticking with me could be dangerous." Depending on her answer, he would continue supporting her, and start making his way down the stairs with her, or he would ask either Heliose or the female guard to take care of her, before making his way down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

As Jericho and Adam moved down the corridor, two bodies behind them, one with a cleaver in it's head and another with it's throat slit, Adam glanced at Jericho, who had a combat knife held in reverse grips in both hands. "Think the lad caught on to your idea?" Jericho returned the glance and nodded. Signaling a stop, they let another pair of guards walk by and then went down the hallway on Adam's indication it was the right way.

"He may not realize that I'm having him do it, but he'll do it all the same. Are you sure those explosives will work?" They could hear another pair of guards coming and, when they rounded the corner, the guard on the left took a pair of knives to the gut and chest while the one on the right took a knife to the throat. The bodies were hidden and the pair moved on.

"It's a couple of jury rigged grenades made into radio explosives with jury rigged receivers, but Fresno and I are confident." Jericho remains unconvinced, but continues on with the plan as it was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Heloise pondered her options for a moment, wondering which would be better, but she knew she wanted her drives. And maybe their weapons were there too. So without anymore thought, she followed aftr Xerox, At his concern for Rachel, Heloise said "There's three of us, so I think that classifies with a group, don't you?. And I think the more the merrier right now" She said, looking about them, her body ready to launch herself into an attack, among other things.

She really hoped Hector was okay. She didn't want to have to say goodbye to perhaps the only friend she had. And she didn't want to die today. That realisation had her wishing she had her daggers once more, and she sighed. "Let's hurry it up. The quicker we do this, the quicker I can have my daggers back" She really felt naked without them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

“Will stick with you for now.” Rachel said to Xerox, still relying on his help to move around as they separated into two groups. She looked at the other girl, Heloise was it? Her memories and mental abilities were still a little bit shaky from the struggling with the internal wounds and the pain she felt, but otherwise she was pretty darn sure she got the name right at least...” Seriously, since when was I afraid of danger? Mission comes first and we were send here so we will work with that.” She stated, looking at the basically non-existing weapon she had. Where did the guards dig up those from exactly?

“Yep we are a group alright.” She agreed with the other girl and quickly looked at the boy helping her walk.” You can let me move on my own now. I think I can manage for a time.” She stated, regaining her own footing a bit by bit, till she finally started walking on her own, still she walked near the wall so she can use an arm to lean every now and then.

“Yes, we need our equipment as soon as possible... My body is pure mess right now. Biggest problem is that I can barely move let alone fight, thus I'm a hindrance... thus I need to do somethign about that. I have a lot of medical supplies in my stuff, I can probably take care of the entire group once I get it.” Rachel stated, as she lifted her other arm with great difficulty, barely hearing some footsteps form the distance. She quickly made a gesture with her hand and pointed at the direction of the incoming steps.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ashton frowned a little at Minerva as she didn't answer Duncan's questions about what happened, but supposed that the information could wait once they were actually to safety. She would of liked to know if everyone was alright as well. Listening to her words, Ashton tried thinking through the two ideas and the pros of cons of each. If they went with just sending Fresno, the guards probably wouldn't have their guard up in compared to with a prisoner. After all, even the word SeeD made them nervous in general. Yet flanking both of them may be a little more difficult. If they used the warden/prisoner trick, the guards would probably have their guard up, but if Minerva was skilled and hid the baton well then she could probably take the one farther away from them out while Ashton and Duncan quickly took care of the closest guard. Minerva also had Fresno as back up so Ashton decided on that.

Glancing between the three companions, Ashton motioned to Minerva and Fresno and then to the guards. Pointing to the two before making the walking motion with her right hand, then lightly karate chopped it into her left open palm. Nodding toward the farthest guard. Then she pointed between her and Duncan, and did the same karate chop motion but then nodded to the closer guard.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Well, we might not get our equipment straight away, but when I get my drive, I can at least supply equipment. Both weapons and medical equipment. I got a lot in stock." Xerox replied to both Heliose and Rachel in the one sentence. Rachel pointed out the footsteps, Xerox listened in. Hm... three sets ... two holding guns, one with a sword on their back and a dagger at his side... Listening through echolocation, he could pinpoint the weapons they had, but not anything that was hidden as most of the sound was bouncing off their clothes.

They had made their way down the stairs and barely arrived at the third floor, at which had a number of corridors, annoyingly enough, when they could identify the enemies. Xerox whispered to Rachel and Heliose, "There's three of them just ahead, two with guns, one with a sword and dagger. I don't know if they have any hidden weapons or anything, it's hard to tell if you haven't got a full mastery of echolocation. We should prioritize taking down those with guns first, if they shoot, it's going to be hard to keep going without them noticing. You two go from the right side, I'll come in on the left. When they walk past, we take them down and take their weapons. Alright?" Xerox moved over onto the other side of the corridor, on the left of where the soldiers were coming from.

The footsteps were approaching, Xerox was hiding on the side, waiting for the enemies to come out, ready to knock out the first person. He was ready to aim for the person's chin, rattling the brain to cause a concussion. Finishing them in one shot would allow him to move onto the next person and silence him before he got a chance to draw his weapons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lennon79
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Lennon79 Senpai

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

'Not sure we can completely avoid bloodshed, but if you want to go non-lethal that's your choice. Just be careful.' It wasn't as though he didn't sympathise, after all these were his countrymen, but sometimes you had to break a few eggs for that omelette. Duncan glanced at Griffone, mentally deciphering her hand signals. Curiosity plagued him and he wondered for a long moment if she was perhaps mute or deaf. She wouldn't be the first handicapped SeeD to prove her doubters wrong. 'Sounds... uh, looks like a plan. Minerva, it's up to you how you play it, just take that guard down. We'll handle the other one. Fresno? Stay behind her, look like you're holding chains or something. When she attacks, stand back and let her handle it. No offence, but we've got more training on this kinda thing.' The soldier grimaced, clearly annoyed by Duncan's implications, but nodded regardless. 'Alright. I think the armoury's through there, so once these guys are down, you'll be able to get your weapons. Probably.' That drew a dry smile to Duncan's lips. Confidence. I like it... 'Alright then people, get to it. Griff, lead on.'

He followed as Griffone crept into striking range, hugging the shadows as he moved. Unfortunately, these guards weren't making it easy. They had to freeze a couple of times when one got bored of staring straight ahead. Nevertheless, they were in position by the time Minerva and Fresno were in position. One of the guards stepped forward, hefting his gun menacingly. 'Stand to and identify yourself. I weren't told about no transfers today.' For once Fresno was grateful of his helmet's thick visor. His eyes jumped erratically from one guard to the next, his heart in his throat. He had never done shit like this before, dammit, anything could go wrong. Despite his nerves he managed to reasonably calm response. 'Agent Mako requested this one be moved upstairs. Prisoner Number...' He made it up, praying that they didn't know the manifest. '... 7747.' The second guard perked up, cocking his head in confusion. 'Wait, I thought 7747 was that fat dude from Dollet?' Shit. Shit, shitshitshit! Duncan realised they couldn't wait any longer. If the guards had a chance to question further or worse, radio in for confirmation, their cover was blown. He darted forward on the closest guard's blindside, throwing the now useless breadknife past the guards as a distraction. Even putting all his weight behind the stab, Duncan was barely able to pierce the man's armour, cutting just deep enough to sever the spine. One guard was down, it would be up to the others to take the second. Suddenly, inexplicably, he had a very odd feeling of foreboding... Not in the immediate sense, not like he was about to get shot, but... but like something much worse was coming.

Guard duty. Guard duty on top of more guard duty. That's all Army life was nowadays. Never any action, any excitement. Admittedly, the life of a Galbadian soldier had never been a great one, what with the bipolar officers and atrocity quotas. Still, since the old President had died things just hadn't been the same. With that in mind, it was an almost pleasant surprise for the gate guard to see a pair of vehicles approaching the prison, including one in the distinctive livery of Galbadia Garden. The soldier cocked his rifle and jogged out to meet the oncoming car. Even in these times, Galbadia Garden has a special relationship with the Army, but that didn't mean they could do whatever they damn well wanted. 'State your business here SeeD!' He raised his rifle threateningly. In hindsight, it might not have been the best idea.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akirashadow
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akirashadow Cowboy kitty monk

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Here, you're up for reassignment." A folder was slid across the desk to where Jake was sitting.
"Already? Couldn't find anyone else who wanted to do it huh?" Jake picked up the file as he flipped it open and scanned its content, a small picture of a female was paper clipped to the corner."Minerva Grants... who's that?" The Garden official sighed in response to Jake's question.
"A fellow SeeD of Galbadia Garden. We thought this assignment might interest you, she was your... replacement if you will on the joint Garden Strike team."
"Right and you're giving me her personal files for?" Jake questioned once more as he rested the file on his lap and looked up at his would be mission assigner.
"She was captured, Overwatch tailed the team that took her back to Galbadia's high security prison in the dessert. You're to stage a rescue op to get her out. If there's evidence that interrogation has taken place you'll need to find out what she's told them."
"Wait... you want me to single-handedly assault that notorious place? How am I to get in, knock on the frigging door?"
"You'll be joining up with a member of the joint Garden Strike team, I believe you know her as Eika, along with support SeeD from Balamb Garden. Overwatch will also assist in gaining you access. Following your earlier efforts on the mission you've been approved for a promotion, here's your advance." The official slid an envelop across the desk to Jake. "You leave immediately, you've been cleared for full weapon dispatch, and loan of a Garden vehicle. You'll meet Eika at the crossroads between Timber and DC, once you've completed your primary objective you'll be under the command of the Strike team leader until further notice, dismissed."

Jake, having received his orders gave a simple nod leaving the office and heading to the quartermaster to receive his full kit. Crossbow on the left, sword on the right and dagger sheathed at either side, it seemed Galbadia Garden were not interested in the same games they were playing on his initial deployment under 'covert' restrictions. Jake was about to head to the garage before one of the weapon workers stopped him. "Jake hold up! Little surprise present, sure to go off with a bang. If you know what I mean." Jake smirked as he took the 'present', the bolt heads, which had clearly been packed with some kind of explosive allowed a distinct difference from the usual counterparts as he packed the two types of ammunition together. Avoiding any other distractions the SeeD headed for the garage, snatching the keys to his assigned vehicle and heading off.

Sometime later Jake arrived at the meeting spot, he lowered his window as he pulled alongside the stationary Balamb vehicle already at the crossroads. When the driver of the Balamb vehicle returned the gesture Jake glanced in the opening at the SeeD's within. "Eika right? Jake Firesong, you may not remember me, we only met briefly during the Timber section. I'm looking forward to working with you, your file has some interesting mentions." The Galbadian SeeD paused for a moment before continuing. "oh by the way, I sourced these myself Galbadia Garden hasn't been snooping on Balamb's servers... but certain students can get you the right thing for the right price, I'm sure you have a few of those yourselves?" Despite the clear breach of privacy & conduct Jake portrayed quiet the act of innocence and calm. "Unfortunately Galbadia Garden's contribution to this mission is only an Overwatch team, we have the numbers they just won't be on the ground with your guys, ready to go?" More of a rhetorical question than anything else it would seem as Jake set off a few seconds after asking, driving the small section of road that lead in the general direction of the prison before proceeding off road for the required duration of the journey, stopping a few hundred meters from the prison Jake gazed upon its exterior the unique design it carried simply reinforced its strength and notoriety.

"Overwatch confirm you have eye's on? Over" Jake spoke to the radio whilst still inside his vehicle.
"Overwatch confirms, Jailbreak team in sight. Going radio silent until engagement commences, over."
"Jailbreak confirms, over out." Jake picked up and inserted his ear piece radio before stepping out and heading to Eika to hand over hers. "Probably best they stay in there until we're ready to get the door open. Too many on the ground runs a higher risk of a misfire, Overwatch couldn't get to close." To avoid drawing any more attention then he already had, Jake motioned with his head toward the mountains before turning and walking toward the prison.

It didn't take long before one of the main entrance guards rushed forward toward Jake to stop his advance. "State your business here SeeD!" The soldier demanded as he held his gun up at Jake. Jake repositioned himself to get eye's off of Eika's vehicle without walking closer to the prison. "I was sent here by Galbadia Garden. I'm here for Minerva Grant, I have it on good authority that she has been imprisoned here."
"What right do you have to ask for the release of a prisoner?!" The soldier barked, weapon still ready.
"You know full well the protocol for the arrest of Galbadian SeeD. They're to be placed into the custody of the Garden disciplinary committee. There it's decided whether further action should be required, safe from the armies methods of interrogation."
"Out of the question! Now unless you want to make some problem of that you should leave!".
"Well you see, there is a problem with that..." Jake stated with a smile, the flash in the distance could only have be seen if you were looking for it. Jake blinked as the high velocity round from the sniper rifle caused a small side ward spray as it pierced the soldiers skull, the blood lightly coated Jake's cheek. "...I wasn't asking." was all Jake said as the soldiers body dropped lifelessly to the floor.
"Weapons free! Fire, fire!" The order came in and the soldiers posted on the prisons outer guard balconies began to drop like flies.

Wiping the blood from his cheek, Jake waved to Balamb car indicating for the support SeeD to exit. It had appeared Eika had dealt with the other door guardsmen as Jake and the support SeeD approached the walls either side of the alcove where the entrance resided. "Overwatch primary objective complete, relocating for secondary objective." This for Jake was the indication that Overwatch were moving further along the mountain range to get eyes on both the secondary prison strut, and the Galbadian army missile silo. When Jake and the support SeeD were in position he gave Eika a thumbs up to indicate that he was ready before turning his gaze towards the alcove, waiting for the entrance and guards to clear out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The pair stopped at another intersection and listened, waiting for the sounds of more footsteps. After the last pair of guards, Jericho had kept the pistol and SMG one of them had just in case things went south faster than they could meet up with the others while Phillips had his assault rifle for the same reason. When no sound came, the moved on, having dropped three more levels in order to reach the junction. After a couple of minutes, Adam turned to Jericho. "So, what goes through your head when you kill the other guards? I mean, they're Galbadians too." Jericho didn't answer right away, looking around before sighing.

"Killing these guys don't bring me pleasure, because you're right, they are my country men, and Duncan's too. But they have orders to kill us if we try to escape, so in the end, I do what I have to do. Isn't that what they teach you to do in the army?" Phillips didn't speak, only nodded, as he ran Jericho's words over in his mind. Ten minutes later, they reach a walkway over looking the junction and Jericho asks for Adam to radio Fresno and see where they are.

{Fresno, come in. Jericho and I are at the Junction. How copy?}
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arisphadrel
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Arisphadrel The First Dream

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

To Begin...

The day that she had seen it had been a while ago, hadn't it? The true visage of a nightmare -- her own end. Visionary never showed her something false -- she only showed her potential ends, deaths that would happen on the current path. And it was up to Eika to stray from the path to change it -- but her own end...This one was far too vivid. Far too fragile... The shock had rendered her in a psychological state unfit to return to the field until now. Her mind, on the machines that they hooked her up to, showed her brain activity to be so painfully off the chart that she had to be sedated out of fear of harming herself. Only now, with the applied duress of the Dean himself, had she been tested to see if she was once more combat-ready. And oh look, oh boy.

She was.

And that's what net her the waiting game that she had in the parked car in particular. On her head was a pair of new headphones, it seemed. A singular conformity to technology, as she tapped at several files with something of an awkward look. She was looking for music, she seemed. Not the greatest with that stuff...But it was to be expected. So to see Jake Song of all people arrive made her raise an eyebrow as her mind regressed back to the time that she had last seen him-
"Oh. You didn't die. Good afternoon. Beyond your alleged capabilities, shall we be going?"
With that notion, the meet-up completed, she got out of the car, the quartet of orbs she knew like a part of her own body meeting up to allow two of them to hit the ground immediately. It was just a moment to reach down and pick up the small moving PuPu Doll that she had made -- ah, and he even had his own little UFO to play around in now. Notioning Nom-Nom to go in, the little toy did so and immediately piloted his toy UFO up and into the pack on her back before she closed her eyes and took a deep breath as the calmness from listening to something...soothing washed in. Music had become a pacifier for her head, but it was unfortunate to have to set the earpiece in for the time being. Just to listen in as she watched them all begin to walk to the set meters to the prison.

Placing one shoe on an orb that had swiveled down to foot level, lightning crackled inside of it before enveloping her leg -- with the action repeated to the other shortly after -- to let her begin "skating" across empty air on the two spheres while the other two trailed behind her.
"Munashii, shouldn't you-"
Another tap. Another song on. Her headphones adjusted to encase the earpiece in while she moved in.
"...Alright. Show me everything, Visionary."
To one who was unaware of her history at the Garden, it seemed like a death wish for Eika to be moving in behind Jake and slowly to the side. And from there on, it was...all too simple. Eyes opened up within her orbs, each one staring rapidly as rings surrounded them to gesture to what element was currently occupying -- Fire, Lightning, Time, and Gravity it seemed. She never was one for listening to people make those overly complicated plans when she already had everything she needed to do the part of her job that mattered the most. And in that case, she was going to casually stroll up to start it anyways.~

Here it started.

And just as Jake dropped the first guard, the one that had been awaiting at the door would come to find the Haste-enhanced girl standing in front of him with a particularly bored look on her face.
"...So you do have him..."
A smile quirked on her lips as she was quick to slam her hand against his face as he readied his gun with complete disregard for her words, effectively stunning her as the veins traversing through her arm glew with an angry crimson for the coming moment. Her head was seeing it -- the things Visionary showed her inside. The one that she knew more than anyone else, cared for on a level above others, the one that she had a particular fondness towards despite any and all rules...Hah. They had him. They made it too easy to trigger her.
"Consider yourself the lucky one."

And there was her part of the plan, as instructed by the Dean himself. The vicious, fiery explosion that came from the palm of her hand utterly melted the Guard's upper body before dropping what remained of his burnt lower half, moving past his body and right against the entrance doors of the prison to melt through them. As it turned out, high-tech powers didn't mean much from the outside when it came to knocking on the door.

And Eika was here to bang the fucking door down.

"You should get moving in with the SeeD support while they're gathering up their forces. I don't think anyone will be particularly happy with the uproar I'm about to cause, Jake. After all. I'm the distraction to let you get in easier. So..."
Her words implied what she excelled at. Disastrous fits -- and with the Calm Time in sync with her heartbeat rapidly rising from rush of images that Visionary flashed through her head, it wasn't hard to get "psyched" enough to get to calling Her out. Quietly hopping off of two of her orbs, the quartet as a whole began to revolve around her frame as she held up a single hand and held the palm against her left eye.

And then it'd be felt.

The nightmarish pressure that brought even the coldest man to a shiver. The harsh whispers that began to ring from her position as black mist under her feet slowly allowed clawed hands and gnashing jaws to drag themselves out, and struggle to bring whatever the limbs were connected to as well. The summoning of this GF in particular, as much an anomaly as it was, came with the barks and calls of Galbaldian dogs lining up to meet the monster at the front door.

"I suggest you get going now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akirashadow
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akirashadow Cowboy kitty monk

Member Seen 10 mos ago

An impressive sight, Eika had made getting through the front door of the most secure prison known look as easy as sliding a hot knife through butter. Next came the barking and yelling as the heavy footsteps of military boots echoed down the hall and faded as soldiers blindly spilled out focusing on the target in their direct field of view, Eika. Jake took a cautious glance awaiting the last of the soldiers drawing his sword. "Surround her! One girl won't be enough to stop us all!" As the last few spewed out onto the sand from the mouth of the unknown Jake cut off the path of the last guard.

"Not you, turn around." he whispered the blade of his sword pushed against the soldiers lips. The supporting SeeD slowly shifted their feet as they all shuffled inside the complex. "Now tell me where are the SeeD?" Jake asked as he lowered the swords blade down to the soldiers neck giving him the freedom to speak, pushing him forward every few steps Jake reached in his spare moments grabbing one of the explosive bolts from the quiver.
"I...I don't know... I sw-swear, it's above my pay grade." The soldier was clearly panicked as though he'd never received the appropriate training for such a situation.
"Well now that is annoying. But I suppose you can still help me." Jake carefully harnessed the bolt behind the soldiers belt essentially strapping it to his back.
"H-How? I'll d-do anything!" The soldier was becoming erratic, if this were to continue surely more guards would be drawn to this level. Jake and the support SeeD had made it to the inner area of the circular hell hole. "Well... if they're below, locate them for me!" Before the Soldier could raise an objection, Jake forced him onto the small wall that separated the circular corridor from the central lift shaft. Holding the soldier in place, a swift blow to the jaw would ensure the soldier raise no further objection as he switched his sword for crossbow. "Goodbye now." The last words the soldier would hear, aside from his own forced, broken jaw cries as Jake forced him over the other side. Taking aim with his crossbow he let the solider drop a few floors before sending a bolt chasing after him.

The explosion echo'd down on the lower floors as Jake glanced over awaiting to see what kind of crowd the show had drawn. "You lot, head up. I'll head down, once we locate our allies we'll catch the enemy in the cross-fire." Jake was glancing down the shaft the entire time he was talking as he re-loaded the crossbow, favouring the explosive bolts. Returned fire from the immediate floor below when a soldier spotted Jake glancing over the edge. The SeeD quickly withdrew his head to safety, waiting for the pause. As it came the SeeD stood back up, took aim and fired. "Ha! who was that sup-" The explosion that followed cut the soldiers words short and drew more fire to the ground floor landing. Staying low Jake made his way round the corridor to the downward stair well to the next floor, whilst the support team did as ordered and began to make their progress to the floors above.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arisphadrel
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Arisphadrel The First Dream

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Ah. The temperature's right. The weather's decent. It's a wonderful day, compared to late. On days like this..."

As Eika spoke, the little UFO carrying her PuPu doll was quick to begin floating right behind Jake as he procured himself a poorly-trained tour guide to lead him in. There. She had a form of sight. Now...with these soldiers that were speaking of overwhelming her...? Haaaaa....

"P E O P L E L I K E Y O U S H O U L D B E R O T T I N G I N H E L L ."

To a voice not her own, spoke something from within the abyss. Laughter rang out as Eika watched hundreds of limbs and body parts spring up from her spot within the mass of the quickly-surrounding Galbaldian soldiers, her head tilted back to take in a breath of fresh air as guards raised arms to fire. Without a need to focus, her orbs moved to deflect bullets as they came from the first few shots before beginning to swirl around her. With wind consuming the fires inside, a continues casting of Aero spells dislodged bullets from their trajectory to hit at random areas around -- even downing a few of the soldiers in the process thanks to the unfortunate luck they had. And then came the grand summoning of the Guardian Force that many within the Balamb Garden feared or failed to comprehend. Leaning to the left, the visage of a white, bared body bonded with a ball of flesh, the sphere of many came forth. Thousands of eyes opened at once, darting wildly to find targets on which to pierce the souls of with their beholding gaze, whilst the female at the very base of it slowly lifted her head and let out a scream that could shake minds to still completely. The beat itself had arrived: Visionary. And her presence was something to be known across the entirety of the prison with how pent up both she and Eika had been. The overflowing dread seeping from both GF and summoner was something that was only accentuated by the resounding consequence to those still out to shoot at her.

The first guard to shoot at her was perhaps the luckiest, stopping to turn around and bark at his underlings, only to find...


The gaze of Visionary was nothing to desire, showing that the lower grunts who had dared to meet one of the many eyes gazing out had frozen their very souls and taken the softness of their flesh as an aftereffect. Petrified, Eika began a terribly morbid dance of a sort, her hands moving out in a methodical manner as she took to a careless twirl with her orbs. To the poor individuals in the path of those orbs...well..The shattering of their bodies was more than something brutal.

It was a monstrous way to kill someone.

Fully aware, watching themselves crumble apart, even to the point that the few bullets that were managing to hit her were scapes or things nowhere near deep enough to get her to stop. Sure, one was lodged into her shoulder that she'd not bothered to notice. A few had hit her legs. In particular, one had gone straight through her right hand! But even with it, she was the single-handed distraction for a reason.

"W-What the hell is this thing...?!"

Eyes ever vigilant, Eika closed her own to see through that of her Guardian Force as she kept to moving. As Visionary, who remained stationary in the spot that she had been summoned up until this point, slowly began to float behind her and turn her head to see the many that were beginning to back up and call for support.


A shame to those who weren't aware of her, for she made her entrance as loud as she possibly could. If there was going to be a prison break, nothing short of lighting the sky on fire would do in making a fuss of it. And that call of the electrical magic junctioned inside of her orbs led to her holding her hand out and moving the four orbs that had converged in the shape of a cross like an aiming system. A bit to the left, up an inch...Perfect.~ The lightning poured forth from all four orbs the moment they were in place, hitting past the door of the prison and crashing into the first wall that it could get to for a building-shaking explosion.

"Come and get me! I'm just one girl, guys!~"

...Maybe she was having a little too much fun with this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Heloise hummed, listening to the footsteps, more then ready to do some fighting. More then ready to get out of there. She glanced about, At the mention of one of the enemies with a dagger made Heloise smile. She could work with the sword as well. As much as she wanted the blades, she knew the logic of getting rid of the guns first. So, she went to the right side, waiting, listening.

As the enemy reached them, Heloise didn't give them a chance to even look about, instead crouching, and launching herself at ones knees, bringing them down, and hopefully another one. She had, after a quick look, seen it was one with a gun. And at once, she began to fight for it, not caring if she simply knocked it out of their hands. And then she merely went for a woman's ultimate defense, knee pressing against the man's groin.

A little pressure, nothing more. It might be considered fighting dirty, but she didn't care. If it got rid of one of them, that was all that matter. Pulling the gun free, she slammed the butt of it into the soldiers face, sparing her fist by doing so. She scrambled up, the gun in hand, and looked about to see if there was anyone else.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the guards started to walk up to them, Xerox was ready, and knocked the first person out with a single hit, leading to a concussion. He saw Heliose start to grab the gun from the other guard, as he went for the last guard. Getting ready to draw their sword, Xerox put his own hand over their hand, stopping the draw, and executing a quick roundhouse, knocking him into the wall. Quickly he followed up with a couple of knockout punches. Turning to check on Heliose and Rachel, both were safe, Heliose had secured the gun and the man was writhing in pain. Xerox secured the other gun, dagger and sword. Passing the dagger to Heliose and the gun to Rachel, he continued to lead.

Listening for more footsteps, it seemed there weren't many guards down there for some reason. Whatever the reason, they were able to move swiftly to retrieve the drives. Others having devices, it seemed that all of Xerox's clothes were here. "Finally proper clothes." he said, wearing his clothes. With that, he could finally access his ESS. With this chance, he quickly dropped a number of daggers, of random shape and size and metals and strength. "This will be useful for you right? Just a warning, some of these are brittle and will easily break, others are ridiculously heavy or strong. It's all random at the moment, sort out what you want/need quickly, and we can move on to meet the others." Xerox told Heliose.

After that, he moved towards Rachel, dropping some medical equipment, such as a first aid kit, bandages, pain killers and an exterior robotic device made to help the body recover. "We should get you ..." he was interrupted. An alarm was set off, and although soft from where they were, there was rumbling, suggesting explosions. From his ESS he grabbed his glasses and quickly tuned them.

Up above them, it was eight floors to reach ground level. On ground level, he noticed a familiar face. Eika. It also seemed other SeeDs were coming, some going up, others going down to rescue the captured SeeDs. Dropping a radio, he pressed a few buttons on the side of his glasses. Locating Duncan's team, and the radio frequency in use, through the glasses, he set his radio frequency. "Fresno, do you hear me? Give the radio to Duncan, there's a bit of a situation he should know about." he quickly informed the guard, waiting for the radio to be handed over.

"Duncan. This is Xerox. I'm with Heliose and Rachel with our drives. Jericho is off to sabotage the power junction. Right now, above us, there's a team of SeeDs making their way through the building, and Eika is acting diversion. It seems a rescue squad is here. I believe we have the advantage with our reinforcements. It is quite possible we could capture "Mako". We should take this opportunity to get information about who our real enemy is. Seeking advice on how to proceed." Xerox informed and suggested to Duncan, before continuing to scan the area with his glasses. Enemies were making their way up from the stairs, to go up and fight off the intruders. "Looks like there's a bunch of them coming up the stairs. We should try to cut them off, or the other teams might get pincered and killed before the rescue team arrives. What do you two think?" Xerox asked the Heliose and Rachel. "Rachel, you feeling better?" he showed concern, while on the look out for the enemies coming. He made sure to store the other drives in his ESS and had started to pull out some weapons they could use.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Had to think quickly and stay in constant motion Minerva thought as she weaved through the chaos. A fight and quickly broken out when it was revealed that things was not exactly "according to plan" when the wrong number was given. With a quick duck she quickly used her given baton as a improvised sword. It was held lightly in a grip like she would hold her own and with it she was quickly parrying and dodging attacks while leaving quick strikes across the head to knock them out rather than kill them outright. "It was for the best so please forgive me." she whispered as she knocked out one of the guard with a quick strike to the back of the neck. Though with all that said her form was a bit sloppy since the baton lacked reach and weighed less than what she was used to and her spear was absent from her other hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Heloise was holding the gun with disgust, and it was with relief that she took the dagger, feeling the weight and the hold of it. The knife would still be useful, if only to have both her hands full. She grimaced at the gun, and not wanting to leave it behind, slung it over her shoulder by the strap, before following Xerox.

It seemed too easy, and Heloise continually looked about them, wary. And then she was distracted by the daggers Xerox produced. She smiled brightly, and quickly sorted through the daggers,, choosing ones she knew would fly true and straight when she threw them, quicky putting them all around her body where they would fit, or stay, before choosing two more to hold, she ditched the knife finally. "It's good to be back" She said, her stance relaxed now that she had an arsenal of daggers. Until the alarm was set off. She quickly grabbed her drive, and looked about, as if something was going to jump out and attack them.

As Xerox spoke with Duncan, Heloise glanced out the room. "Lets try and cut them off. We don't need to get caught again, do we?" She said, glancing over at Rachel too. She had after all been tortured more then either Xerox or herself. "Ah, but first we should see about treatment for her"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Heloise was holding the gun with disgust, and it was with relief that she took the dagger, feeling the weight and the hold of it. The knife would still be useful, if only to have both her hands full. She grimaced at the gun, and not wanting to leave it behind, slung it over her shoulder by the strap, before following Xerox.

It seemed too easy, and Heloise continually looked about them, wary. And then she was distracted by the daggers Xerox produced. She smiled brightly, and quickly sorted through the daggers,, choosing ones she knew would fly true and straight when she threw them, quicky putting them all around her body where they would fit, or stay, before choosing two more to hold, she ditched the knife finally. "It's good to be back" She said, her stance relaxed now that she had an arsenal of daggers. Until the alarm was set off. She quickly grabbed her drive, and looked about, as if something was going to jump out and attack them.

As Xerox spoke with Duncan, Heloise glanced out the room. "Lets try and cut them off. We don't need to get caught again, do we?" She said, glancing over at Rachel too. She had after all been tortured more then either Xerox or herself. "Ah, but first we should see about treatment for her"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Jericho and Adams had been waiting for a reply from Fresno, and started setting the charges to kill the time, when the whole building shook. "What in the hell?! Do you have more guys setting another distraction?" Adams shakes his head and Jericho frowns, but they quickly return to setting the charges. It takes about three minutes, what with making sure everything was in the right spot, but they got it done. Still, Jericho was uneasy and he kept the butt of the SMG he had to his shoulder. Taking the radio from Adams, Jericho opens it. {Fresno, give the radio to Duncan.} He waits a minute before speaking again. {Do you have any idea what's going on right now?}
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