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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'll try to get a CS up later today. Thinking about making a spooky skeleton girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Konica said
I'll try to get a CS up later today. Thinking about making a spooky skeleton girl.

Rejected before you even post it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

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Raineh Daze said
Rejected before you even post it.

W-why? ;_;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Konica said
W-why? ;_;

Because people seem to be getting the impression that 'monstergirls and robots' means 'make as unattractive and disgusting a character as possible'. Something that is just bones is utterly inappropriate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Shameless port from a previous RP go! I will probably make another, weirder character later maybe possibly we'll see.

  • Name: Kazamatsuri Nadeshiko

  • Age: 17

  • Race: Human

  • Appearance: Whee~ Note that she is probably the shortest (human) girl in her year. Please no-one make their character be so small that Nadeshiko has to practically be a midget.

  • Personality: Incredibly shy and incredibly socially awkward, and tends to fall apart rather quickly when made the center of attention. However, the other main defining part of her personality is that she is a massive pervert. She loves cute girls, and if it weren't for her crippling lack of self-confidence and inability to properly socialize she would probably be a legendary skirtchaser. Instead, she focuses her perverted attentions on erotic anime, manga and visual novels, and peeping on the swim team when they're training. She does like less explicit media, but a lot of the time she only chooses to watch or read things because they have cute girls in them. As can be surmised from her obsession with cute girls, Nadeshiko is very, very gay. Despite her shyness, she's not exactly in the closet; it happens to be one of the few things she is very up-front about, and the first thing people tend to note about her after her shyness. One more important trait to note about Nadeshiko is her general laziness; if something doesn't interest her she's not likely to bother doing it, and since she tends to only show interest in things that involve cute girls, well... There's a lot of things that don't interest her.

  • Skills: Nadeshiko doesn't really excel at much aside from art, and even then she is mostly preoccupied with drawing cute girls (and even then she is mostly preoccupied with drawing cute girls' naughty bits). She's small and not very atheletic, and as noted above her grades are average at best. She's by no means stupid, of course; she's just... Not exactly interested in most academical subjects enough to put in the effort to study. However, when something interests her she tends to show much more motivation; she puts her all into the things she loves, and thus amongst other things she has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of rather nerdy media, especially ones that involve lots of cute girls.

  • Hobbies: Manga and anime (...and hentai), visual novels, peeping on the swim team, writing erotic doujinshi, listening to extreme metal(!)

  • Club(s): Doujin Club

  • Background: Nadeshiko was so named in the hope that she would live up to the Japanese ideal of womanhood, but somewhere that went wrong. Instead of a confident, reliable, elegant young woman, she quickly turned into something of a shut-in. Her grades are average at best; she usually only just passes tests, and doesn't really excel at much, especially PE. However, her passion is art. She is a wonderful artist, able to expertly draw beautiful girls, beautiful girls kissing, beautiful girls sharing intimate moments... Mostly, she draws lesbian pornography. Her stories are well written enough, although it's clear that it's there mainly to set up for the main event. As far as her social life goes, it may as well not even exist; she has few if any friends due to her social awkwardness, leading her to be almost unable to talk at length with anyone other than her parents or older brother. Other than that, her life has been pretty average; her coming out wasn't much of a big deal, and she's mostly just kept to herself and her manga, anime and games.
  • Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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    Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Raineh Daze said
    Because people seem to be getting the impression that 'monstergirls and robots' means 'make as unattractive and disgusting a character as possible'. Something that is just bones is utterly inappropriate.

    I wasn't trying to be gross. I just wanted to stray from the norm. And I have seen some cute quirky art of skeletons before. Whatever, I'll just come up with something else
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnendingEmpire
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    UnendingEmpire bye~

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    I'm stuck between a dullahan and a horror-savvy human :|
    Might end up posting them both here when they're done and letting Raineh pick one or both.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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    Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    How about a mermaid? Are mermaids okay?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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    Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

    Member Seen 5 hrs ago

    Mermaids are fine but had better have a better method of getting about than 'drag self around' or 'fish bowl in a cart'. Elves are fine. Things that do not require romance between rotted human remains and living creatures, or industrial machinery and living creatures, are fine.

    Stuff that's more creepy than cute is completely the wrong tone for slice of life yuri. More Touhou than Dungeon Keeper. <_<

    On bios: cyborg and robot are just plain creepy, I can't accept a blind half fox (what IS a half fox? :/) into a normal school, Nadeshiko's fine.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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    VitaVitaAR King of Knights

    Member Seen 5 hrs ago

    Name: Mizushima Ayano
    Age: 17
    Race: Human
    Appearance: "Well, I have to get to class..."
    Personality: Ayano is a responsible girl. She does her homework dutifully, pays close attention in classes, and generally has spent her time in school in ways she feels is wise. In all respects, she appears to be a model student. She is also quite bookish, spending plenty of time in the library and in bookstores where she buys quite a large number of books. Ayano also enjoys manga and light novels. While she is not outright shy, she sometimes is a little awkward in unexpected social situations. She's quite comfortable with friends, though. She feels she is sensible girl who does sensible things in sensible ways. However, Ayano is easily embarrassed and flustered, and unusual situations tend to get a rather frantic reaction from her as she tries to return them to normalcy before someone gets in trouble for it. Though, in reality, she sometimes finds strange situations quite enjoyable. As long as no-one gets hurt. And her little sister doesn't get influenced by them.
    Skills: Ayano is not the most physically fit person and can't do much in the way of just about anything you'd see in PE. However, she is an okay swimmer and is excellent academically.
    Hobbies: Anime, manga, light novels, the occasional video game, and any literature she feels is good. Ayano also enjoys World History a great deal, but that's more of a subject then a hobby.
    Club(s): The Book Club
    Background: Ayano's life has been pretty normal, really. She has a ten-year-old sister whom she wants to be a good big sister for, and that's really about it. There's nothing extraordinary about her background or anything.
    Name: Hebihime Sakurako
    Age: 18
    Race: Naga
    Appearance: "Let's blow this joint."(to avoid weirdness she's actually human lower down then the picture shows, physically human until about her mid-thigh. But it's a safe site so they'd have to give her a skirt if they wanted to do that and all and I wouldn't be able to use the picture if they didn't. ^^;)
    Personality: Sakurako is... aggressive. Aggressively friendly, aggressively loud, aggressive about her rock... She's not mean(unless you make her angry. She can be pretty unpleasant then), she's just... pretty aggressive. She's even somewhat foulmouthed, or at least moreso then the people around her. She is a very passionate person, and this passion displays itself most frequently when it comes to playing her guitar. To put it simply, she gets extremely into rocking out on her guitar. That's not to say she can't do slower songs, she just really likes rocking out. Sakurako is also prone to being tempermental and irritable when annoyed, going from somewhat foulmouth to extremely foulmouthed quite rapidly. Sakurako is openly gay and rather aggressive in her pursuit of pretty girls. She refers to this as "Being a carnivore."
    Skills: Sakurako is quite a competent guitarist. She is also rumored to be worryingly effective with hurting things with her tail or a baseball bat. She's about average academically(though she suffers considerably in the math department).
    Hobbies: Rocking out on her guitar, dark comedy series, regular comedy series, perverted comedy series, action, a surprisingly large amount of romance...
    Club(s): The Light Music Club
    Background: Sakurako was raised in a fairly normal fashion for her race, but throughout her childhood she demonstrated, well... even in Elementary school she tended to disregard rules, openly insult people who made her angry, and run out at night with a baseball bat and use it and her tail to beat up street thugs. Sakurako was, from a young age, quite the delinquent. By middle school, she had a red jacket and everything. And then... rather suddenly, shortly before high school, she mellowed out considerably(yes this is Sakurako after she's mellowed out), devoting a lot of time to her guitar. Really, even if it was obvious she was a delinquent, aside from the people she ran(slithered?) with it was hard to be sure if she was the one doing a lot of things. Nowadays it's just rumors. But even if she's kind of aggressive, the Light Music Club guitarist surely didn't do all that, right?
    Name: Shiori Karpathy
    Age: 49(she is the homeroom teacher) and yet, physically about 10.
    Race: Vampire
    Appearance: "This lens flare makes it hard to teach..."
    Personality: Shiori does her absolute best to be a responsible and excellent teacher for her students. Regardless of this situation, she will endeavor to be the best teacher she can be. However, well... she is mentally and chronologically an adult, but physically... she's a little girl. She sometimes finds it a bit hard to be taken seriously. This is not helped by some of her habits, which include keeping a giant candy jar on her desk so she can have some while she's in charge, reading rather childish things(alongside the adult ones, though!), and generally having somewhat childish habits. When she's not on the job, though... Shiori can be a remarkably charming and rather domineering girl with a sarcastic streak. Indeed, it seems to be a total shift from how she acts when she's teaching. After all, Shiori can't set that kind of example when she's teaching. She can even tend towards the teasing and taunting type when she's not working. Though sometimes this bleeds through into her behavior when she's teaching, too.
    Skills: Shiori can speak Hungarian, English, and Japanese fluently. She can teach well, and as a vampire she is faster and stronger then most humans. She must also drink blood in order to survive, but there are plenty of relatively harmless ways of doing that.
    Hobbies: Collecting candies(the collection never lasts very long), baking, reading.
    Club(s): Advisor for the baking club.
    Background: The daughter of a Japanese woman and a Hungarian man, Shiori had a fairly normal life up until her tenth birthday, when one of her father's friends turned out to be a vampire and turned her after she suffered a life-threatening accident in order to save her life. While this meant she would survive, it also meant that she was frozen at her current age of ten years old physically-speaking. Regardless of this, she pursued an education and eventually sought to be a teacher. Years later, she now lives in Fuyuki City, Japan, intending on being the best teacher she can be for the students there. She just also happens to be a vampire loli with a passion for frills.
    Hopefully these give good examples of what characters for this should be like too, um, eh-heh.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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    Art of Fun oh dear

    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    Raineh Daze said
    On bios: cyborg and robot are just plain creepy,

    Oh, my bad. Thought that kind of stuff was allowed. Easily amendable though.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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    Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

    Member Seen 5 hrs ago

    Sorry. Thought it went without saying given the whole 'yuri' thing. :/

    The cat mode picture also contains a side view of the uniform, I guess. Western rather than a sailor uniform. Ribbons are still important.
    Name: Tsukihime Koneko

    Age: 18

    Race: Nekomata


    Personality: Koneko has an immense weakness for cute things, and sometimes starts trailing cute girls with all the subtlety of a supernova. If she sees a cute toy, she'll buy it without hesitation, then fall asleep with it as soon as she gets home. Being a cat, she's prone to sleeping at times she really shouldn't, but she's generally friendly and excitable once awake--if far too physical for most people's liking.

    Skills: Extremely agile and flexible, can see in the dark, can talk to cats, and she can turn from cat to human and back again--but rarely does so, because she has a bad habit of forgetting where her clothes are. She can also make the dead move about as she wishes, but Koneko hasn't the faintest idea why she'd want to use this ability or what it's actually supposed to achieve. In terms of skills valued by humans, she has absolutely nothing.

    Hobbies: Napping in warm spots, collecting soft toys, obsessing over adorable girls.

    Club(s): Ceaseless Remedial Classes. Not actually a club, but with her academic ability, sadly a necessity.

    Background: For fifteen years, Koneko was simply a small cat looked after by first and old couple, and then simply an old man. It was then that she proved to be one of those lucky felines that not only lives a long time, but becomes a nekomata; her tail split and she gained full intelligence. In the modern world, it's become necessary to register such occurrences and set up the resulting people with a reasonably accurate birth certificate--plus, if possible, find a family willing to adopt them. In Koneko's case, the old man was quite happy to, having no children of his own and having owned her since she was merely a kitten.
    Several months into her first year of high school, the old man passed away, leaving the girl with no education whatsoever as the sole inheritor of his possessions. Fortunately, he was... well, the primary shareholder of a vast international business empire, which was more or less run by other people at that stage anyway. Koneko is pretty much in the care of various employees, even as she steadily fills up her cavernous residence with cat after cat and stuffed toy after stuffed toy.
    Being essentially uneducated and only in her current school on funding alone, she has no time for clubs and spends vast amounts of time making up tests and attending remedial classes. It's made worse by her tendency to doze off on warm days, especially since nothing has managed to stop her bringing part of her collection along with her.

    Other: Size-wise, Nadeshiko beats her out by the height of her ears; Koneko is a tiny cat and this carries over.
    Basically every first year is better at every single class--except P.E.--than Koneko. She is academically the worst person in school.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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    RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

    Member Seen 1 day ago

  • Name: Grizel Lyall

  • Age: 18

  • Race: Wulver

  • Appearance: "Maybe I'll eat you, maybe not~?"

  • Personality: Constantly excited and always loud and boisterous, Grizel's default volume seems to be somewhere around 11. Less of a sociable person and more of a... meddler of sorts, Grizel has a tendency to place herself somewhere she may or may not be welcome. Sometimes, she wants to hand out jump-scares, and at other times... surprisingly charitable. Mostly expressed in the form of fish left on one's window-sill or in front of someone's door if necessary. Why? Well, if they can't afford their own fish, then they really need the help, right?

    Something that Grizel finds annoying is being mistaken for a 'generic' werewolf, as she considers herself to be a completely different species altogether. Those who make such a grave mistake are met with a lot of glaring. And pouting. And maybe a slightly smaller fish delivered to their window.
    Overall, despite her annoying nature and love for handing out a little scar or two, Grizel is ultimately very kind-hearted. Any requests for help and assistance are taken very seriously, and Grizel will devote her full time and energy to support someone if necessary.

  • Skills: Locating fish, being loud, and... fluency in speaking two languages, I suppose.

  • Hobbies: Giving fish to the poor, howling within earshot of a lone person, fishing, and moonlit walks.

  • Club(s): Head of the Lyall Hood Club, which involves giving fish to the needy.

  • Background: Hailing from Scotland, originally, Grizel moved to Japan years ago for some reason. Her accent is still quite noticeable, especially when she forgets what to say in Japanese and switches languages.
  • Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnendingEmpire
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    UnendingEmpire bye~

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Wound up ditching the dullahan and sticking with the human. This is what happens when I prepare a character at 11PM by merging two OCs into a single girl, one of which was already weird to begin with. I think I may have set some kind of weirdness record for myself here.

    I have this hunch I don't like, that I may have overdone it and last night's hard work will go to waste :|
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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    HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

    Member Seen 3 mos ago

    I edited my CS and changed Sera into a human Cyborg. I'd been thinking about it for a few days and decided on a story. It also gives Sera a little bit more depth, I feel. So take a look at it and tell me what you think.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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    VitaVitaAR King of Knights

    Member Seen 5 hrs ago

    @UnendingEmpire: Okay, um... weird loopy girl is fine, morbid is fine, makes her own holidays is fine...

    It's just that going as far as actually killing animals and being totally detached from reality is a bit much. But that's not too hard to fix hopefully.

    And, um, helping out Rain for a bit so yeah. ^^;
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnendingEmpire
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    UnendingEmpire bye~

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    :'< but...who else is gonna sacrifice a goat every April 7th and paint another goat with his blood, using the horn as a paintbrush?

    loljk, I'll see about fine-tuning her so that she's at least half-here (though I guess physically she's still all-here anyway) and doesn't kill and/or sacrifice animals. But I won't be able to put up the edited version until Tuesday, since Texan libraries are closed on Sundays and Monday is Labor Day so of course it'll be closed.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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    VitaVitaAR King of Knights

    Member Seen 5 hrs ago

    Glad to hear it, eh-heh.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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    Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

    Member Seen 5 hrs ago

    HylianRose said
    I edited my CS and changed Sera into a human Cyborg. I'd been thinking about it for a few days and decided on a story. It also gives Sera a little bit more depth, I feel. So take a look at it and tell me what you think.

    Uh, you didn't actually add depth, you just replaced a good character with a shallow veneer of angst and tragedy. I really don't like the 'full body cyborgs, and by extension robots, may randomly die at any moment' thing it suggests, either.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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    Art of Fun oh dear

    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    Modified the CS, got rid of the cyborg business.
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