Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Subtle GM sneakiness: For the sake of the Plot, exactly three hours have suddenly passed IC. All PCs (Exempting Roan, who found a nice, comfy place to rest up safely) have moved to the Arena. For better or worse, you are all there. Go on from there. That being said… Here’s something to play with. The Grand Othean Arena was filled to brim, not a single seat empty and hundreds standing packed together all over the walkways between the seats. Virtually all the people of Amaryth and the surrounding environs were present in the arena, for today, unlike the days prior, was the grand melee, the greatest fight of all. The entire floor of the arena, capable of holding hundreds of combatants at once, was filled with clean, ebony-black sand. In the fading light of dusk, the torches lining the walls lent an eerie feel to the air. Far above the arena floor, the royal box stood. Only the lucky few, like the foreign dignitaries, could see the people within, though many tried to look through the wrist-thick, stained glass lining its sides. Following some unseen signal, the doors just below the peak of the tower opposite the royal box opened. Between each opposing pair of towers, and around the arena’s perimeter, thick chains were strung. The moment the doors stopped moving, the chain between them and the royal box started moving. Ever so slowly, a massive bell slid out. It was easily the height of six men and must weigh countless tons. As suddenly as it had started moving, it stopped. Perfectly centered over the arena floor. The doors to the tower shut themselves. Half the crowd were silent in anticipation, the other half noisy in the same. Virtually all had seen it come. Again, some hidden signal was sent from within the royal box. Perfectly synchronized, six massive tree trunks, their ends covered in a massive fist made of steel, swung in towards the bell, sliding along the ropes suspended above the chains. The moment the trunks hit, the entire city shook with the massive DING. Even as it reverberated through the countryside, not a single sound could be heard from the awestruck crowd. The bell of Angnar Otharion I, first king of Othea, had been struck. For the first time in decades. Had anyone spoken, they would have asked what sort of event would compel the king to ring it, what sort of momentous event he had planned. The arena was silent for minutes, the only audible sound being the faint humming from the still-vibrating bell. After a full ten minutes, the six gates edging the arena floor opened up, and in marched the combatants. four hundred and eighty of them. Some were armored, some not. Some had swords, others axes and maces. Some were mounted, others not. No two were exactly the same. As with the audience, they came from all walks of life. peasants, craftsmen, merchants, nobles. None had been barred from entry. After what seemed like an eternity, the contestants had all entered, lining up in ranks and files. The doors they had entered from slowly slid down, slamming into the ground the moment the sound of the bell returned, having bounced off the distant mountains and returned. It was eerie how well-planned that had been. ~|~ Angie fidgeted a bit as she watched the gladiators and warriors enter the pit below. seated in the third tower with the other Kalesians as she was, she was a bit uncomfortable. She’d been to arena matches before, but never before had she had a seat, let alone in one of the towers. It made her uncomfortable. She’d had to hold her hands over her ears when the bell struck. The sound made her head hurt. It had been so loud. All around her, the voices of the canines complained about the same. Where the people were silent, they were everything but. But at least they stopped speaking of he-who-smells-blood. That one had disappeared deeper into town. Or at least the canines said so. He was out of sight and thus out of mind for them. Had been so for quite a while. She wondered a bit on when the fight would start, turning momentarily to look back at her escort where he sat, then offering a glance over to the one called Alessia. Before she could decide on whom to ask, the sound of the bell once more returned, clearly having bounced off another set of mountains. This time, it was much weaker even than the time before, so she realized that it must have been even further away. Almost as one, the combatants started moving. The fight had started. Angie leaned on the balcony, staring down at them all. Within minutes, scores were laid low, it seemed. Many seemed to group up, working together. She even saw a large group form a circle of shields. “odd.” she muttered. Then a strange smell hit her nose. Or maybe it was the nose of a canine further down. She didn’t know what to make of it. It smelled… Unclean. Dirty. Filthy. Before she could even think further on it, a section of the arena floor caved in, a dozen combatants falling down into the hole. A massive creature seemed to jump up out of the hole. The creature’s hide had a sickly gleam to it. It flailed about, biting and clawing people all around itself. Where the combat between the contestants had been chaotic in an orderly sort of fashion, there was no pattern to the creature’s attacks. Without warning, it ran on all fours to the wall of the arena. Angie could almost see how it bunched its legs up, then shot straight up into the air in a single leap, barely clearing the stone railing. The packed crowd there, not quite having understood the danger the creature had posed were paralyzed in shock. Within seconds, scores had been struck. Only then did the rest think to run, only to find their paths impeded by the crowd overfilling the arena.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The bell tolled, the vibrations shook the entire stadium. They shook the chests of those around them and made it hard for them to breathe, as the concussive blast hit them. Luckily it was short, and between the tolls people were able to regain their breath. What most people did not see however, was the view Kheris had. While it was true he shared the royal box with his nephew while his brother mysteriously had decided not to attend. He could see it, as bright as day. His pupils shrunk in reflex at the brightness of what was before him. This bell was not made by hands of men, or at least any normal man. The size and some strange markings had always given him his suspicions however he had never truly known until today when it began to ring throughout the hills. The energy was intoxicating... overwhelming and destructive. He came too a couple of minutes later, lifting himself off the floor and shooing away those around him he flashed a look at his nephew. One that he had given many times as a tutor. He stood up brushing his clothes down from the dust that had been residing on the floors before shooing away attendants. "I'm fine, just too loud for my old body-" Which wasn't a complete and utter lie. The concussive blast of the sound he had struggled with, but he had regained his breath before he had passed out. He stood tall and proud again, slowly the other nobles began to focus on what was happening in the arena when the beast jumped forth. Many of the nobles of course immediately made a beeline for the exit, however he had another idea. "Get several people to hoist in order to ring the bell!" He pointed at a guard captain. "Funnel people towards the main exit, seal all the others." He then turned to another guard. "Move your men in a perimeter around the beast and then begin to close in. Make sure it has nowhere to go." He began to move towards the exit of the royal box, turning back around to look at his Nephew. "Unless the King deems otherwise of course."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

The bell tolled and it shook Garet to his core. But he stood silently behind the Kaelsian ambassador and his staff in his box nonreactive to the bell. "That bell could wake the dead." He thought, or so it seemed he thought perhaps the thought wasn't his own but that of one of the hundreds of voices in his head. Even if it was his own he found himself agreeing with the thought, Ada stood to his left and her small group of women stood with her. "It was a bad idea for your empire to make women warriors. But these ones scare me, i wouldn't wish to fight them." One of the voices said and then the others joined in going back and forth a majority of the Kaelsian voices defending the women and their right to carry a blade, Garet intervened and shut both parties up and went back to watching the fight and the girl Angie out of the corner of his eye. As the day went on the fights dragged on until the floor of the arena collapsed and out came a creature that Garet had never seen before, he thought for a moment if this was part of an act or was a mistake. And in that time it cleared the arena grounds and entered the stands attacking innocents in random movements, quickly he turned to Ada and in a voice that held no emotion and seemed infinitely calm spoke. "Ada take everyone here out the exit nearby." He turned to the ambassador and company. "If you will please follow this woman and her group of ladies to the exit I'm sure we can get you back to the embassy safely." He said, finally he addressed all of his soldiers in hand-talk. "Ada make sure everyone gets to the embassy safely if any of the guards stop you at the exit and will not let you pass use your relic and deal with them. The men will come with me as we organize these guards and put this beast to rest." His hands signed his movements quick, the men and women under his command put hand over heart and saluted outwards. "Yes Velitel." They said aloud and moved about, Garet took his men and headed out of the tower into the stands. The scene around him was that of chaos, but the Kaelsian men simply made their way through the crowd infinitely calm and walking as if they had all of the time in the world. When the finally reached within range of the beast they stopped, "Can you get a clear shot?" Garet asked one of his men who replied with. "No sir, too many people." Garet just nodded and signaled for his men to move forward to help the guards who were already trying to deal with the beast, quickly he drew his blade from it's sheathe and gave orders to both his men and the guards. "Try to lure this beast somewhere where there isn't civilians getting in the way. And for the empresses sake open some more exits." He shouted, his men followed his orders without question but if the guards listened to him they didn't act immediately. So to get the beast and the guards attention Garet joined the guards in the fray.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isaiah Markul
Markul seethed with cold fury in the stands of the arena, inwardly cursing himself for his repeated failures. He only wanted to help but... he was no apothecary, and he had no idea where to find one either, he had just woken up to find that everything he had ever known was centuries dead. Now, a monster was loose. He didn't even have anyone to blame, the man that became that creature most definitely doesn't have a say in anything at the moment, and would he condemn a man merely for existing? No, this was his fault, and his fault alone. Maybe... Maybe leaving him to die in that alley would have been a mercy... At that thought, the amulet he wore grew warm. It was probably glowing too, but from underneath the heavy clothing he wore that was impossible to tell. He had had to offload his equipment at an inn. Shortly after he lost the man-beast's trail, he needed to secure some sort of residence, if only so he'd have somewhere to put his things. He had managed to sell his rather fine longsword for some spending money, and was renting a sort of... brick shack that could be called a house if one was feeling generous. He had hidden his armor, shield, and remaining weapon in the ground beneath it, as he was certain the place would be looted the second he left. Speaking of, the amulet... He sighed, Gently putting his hand over where the amulet was hidden as he spoke quietly to himself. "I know but... some would rather die a man, than live as an animal..." the warmth faded as the mountain of a man readjusted his head-wrap. He looked down to the arena. Any moment, the games would begin, and he'd finally get to relax before he resumed his hunt. And what a sorry chase it was. He was relying on his ability to sense the tremors, when it simply became far too difficult to pick him out of all the other things in the city. He had been a fool, ever since his revival he had been oh so much weaker... but why? He was like a god before, he could move the very mountains given time! Now, he was stuck with boulders and parlor tricks... And the timeline, he simply knew nothing about what came after. He had thought to spend the day at a library or archive instead, but upon reaching such a place he realized with no small amount of horror that he just... couldn't read anything in it. The common language remained mostly the same, so he was able to communicate just fine aside from his dead accent. However, five hundred years had changed the script used to write it drastically, and he was simply unable to decipher it, while being taunted by the superficial similarities. And all the new words and slang he just didn't understand... He actually used it to his advantage. He had managed to put up a facade that he was merely a massively inbred brute of limited intelligence, all it took was a change in his accent and to never speak in complete sentences and BOOM, people bought it. He looked up when he realized something was happening... By the looks some sort of... massive bell was being revealed. But... to what purpose? Who could possibly need that? Then again, he had no right to judge whatever monarch authorized this. He had quite the egomaniacal streak back in the day... One time, he ordered his minion's to carve his helmeted visage into a mountain... Alas, if those 'heroes' hadn't stopped him before he could set that into motion, maybe somebody would remember who the hell he was. And then... it rung. Markul's hands clamped over his ears as he groaned in pain, the noise rumbling his entire body... But that wasn't all, the stone felt it too... Oh boy, did the stone feel it too. He doubted anyone else had his... 'sensitivity' to these kinds of manners, but the stone was in just as much pain as he was as it shook. He got the feeling some of the less... robust homes in the poorer section of town would need some repairs. And then the warriors entered. It was essentially a standard lineup of gladiators that he had seen time and time again... but on a massive scale. He was actually impressed, gathering so many warriors was a rarity back in the colosseums of old. If only because finding so many that were both not enlisted in the military AND willing to fight to the death was not easy (Wasting soldiers in the arena is just begging to have some asshole kingdom's army storm in when you diminish your own fighting force). And then... it happened. The center of the arena collapsed and... something jumped out. He was stunned speechless, flashbacks playing across his mind of a man who could take the form of a reptilian beast in battle... A horrible monster in every sense of the word. He was shaken from his stupor when the beast climbed up, murdering several dozen civilians as it leapt up and took a swipe at the stands... No, it can't be... He's dead... he must be. he thought. His next thought was a far simpler one; a klaxon call of PROTECT THE CIVILIANS. ringing through his head. His amulet glowed (though it still wasn't openly displayed) as he leapt out of his seat, and the moment his feet hit the ground he twisted one foot, rising his fist towards the air as bricks came together into a veritable pillar of pain, striking it straight in the chest. While Markul was absolutely sure he had inflicted no lasting damage, the beast merely getting flung back into the arena as it was most certainly not prepared for that. He leapt after it, sliding down the side of the wall and landing on the ground with a heavy thud. Oh, to think how painful that would have been if he was wearing his armor... Before the creature could mount a counterattack he picked up a brick that had fallen onto the ground and tossed it a short ways up, punching it on the way down. As soon as he struck the brick, it split into shards, most of them pelting the creature's face. While most simply bounced, one managed to score a lucky hit and dig under its scales on it's gut, but the most that would do was piss it off, to be honest. Which was what he was counting on. He wasn't sure it understood speech, but... "Face me, beast! Come get me!" He shouted. If he could just stall it, the civilian's could be evacuated and maybe this monster could be killed...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Alessia and Aral
Alessia, having cleaned up from the morning chaotic events, had finally been able to step out of the Embassy and make her way to the Arena to see the tournament and meet the Prince, who was now in fact the King. Thanks to the many disruptions, she had not been able to arrive for the opening, but she was at least in time to witness something the Otheans called ‘Jousting.’ Since leaving, she had donned some traditional Kalesian clothing, not least of which was the thick cloak that was incredibly out of place in this climate. Lydia had also put on her armour, since the cities first impression had been one of such danger. It would give away her skill in combat, but that was the unfortunate side effect of added ability to protect her mistress. Alessia was also pleased with the fact that her bodyguard being a woman would demonstrate to the Otheans the Kalesian view on equality. Finally seated, in a spot with a good view, not far from the new Kings own seating, she had been just in time to watch the first Joust begin. It seemed that Jousting consisted of two heavily armoured men sitting atop horses more massive than any she had ever seen, who would charge at each other at full tilt. It was strange for her to see a horse so large, she had not realised they could even carry such a weight as a fully armored man. In Kalesia horses were food animals, only riden by those who could not handle or afford a Bargal. Here it seemed they were treated with the same reverence as Bargals were in Kalesia… After the first round though, she supposed it was probably a good thing these men were not mounted on Bargals. The force of a Bargal charge being concentrated into a lance would likely have caused considerably more damage. Though not cowed by the armoured men as many of the city folk seemed, Alessia nonetheless found the entire spectacle fairly impressive and thoroughly entertaining. Once the first set of jousts had ended and the winners gone to refresh for the next rounds, Alessia decided it was time to meet the King. Aral had arrived shortly before the Jousting had started. Currently his seat was over looking the best view of the contest while the knights readied themselves, their squires checking things from armour to the lances, ensuring their men looked their best for the event. Not that they would’ve stayed that way. They started off with a few misses as their lances merely grazed off their foe and hadn’t succeeded in knocking them from their horses, the animals sweating and nickering with annoyance at being turned about to run again. A few round occurred until finally one man nicked the other sending the rider into the sandy dirt below. His horse, a black, burly one continued to trample to the other end without noticing it’s lightened load. The crowds roared with their cheers, drowning out the horses’ beating charge and the clanking of armour. Aral had to resist in joining in their roars while his eyes spotted movement on the field. In moments, fellow knights in earlier Jousts had rushed to the fallen’s aid. Shortly afterwards doctors began checking the defeated man over for wounds. It was a rare event but possible in any of the evening’s many shows. Aral watched a bit longer as his eyes noted the medical tent, stationed near enough to the arenas, then felt a slight comfort when one of the doctors emerged with a gesture signalling the man was alive. The knowledge the knight was unharmed made him relax a bit and draw back into his cushioned seat, others rallying for the next event for the evening. It was a short trip to the Kings exclusive seating, the Kalesian box was conveniently close, being that the nation was so respected. The guards did not challenge her when they saw the emblem on her brooch and heard her accent, only requesting that Lydia leave her sword outside - a fair security measure that Lydia obeyed without question. Aral’s head lifted from his observation when the guards assigned to his sitting area had moved. His curiosity grew as he eyed the scene, his vision absorbing the women, the last one leaving her sword behind her. Vaguely he wondered if the girl actual knew how to wield such a weapon though he wouldn’t state his question out loud. He had heard that woman could have equal standings to a man within the culture yet to see it was rather different and caused him to be smart enough to keep his mouth closed against such carelessness. His interest, on the other hand, was nudging him fiercely. He tried to feign his attention back to the arena in hopes to hid the fact she had gotten his attention. Though by her heavy clothing and its simple purpose, he took a guess she was the Kalesian representative. It meant his desires to learn about the culture would be satisfied and the excitement caused him to shift slightly, his posture changed when the Kalesian ambassador arrived to his seat. Alessia’s first impression of the King was one of surprise. She had been expecting the king of mighty Othea to look… More manly. This man, barely more than a boy, at least by Kalesian standards, looked surprisingly effeminate. In his Kingly attire, she might even go so far as to say beautiful. Not handsome, but beautiful. It put her off a little, though she quickly recovered. “Your majesty.” She began, using the title the ambassador had told she had to when addressing this man. “I am Lady Alessia Rezalla-Rhidian, of Kalesia.” She nodded her head in respect, though her eyes met his as soon as her head raised. Kalesia respected Othea, but would not bow to it. Such would guide Alessia’s conduct with Othean royalty. Aral hadn’t made an effort to raise though it was clear in his body he wanted to, merely out of desire and curiosity, yet he resisted. His position was merely not just his after all and he strove to remember that even now. Without the correct pause he returned the bow giving the same respect before he hesitated at seeing her eyes looking back at him. It surprised and caused a slight flare of pride to settle in his heart at the brazen action. Despite the clear disrespect from the woman, he bite his tongue and leaned slightly into his seat. “You may be seated.” He motioned for a chair to be brought forth. Alessia bristled at the implication that she had to wait on his whim, reminding herself that it was because he was the sovereign leader of this country, and not because in his mind she was probably ‘just another woman.’ She took the offered seat, noting with disappointment that no chair had been provided for Lydia. It was the little things that reinforced her resolve. What was coming was definitely necessary. “This is quite the spectacle, this tournament. We have nothing quite like it in the Empire, I am impressed. Your people do you honor.” At least, from the Othean point of view. Or so she had been told. To dedicate such an event to just one man seemed wasteful in her point of view. “I’m more proud of the people involved in the event. They do themselves proud by putting this event together with their heart, the effort is clearly worth praise.” Aral commented while his eyes returned to the scene playing out. Already the next event was underway. “I hope you and your staff have found Amaryth pleasant?” The Princes first comment brought the hint of a smile to Alessia’s lips. Perhaps at least he was not lost in the entrenched feudal beliefs of his country after all. But then it was a little early to truly judge him. “I admit, everything I have done in Amaryth so far has been rather rushed. I only arrived last night, and this morning my chance to explore a little was cut short by Inquisitors.” She turned to look directly at Aral then. “They acted as though they ran this City.” Turning back to the arena she said “Quite distressing. Aside from that, the City seems quite beautiful. If a little warm.” Aral’s mind recalled the last scene after his crowning. His lips tried to tug into a bitter, sarcastic smirk at her words to hear evidence uttered from someone who shared his distaste of the current state within the city. However it never fully revealed itself. Inside he looked over the arena, acknowledgement and pity over his people’s state ran in his mind. “Time has changed the city under each King’s reign, namely to better the people’s lives and as new King that is strictly my duty to fulfill. Some traditions have been ignored and neglected by those who represent the Dominion of Idris for far too long. The crown isn’t a position I will take lightly as it represents my people, not myself, and I can’t allow them to be insulted.” He tried not to chuckle at her comment of it being warm and merely added on his thoughts. “I believe Kalesia is much colder, isn’t it? So I can understand why.” Alessia was impressed by the Kings brief speech. The more he talked, the more he seemed to have the potential to be a real visionary for his people. “That is a very… Kalesian point of view.” She said sincerely. “And you are only partly right. Where I come from, it is much colder than here, the Kalesian capital in the north. A common misconception for westerners, as I understand, is the belief that all of Kalesia is a frigid wasteland. Much of my homeland is, in fact, much more like Amaryth in climate. We certainly have no shortage of rolling hills and pleasant meadows.” She said with a wry grin. Aral’s expression broke its contained demeanor, letting a gentle smirk play across his lips when he heard the representative's words. He couldn’t help the spark of pride fill where the void of worry gnawed at him, feeling the tension and worry start to fade away. “I wouldn’t know much of Kalesia other than its location and basics. Its culture, people and more is still a mystery to me even when many of the youth within Amaryth have started to mimic it’s more unique beliefs. This has cause conflict with those of the older generations and something I can’t ignore forever. Either way… my choices will end up unpopular with someone even with the best intentions in mind. Though it’s interesting to know I have slight taste of Kalesia here in my homeland.” “An unfortunate truth of ruling.” Alessia said. “It is good that you have come to such a realisation so early.” Alessia had come to understand this through a rather indirect method, but her quick mind had applied it to the field of rulership with ease. “Kalesia is only as it is today because the Empress, may she live forever, has shaped it according to her view over many generations and with a singular dedication, despite all adversity.” She was not going to give the young king any outright tips on ruling, not only was she not a practiced ruler but a strong King of Othea, sadly, did not suit the Empires purposes right now. “It may surprise you to learn, but we are not a secretive people by nature. It is the mountainous borders of our land that have kept our culture so isolated.” “Perhaps I can help you better understand the ways of the Empire? If your youth have truly taken on values like ours, it might be beneficial. I have studied extensively in the Imperial Library, the single greatest collection of knowledge east of the Karak Claw mountains. I would be willing to…” The thought of the great library and the idea of teaching some of its knowledge brought on a sudden desire to read the little book that was the source of her power. It was so sudden and powerful that she faltered in her speech noticeably, her hand moving to rest on the surface of the to me, while the other went to her temple. “-share some of that knowledge with you…” She completed the sentence before pausing for a brief moment to recover her composure. “In the interest of furthering cultural relations between our two peoples.” Aral looked at her, catching the subtle hint and resulted in the more free views he had seen from his peers. He wasn’t sure what to think at first. Merely since his father’s actions had forced him into isolation from such influences other than learning and his uncle’s teaching more selective, it didn’t help his naivety showed. Her stammer concerned him slightly and reflexively spoke. “Are you alright?” His hand gestured to an attendant to bring them some water as he waited her answer, ensuring she was fine before he replied. “It must be the heat.” She said quickly. “I will be fine… but a glass of water would not hurt.” While the attendant poured, he nodded sympathetically and made his comment. “I admit knowledge is a great asset in the role of a King and could better my understanding of the less traditional roles our youth has adopted. Namely so not to alienate them. Though I suggest lighter fabrics so you don’t faint and more suitable to the climate. Delicate flowers shouldn’t risk wilting under the sun but rather flourish.” “I intend to. It was protocol to wear traditional Kalesian garb to our first meeting… And while these clothes may be very comfortable where I come from it takes no great intellect to realise they are not suited to this climate.” She did not react openly to his flattery, merely sipping the water as quickly as she could while remaining polite. She was nonetheless happy to receive it, wishing for a somewhat less formal environment. “Obviously it is no time to teach while you watch the tournament your people have put so much effort into putting on for you.” She cast her eyes once again to the arena floor below, still very much interested in watching it herself. “Yes, they expect so much of me and I only hope to make them proud. Even now an important decision requires me to be objective, namely on the topic of Relics. Which brings to my attention at how little I really know about them. I believe Kalesia’s views on evokers are much different than Idris’, aren’t they?” Aral of course knew the answer, at least a bit, but he wanted to hear it from her. “They would have trouble being more different.” She began. “In the Empire there is no negative stigma for being an Evoker. There are a few laws to help prevent criminal Evokers, but it is our view that every person should be allowed to contribute to society in whatever way they can. When an Evoker is discovered, their abilities are tested and a selection of fitting jobs that allow them to make full use of their relic are found somewhere in the Empire. And so we do not seek to destroy Evokers, or to collar them, but to allow them to use their power for the good of all Kalesians. Of course criminal Evokers are hunted, but so are all criminals. The punishment fits the crime in such cases, as it always does.” She did not tell him of her own nature, it was much too soon for that. She had to have an inkling of how he might react before telling him that. Still, this topic was one that vitally needed a change in Othea. The stain of Idris corruption had had a long time to take root here, and it would take a great deal of persistence to burn it out and bring enlightenment to Othea. “How do you deal with these criminals? I’ve heard some Evokers have some heavy and frightful abilities that would overshadow normal people. Sometimes lethal enough to slaughter a great number in a short time.” Naturally Aral realized he was starting to quote some of his teachers, trying to keep his expression from showing his distaste in repeating rumors. His mind failed to twist his thoughts into the right words that didn’t sound foreign or disgusted within his own head. Alessia sighed at that. Of course he would latch onto that part. “It is remarkable how few Evokers turn to crime when they know that they have a guaranteed place in society and a place to use their abilities. But for those that do, an Evoker is not such a terrifying target when they are but one and you have Evokers of your own to defend against their powers. Once caught, they are sentenced as any criminal would be, the only difference is that their sentences are enforced by people capable of keeping Evokers confined to prisons or other such things.” “That gives some insight on at least one issue that will be brought up in the future,” Aral commented then turned to a the other side of the conversation. “All the information I’ve ever been able to collect is how Relics are used in conflict and turmoil, mostly suffering. It makes it hard to just accept these facts as the only truth when some nations have made it possible to co-exist with Relics in one manner or another. As a King, I have the responsibility to know the full truth and be ready for most common issues to defend my verdict in the end. A fact I learned when I was groomed for this role since the age of eight. So, is it true Relics are only used in the instance of war and conflict?” “If we only used our relics for war, we would need constant warfare to keep all the Evokers busy. The Empire has not been at war, not truly, for centuries. There are so many more things you can do with a relic than use it to hurt people. An Evoker who could control fire, for example, would, at first glance, seem an excellent weapon of war. But fire is a tool, used to forge metal into a great many things. Such an Evoker might find an excellent job as a smith, able to heat one or more forges with nothing but her force of will. I think you will find that with a little thought, all but the most destructive Relics can be put to peaceful use. They are simply tools.” Alessia did not show her impatience at such a limited viewpoint, she was too careful for that, but it did disappoint her somewhat. Aral digested the information in silence, his eyes still on the scene playing out below. More fighters in the arena below had thinned out their numbers now and the event seemed to come to a close. His mind toying with questions he wanted to ask yet knowing their appearance in public. Spending time chewing over his words quietly he was soon spared from any farther conversation when a sound began. The bell cracked the air and vibrated, rippling through not just the land but the skies as well. For several moments everyone was left breathless until the sound receded. However the newly crowned king was far too distracted to notice the oddness as from the corner of his eyes, Aral spotted his uncle’s figure collapse to the royal’s box’ floor. Repulsively he jerked from his seat. His attention ignoring his guests and tried to draw closer to his uncle. It wasn’t until his form was immediately held back by one of the guards that had approached to protect his king. Aral’s fingers tightened about the strong arm that separated him, his demeanor forgotten in the shock of seeing his beloved uncle down, while he struggled a moment to reach Kheris’s side. For some heart stopping moments, the newly crowned king felt something die inside. The scene around him seemed to be smothered in water. Shouts from the surrounding guards to gasps from the nobles within the box were all nothing more than background noise, his breath held in his panic. It wasn’t until his Uncle rouse that Aral felt himself breath again. His mouth let a hiss of air pass and escape his soured lungs, feeling the relief that came with it. Aral knew he likely looked more like a scared child as he relaxed his struggle and allowed himself to be sat back into his seat. Inside he had been rattled far too much for his liking, his display insult to his people and his mind racing around in circles in a dog chasing its tail fashion. Too much had happened this day for his inexperienced mind to absorb yet more was still to come. It was then he noticed the arena unravel its horrible scene. A section collapsed, crumbling and taking a few combatants with its fall, while a large, scaly creature crawled out. It started to snap and claw at whoever came within its range. In moments it started to edge into the crowd causing blood curling screams. Aral starred in morid horror. His uncle’s words snapped him from his trance state causing him to finally see the chaos ensuring below. A beast, scaled and savage, had sprung forth from where part of the flooring had crumbled. It slashed and clawed causing those caught in its path to scream in their panicked fleeing, some falling prey while others managed to get clear. He was convinced the thing in the arena below had to be an evoker, for relics were the only known source of magic, making him glare at the creature hurting his people. “Do what you feel it necessary uncle.” Aral stated coldly, giving his uncle authority, as he lingered there to bore down a king’s anger on the thing’s destructive path. The guards knew better than to touch him when he added final words to his uncle Kheris,” However if it comes down to my people’s safety and that thing’s life, kill it.” It was rare to see the prince anger or filled with such rather that likely even Kheris would’ve been surprised to see it surface. As if...someone else was peering back. Without a further word, Aral turned on heel and followed the other nobles in their exit wake. His steps steady and unhurried as he left the current course of events in Kheris, not willing to risk his people’s only hope for a better future by engaging the beast himself. Even if his honor and loyalty had demanded otherwise.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"M'Lord, the Kalesians are moving in to assist!" Kheris nodded, still slightly weak from his dizzy spell. He could still faintly see swirls of energy eminating from the bell, he would have to examine it in detail in the future. It was a very strange item indeed, however for now there was something else. A surge of energy coming from the stands as a wall of stone came up and fired at the beast, the lizard with its thick hide managed to absorb the blow surprisingly with little damage done however it did recoil slightly. Kheris managed a croak. "Leave the Evoker! Unless he begins to cause more harm than good, but for now let him assist as he can. Our priority is the being that is killing civillians." While the first part of the sentence confused many, his own view in relics (obviously) differring from many within Othea the second one was something they could all agree upon. Luckily thanks to the tournament there were plenty of Otheas finest warriors nearby, several of the competitor gates opening and Knights began streaming into the aren. The armour and weapons they carried more than likely the first they could get their hands on. However he did not doubt they were any less deadly. The Knights themselves, having heard from the guards began fanning out, expanding around the petimetre of the arena. Ensuring that the beast would not be able to leave above ground before they began closing in on it. Within this perimetre the only beings present were the Kalesians and the Relic user who had the ability to control stone. The Othean guards pulled themselves back, as a second line of defense behind the Knights. The rest helped usher civilians towards the exits. Having done all he could do Kheris merely looked out, into the arena watching the fight unfold. He was annoyed with the disturbance of the bell, causing interference with his relic he could see the evoker bright as day but could see naught else. He began concentrating on his own reserves, what little he had access to. He would likely have to interfere in this fight himself and to keep his abilities secret would be... troublesome at best. Closing his eyes to concentrate the last thing he saw was the beast making a run at the Kalesian guards. --- Stone cracked, and shook as something stirred. Thunder would be heard for hundreds of miles had there been anyone to hear it, animals with genetic memory began to flee and hide.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

The Kalesians were ready to deal with this beast on their own, the Orthean guards were too busy dealing with civilians and they would just get in the way anyways. The Kalesian seriously doubted that these guards could fight a Kalesian peasant woman armed with a pitchfork much less the beast that inhabited the arena with them. "Fire at will on the beast, get it's attention." He said, the men listened to their commander and shot arrows at the beasts side while it was distracted by the second evoker who jumped in with them. His plan worked as some of the arrows found home the beast turned it's attention to the Kalesians it's whole body being turned so it could charge them. "Spears!" He shouted, his shout ringing out through out his arena. Only two of his soldiers carried spears and in a heart beat they raised them the spears finding purchase right under the beasts chin but it shrugged those wounds off slamming one of the soldiers into the wall cracking his skull open. "There is a lizard that is similar to this thing in my homeland, it has a weak underbelly target that." One of the voices said, Garet did as the voice said slashing for the underbelly. This caused a roar of pain from the beast and sent it fleeing from the Kalesian line. Faced with a little bit of a reprieve, the Kalesians gathered a few fallen arrows, and the ones armed with close combat weapons proceeded after the beast which was ready for another round with these upstart soldiers who hurt it so. It lunged for Garet who swiftly rolled out of the way, it flailed and trashed trying to get at these people but it left it's self open for another slash this one finding one of it's claws and cutting it off, it gave more ground retreating until the Kalesians had it backed up against the hole it emerged from. "You who can control stone, push this thing back into the hole and seal it!" Garet shouted at the rock throwing Evoker.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isaiah Markul
Isaiah grimaced at the creature's resilience. Soon after he had struck, his distraction gave several warriors time to close distance and engage it without being counter-attacked. He moved, trying to find a favorable position in the chaos among these unknown warriors... No, soldiers. Their armor was far too uniform for simple colosseum warriors, these men belonged to a nation of some sort. But as they didn't bear any of the iconography he'd seen on city guards or the various areas of the city, they must be from somewhere else. It didn't matter though, what did matter was stopping this creature. They fought bravely, but several fell to the monster. He had to congratulate their commander, he seemed fairly able. Despite losses they pushed it back, nearly to the hole. When the commander shouted at him to end it, he pushed aside any irritation at the boy for daring to assume he held any authority over him. Instead, pragmatism won out as he nodded to the man, preparing to do just that. He took a wide, stable stance, holding his arms out behind him. With a groan of effort, he focused. All around him, the rubble began to shake and vibrate as he seized control of as much loose stone as he could. He slowly lifted his arms over his head with supreme effort as a great many stones were lifted a short distance into the air. He swirled his arms, gathering the rocks into a more ordered mass as he stepped forward. He howled out a warning to the warriors in front of him. "MOVE ASIDE! NOW!" He roared, throwing his arms forward as every muscle screamed for him to stop, the effort of moving such a large amount of heavy objects nearly too much for him to take. Luckily, the soldiers seemed to scramble aside at least... The stones were sent hurtling at the creature, and would surely have enough force to knock it into the pit and then bury it. He coughed and wheezed, panting with effort as he looked up. Time seemed to slow as he noticed one of the stones on the tail end of the barrage was... off target, and on a course with one of the soldiers near him. He moved to the side, somewhat sluggishly as his body was on its very last reserves of energy. He shouldered the soldier away, collapsing to the ground. And then... pain. It was if his entire arm was on fire as his head snapped to his side, seeing to his horror that the stone had crushed his hand. He smacked the stone with his other hand, the roughly torso-sized brick flying about a foot or two away as he clutched his ruined arm, his vision starting to fade somewhat, but not completely. He had stretched himself too far...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The lizard couldn't comprehend what was happening. One moment, it was doing its job, feasting as it had been instructed. The next, things were fighting back. At first, they had no success. Then suddenly the creature could feel the gnats fighting back get organized, as if they suddenly had a leader. Even worse, they seemed to know how to harm it. It could vaguely hear how someone shouted about belly. Moments later, the lizard screeched in pain as something sharp penetrated its softer belly. It tried to slash out at the source of the pain, but could not seem to find anything to strike. Then the pain was even worse. Some sort of nasty-metal cut straight through its right foreleg, removing the wonderful claws! It a frenzied screech of agony, staring momentarily at the severed claws and the dripping of its precious blood. Wherever it struck the sand, it smoked. Before the lizard could even react, countless rocks started pelting it. pained, injured and shocked as it was, the lizard could not resist long. Digging its remaining claws into the ground did not give enough purchase, the rocks kept pushing it back. When its hind legs were back at the emergence, the lizard realized it had no choice. The opposition was too strong here. It leaped into the hole, hoping to find somewhere to rest up and heal, then emerge elsewhere. If possible. The only consolation, it felt, was that before the two-legs fought back, it had bitten lots of two-legs. If nothing else, many more would die. Its job had not failed completely. It hated the two-legs. All they brought was pain. They weren't even particularly good eating. Too much bone, too little meat. ------ Angie watched helplessly as the others fought the lizard creature. She could feel the hatred permeating the air, even if the lizards thoughts, thankfully, could not be heard. It was too different. Canines were much nicer, she decided. Standing at the edge of the tall balcony, she idly scratched her back, watching the proceedings below. She couldn't help. She didn't know how to fight, let alone wield anything more dangerous than a belt knife. After seeing how even swords bounced off the foul-smelling lizard's hide, she had resolutely shoved her small knife back into its sheath. As quickly as it had started, the fight stopped. Some evoker pushed the lizard back into the hole it came out of, then dropped big rocks into the hole, sealing it. Following the guidance of the Kalesian soldiers escorting the embassy staff, she passed by where healers were treating some of the lizard's still-living victims. She broke away for a moment, looking at the wound on one that had been bitten in the right leg. A grown woman. She leaned down, sniffing deeply. "Dirty! Unclean!" she exclaimed in the momentary break between the woman's anguished screams as a healer tried to bandage it. Others around glared, staring as much at her as at the woman. Knowing she was unwelcome, Angie retreated back into the group escorting the embassy staff. She didn't care overmuch about the woman, but knew well that unless they thoroughly cleaned that woman's injury, she would be dead within a fortnight. Possibly even sooner. Angie's back one again itched. She scratched at it more and thought she could feel tiny hairs beneath her clothes. It was almost as if she'd changed even more in the few hours since the morning bath. She didn't know for sure, but thought that her fingernails looked even more like tiny claws now. They were more pointed, sharper. Maybe even a little darker. She didn't understand why. The area outside the arena was chaotic. The peace and organization of the morning was all but gone. Screams of agony and mourning could be heard all around. She wondered who could possibly do something like this, who could wish others such harm. Surely no sane man or woman would want this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kheris watched as the beast was drawn back, in a combination of annoyance and awe. Yes they had been powerful and he had to respect the quick thinking of the Kalesians however now they would have to deal with the beast at a later date. What had his nephew done? He had left. He turned to the guard captain. "Send the Knights to the armory, I want them to flush out the sewer system. Find the beast and kill it before it has chance to heal and resurface.""Yes M'lord." Kheris then walked onto the balcony, designed specifically in a position where the person on its voice would be projected despite a possible crowd of thousands cheering. "Evoker! Stand down for questioning. We will take you in, resist and it will be seen as an act of aggression. Kalesians, return to your embassy now. However on behalf of the Royal Family I thank you for your valiant efforts and assitance in protecting the people of Othea." Kheris watched as people began to approach the Evoker, he eyed him waringly in fact. So he was ready in a moments notice of anything going astray. In fact, while protocol would dictate that he should essentially make the evoker "disappear" by handing him over to Idris Kheris had other ideas in mind. This man was a hero, or at least was trying to be, and someone with the noble sentiment could possibly make a good Shadow. Though if he did make it he would have to be... significantly more discreet than making it obvious who the evoker was. He himself was prepared to intervene without being caught. He laughed slightly to himself, though not everyone was quite as sublte as he was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isaiah Markul
Panting with exhaustion, Isaiah stumbled to his feet, throwing his cloak over his mangled arm and looking up to... quite the surprise. He felt someone grab his good arm and help him to his feet... and he obliged, leaning against the man as his vision cleared... It was the soldier he'd saved. It seemed gratitude was not lost to time. He was saying something, but his ears rang, and there was so much noise he couldn't make out any of it... By the time his hearing had returned, the man had already finished speaking... "...Hold. What is your name, soldier." He asked simply, ignoring the pain. "Uh... S-saul, sir." He said, nervously. Still a little shaken from the experience. Markul thought for a moment, before standing, stretching his good arm for a moment. "Return to your commander, Saul. I can walk." He said, looking around at the arena. Well, most of it was intact. It wouldn't take very long to repair the damages. The soldier nodded, standing at attention and giving a little salute. "Y-yes sir!" He said, scrambling away to join his comrades... "And don't call me Sir!" He shouted, shaking his head slightly when he disappeared into the crowds. It was around that time he heard someone call down to the arena... and given that the only evoker he'd seen beside himself was the creature, he was likely talking about him... He simply glared to the balcony, and while at this distance it was hard to tell, he could at least discern that it was just some old man. Not that Isaiah was anything different... He sighed, heading off toward one of the exits, and as he suspected there was a gaggle of healers tending to wounded. "You there..." He called out, and sure enough one of them looked up as she finished bandaging up some civilian. It appeared that some rubble had given him a nasty cut... "I can help you if it's serious, sir, but if it's just a bruise or two I suggest you wait..." She said, before turning back to a coworker and barking a few orders. "I assure you it's quite severe..." He said, pulling his cloak aside and showing her his crushed forearm. The woman gasped in shock, waving him over to the now empty cot. "Gods above, how are you still walking?..." she asked, quickly cleaning the wound... Sure, he was a giant but with an injury like that a person was usually out cold... When she reached for her saw, she nearly jumped when he grabbed her arm with his good one, stopping her. "Please don't." He simply said. The woman was speechless. "Sir, there's no way this thing is healin', it has to come off." She tried to explain, but Isaiah simply shook his head. "I'll worry about that. Just clean it up so I do not bleed to death." he requested. The woman sighed, setting her saw down and proceeding to do just that. She was right, that wound would not heal on its own. He would need to find an evoker to fix it, and he couldn't exactly do that if his arm was no longer there... What a mess he'd gotten himself into...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Garet watched as the beast was sealed away, one the soldiers looked to him and then to the man on the ground. He just nodded understanding what the soldier wanted to do and watched as the the man shrugged him off, he walked over to the man and stood by him. "I owe you a debt, if you ever stop by the Kaelsian embassy i will ensure that i will help you pay that off, and remember evoker you are not alone." He said, subtly flashing his ring to him and then looking up as the Othean addressed him and his men. "That's it then? Our warriors die to defend this arena and all we get is a thank you?" One of the voices snarled, Garet just sighed and bowed slightly to the Othean not daring to give him the same respect as the Empress may she live forever. "We are honored by your words." He said, and turned flashing hand talk to his soldiers who understood taking their dead men and leaving the arena. As they walked out of the Arena they met with the rest of the embassy staff and Angie were waiting. People looked to the returning Kaelsian soldiers and saw that they were carrying their bodies and they lowered their heads, their sacrifices would not be in vain he kept telling himself this as they slowly made their way through the streets back to the embassy. "Right the letters home and make sure their widows or families get their benefits." He said, his voice terrifyingly cold, one of the ambassadors just nodded and went to writing. "Find someone to take these bodies home for proper transport home and get them cleaned up first. And for the Empresses sake do it quickly." One of the soldiers crossed hand over chest and gave him a "Yes Sir." And Left running back into the streets. He sighed and took a seat in one of the chairs thinking about what he was going to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Roan stirred when the vibrations hit the stables he currently hid in. Groggily his body leaned back on his hind legs and stretched out his forearms, gingerly letting the fresh burn fill the nerves in his action. He let a subtle, soft growl rumble through his throat as his muzzle let out a yawn, furling back his black lips and revealed several red stained fangs. Slowly he rose to his feet making the strained hay loft floor boards creak from his movements while he padded int the open. His ears flirted to the sounds of buzzing flies, his eyes picking out their feast, the pig and a mare, carcasses now buried half way in the stained hay. He paid little mind to their remains having his fill from them already. His dark tongue licked the white teeth quickly then coiled his body, leapt downwards. Roan's pads absorbed the impact the moment he landed causing him to shake slightly. His fur ruffled and shook the straw from his figure, letting the pieces wisp onto the stone floor. Dampening his nose to increase his smell, the wolf could inhale the numerous smells within his area causing him to perk up. Since he had slept the canines around town had settled down greatly but that was about to change. Wasting little time, Roan stood at the sizable hole gnawed in the stable side. His claws dig and picked a bit more, widening it some, before he pushed back through again. The rough, splintered edges combed his fur as he slid through finally giving the hole a sound whack with his tail on exiting. In a short time someone would've found his meals and likely discarded them, but for now he intended to run off to explore. In moments his legs and arms were darting across the hard back streets, his muscles moving quickly in a flat out run. His fur enjoyed the sensation of the air brushing past it while his eyes and ears noted the sounds of marching soldiers. Their figures had started to fill the main streets causing his path to rise another level. His feet kicked off a few barrels, rushing up them like stairs, and jumped to the nearest roof edge. He barely missed the small guard group emerging about the corner when he vanished to the roof tops again. Panting slightly, his nosed flared with a familiar scent. He paused, inhaling deeper, savoring the smell filling his brain as it came back feminine and similar to him. A few more slow sniffs happened until his body started to jog into the direction. Gingerly he climbed from one roof top to another, his claws and legs aiding his path flawlessly in the ever shifting plate forms just when he scaled the Klaw mountains long ago. Roan slowly filtered out the various scents for the one he wanted. One in particular drew anger and a sick sensation in his gut, its location was strongest in the direction of the arena. It smell of rot and festering wounds, death, causing him to give a brief disgusted snort. His mind made the distinct choice to avoid it, his muscles jerking to another direction. Here... over here... here! The scent cried out to him and suddenly he came to a trot then a stop, his head had rotating around to seek out the source. His tail shifted in a half heart wag, unsure to be happy or readying to high tail it away, when he drew near his current perch's edge. His instinct begged him to be careful, his ears perked and rotated as his claws clicked on the stone, leaning over to glimpse who the scent belonged to. Roan's head cocked slightly in a curious manner while he eyeing the figure. Feeling his fear ebb some, he began to venture downward and landed softly on the street's path just behind her. His eyes flickered with longing a moment then started to approach cautiously. It was hard to ignore the sensation of eyes pricking along his exposed back and flanks, his skin on edge when he made soft whimpering sounds. His ears flatted against his skull and tail lowered, giving a meeker appearance then usual. Or at least attempting to while he approached the woman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~| Deep within the northeastern reaches of the Kalesian empire, along the shores of the river Velk, high in the Kargan mountains |~ Peace. That was the rule of the land. Back when she had been a child, the very idea of peace in the area, let alone entire region had been laughable. Back then, anyone traveling between towns needed to do so in well-armed caravans. Now, anywhere more than ten hours’ travel from the borders of the empire was safe. The roads were patrolled by the imperial legions, the wilderness by Bargal irregulars. Even the beasts of the wild knew now to avoid the imperial highways. Sure, she knew they crossed the roads frequently, but not even feral bargals attacked travelers. It was just as she had envisioned it so long ago. She climbed the path as she frequently did. Sometimes, it led along the river, but other times it did not. Where the river had picked the shortest route down, people could not do the same. At the usual place, she turned off the path, heading out onto the outlook. She was simply dressed, with clothes lacking any significant ornamentation. Her boots were designed with two purposes in mind: comfort and safe footing. The outlook was bare of any growth, bare stone atop a sheer cliff. She stopped a few steps from the edge, a bit wary of the edge. Though she knew every stone intimately, she had never quite overcome her respect for heights. She moved about the outlook, then found her favored spot. Only then did she turn back out, looking over the expanse of the empire’s heartland. Below her, the mountains stretched for hours, giving way to rolling hills, vast forests and endless plains. It was breathtakingly beautiful. Looking to the east, she could see some of the lines of the imperial highways. Where the land itself preferred irregular shapes and curves, the highways were mostly straight lines, only curving where the terrain could not be easily molded to permit straight lines. To the casual observer, nothing about the roads looked out of place. But she was no casual observer. She had been watching the roads every day. She had seen how there were more troops marching west than there were marching east. It was subtle, for there were a lot of troops marching east as well. Not that she needed to watch the highways to know this. She turned around, returning to the path. She had much further to go that day. ~| Two hours later |~ The woman had now arrived at the southern outlook. She had made good time. But then, she always did. Far below her, the river churned, slowly eating away at the rock face. Eventually, she knew, it would eat enough to destabilize the overlook. It was inevitable. She did not mind. It was the way of the world. She gazed out, watching the distant construction. A mere two decades earlier, it had been bare mountains and forest. Now, the deep end of the valley held a massive fortress-city. A true marvel of engineering. Tens of thousands had contributed to the construction. Though far more spartan in its ornamentation, the sophistication of the fortifications were close to rivaling the imperial capital. Though fairly wide, the valley was also the one reaching furthest into the Karak Claw mountains. Gazing out towards its terminus, she could see even more fortifications there, including a massive wall that protected the valley. Its gates were invisible from this distance, but she knew they would be open now. The sides of the valley were lined with villages and military encampments, for though only the finishing touches upon the fortifications of the fortress-city remained, it had not been built to house the sheer number of people involved in its construction as well as a good portion of the imperial army. She smiled to herself. It was impressive what men and women could achieve if they put their hearts and minds into it. While the other end was carefully concealed, here there was no need to conceal the true purpose behind the whole fortress-city. None who entered the valley did so without permission, and only a select few had left again. Back when the whole project had been planned, it had quickly been determined that preventing most from leaving again would be the only way to reliably keep all foreigners from knowing about it. Most fortresses were surrounded by a single wall, maybe two. This city was not like those. Sure, it had walls like them, but while she referred to it as a single city, it consisted of two nigh-identical fortresses, with the tallest and thickest walls facing the wide passage between them. Walkways and tunnels connected the two, but each could function without the other. In time, she knew, the fortresses would be expanded deep into the mountains themselves, providing room for tens of thousands more. If the purpose of the fortress-city had been simply as a safe place to live, the wide passage would have been a massive defensive weakness. But that was not its purpose. In the face of the mountain, at the deep end of the great passage, the massive opening of a tunnel could be seen. It was wide enough for forty men and women to march beside each other. But this was not, of course, visible from the overlook. No. This she knew for other reasons. “Milenka Alena Kysely.” She said in a normal voice, not bothering to turn about. At first, nothing happened. She appeared to be all alone. Then the underbrush on the far side of the path broke apart, revealing another woman, this one dressed in nondescript leathery armor made from the hide of a large, scaled animal. “Tell them it is time.” “At once, Cisárovná.” The second woman, Melenka Kysely, bowed deeply, then drew back. Less than two minutes later, the skies above the valley changed. It was subtle at first. Imperceptible to any who did not know what to watch for and when. From the east a large cloud moved in. Up until then, the skies above the valley had been a clear blue, only broken by the two full moons visible at this time of day. The moment the shadow of the cloud hit the edges if the fortress-city, it slowed. Then it transformed. Where it once had been a random shape, the woman could see how it now took on the shape of a massive fist. Even this, while improbable, could happen naturally. What came next, none would ever accuse of being anything other than magical, for next the light of the sun, once blocked by the cloud started filtering through, shining down upon the ground like rainbows. She knew it looked impressive, but also knew that it was all an illusion. There was no evoker she knew of capable of manipulating the skies in such a fashion. Or rather, to do so with any sort of control. At first, activity in the valley seemed to pause as the illusion unfolded. Then things started moving once more, with clearly renewed purpose. By the time the illusion faded, the military encampments along the valley were breaking up, moving like immense dark green serpents down to the valley floor, where they merged together. Within an hour, the head of the serpent started marching, heading into the tunnel. It would take many hours more before the rear end of the imperial legions entered. She did not feel like watching any more. After all, she did have an empire to run.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


He signalled to let the healer approach, he didn't actually want ot let the Evoker die that wouldn't be that useful. However the Evoker was lucky that it was he deciding his fate and not another. The guards approached and circled him, before taking him below the royal box where Kheris was standing waiting. He turned, his cloak swishing behind him as the guards followed with their captive. "Do not fret, no harm shall befall you should you not attempt to hurt any citizens, guards or myself. You are quite lucky that the appearance you made was in one of heroic grandeur, in fact I am quite thankful for it." Kheris turned to face the man as several other guards approached. He turned to the captain. "You are relieved, return to the Arena and try and block up the hole and then assist in the search for the beast." The guard bowed. "Yes my lord."

The new guards came and unshackled the Evoker. "There, that is much more pleasant is it not." The guards then took up position behind him rather than circling ready if needed though not intimidating the Evoker. Kheris turned to continue walking. "Though you off course will have to disappear. Othea is not currently in position to welcome evokers at least so openly. Idris still has its control here despite my brothers recent relinquishment of the crown. Something I'm working on." He shrugged as he took another turn, this time towards what appeared to be a large(For within the city) private estate rather than towards the castle where it would be expected that a prisoner would be taken. At the gates Kheris once again stopped to face the Evoker before they were opened.

"This is the time to chose. You can disappear with me now into the Shadows. You can flee and have yourself a criminal and an outcast or have me forced to hand you over to Idris. Preferably you'd take the first option however we are all beings with free will. Chose."

Spire of Malloch

Stone cracked and crumbled. There was movement in the mountains, things were changing ever so subtly as things began to come together. Forces that had not existed for eons were awakening. Men weilded the power of Gods, using it for greed and personal gain. The same relics that were used to build the greatest Kingdom Azukhar had ever seen were treated as mere toys and trinkets, a death sentence to most who would use them.

Now many passed beneath the Spire, sealing their own fate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isaiah followed the guards and allowed them to restrain him without incident, keeping quiet as he did so. It would not be wise to attempt to flee in his condition... Besides, it was unlikely anything horrible would befall him. You had to stay optimistic about these things sometimes. He was led to below the box he was addressed from, and there he was... It was odd seeing such a decrepit old man, and knowing that he was the younger one here... Hmm... should he start calling everyone 'boy' or some such? He was older... Better not, it'd be wise not to anger anyone further.

He couldn't help but smirk behind his face-wrap when he mentioned his 'Heroic grandeur'. He never thought he'd ever be called 'hero' again. He walked with him after they undid his bindings, his arm falling to his side as he listened quietly. All these things he was saying... what sort of time was he in? When he was young, the Order of Idris was simply ignored more often than not, yet they appear to actually hold influence and power now... He had become lost in thought for a long while, realizing that they were now standing before a home of some sort, and the old man was making demands again.

Though this old man couldn't possibly know, Markul's hand was forced. He couldn't escape the guards without his arm or the stamina to keep up his geomancy, he simply wasn't quick enough. And even if he could... where would he go? He couldn't even read anymore. And Idris was obviously not an option. He would have to cooperate... and slip away if necessary. "It has been a long time since anyone has made demands of me..." He said with a sigh, before looking to the estate again. "Though I am in no position to refuse. I am Isaiah Markul." He said, extending his good hand...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Once outside the arena, the Kalesian soldiers guarding Angie and the embassy staff waited for a few minutes so that a couple of stragglers could catch up to them. Then they all moved out, taking the quickest route back to the Embassy. Though the crowds were thinning out the further they got from the Grand Arena, especially after they passed through the inner walls, Angie could see how the chaos had already spread throughout the city proper. The Canines all around were unusually excited. It was almost as if the entire city was overflowing with energy. Or something like that. She couldn’t put words to it. She did notice how the guards had formed up into a tight V-shape in front of the group, pushing through the crowds whenever they gathered. There weren’t enough to form a full circle around them, but she still felt safe with them there.

Just as they passed by the last intersection before they’d turn right to go to the Embassy, she felt as much as heard something land behind her. She had sensed it in the background through the canines, but with how pent-up they all were, she’d paid it less heed than she probably should have.

Angie looked up for a moment, seeing the two full moons visible in the sky even during the day. The feeling behind her wasn’t truly one of danger. It was hard to put into words. Like a canine, but not. Wilder. Stronger. She wanted to turn about, to look at it. The urge was practically irresistible. She halted for a moment. Started to turn to the right. Then fell over as if she’d tripped.

Everything itched. Her hands snapped forward, preventing her face from striking the ground as she fell over. Throughout the canine thought net, she heard the shout “he-who-smells-blood!” reverberating. She knew without knowing exactly how, that it was he who now stood behind her. But that didn’t matter, for she could not sense any real danger from him. All she felt, was a certain curiosity, intermixed with… familiarity?

She tried to make sense of it, but before she could think further on it, there was a pain unlike any she had felt before, right at the base of her back. And on her torso. And all over her body. She squeezed her eyes shut to try to drown it out and so failed to spot the first and most obvious changes. Her nails rapidly thickened, hardened and lengthened until they truly were claws. Not long claws, but still sharp. Underneath her long Kalesian tunic, at the base of her spine, something grew forth. And everything itched. The light fuzz she’d had in the past spread rapidly. becoming a sleek coat of fur covering greater parts of her arms, legs and torso.

Her modest breasts, having never really grown large the way other girls’ breasts seemed to do, were joined by others as the nascent ones lower on her chest rapidly grew in. While it should’ve felt strange, Angie found that it only felt right. As something that had been wrong was now fixed. In her small boots, she could feel her claws growing in and knew they were quite a bit larger than the ones on her fingers.

As always, she didn’t know exactly why she did it, but she bent her feet slightly, lifting her heel up from the ground. had she been able to see, she would’ve seen that her feet had actually changed shape. Where other humans had a right angle between the ankle and the foot, her feet now had a 110-degree angle. She could still lower her heels to the ground, but it didn’t feel right.

The changes stopped as suddenly as they had started. It felt like an eternity had passed, but somehow she knew only a few minutes at most had passed. She slowly rose to her feet, quite unsteady, as if her balance had changed. Which she realized quickly that it actually had. Her chest was heavier, her legs different. Then there was the short tail beneath her long tunic. She knew it was there, but couldn’t quite figure out how to control it.

She quickly wiped her hands over her clothes, trying to shake the dust of the road off them. Only then did she spot her claws. She stared in shock at them. Her fingers looked so different now that they ended in short but sharp claws. Flexing her fingers a little, she felt how they moved just as they had before. Then there was the thin brown fuzz on the back of her hands. She looked down herself, spotting how her changes had distended her clothes a bit. Below her breasts she could now see four other bulges of a similar size. She didn’t know if others too could see them. Not that she really cared about what others would think. She was far too confused to do that. And hungry. So very hungry. Her stomach growled, and she let out a similar growl herself. She needed to eat. And she felt… tired.

Then she sniffed the air, remembering that he-who-smells-blood was right behind her. She started turning about to look at him, wondering what he looked like.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"I made no demands. Only advisements." A bell tolled three times in the city, this one was different than the one that was used for the tournament. Higher in pitch and the tolls had a good thirty seconds between them. A warning bell for people to head indoors due to a danger within the city. No doubt the lizard beast, few could walk the streets at such a time. "If you leave now, you will likely be killed on sight." One of his Shadows appeared at the door, Kheris turned "I have other matters to attend to. Excuse me." He walked out off the door, closing it behind him. "What is it?""We've found garments and some other possessions at an inn. They're all of Kalesian design and some of the clothes are ripped-" He lifted them up. "Also connected or not there have been reports of missing livestock and dogs going crazy."

"Odd." Kheris ran his hand through some of the clothes. "Very odd. Anything else in relation to this?""No, nothing. Though we've heard about some people complaining about slates falling off rooftops and some kind of shadow, we've not been able to gather anything off the fallen slates as they've shattered." Kheris turned to look at the door. "If I am correct about the name Isiah Markul and the way he's been speaking we don't want to take the risk with this one. Have him escorted out of the building, and then if he makes it out of the city so be it. If he doesn't bring me his relic."

The man bowed as Kheris walked out, flanked by his guards.

It was time to assault the next problem.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Roan's eyes widened when Angie's body changed. He heard the bones crackle, felt the muscles stretch and tasted the fear in her changes as his paw took a step back. His ears pulled back as his lips revealed several long, white teeth. He let out a warning growl when his eyes watched the changes happen. Roan couldn't help that his fur bristled at the sudden reaction causing his instinct to rise to the surface. Further his body pushed away, his eyes studying her curiously. His instinct struggled. Something deep inside, it argued it was normal and slowly his ears, lips and tail all resided from their alert posture. His nose inhaled the rich female scent causing his inner animal to rear.

Still...a sound drew his attention causing Roan's head to jerk to his right. His vision settled on a familiar image, a woman, which held familiarity in his mind. Though, like a hazy dream, he couldn't understand why. His head twisted from her to Angie, then back as in debate on the one he would approach. Part of him longed to further satisfy his interest in the one that drew him while the other wanted that desperate need for the known, a matter that soothed his inner beast and man.

At this point in the day, very little would surprise Alessia. So many strange things had happened in such a short time that it was now simply logical to expect them to keep happening. So when Angie’s body suddenly started shifting and altering in a decidedly inhuman manner, she did not scream in terror and shock. She barely broke her stride, wheeling about to face the girl. Lydia stepped part way between them, the hand on her sword's hilt gripping slightly tighter.

Around them the Kalesian troops halted, the closest turning and baring their weapons on both the changed girl and the larger beast now visible behind the group, but before they could move further, Alessia spoke in a commanding voice. “Stop. Stand down and keep the civilians away.”

She too had noticed the wolf-man from before, and if what she suspected was right, he would be in chains very shortly. If only he had come to her when there wasn’t a platoon of Kalesian armsmen with her! Still, she was confident he wouldn’t attack unless threatened, and she needed to help Angie through this no doubt traumatic experience. Whatever it was. “Angie.” She said carefully. “Can you still hear me?”

The words entered Angie’s head, but for several moments, they were given no attention. There were simply too many impressions flooding her mind. Impressions she had never felt before. Or at least not noticed. Her eyes took in the sight of he-who-smells-blood where he stood. Her nose, which she deep down knew was still inferior to that of a wolf, took in his scent. Even crouched down as he was, he towered over her.

With some inexplicable instinct, possibly the same one she shared with the canines, she let her mind reach out to his. The feeling was… odd… It was as if it was fighting itself. On one hand, there was the familiar mind of a canine. Timeless and familiar, but in deep turmoil, out of control. On the other hand, there was the human mind, carefully controlled but unfamiliar. She didn’t know what mind to reach for. The wolfmind was familiar, but she was afraid of being consumed by the chaos currently ruling it. On the other hand, the human mind was one she simply couldn’t understand. It was alien to her.

Though both minds were there, she could feel how the chaos of the uncontrolled canine mind currently dominated him. There were thoughts of what she thought was the human mind present too, but she couldn’t understand them. For the sake of familiarity, she let her mind turn to his canine mind. Unlike herself, she could sense how he was sated, how his stomach was full. That made her hunger once more blaze through to the front. She needed to eat. She had to. Her stomach growled loudly.

It was only then that Alessia’s shouts managed to break through. She tried to answer that she was, only to realize after several fruitless tries that she’d been reaching towards Alessia’s mind, which of course was inaccessible. Not sure what would come out if she opened her mouth, she turned sideways so that Alessia could see, then nodded firmly. When she did, she saw to her shock how she appeared to have grown a tail, and that it was wagging.

Then she felt the overwhelming force of he-who-smells-blood and found herself crouching up, making herself look smaller. Though she knew herself to be mostly in control over herself, she knew without a doubt that she was no leader, no alpha. The same certainty told her that he was one.

She tried to prevent her tail from moving, but all that seemed to do was make it move more. Finally, after realizing she had no idea how to control it, she muttered “Yes, Alessia”. What in the name of the gods had happened to her? Why had she suddenly changed like this?

Roan’s animal mind snapped into alert mode. His body tilted back and his spine straightened slightly, bring him to a higher height. Black lips curled back revealing several white teeth while his fur bristled and his head jerked around, seeing the several armored men being held at bay. His ear flicked when it heard Alessia’s name as his eyes settled on her image. Something stirred, hazy and faint, to the surface causing a soft whine to escape only to twist into a fearful growl. Alessia… The wolf snarled and snapped his teeth, lowering himself to all fours. It was a mix of aggression and instinct that his paws seemed to edge backward from the dark haired woman.

The odd growled name shocked Angie. Especially when the name was echoed from the mind of he-who-smells-blood. He knew Alessia! Without knowing it, she’d let that shocked thought flow through the link to him. In the distance, she felt how other canines were confused by the human name, for they clearly had a different name for her.

With a bit of struggling to gather and focus her thoughts again, she sent questing thought to he-who-smells-blood. “You know Alessia? Who are you?” Carefully making sure the thought was sent in the way a lesser wolf speaks to an alpha.

Roan… He growled deeper, his focus fully on Alessia, while barely acknowledging Angie to his left. The wolf felt his tail rise and shoulder hunch, his eyes widened to show his anger. He didn’t want her near him, every inch of him showed his dislike at being near her. He struggled between flight or fight, the sides inside his mind warring in a battle to tear each other to pieces.

Angie could sense the almost unbridled anger in this ‘Roan’. It was painful. Almost wrong. It did not seem to be focused upon Alessia, which relieved her. She couldn’t understand what the focus of the rage was, but found herself making herself even smaller in the face of it. “Your anger! Your rage! It hurts!” she sent through the link. “Relax, great Alpha... No one here wishes you harm!” Angie didn’t know if it would help, but she had to try. Her eyes still locked on the great wolf, she spoke to Alessia, “He seems to know you, calls himself “Roan”. His rage is overwhelming. Not sure what it is caused by, but unless it stops soon, I don’t think I can resist it myself. Try talking to him!”

“Roan?” Alessia said with a slightly questioning, but calm tone. She took a slow step towards him, raising her hands and opening them just as slowly. Behind her, men in burnished helms looked nervously between each other. “Roan its me. Alessia.” She said in a similar tone, replacing questioning with familiarity. “You remember me?” She half stated, half questioned. Another step, a quick glance to tell Lydia not to interfere. The teeth scared her, the anger that Angie mentioned scared her. But that wasn’t Roan. The Roan she knew wouldn’t harm her, and she still remembered earlier, when he had leapt at her and merely licked her face when he could easily have gone for her throat. She knew better than to show her feelings. This was really no different than a negotiation with a foreign dignitary. Or so she told herself to keep calm.

Roan’s body froze in place. His retreat stopped as his ears pinned back, his lips pulled over his teeth when his ears caught her voice. Inside his chest his heart raced far faster than before and his voice made a small whimper, his eyes softened slightly. The human started to struggle more inside his head and trying to gain the upper hand, the wolf uncertain what to do. Despite his fear, the wolf didn’t want to attack Alessia.

Instinctively his body lowered until his elbows were level with the ground, his body shaking rapidly as the part that seemed half dead seemed to come alive. The human edged his way to the control and the only warning that he had won was a sudden crack! His body shuddered abruptly, his muzzle gave a sharp yelp before his snout shortened and limbs started to twist unnaturally right before Alessia’s and Angie’s eyes. Bones could easily be heard to snapping, tendons clicking and painful howls vibrating out of his throat. His body jerked to his side as the fire racing through his nerves caused him to shut his eyes, a failing attempt to block out the pain. Slowly the features distinguishing Roan began to pop up. His fur paled into white and became smooth again, his scars becoming visible again.

After the sounds died, instead of a black wolf it was a man that laid in his place. His proud and strong figure was curled up into a ball with cold sweat dripping from his change, mind numb to the torment etched in his memory now.

With each pop and snap as he-who-smells-blood turned into a man, Angie cringed, remembering just how much it had hurt during her own transformation. She knew also that hers had not been anywhere as radical as his. She did wonder for a bit whether she too would change, but when nothing happened, she sighed in relief. Such pain was not something she would ever enjoy.

When he stopped transforming, he simply lay there unmoving except for his steady breathing. Considering his lack of clothing, she looked at a nearby soldier. “Loan him your cloak, would you?”

Alessia inwardly cringed at the sight of the change. She may have been inured to strange for the day, but grotesque was an entirely different matter. She looked away part way through the process, but it was still horrible to hear the cracks of reshaping bones.

Once it was all over, she was presented with the unmistakable sight of Roan, lying curled in the street. One of the guards behind her took off his cloak and started towards him, but Alessia put out an arm to stop him. “No. This man is a wanted criminal in Kalesia.” She said coldly, her voice devoid of emotion. “You two-” She pointed at two of the larger guards. “Pick him up, we must take him to the embassy at once. Send a runner ahead and tell the Embassy jailor to prepare his strongest shackles.”

It saddened her to have to be the one giving the order now. She hoped that he was still too far gone from the transformation to remember what she was doing now. When the guards brought him into the center of the Kalesian formation, she stood facing him and spoke, slowly and clearly, doing her best to hide her reluctance - something not as easy as it usually was, even for one so adept at concealing emotion. “Roan Adonis, you are under arrest for the crime of Treason against the Empire.”

Roan gritted his teeth as he felt himself hauled up roughly, his tongue almost bitten in the rise to standing. The change in posture was difficult to accept within his mind and his feet threatened to give out with each step into the center. Cradled between the two large men, his ears faintly registered the speaker as the words filled his hazy head. Only a few he understood when his heart sank into his stomach, his mind numbed at the charges being pressed against him. The thing he had been trying to prevent had finally came back to haunt him at last.

His head had been hanging completely, facing the ground before he edged it upright. Slowly he felt his vision clear and blue eyes settle on a face from his past: Alessia. He wanted to deny he never did anything but his throat constricted, sealing shut and silencing him. All he could do was stare, feeling pain and confusion inside his heart and head while a runner was sent ahead. After the words were said his head fell down as if in shame, barely able to walk on his own.

It wasn’t much later that they arrived at the embassy. Angie didn’t know what to make of it all. People were scurrying about everywhere. Far more than seemed plausible, even with the capture of some traitor. She didn’t know what to make of it, but this “Roan Adonis” had not seemed like a traitor to her. None of his thoughts, mostly muted now, had given her any hint of such. But even so, she did not speak up. She simply did not have enough information. Not knowing what else to do, she stuck close to Alessia, the woman she felt she knew best.

Suddenly, a clearly travel-stained man rode in through the gateway behind them. He leapt off his mount, then ran straight for Angie and Alessia. “Milenka Rezalla-Rhidian! Milenka Rezalla-Rhidian!” He seemed almost panicked, as if something really big was going on, almost falling over in the process of slowing down. “The Delvers are done! The signs have been seen! The call has been sounded! It is time!” After speaking, or rather, shouting, the man fell over, hyperventilating, utterly spent.

Angie just looked puzzled at him, trying to understand what in the world the man meant by his words. She couldn’t figure it out, so she turned to look at Alessia, to see if she could explain it. “Time for what, Alessia?” she asked, curiously.

“Time for something important to Kalesia.” Alessia said, speaking as though Angie were a child asking about something they were not old enough to understand. This news was too early. Far too early. She had barely had time to meet the king, much less bring him around to the Kalesian way of thinking. It was as if fate was conspiring to make this day the most eventful and difficult in her entire life.

She had preparations of her own to make. She had to tour the city, as much of it as possible, and get to know it inside and out. That knowledge would allow her to more accurately control her abilities… Abilities that would be called on to aid the Empire very soon. Beyond that, she wanted to turn the king at least a little more towards the Kalesian viewpoint, and that would be no easy task. The other staff of the embassy would see to informing and preparing any others that needed it.

“I will have to be away making preparations for this upcoming event. For now at least, I will not be able to help you settle in. I am sorry.” With that, she turned and headed for her room. Even though it was early, the events of the day had tired her immensely, and the traditional dress she was wearing was far too hot. She had to lay down and get into something lighter.

Being talked to as if she were a young child did not please Angie. She was about to serve Alessia with a glowering glare, but the older woman had already rushed off, so the glare got wasted on the messenger, a man she’d not even met before, let alone knew well enough to truly be angry with. Before she could even begin to think about who to take her unusually strong anger and frustration out on, her stomach growled loudly, signaling how ravenous she was. She could also feel how tired she was, but had till now managed to put it all off.

She stood still for a few moments, then finally spotted someone not quite rushing about the way almost everyone else was. She grabbed that man’s arm, her claws accidentally pressing deep into his skin. “Where’s the Kitchen?”

“Th-That way!” he answered quickly, agony visible on his face. Only then did she notice that her claws were close to drawing blood. “Thanks!” she answered, quickly letting go of his arm, “Sorry about the arm!” she shouted, even as she jogged towards where he’d pointed. He in turn only stood there, cradling his arm, muttering something about ‘blasted untrained evokers’, though of course Angie did not hear those words, as she was already entering the building.

After turning a couple of corners, she could smell the kitchens and needed no further directions. The salivating slightly at the delicious smells pouring out from it. The cooks appeared utterly unfazed by the chaos outside. Having worked in a bakery, which was almost as busy as a general kitchen, Angie could easily see how nothing was unusual about the hustle to them.

She hadn’t been in the kitchen for more than a few moments before one of the men-at-arms sitting on a large wooden table by one of the smaller hearths gestured her over. She didn’t know them, but her stomach growled loudly, and they did have a large roast beside them. Initial wariness had no chance against ravenous hunger and curiosity, so she walked over.

One of them cut her a large slice of the roast, then threw it on a wooden platter, placing it before her. “Eat up, girl! We heard how you saved our compatriots from a nasty fight!” Angie didn’t need to be asked twice, and tore into the meat, using her claws and teeth more than the any utensils.

By the time her stomach stopped growling for more, she’d finished a good quarter of a roast normally meant to feed ten grown men. If anything, that only made the men-at-arms respect her even more, though she felt a bit ashamed at eating so much. Moments later, the burgeoning exhaustion made itself known to her once more, and her face literally dropped into the empty platter, where she began to snore loudly.

She did not know it, being virtually comatose, but the men-at-arms gently carried her up to a guest chamber and tucked her into the bed there before returning to their duties.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Kheris stood outside the embassy, he afterall had eyes and ears all over the city. How could they hope to hide Evokers in Amaryth and let alone think they had the ability to keep one prisoner. He walked upto the door, waved at two off his elite guards to stand waiting at the gate and then continued with a squad of his best men. Several guards walked upto him. "Halt, you have no authority to be here." Kheris just sighed and shook his head, and then tutting as he did so. "I have authority to be here as Uncle to the King. Our laws are explicit no Evokers are to enter into our lands, today several Kalesian Evokers have been sighted returning into your embassy and not only that, but you have taken one prisoner who is responsible for the death of various livestock. This is Othea you will hand the prisoner over to us, and hand over the Evokers so we may extradite them back to Kalesia." The guard just look to his kin back and forth.

Kheris merely waved his damaged hand. "Fine, bring me the ambassador." With that one of the guards went running back into the Embassy, as one of his own guards ran with a note to the King to inform him of what was going on.

Inside the embassy the guard ran upto Alessia. "Sir, a Othean Noble is outside demanding we release Evokers to be extradited back to the homeland and that we hand over an Evoker prisoner. He has requested that you speak to him."
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