Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

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Calanon (& Brogach)

Location:The Road
Interacting with: Satilla, Sana, those around the fire

Calanon chewed his food gingerly, sipping a bit of his water before Sana brought him out of his reverie. He gave her as warm of a smile as he could considering the circumstances of where they were. He'd not spoken to her much. Other than her beautiful singing the other day, and a few glances, the only exposure he'd had of her was her speaking to Keystone and Kyra. "Thank you." he said simply, giving a slight bow of his head.

The fire flickered, illuminating his fair visage, making it appear a tad more mysterious and grave in the light. His eyes fell upon Satilla as she spoke. He had not spoken to her much either, other than introductions. "What Undead have you met?" he asked with a calm inquisitiveness, his right hand idly slipping to grip the cursed arm he bore. It seemed the manner of place they now sat made him feel more of a melancholy. The presence of Brogach and Skittles calmed him somewhat, thankfully.

He doubted Undead would be a problem here, anyhow. Whether or not these Orcs would turn out to be friend or foe, they would certainly not stand idle as a ravenous horde of the walking dead slaughtered them. Briefly he felt as if that would not be such a bad thing if it did transpire that way, but he pushed those dark thoughts aside. You are better than that. He breathed in through his nose. I am. "You've got a fine friend there." he remarked to Satilla as well, referring to Skittles.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Sana Rawn

Location: The Orc Cave
Interacting With: Yeah, peoples, and orcs


Sana nodded towards both Thomas and Calanon in turn before going back to grooming and settling Epona in for the evening. She watched as Kyra went off with Keystone and the half orc woman into the cave. She didn't like it but she figured they could take care of themselves. Kyra was a diplomat when she needed to be. More so than Sana was. Taking a breath she fetched some water for her mare before fetching some more for the group so they could refill water skins. She didn't speak orc but a few hands gestures made it pretty clear what she was doing. She wondered if she should do something for food but Keystone had said he would cook when he returned. She figured she could wait, she had had his cooking before and it would be a welcome change to what she had mostly been eating on the road the last few weeks.

Hearing the mention of undead Sana sighed as she sat down by the fire and removed her cloak so she could warm up and dry out properly now. Her burn scars that ran from the right side of her neck down to the line of her top in the front and half way down her back, running down her right arm to the top of her bracer on her forearm; several puncture marks on her right shoulder seemed like the remains of bite marks. She cringed a little bit, even after all this time they still bothered her. Taking a breath she thought about them and other things.

"The undead are vile creatures, but I would rather deal with them than the truly unholy..." she muttered to herself more than in a response to Calanon's question to Satilla. Shaking off the thought she straightened up and looked around. Seems the group had been through a lot and the Orcs did not like their presence there. Not that she could blame them, she wasn't very comfortable around them either. She had dealt with some friendly orcs in the past but they were few and far between.

"So, while we wait, would anyone fancy a song to lighten the mood?" she asked out of the blue. She hated sitting around idly, just waiting while others figured things out or for information to come. The night had not set in fully yet, there was still time before the undead would be walking if they did this evening. Might as well try to up the spirits of those here. It may be their last chance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Location: Woods North of Salarn, Orc Encampment, Cave
Interacting With: Sana (kind of), His Thoughts

Sana stopped the large man as he strode after Brezcar, to request that he keep an eye on her friend Kyra. Apparently, she was being "too calm", whatever the arse that was supposed to mean. Keystone gave her a questioning look, unsure as to what she meant by that. All the same, he had no desire to stay and talk about it. He nodded to the oft pushy Archer and continued toward the cave. The sooner their meeting with the War Chief (or whatever this leader styled himself), the sooner he could get back to the group, hopefully to make a hot meal like he promised just a moment ago.

Before the Woodland Domestics could commence, he had to take part in the lovely displays of Orcish dominance that he assumed would be the opening act of the discussion to come. Again, this was an estimation based upon his experience with Human gangs and the local banditry; he had less experience with Orcs than many of the standard adventuring folk wandering about the continent. It was a hindrance that he did not speak the language, which is why we suggested that one of the Half-Bloods join them. Having one of the woodland folk, at least one they ordinarily wouldn't try to eviscerate immediately, with them might allow for a more favorable outcome. The again, the most favorable outcome that Keystone realistically expected was a session of posturing, followed by an exchange of information, followed by more posturing and an invitation to act as fodder for the troops outside if an attack occurred. If they walked out of that cave just a notch wiser about their current predicament, he would consider it a victory.

The remainder of the way to the cave and inside of it, he remained quiet. The lack of illumination put him at a disadvantage at first, entering the darkness from the light outside. He had keen eyes and could adjust to the darkness well enough, for a Human, but he had no special abilities to see in total darkness. Even after his eyes adjusted to the dimness, he knew that the Orcs would keep the upper hand. It was best to concentrate on what he could discern from his surroundings, rather than worry over things he couldn't change about it.

Keystone kept to his martially businesslike method of carrying himself, standing tall and broad, allowing heavy footfalls to sound upon the ground outside and cave floor within. He neither spoke to, nor acknowledged anyone around him as he continued to follow their guide deeper into the earthen fortress that housed the Orc Leader. If he had a goal in this, aside from a desire to be acknowledged by these people as a fellow warrior, it would be for four or five of these Orcs to look upon them, exclaiming, "That's the biggest Gruumshdamned Human I've ever seen!"

Strangely, Keystone felt a little comfortable in this setting. He could not put his finger on precisely why, though. Something about the cave... It was a matter that could be explored later, if indeed he had a "later". For the meantime, he had woefully inadequate social skills to demonstrate to a person that could casually order their deaths.

This was bound to be an interesting discussion.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ntaj Zoov Yaaj

Location: Orc War Camp (Adventurer's Camp)
Actions: Talking to Epona

Nodding his head towards Kyra, Ntaj went back to the camp with the others. He wasn't too worried about the orcs attacking them now. He couldn't say hew knew why, but he just felt like for now, things would be okay. Honey came back from his hunt, somehow managing to sneak into camp despite all the orcs around. But then again, he was a good hunter. And a good hunter can go anywhere. "Honey! You hungry? Ntaj hungry." The blood on Honey's face and teeth told the orc that Honey had a successful hunt. Alas, if only Ntaj could go hunting now. He only had spices left to eat.

Now that Honey was back though, Ntaj wanted to speak to his old friend. Or perhaps speak to some of the other creatures here? There was Calanon elf, Epona, and even Skittles. And of course, Honey was here too, though he appeared to be here for warmth and relaxation before continuing his hunt. "Not go Honey. Wait here." Ntaj took his animal companion by the scruff of his neck and took out his Animal Totem. Planting the club into the ground, Ntaj appeared to be doing some sort of spell with Honey just sitting in front of him. For about ten minutes Ntaj did nothing but stay in that position mumbling something, before Honey walked off. Ntaj didn't mind though, as his spell was complete.

Turning towards Epona, what the other adventurers would hear was Ntaj making horse noises. But with Animal Speech activeted, Epona would hear Ntaj's voice in a language it understood, somehow. Magic was involved of course. <Hello there. I am Ntaj Zoov Yaj. I have heard tales of horses called Epona, ridden by mighty elven warriors. What's your story?> Ntaj said while walking up to Sana's mount.

Dialog written between <brackets> means Ntaj is speaking using Animal Language. Unless you happen to speak Animal Languages or at least the language of the creature Ntaj attuned his spell for, you likely won't understand him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Satilla Valen

Location: By the Cave
Interacting With: Thomas, Calaron, Sana

Satilla was so focused on the flames and petting Skittle’s head that she almost didn’t notice Thomas sitting besides her in just beyond arm’s reach. She wouldn’t have even realized it if Skittles didn’t let out a meow that tore her away from her thoughts and caused her to look around the place. She only smiled, noticing he seemed to also drift into something like meditation probably.

“Hmm!?” Satilla made a questioning sound, hearing someone’s voice ask her a question. She looked and saw Calaron, the elf. She thought for a moment, wondering if he really was talking to her, but eventually nodded.” Only a few skeletons or a zombie or two… occasionally…” She explained, those two were the rather go to about mob undead.

“Hmmm indeed… though Skittles is the one who came to me.” She replied, stroking the fur on his neck.” Every witch gets a familiar when the officially become well a witch. It can be so many different animals, but skittles is the one who came to me and we’ve been together since.” She explained and the cat joined in with a happy meow.

“I’d love a song, though not sure if our… orcish hosts would be as approving of the idea as I am…” She said, throwing a look around.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Location: A trap cave full of friendly orcs
Interacting with: Cremwise, Kyra & Keystone

"That's one way to describe it," Cyne replied to Keystone's half-question. She unhooked her arm from around Cremwise's neck and pushed him into the middle of the party. "Keep an eye out on him for me while I'm gone. ~Don't worry to much, Cremmy. I'll be back as soon as I can for you ♥.~" Cyne's expressions and persona changed in an instant, going from kind of nervous but stern to flirtatious and bubbly before reverting back to normal as if nothing had ever happened in the first place. She followed behind Keystone and Kyra, not talking to either of them, which seemed to be a behavior the other two humans shared.

Keystone seemed to be thinking about things, probably coming up with some sort of plan of action to take when talking to the leader. Kyra didn't seem to be feeling talkative. Cyneburg blinked a couple times as her eyes adjusted to the dark of the cave. If there was one thing that her base form was better at than almost any of her animal forms it was seeing in the dark. Sure the owl had far sharper vision overall and the handy ability to perceive the altitude of sounds, but in cavernous and subterranean situations like this one, being a half orc gave her a sense of calm that she normally didn't have in other terrain types. Maybe it was just in the blood.

What wasn't so calming was the smell. Sure she had been in worse smelling places: sulfuric plains, neglected barns that had manure up to the ankle, elven perfume shops, but that didn't make this cave any more fun to walk through. The worst part was knowing that the residents weren't able to smell their own lodgings. Still, it was kind of surprising that they had built up such a stench in the first place. They were in the middle of a war against humans and undead. She'd think that they'd move around the forest rather than sticking around to one cave. Then again, what did she know about tactics?

Speaking of tactics, what could she do against undead in her current state? There was a pretty good chance that they would attack tonight. Snake venom didn't work on targets that were already dead. None of her other reptile forms could do much fighting, and she wasn't much of a fighter in the first place. Then again, neither were undead. The walking dead did have lots of numbers on their side and she didn't really have any offensive spells...

Cyneburg resolved to cross that bridge when she got to it. Now she would focus her thoughts on the upcoming meeting of the leaders and how she could help facilitate that.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

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Calanon (& Brogach)

Location:The Road
Interacting with: Satilla, Sana, Gretchin/Ntaj (slightly), those around the fire

He nodded as she spoke of her encounters with the Undead, simply curious. Calanon gave Satilla and Skittles a happy smile. "Well she seems to quite like you, so it fits. Brogach here was the one that chose me too." he said, his mood getting lighter as the conversation made a transition from Undead to animals. He gave Cremwise a look, but decided that as long as the man was before him, he wouldn't attempt to escape. The Elf perked up at Sana and Satilla speaking about music. He looked at Sana in a friendly fashion and nodded. "I would very much like to play for you as you sang." he said. "I don't often hear voices like yours, and I yearn to use my Ocarina. Though I admit I am also a bit wary giving us even more attention than we already have. But I fear I shall risk it regardless. What do you say, Brogach?"

The Elk lowered his head, and bent down for Calanon to reach into his pack and produce his Ocarina. As his eyes fell upon the instrument, he could already feel a tune welling within him. He gave Gretchin a quick glance and a grin, curious on if she would think his skills were fair or not. He was hoping it would lift her spirits this day as well. His were already lifting with the promise of playing with Sana. He gave an approving nod to Ntaj, always appreciative of making friends with the beasts of the land.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Around the fire with the group, in the orc cave.
Interacting with: No one in particular, and Calanon (somewhat)

Finally returning to a more mindful presence, she drifted towards the edge of their little camp. More conversation perked up amongst the group, but Lerraina couldn't help but keep away from it. She wandered cassually around the fire, it was definitely warm and inviting, but the others who had surrounded it, well, it promised many things in which she wasn't sure she could handle at this moment. So in doing her best to keep to herself, she perched atop a nearby stump, farthest from the others, though still within reach of the fire's warm embrace.

She hummed a soft tune with the hopes that it would keep her mind off the hunger pains that had been eating it's way through her insides. The humming had distracted her enough throughout discussions of undead and zombies, for which she half payed attention to. But it was when one had suggested to sing a song of their own, that her own humming had ceased. She smiled and nodded a simple response to Sana. She rummaged through her own pack once more looking for another handful of berries to quench the hunger, but alas none were to be found. Her eyes wandered over to Calanon, remembering the jerky he had offered during their time up in the tree. She damned herself for so often letting her pride and suspicions getting in the way of things. But his forward glance at her caught her off guard.

So often lost in her own world, she hardly noticed anyone, or noticed anyone noticing her for that matter. She wasn't quite sure what the look was about, and so the girl simply sat there, wide eyed like a deer in headlights, caught in the middle of a devious act of some sort and simply smiled at the man. She had decided she would curse herself later as it would be much safer to do while not in the presence or view of others.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Kyra & Sana

Location: The Orc Cave (Inside and out)
Interacting With: Yeah, peoples, and orcs, and Brezcar, and an elder


Kyra looked around slowly than towards the chief that was sitting there eyeing her, Keystone, and Cyneburg. The chief looks none to pleased that there are humans within his dwelling and he voices it adamantly. "1Lat thrak avheuke killeruk inavo mausan votar? Around mausan people? Nalkren dare lat! Jiak ukhould have lat uklaughaverun for avhe sulj avhoughav agh um iav wauk noav for gith your yearuk ro loyal ukervice jiak evinaj guav lat righav katu nalkramal lat ukavand juukav avo baj ij poinav," the chief spat towards Brezcar but the helf-whatever he was just stood there looking at the chief as if he had just told him the weather for tomorrow.

"2Explain yourukelf," he said as his fingers tightened around the grip of his Master work Halberd.

"I have ukpoke wiavh ukeveral ro avhem agh wiavh cremwiuke auk nalal. Iav ukeemuk noav gith iuk whaav kulknej were avold or whaav kulknej aukukumun. Theuke people ayh noav from avhe ciavausan buav were hirun afar cremwiuke," Brezcar began before explaining the circumstances. Kyra looking over to her two companions and then back over to chief and Brezcar. She didn't like the fact they were speaking in a tongue that she could not understand and that there was no translation going on but she hoped that Cyneburg would be able to clarify what was being said when they were out of the cave; that was if they made it out and the two weren't planning their slaughter.

They bickered back and forth; the chief saying they were not to be trusted, Brezcar going on that he knew that but that the last person they trusted turned out to most likely be if not the cause for the war but contributing to it. The chief asking why he should trust these new arrivals, Brezcar saying that they shouldn't without a test to prove they are not part of this, something to solve the problem. The chief asking what would that be, Brezcar suggesting they carry a treaty back to the village to stop hostilities and to find out whatever is drawing in the undead. The chief grins and seems to like that idea.

Brezcar turned and looked over towards the three. "I believer we may have an idea," he said as he relaxed shoulders a bit.

The chief smirked and spoke finally to the three standing before him. "No, I have an idea."

Over at the campsite out side of the cave, things were different. If a horse could give a what the fuck look, she would have. Having been in Sana's care for as long as she could remember, to be spoken to in a language that was native to her ears as it were. It wasn't that she was complaining it was that she was a bit surprised by the suddeness of it. Shaking her head out it seemed that Epona had a bit of an attitude.

<And I am supposed to just give you my life story because you can neigh with the best of them?> Epona retorted rather bluntly as she lifted her head up a bit more. Then she whinnied a bit. Seemed she had a brash sense of a humor. <Just kidding. I am Epona, no elf has ridden me without Sana. I serve her and her alone by choice. My story is simple enough. I was born, I lived. She found me. We needed each other. We have been together since. She tends to me, I tend to her.>

Sana cocked a brow looking over at Njat with Epona but Epona hadn't kicked his teeth in yet so she figured it was alright. At the words of worry Sana shrugged. "Well I have no met many orcs but ones I have known did not care for music but they did not mind dance. So they tolerate it at best. I do not think we are in danger. I assume if they want me to shut up they will let us know," she said before standing and dusting herself off.

She chose a simple song, one that she could cast with but withheld on the casting aspect of the song. While it was a song that could build trust she did not think that the orcs would take well to magic being cast within their camp. Taking a breath she began to sing low, letting the words leave her slip softly at first. Her hips and arms beginning to move as she went and just letting the song take hold of her as she did. Nodding towards the Calanon to join in with his own accompaniment.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Location: Woods North of Salarn, Orc Encampment, Cave
Interacting With: Orc Chief

They seemed agitated. Upset, even. Not that Keystone didn't have an inkling of understanding as to why they were upset; there was a war on, and Cremwise's hirelings or not, they represented an enemy that was supposedly throwing animated dead people at them. Keystone would be a little miffed, himself. Hell, from his point of view, this is exactly what was happening to him. Allegedly, anyway. He hadn't actually seen any skeletons or zombies or Wights (oh, my!), nary a single Revenant on a mission, no, nor had he heard the barest rumor of a Lich wandering down from the mountains after decades of purposeful study. If indeed there were undead on the prowl, they were either very adept at hiding their numbers, or this situation was just beginning.

Perhaps this was the opportune moment to flex his nonexistent social skills. Or at least talk straight with the guy that command an army of Orcs surrounding them all.

"Oy, Guv'nor, if I may? Name of Keystone. Throw m'two coppers in the pot then? Look, Cremmy's a lying wanksplat, no two ways on it. Lied to you, lied to us. I ain't particular loyal to the man; we had us a contract an' the terms've been sodding well met. But that utter cobyankery 'bout undead roamin' the streets o' Salarn? Nah. Didn't see a one. Now, if someone in Salarn's doing you lot dirty, find out who an' do what y've gotta. Only folk I'm givin' a rat's hindparts about're m'self, the two women around me, and that gaggle o' tosspots outside tryin' like hell to keep pushin' air past their pearlies. Y'understand? Promised them a good, hot meal when we're done 'ere, too, whenever we're done jawin' on 'bout it.

Not that I'm thinkin' you green folk're tellin' tales, neither. Had me a long and nasty 'istory tearin' down Undead, cross more than one realm, too. Powerful distaste for 'em, y'see. If'n this turns into an opportunity what I can re-dead some nasties, well, that's just gravy on the tubers, Guv. You'll be lettin' ol' Keystone know how we can slap a steak over this bruised-up eye, yeah?"

"An' if you don't mind the mention, this's a right lovely stone enclosure you lot've got for yourself. 'Preciate the 'ospitality of y'clan, we does. If'n you're feelin' a bit 'venturous, mayhap you'd be one for joining us at suppertime, and a bit of black tea afters? You and your man Brezcar're both welcome 'round my fire."

When Keystone was finally finished with his waxing monologue, he gave an odd look for just a second, and nodded lightly. He had no idea if the Elder Orc could understand Word One through his urban underclass accent, or even his translators, for that matter. It was hoped that, if profound confusion took hold of the hour, Cyneburg would be able to translate Keystone to Common to Orcish, at least smoothly enough to let on the gist of his speech.

All that aside, he felt he did pretty well, considering he wasn't a man of classically acceptable eloquence. Might even run for public office if he ever got back home. Risking a look over to Kyra, he tried to gauge by her expression whether or not he had just done something truly awful. Fingers crossed!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: Campgrounds, conveniently placed nearby an orc army.
Interacting with: Himself?

If music be the food of love, play on.
No one told the Bard:
But nothing really matters,
Nothing really matters to me...

Let the world pass away it mattered not. The stars above were cold and distant, brimming with terror and wonder. Wonder in that something so far away could trace out such images in the sky, and terror as the pale lights came from a world afar. These stars, these sinister stars, shimmering stars of the night, ever watching by day unseen by the light, they are his kin. Born of them, born with them, from the very moment of creation, to the minutes after conception, a star was stolen from the sky. That singularity flowed through his veins, just as a moon did now, but the next cycle of attunement had began.

In meditation his eyes closed, his mind wandering, his soul untethered, free to wander the cosmos and more so himself. Each breath in and out, the solar flares and moonbeams. The closing of his eyes an eclipse, the flushing of his skin, waxing and waning no more as health seemed to return. His body now like his being, floating, free, enlightened like his sharpened mind as the wisdom of the cosmos opened his eyes with the twinkle of the stars. Colder, more aloof and detached, opening his eyes for a moment to gaze at the strangers he had found himself in, pondering their intents, their motivations, their drives. Cutting them apart in a gross dissection of character, and moreso boiling them down to their distilled essences. And then once more he closed them to listen to the music, the music not made by Sana or Ocarina, but the music that is the silence of space.

There the next shift in alignment, the change of his tattoo for now disappeared the crescent and appeared the stars.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Satilla Valen

Location: By the Cave
Interacting With: Calaron

“Hehehe… Skittles is a male.” Satilla corrected Calaron with a slight giggle, amused at his mistake. Granted it wasn’t exactly obvious unless looking for it, but still it amused her a little. Skittles the cat also meowed, demanding more attention from Satilla again as she had stopped stroking his fur.

When Sana actually started to sing, Satilla smiled brightly, closing her eyes, focusing on the voice. It was quite refreshing to hear a beautiful song in a place like this. It calmed her somewhat. She tore her mind away from worrying about the orcs and could enjoy a nice piece of art! She wanted to compliment Sana, but knew better than disturbing such a nice performence.

Satilla just continued to stroke Skittle’s fur with her eyes closed for a little while longer, before finally opening them and looking around. She pulled her bag and looked inside it, checking on her medicine supplies. There was a good chance she may run out quite fast if the undead appeared tonight and she had to help the orcs also. While she wouldn’t be fine with healing them and aiding them, she doubted she had enough herbs for more than a dozen or two at best.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ntaj Zoov Yaaj

Location: Orc War Camp (Adventurer's Camp)
Actions: Talking to Epona

The half-orc smirked at Epona's smartass remark. She might not have much to say, but Epona certainly had an attitude. Ntaj couldn't hate that. <Ha! So you say. Surely you've done more than that with your life.> Granted, Ntaj knew from experience that not a lot of animals remembered much about their past. Hell, whenever Ntaj speaks to Honey, he could barely remember his last meal. Ntaj supposed he shouldn't be surprised that Epona might not even remember much of her past even if she was willing to tell it. Still, Ntaj had about nine more minutes on this spell before it wore off. Might as well use it. <What about Sana than? She's no farm girl, that's for certain. She seems an adventurous sort, experienced, well traveled. What was she doing before you two found us?>

As Ntaj spoke to Epona, he heard Sana begin to sing. She was singing a beautiful song, too bad Ntaj couldn't understand a word of it. Songs always had a certain romantic way with words that Ntaj was certain if he actually understood the lyrics, it'd make the song less interesting. So for now he enjoyed it for the music. Around that same time Honey returned from his hunt, and with a gift! A dead rabbit. A good sized one, almost as big as Honey, with it's head nearly torn off. <Thank you Honey. Ah yes, let me introduce you to my partner. This is Honey the Badger. He fights alongside me, and helps me hunt for food.> Ntaj picked up the rabbit and wiped some dirt off of it. Hopefully Keystone wouldn't mind if Ntaj used some of his ingredients. All he really needed was a bit of oil to fry up this rabbit into edible bits of meat. While Honey was hardcore enough to eat his meat so raw it was still alive, Ntaj preferred his meat cooked.

<Ah, are you hungry, Epona? I could find you something to eat if you'd like.>
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Location: A trap cave full of friendly orcs
Interacting with: Kyra, Keystone, Orc Leader & Brezcar

Well Cyne had her translation work cut out for her. Both ways in fact. Very quickly she gave up the idea of any sort of 1:1 translation and resolved to just try to get the spirit of what's being said across to each party. It helped that both Brezcar and herself knew the other spoke both languages, so anything shady wouldn't really fly since neither side could really get away with it. First she would relay the gist of the conversation/argument the leader and Brezcar were having to Kyra and Keystone.

"The chief is furious that we're even here in the first place. Brezcar told him that not everything is as they were told and explained that we were hired by Cremwise." Cyne cleared her throat as she tried to mentally process Keystone's long, rambling spiel into something that could be somewhat easily communicated quickly. Given 15 seconds of gear churning she had the idea down pretty well.

"Cremwise fûrz. Keystone, sharaat hon nar slaium-nar Salarn-ishi. Mokat slaium-nar agh maukuzat gugsh turu. Gakhat-gus dafrum tul-ishi agh atiglût. Narnûlubatûr ghûlum agh narmoklat throk-izisha gaakh?"Cremwise is a liar. Keystone, the human right there didn't see a single undead in Salarn. He hates them and has actually fought them on many prior occasions. Really he only cares about our group in here and just outside the cave right now. He wants to thank you for your help and maybe you would like to eat together? It wasn't nearly as... colorful as the original, but it got the point across and only missed a few tidbits of information. She hoped. Honestly she couldn't be entirely sure she knew what the man was saying all the time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago


Location: The Orc Cave (Inside and out)
Interacting With: Keystone, Cyneburg, Brezcar, and an elder


Kyra watched Keystone as he spoke; and spoke; and spoke; and spoke. She didn't think she had heard this much from him during the entire length of the trip, minus his little rant from earlier, than she was right then. Once he was finished she looked towards their companion and was grateful for the quick sum of what was going on between the chief and Brezcar.

"I see." Turning her head she looked over towards Brezcar. "I have not seen any undead as of yet either. I was sent by the king of a forest realm some ways from here after hearing about the war just to inspect and see if the Goblins were caught up in this little to do."

Brezcar nodded slightly and looked to the chief, telling him verbatim what Kyra had said. The chief looked at Cyneburg and then over at Brezcar, rubbing his chin slightly before he said anything.

"No, no goblinuk. Kjani evinaj be moukav welcome buav jiak ukavill do noav know um kulknej ukhould avruukav avheuke people. Um avheausan saib nauk-avurn avhe village agh negoaviaave peace avhen jiak liwo avake avhem for avheir word. Beavavas avheir avhroaavuk avhan ouruk." <No, no Goblins. Food would be most welcome but I still do not know if we should trust these people. If they can return the village and negotiate peace then I will take them for their word. Better their throats than ours.>

Outside of the cage Epona whinnied a bit. <"It would not be my place to tell of Sana's actions. If you wish to know, ask her yourself. She is rather blunt and honest about such matters. All I will say is yes, she is seasoned in the ways of battle."> Epona said before bobbing her head towards Honey. <"Hello Honey">

Lowering her neck she stretched it out a bit before shaking out the tension of the day and looking over as Sana began to sing. If a horse could smile, that was the look on her features. <"Thank you but Sana has provided me with food already. Such a sweet voice. I am glad she has found it.">
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

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Calanon (& Brogach)

Location:The Road
Interacting with: Satilla, Sana, Gretchin, those around the fire

Calanon gave a light laugh at his mistake of Skittle's gender. His eyes fell upon Gretchin once more, and he felt warmed by his new friend's smile. He gave her a nod, a light dancing in his eyes of which none here had yet seen, and he felt a yearning within him at the prospect of playing for new comrades. The melancholy of their current situation having given way to such feelings, and he awaited for his chance to play.

After Sana began to sing however, he listened and stay quiet for her first verse so he could much more thoroughly join along and get in tune with her rhythm. Soon, he placed the Ocarina on his lips, and began to play. He had been a lover of playing the Ocarina for many years of his young Elven life, and it showed. The tune was slow at first, and ethereal, flowing to and fro like a river steadily overflowing with a controlled passion. The pitch was high, yet somehow with a lower quality, almost earthy.

The young Elf's eyes were closed, and Brogach was soothed by the melody as he often was. The Elk plopped down next to his truest friend, resting his great head next to Calanon's lap. His horns barely brushing the forest tunic the Elf wore, not breaking his concentration as he played. When he was through, the Elf lowered the Ocarina and finally opened his eyes, glancing at his comrades and giving an amiable smile, contented now that he had played for his new friends. He looked down to see Brogach resting, and he scratched his mount's neck. "Rest well for now, friend." he said softly.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Location: Woods North of Salarn, Orc Encampment, Cave
Interacting With: Orc Chief and others present

The continued conversation in the Orcish language between Brezcar and the Chief gave Keystone a mote of annoyance. He hadn't expected much in the way of open arms and settling differences over a pint, but something in the arena of actual discourse didn't seem like too much to ask. The only reason that they had any insight as to The Big Orkie's thoughts whatsoever came in the form of a two second blurb from Cyneburg, who upon clarifying Keystone's intent in their native language, proceeded to be ignored by the greenskinned authority. At least they weren't being attacked. Yet.

Mental note #1: Learn Orcish.

Mental note #2: Next time, get ambushed by Dwarves. The smell would have been slightly better, and he knew the language, if a bit formally.

As soon as a pause in the conversation between Chiefy and Brezcar occurred, again without translation on their end, Keystone spoke up."You lot got stuff to talk over, obvious, what you don't want us sussin' out. If you're needin' some private time, we can come back. Let us know 'ow we can 'elp when you figure it. My people're hungry, anyhow."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Around the fire with the group, in the orc cave.
Interacting with: No one in particular, and Sana

Sana's voice was indeed beautiful, but it was the words that were sung in which struck a deeper chord within. So much so, emotion flooded her very being and ran chills down her spine. There was no hiding it, no masking the creases forming through her face, the tear that glimmered down her cheek. It had been a long while since she had experienced such, and this was a tune she hadn't yet heard. It was unexpected, inexplicable, and though the reflection hadn't matched up completely, it was as if someone had reached down to the depths of her black soul, somewhere so far gone and forgotten, and plucked out a small bit of … something… someone hidden. It was a dance of raw emotion and sound that for a brief moment, had shattered the hard shell surrounding her.

It was certainly a distraction, though not one she was particularly prepared for. It had taken her but a moment to gather herself, and as the song came to a close, the emotions which had contorted her features had retreated back to the depths from which they came. She cleared her throat, forcing words to emerge. "That was lovely.", she spoke softly to Sana.

Needing whatever comfort the harsh liquid could give, Lerraina reached for her flask and took a long swig. She closed her eyes, allowing the liquor to glaze over her extremities as she slid herself off the log, settling into the ground with a soft grunt. There was nothing to do but to wait for dinner to be ready. Her arms reached behind her head, folding and cradling the weight as she leaned back into them, crossing one ankle over the other.

The hunger pains had quieted finally, though she wondered if it was just the calm before the storm. Or had this been the doing of the songstress herself? The edge of her lips curled slightly at the thought. The song had done its job quite well, for she wasn't the only who seemed to be in a bit of a better mood, or at least had forgotten the hunger that was near to consuming them all. Strands of hair, loosed from the bound knots, brushed up against her face as a calming breeze whisked past them.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Satilla Valen

Location: By the Cave
Interacting With: No one specific right now

When the elf joined into the music with his ocarina, the feeling of the melody changed to a degree. After all now two people were performing and it naturally affected the song. Still while feeling different to before, it still was just as sensational and affecting one’s emotions as before. Good music was indeed a thing beyond explanation.

Still she didn’t really have the freedom to spend all her time on enjoying the music without doing anything. She pulled a small amount of common healing herbs that made up most bandages and started to mix them in top of a bandage, before folding it and putting it away. She decided to prepare a few of those to be ready in case she needed then and to safe her the time to prepare them if need arose later.

She wondered exactly how much wounded and dead will be if hordes of undead really do show up. Human cities usually could survive via their fortified city walls, but this place lacked those. If undead really do show up who knew how a battle would end. Will there even be chance to help the wounded, she wondered.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ntaj Zoov Yaaj

Location: Orc War Camp (Adventurer's Camp)
Actions: Cooking rabbit

<Indeed. You're very fortunate to have her.> Ntaj said idly as he listened to Sana's song. Epona wasn't hungry, but Ntaj was, and he was certain Epona didn't want him anywhere near her once he starts butchering the rabbit. <Truely beautiful... It was a pleasure meeting you Epona. If you ever wish to speak to me, as odd as that may seem, feel free to find me.> Ntaj bowed his head towards Epona as he walked back towards the campfire to cook the rabbit. He took out his knife and started to cook the rabbit, first by gutting it. Ntaj smiled as his blade cut through the skin and revealed the organs inside; this rabbit was healthy and strong. It must have been difficult for Honey to chase this one down. Honey himself was curled around Ntaj's feet, eagerly awaiting scraps and morsels which Ntaj was more than happy to oblige. He easily pulled out the intestines and other belly organs out and lowered it for Honey to eat, straight from his hand. He did so vigorously, careful not to bite the hand that feeds him. Next were the liver, lungs, and heart, all which Ntaj gave to Honey to feast upon.

It was almost savage for anyone looking at him. Ntaj only needed the knife to gut it, and everything else afterwards he did by hand. He pushed the rabbit's legs from outside of it's body inside underneath it's fur, breaking it's legs so he could remove them (Which he also fed to Honey) and then peel the fur from the rabbit's body. Once it got to the head, he gave it a clean cut with his knife, left with the fur of a rabbit (With head) and a skinned rabbit, it's meat glowing in the fire. There wasn't much meat on it, granted, and certainly not enough to fill Ntaj even after he cooked it. But he would make due. He slug the rabbit skin over his shoulder, figuring that he could perhaps trade it with one of the orcs for a trinket or such. If Ntaj had the time and resources he would try to tan the small pelt, perhaps turn it into a coin purse or something.

Once Ntaj finished gutting and skinning, now it was time for the butchering. Others might simply cut it up into four separate chucks and roast it over a flame, but Ntaj was in no rush. Taking out a plate from his mess kit, Ntaj took the time to carefully debone the rabbit, cutting out the ribs and spine as cleanly as he could without leaving behind precious bits of meat, especially from the back of the rabbit. Ntaj also carved the bones out from the hind legs, putting them to the side, and after some time he had a decently butchered pieces of rabbit, with only bones in the front legs. What he'd do with the rest of the bones, Ntaj wasn't entirely sure. Too small to work with, and too small for a broth. Honey could chew on them, but he generally didn't eat bones even if they did have some meat on them. Honey himself didn't seem interested in the bones at least, eyeing the meat. "Go hunt Honey, this my meat." Ntaj spoke in common, as his Animal Speak spell had worn off by now.

Using his traveler's anytool to turn into a four feet long skewer, Ntaj roasted the rabbit slowly above the campfire. Occasionally he would sprinkle a little bit of salt and mint. The smell of the roasted rabbit wafted through the camp and into the nose of everyone nearby. While it wasn't the most delicious or complex meal he or anyone else in this camp (Probably) had eaten, until Keystone came back it was the only food cooking. Ntaj had a bowl near the base of his skewer to collect the oils and fat that melted off the meat. While he doubt he'd collect much, Ntaj wanted to make it into a gravy to have a more savory meal. He still had a bit of wheat flour and onions left that Honey didn't spill or eat. Now if only he could get a nice drink with this meal.
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