Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"Uwaaaaaah, everyone looks so pw-pwetty... ehe" Ayumi had just gotten back from a drinking party that took place at 5 am. She rubbed her eyes and gave herself a mental slap in attempt to sober up.

Looking around, she saw the shops getting set up and smiled to herself. It made her remember what a great idea it was to set up the shopping center here.

"EVERYONNNNEEEEEEE GET READDDYYYYYYY!!!! Another day at your new job is going to starttttt!!!" She screams loudly and hiccups afterwards.

Even though she might have been drunk that day, she decided to not show up to work drunk again. "Argh..My head hurts and I can't think straight...I'm gonna go sit down."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ayakasa Mayumi

She rushes out of the changing room and begins to set up the welcome board outside of the store. She can feel her blush rising up and has a feeling of embarrassment all throughout her body.

This was the first day that she had to wear her devil maid cosplay outside of the store and to be honest, the outfit was cute. She would be fangirling over a devil maid but that was not the case since it was herself inside of it.. She looked down at her chest and wondered why the boss needed to have something that shows this much cleavage. "It's fine, It's finee! It's all part of the fun job!" She says. "You'll get used to it" she says. "Yeah right" She quietly mutters.

Pulling down her skirt and turning around she smiled and figured that it was all worth it if she could work at such a wonderful place. She then breathes in and exhales, attempting to get rid of the blush.

She began to look around the mall and saw all of the other stores and felt excited about many of them. Tachibana tailoring seemed like a great place to go if she ever needed to get some new cosplay outfits made and Little box of Treasures seemed like a good place to get clothes in general. The one she was most excited to visit would have to be Kitsune.

Her eyes twinkled as she saw all of the anime figures and manga that she hadn't read yet. She couldn't wait to visit that place.

After a while, she could hear the manager screaming and chuckled, realising that she was getting side tracked and slightly smiled at some of the people already there and headed back into the cafe. The other shops would have to wait until later.

"Time to make some sweets~" She said with an emotionless face though she was extremely excited to get started.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Natsuko and Sora

Today was another day at work, which to her was just another day talking and playing games like most days. She leaped out of bed and took a quick show before getting dressed. Today was jeans with a black t-shirt that said "AFK OR FEED" on it which was a size to big so one side kept falling over her shoulder, which she didn't notice till she was halfway to work. She poured herself some cereal and packed her bag with all her cards and her laptop in her bag before taking off.

She was especially chipper and energetic today since today is when her package would arrive. She skipped her way to her store and unlock it rolling up the metal gate. "Yep just how I left it." she thought to herself after turning on the lights and analyzing the room. Since none of her employees were here yet, cause you know they gotta be here at the last minute, she started setting up the plastic tables and chairs that were packed up for the week. Five minutes after finishing setting up her employees, Jeff, Tim, and Bob, arrive a bit surprised since everything was mostly done. They finish the finally touches to the shop before sitting around the tables talking.

"You ready for the new shipment of cards?" Jeff asked. "New Cards? Did Ellis order them?" Replied Natsuko. "Yea, I think she said something about getting a bunch of magic cards from the unhinged series, and I think the standard shipment as well. Can't say for sure, you know her she's mumbles what she did and shuts herself back in the office. I still don't know why you hired her." Bob intervened. "Because she's really smart and likes doing math. She's just really shy." She replied in a sassy tone. "But did she really? It's going to be complete chaos in magic games if she did. Thoughs cards are ridicules...We're going to need signs up once they arrive, so let's get cracking!" She ask before realizing that it would be a great opportunity to make more money and to raise the prices a little higher.

She pulled out some big pieces of poster paper and got them working on signs while she doodled pretty pictures on them. They said things like "New unhinged cards just in! Prepare your decks and your mind from the unhinged series. In are story now!" And then it had crazy cat pictures with unicorns and chibi drawing of herself and different characters from various games. This was colored in by crayon and looked like 5 grader colored it in, but the drawing itself were amazing. She put the posters in the back just in case they don't come in today.

It was soon after Sora stumbled in to see how she was doing and if there were any jobs he could do."Yay, Sora is here. What's he going to bitch about today. She thought to herself putting on a smile. He saw Natsuko coming to greet him and at first he but then blushed and put on a stern face trying to to stare and said "What the hell Natsuko!? What's with at shirt it way to big for you and why the hell aren't you wherein a bra!?" Her employees stare at her trying to figure out how they missed that. She looked down at herself and said "Huh, I guess I did, oops. Well it's not like anyone can see through my shirt." Completely dumbfounded that she simply just forgot to where a bra Sora stood there not knowing what to say next.

She gave him a weird stare as she froze there and soon noticed Ms. Haise walking through the mall yelling something she didn't catch. She ran past Sora right at her and just has she sat down practically tackled her yelling "HEEEEYYY, AYUMIIIII!!!!!" Natsuko only knew her for about a week but she took a instant liking to her the moment they met.

(Ellis is the assistant manager, I'll make a CS about her later.)

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Haise Ayumi

"Hn?" She heard someone yell and saw that Natsuko had arrived. She saw her running towards her.
They hit it off quite well on the first day and felt like they could have a lot of fun together.
She wrapped her arms around her, without realising that her mini dress kimono was falling off. "WAAA This thing is too big for me..." She starts to pout but quickly recovers. The kimono was something that she would always end up wearing after she got drunk all to regret it later.

She perks up when she sees that Sora is there as well and waves at him "Soraaaaaa...ehe... -hiccup- Watcha doing here? Oh, nevermind." She looks at them for a while and smiled "Young love means innocent flirting" She said even though she was only 28.

In reality, she preferred someone like Sora to date unlike all the guys that she dated in the past. Older men are such a drag. "Boo...I wanna date someone like Sora" She said aloud with a pouty face. She then flipped back to Natsuko "AH! Natsukoooo!! Wanna go drinking tonight?? I found a ne-hiccup- w bar that just opened near here and it looks so niceee" Her grin widened as she attempted to pull up her kimono. She then looked over to Sora and remembered that she didn't want to leave anyone out of her fun "Ah, of course, Sora can come as well if you want to~" .
This was mostly just so that she didn't have to home and be alone, of course. A mansion with no one in it other than maids and butlers doesn't keep you that entertained.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 11 days ago

Tachibana Quint

Coming in early with the completed pieces in garment bags, hung on racks in the back, Quint went about his morning routine of checking what had yet to be touched, and what needed the finishing touch ups. Anything that fell between, or needed to be completed, those were taken home. Checking over some notes, a clipboard, a note on the clipboard, it seems that a woman would be coming in to have her measurements taken, just some time after lunch. They already had her dress, made the various adjustments, all they needed was her measurements and to make the final adjustments according to them.

The final bit of his routine so far, making sure that the shop looked open. Hearing the usual...'enthusiastic' yelling from outside...all lights were turn on, not just the back rooms. Making sure the front looked neat, he unlocking the door, flipping that sign to ‘OPEN’, set the bell down at the front…and returning to the back, seating himself down at a table, opening up a very extensive looking sewing kit.

Now, to the real work.

Pulling out a bag with a number of uniforms that had yet to be repaired, deadline being tomorrow, he got to work fixing the collar. It had been a factory error from where they had originally ordered the uniforms, cheap work, and now this store would have to pay in a whole other way. If Quint had his way, he’d have remade all of the uniforms with better materials, but yet again people were looking to save that dollar till more problems reared their ugly heads. The fix he had planned out was affordable and time saving; still, it might just be another week before these shoddy uniforms made their way back into his establishment, that much he could tell.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ikki Yasukawa

It had been a busy morning for Ikki the young man having nearly overslept this morning luclkly though his faithful feline had woken him up wanting breakfast. But then again the morning was always bust and had been since his aunt had moved the shop into Mirai mall, thinking it do the business good. So far Ikki had to agree, they had only reopened a week ago but the store was seeing a small increase in customers so far. Although Ikki was sure it was simply down to the fact this was simply new and quite nice, it was almost like paradise compared to the little rundown side street the store had been located in before.

Like every morning Ikki had started turning the light and checking the shift roster for today along with any notes his Aunt had left him.
"So, Auntie you want me to put new figurines in the front display window, re-box the old ones and sell them at normal ex-display rate. I'm by myself till 2pm. A delivery due at 3pm. Wait, a another one? Must be something particular for a customer or the suppler screwed up agian. Wouldn't surprise me those morons couldn't supply sand to a desert some weeks. Also need to remind 3 customers about picking up their orders. I bet its that dam cosplayer that guy is hopeless." Ikki thought as he set his backpack down and quickly switched to his work polo shirt. Which was a simple blue shirt with chibi fox form Kitsune on the back along with the store name. Although Ikki wasn't a fan of dogs or anything dog like he had to admit it looked cute. Once he had changed his top Ikki started the opening jobs luckily it wasn't to much as Ikki's aunt had closed the store yesterday and knew she'd of restocked the shelves and tided up.

Which just meant he'd have to sort out the front out and place the new out for display. Ducking into the store room Ikki wheeled out a cart filled with figurines covered by a think white sheet. Setting to work Ikki went about his job diligently handling each figurine like it a china doll. The job didn't take very long and once done Ikki wheeled cart out the back and covered the figures with the sheet planing to do the re-box later.

Ikki was always very particular about the figurines on display and liked to make sure the stayed clean where placed neatly. So once the cart was away Ikki wheeled a bin filled to the brim with unsorted Manga and Anime before going to the display count taking 5 steps back and started to inspect his handy work. About halfway though his inspection Ikki jumped to the sound of Ayumi yelling.
"Dose that woman have to be so loud?" Ikki muttered frowning for a moment trying to ignore the racket hoping it be short lived. Once content the figures where in order Ikki promptly finished the last few jobs he had to do out the front frowning when he heard Ayumi yelling again.

Everything done Ikki went back into the store flicked on the neon open sign. Although it wasn't really needed it anymore Ikki's aunt insisted about it. With everything done Ikki decided he'd read a little more of the Suisei no Gargantia manga he had had tucked away under the cash register after all until a coworker arrived he had to remain in the front. Standing behind the register Ikki dug the manga out and started to read looking over at the entry way every few minutes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ZeroEnder010
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Faarah Wahba

"Darn it." Frustration escaped Farrah as he dropped a small screw from a cell phone he was working on. The repair was easy enough, the customer dropped their phone and broke the digitizer, causing almost no damage to the phone itself. Dropping the screw was a minor inconvenience, but infuriating none the less. Pushing himself away from the table the young man got down on his hands and knees to search the shallow black carpeting that covered Re:New Tech. His search was favorable and found it after about a minute, his reward was a startling female yell from outside. A knee jerk reaction took over and he smacked his head on the underside of the table. "Yep. Yep. Going to be one of those days." Crawling out from the opposite side of the table he could see that it was Ayumi outside the shop, no doubt hyping up everyone for another busy day. It was Saturday so weekend foot traffic would mean buys busy busy.

With the last screw put in and the casing snapped together he hit the power button, and lo and behold, he had fixed his hundredth-and-something phone. Props to the tech industry for making the one thing modern people can't live without one of the most fragile. None the less he felt accomplished as he bagged it back up and put it in the proper cubbie to be picked up later that day. Before the chance arrived to grab the next item the phone started ringing. "Re:New Tech. Why buy when you can renew." The person on the other end was one of the mall staff, Farrah could never remember their name. Apparently one of the speakers was "busted," likely a loose wire. The mall had yet to hire a proper handy man, so they mostly came to Farrah with these issues. "I can take a look. The column across from the cafe you said? The one with the flowers? Got it. I'll call you back when I'm done. Don't mention it."

Taking the ladder from Re:New Tech's back room he made his way over to have a look. The whole mall was very colorful, albeit a little anime heavy. He didn't feel either way about it, most of the people here were nice, not that he had a serious conversation with anyone, just the passing how-do-you-dos. Planting the ladder on the ground and locking the spreader he ascended to the problematic speaker that, sure enough, was not playing the music all the others were. The switch was in the closed position, but it appeared the power cable was a little loose. Reseating it, the music came back on and he chuckled to himself. "Amateurs."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"Flirting? All I get from him is what I'm doing wrong. And about the bar, I don't really drink but I'll be happy to join you. She replied out of the corner of her eye she spotted a man rolling three big boxes into the store. She completely forgot about the conversation and ran straight at the mailman yelling "IT'S HERE, IT'S HERE!" The mailman jumped out of the way before she crashed into the boxes. One of the boxes torn but the employees that had a horrified face on, not wanting to play five thousand card pickup were surprised that nothing fell out. "Ooowwww......" She moaned before her energy returning and got straight back jumping up and down once again yelling "It's here!"

She sat back to and rip the torn box like it was a Christmas present and revealed a head to toe storm trooper suit which looked like it was the kind of quality used in movies. Obviously by the looks no one guess that that was in the box. She took the helmet and put it on her head and picked up the blaster, which was surprisingly heavy, and "shot" Amiyu but nothing happened. She got up and put her serious face on, which no one could tell since she was still wearing the helmet. Jeff, Tim, get these cards and sort them, Bob put the posters up. I'll be in the back with Ellis for a moment." She gathered the rest of the outfit and ran into the back with Ellis.

She abruptly walked in and Ellis shrieked at the masked women. Natsuko closed the door as Ellis banged her fists on her which did Absolutely nothing. "Relax Ellis it's just me." She said as she removed the helmet. Ellis calmed down and was convinced to help Natsuko get I to the outfit. This took longer than it should of since Ellis was a complete klutz and kept falling on Natsuko. Keep in mind this was a room the size of a bigger changing room without the files and computers in it so it was a tight squeeze.

After a few hours the employees decided to break for lunch after the rush and started a game of Magic The Gathering while eating. A Storm Trooper and Ellis fell out off the room abruptly which startled them. They looked back and saw her costume, which looked like she just walked out of the movie screen. As Ellis slowly slunked back into the room, Natsuko waved her gun around yelling random quotes from star wars, which her co-workers found hilarious. Annoyed that they started a game without her she marched off with her Luigi lunchbox in one hand and her blaster in the other. She said in a pissed off voice "Fine, I'm going to fix my blaster, so you better be ready to work when I'm back! But they were laughing too hard at her to hear her.

She walked over to Re:New Tech and walked in. She walked up to the table and placed her blaster in front of Farrah."It's broke," She said bluntly trying to act like a storm trooper. "Fix it.......please." Leting that last part pop out since she hated to be rude.
(It's suppose to make noise and light up around the barrel)


Sora sorry quickly turned around when he saw Ayumi kimono starting to fall. He blushed at thought to himself "I can't believe they run this mall...i mean look at them, one's half the time drunk and the other does nothing but play games. He turned around and replied "Thats quite flattering Ms. Haise, I would love to go if Natsuko is coming." Suddenly Natsuko ran right back at the store and that's when he spotted the mailman. He yelled out "Watch out!" Giving him the time to jump out of the way. Sora rolled his eyes and went to clean up the mess.

After talking with the mailman signing papers, apologising and whatnot he looked back at Natsuko giving her the strangest look now noticing the helmet, like "What the hell do you have on your head?" She quickly direct her co-workers before running in the back hearing Ellsi scream. He stood in front of the counter, across the door and waited for her to come out. He waited. And waited. He soon realized that with all the constant yelling, bangs, and moans coming from the door, that not only that it sounded messed up but also that it was going to take awhile. He gave out a heavy sigh and walked down the hall to the Kitsune. The sign said open but it was before mall opening hours so he knock before letting himself in. "Hey, Ikki..? Right? Anyway have anything new? Both odd jobs and new manga."

@Evil Snowman
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by l0ck0n
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l0ck0n A Nice Person

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mizushima Twins

The day would start of as any other day that had started to become routine for the twins now that they had shops to maintain. They'd both wake up early, argue who needs to shower first, and then prepare the necessary equipment to look sharp for the day. After that was to be done they'd both head to the mall expecting to be the early ones there to be able to see what was done the day before, check what needs to be done, and to be able to ready materials for the day. Aiko was to handle the money of her store as well while she would make sure his store looked good as in everything looked to be in top shape for opening time.

After approving each others shop Aiko was to take care of his own management as well as write down the strengths, and weaknesses of his staff. After all, he was to make sure that there would be a goal requirement each day to keep from having staff like Hanako's store. While walking around inspecting the papers, the money, and the tidiness of the place he would check the watch on his wrist to see how long it was before his store was to open. "Tch, no matter how hard I try it seems that my staff doesn't get the meaning of be here 30 minutes before opening."

Meanwhile Hanako would rearrange some things that she had put up a week before, and had enough time to set up a few announcements for the staff when they were to arrive. Aiko had told her that it was a good idea to tell the staff to meet 30 minutes early to not only set up, but to also be able to address things early on that could not be addressed while the store was open. As the workers started to show she'd keep on locking, and unlocking the door to let them in as that was the only way she could do it. Once everyone was in she'd lead them to the back room where there was an oval table with a few chairs that everyone was able to grab to sit in, and she'd stand there to be able to say the announcements. "Great job everyone! Keep up that great spirit!"

That was literally all she had to say, and as the staff members stood to walk out she'd also walk out locking the door as she did. With that, she would let each worker prepare their small area in the store as each member had an island full of makeup products, and care products. Not only that, but it'd come with a salon styled chair to be able to test some products on customers that they'd be interested in buying. Of course it was a store, but she would also be accepting those customers who just wanted their makeup done which was why each person prepped their station. It took about 20 minutes to set everything up, but once they did Hanako walked to the front of the store. "Saika!"

"Yes?!" the girl yelled back suddenly.

"Cue the music!"

Saika, one of the coworkers walked to the stereo, and turned it on just in time for a song to play. Once the song started Hanako turned to the locked doors, and unlocked them. Right after she was to set down some door stoppers to keep them open, and wold look around to see the other shops. She would glance to the cafe a ways away from her own just in time to see Ayasaka in her cute outfit. "AYASAKA," she yelled. "YOU LOOK AS BEAUTIFUL AS EVER!" @sakurasan

Luckily Aiko's staff would come right before openeing, but that meant that he would have to open late to be able to discuss the announcements for the day. "First of all," he'd push his glasses up as they were slightly falling. "I did say you all had to arrive 30 minutes before opening. Now I'm going to lose money because of you baboons."

"Also, some of you forgot to clean, some forgot to lock the staff room, and it seems like all of you don't seem to understand what kind of position you're in." Aiko then glared at every single one of his staff members. "Fail to do something right again, and consider yourself jobless."

Suddenly he had heard his sister yelling though it was muffled since the doors were still locked. He sighed, and then nodded for everyone to start the day as he walked to open the doors. After he opened them he slightly regretted it as he'd have to hear Hanako's blasting music the whole day.

"Wow, already lunch time?!" Hanako practically yelled as she looked at the digital clock on the wall. After she did because her store had no customers at the time Hanako clapped to get every members attention to say that they'd close for 30 minutes for lunch. With that she'd let everyone get their things from the back room before locking it, and then they all made their way out of the place for lunch. As Hanako locked the door she'd run to peak into Aiko's store that didn't close during lunch, and then would run to the other side of the mall passing KITSUNE to make it to FLOWER PARADISE. While there she'd grad a few pastries along with a drink to go, and then make her way all the way back to the other side to TACHIBANA TAILORING. She had torn one of her lovely Chinese shirts, and was the luckiest person in the world to have a tailoring shop right by her own. Making her way into the shop she'd look around for a bit before reaching the front to slam her hand on the bell multiple times. @Major Ursa (sorry, but not sorry.)

Aiko on the other had would let his staff go for lunch while he was to stay, and manage everything for the time being. Being on the floor was a break for him compared to doing paperwork. He was able to actually tend to it, and walk around making sure everything was where it was supposed to be. Luckily for him customers still came in, so keeping busy wasn't something he'd have to find himself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ayasaka Mayumi:

She gave the final check to the customer and glared at him. "Hmph, get out of here you lowly peasant! B-but you do have to come back, peasant!" She says in her devil voice with a bit of tsundere mixed in there. Once he left, Ayumi sighed "Mayuuuuu, water please?" She asked to one of the other employees that worked there. She quickly nodded and went to get some water. Her throat felt hoarse from the voice changing but the devil act was one of most fun ones to do.
After she got her water, she quickly realised what time it was and decided to look around the other shops. She hadn't properly met most of them and had not even said hi to a lot of the other workers at the mall. "Mayu, Remi-chan, I'm going out for a bit." She made a small memo in her head to say hi to the other workers but first decided to go to one of the stores she had been longing to visit.
Forgetting to change out of her clothes, she began to walk towards the store Kitsune. When she got in front of the store, she quickly peaked her head inside "Hello..." she said quietly as she walked in. It was still 5 minutes until the official break so the worker couldn't actually say no since I might be a customer later, right? "My name Is Ayasaka Mayumi" She introduced herself with a bow and pointed to her store "I work at the cafe over there." She smiled shyly and began to look around.
"Uwaaa.. A limited edition Dekomori Sanae figure from Chuunibyou! I honestly thought that she was cuter than Takanashi Rikka but all of my friends disagreed" She mumbled to herself and maybe to the worker there if he was listening. She continued to look around but tried not to touch anything until later.
After a while, she realised she had asked nothing to him and turned over to him "Ah, Your name?" She said softly. Her smile wasn't as large as before due to the fact that she had been working all day but it was still slightly visible.
I hope I didn't come off rude...
(Might edit later.)
@Evil Snowman
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ayasaka Mayumi:

She could feel herself sobering up slowly and wanted some more to drink fast. The thought of her being able to think clearly began to make her feel uncomfortable. She could hear ringing in her ears but it stopped when she heard Natsuko saying something "Ehehe... That just means he cares." She replies with a sweet smile. "Whoa" She said as Natsuko threw herself back out of her arms. She couldn't help but admire Natsuko who seemed to be just dripping with happiness.
Sora was beginning to talk so she turned to look at him. She knew they were meant for each other, a perfect couple in her eyes. She always longed to be cared for by someone other than her maids, butlers, and servants but she knew that it would most likely never happen.
Tears fell down her face without her noticing. She heard someone yell her name and saw that it was Hanako. "Not as much as you~" She said with a smile as the tears fell. She realised when they got onto her hands and her eyes opened wide in surprise. "I'm gonna go count our stock". She needed to go and she had to check on the quality of the place. The health inspector would come soon during the month and she didn't want to risk getting in trouble for that. "I'm gonna go but remember, drinkss!!" She said with a large smile.
She saw them working and began to start her work herself.
Tears are nothing. Just ignore them and they will go away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 11 days ago

Tachibana Quint

Before the lunch break, things had gone eventfully enough. A woman had actually brought in a life sized ball-jointed doll of what seemed to be a cute little boy to be measured for a sailor suit and a…pretty dress? He was a tailor, and the client was shelling out generous amounts of money, he wasn’t going to ask questions. It had been interesting in passing, but more than anything, Quint was glad the model wasn’t a real child. Children usually squirmed when he took measurements, and the few times taking the measurements of animals, well. The doll did have to be held up at some points, though.

Unscrewing the cap of his bottle and drinking down some convenient store plum tea, the ‘ding ding ding ding ding ding’ of the bell at the front had violently pulled him from his thoughts. Running a hand through his hair as he let out a quiet sigh, this would surely be the last one before he would properly take his break. He set his tea onto the table and got up. Shutting his sewing kit and pushing his chair in, he made his way out of the back room. Coming to stand behind the counter, Quint waited for the woman to stop dinging the bell before he took it off of the desk; pulled open a drawer, set it in, shut it, and pointedly locked it.

Looking down at the woman…’s clothing, the cut and make of each piece with a discerning eye as it was worn, the shape of her body in it…and then finally at the woman herself, Quint nodded at her and asked in a rather patient tone, “There something you need me to help you with.” A statement, rather than a question, he looked on expectantly. Aside from the bell that had been stowed away, one side of the front desk had a basket with a number of small plush oranges with angry expressions and tiny waistcoats, on the other side was a catalogue leaning against the wall.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ikki Yasukawa

Ikki had gotten so engrossed into his manga the world around him had become distant and the passage of time had become an unknown. His brain but only the smallest amount of attention to everything but what he was reading. His mind had drifted off into the pages of manga watching the story unfold in his head like a movie. It was only when he heard a knock did Ikki's mind start to register there was a whole world outside of it. But as quick it started to register the world it slipped back into the manga's world. It was only when his name was spoken did Ikki crash back into reality. Luckily Ikki heard what was said to him but his brain was a mess so Ikki merely looked at Sora for a moment as his brain worked out what to say.

"Yeah that's me. he stated as he started to think of any odd job that this young man could do for him.
"No jobs for you sorry, As for new manga ask me next Tuesday. That when next shipment with new manga arrives. Well for us anyway. Although the malls not open your welcome to come in a browse, but I can't sell you anything as it be unfair. " Ikki said after a moments thought looking at his manga that now sat open on the counter.
"So... I'm going to keep reading. Rude yes I know and I apologize but... this is at a exciting part and well... if I don't read its going distract me all day. You can still talk to me thought. Just.... need to... read... it." Ikki stated trying sound legitimately sorry as he was. It was just fault with him once he got sucked into manga he and got to a part he was enjoying he simply had to read it or it hunt him all day like a crappy ghost.


Once the mall had opened Ikki quickly had his hands full dealing with customers for couple of hours and pleased his coworker Yu arrived 15 minutes early seemed to bursting with more energy then he as he normally did. With the extra pair of hands at his disposal Ikki was able to get Yu started on re boxing once the store had quietened down a little able to handle the customers himself with relative ease. Eventuality the store back quite leaving only Ikki out the front. Glad to have moments respite Ikki sighed staying professional and smiling all day was tiring even if he had been doing it for a couple of years. He was about to tell Yu to man the register so he could restock the shelves seeing a couple of small gaps the shelves which had been bothering him for a while.

But just as he was about to leave the register a girl came into the store wear a devil out fit. Making Ikki for a moment lose his professional persona
"Such a babe." he thought clearing his throat so he could give the basic greeting after he had to she was the only potential customer in the store... plus he couldn't be rude her it wound his pride.
"Welcome to Kitsune." Ikki said with a smile, watching the girl as she introduced herself. Finding it unnecessary had seen her around the cafe a few times in a some different out fits had figured she worked there, still learning her name was good. As she started to look around Ikki looked at the register with some difficulty looking back her when he heard her speak when she noticed Dekomori Sanae figure. Hearing her mention her friends thought Takanashi Rikka was cuter then Dekomori Sanae made him lose his cool for just a moment casuing his mouth speak before his brain had time to stop him.
"What!?! That's utter rubbish. I'll admit both have there charm but Dekomori Sanae is far cut... er. Apologies. That outburst was inappropriate. Please forgive me." Ikki said realizing as he was speaking he had lost his cool, giving a sigh feeling little shameful. Hearing Mayumi ask for his name Ikki perked back up.

"Yasukawa Ikki. I'm the manager here. I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance. Anyone who share's my views about Dekomori Sanae cuteness is more then welcome here." he said giving a small laugh and smile to hide the embarrassed look on his face as his mouth had again engaging before his brain.
"I bet I sound like a complete and utter otaku."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ayakasa Mayumi

@Evil Snowman[EDIT] She stares at him with a blank face for about 5 seconds and bursts into a grin. "Right!??! I mean, she is just so adorable!!! When she swings her hair around it's just so cute! You're one of the first people I met that agreed with me." She sighed after going into fangirl mode for a moment. "Ah and yes, nice to meet you. Can I call you a new friend? I was getting a little lonely and the other seem to have already set up hang outs together as well." She slowly quiets down, realizing that her flip had been switched and she had turned into her full on otaku mode but she was having a lot of fun in the store. Except for the fact that her jaw or her smile muscles as she called it had been beginning to hurt due to the fact that she hadn't smiled that much in a while. After a while, she thought of a good idea to get to know each other better. "Oh! Do you want to try some sweets or tea at my cafe?" She looked down for a second and realized that she had not changed out of her devil outfit. A blush rose and she slowly lifted her head "I.. can make..you some..after I change", She said quietly with her head sort of down.
Yup, of course I came to introduce myself in this extremely embarresing outfit... Oh well I guess, he was bound to see it at some point.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ikki Yasukawa

Seeing Ayumi grin and say he was one of the first to agree with here Ikki could help but smile a little feeling little relieved she had not been creeped by his outburst. Although judging by her reaction she was quite the fan of that particular series so made a mental note of that. When he heard Ayumi ask if she could call him a friend, somewhat agreeing with her on the lonely part. Although he was sure that partly done to him working and busy reading manga.
"I can see no problem in that however I will be doing the same." Ikki stated with small grin on his face glad to have made friend who seemed to hold something in common as the few other friends had didn't even manga. They even called him weird for liking it has much as he did not the he cared he was to laid back to let it bother him.

When Ikki heard Ayumi's offer his stomach glowered before he had a chance to even think of an answer.
"It seems my body as decided for me, but regardless I'd be delighted, I was about to take a break anyone so the timing is perfect. Give me 5 minutes to sort out my underling and I'll be over." he stated unable to hide the slight disappointed look on his face when he heard she'd change. Although see how she acted it seemed Ayumi wasn't even aware she was where that outfit and maybe found it a little embarrassing.
"If you excuse me I'll go sort out my underling. Then I'll be right over" Ikki said giving a polite bow before heading to the back of the store. Seeing Yu was still in the middle of re-boxing Ikki sighed he new the job was dull but it was rather simple and should take so long.
"Yu I'm going on break for a bit watch the store and tidy up if anything looks out of place." Ikki stated Yu looking at him and nodding looking almost happy to take a break form the job his was doing. Ikki waited for Yu move into the shop behind the register. Sighing Ikki walked up to Yu and gave him a nod.
It pretty quite at the moment so you welcome to read form my stash under the register, just make sure to tend to the customers needs. Or you'll me my dark side." he warned Yu gulping casing Ikki to laugh patting Yu on the shoulder.
Well I'll be back don't burn the place down while I'm gone." Ikki joked as he walked out of Kitsune and towards the cafe.

The walk was short given the cafe was next to Kitsune Ikki stopping out the front and taking to have good look at the cafe.
"The place looks really nice" he thought, before heading inside Ikki looking around the whole time.
"Whoa nice cafe. I feel stupid for not coming in here soon." he muttered to no one in particular merely thinking out loud.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ayakasa Mayumi

Her face lit up when he agreed to become her friend "Of course". After hearing his stomach growl, she couldn't wait to have him taste some of her food.
She saw a look of disappointment on his face and wondered what had happened. He quickly recovered and went to tell his underling something. When he was done, she practically pulled him over to the cafe. Hearing the compliment, she couldn't help but feel proud of herself and of the others that worked there.
"Ehe, thank you we try to keep it looking nice". Looking around, she realised that the others must have gone on a break as well and turned to him "I'll be right back" She said as she quickly went into the dressing room and took out the kimono outfit and quickly put it on, loosely tying it. It was definitely the most comfortable and her favorite.
Coming back, she pointed to no table in particular "Sit down at any table. Hmm...what should I make you? I am going to start with a normal omelet okay?" She began to cook in the kitchen area which was just behind the counter. Once she made it look perfect, she set it on his table and began to draw a pretty good drawing of Sanae with the ketchup adding a little heart on the corner of the omelet to perfect it. She smiled "Done! Eat up, master." she said, automatically realizing that she was going into work mode. She chuckled lightly and said "Work habits" as she turned around to put the ketchup away.
After she put the ketchup away, she began to get to work on a tea. She chose Sencha tea which had a refreshing taste and a beautiful golden/yellow color. After preparing the tea carefully, she brought it to his table and set it down. "Sencha tea is great, in my opinion at least but tell me if you don't like it and for desert want a parfait or maybe a crepe?" She smiled and her eyes twinkled as she spoke about the possible meal choices that he could have. After all, cooking was her passion. The thought of creating a meal all to have someone smile was the best feeling.
@Evil Snowman
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by l0ck0n
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l0ck0n A Nice Person

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mizushima Twins

As she stopped ringing the bell Hanako stared at the man who decided that a bell was no longer needed for the moment. Before she was to answer Hanako looked to one side where the basket of waistcoat oranges lie, and wondered if that was for display, or if it was actually for sale.

"Okay, so I'm assuming you're the manager," she looked back to the man himself. "I had torn a Chinese silk blouse that is similar to this one." Hanako pointed at the pink blouse she was wearing at the moment. "I was wondering if you'd be able to repair it."

"Also," while saying that she had remembered that there was to be an important client her parents would tell her about that was to come to the new location in a week. The client would become a valuable asset to the store if the presentation of it was to be successful. That meant that the wardrobe she had on at the moment was not acceptable whatsoever, and would need something professional if she wanted her store to have access to quality makeup. The brand of makeup they would possibly get if the client would give their approval would be affordable as well as having the necessities to create stunning results if put into the right hands. "I need a suit specifically made for me. I've tried on suits before, but none of them look right on me."

Maybe it's because I'm not Japanese, so I don't have their build...

"I'm assuming you're the guy for the job, so please tell me you're the guy for the job." She nervously chuckled as she purposely left out the amount of time he'd have to make the suit.

@Major Ursa

Aiko's stomach started to growl while he was checking out a customer, and he was considering closing the store to be able to get something for lunch, but decided against it as closing the store for something that he could get when his staff came back would be ridiculous. For now he'd have to go, and lie to a customer that she looked good in a dress that had more wrinkles than it should due to the fact that many people before her had tried it on as well. Of course, he wouldn't be completely merciless as he'd recommend adding a piece of jewelry with a small purse to go along with the dress. After those pieces were added even he could admit that it had increased the appearance of the wardrobe, and in the end the lady bought all of the items. As two of his staff came back Aiko briefed them om what had to be done, and what was being done while he would be gone. He then clocked out for lunch, and headed straight to FLOWER PARADISE where he would get a small snack that came with a drink.

As he sat on a bench outside of the cafe Aiko would wonder what his twin was up to. Of course she would have her usual shenanigans, but if he wasn't mistaken she had her fair share of annoying others. Whatever the case was he'd stay out of it, and would then change his thoughts to possibly going into the tech store right by the cafe. It looked interesting enough, so why not?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ZeroEnder010
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Faarah Wahba

Farrah's simple lunch of Chicken Parmesan while reading an instruction manual for a radio he was going to fix at the end of the hour was interrupted. He was about to tell her to leave her info and come back tomorrow, but promptly stooped when he looked up from his literature. First he stared at the Stormtrooper, he didn't know much about quality cosplay, but this one was convincing. Second he looked to the gun, and nothing else mattered. "An E-11," he commented while picking it up. This was heavy, which meant expensive, which meant it was hand made. He pulled the trigger and nothing happen.

Sliding his chair to the counter he grabbed his tools, needing a pry tool and a phillips head screw driver. It took some effort, but he was able to separate the barrel to reveal the circuitry inside. It was more than he expected, but it was probably built to be loud. It didn't take long to see that one of the wires had come off, having escaped its soldered place. Pulling the draw of the table he garbed the solder, flux and iron and started this laughably simple fix. He paused a moment and looked up, remembering that this was a customer. "Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DestinyStar
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Member Seen 25 days ago

Chamise Allen


Cammie let out a huge sigh as she emerged into the cool air of the mall. She had just come from early morning track practice, as was her usual Saturday routine. The club had added this extra practice to their weekends at the last minute, and Cammie found herself very grateful that her manager was so accommodating to these things. Maybe it was just because it was athletic-related, but she was still very thankful. Man, I'm beat... She had been up since 6am running, and now she would need to work until closing. This was definitely the most difficult day of her week. And Quint is going to be so upset that I ripped my uniform, again...

She looked down at her torn pants and sighed, already knowing the lecture to come. Cammie had been a long-time customer of his parents' tailoring shop, but when she was transferred to the mall from Sports Galore's bigger chain, they suggested going to see him because of the easier commute. This had been the third time she'd needed to see him just in the week the mall had been open. We barely met and he probably already hates me for this... Oh well. Now wasn't the time to worry about things like that. Her shift started in 30 minutes - just after the lunch break - and there was a store with customers waiting to be matched with the equipment that they would carry with them to their busy physical lives. Her eyes glistened happily just thinking about the rows of shiny baseball bats and basketballs and jerseys hanging in the store.

Once she got to the store, she quickly greeted her manager and changed into the designated uniform - a bright red polo shirt with a soccer ball logo - not the most flattering thing, but then Cammie had never been one to care much about appearances. To her, it was more important to be a good person; and who had time for things like clothes, anyway? She only wore light makeup because her mother insisted she needed to make a good impression in this new country. Not that guys ever bothered to look her in the face, anyway. She was... erm... a little more "well-endowed" than other girls, you could say, and it really gained her some unwanted attention. But she was more than prepared to protect herself, so hopefully her mother wasn't worrying too much, these days.

Even before her break, Cammie took a walk through the store to make sure everything was in its proper place. With the socks especially, customers tended to displace items as they sifted through to find what they wanted. It really wasn't near as bad as it was in America, though - she had some horror stories she could tell about working retail over there! Suddenly, she noticed that there was a sign in front of the bathroom in the back. Huh...? Wet floor? Didn't they mop in the morning? That was worrisome. She quickly took a look inside and saw that the floor was covered in water. "Holy crap!" She exclaimed by mistake, taking a surprised step back. Apparently the toilet had flooded and the manager didn't have the time to fix it - so she set up a sign and ignored it. Sometimes it irritated Cammie how thoughtless the manager could be.

"You could have called me! Ehh... I-I'll be back!" So much for a break! Straight from practice to this mess. Quickly, she turned and sprinted down the hall to find the supply closet with tools. Maybe she'd be able to fix it before her shift started. After all, her father had taught her a couple useful things. As she sprinted, she saw Sora outside of the anime store and let out a big, cheesy smile. "Hi, Sora!" Just the person she needed! He could help with this mess! And he didn't seem to be busy, at the moment. "Hey, come with me for a second? We've got an emergency!" She asked, but she didn't give him any time to reply as she snatched his hand, still running down the hall with him now in tow. If there was anything more fun than running, it was running with another person.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ikki Yasukawa

Hearing Mayumi say she'd be right back Ikki nodded and watched her leave before looking around again.
"Sad in a way. but overall it probably for the best she changes... that outfit... really gets the imagination going. I reckon that pulls in a fair few male customers." Ikki thought as he waited for Mayumi. Luckily the wait wasn't overly long and when she came back he was told to sit anywhere Ikki looking around at the table picked a table in the middle of the room for no real reason.

Hearing she would make him an omelet Ikki nodded feeling his stomach turn a little as he remembered the last time he at one. Remembering it tasted foul although he was sure it down to the fact his aunt was drunk when she made it so who knows got put in it. Giving a relaxed sigh Ikki pulled out a small white cloth out of his pocket and took his glasses off. The world becoming a nothing but blurs as he started to clean them. Once he was sure they where clean Ikki popped them back on just as Mayumi came out with a very nice smelling omelet. He watched her sit down Ikki felt his mouth starting to water it looked perfect. As she began to draw on the omelet Ikki watched fascinated quickly working out watch she was drawing and giving a slight chuckle.

Hearing Mayumi call him master Ikki looked a little surprised waving hand dismissively as she said it was a work habit.
"It'd fine just caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting this much. Anyway impressive drawing makes almost ashamed to eat such a work or art... almost. He said looking at omelet like a starving cat. Wasting little time Ikki quickly placed a small bit into his mouth Ikki's eyes going wide as he bit down on the omelet.
"It perfect, best omelet I've in my life. Thanks my friend"" Ikki said glad no one else was around. Looking at Mayumi with a big smile for a moment Ikki turned back to his food and started to wolf it down his hunger winning out. Once he was finished gave a satisfied sigh.
"Thank you for that again I only had coffee before work so I was hungry. It tasted fantastic." he stated turning to the tea he had only just noticed had been placed in front of him. Taking sip nodding in approval.
The tea is lovely. Oh crepe if you don't mind they happen to a favourite of mine." he said sipping on his tea again. Ikki noticed how Mayumi eyes had twinkled as she spoke it reminding him a little bit of his dad. He also loved making food for people.
"I take it food is a passion of yours? Also... am I paying for this? I'd just hate for you to have made me such a nice meal and get nothing out of it." he said thinking if she said no he'd have to compensate her in some other way.
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