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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Chamise (Cammie) Allen
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Store: Sports Galore (Fitness Clothing/Shoes & Sports Equipment)
Job: Assistant Manager
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Very outgoing, friendly, full of energy. She's the "5-star customer service" type of person whose happiness can be overwhelming. She takes a lot of joy in helping others.
Likes: Early Morning Runs, Hiking/Exploring, Cooking, Honesty, & Trying New Things.
Dislikes: Dressing Up, Being Stuck Indoors, & Dishonesty.
Bio: Cammie was a star athlete all throughout her school years. She had very supportive parents who would often indulge each new interest - it started with community soccer and softball in her youngest years, then cheerleading in middle school, and then volleyball and basketball in early high school. In her junior year, she began track and field which quickly became her favorite sport. There is something about pushing her body to its greatest limit that gives her a sort of thrill. Once she graduated from high school, she decided to make track and field her focus in college. She was easily given a full ride to the university of her dreams, but she needed to find a job to pay for her housing since she didn't live in the town. The idea to work at a sport supply store came to her when she was selling all of her old equipment from the many sports she tried throughout school; she found that she was able to sell the items easily, and she had a lot of knowledge about sports so it came easily to her. Now she has been working at Sports Galore for a year and a half, and in that time she has quickly become Assistant Manager.
Birth Date: July 5th
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 21 days ago

Name may yet be subject to change.


Name: Tachibana Quint

Nickname: Kou


Age: 25

Gender: Male

Store: Tachibana Tailoring

Job: Tailor

Sexuality: 1 on the Kinsey scale

Personality: Quiet, curt, serious about his work. When he’s with friends, he can be pretty chilled, but on the flip-side he is known to mother hen people.

Likes: Food, action movies, sewing, his sewing machine.

Dislikes: Foods too strongly flavored, chick flicks, having to use a computer for extended periods of time.

Bio: All about the family business…tailoring. He’s actually pretty good at his job. He picked up a needle at age four, and his father saw fit to teach him how to use it…his father was actually a surgeon, so his mother took over after about a day. Despite getting bullied for having a ‘girly skill’, he embraced his ability, and was never without a number of female friend with similar interests…actually, that might have been why he got bullied in his teens.

After high school, he went on to work at the family business, a tailoring shop that moved to a new mall. One of his four older brothers works at the shop occasionally, but most of them have moved on to different careers. Recently, he's either repairing store uniforms, or working on cosplay designs brought forward from anime fans.

Birth Date: March 5th

Other: Makes and sells plushies of the store mascot...it is an orange with angry looking eyes wearing a waistcoat. Foreigner parent, him and his four older brothers all have not so Japanese names.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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Ayasaka Mayumi

“My smile muscles hurt…”

Appearance: When at the mall she will usually have on a work outfit at all times. When she goes out she usually has on something like a long skirt or a flowy dress. Most of the time she has no cleavage out (outside of work) and cannot wear short shorts. However, if you come to visit her at home all of a sudden she will most likely have on a spaghetti strap tank top and a mini skirt.

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/18

Store: Flower Paradis

Job: Flower themed cafe

Sexuality: Bisexual

-Cute, smart, and kind.
-Has a bit of a “cool” air around her when she doesn’t talk which mistakes people for thinking that she is the type that does not care much about things going on around her.
-Quite shy when she first meets someone and it makes her ramble a lot of times.
-Loves to make others smile but does not smile that much herself (Unless in front of a customer). -Loves to make dumb jokes to get a person reaction. An example would be hiding under a table and coming out 5 minutes after someone comes into the room.
-Cares about others more than herself.
-A bit of a tsundere when anyone gives her a compliment. (Outside of work)
-She knows how to get into her role for being a maid at the cafe.
-Works very hard at her job and takes it very seriously

Bio: Her parents owned a traditional kimono shop for about 10 years which also served some of the best green tea she ever had. After the 10 years, out of the spur, her mother and father decided to start a modern family restaurant. While her mother was an expert at tea and other drinks, her father was a professional in making sweets. This grew her love for cute sweets and elegant tea.
She went to a maid cafe for the first time when she was 8 and her mother decided to take her there to see the anime figures, due to the fact that she had begun to read a manga. She fell in love with the atmosphere there where everyone was smiling and getting along. She found the maids amazing and decided to work at one in the future.
The flower theme came from her love of gardenia flowers. She visited her grandmother in the suburbs and happened upon them in a public garden near their house. She saw the world in a whole nother view just from seeing these beautiful flowers shine with their innocence and purity.
Her parents have been missing for 5 years and she has no idea what to think. She decided that she would just pray that they are alive and hope that they can come back to see how she turned out after college.
(The manager is a close friend of her mothers and that is the reason she could choose so much about the store design.)

Fear: Dark rooms with the door wide open.

Likes: Sweets, tea, bunnies (All animals but bunnies are her favorite), plushies, anime and manga, cute things, listening to people (Or more like she got used to being pushed around... It's a bad habit that she hasn't realised is bad.), people in general, video games, cooking, kind people, books, smiles, music, carrots, to be entertained, winter, snow, classical music, flowers.
Dislikes: People taking her job lightly, Dirty floors, judgemental people, summer, broccoli, disliking things.

-Loves to cosplay. This is another reason for her obsession with being a maid but it now feels normal to wear a maid outfit. She often wears it out on accident.
-Anime conventions are something that she loves to go to and, of course, she will cosplay there.
-Book nerd. Loves to go old bookstores to sit down and read a new book with a good cup of tea.
-Not childish but does have her moments when she will pout.
-Forgetful when it doesn't come to her work. People often think she is doing certain things on purpose but in reality, she has no idea.
-Fine with perverts so long as they don't get physical. She is used to verbal comments.
-Gets called a cat often because of her attitude sometimes as well as her hair. (Her attitude is not very cat like after you get to know her more maybe.)
-Disappears with no warning when she feels crowded or is bored.
-Zones out a lot.
-She was bullied throughout high school by practically every single girl and only had some guy friends. She never found out the reason but didn't mind since at least she had some friends.
- Clueless and a bit defenseless. Her childhood friend Akiyo worried about her for a long time
when they were younger.
-Often used to be called a masochist due to the fact that she didn't mind it when people were mean or rude to her much. Most of the time she might just smile back or something. However, this is just because she finds it terrifying and confusing that someone would be mean to her and can't wrap her head around the reason and what she did.
-She makes most of the cafe menu because she has the best skills in that area.

Outside of work:

Ryuunosuke Akiyo:

"What would you do without me?"
Was extremely popular in his high school days with Mayumi and still is popular.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: :) Reveal later.
-Calls Mayumi "Mayu-chan"
-Often gets mistaken for Mayumi's boyfriend when they go out together.
-Currently on vacation at the beach.

He will most likely appear somewhere along the story.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Haise Ayumi

Job: Shopping mall owner and manager
Age: 28
Sexuality: Bi
Birthday: 8/15
Personality: Extremely energetic and carefree. Almost always happy but can be extremely serious about her job. She loves to try new things with the shopping center and loves to make others smile.
She gets really pissed when others try to start grown up bullying because its shameful. She loves however, drama mostly romance drama.
Hides her true feelings but lets her mask down when she is alone or with someone she trusts.
Bio: Her father inspired her to try and make one of the happiest places that she could and she chose a shopping center. She loved to look around at shops when she was younger but mostly liked to talk to the employees since they were all nice. Her father was rich and the head of a billion dollar company but she loves to hide the fact that she is rich since she noticed that people treat her differently sometimes.

Likes- Sweets, maids, cute things, guys, alchohol, fun things, her friends, Akito

Dislikes- Judgemental people, getting judged, Getting called "Ma'am, Getting dumped, being alone, being left out, being hated,
-It is not like she dislikes him but being with him makes her feel pity for herself. She thinks that the only reason he is ever around her is because her father told him to (Not necessarily true). He used to think that he was just a brother that no one admitted to. He would always be with her but when she found out that he was abandoned and her father had begun to take care of him, she felt extremely shocked. Her father would often be with Akito more than his own daughter. Even through all of this, she will not show this sorrow to Akito (Or Aki) since she knows that he has been for her all her life and does not want him to be sad.

She is dumped often and has no idea why
-Is drunk a lot of the time
-Will let you do about anything
-Does not care about the shopping center as long as the guests have fun.
-She loves to visit gaming centers.
-She has been kidnapped and held hostage many times.
[EDIT]Fear: Being seen through.
-Most of the time she drinks a lot because of her situation. Her father may have been a kind person but he was always at work so that was the only side of him that she ever saw. She never had a mother because she was murdered before she could see her. By murdered she means death after giving birth. She blames herself for her death even though her father tries to tell her it wasn't but doesn't help when he used to just sit and watch her with a cold stare when she was younger and he thought she was sleeping. Nowadays, she does not like to show her sadness but she might just break.
-Paranoid about not being drunk in front of others. Afraid of how clear she can think and begins to think that everyone is judging and hating her. Becomes nervous.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ZeroEnder010
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Faarah Wahba

Age: 21
Birth Date: March 2nd
Gender: Male
Store: Re:New Tech (Electronics Repair Store)
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Reserved, submissive, and objective. The kind of person who is fast to help but slow to ask for it. Multitasking comes easy to him, unless other people are involved. He has never been good at reading people, and has a hard time feeling out the mood in most social interactions.

Likes: Electronics, tinkering, reading, nighttime, Italian food, cooking, scifi movies.
Dislikes: Driving, exercise, strong smells, dogs, fantasy movies.

Bio: Growing up Faarah was two thing above all else, a Mama's boy and a trouble maker. His Mother adored him, spending as much time with him as she could, but never enough in her eyes since her job required her to be away from home for long periods of time. The trouble he caused always came from his excessive curiosity, always yearning to know how things work. If left alone for too long he was sure to be taking something apart, and due to the nature of electronics, something expensive. This drove his Father crazy, but his mom encouraged it, being an engineer herself. When she wasn't around, his Father would make sure that all the tools were locked up, encouraging his son to read more, which he did, taking particular interest in how-to books and instruction manuals.

School was a trying time for him. Never the popular one in any social circle, but always the first to be picked for group work, because he would usually do most of it himself. He spent a lot of time with the AV and Robotic Clubs, fixing and tinkering most days until he was told to leave in the late hours of the day. After graduating he had hoped to continue his education and become an engineer like his mom, but financial trouble held him back. He saves up what he can, doing odd jobs fixing what he could. When he heard that there was going to be an electronics shop opening in the new mall he applied immediately.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by l0ck0n
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l0ck0n A Nice Person

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CondorTalon
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CondorTalon Collector of Waifus

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Fukui Nao

Age: 20
Gender: Female
Store: Page's (Bookstore)
Job: Shelves books
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Nao is quiet, cynical, and hard to approach. She prefers to be left alone for the most part, though not because she hates interaction. In truth, she can't stand being around loud noises and avoid crowds and large gatherings of people as a result. She does have a soft side, but very few have seen it. She has a dry sense of humor and tends to snark.
Likes: Reading, rainy days, drinking coffee, her space being respected
Dislikes: Loud noises and music, the hot days of summer, her space not being respected
Bio: Nao's life is nothing much to write about. She had always kept to herself throughout her school years; quiet, unassuming, and with little presence. She was serious in her studies, and went through her school life with nary a trouble. However, though was not the target of any of the bullies in school, she often witnessed it happen to other people. Her worldview is very cynical because of this. Her job at Mirai Mall is actually her third one to date, having previously worked at a coffee shop (which she hated) and a library (which she didn't). She is currently taking a semester off of university to work this job.
Birth Date: November 29th
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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Tanakasa Akito

Age: 30
Geder: Male
Job: Ayumi's servant/butler/childhood friend
Sexuality: Bi
Personality: Easily misunderstood for a bad guy which is not necessarily true. If he does not like you, however, he will not bother being kind.
-Hates it when people hurts things that he likes/loves
-Can be extremely nice.
-Can be extremely sadistic.
-Hates to use his good looks to is advantage (Yup, if you already read the earlier one I just switched it)
-Surprisingly easily entertained
-Has a lot of manners when he first meets someone.
-Extremely strong
-Scary if you get him mad
- Not a flirt but tends to compliment people a lot

- Once he gets used to someone, his manners might go down a bit more and he will be more open. He might even laugh.
Likes: Ayumi and her family, cats, black, rain, books, tea and coffee, adorable things, beauty
Dislikes: People hurting Ayumi, stuck up people, people that bother him, picky people, people that hurt things that he love, mean people.
Bio: Grew up with Ayumi and quickly learned how to take care of her. He was abandoned as a child and left on their doorsteps but hates telling people that. He feels in debt to Ayumi's family and vows to take care of her. Does not trust much women. (Adding more laterrr)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CondorTalon
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CondorTalon Collector of Waifus

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Himura Keisuke

Age: 25
Gender: Male
Store: EDaMame (Electronic music store)
Job: Store owner and manager
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Keisuke is loud and brash, but friendly. He tends to speak what's on his mind, which may or may not offend people. He has a tendency to tell dirty jokes, and loves to tease people. Keisuke is also an unapologetic pervert, but he always considers professionalism and other people's feelings before his own, in that regard at least. HUGE OTAKU.
Likes: Girls, electronic music, video games, anime
Dislikes: People who hurt girls, country music, getting dunked on dumped
Bio: Keisuke has always had a love of electronic music, even when he was little. This was thanks to his dad, who transferred his own love of music onto him. Keisuke's family was fairly wealthy, and Keisuke never really had a need to excel at school. Once he was finished high school rather than going on to university like most of his peers, he decided to turn his passion for music into his career, and opened up a shop in Mirai Mall to spread his love of electronic music to other people.
Birth Date: January 7th
Other: Keisuke will often play songs over the store's speakers to attract customers. He has a section of the store dedicated to a limited, constantly rotating stock of albums from indie and doujin artists that he feels deserve more recognition. Keisuke will also provide links to free albums at the front desk.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kurosawa Emi

(Beautiful but does not think so herself)- No blood on the dress
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Store: Flower Paradis
Job: Store owner and manager
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Emi is someone that practically hates herself and never thought that she deserved to live. She does try her best to be less negative so that the people around her are not affected. Extremely shy in front of people that she doesn't know. She does love the people that she is close to which mostly consists of Ayasaka Mayumi. Easy to scare and becomes worried about others easily.

Bio: Her parents were extremely famous politicians and did everything in their power to make more money and become more famous. While they had a pretty mask on the outside, they were brutal at home. Her father often beat her for no reason while her mother was the one that verbally abused her and made her think that she was never supposed to be alive. The only reason they never killed her was most likely because of the bad publicity of their child disappearing or ending up dead. However, when they figured out that they could use the public's sympathy in their favor, her father attempted to kill her in her sleep but failed. She was able to run away and all of this happened when she was already 15. When she left, she came back 2 days later to take a lot of money. (I won't specify how much but a lot)

Mayumi lived in her area so she often saw her playing at the park and babysat her since she was 5 years younger, as well as becoming her friend. She became used to spoiling her and taught her how to cook since she was good at housework and other things. Cooking, sewing, etc. All things that she taught her. This is the reason why their love for things has a lot in common. Smiling is a natural occurrence when she is with Mayumi but not that much in front of others.

At age 20, she decided to open a cafe because of her love of sweets and cute things. Her first employee was Mayumi and she had her help set it up as well as deciding all of the things that she would like.

Birthdate: February 13


> Though she is the owner and manager of the store that does not mean that she actually works with the customers. Her job is mostly handling the money, cleaning, cooking, decorating, etc. The only time she deals with customers is... yeah, no she can't. However, Mayumi convinced her to wear one cosplay dress to work at least once every two weeks.

> Her love for romance isn't anything like she would want it in her love but it is more of a fantasy to her. If anyone close to her claims to fall in love, she will worry and look out for them.
> She can cook better than Mayumi since she is the one that taught her everything about it.
> You have to do something pretty bad to actually get her mad.
> Getting hit is not something that she cares about anymore. If anyone hits or hurts her on purpose she will become afraid of them a little bit, but she will not hurt them back
> If you manage to get close to her she might smile or laugh directed at you.
> She never told Mayumi about her background because she doesn't want her to feel sympathy for her.
> Her scars are almost all gone but the one that stays is the cut from when her father nearly killed her. He was able to make a scar on her right arm.
> She is really trying to be a bit more positive and smile more but she doesn't really follow through each time.
> 90% of the time, her hands are freezing cold
> She dislikes her first name due to the fact that it means "beautiful blessing" or "beautiful picture". She feels that her parents should not have named her this if they were going to hate her. Also, it goes against the fact that she finds herself hideous.
> Her chest is huge which makes her extremely self conscious
* > Nobody has met her yet due to the fact that she was on a trip and only came the first day to help set up with Mayumi.
>(Added)> She is surprisingly great at handling strangers. Not customers for the cafe but more like helping service. Her people skills are top notch that way but the downside of this is that it drains her energy a lot.
(Forgot to add)> The reason for her hatred of compliments is due to the fact that many people have led her on in the past with flattery and sweet words. Not romance wise most times but it was usually so that they could try and have sex with the mighty politician's daughter and maybe get her pregnant. This, of course, failed horrifically and usually ended with them leaving from an unknown broken leg or arm. She has a source. (That I may add later)...

Outside of work clothes:
She honestly does not care about what she wears but Mayumi is actually quite fond of her wearing cute things and chooses her clothes when they go out together.

Because of that, her clothes are usually cute and fashionable. If she chooses on her own, it is usually something like jeans or a skirt with an oversized sweater.
(Maybe I'll add later)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@DestinyStar@CondorTalon@ZeroEnder010@joeycbee@Evil Snowman@Major Ursa Yeah, this died xD I love you guys and thanks for being in this~ I lost interest as well and started a new fantasy RP haha. Weell, bye. If you're interested to see my new RP I just started
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