Avatar of Baklava
  • Last Seen: 18 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: FMAlchemist
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1456 (0.38 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Baklava 10 yrs ago


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Takin' a break.


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@YesImEvil Ay, awesome. Gotta love those sorts of characters. They make the games so much more fun heh. Welcome to the guild and best of luck to you!
Updated Callan's CS with an example of her body type. Here it is again, for your clicking and viewing pleasure.

Time for POINTS! YE BOI!
@Chasers115 @dragonmancer @Piercing Light @RedDusk @Deathmyster

Marcus gained a friendship point! +

Chris lost a friendship point... -
Chris gained a friendship point! +

Kusari lost a friendship point... -

Grant gained a friendship point! +

Sander got his saliva all over the point Callan was going to give him as well as his own points. She's reluctant to touch any of them until they've been properly sterilized.

๐•Š๐•–๐•ก๐•ฅ. ๐ŸŸ, ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜ / / ๐•Œ๐•Š๐”ธโ„๐•€๐•ƒโ„• ๐”ผ๐•’๐•ค๐•ฅ / / ๐”พ๐•ฃ๐• ๐•ฆ๐•Ÿ๐•• โ„ค๐•–๐•ฃ๐•  / / ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿš

As though she'd never seen a more interesting slab of cement, Callan stared and she stared hard. Don't. Look.

"Aaaand, give it up for The Abusement Park with a resounding total of 64 points to Multiple Scorgasm's 45! They snagged every flag from the opponent and grabbed their healer all in a little more than six minutes--talk about overkill! I've got guards and paramedics on the way to patch people up temporarily, though we'll have everyone back to full health soon enough."

The filthy concrete offered no solutions. Try as she might, she could not unsee what she had seen and the result was very different compared to when she'd glimpsed Chris's nude form. He hadn't just been biting and straddling her minutes ago. At least the sight did wonders for making her forget how disappointed she was about the loss. She floundered for something positive to focus on as guards and paramedics trickled swiftly into the plaza. This proved even more difficult a task as she observed the nervous looking young woman shakily treating her.

Every time Callan looked at her, she flinched. So, holding the cold compress to her eye, she went back to staring at the ground, adding some other feeling to the mixture of emotions brewing inside her. To a lesser extent, it was almost like that night when she snapped at Grant. Couldn't she ever end on a single note? Embarrassment, disappointment, confusion, anger, relief, regret.... Lost in it all, she offered Marcus a short wave before he left to shower off.

Arriving in the 'snack room', as Callan instantly dubbed it, the scenes playing on the screens instantly helped clarify more than a few things. The snacks were too close to the seat Sander had chosen for her to go near them, so she opted to sit down in the seat furthest from his, front row, end seat on the opposite side. It was hard for her to get comfortable while holding the compress to her face and, gathering as much information as she cared to from the screens, she stared at Sander until she heard a cry coming from Fredric's direction..

Their healer, Christmas, had... stabbed himself? The healing red mist momentarily interrupted her thoughts with an alleviating sensation. She felt the throbbing in her face subside and moved her fingers to her neck to feel as the bite marks from Sander smoothed themselves out. Watching Christmas fall to his knees, Callan was halfway out of her chair before a pair of paramedics rushed forward to treat him. Sinking back into her seat with a sigh, she tossed the compress onto the table and ran her hands up over her face. Smoothing her bangs back into her ponytail, she interlocked her fingers around the base and brought her elbows close together before resting them on the table. She closed her eyes and tensed her shoulders before letting them droop with another long exhale.

Callan turned her head just enough to peer at Sander through the gap between her forearm and bicep. She observed Christmas speaking with him through tears, which slowly faded as their conversation went on. She couldn't believe this sudden urge she was having. It wasn't unlike her to want to practice for something like this, but... a rematch? With the boy who couldn't seem to make it through a Flag Football game without running around stark naked by six minutes? Hell, he'd been down to his boxers and shoes by two!

She wanted to interrupt them-- very unlike her. To waltz over, slam her fists against the table and demand a rematch. But....

She turned her head away and closed her eyes again. There was no need to be rash. They'd been put on opposing teams for a reason. Perhaps... they'd permit her to fight him again? One on one? They could always taze her if she lost control-- or him, if he.... She blushed and inwardly groaned with embarrassment. If he what? Got naked? B-bit her again?

Knowing full well there were plenty of other things about the match she could be thinking about right now, her mind seemed superglued in place. There was a word to describe her loss that she couldn't quite pin down. Uncool? Lame? Not just embarrassing....

She'd under estimated Sander-- and Grant. She'd held back-- not given her all. She let herself lose to a pair of fucking pants for fuck's sake. Glancing up at the face-off between Sander and Grant as if the word might suddenly run across the screen like a news break, it finally came to her. The word that perfectly embodied it all-- including the reason why she felt she needed a rematch.

@Dervish LMAO I'll get you, my pretty!
@The 42nd Gecko Ah, okay. Well then, I suppose bludgeoning it with a torch it is then.
@The 42nd Gecko Oh, I figured that he would grab the sword so long as nothing jumped out at him from the shelves. Don't mind if he grabs it. Up to you.
@Obscene Symphony Nope, not petty. Happens all the time. Some people are very talented at ruining things for everyone-- don't blame yourself.

@jasonwolf@Dervish@The 42nd Gecko

Left Group: A quick thwack with his lantern should save Lev from Felicia's fate, if that's what he wants. Let me know if you guys have any questions. Y'all got a mess to clean up!

Felicia stayed near the entrance as everyone scattered, too horrified to move. Pressing the back of her hand to her trembling lips, she felt as though she might hurl at the sight of the hanging skeletons, winced at the iron cabinets, peered sadly at the cells lining the back wall, and shuddered at the shelves. The others pressed forward-- even the young Veitaru. They were all so brave. Two of them weren't quite human, sure, but still-- brave.

"B-be careful, Lev," she cautioned her friend. Friend? Could she call him that? Worrying about social cues seemed a far cry from anything that should be on her mind at this point, but she took some comfort in it. As long as nobody was paying her any attention, Felicia hoped to hang onto that feeling as she she slipped her flask out of her pocket and took a quick drink. No sooner had sharp liquid warmed her belly as she screwed the top back on when all of a sudden....

Left Tunnel Group

As Jaege collected his goods of choice from the shelves and Lev began his ascent, Noi's blind charge at the squirming hay pile with his flaming hammer would spark a sudden and unfortunate chain of events. Felicia could only watch as, all at once, a rather plump looking Like Like was sent flying-- smacked into the air by Noi's hammer along with several bunches of hay. The Like Like released a shrill cry of surprise as it flew, illuminated by bits of flaming hay before it all began to fall. The loud shriek awoke something in the iron cabinet that Veitaru had been observing.

Long, bony brown fingers closed around the cabinet door from the inside. The slow, meticulous movement made it all the more startling when the door was suddenly flung open-- just as the Like Like smacked against the ground of the cell with another loud cry of distress. Several bits of fiery hay landed near the others. The shelves took to the flames easily as a Redead stepped out of the iron cabinet. A deafening shriek filled the burning room, paralyzing the young girl long enough take two deliberate steps in her direction. Shriveled brown skin clung to the creatures bones as it approached, hand outstretched to welcome her into a tight embrace of death. Deep within its dark, sunken eyes, two glowing red irises remained hungrily fixed on Veitaru while it chattered its teeth with anticipation.

Felicia cried out in alarm. Veitaru was dire straits. She had to do something!

Sword-- remember your sword! she urged herself, but just as her hand closed around the pommel and, filled with a sudden bout of bravery, she moved to lung towards the foul monster to protect the child, something strange and with an all too familiar shape to it wrapped around her torso. At first she thought someone might be grabbing her from behind, but as her feet left the ground, she quickly realized it wasn't from behind-- but above.

She would've screamed. The air to do so had definitely filled her lungs quickly enough, but somewhere on its way out it got stuck-- or perhaps lost? The floor rapidly abandoned her and, on her way up, she passed Lev. Slack jawed, she looked to him with wide, pleading eyes before disappeared into the dark abyss above. Meanwhile, more shadows appeared on the floor below, followed by strange shushing sounds as three more Wallmaster descended. One, of which, was heading straight for Lev's face.

@DearTrickster Thanks!
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