Avatar of CelticSoldier
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 192 (0.07 / day)
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    1. CelticSoldier 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination - Brandon Sanderson
7 yrs ago
Feeling sick, so won't be replying for a few days
1 like
7 yrs ago
Seeing a problem as a challenge is a bad attitude to take to the problem
7 yrs ago
The problem is not the problem, the problem is your attitude to the problem.
1 like
7 yrs ago
Reading tales of King Arthur, it appears that none of his knights had any honour.


Hello, person. If you want to know about me, know this: I spend far too much time on the internet. If you wanted an overview, stop reading now. If you want to go into some detail, I also enjoy researching upon ancient history (Alexander the Great is a particular favourite) and know to much random stuff that will never be useful to anyone. E.g. The first city west of china was founded in 5000BC in Sumer (now Mesopotamia) and was called Eridu. So if you go away with anything, go away with that, because it makes you seem interesting if you know it. Probably.

I also enjoy reading, Brandon Sanderson is one of my favourite authors, and playing games from the Total War series. I write things as well, but you only get to read what I write here. You're a stranger, I'm not sharing all my stuff with you.

I am also pretty sure that I am a nice person. Now you can leave. If you want to stay, that's fine, but there's really not much else to do here, so...

Name: Shadow
P.S. I also adopted a Pokémon because WTF not.

Most Recent Posts

Well, so much for that.

Ah, the open sky! Where ships soar and dragons swoop, where mighty battles are fought, where great adventures are had, and where those with enough grit, spit and determination could make a name for themselves, and the Cameribra flow, or just the flow, is where they go to do it. A largely unmapped and unexplored area of sky beasts, floating reefs, cannibal islands and, of course, Pirates, it is also where the greatest treasures are to be found. Upon the great floating islands, entire civilisations might have developed in isolation, as much a mystery to you as you are to them. There could be islands filled with gold and jewels but, by the same coin, there are those that contain nothing but death. Your fate is in your own hands, so strap on your ray gun, pull down your flying goggles, and prepare for adventure!

Hello! If you haven't guessed, this is a classic steampunk rp set in a world of airships and floating islands. A bit stereotypical, I know, but that's why I want to do it, just for the sake of another, classic adventurous romp across unexplored lands, with action, danger, cannibals, and perhaps even the chance of romance along the way. What's not to like? Since we're heading into an unexplored area, the world is defined by what you want to happen, if you want to world build, we can go and discover it and build it in game. (I think that's pretty cool)

In terms of commitment, I'd like to see at least one post a week, hopefully more. I won't completely lose it because you miss a post, but if you're absent for a while without good reason, you may find that you're character has been hijacked while you were away. Or they're dead. That could happen too.

Anyway, since this is now the OOC, I believe it to be time to get right into some details. You will be upon your very own ship, the SkyShark, a newish vessel, with 10 guns, two decks and a balloon. You are also provided with a small force of G-Mechs, small, one man aircraft made of paper, wood and brass, powered by a tiny engine with a hand-cranked machine gun in the front. Only the bravest or most foolish would ever dare set foot in one, and their pilots have a reputation for being rather, crazy...
Oh, and you're there too. You are being sponsored by Lord Higgins of Ranchester Island, a somewhat eccentric fellow, who has devoted his fortune to discovery, science, and the betterment of man kind. Only problem is, his fortunes not that large, so he's stuck with you lot and a broken boiler (someone really should fix that). He'll need engineers, captains, scientists, and all manner of weird and wonderful people to execute his missions, so let's get to how you make them!

Since at the time of posting, we don't have many people, I'll say you can make two characters if you want. We can have one Captain, if two people want it we'll go best CS wins, if no-one wants it I'll play the Captain.

Most of the world building we'll be doing in game, since you're entering a completely unmapped area in search of riches and glory, or perhaps something else, what you find tends to be a surprise.

So that's it so far, hope to see you soon.
If I can confirm that everyone here is still up for it, I'll just throw up an OOC now, and we can start with what we've got.

@Kriminel@Comrade Yui@DrunkasaurusRex
How soon do people expect their posts to be up? No pressure, but I'll need to know when to start planning the next post.
@Hecate If you named yourself after Sinons' rifle, I love you. If not...then this is kinda awkward.
Great, one or two more and I'll throw up an OOC.
As the journey drags on and on, the crew begin to become worried. The loss of almost half the crew appears to have affected the ship dramatically, and no longer are you cutting across the waves like you own the ocean, but jerking and shifting due to a combination of the lost navigator and a cabin boy helping to operate the sails. The rations on board, which supposedly contained a months extra, will only remain for a few days. All morning, evening and night there are at least 5 crew members in the bilge, pumping out the water seeping through the crack, simply to keep the ship afloat. One or two crew members begin to eye the horses hungrily. The only blessing is that, with a reduced crew, food might just stretch that much longer.

Finally, when even the Captain looked mildly perturbed, land is sighted. Should you rush to the prow, you're first view of Lustria would be of a veritable paradise. Long beaches of pearly white sand stretch as far as you can see, backed by a verdant green jungle. Had you not known the dangers it contained, you might have called it beautiful. "Right." Says the captain, "Off." Unusually, he is very blunt about this. "It's another week to Skeggi. Can't have you wasting my food. Take the row boat, and get off my ship before I throw you off." He gives you some time to collect what few things you have, before presenting you with two rowing boats. "I'll leave the horses at skeggi. Best be quick if you want to see 'em again, as they're like to sell 'em or eat 'em afore long. Now piss off."

When you finally arrive on the continent, it is with nothing but what you're body, you're mind, and the few things you've brought with you. "Right." Says Darren, unfurling a map, "This way."

@Andreyich@POOHEAD189@Jbcool@Bright_Ops@Maxwell @DrunkasaurusRex
@Comrade Yui Yeah, that's the sort of thing I'd try.

@DrunkasaurusRexWe can have dinosaurs
I would also be interested.
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