Avatar of DepressedSoviet
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 669 (0.24 / day)
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    1. DepressedSoviet 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current i.imgur.com/iacvHug.jpg this is probably the greatest cosplay to ever make me irrationally angry
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
Thought: A Hamilton-esque comedy-musical about the Russian Revolution, from Trotsky's point of view. Lenin would take a Washington-type role, the Tsar would be King George, and Stalin is Jefferson
7 yrs ago
@Ophidian How do you think I feel? I'm 40-odd years behind you, and that STILL holds true for me.
7 yrs ago
oi, fuk off m8. Don't see me coming into the status bar, shitting all over YOUR nation's political ideology.
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Just here for a bit of roleplay occasionally. I have an odd schedule, so please don't get too upset if I disappear. I'll do my best to let you know beforehand, though.

Most Recent Posts

@HylozoistYeah, that'd be fine. However, I don't know about this getting off the ground, as nobody seemed to actually come over to this thread from the IC when I tagged them
I thought Half-Life 3 wasn't released because the series is a duology. Half-Life * 2 = Life.

That'd make sense, if it weren't for the fact that Half-Life 2: Episode 2 ended on a very big cliffhanger.
Lowered Expectations

Story of my life right there :v
As the various boarders from the Rigged Fortune progressed through the ship, Joran's feeling of uneasiness grew progressively unsettling, with Joran at an almost constant ready stance, the remainder of the stimm he had taken earlier pushing his senses to a higher level. This made Joran aware of various noises in the immediate area, including faint skittering sounds, and the somewhat distant clanking of metal against metal.

Moving ever forward into the ruined Hulk, Joran eventually noticed that one of the sounds came from behind them. At that moment, Joran called for his group to stop, wanting the possible pursuer or source of the noise to catch up to them. As they stood at the ready, none of them were ready for the hulking figure that reached them. A Space Marine.

The sight was rather short-lived, however, as another unexpected guest arrived. A minor swarm of various Tyranids came rushing into the room, and the meeting quickly devolved into an all-out fight for survival. Joran quickly switched on the flamer pistol attached to his lasgun, shooting flames out across the area, catching many of the Xenos swarm on fire. The fuel canister was quickly exhausted, and Joran switched to firing his lasgun, aiming for the various joints and limbs of the aliens.
<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>
Not all revolutions require theft, as societies can peacefully and voluntarily transition from one government to another.

Saying it right now: It's not a revolution if its peaceful and voluntary.
@ClocktowerEchosIf ordered by a superior, he will fight, just don't expect him to actually be competent, or to not make his distaste heard during or after the fight. If attacked he will defend himself, but he's hardly anything closed to trained. The most he knows is point-and-click shooting, and he's used to having armed PDF or Militarum guards around, but he will defend himself if necessary, and fight if told to do so.
Everything burns in a fiery volcanic explosion! OH THE HORROR!
Fire Extinguisher puts you out.
Now this may seem sacrilege given my username, but as an amateur historian, my guilty pleasure is Teutonic Knights/Prussia.
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