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7 yrs ago
dissertation done. can actually post again. yay.


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I would post but it was my post that killed the rp. twice now I think.
@Holy Soldier my bad. fixed.

While the whole situation of who to go with had not become any clearer, today Howlite had learned a very important fact about her kind that neither her inherent knowledge or the kindergarten had told her. Gem where apparently really fond of shouting. First Seraphinite, then the crystal gem Cavansite, Clinohumite and even little Marnie all created a massive ruckus that echoed through the cavern. Through it all Howlite just stayed back, putting one of the legs of the spiderbot in between her and the rest in case things kicked off. The leg was probably not the safest place to hide, but she took some reassurance from the feeling of size she got when she linked into its systems, looking down at the gems through its mechanical eyes rather than up through her own.

She tried to block out the noise till final part of Marie's heartfelt speak caught her attention.

”The in the past? You have no idea how much these two groups hate… actually you're both being remarkably civil about this whole thing. I was under the assumption Clinohumite’s violent attitude was the status quo. What on earth has happened since we were inserted into the ground all those thousands of years ago?”

Not that barely veiled threats and spitting bile at one another was the height of polite conversation but they weren't instantly trying to shatter another which was an odd state of affairs if they were still at war. Tugtupite even offered to leave anyone who wanted to stay with the crystal gems without contention. It was bizarre.

I apologies for probably throwing a spanner in some wip posts with mine, but on the plus side you both now have health items that you can use this turn.

Lvl: 2
Day: 1
Location: Outside the abandoned castle
Interacting with: Fox McCloud@Etherean Fire, Luigi@Bright_Ops, Slayer@Lugubrious
Word Count: 526
Seed deployed: none

Fox dismounted and they both approached the burning ruins as the rest of the team emerged from it in response too her shouting. Some of them looked severely beat up, but their objective was nowhere to be seen. Despite Mario’s sacrifice it seemed they had not managed to buy nearly enough time.

”What have you been doing?! you're supposed to save the princess, not burn her house down!”

Everything was going badly, so very badly. The fact that she had not managed to put anywhere near as much ground as she had hoped between them and Odin the final nail in the whole awful situation.

Naija turned to see the arriving flock and their unholy master descending upon their ranks, Odin putting on a sudden immense burst of speed and flying towards them, slamming his fist into the ground and sending a shock-wave rippling through the earth that struck fox and Luigi. the hulking demon then drew his murder weapon, turning to attack Brigan who was flanked by a sapphire Valkyrie and a dark armored warrior. She didn’t have much time to take in the rest of the situation or check who was still with them as 3 Valkyries began to fly towards her, clearly looking to strike her down. Oddly the Valkyries were focusing their efforts on the two smallest members of the party, perhaps trying to take them out quickly before joining the others for the more armored/muscular targets. In that case she was definitely going to prove that objective false and give them a run for their money. Literally in this case, because so far Naija’s successes in combat had come from having the element of surprise or ranged advantage, and with the 3 hot on her heels she would have neither.

She took off away from them and would try and use her agility to duck and weave among the combatants, first flying for Slayer, retrieving one of the Napples and tossing it to the suave gentleman.

”eat this for your wounds”

Her first fly-by delivery completed she swooped around, trying to pass close enough to the other engaging Valkyries that the ones chasing her couldn't take a shot at here without hurting them, while at the same time not getting in the way of her allies or getting noticed, she headed towards her second delivery target. Her anger flashed as she saw who was confronting Luigi, the Valkyrie captain, with a smug look on her face as she flaunted Mario's cap in front of his brother.

Naija put on another burst of speed, coming up behind the captain Valkyrie. She would accelerate as hard ash she could, then at the last second flipped herself around so she was traveling feet first, ramming her winged boot into the back of the Valkyries head with a flying kick. The momentum would slam the Valkyrie forwards and launch Naija up and over her, during this launch she would throw the second Napple to Luigi.

”Healing incoming!”

Righting herself she would fly onward, yelling at Fox something that might remind the pilot of another flying amphibian he knew.

”Fox! get these guys off my back!”

She then would fly on, trying to outrun the Valkyries once more, but with her loss of momentum at the attack it was likely that unless her allies did something she would be in a whole heap of trouble.
how is the ooc doing?
time for Naija to act as an ambulance with our 2 healing items. also I guess that takes care of the telling Luigi what happened to Mario.
did you know that up until recently Mandrakes where considered one of the worst units on tabletop, up there with the pyrovore on the list of badly designed units that you should never use.
Draksal barely noticed the slaves as he stalked through the room looking for actual targets as the others prattled about what to do about their fate. In Draksal’s opinion they were wasting precious time already, if they stopped to kill them it was a waste of ammunition, if they freed them there was no way of getting them off the ship. the cowards who had allowed themselves to be captured would not even be of help in taking the ship as cannon fodder so it was best to simply leave them, they would have their torment ended when the mission was done and the battle cruiser destroyed this vile vessel. He had almost made it to the end of the pens, ready to breach the next door and move on when the creatures came from the darkness.

The fiends were less armored than the kroot they had been originally armed to fight and wielded only what looked like farming equipment, though the fact that they had somehow appeared from nowhere and jump from shadows to shadow was worrying. Particularly when one dropped from the ceiling on top of him and tried to stab him through the neck. Draksal reached up and grabbed the blade wielding creature by the wrist with his right metal arm and then hurled it off of him while he wheeled round. As the fiend smashed into one of the many torture devices he leveled his weapon in the direction of one of the pens through which some of the creatures were currently feasting on the salves fear and panic. He fired, the dragonfire banished the shadows as it’s burning shot swept through mandrake and slave alike, shrapnel rending them apart as the promethium ignited their flesh and garments.

“Your flesh is weak so burn from the fires of the Omnissiah you pathetic worms”

More mandrakes appeared around him from the dancing shadows created by the burning remains of the slaves and their kin, launching themselves at the machine man, their wicked blades reflecting the fire as they swung them, trying to find an opening in Draksal‘s armored form. He fought on, punching and blasting them, trying to keep them away from the rockets he was carrying as their blades were repealed either by his blows or his armor till he ran out of shot. When his gun clicked empty the mandrakes took the advantage to step back and release a torrent of freezing soul destroying fire upon him, his very core was torn and burned by the fowl witchcraft of the aliens.

It was not through willpower or inner strength that Draksal over came this sorcery most fowle, but by the gifts of the Omnissiah. His soulless metal arm reached down and drew the melta pistol and then sweated its burning ray across the casting mandrakes, slicing clean through them and most of the surrounding equipment, cages, slaves and walls. The caster's flesh boiled and they all collapsed in a burning heap of around him.

In the end Draksal stood in the center of a burning ring of corpses, human and alien alike and was safe from immediate attack, the entire area bathed in the orange glow of the flames, evenly lighting the area and providing no solid shadows for the mandrakes to manifest from. His armor was scratched and is some places dented, where he still had flesh the impacts had caused bruising or made him bleed from the strength of the blows.This he could hardly feel compared to the lingering cold of the void that had griped his beaning and tried to erase him from existence. It was not a sensation the marin was going to forget.

Draksal paused for a moment in his fiery sanctuary to collect the shotgun, then went back down ro the other end of the room to aid the others.
sorry that took so long, but I have finally posted.
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