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I'm literally just waiting on everyone else.
Deadline Mar 19.

Gonna need a post from @TheFake and @Skyswimsky first.
Its banshee cry was unanswered. In the distance, birds scattered and vermin dove into their holes, but no other response sounded. Only silence, as the rift-beast drew in a deep breath once more, slitted eyes closing. Its long tongue retracted back into its maw, before it stopped completely.

Silence was restored, even as all those nearby were rendered deaf by its call.

And then, a flash of clarity. Its eyes snapped open, all focused on one target now, a singular direction to travel. Like a clap of thunder, it drove its clawed feet into the ground, half a ton of dirt kicked up with a single stomp. The red lines that traced its body flared up into an incandescent white as it propelled itself singlemindedly forwards. Towards something that only it could sense.

Towards the two that stood in its way, and the one that attempted to retreat.
In Q - FLUX 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

“Fuck you, Runner,” End snapped back, “My van is be-”

A crack and a pop suddenly sounded through the communications line, and the woman’s red-ringed eyes narrowed. That was a bullet, wasn’t it? Runner decided not to use his chronomancy to protect her van from getting shot up, right? He REALLY wanted to pay for all the damage, huh? End bit back her reply and focused on her retreat, bringing out her Heinbox from her pocket once more. A holographic display revealed a map of the area, and soon after, End landed in an alleyway, before walking out and merging into a pedestrian street.

Beggars and hookers were abound, and being on foot would delay her more than she would have liked, but even though her Valkyrie Suit mainly ran off electricity using a rechargeable battery, she still had to pay for fuel. No point in wasting it, especially when it turned out that the Rashes were attacked by random assailants as well. Irritation formed on End’s expression as she holstered the Punisher EMT.

“No luck here. Didn’t even get to chat with the Wireforts before goons and Policus cracked down. Blitz, give me good news.”
@Polaris North@Click This@Vega7285
They would definitely hear it, and would even feel the arcane prelude to its appearance, but being nine meters tall isn't enough to clear the trees, so they wouldn't see it unless a certain God of War was dropped.

It's certainly loud and it's certainly a rift beast.

@Asuras@Psyker Landshark@Zombehs@Renny
You'll all have visuals on it.

Deadline Mar 13.
They didn’t notice it.

Perhaps it was because they were more focused on each other. Perhaps it was because Odile was still groaning softly in pain. Perhaps it was none of those things. But regardless, neither of them realized what had happened before it did.

In that moment, an old scar was reopened, the world cracking at its edges once more. The sound of reality breaking, of glass shattering, sounded through the soft mist, as another pulse of arcane energy rushed through the entire forest. The pine trees swayed and the earth rumbled, as the stone pillars almost seemed to resonate with the sound, tuning forks vibrating to the world’s cries. And then…

…it all fell apart.

It wasn’t a rift in the sky. It wasn’t black ooze that reformed once it struck the ground. It was the scenery before their eyes falling apart, revealing a black abyss where the idyllic ruins once were. And from that abyss, two massive hands reached out, six claws latching onto the very fabric of reality. A howl heralded its heroic efforts as it forced the gate to widen further. Its head emerged next, goat-like head with an open, circular mouth. Dozens of teeth ringed it, each appearing to wriggle on its own as its six emerald eyes flickered about, pupils scrambling in different directions, as more of its massive body emerged.

Nine meters tall, its height just made it all the more wiry, its limbs much too thin to support its hammerhead and its muscled torso. Red lines traced up and down its form, glowing like magma, and its gray tongue, long and hard, extended until it reached the center of its chest, before swaying back and forth.

As if it was tasting the foreign air.

The six eyes settled upon where Natala, Liza, and Odile rested, before another banshee cry rushed out of its maw, a roar that blew away the mist and bent the trees.
In Q - FLUX 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

As Echo’s voice echoed within her earpiece, End put a final bullet into the unknown assailants that were entangled by Advent’s freaks of nature, before turning her eyes towards the surrounding streets. She was on the highest building at this point, and though she would have preferred to at least have a scope, it wasn’t too difficult to pick out the large vehicle blazing through the streets.

And, it was for that reason that End was the first to curse. Policus warbots, huh? Though she could rest assured that these things weren’t reinforcements backing up the ragtag gunmen the Cleaners just decimated, their presence meant that the fight was over. She counted her bullets, considered switching to armor piercing rounds, before shaking her head.

AP bullets were more expensive than normal ones, and she couldn’t generate those types of bullets with her reassembly spell. She wasn’t going to waste it on things that didn’t die even with a full clip inside them. The Punisher EMT was holstered, before End walked away from the edge of the roof. She may be faster than a normal grunt with her Valkyrie Suit, and she could practically tear them apart with her Disassembly…but against their perfect aim, she wasn’t going to risk it.

“I’m pulling out. Blitz, this is a good chance for you to snatch whichever goon’s still alive and scram. Runner, I’m collecting your life insurance if you don’t make it out with my van in one piece. Diva, cover for Warthog. His own van isn’t going to survive the Policus’s arsenal.”

End paused for a moment, before letting out a deep breath.

“Let’s meet at the Rash’s base. Good luck.”

With that, she walked off the edge of the building, a burst of jet-flame sending her airborne, away from the Policus vehicle.
So that was the only target? Hiraku let out a sigh of relief. Great, if it was just an over-sized teddy bear, and if everyone actually took heed of his advice, they shouldn’t be having any problems at all dealing with this fluffy threat. He could relax then. Everyone else could handle this.

That was, of course, until he saw golden flames erupt from somewhere.


“Well, whatever,” he shrugged helplessly, “Guess we can just be cheerleaders or something, Aoi. Hopefully they don’t set any stalls on fire.”
Dunno if you've caught all the mentions, but we sorta need you in the collab now, cause Ernie and Sav are finding Sophia.
In Q - FLUX 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

End gave Blitz a sardonic glance as he picked her up instead of blasting off immediately, holding her against his chest as his magic did its work and they flew off into the sky. It was pretty much what she had wanted out of him anyways, but really?

the raven-haired assassin said flatly once the two of them rocketed past the tallest buildings in the vicinity. She wasn’t Blitz, after all. End still had her van down there, and though her own armored car was her most expensive investment from Heavyware Industries, she still didn’t want to leave it up to just her colleagues to protect it. “Snatch some redshirt then. The mounted gunners are mine.”

With that, she activated the Valkyrie Suit hidden beneath her clothing, feeling the slight prick against her skin as thin needles pierced the skin, followed by the warmth of the bodysuit going online once more. A twist of her body and a hard shove against Blitz sent her barrelrolling in freefall, and, unconcerned, End removed her jacket, the garment fluttering violently. Beneath was the chrome and steel of the Valkyrie Suit, twin jets of flame igniting from her jetpack as the glider wings spread out. She stabilized, slowed, and finally landed, somersaulting as she disabled both the wings and the jets.

A whump sounded as her boots and right hand slammed against the concrete of the building’s roof. At this height, she was still susceptible to return fire, but at this height, she could disintegrate any threat before it reached her.

End breathed deeply, smelling the chaos that unravelled down before, as she pulled out the Punisher EMT. Lethal. Highly accurate. 15 bullets. Five targets. She just had to land one third of her shots.

But that was pathetic.

Both eyes opened wide as her heart stopped, hands as still as stone. No scope was needed at this distance. These were just stationary targets. Wasting more than a single bullet on each was a mark against her reputation.

“Warthog, I’ll leave the walkers to you.”

Moments later, in the backline of the unknown assailants, heads became roses, bloody blossoms blooming in the battlefield.
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