Avatar of Fallenreaper


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Yes, I'm an oversize child. Deal with it. :P
6 yrs ago
That moment you've got too many rp ideas floating in your head, but you don't want to overwhelm yourself? Yeah... I'm right there, suffering in silence.
6 yrs ago
RP hunting is like finding the rare toy in the cereal box. Doable, but the time and effort is nearly more than I can bare!
7 yrs ago
That amazing high when you realized how far you've come in improving your writing. It's impossible to describe, but drowns you in a positive glow.
7 yrs ago
I love being a terrible person by making my PCs' lives miserable, it's art form that never gets old or boring.


Personal details I've got enough room to share.

Nicknames....Fallen (preferred), Reaper, Devour of lost souls, etc.
Sign...............Libra (true to sign surprisingly)
Occupation....Wandering and exploring the caves of my insane mind
Location.........USA (Lost in the Cornfields!)



Click the links (Titles) below to be taken directly to the thread.

Advance RP

Accepting: GM/Co-GM Nitemare Shape, Hound55, & Dedonus

Formaroth Part 2: Throne of Lies
Still Accepting: GM TheDuncanMorgan

Casual RP

X-Men: The New Era - Issue II: Avalon Rising
Accepting: GM Almalthia, Co GM Pilatus

Legacy of Heroes: The New Age
Accepting: GM Jessie Targaryen, Co GMs Alfhedil and Apollosarcher

Nation RP


Arena RP

None yet.

Extra Stuff Featuring: Flight Rising.

Most Recent Posts

Experimental Team

Location: Capsule lodgings→ Medical Facilities (Innocence Airship)
Time: Day Time (About 2-3 hours or less before the meeting)

Samad drifted in and out of thought, his mind finally lost in the tingling sensation of REM sleep pulling him down into the dreaming abyss.

Things had never been simple since he first became an Asylum, a drafted alchemist born and trained to be a soldier of AMRO. When most people heard of it, they thought global security. In reality the organization’s primary motivated was to control alchemists and prevent chaos and insanity from burning the world into ashes, a noble intention through it sometimes took away the most basic of human rights for any Asylum. Soldiers they might’ve been, but when a soldier took too much freedom then they became nothing more than property to retrieve or destroy. Like putting down a soon to be rabid dog.

Other than execution for going rogue, an Asylum’s life was that of privilege at AMRO’s expense. No luxury, within human reason, was out of their reach and often paid for by the organization in exchange for complete loyalty. This loyalty often included taking on deadly missions in from the United States to remote places like Tristan Da Chuha near South Africa or Chang Tang, Tibet.

The Experimental Team had arrived over a week early and all because a mission in Asbest, Russia had went south quickly.

It resulted in Cade being on death’s door as Zak, their overseer, hauled the shredded asylum and his mentally teetering partner to the nearest Teleporter station. It was difficult,bloody and several times Samad could faintly feel the weaker Asylum begin to slip away from him. If it wasn’t for the fact Cade’s Death would’ve driven him insane and killed him too, Samad would’ve let the humanitarian die. In the end, self preservation ended up saving the younger Asylum's life as well as Zak.

Several days later, Samad and other Asylums-soldiers of AMRO- received an order to come to Innocence for a special mission. This got him curious enough to do some digging. In the few days leading up to today, he had collected some interesting information over the possible reason they were called in. Going around the rumor mill was a story about one of the Bloodlines, a family of Alchemist royalty that took in rogues and allied themselves with AMRO, had been completely wiped out. He didn’t identify the name of the actual family, save that it wasn’t the Kian because Omar or other disowned members of his family would’ve likely informed him about such a thing. Part of him hoped it wasn’t true and merely a rumor.

Samad didn’t look forward to taking on something or one powerful enough to wipe out the main branch of a whole Bloodline. It was little wonder that AMRO was left in a dangerous predicament because if the families were exterminated, their ability to retain control over growing rogues and gain new soldiers would’ve been heavily affected. Even worse, he doubted there would’ve been much information over it or AMRO would’ve dispatched it already with a fitting team. The fact they requested him and Cade to be present made him nervous made him nervous over what was to come.

For hours, his eyes shifted under the lids. His mind darted between their recent arrival on Innocence to the earlier mission, barely sleeping fully while he waited for news about Cade.

His semi naked figure laid across the narrow bed surrounded by reflective walls, a capsule of sorts for temporary guests. The sheets skimmed about his figure's surface and heavily focused on entangling his legs as he shifted about in a restless fashion. His weapons were stored in the compartment on the opposite wall, but he kept his Katar on him at all times. It was attached to his wrist and arm slide under his pillow, hidden from sight. Traditionally paranoia ran thick in his family from a young age and so old habits died hard. Even in a airship known to be the safest place on Earth for an Asylum.

Eventually, his eyes fluttered open when a feminine and emotionless voice spoke into his head.

"Asylum Amir of the Experimental Team. As requested, further information over the condition of your partner, Cade Markell, has been released. His condition is fully recovered and his medical release is due within the hour. Side effects are as followed: slower reflexes, hand to eye coordination, and movement capabilities. Therapy will be required but currently delayed in hind sight of the upcoming mission and will be designated to be the responsibility of the patient and his partner. Have a nice day, Asylum Amir.”

“Perfect,” Samad groaned under his breath while he reached for the handles and lifted upright, his legs folded into indian style on the bed. His fingers rubbed his eyes as he started to slide himself out of the capsule. Already the machine came buzzing to life, the mattress flipped down through closed end and replaced by a fresh one covered in plastic for the next Asylum’s stay. Cautiously, Samad worked himself along the ladder to the main floor. Other Asylums were already moving about to retrieve their things for their next mission as the Iranian realized that Zak might’ve not been informed about Cade’s condition causing him to attempt to contact the Overseer’s mind through telepathy.

“Hey, Zak. Can you hear me? Cade just been given a clean bill of health but seems he’ll be more useless than before. Want to help me see if we can speed up the recovery with a little of training before the meeting? If so, meet me in at training room A-12, which I believe is vacant. If not, I’ll make sure of it shortly when I get there,” Samad trailed off before he finally reached the storage lockers, his number 53. He limped over and held his hand over the lock. It beeped to confirm his identity as he pulled the door open, tugging his clothes from within to change into. Stripping down to the nude, he discarded modesty after he became an Asylum long ago and began to jerk on his boxers, jeans, long sleeved shirt and a belt.

He topped the causal appearance off by gripping his desert fang prototype which resembled a stout cane to assist his walking for long distances. Adjusting his collar in front of the mirror, Samad paused and looked himself over once more. “You know you look handsome in any fashion, luv.” Elise’s voice broke out from his memories causing the Iranian to freeze in place and turn his head enough to scan the locker room with his peripheral vision… nothing. He was alone within, his heart left thumping, before he shrugged it off then began to make his way to the medical facilities at a leisure pace.
Expanding Innocence facilities ahoy! I’ll take care of the more “armament” aspects.


Due to the nature of Innocence’s main purpose, multiple armories can be found throughout the ships and mostly next to the training grounds. Stockade of military-grade weaponry and protective gear can be found within these rooms as to supply trainees with equipment they are most likely to use on missions and also serves as reserve equipment for the existing Alchemists to bring in mission or even defend the Innocence should an attack occur.

Because of varying technological levels, complexity and degrees of lethality of certain pieces of gear, some weaponry and protective gear are securely stored in a special vault within the armories that requires a special clearance to retrieve whatever is stored in there.


As weapons break and armor live past their usefulness, more gear require to be made to replace that which had been broken, lost or stolen. Within the walls of the Foundry, groups of Alchemists specialized in technology and crafting materials assemble to create armaments to supply the armories and the trainees.

This facility also has enough room to accommodate more daring Alchemists who would experiment in creating new weapons and armors in a safe environment.


Just like the Foundry, this area’s main purpose is to create gear. However, the nature of what is created within this facility consists of anything requiring expertise of alchemy, medicine, biology and other type of science such as remedies, poisons, cures, anti-Alchemy equipment and the likes.

Alchemists operating this area are also frequently experimenting new usages for existing substances or even try to create new alchemical products depending on demands and current situations.

In one of those three areas, many of our current weapons could've been made or manufactured for use after graduation. Even repaired if they break or upgraded in the future as the rp progresses. Just a thought I would share btw. ^-^ Nice addition.
Alright, peeps, I got two to three rooms made up in my mind for the airship. Though the last could be more area than actually a room per say. Ryver also suggested we share our creations so we can accurately talk and create a unified ship out fit which I think is a great idea. The 3 areas I have created really are as follows:

Medical Areas- include fish tank, medical area for surgeries, repairs, etc.
Image of fish tank for Innocence. I agreed with Ryver it could vary from those basic and rustic zombie tanks being the primitive models to the ones for Innocence being the newest and more recent. This would allow multiple versions of the same thing and all accurately fish tanks.

Temporary guest beds- I had the idea of instead of being normal bunks, have them be capsule bed areas which gave that military function over comfort. Primarily due to the fact these beds are mostly only used for brief stays and I’m assuming that more permanent residence are made for students and staying alchemists.

Prison Area/Cells- including several cage like rooms with metal and anti-alchemy coated materials to hold rogues or suspected alchemists. Which being a makeshift base, I figured these prisoners were dropped off between missions and interrogated there, however I’ve not fleshed those out fully and free game for anyone.

I primarily see the airship, as I told Ryver, as a high tech and sort of sci fi thing where the more science fiction of alchemy is centered at. Mainly due to the students ranging from young to teenage age, it would make sense because they went them to survive the harsh training. I figured the Medical and Prison area could be on the same deck, while the pod beds could be on a deck above.

Anyone else got any ideas btw? I enjoy hearing them and building this world together with Xodus supervising. XD

Also, I will have my post up around Thursday or Friday latest!
~| The Jedi Temple on Coruscant |~
~| Day 1, 11th hour |~

Xid & Shiri vs 3 Droids, Heart of the Temple Room

Xid watched Shiri dash to the right and apply her plan for distracting them. The droids fell for it, like he knew they would, and began to fire on each other in order to get her off of the one droid. With each hit into the heavy arm, he studied the effect and frowned. They strangely weren’t doing the amount of damage they were designed to. Narrowing his vision, Xid began to note the differences in their designs and realised all three were custom made. Why would the Empire want to risk using custom and personal droids on an assault on the temple? That’s when the apprentice’s words immediately snapped into place. They weren’t made to kill the Jedi, but to stun and capture them. Who ever owned these droids wanted them alive for some strange reason.

His hand tightened about his lightsaber while he moved to the outside of the droid Shiri climbed onto.

It’s attention barely noticed him as his Twi’Lek ally bounced off it and begin to block incoming fire. When her blade twisted to severe one of the droids in half, it moved and reversed backward to avoid being hit. Not fast enough through. The end of the lightsaber clipped the outer right side and seared an inch or two into the armored plating. Sparks flew from the gaping wound but it didn’t seem to slow it down.

As it backed up, the machine stumbled into the nearby pillar causing it to crack then crumble at its foundation. Large chunks of marble and stone splintered above then fell upon the padawans. Xid found himself nearly crushed by another chunk causing him to grind to a stop, almost falling over, and then alter his direction to the left on the ball of his foot. He exhaled in frustration when he found himself farther from his intended target, one of the droid’s joints. As he made his way toward the droid's new location, his mind was ticking off the weaknesses. A control matrix in the larger part of lower half, visional reception cables along the ‘spine’ of the Mark-i, joints along the legs and hand guns. The bad part, the models were of different sizes with the more squat one being the largest one while the more spider like one was smaller.

Xid’s blade found its mark as he swiped at the first Mark-i’s lower leg, cutting it in half and making it tilt to one side. However, both had ignored the mark-ii as the smaller one turned its head and fired at Xid with three repetitive bolts. Xid managed to duck out of one by lowering instinctively, then attempted to block the next one. He misjudged the angle as it clipped his shoulder, pain seared through his figure causing him to stagger from the impact. His yell echoed through the hallway, his attention distracted from the third one whistling at him and noticed too late. Unless Shiri did something, he would down and out before this fight even got started.

Khan vs Anaka, Heart of the Temple Room

The little twerp is trying to play psychological warfare, Anaka thought. She had to stop herself from rolling her eyes at the pathetic thought of a Jedi padawan thinking he could intimidate the bigger adults. It was sweet enough to vomit over. When Khan moved and blocked her blade, her anger grew. Even worse, the little brat began to gradually grind his blade down her own lightsaber causing her to unlock their blades and step backwards, creating distance. He had at least sought to make this interesting by moving his body into a narrow target and fell into a Makashi stance that she recognized.

If he wanted her as his kill, the brat would earn it.

Two Makashi users, each skilled and playing a game of chess, locked in the form of lightsaber blade combat where only one would live. Most would assume that the younger padawan was controlling her movements through pure aggression but there was more than one way to win a fight and control one’s movements. When Khan moved in, he twisted his blade into an uppercut at her face. Her foot jerked back then to her left, slipping just out of his attack range and circling the padawan. As he came down for a third strike she noted the semi and quick effort put into the downward attack at her head.

Her blade was at her side, waiting and tensed to react at the right time. Now it had come.

Her blade was right there to block it like a hidden snake ready to strike and immediately batted it away before it could hit her head top. Not wanting to take her chances that the padawan had faster reflexes than her, Anaka applied Force Slow upon him. She had developed it where the effect was gradual and the padawan would not notice it until she landed at least a strike or two. However, he was an Echani and she knew very little about the race or their abilities. Either way the Force Slow wasn’t as effective as it would be on a Republic Trooper, but it would buy her precious seconds in combat for about two back and forth rounds until the Jedi adjusted.

Many combatants focused on purely defending against physical attacks, rather than the ability to protect against telepathic force abilities that mess with and muddle the mind. It required a lot of mental multiple tasking and if one wasn’t trained to do it, they would find it difficult. In a life or death situation, this was critical. Force combat was full of hard counters, which why it was rarely ever used alone to win a fight.

At the same time, her blade made a fast slice across the padawan's chest region when she pulled back. Meanwhile, her feet pulled back in order to prepare to twist the blade about and block if he attacked once more.

Denso vs Nisk, Heart of the Temple Room

Nisk looked at his wound. It was a shallow one, the very tip of the Kiffar’s blade caught him along the hip and across the thigh front. Thankfully it only took off several layers of flesh rather than deep into the muscle and seriously cripple him. It super heated enough to prevent additional bleeding unlike actual, primitive blades used on the colony he originated at. His fingers tightened about his lightsaber as he rushes forward. The Zabrak bunched up his legs at the last moment and flips over the the knight, whipping at a slice at the head top before falling back down. He launches another strike at the Jedi’s side, before twisting away. If the Jedi didn’t get is blade to interlock then the Zabrak was likely to keep flipping about and push the Jedi toward the Droids.

Jayda, Jedi Archives

Jayda’s keen ears listened to the muffled and dying war around her position, the struggle coming to its very peak and soon would fall silent. Her heart felt a pang of admiration and pity for the falling Jedi that would soon became one with the Force or become the unwilling subject to a Darth’s twisted whims. Like many conflicts beyond her understanding, her figure stood on the cusp of involvement where a perilous action could’ve sent her diving head into the stormy sea below or jerked her from falling over the edge.

In a world where politics could end a life, this gave Jayda an edge to survive by never becoming involved. An existence she found useful and painful at the same time. The apprentice’s footfalls echoed about her in soft, careful tones while her natural awareness kept tabs on her surroundings. Nose was poised for the heavy sweat of enemies to the silent steps of the Jedi creeping upon her blind spots, even for dirty filthy apprentices hoping to downsize their vast number.

About after a while wandering the corridors, Jayda noticed small figures moving ahead in the darkness. Her hand tightened and withdrew her hilt, careful not to turn it on, while she edged closer to spy upon them. One by one a small group of individuals had been led into the archives by two padawans.


The word singled out in Jayda’s mind. It stopped her hearts in their tracks and squeezed deeply into her rib cage, leaving her breath sucked in her throat and unable to release. Her mind stalled as memories flooded her attention and promptly her knuckles tightened their grip on her lightsaber until they were white. After a moment or two, her breath exhaled and her head shook. The memories faded from her attention like the nightmares they were as she gritted her teeth then moved toward the Archives entrance. It was better she caught the children than Sish did.

~|Nar Shaddaa, Veenra|~

~|Day 3, 6th Hour|~
Zora Nox

Zora took another swig of her drink then slammed down her glass. She had just started to slid to the booth’s end and slip away when her eyes caught the Tiss’shar coming her way. ‘Fucking great,’ Thought the twi’lek as she focused herself to remain calm. Her fear, use to running without a leash, resisted and tried to pull her to rush away. She would’ve listened if had only been troopers she was dealing with, but there was also a powerful Jedi walking her way. If she tried to escape, it would be the end of her.

The apprentice took another sip of her drink to numb the fear growing and wiggling within her. Her forefinger tapped the glass’ side idly while she flopped back into her seat, thinking feverishly about how to handle this situation. A right hand lowered to her hip’s right side and readied to grip it in the worst case scenario. She also had a few alchemy surprises up her sleeve if she needed it and could distract the force user long enough to escape untouched.

When Fa mentioned she merely wanted to talk, Zora grudgingly gestured for the Tiss’shar to take a seat across from her. Through it would be obvious she rather have been left alone. Sliding one of the drinks empty glasses to the side, the apprentice then spoke, “Alright, what brings you to seek out someone like me? I will warn you now, I got nothing you want or need.”

Elias, Strike Team

Elias had just finished checking his blaster when his ears caught Eyes’ comment. His head whipped up and his lips fell into a deep frown, his common, good natured grumbling followed shortly afterward. He hated going into the bar personally because it was unfamiliar territory. In missions like this, there was little telling what might happen or what trouble they might stir in their duty. Exhaling, he followed Eyes into the tavern as he held his arm for her to grip, letting her giggle and ‘fawn’ over him in just the right amount. He kept his face neutral because he pretty much believed if he smiled… over half his squadron would become distracted and blow their cover.

Only his grandchildren got to see him grin like a laughing fool after all.

Walking in line with the woman, he leaned into her ear and appeared to whisper affection at her. In reality, he was trying to get a beat on their target, “I see about three schutta that could be our target. One in the wee corner trying to hide and seek, and two groping those two thugs at the far table. My money’s on the hiding rat.”

When they arrived at the bar, he pulled out a small stash of credits. He then gestured toward the Human bar keeper for a strong drink for him and something suitable for his lady friend before paying the bill. The man nodded then popped behind the bar and came up with different drinks. Cradling his, Elias took his seat and sniffed it cautiously before giving her a look at the quality of it.

Naturally, she took in the atmosphere in an instant and, as a result, had an energy level matching the locale, which she used to metaphorically carry Elias along with her to her favorite place that wasn't the dance floor; the bar.

h a r l e s Λ e o n

Day 2 ~ Morning
Charles House→ ZUMA (College)

Breakfast ended without further incident, the drama of Azulia’s letter set aside, as Charles and Killian cleaned up the food remains. Shortly afterwards the dishes were washed, rinsed, then placed back in their respective places. He indicated for Killian to take a seat within one of the nearby chairs and vanished from the dining room into his bedroom. Upon entering, he moved toward the end of his bed and bent down on one knee as he unlocked the truck at the foot of his bed and then rummaged through it. His hand began to move several smaller boxes, about fourteen total, filled in various degrees, during his search for a specific date. A piece of paper held a list of what box held, organized by every hundred years or so. Upon finding the date, he removed the box and looked in. Each multiple layered drawer was further divided into type, spell, skill, and memory.

The overall system, while detailed, was simple for Charles to recall exactly where each important event in his life had happened. To any random witness or Killian, they looked like a randomized number series with a hidden pattern. Without the knowledge of the code, it would take years for an individual to figure it out and on top of that how to ‘shatter’ the memory in order to use the information within it. This provided Charles with great comfort over the fact his secrets would be safe.

A moment later, he found the ink manipulation magic and placed it at the moment onto his dresser. He wasn’t fully done looking through the chest as he scrambled for an additional spell, the disort one, then gently closed the box’s lid and set it back within the dresser’s confinements. Making his way back to the kitchen, Charles took the bead then broke it and began to work on Killian. He traced the bare skin of the darker man, collecting the ink imprints, before he gesture it into a black stained cup. The professor repeated until the the blacken material sloshed and filled it to about one-fourth. Finished up, Charles snatched the cup and walked into the kitchen in order to pour it down the sink. Rinsing the thing out, he returned to inform them it was ideal to get ready to head to the college so they could register Azulia, Killian could learn and he could work.

He placed the distort bead on his bracelet, then prepared his pop quiz and additional papers for the afternoon class’ lecture. Luckily it would be his only class for the day before he had to contact Mr. Cain over having Lilith transferred into another city’s care. When he entered the hallway, the two were already to go causing him to smile faintly. The trio packed into the car and drove to the College.

A few odd students stared at him, Killian and the girl that followed them into the administrator’s office. When they finally went through the paperwork, reviewed what classes she would take, and additional loops from the educational system, Charles thought his hand would likely fall off. His mood was soured more when he learned that until her manuscripts were transferred over from America, she couldn’t officially start classes. This process would take a few days. This forced Charles to make a few calls then arrange for his neighbor, Mrs. Angela, to pick up Azulia and babysit her for the day.

Through unhappy, the elderly woman agreed on the arrangement she would be paid by the hour. Naturally having no choice, Charles agreed and sent them both on their way. While he watched them leave, he made a mental note to go clothes shopping later. However he had no idea what the fashions were or what was suitable for a child of her age in this era. He began to gradually miss the cote, chemise, corroie, and sollars compared to the odd fashions they sported now a days that seemed make sure modesty went out of trend.

Day 2 ~ Afternoon
Zander’s University of Magical Arts: Basic Education On Magical Applications (Room-206)

Charles arrived at room 206 earlier than needed.

His eyes picked up the sight of Ms. Lawrence bending down to retrieve a pencil, dressed in a long dress skirt and a long sleeve sweater. Her long, straight blond hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail where it rested between her shoulders. Clearing his throat, Charles stepped politely into view while he waited for the woman to realise where he was at. Her blue eyes shot over her shoulder and surprise fell over her expression, “Charles, why so early?”

“I was hoping to get things ready for my Basic Education class before my other students arrived. Don’t you usually have the older students, particularly the college ones, help you with cleaning up?” Charles asked as he moved toward one of the tables covered in laptops still open, but screen turned off.

“Jillian had to leave early to pick up her younger sister from pre-k, and I couldn’t contact any of my other helpers. So I had to do it myself. You’re more than welcome to set things up if you don’t mind helping me clean up the mess. I keep forgetting how unorganized fourth graders can be at this age,” she gently chuckled then gave him an encouraging gesture to begin.

Ms. Lawrence began to then clear away the rented laptops and other supplies provided by the College, reminding him of how the educational program worked in the modern era. Instead of students all being within one set classroom, they were divided by their ages and differences in curriculum now. Sometimes, as in the case with College and younger students, they were literally separated by a building which made ZUMA unique because it housed ages from early as nine to higher. This was purely due to the fact some humans were naturally born with magic and when it activated, the average activated around puberty. Any individual that developed it earlier were often rare and rather than designate a specific class schedule, a teacher was assigned to privately tutor them in a specialized room. One made to resist magical and physical damage.

With their combined efforts, Charles and Ms. Lawrence had finally cleared the crescent tables facing the only wooden desk in the room. Each laptop was placed on the rolling cart and pushed out by the female teacher, thanking him once more while he clicked shut the closet at the back. He walked past the small projector and toward his desk. He paused and bent down, his hand pulled out the numerous papers from his suit case before he then placed them one by one upon each student’s seat. It was the best way to get their attention since when they sat down, it would be hard to ignore the crinkling of it.

It was a simple pop quiz over the modern magic regulating laws within Ominar. They merely had to name them at least and what they protected against. He was nearly through placing the papers when his eyes turned to the sound of students casually walking into the room.

Location: Reeves Home, Hudson Valley within NY
Time: Evening
@VATROU, @fdeviant, and @Demonic Angel

Ben hopped up to the entrance and entered through the grand entrance door, his hand twisted the latch before he pushed inward. The door barely made a sound to betray his arrival home. Still feeling physically and emotionally drained, his arm twisted back before his back slammed the door back into place. The sound echoed throughout the foyer and family room as he leaned backwards. Letting the vibration die within his spine, his neck raised up into goosebumps causing him to jerk his eyes upright. Daniel’s girlfriend was leaned against the farthest pillar, one of four that divided the foyer from the family room, nursing a wine glass filled to the top. Her spidery hand cradled the base then swished it about. The pale gold liquid rotated about, wetting the glass walls and finally settled down when she took a small sip.

How he had missed her on his way?

The question mocked him slightly, hinting at his sloppiness and distraction, as he eyed the ‘lioness’ on the prowl. She cleverly blocked his path to his escape and eyed him hungrily, her wine glass casually being sipped. Her figure pushed from her perch as her long legs casually snaked from underneath her thigh short skirt, a seductive tactic that had easily worked on Daniel but it wouldn't with Benjamin. The teenager’s upper lip curled in disgust and managed to lock his eyes into place with hers. A flicker of displeasure darted over the woman's’ irises, scorned by his resistance rather than falling under her heel and into line like the rest. Every stride told him she was use to being in control and would accept nothing less.

Benjamin pushed off the door when she came within his personal space, her high heels stopped their clicking about a foot away. Her hand raised to push her voluminous blonde hair, curled by a recent prim, back over her shoulder. She then crossed her free arm over her too narrow midriff while she managed to uphold her plastic mask about being pleased to see him. The moment her words left her lips, he knew exactly what her motivations were behind waiting for him.

“Benjamin, you and I need to talk. Your Father-”

“Daniel,” Benjamin corrected her, watching mindfully her lip twitch and her grip tightened over her wine glass, before he continued, “I only call him father when the paparazzi and important guests are around. Being his girlfriend, I assumed he would’ve made that clear.”

She twitched at his purpose bard hidden in his word choice, noting she was neither important or a guest worth trying to retain the illusion they were a happy family. Lorrie inhaled then resumed her words, bluntly ignoring his preference, with a subtle edge to her tone, “Nevertheless, he is your father, Ben, and nothing will change that. Now, putting your little teenager rebellion aside, we have a very special guest arriving this evening. Mr. Vanderbilt, a very influential man, and I need you to be on your top and best behavior for dinner. Can you do that?”

Benjamin tensed when she called him by his nick, the only ones ever allowed were his mother or those close to him. He inhaled then let out an exhausting sigh before he addressed her, “I think I can manage…”

His figure moved toward the stairway. He didn’t get far. With a soft thump of her wine glass, Lorrie’s manicured claws came to rest on his shoulder and promptly dug in warningly through his shirt. Surprised by the aggression, she lowered her head near his ear then whisper in a tone far from the pleasant front she gave to everyone. Her scorpion raised to the surface while the point of her tail curled around to the wolf’s throat, ready to deliver a final blow if she wanted.

“Do not cross me, Ben, or I will make your life a living hell. I will not let you, him or anyone get in my way to gain what I deserve. Now, I want you presentable so go pick out something that makes you look handsome. I’ll send Emma up shortly to help with your hair,” Lorrie flicked one of his disheveled bangs and pulled away. Her seductive and charming tone returned almost immediately while she turned to collect her wine, a smirk deep in her eyes, “Do we have an understanding now?”

“Crystal,” Benjamin said in surprising calm, “May I be dismissed?”

“Of course,” Lorrie made a smug expression as she began to slither to the kitchen. Her tight black dress hugged every curve and if not for her poisonous personality, Benjamin might’ve actually appreciated it. Or so he thought, his attention redirected and he moved into the stairs to vanish into his room for the rest of the afternoon.

Location: Pacific Point, CA- Koi Docks
Time: Day 1, Late Evening

“Disappointing…,” Avatar spoke to the corpse over his shoulder. Softly his joints shuddered their protest under both his walking movements and the weight he carried, his feet halted every few steps in order to check his baggage. He then adjusted it whenever it threatened to slip from his grasp. Already it had managed to elude him twice as it splattered to the ground with a sicken thump. Over the course of the trip the face of Aaron Turner had become disfigured with numerous postmortem bruising along the jaw, cheekbone, and even the chin. If it wasn’t for the fact the man had been killed then cooked to death, he would’ve appeared to been a victim of an unexpected bar fight and his ‘buddy’ was hauling him home.

Masts from tied up boats creaked in the wind batting along the coastal shore, the tide shifting in then back out into the sea. The weather and currents were ideal for getting rid of the body. In the distance, traffic blared on without a clue about the heinous crime about to occur. The notion made Avatar chuckle how self centered the human race it was.

Avatar’s feet tested the tension in each movement and adjusted his footing for better traction against the slick surface. Upon arriving at Pier 13, he listened a moment to the tide when it rose then receded below him. His head turned to spot the moonlight glistening off the dark, moving surface. It gave an eerie appearance even with the dimly lit lamp posts nearby, illuminating his activities. A few ships were easily tied to the pier for the fisherman to go to work at dawn. His figure lowered then shoved the body off his arm and let it drop like a sack of potatoes on the sea washed boards. Upon straightening up, he reached his hands to the rope and he casually unwound it, jerking the end from its anchor. With the cluster of boats he knew it wouldn’t float too far without damaging the others.

His face viewer turned to notice the viewing meters for the tourists’ just a foot from him, recalling he would need to ensure the body remained submerged in the water. Tossing down the rope, he reached for the metal pole and began to sway it back then forth. It gave a loud, metallic screech with each movement. The planks creaked in their resistance as the screws gradually gave, causing the wood to splinter. After a few more tries, the pole finally busted out of its holdings and into his hands.

Once more reaching for the rope, a blinding light flooded the darkness causing him to pause. Avatar’s head turned to face the unusual sight of young police officer cautiously walking down the pier, his hands on his gun and his car’s headlights the light’s source.

“Whatever the fuck you are, drop the weapon then get on the ground. Now,” the man nearly screamed.

Avatar merely shook his head as he walked forward, unfazed by the man’s gun pointed at him. Electricity flowed through the metal outside with a hissing crackle and buzz, the energy building up to something as it gathered in his palm. The police officer, terrified, trembled a bit while his gun trained on the droid’s figure. Mentally, Avatar grew excited at his first true test on his new body. His arm raised across his chest and his face seemed completely cold, lacking any emotional indications of a human face, in each step closer. Upon hearing the overwhelming buzzing in his audio sensors, he knew he needed additional time to charge and the only way to do that was to test the physical abilities of his droid.

He spoke,“I don’t think so. Now that you’ve witnessed my attempt to hide the evidence of my first murder, you will have to die.”

Without any warning, Avatar shot forward at the officer. His speed enhanced by the electricity moving through his technology, he became a blur. A grounded leg bent at the knee, then hips tilted and twisted bring his other to smack into the man’s side. The gun let out a deafening pop as his finger tugged the trigger. A projectile clipped Avatar’s shoulder, scratching the surface and penetrating into it. The metal was too thick for it to exit, but sparks pulsed from the damage. Immediately the officer was flung to the pier side and screamed in pain. Avatar smirked, inwardly, upon feeling the muscles take the impact’s blunt force and the sound of a rib crack. The gun went skidding across the dock before it came to rest under Avatar’s foot which applied pressure, crushing it on his way to the helpless man.

Fear poured off him as the officer scrambled to his feet then rushed for his car. His left arm held to his injured ribs and the right scratched at the car door, his head frantically eyeing the approaching machine. Three times he failed in his panic as Avatar causally and with a confident pace walked toward him. Upon shuffling to the driver’s side, he gripped the radio for backup. Avatar wasn’t about to give the man the chance. His arm jerked out then released an electrical shot at the car’s surface. The sirens blared then bursted causing the man to scream and his body hunched down for cover.

Everything went dead silent.

Cautiously, the officer peered over the dash and Avatar was nowhere in sight. Still shaken and rattled, he began to open the car door slowly. He edged out quietly before he plopped back into the car then tried the radio. It was dead. Cursing, he began to pull back out of the car when a cold, metal hand seized him from behind. Dangling from a few feet above, the officer’s hands came to feebly hook and attempt to peel away the fingers constricting his throat. Avatar just tightened his grip and jerked higher. With a quick, precise twist the neck gave with a loud a snap. His C1 and C2 completely severed leaving him alive but unable to move.

When the struggle ceased, Avatar laid the man back into his driver’s seat then went for Turner’s body. After placing the other man into the back, the droid set the car into neutral and locked the doors. Gradually, he began to shove the car off the pier’s end. It dove into the sea causing a loud splash as it sank under the water, the officer’s eyes widen in panic but unable to move. The hard work finished, Avatar began to walk back into the docks where he would seek out his next test.
The Giftening Part 2


Serena barged into Vellios’ room, grunting as she dragged the large crate behind her. ”Hey Vellios! I finally got around to giving you that gift I was talking about. Care to help? Everything is still sore and I have this pounding headache because I let those two idiots convince me to drink something. How are you?”

Vellios grunted, his arm hung from his hammock above, and twisted over to the edge. His icy blue eyes peered down at her as his chin rested on the end, cradled by the cloth while he watched her for a moment. With a quiet groan, he moved his legs then casually slide off the hammock then dropped to the floor with a heavy thump. Shaking off the grogginess he moved toward where Serena stood, hauling her collected trinkets from her girls’ night out and reached to help her.

“I’m doing well. Took a walk, got into a sparring match, and cleared the air with Tanya thought I’m pretty sure she trusts me as far as she can throw me in earth gravity.” He said then stopped, noting the smug look Serena gave him, “Don’t give me that smug look. I didn’t want you harassing me into doing it later and that’s why I did it.”

”Doesn’t mean it didn’t wooooooork.” Serena replied in a sing song voice, grinning at him. With his help she set the large crate up in the center of his room, stepping in front of it and gesturing with a dramatic flourish. ”Would you care to guess what it is, or shall I just cut straight to the chase?” She asked, looking up at him expectantly.

The turian rolled his head then removed his hands, stepping back to examine the ‘gift’ she got. His mandible twitched in irritation and spoke, “You realize I did tell you not to get me anything, right? Not to mention, I don’t even know what your innocent mind could actually get…”

Serena nodded. ”Mhmm! I ignored it!

His figure stepped back as his arms crossed over his bare chest. The head tilted and examined the crate, having very little idea what could be in it, “I noticed. Might as well know what I might be returning later so open her up.”

Serena looked briefly hurt before prying open the crate. Standing in the crate was a new suit of turian armor. Black, even the visor, and imposing it seemed to radiate menace. ”I noticed your old suit was falling apart, so I bought a relatively unused one and fixed it up to your specifications! It doesn’t press against your neck like other armors, it can be connected directly to the various comms of the team, integrated sentinel shielding in addition to normal shields, 10 different compartments for your knives, the knuckles end in spikes-”

“Breathe, . Or you’re going to become more blue than Haze is.” Vellios interrupted as he pressed his talon over her lips, his eyes concerned and then tapped his omnitool “List it on my omnitool and if I’m wondering anything, I’ll ask.”

Serena deflated slightly. ”That’s no fun. She mumbled past his talon. But she did it, quickly sending over the specifications. ”One thing you need to know right now is that it has my voice recorded into it. If you have an incident and I don’t have a comms or I’m too busy fighting to talk you down, I can activate it from my omni-tool, it’ll auto activate after thirty minutes, or one of the crew can activate it with a voice command.

Vellios blinked in surprise then softened his expression and scratched his neck, peeling the dead skin off a bit, “That’s… that’s actually pretty handy. Actually keep me from going insane and attacking the crew.”

His eyes whipped through the list as he eyed the features listed, noting their design fitted with Serena’s personal style. After a quick look over, he touched it cautiously over the the surface before he twisted about and patted her on the head, “Also, I was teasing about sending it back so don’t get so sour. Through you realise, I’m wondering where you got the chits for the armor… mainly because we can’t fully afford it.”

The turian sized her for lies when he came to a stop in front of her.

Serena froze, her smile slowly dropping off as Vellios sized her up. It was no use lying, or even trying to. ”Er. Well. You see. We can’t fully afford it. But with my latest payout from the last mission, small as it was, I could afford it. With some favors for them. You know, fix up some other ones they had. Super simple stuff. I kinda have absolutely no money left. But! I’m not in debt either! Progress...right?” She smiled her most winning smile at him.

Vellios’ protective nature came into the surface and hard. His eyes flashed in a predatory fashion and narrowed on her, unfazed by her winning smile. A twitch of his mandible hissed with the subtle tones of his irritation as his talon came up and kneaded his closed eyes a moment. His mind flurried over the mention of having done a few favors. Favors, innocent as the word sounded, often led to trouble because some individuals weren’t willing to be content with a few.

“Who did you do the favors for?” His tone said in a bizarrely calm manner.

Serena seemed to shrink in on herself. ”Bob. Just down the street. Owner of Bob and Tom’s Armorers. Little old man, about seventy. Just had me fix up three armors he couldn’t fix himself and would be too expensive to pay for. Then he said we were all settled and sent me on my way, shipping the armor to the Borealis.” She twiddled her thumbs for a moment in nervousness before something clicked. She straightened, glaring at the turian.

”Vellios you leave him alone! He said our transaction was done, I have the reciept for it, everything is fine! Don’t you dare go down there and try to bully that sweet old man.”

Vellios growled defensively when she glared at him, then turned his head and let out a huff to the side, “Then you shouldn’t have done this. Serena what would’ve happened if he wasn’t a nice, old man? Would you have still done it and risk yourself over his greed for me? Do you recall what happened last time? If it wasn’t for the fact we were starving and I got stupid, I wouldn’t have gotten into trouble with that bitch of a Asari and I had hoped you would’ve learned from that!”

”I did Vellios! I checked, rechecked, and then checked his background again! He’s as squeaky clean as anyone can be! Alliance veteran, served proudly and fought against the batarians. Set up his armor shop with his brother a couple years ago. He’s not greedy he just wanted to help. It’s over Vellios. Leave it and him be. Promise me Vellios. Promise me you’ll leave him alone.” Serena shifted to block the doorway, still glaring up at the turian.

“You should’ve had me come with you. Just because someone looks good on extranet checks doesn’t mean they are good people and you put yourself at risk either way,” Vellios shot back, his figure towered over the human but not in a menacing fashion. His chest exhaled in frustration before he plopped on the bed and begrudging agreed, “Fine…”

Serena looked him over carefully, relaxing. ”You promise? Say you promise.”

“I already said I would but if promising makes you feel better,” Vellios commented then stood upright as he hooked her pink into his last talon, careful not to hurt her and continued, “I promise.”

His hand shook it then released as his eyes returned to the suit, examining it a moment, “Just next time, will you take me? I like to judge for myself so I'm not hauling your ass out of the frying pan later since your track record isn't the best with new people.”

Serena grinned in relief and hugged him. ”Thank you.” She raised a quizzical eyebrow at him as she released him and moved to leave. ”What, and spoil the surprise? No. I’ll bring Tanya or someone along. Anyways, I gotta get going. Gifts to deliver, replies to variations of ‘I didn’t want anything’ to give. Don’t break your new armor too soon!” She left the room with a cheerful wave and a flash of pink hair.

Vellios shook his head while Serena walked out, his middle was still warm from her hug, and instead took the time to admire the armor. He leaned down to test the joints and working parts, even the knives which he realized need sharpening. The turian muttered, a mixture of amused and relieved, to himself, “Only the spirits know why I love that human like a sister because I sure don’t.”
If it's in someone's sig then i can't see it. I'm on a phone with previously reported shit internet so i didn't want to be bogged down by gifs.

It's not. OP=Original Post of a thread. Usually IC or OC. I also gave you the link above, just click on the Link word in my last post.
@Ms Ravenwinter Link, which is also in the main op but I think Xodus forgot to put it in an easy to locate area. I can't seem to find it really and I know I made it. XD
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