Avatar of Fat Boy Kyle
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Fat Boy Kyle
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1028 (0.27 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Fat Boy Kyle 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Laptop has suspiciously decided to have hard-drive failure two weeks after the warranty expired, so no RPing for me!
1 like
7 yrs ago
Any in-progress RPs in need of some new blood? Drop me a PM!


Kyle (Obviously)



I tend to like women


United Kingdom

Gaming; Reading; Writing; Drinking; Sleeping; Napping; Snoozing; Eating; More Drinking; Kipping; and Laser-Tag.

A Random Interesting Fact:
I can make the dimple on my chin go up and down.

I will vanish for months at a time because adult stuff. I'm also unlikely to post every day.

Most Recent Posts

Here we go then, a con-man werewolf.

Accepted! Also, feel free to make up the Capital for La Lament.

A wild witcher appears.

Also accepted!
This rp looks like it could be a lot of fun, and I'm working on the CS for a female Aen Elle who fled Tir ná Lia some years ago. I'm just wondering one thing about the sheets. If you're writing a mage of some sorts, do you have to detail every single spell they can cast? How detailed do you want it to be?

Not every single spell, but just give us an idea of their limits and maybe their typical tactics. Mages can be relatively OP in the lore, so I expect there to be some unbalance (which is fine if we're all sensible writers).
@SantosGabriel77 Had a look at your CS and sorted your codings pal. I know how difficult they can be to get a hang of when you first start on this site.

My apologies @SantosGabriel77, I didn't realise how new you were! Thanks BlackSam for helping!

Harrison Oak

Date: 1st of August 2017
Location: The Musketeers Bar – Manhattan, NYC
Time: 2100

Oak slowly waddled along the relatively quiet New York Streets, his eyes periodically flicking between the path ahead and the map displayed on his phone. On more than one occasion his multitasking caused him to bump into another bystander or cross clumsily into someone’s way. What a tourist. He thanked the gods of technology though, for without google maps there was no way that he would have found that bar.

“The Musketeers” he exhaled with relief as he finally set his eyes on the place. He doubled checked the photos that Melisa, his target, had posted the night before and confirmed that he was indeed at the right venue. The place had a more traditional style, and almost reminded him of the pubs he was used. A wall sign with three crossed swords hung suspended off the wall just by the unmonitored front-door. The windows were mostly obscured by royal blue curtains, a typical way of hiding how quiet a place could be (though it did not take much effort to gaze through if one really wanted to). Walking inside Oak found the place relatively empty, with at most a dozen patrons. Perhaps not surprising considering it was a Tuesday night, but at least it meant it would be easier to survey.

“Could I get a pint of stella please?” Oak asked the bored looking barman as he took a seat on one of the many tall wooden stools lining the marble bar. A row of taps sat before him, mostly advertising beers and ales that he was unfamiliar with.

The barman, a lanky looking hipster with ironically large glasses and a man-bun, raised an eyebrow in response to the request and he sluggishly dragged himself over. “Sorry, we don’t sell that.”

“Erm… Could I get a bud then?” Oak replied, trying to think of the most ‘American Beer’ he knew of. The bartender clearly didn’t like that brand either and rolled his eyes in response before typing the order onto the till and turning around the car machine for his customer. What a dick.

Once he got his drink, Oak didn’t bother trying to make conversation and instead found himself a quiet corner to sit in whilst he logged onto the bar’s wifi and carried on his digital stalking. Looking over the profiles of Melisa’s new friends, it was obvious that this place was a regular drinking hole for them. It seemed unlikely that they would just happen to come in tonight, especially having been here the night before, but until any the persons of interest posted anything fresher, waiting around the bar was the best course of action. He’d just have to sit and wait.

Date: 2nd of August 2017
Location: Streets of Manhattan, NYC
Time: 0145

You know what’s not fun? Slowly nursing five bottles of bud over a four hour period in a dead-bar with no company.

Oak futilely rubbed his darkened eyes in an attempt to rid himself of his tiredness – and for a moment it seemed to work, before a long yawn seemed to throw him back into sleepiness. He could not sit here any longer, and the place would be closing soon anyway. He had wasted the night, and although it wasn’t like he had anything else better to do, he could not help but feel disappointed. He took a big breath before standing, allowing him to accidentally get a waft of body odour from another nearby patron. He grimaced slightly and headed for the door, his hands already reaching for his pack of cigarettes.

His leads might not have shown up that night, but he knew it was likely they would eventually. It was a bit of solace at least. Oak was not so prepared to spend his nights there though, but fortunately for him he would not need to. Having left the premise, Oak wandered over to one of the windows and placed his hand flat against it for a few seconds. The dark eye mark on a transparent surface like this would let him get a good view of both the inside and outside of the bar, so he could observe from elsewhere.

With that done he lent back against the wall and placed a cigarette in his mouth. He looked around with a hint of caution before using his pyromancy, but there wasn’t a great deal of footfall – at least not on his side of the street. There was a girl in multi-coloured clothing sitting on a bench opposite, but Oak doubted she would notice anything from where she was. It only took a light pinch between his index finger and his thumb (and some concentration of course) for a small spark to set alight the dried paper, and in moments he was inhaling sweet toxins. Wisps of grey rose in front of his eyes as he enjoyed the first toke. Satisfied, he then began the long walk back to his accommodation.
Judge this please
William Kruxs

Concept is good, but could you give it a bit of a tidy-up? Make sure tags are correctly aligned and make sure the grammar is on point. Although the history is fine in an general sense, it could do with a little rewording and fleshing out.

If you're still accepting I'd like to join, though it'll probably take me til the end of the week to have a sheet ready.

Between the awful puns and the DS pic, I feel I have to save you a space! But seriously, this RP is going to remain perma-open (unless we somehow get a silly number of people) so technically no deadline on getting the CS in.

@Fat Boy Kyle

Done and finished.

1. Please reformat the bit with the alias and stuff. Though I know exactly what each bit means, someone new to this RP might just see that section and have no idea what it means without the headings. For example they might see you've written "Telchar" and be like "What the hell does that mean? Does he 'telch' things?".

2. Could you do a little rewrite about the armour? Put "Eramas wields a black sword and armor - said to be made from a black ore beneath the City, that a select few Warriors of the Church use. Said to be shielded or at least resistant to the effects of magic - though it's not clear whether those rumors are true or not.". It's alluded to in the prologue post that Warriors all wear varying armour. Basically for the most part they have whatever armour they themselves can afford, or scraps that the church is able to throw together for them. Though there could certainly be exceptions for established members (which your character could be if he's an inquisitor) to get better church-funded armour.

3. Once these small bits are done, he can be added to the Character list :)

@Fat Boy Kyle



Send me a link to this post when it's done, as I'm unlikely to keep going back and checking.

Both the CS and Country file are accepted! Please add the CS to the characters list and I'll update the wiki in a bit.

Accepted! Add him to the characters!

All I need to do is list skills and tools. Other than that, he's done. I'll finish him before work tomorrow.

Looking alright so far. Send me a link to the post when you've finished, because I'm lazy.

I'm working on my witcher. Witchers are cool they have a meddalion that allows them to do anything they want.

Ah yes, with the power of a little wiggling necklace, Witcher's are unstoppable
How're posts coming along, everyone?

Nearly done
Krios sat slumped against a large rock, having spent minutes finding the right angle to avoid any jabby bits in the back. Not that he could ever really be truly comfortable in this tainted wasteland – how could anyone? Krios however was perhaps more out of place than the others. After all he had spent the majority of his life on the snowy ranges of the Frostback Mountains, and now here he was stuck on a relatively flat ashen desert. The heat alone was enough to sour his mood, turning his already selective vocabulary into nothing more than a series of grunts and growls. Not even Garleen’s humming could lift his spirits, despite him knowing full well what the cucumber was for.

“Fucking dust” he hissed quietly as he was forced to spit out a bite of his dried beef, the grains of dust having found their way into his mouth. He spat a few more times in an effort to clear the oral debris, but he could still feel the fine grains between his teeth, giving him an annoying grinding sensation whenever he moved his jaw. The smell of the beef still lingered beneath his nose, causing his belly to let out a low-pitched esurient burble. He would not be eating anytime though, not with the current climate spoiling the food, and certainly not with the sudden commotion.

“We got company” shouted the group’s cunning leader. Krios looked towards the red-headed dwarf and followed her eyes off into the distance. Like the others, he clambered to his feet and waited to see what sort of company they were about to receive. His axe and shield now in hand, he moved more towards the front of the group; not because he had any intention of being the one to address the visitors, but because he wanted to put himself between the healers and any potential threats.
@Saarebas@Tendo@POOHEAD189@The Valkyrie@Sputnik

Everybody is doing great!

Post should be up sometime time tomorrow. At a time when I have a moment. (It's the last week of lectures, so it's a little busy for me right now. But on the plus side I just need to make it through the Exam Period, and then I'll be freeier. Hopefully? Probably?)

@Fat Boy Kyle
I know your busy, but if you could get a post up before then that would be great. If not, no worries!

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