Avatar of GreatSalmon
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GreatSalmon/RipperTheRoo
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 446 (0.12 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. GreatSalmon 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current These are a hectic couple of weeks we're in... If anyone's having a bad time lately, I want you to know that everything is going to be okay, even if it doesn't feel like it!!
6 yrs ago
Finals Destination
6 yrs ago
We are going through a blizzard in the middle of April. It's been God's ultimate Apri Fools joke since the beginning of the month, he just doesn't know when to end the joke.
7 yrs ago
I'm ready for a great year!
1 like
7 yrs ago
Finals Destination


Current Status:

"Me trying to get through Finals."

Most Recent Posts

Hello Ladies,

I am currently NOT OPEN for new Roleplays!

SassBass here with a snazzy new 1x1 search! I haven't done one of these in forever, but I'm coming out of retirement in order to get some writing practice in! I'd love to meet new, cool people to bounce some ideas off with. Here's some stuff you should know about me:

  • I usually do casual roleplaying, 1-2 paragraphs, but I can easily write more to fit someone's length size. I need the practice anyway!
  • I'm 18+, but I don't like roleplaying sex. Sorry!
  • I prefer playing male characters if we are doing a romantic setting.
  • I really appreciate roleplayers who can drive the plot forward. I find myself always leading the story and it can kill my interest in a roleplay very quickly. I have no problem with my partner introducing new characters and plot points whenever they feel like it!
  • Please send me a picture of buffalo wings to show that you've read this. I will not respond to you if you don't, cus why should I read your stuff when you won't read mine?
  • I can be a very slow roleplayer. I'm doing full-time college and because of that I might not be able to get to a post for a few days at a time. Please be patient with me and I'll always try to write up something good!
  • If at anytime you don't want to continue a roleplay with me, please let me know. I'm totally fine if someone loses interest, it's natural. Just don't leave me hangin', yo!

Here are some of my roleplay interests ranked for the fun of it. A lot of them are abstract and missing a defined story or pairing, but I think we can brainstorm something really good out of them:

  • Pokemon Gijinka - 5/5
    I love this setting to death, and could never turn one down. There's a lot of freedom and possibilities that come out of this, and I'd be excited to explore them even further!
  • Original Fantasy Setting - 5/5
    Dungeons, dragons, all that nerdy slop we love. I like using a generic fantasy land as a springboard for us to create fun characters, but I'd also love to see other people's ideas for what this type of world would look like!
  • Crossover Setting - 4/5
    Characters from different fandoms and settings suddenly being brought together and having to deal with each other. Crossovers have a special place in my heart.
  • Normal Pokemon Setting - 4/5
    Same as the previous Pokemon listing, just a tiny bit more limited.
  • Original Futuristic Setting - 3/5
    Stories involving inventors, robots, advanced machines and all that fun stuff.

I know I'm pretty vague in my ideas, but I assure you that I'm ready to come up with a roleplay that's chalked full of fun characters and adventures. Throw me a PM if you're interested and let's chat.

Thanks for reading!

Was I not accepted because of Pridemoor's abilities? I did it in a joke, but I explained that he has no special powers aside from possessing true, indisputable, official royal confetti.

@Burning Kitty

May or may not be planning jokes about facial animations

He's a human with confetti and a sassy strut.
Hey! I'm still on the fence on if I'm going to join or not, but I wanted to get my character on here anyway. I'm going to lurk and see how many people join and what the other characters are like. Please don't feel hesitant to accept your king my character though!


I may be interested.

Thank you guys for the warm reception, it has put a lot of my fears to rest. Good luck to your future RP's, and I hope that we come together again one day!
Alright Everyone, Take a Knee

Papa Sal is in a pretty bad spot right now. There's too much going on here in the real life and I've been stressing constantly about getting material up for the rp. I can't though. I am so sorry, this was just horrible timing to start an rp and things came up that I need to now put my attention into. I have been non-stop thinking about getting stuff out to you guys, stressing constantly about this. But I'd rather just tell you guys when I'm out of gas rather than continuing something I don't have the time or motivation for. You all deserve that better, you guys have been nothing but cool with the rp and myself. One day I may consider starting this up again, and if I do you're all the first people I'll go to, but until then,

Thank you all for showing interest! For my final decree, lets eat our last tacos and go to bed.
@Vocalia I never played Yokai Watch, and I didn't know if yokais could get physically attacked by stuff. Please let me know if my post isn't consistent with him and I'll fix it. :S
Kled - Just Rolling With It


Right onto the yokai's poor little tails did a bear trap snap onto ((Red Spotlight)). Not vicious enough to severely harm or even cut them off, but strong enough to keep a good hold the poor things. It must have been one of his idle traps, until the rope it was attached to shook violently across the ground. Following the rope showed it connected to a thick, rotting log. Leaning against it, unfortunately, was the small warrior once more. The bane of the endless forest, it's owner in fact:


"Ahem," The yordle rubbed his fist against his chest-plate as a rather large lizard skipped it's way up to him. It carried scroll in it's jaws, and obediently dropped it into his friend's waiting hand. He rolled it open, ".... your rule has no room in my- Dang nabbit- Skarll! This is the one for the fancy pants! Ah forget it." Kled threw the scroll behind himself. The paper fluttered down the large, steep hill that the log balanced unevenly on. The slope stretched for so long that the bottom was obscured in a shadowy fog. "I'll just improvise, you dumb lizard."

"Cat-thingy ma-bob! Your rule has no room in my land- Wait, no, that's fancy pant's scroll. Alright. You! Skarll's been cravin' somethin' that ain't turtle meat, and you're fittin' the description! There's only so many taco offerin's one can take before they get sick of em'. So, we're tryin' something new! Red Cat Meat Pancake! You see, your rule has no room- GAH! My head's all stuck! No more wastin' time."

With one swift back kick, the log staggered and plummeted down the steep hill. Skarll skipped back at the sudden movement. The rope quickly connecting it with the bear-trap, and Jibanyan, tightened.
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