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Hot dogs are already cooked. Might as well just sear them to add flavor.
7 yrs ago
I love it when I catch up on my posting.
7 yrs ago
If you take college seriously, it opens doors. Harvard and Hopkins makes it easier, but you can do well anywhere.
7 yrs ago
Prefer to brainstorm on Discord for that reason.
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Windows 10 is very much like a German prison camp guard, "Ah, I see you are tryink to escape work fifteen minutes early, Herr Colonel Hogan, here ist an update zat vill stall you!"


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Discord Chat for the RP

This rocks. This is by JJcanvas.


- Please submit questions at the bottom of original OOC post first.
- Using the provided template, please create a character sheet.
- Post only character sheets here. All other talk goes to the OOC.
- Please place all sheets in hiders. We will be migrating this to a productivity software.

Character Sheet

I hope you feel this RP as I do; I am passionate about it. We tried it before but it fizzled. I have a Discord for chatting and brainstorming. I have a Trello with setting notes already established.

This rocks. This is by JJcanvas.

TL;DR Summary

  • Dark, Apocalyptic.
  • Robert Howard-inspired, with Low Fantasy roots. A dusty world of desperation and brutality. Life is nasty, brutish and short. People call to gods, but they do not hear or answer.
  • Into this, magic springs out of nowhere, in the hands of tyrants and conquerors, what was only myth. It exists, but the characters do not know how to use it. The enemy does, that is why they're so dominant.
  • Magic will be learned by the characters, but the price is paid in blood and tears.
  • Many kingdoms have fallen, a few remain.
  • Characters are part of a much larger party that lost many members trying to make it to a dungeon that holds secrets to their salvation, or damnation.
  • Not first come, first serve. There is an application to join the RP, and character sheets need to go up fast.
  • GMing duties will be collaborative.
  • Please answer questions at bottom of this before creating a character sheet, but the character tab has the sheet framework.

In Character Info

The world is strewn with ancient ruins, reminding everyone of a shrouded history that only left fragments behind for those that came after to study. The gods died, so the tales went, and magic with it. That was a fanciful tale people told to make sense of life. People made their religions, kept traditions, but their prayers were not answered substantially. People did not call lightning from their hands.

The Vukash were considered a savage people of the hinterlands, but when they overran their first kingdom, and then their second, and kept going, the world realized with a growing horror that they could call fire and death, that the Emperor Bozash called on legions of fell beasts from legends, including the ferocious trokals.

The kingdoms of the world fell one by one. Those on the front line were besieged and brought down, and the armies that were sent out by kingdoms further back came back whittled down and telling tales of horror and defeat; often, these proud warriors came back both maimed and mad from what they witnessed.

The source of the magic, which only the Vukash knew, was unknown, but the scholars of all remaining kingdoms worked feverishly and identified a place where they could find answers. If one myth, magic, could be true, and the trokals were undisputed, why couldn't other stories? While the kingdoms fell, scribes, scholars, wise men and witches all studied fervently, tried many different methods to tap magic, but couldn't. There were terrible things done in calls to dead deities; sacrifices and experimentation in terrible desperation. One rumor among many was the Dark Library of Dihira, a long dead goddess. No one could locate it. It was one of many desperate legends that the scholars and scribblers spoke of, hesitantly, while civilizations were swept away by a fell hand of magical tyranny.

Until a man came back. It was thought that he was just another raving survivor of a massacre, but he brought something, a piece of crystal shaped like a seed that glowed with lightning within. The man ranted of the Dark Library, and the horrors within. He was interrogated, stripped of all his knowledge in desperation until he was no longer. But the scribes, they wrote everything, however disjointed.

The seed was studied. Someone tried to split it with an axe. It wasn't even scratched. No one was sure what the secret was, though it was dipped in blood, prayed over and so many other things done to it. But when it faced some directions, the light within died out. When it faced a given direction, it glowed again. And as it moved away, it grew dimmer. As it was taken in the right direction, it grew in warmth. The madman raved of the World Tree. The seed pointed the way.

A party of the most intrepid souls that could be found was assembled, it followed the seed's lead into territory held by the enemy. They tried to slip in by stealth, they tried to fight on the move. So many died on their way before the party arrived at the World Tree, a long-fossilized wonder of the world that was once a site of holy significance, but in the lands overrun by the Vukash. Only a few survived to see it. Guided by the ravings of the tortured madman, they found the entrance. Doubts plagued the party, very little held them together besides a common cause, and yet they took the fateful step in...

Out of Character Info

So the story starts with the mid-point of an arduous journey. A band of heroes(?) stands before the World Tree. The gate to the Dark Library, cunningly hidden, was only the first secret to unravel. The next steps are into the unknown, of their world's history, of the enigma of magic and the darkness of their own souls.

The setting is a dusty low-fantasy sort of setting in the mold of Robert Howard, a place of terrible secrets that lay entombed, waiting to be unleashed. A lot hasn't been fleshed out because it's very important to give the players the room to grow their own backstories and write in what they feel inspired with.

The idea here is that there isn't really a GM calling all the shots, but rather a consensus on how to write a good plot. I am not looking for a lot of people, but I am looking for a couple highly engaged collaborators that feel this RP and want to take the idea and run with it. To that end, I intend to set up an application that involves character sheets, but also a solicitation of people's ideas on where to take the plot, how to create a story collaboratively. Instead of a GM just imagining challenges, we talk about how to write the scenes and spring things on each other. To that end, the people accepted into this RP are colleagues, and are encouraged to write as many characters and NPC's as they need. They are free to invent the enemies and keep everyone else on their toes. The idea is to work together to make the story better.

While it starts with a dungeon full of secrets, it by no means has to end there. There is a world burning, after all, and it's entirely possible that the characters will emerge with secrets from the Dark Library and very different ideas on how to use them. Perhaps they won't even wait that long to start turning on each other...

If that's of interest to you, start brainstorming -- this won't be first come, first served, this will be "the most creative and enthusiastic will get the nod."

Next Steps

In the hider is a form, with basic questions. Please PM the answers over to me before proceeding with a character sheet.
Bounding Overwatch

"Jesus Danny." Butch got a shrug in response as he moved closer to get a good look at his handiwork, and just, to be uncharacteristically cocky, circled a gloved finger in the air over where the shots landed on that Salvesh. This one had some sort of jewelry on him, an engraved metal bracelet of some sort on one of the four arms. Danny took that right off him without any regrets and popped it in the old-fashioned canteen pouch he used to hold expended mags and other goodies.

He left the weapon -- too heavy to carry back. "Poodle" wasn't quite the right term that came to mind for a four-armed werewolf-shaped thing with reptilian scales and a pattern on them. It had a crest, male, but they knew that.

Once done with that bit of housekeeping, he checked the team out visually, to make sure there weren't dings on the paint or anything springing a leak. They were in a hostile enough environment that they were wearing masks. He checked his, he looked over K-ton's, Butch's and Serge's. He made sure they weren't bleeding or freaking. It was a quick few seconds check, but everyone looked relatively okay, considering they'd just gotten kissed. Then again, his fireteam was lucky -- everyone had combat experience. They'd cope with it later, in their various ways.

He eyeballed Park too. He'd taken a bell-ringer, but he was making sense so far, so that was that. It had to hurt, but pain was less of a concern than having the squad leader not tracking all the way. But the guy was joking about chicks, "Relax Riddler, the Hentais," his short-hand for the Grathik, "probably can take that from 'gruesome disfigurement' to 'dashing Heidelberg scar' for you."

"Hey boss, I'll trade you," K-Ton cut in.

"Take it," he told K-Ton, as he worked the pouches open and handed the grenades over, gently.

The M32 was essential firepower for the squad, and that meant it was the responsibility of the fireteam to carry extra 40mm grenades for K-Ton.

Danny and K-Ton were just finished with the exchange, when the report came in from Koh, along with everyone in the platoon saying, 'fuck' at the same time. The order came down to start moving. Retrograde motion essentially meant that Danny, as point previously, traded that dubious honor for a new, equally dubious one. He'd never been down to more than a knee, ready to move.

He was rear-security now, along with Serge and his Negev, moving ahead of him. He'd run into this sort of thing in Syria, and it was the most nerve-wracking motherfucking job in the universe; you knew you had a tail, you were the guy that had to detect and deter them. Park didn't need to cut him the orders; he had pursuit deterrent munitions of the type used on Earth. When you were getting chased, you dropped them on your way back. Danny had four of them along. He pulled the pin on one, armed it and threw it toward the Salvesh they'd taken out. They had a self-destruct capability, which meant that it was theoretically civilian-friendly. It was meant to deny an area to pursuing foes during the emergency.

Once the grenade was thrown, it deployed tripwires. If disturbed, the mine launched into the air and then filled the effective radius with shrapnel.

And so, just as before, he laid them out. If nothing else, it'd perk the poodles' ears up and slow them down a bit, giving them more time. "Butch, K-Ton, PDM's. Make them count," he told them whisper-quiet over the comms, his voice back down typical patrol-level volume after the firefight. It was their job to deter the enemy, and that was why he'd taught them, though K-Ton didn't need it, the utility of that particular nasty bit of business. The fireteam humped extra ammo, extra grenades and extra other things as a matter of course, and that meant a few extra PDM's.

Of course, it wasn't just throwing them randomly; they were the far right element, that meant throwing them, like a grenade, further out right to deter them from shifting too far. It was entirely possible that someone else was setting up fire missions that involved the use of Area Denial Anti-Personnel Munitions (ADAM) which were essentially the M86's that they carried writ large, packed into an artillery shell. But Danny didn't rely on that.

The movement seemed excruciating by action-movie standards; one fireteam shifted back, at a run, the other covered, and so on and so forth. But always with Danny's fireteam at the drag-ass end of it. His clothing was sweated through on his back, shoulders and every other place where sweat accumulated, but he paced himself on sucking down the water, a slow swallow at a time here and there to avoid cramping. There wouldn't be much water left by the time they were done, but at least they were shedding weight. Fireteam A was on the other end of point now, probably while the fucker that was bringing up the rear before was whistling all the way back as he guided the platoon to the rally-point.

Even though it was less than half a klick, it was a long way back. It was tempting to curse Collins, but the man had the right of it; elevation and cover.

When the A-10 started to go to work, Danny nodded to himself slightly. He would have hated to think that they'd gone through all that bounding overwatch for nothing. When something blew up that didn't sound like the A-10, followed by a howl of pain, he felt a grim bit of job satisfaction.

Maybe the Salvesh thought the Humans were out of surprises or something. They were about to find out that they had lots of different kind of surprises, all of them nasty.

"What's the plan?" Gideon shrugged at that question. Once he stepped out of the truck, giving the scorched door a firm push to close fully, he checked his jacket to make sure the pistol was concealed and in place. It wouldn't do to walk around obviously armed, even in Rassvet, even if they looked wrung out and dirty from a run through the forest in the dark and an actual fight.

They had signal on phones and there were options, but some suspicious instinct told him that it might be a good idea to wait on that, "Daryll's got it." His tone was off-handed; he didn't really feel comfortable speaking openly around here, even if the kiosk attendant was apparently too busy reading a comic on his phone or something. They needed to get out of sight.

When Daryll hit him up for money, he handed over cash; and maybe it was evident that while Gideon didn't have much to say at the time, he was intent on staying off the grid.

Gideon was, at the very least, security-minded and communications-trained; looking down at his phone, he saw signal, but he resisted the impulse to start dialing. It had occurred to them even back during the chase that they had no idea how these enemies might track. He wasn't dialing home just yet. It seemed to him like they needed to think about the next move while they had a little time. He also didn't want to talk too openly around the princess. She was a stranger in their midst.

He glanced around the place. It was pretty rural and pretty isolated. The trucks had potential; if they were tracking their army truck, it was possible, though had risks, if they decided to boost a rig. It wouldn't be hard, but it'd also be illegal and they were still bound under civilian law while theoretically off duty. While Daryll handled the logistics, Gideon paced the area, scoping it out casually, noting the roads, streets and ways in and out. He glanced up at the sky, but only noted the occasional air traffic. It was wartime, so there wasn't a whole lot of air traffic, except the scream of a fighter jet patrol; this deep in Rassvet, there were only a couple of them. He wanted to make sure they knew where to run next, because they were definitely running now.

They were deep in Rassvet, but they just pulled the Vangar Princess out of a wreck and they were definitely being hunted. They were in some deep shit.

School has been giving me issues with my schedule, what with band practice and all, but I should have something up soon. But, do feel free to pass me by this round, as to advance the IC at a decent pace.

We'll probably push forward this weekend.

I want to make sure we're not leaving people behind on the weekend, of course.
Sounds good, I will be revisiting this to set up an OOC in a couple of days and during next week.
Holy moly I have just got some free time and I have no idea how to reinsert myself into this RP if I'm still allowed to be in it.

Well, they just got done with destroying a squad-sized element of Salvesh and now there's two platoon-sized packs headed their way, so they had one small skirmish and are about to have a lot more action.
Awesome, looking forward to seeing the posts as they come in. I'm not trying to crack a whip or anything, but I want to make sure that we are waiting for people who are getting their posts done and if someone needs us to bypass them, feel free to let us know. We all have life schedules here and it's totally cool to miss a round and come back fresh. All we need to do is communicate.

Also, if you're bowing out, please feel free to let us know as well; there are no hard feelings because it certainly happens.

@Noxious@vietmyke@Gunther@CaptainBritton@Cara@Lord Shaxx@DepressedSoviet@Red Room@Hellis@Reaper@Therealslayer@QueenOfTheBee@Trivval@JDolan
I hope you feel this RP as I do; I am passionate about it. We tried it before but it fizzled. I have a Discord for chatting and brainstorming. I have a Trello with setting notes already established.

This rocks. This is by JJcanvas.

TL;DR Summary

  • Dark, Apocalyptic.
  • Robert Howard-inspired, with Low Fantasy roots. A dusty world of desperation and brutality. Life is nasty, brutish and short. People call to gods, but they do not hear or answer.
  • Into this, magic springs out of nowhere, in the hands of tyrants and conquerors, what was only myth. It exists, but the characters do not know how to use it. The enemy does, that is why they're so dominant.
  • Magic will be learned by the characters, but the price is paid in blood and tears.
  • Many kingdoms have fallen, a few remain.
  • Characters are part of a much larger party that lost many members trying to make it to a dungeon that holds secrets to their salvation, or damnation.
  • 4 or so players, small circle. These people are allowed to play as many characters as they need.
  • Not first come, first serve. There is an application to join the RP, and character sheets need to go up fast.
  • GMing duties will be collaborative.
  • Please answer questions at bottom of this before creating a character sheet, but the character tab has the sheet framework.

In Character Info

The world is strewn with ancient ruins, reminding everyone of a shrouded history that only left fragments behind for those that came after to study. The gods died, so the tales went, and magic with it. That was a fanciful tale people told to make sense of life. People made their religions, kept traditions, but their prayers were not answered substantially. People did not call lightning from their hands.

The Vukash were considered a savage people of the hinterlands, but when they overran their first kingdom, and then their second, and kept going, the world realized with a growing horror that they could call fire and death, that the Emperor Bozash called on legions of fell beasts from legends, including the ferocious trokals.

The kingdoms of the world fell one by one. Those on the front line were besieged and brought down, and the armies that were sent out by kingdoms further back came back whittled down and telling tales of horror and defeat; often, these proud warriors came back both maimed and mad from what they witnessed.

The source of the magic, which only the Vukash knew, was unknown, but the scholars of all remaining kingdoms worked feverishly and identified a place where they could find answers. If one myth, magic, could be true, and the trokals were undisputed, why couldn't other stories? While the kingdoms fell, scribes, scholars, wise men and witches all studied fervently, tried many different methods to tap magic, but couldn't. There were terrible things done in calls to dead deities; sacrifices and experimentation in terrible desperation. One rumor among many was the Dark Library of Dihira, a long dead goddess. No one could locate it. It was one of many desperate legends that the scholars and scribblers spoke of, hesitantly, while civilizations were swept away by a fell hand of magical tyranny.

Until a man came back. It was thought that he was just another raving survivor of a massacre, but he brought something, a piece of crystal shaped like a seed that glowed with lightning within. The man ranted of the Dark Library, and the horrors within. He was interrogated, stripped of all his knowledge in desperation until he was no longer. But the scribes, they wrote everything, however disjointed.

The seed was studied. Someone tried to split it with an axe. It wasn't even scratched. No one was sure what the secret was, though it was dipped in blood, prayed over and so many other things done to it. But when it faced some directions, the light within died out. When it faced a given direction, it glowed again. And as it moved away, it grew dimmer. As it was taken in the right direction, it grew in warmth. The madman raved of the World Tree. The seed pointed the way.

A party of the most intrepid souls that could be found was assembled, it followed the seed's lead into territory held by the enemy. They tried to slip in by stealth, they tried to fight on the move. So many died on their way before the party arrived at the World Tree, a long-fossilized wonder of the world that was once a site of holy significance, but in the lands overrun by the Vukash. Only a few survived to see it. Guided by the ravings of the tortured madman, they found the entrance. Doubts plagued the party, very little held them together besides a common cause, and yet they took the fateful step in...

Out of Character Info

So the story starts with the mid-point of an arduous journey. A band of heroes(?) stands before the World Tree. The gate to the Dark Library, cunningly hidden, was only the first secret to unravel. The next steps are into the unknown, of their world's history, of the enigma of magic and the darkness of their own souls.

The setting is a dusty low-fantasy sort of setting in the mold of Robert Howard, a place of terrible secrets that lay entombed, waiting to be unleashed. A lot hasn't been fleshed out because it's very important to give the players the room to grow their own backstories and write in what they feel inspired with.

The idea here is that there isn't really a GM calling all the shots, but rather a consensus on how to write a good plot. I am not looking for a lot of people, but I am looking for a couple highly engaged collaborators that feel this RP and want to take the idea and run with it. To that end, I intend to set up an application that involves character sheets, but also a solicitation of people's ideas on where to take the plot, how to create a story collaboratively. Instead of a GM just imagining challenges, we talk about how to write the scenes and spring things on each other. To that end, the people accepted into this RP are colleagues, and are encouraged to write as many characters and NPC's as they need. They are free to invent the enemies and keep everyone else on their toes. The idea is to work together to make the story better.

While it starts with a dungeon full of secrets, it by no means has to end there. There is a world burning, after all, and it's entirely possible that the characters will emerge with secrets from the Dark Library and very different ideas on how to use them. Perhaps they won't even wait that long to start turning on each other...

If that's of interest to you, start brainstorming -- this won't be first come, first served, this will be "the most creative and enthusiastic will get the nod."

Next Steps

In the hider is a form, with basic questions. Please PM the answers over to me before proceeding with a character sheet.
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