Avatar of Imaginary
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 187 (0.05 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Imaginary 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current I'd say your worst side's your best side.
9 yrs ago
You like to think that you're the best part of me but I confess, there is nothing left of you here.
9 yrs ago
I serve it up in a shot so suck it down like a man.
9 yrs ago
But no matter how many fish in the sea, it'd be so empty without me.
9 yrs ago
There's another world inside of me that you may never see.


Girl. 26. America.

Most Recent Posts

I'm still here.
Can you give me a scenario? For example, how would the Death's Mark affect her shield?
<Snipped quote by Imaginary>

Can I be the best?

I guess you can share. Technically @Rilla is already the best best, but you and @LeeRoy are cool to just share being the best.
Guys, consider this arc the prologue to the story. After this, it's going to be sandbox-mode for awhile.

Also, a few people haven't posted yet (Or in awhile)... Can I get some confirmation on whether or not they're here before I go onto replacing ya'll? :D

Sorry guys, I got bogged down with work the last two days. I'm really far behind so you can just count me out. You can kill me or ignore me or whatever. If you want me to post an exit IC, just let me know.
@Imaginary Yes

Thanks, you're the best.
"Brenna! Break's over! Get your ass back in here!" Brenna Rayne dropped her cigarette on the ground and snuffed it out with the toe of her worn, brown cowboy boots. She let out the last puff of smoke she was holding before she sighed. I hate this job, she thought, opening the heavy metal door that led back into the pub. The smell of a deep fryer mixed with bleach hit her like a wall, assaulting her senses. She walked quickly from the back of the kitchen, toward the front, throwing her hair back up into the ponytail she usually kept it in. She grabbed the order pad off the counter and pushed through the wooden, double doors into the crowded dining area. She turned to her right, looked at the customer at the table and put on the best fake smile should could manage. "Hi there, has anyone taken your order yet?"
If we're not involved in the fight, can we post in the OOC portion of other people's fights?
Kallisto watched as the force field closed over the arena. At first the ambient light was a strain to her eyes but once it was set in place, the light dimmed and her view was clear again. There was movement ahead of her, to the left of the pathway she stood on. A man slowly made his way to where the Spartan was standing. He raised his hand slightly. It appeared to be a gesture of appeasement. "Hail, stranger. Were you drawn here as well?" Kallisto didn't flinch. A warning from Athena ran through her thoughts.

"Never discourse with your opponent. They will find a weakness and they will exploit it." This terrain and this man were foreign to Kallisto and she wasn't going to take a chance just to make friends. She took in her environment in order to best forumlate a plan of action. The man was roughly her height but easily had 30 lbs on her. If he had any skill whatsoever, hand to hand combat would not be in her favor. Keeping her shield up and her spear parallel to the ground, she slowly started backing up, directly in the path she was on. She was only a few feet from a massive pillar that was cracking around the base. She continued to back up until she felt the cool stone on her back. It wasn't the most ideal defensive place but it would prevent an attack from the back. She crouched back down in defense, waiting for this stranger to make his move.
How do we determine how Cho's weapons affect Kallisto's armor?
Yup, I've just been flooded with work today. I should have a post up tomorrow.

This was true again today so Im aiming for tomorrow to post.
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