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5 yrs ago
Current "Soon you will have forgotten all things. And soon all things will have forgotten you."
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courtesy of @Muttonhawk

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@Kho In my defense, Ive been dick deep in a pocketwatch these past few weeks. On a side note...

I AM A WATCHMAKING GOD. Kho, sorry, but Time is my bitch!

Time is no one's b**ch! Time is dead!

If anything, that makes Time Jvan's b**ch
-Finish killing Kyre

Hmm? You might want to discuss this with @Cyclone
@Slime I wasn't referring to a post xPP

I'm actually planning on never writing a post longer than 20,000 characters ever again
Ten Thousand Words Later...

<Snipped quote by Antarctic Termite>

He will rhyme 'orange' with 'strange' just to piss Whisper off.

Basheer and Shaqmar in the background cringe.
@Lauder If all raving mad people rhyme. And if 'there is no great genius without a touch of madness'. Then there is no genius without a touch of rhyme.

I can rhyme.
Bad with Time.
tfw you realise that 'it's always darkest before dawn' may be scientific nonsense, but damn! It has some symbolic truth

edit: tfw don't count your eggs before they hatch T-T
tfw you thought your dissertation was starting to come together and you got excited, thinking it all actually makes sense and- damn! This stuff is actually quite interesting!

But then you're like, who am I kidding, I've no idea what I'm doing.

*anxiety kicks in, begin flailing wildly*
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