Avatar of Leidenschaft


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@Sovi3ttonight. Probably around 8 or 9.
@Roosanonce Dread and Survivor are done with their collab I'll have responses up for people and their rolls.
<Snipped quote by Leidenschaft>

Sure, we hitting up the lodge or?

I don't think the lodge will be open at night.
So, if I understand things properly, Ben and Victor are on lookout duty and I need to roll 15+ to notice the cop having seemingly ordered the tail to start tailing. Here is that roll with a +3 for my awareness, coming in at a tidy 21. So we'll follow them to the basement, I have most of the post ready. Can I roll stealth to not get noticed by the officers who block us? Rather than persuade to let us through.

Sure thing, Andreyich will have to roll too if he's going with you. Successfully rolling stealth for one of you will let you notify your partner that you hear others coming down the stairwell. You can then avoid them and circle back to warn the others.

@sovi3tdown to collab so we can bring Chrono into the mix?
@Peik@MacabreFox@POOHEAD189@MiddleEarthRozeAvengers, assemble on the Gdoc... at a convenient time.
Shattered after a full day traveling, I didn't get all of the writing done today that I meant to. Tomorrow, I swear.

S'okay. I figure the posts should come once every 5-7 days. We all have lives and jobs and stuff.
@Roosan@Big Dread@The Survivorhows those posts coming guys? Need help deciphering the riddle that are the dice mechanics of this game?
<Snipped quote by Peik>

This should do the trick.

No joke, I saw this dude at the last Comic-Con I went to.

Or someone with the same idea. 6'something cornbread-fed dude walking around dressed like Chun-Li. Was rad. Got a comic about a stoner duo that save the world.
@Big Dreadthat sounds reasonable.

People can keep the results from their interrogation and persuasion rolls as they are.

Made these amendments to the skills section-

Interrogation – You are well-versed in being both the good cop and the bad cop. This covers extracting information from sources that are under pressure or otherwise not inclined to answer your questions. You can discern facial expressions and body language, and know how to worm your way past their shells.
Persuade – You are versed in flipping people to see your side, as well as convincing people why they should or should not do something. This covers fast-talking(lying) and badge-flashing.

As well, the PD and detectives, namely Det. Albright no longer need a persuasion roll, going along with the amendments.

@Andreyich With an initial awareness roll of 17, you are able to notice the detective leave and may pursue. Wouldn't want to keep you from doing something and hang on someone else before you can do something with your character. No offense, @Roosan

Okidokie. Sorry for being a bit of a pain. Once I get the hang of all this I promise to not be so green. :P

Also, just to answer that question, because I didn't get to it last night. I'll usually try to set up NPCs and encounters for you to talk to, as well as supply information on what they'd tell you once the rolls happen. The information is usually presented in a bog block of text like that last update post. A round of questioning goes something like "Roll persuasion - question - receive answer."

In the case of Det. Albright, who doesn't want to answer your questions, an interrogation roll must be made to get her to agree to be interviewed.

When interviewing characters, just PM me who you're interviewing and the interrogation roll, if needed, and/or the persuasion roll. If the rolls are high enough, I'll give you the information like I did in the last post.

After thinking for a bit, it would make more sense for the interrogation skill to be checked with people who will be resistant to questioning, letting you know who these tight-lipped people are is my responsibility. Persuasion is checked when interviewing witnesses. Real badges add +2 to persuasion, fake ones add +1.
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