Avatar of Master Crim


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3 mos ago
Current The proof of a healthy mind is not its ability to solve the problems that are before it, but the subconscious understanding not to for the sake of health itself.
5 yrs ago
Ever look back on your old PM and think "Man that was the shit! Why did we stop?"
6 yrs ago
As the bowl of patunias would say, as it falls through the air to meet the planet's hard rocky surface: "Not again."
6 yrs ago
Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? No says the man in Washington it belongs to the poor. No says the man in the Vatican it belongs to God. No says the man in Moscow it belongs to everyone
8 yrs ago
Talking in riddles is fun. Putting them to poem is better. Presentation is the key.


Why does anyone care
No one really looks at this part
Its all just pointless.

Most Recent Posts

@rocketrobie2 I wanted to give you a chance to post in reaction of what was happening before everyone started in again after my post.
@Zoey BoeyI think we should wait for torbie to react to all the posts before we continue.

He is, I sent you a PM to go over before you start in.
By the way by "there is no fire" Robin means there's literally not a fire on the ship, right? Like it isn't burning?

Yes, the coastguard was responding to a possible fire on the ship before the gunshots were reported.

-Dick Grayson-

Robin was making his way to the cabin on the main deck where a few of the security had already began ushering people out and securing the area. This cabin of the ship was a large bar and dining area lined with windows, giving it a more open feel to the enclosure. There were a door with a sign showing stairs descending, denoting that they went to the lower deck. The security had already secured the door and were waiting for a sign of the intruder in red. Just as he began to approach the stairs he heard Wraith's call-out.

"I found him. He's heading up top."

"Team, get ready, and careful-" Before Robin could finish he heard a ruckus from out on the main deck, and rushed to find out what was going on. Robin emerged from the dining area just in time to see a red blur shoot past Wonder Girl, as she was aiding a crew member, and disappear into a doorway of a ship as it closed. That explains the reading on the jet Robin though as Wraith took off and Wonder Girl Sprung into action. What followed was a miscommunication on the stage of pursuit that Robin would have to address later, now they needed to focus on the mission. "Mirage, good job revealing the ship to establish a ping on it," Robin started into his next set of orders while calling in the jet for pursuit. "I want you to follow from the water and wait for us to drop the ship from stealth, once it is; identify the intake for the engines and flood them. This will be the safest and quickest way to disable it so it can't get away." The T-Jet had circled back around, and Robin used his grapple to get aboard. Just as he sat down at the controls, Wonder Girl had confirmed she made contact with the ship. "Wraith, see if you can get to the controls; top priority is opening the door he grappled to for Wonder Girl to get inside. Wonder Girl, once inside try to over power this Scarlet Scarab while Wraith then tries to drop the cloaking." Now in pursuit of the awkwardly flying Wonder Girl who was clinging to the still invisible ship. "Starfire, let the coastguard know that there is no fire before aiding Wonder Girl and Wraith." Robin activated the grapple cables and began analyzing the invisible ship based on the glimpse he got from Mirage's water pocket, and how Wonder Girl was climbing around on it. With the press of a button on the control stick the grapple shot forwards. There was the distinct sound of metal on metal, scraping, but the cable failed to tension and the grapple slid off the unseen surface. Dammit.

Gotham City

Away from the small crisis that was unfolding in the downtown area of south Jump City, in a tall office building emblazoned with SIONIS INDUSTRIES in Gotham, a scene of its own was beginning to decline as well. In a large office that overlooked a good portion of the business district, a man reeled and fell to the ground from the fist Roman Sionis catching him in the jaw. "YOU IDIOT!" Sionis yelled at the man as he lay clutching his face. "You can't tell me you are this fucking stupid!?" He kicked the man in the ribs once before walking to his desk and opening one of the drawer pulling out a bottle and glass. he poured a generous amount and taking large sips as the man on the floor tried to regain himself.
"How was I supposed to know-" the man on the floor paused to get to his feet before continuing. "-to know that the titan's would find-" the glass flew by the man nearly hitting him, shattering as it hit the floor.
"DID YOU EVEN BOTHER TO VET YOU PEOPLE?!" Sionis sat heavily into his chair and shoved a file of papers off the desk at the man. "Three of them were former employees of Lex Corp!, and who do you think let the word out?" The man just stood unsure of how to respond. "By now the Titan's are tracking back the origins of the shipments and will be looking into what we have worked so hard to keep in the dark in Jump City." The man started to stammer a little trying to find a way to turn this situation around, but was hushed by a wave Sionis's hand to dismiss him. "Get out of here before I change my mind on letting you walk away from this." The man left and Sionis's secretary approached and began to clean up the papers on the floor while Sionis produces another glass and poured another generous amount. "Naomi," he paused looking at her as she gathered the papers from the floor and put them on the desk. "Get me a call with Wilson." Naomi stood a moment scrolling through her touch pad.
"I will see if I can get him on the line, but I can not guarantee he will be willing to-"
"Tell him the lot is still his, and I will pay in advance to get him on his feet if he wants to come back, I just need a small favor that will benefit us both." Sionis said not caring about Naomi's concerns of contacting Wilson.
"Right away, sir."
@Ryonara I'm sorry, I am trying to get things rolling on that side of the story, but it is hard to without rushing into things that aren't in play yet. I promise there is a criminal side that is available, I just have to get it set up. This next post will start phase one of that.
YO!!! Love the posts everyone! I have vacation starting after work tomorrow!!! I plan on getting a post up soon, and plan on getting some of the other parts of the story moving in the background.

@Archangel89 Sounds intriguing, I am fairly sure that Superboy is available, PM me your thoughts and we can talk it over.
Hey everyone, I am sorry I haven't posted anything lately, I have been really busy with work, and dealing with a bum shoulder (not fun seeing as 75% of my job is heavy lifting). I see that some of you have sent some PMs and I am still looking over the new submissions. I will be getting off work a little earlier than normal so I am hoping to be able to work on replying then on a post to have up by Wednesday or Thursday. Sorry that this isn't moving very fast, and I am thankful you are all still in it!
I am looking over your character and will be in contact with you. I am liking what I am seeing so far.

@The Whacko
That would be interesting. PM me and we can hash out a few details before looking into a CS for you.
If anyone else wants to post in pursuit of the ship before I do a post for Robin go ahead. I have tomorrow off of work and will be working on post to have up withing the next few days.
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