Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Seraphina Adams

Location: Coventry Horrors.
Interacting With: @MoroseAloise Zamora & @Pundii Liam Mathews

As Seraphina looked over the picture's backside she could notice the small smudged writing on one of the corners, she walked over towards the bed and took out her phone. She went tow the camera app on her phone and zoomed in on the wording, Sera saw the word 'amirya' She didn't know what it actually meant it could be a name, or it could be just a simple word. She saw the smudged signature but she couldn't make that readable Seraphina did have old cop contacts when she used to work as an officer before deciding to go into the PI business. However they weren't anywhere close to Coventry and knew that it would take several days to be sent out and then several more days for it to have any results. The closest to maybe a possible lab would be here in town, but Sera didn't know anyone in town she could maybe talk to Captain Holder.

The only people that Sera trusted in town was Aloise and Liam, who were in the same hotel as she was and decided to ask them Seraphina turned around and started to head out of her room maybe Aloise or Liam had seen Emmie as well. Seraphina started to head down the second and then the first floor, she looked a the room numbers until she finally stopped in front of Room 113. Seraphina stood outside of the room for a minute before knocking on the door holding the photo in her pocket hoping that the two of them were in the room currently.

Emmie Adams

Location: Upstairs 4th Floor
Interacting With: A very dead Alexander A. Aster

Emmie was still trying to calm herself down as she sat in the dumbwaiter she looked around as she noticed that there wasn't a single spec of dust in the dumbwaiter she was in. Emmie wasn't even sure if the coast was clear or not yet, she slowly took out her phone knowing that the only person who could help her was Sera. The screen on her phone turned on lighting up the dumbwaiter more, seeing that she was right that it was still pretty much clean.

As Emmie slowly scanned her phone around her eyes caught a very, very small shimmer of light she leaned forward and picked up the small strand of brown hair into her fingers. It was brown from what she saw, of course it wasn't hers she was blonde and it wasn't Sera's she wouldn't have had a reason to come up here. And Andromeda's was pale white, Emmie was tempted to make a call to Sera but knew if she did then it would most likely end up catching the attention of the shooter. Emmie slowly leaned her head forward leaning it up against the door of the dumbwaiter to see if she could hear anyone on the other side.
@xStarryBatchx No problem at all! :)
@xStarryBatchx Hi there and welcome to RPG! :D If you ever feel like chatting or RPing or have any questions feel fre to ask anytime! :)
I'll have a post up later today or tonight. :)
Post will be up tomorrow. :)

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

Lauren turned around to see Reginald coming out of the barracks with some men, then her attention turned towards Peter for a moment and gave the man a soft smile grateful for the protection. She could still hear the alarms going off in the distance, Lauren was still very much worried for her friends back at the hotel. "Thank you once more for the hospitality." Lauren said to the two Keystones in front of her she was a bit tired, but knew that it will take sometime to get their rooms set up for the evening. Lauren turned to look at Vera seeing the woman was still very nervous at what she had seen at the hotel.

"If you don't mind i'd enjoy a few more drinks, while they prep out rooms for the evening." Lauren said with a slight smile her eyes wondering over towards the soldiers near her. She felt more just as a guest, Vera, Peter and Reginald seemed to have a lot of the influence around here. "Maybe some drinking could help you relax?" Lauren asked looking at Vera smiling at the woman.
Post will be up tomorrow. :)

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Lagrange Street -> Outer Wall

Riley looked towards Beatrice for a moment then towards her sister, giving a slight shrug towards her. "I am helping out with the music, I just tried asking Dick if I could borrow that CD player over at your place for music. But he said nope, wanting his music to drown out the wedding." Riley said with a slight sigh, she looked over at Beatrice as she asked if anyone else used an instrument as far as she knew there wasn't another person that could play an instrument. "Other than me, none that I know of might have to ask around." Riley told her. Riley looked at Ryan and shrugged slightly she could make do without a CD player, if there were any instruments around in the Rec Center.

She watched Ryan going over towards Chloe and then kissing her hair, which made her visibly cringe she knew Ryan liked her sister Riley didn't trust Ryan that much around her. Then he started to head off to somewhere else, then he quickly came back asking if any of them saw Meghna around. "I believe shes with the bride to be, most likely at her place discussing more wedding stuff." Riley answered, then she heard her radio going off, and heard Ashton's voice going over the radio ordering some of the newer people to relieve people on guard duty.

"I guess we should head over and relieve some people." Riley said as she gave her sister a pat on the shoulder and started making her way towards the outer wall, she headed for the main gate looking over at Jim once she was there. "Guess you are needed over at Ashton's place." Riley said to him as she relived him of his duty for now wondering what was going on taking the rifle into her hand.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building E2 (Ms. Sally's Apartment) -> Building A (Outside of Ash's House)

Kristina nodded towards Ms. Sally and smiled at her. "No problem." She didn't know anything about cooking or baking, so it was probably for the best and she was always bad at math back in school. Kris then heard a nearby radio going off, Ashton's voice going off on the radio she had been in Newnan for a very long time now as she was handed her tea Kristina quickly drank it down, feeling the warm tea going down her throat. "I'll see you guys later." Kris said with a smile as she got up and started to make her way out of the apartment building and started making her way over towards Ashton's place. Kristina then started to wonder what this was all about really, she then remembered seeing someone she couldn't really recognize that was walking alongside Ashton and Black James.

Kristina spotted Froggy nearby and started to approach him and gently gave his side a quick tap and looked up at him. "Do you know whats going on?" Kristina decided to ask, she thought it would be best for now to keep quiet about it for now until she either saw Ashton or Black James. She saw the two of them walking a new person in but didn't know anything else other than that as she adjusted her hat bringing it over her ears a bit to keep them warm.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building F (Jack & Tatiana's Home) -> Building A (Outside of Ash's House)

"I can certainly do that for you, it's not much use whatever you'd like." Meg said with a smile, she didn't use it that much just on occasion to make herself look somewhat presentable but she never used a whole lot even before the world ended. Meg then looked down at her radio as she heard it going off, Ashton's voice on the other end asking for people who were in Newnan the longest to meet him outside of his place. Meg looked at Tati for a moment and smiled slightly. "I'll get it and come right back with the makeup for you, once Ashton is done seeing us for whatever reason this is."

Meg turned to look over at Ciel for a moment. "You should probably go and report to Lyon or Beni see where they need you." Meg suggested as she quickly gave Tatiana a friendly hug and grabbed her jacket then started out of Tatiana's house. She started down the street it wasn't that far from their house to Ashton's she started to see a group starting to form in front of Ashton's house. Something did feel a little weird about this meeting. Meghna said Kristina and Froggy nearby as she made her way over towards them she saw her brother nearby as well and stood next to him.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Building E2 (Ms. Sally's Apartment) -> Outer Wall

Ray laughed slightly when Tiffany elbowed his side and gently returned the gesture. "Someone would have to keep me out of trouble." Ray said jokingly as Ms. Sally handed Tiffany the frozen corsage. He saw his tux nearby and started to make his way over to it, that's when the nearby radio went off. Ray wondered what this meeting was about, but since he was a more newer edition he would have to wait and find out what it is from someone else. Ray watched as Kristina started to head out of Ms. Sally's apartment to report to Ashton's place, he looked at Tiffany.

"Might as well help me move around." Ray said with a slight smile looking over at Ms. Sally. "I'll come by later for it then I guess." Ray said as he started to leave as well and started making his way towards the outer wall. He saw Riley making her way there as well, it took a little longer for him to get there, with one leg and all but he had gotten used to walking around with crutches now. Once he finally got there Ray stood close by looking outside of the wall then he turned to look out towards Newnan itself.
I'll have my postie up tonight after The Walking Dead/Talking Dead.
Post will be up tomorrow. :)
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