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8 yrs ago
Current All work and no play, makes these old bones dry.


Work, work, work. Rain, work, work.

Giant mutant chicken-sandwich.

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"No, Ellion you are wounded. And it won't due anybody any good or the men - if they hear that you had died, fighting these beasts. And I am not losing you either," she added, as she soon ripped a piece from his shirt - exposing herself slightly more, but this wasn't the issue currently.

Using it to createa a makeshift bandage to press and use his shirt to make a pressure, to hold his bleeding in check. "I will carry you out of here myself, if I have to. But you aren't fit to fight those beasts currently."

She leaned on her sword, before looking around them. "Come on now. We have to get to the Red Keep and make sure everyone is safe," spoke Merebelle, helping Ellion to his feet and to lean against him. "They need every men there as well - plus it's more easily defendable and liable to have a Maester maybe there, whom can help you."

Merebelle for extra effort, gave him a deep kiss to his lips. "Remember that. Cause I ain't losing you, and you ain't dying on me. Understood?" she asked. "Now let's go. To the Red Keep!"

Hmm. Rats. Okay. So only planet? Does my Order have to contain 20% humans? Or just planet?

Wait. Is the 20% a minimum or maximum?

Since they are a basically an order of sub-human knights - who once failed and now aren't treated as equal to humans.

Sure. I can have Miribelle reply, after you defeat sharkman.

Zeral T'Amani

"Yeah. Nice to meet you too," replied Zeral, before turning to face Kieran. "Where shall we be heading Kieran?"

Namely none of them knew, where their first target would be. And Zeral had a habit of researching about the planets, for atleast two hours - before she would set foot onto one of them.

"I know, we have just met. But as I understand, we have a mission. One that requires haste. As such, I would like the name of our first location - so I may prepare in advance and learn of our situation and what to prepare for."

I want to create a military order that is mostly made of sub-humans. Will I still require the 20% human minimum? And if so, how can I do it?

I am around and waiting to see if @kingkonrad is open for a collab with Ellion and Miri to finish the sharkman.

Sweet. Send me a PM of your favorite pairing and which part of the trilogy was your favorite.

Still here. Just busy with school on the weekends.

You got it.
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