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I did my duty, who hasn't posted lately?

How do you figure that? The collab was essentially entirely set in the past. Davitus could react to the mall or really do anything.
So uh, anyone planning on posting or is this dead in the water?
Nightwing and Zatanna need to get called out on a mission so the team can throw a party.
It's just salty cherry cola.
Lol Starbucks ain't real coffee and I live in Seattle

Good thing they got frappuccinos and not coffee. I don't recall stating Starbucks was good coffee, I'm just merely playing off the fact that people go crazy for it. I'm a coffee snob myself and I don't care for Starbucks' coffee in the slightest.

With the rest of the group in tow, Karlie headed towards the mall. It was rather refreshing to know that Midway City had nothing on New York in terms of size and two bus changes later, the group was standing outside of the largest mall the city had to offer. Entering through the food court, the group was bombarded by the various enticing aromas of greasy meat, fried potatoes and saute vegetables as flavours from both near and far infiltrated their senses. Kiosks doting the exterior of the food court, selling jewelry, phone cases, make up and whatever else they could get their hands on. Beyond this perimeter, the mall opened up as the corridors were open to the level above. Skylights above them allowed the day's bright sun to shine through as it illuminated the mall in an almost surreal splendor.

"Hashtag mommy's home." Karlie sighed as she rubbed her hands together with anticipation. The mall was larger than she had hoped for, and it would be easy for her to kill the day in here. Her eyes scanned the food court until one particular green logo caught her eyes before she turned excitedly to Nike and grabbed the other girl's hands.

"Okay."stated, squeezing Nike's hands with giddiness. "First things, first." She explained, turning around again she guided Nike's gaze to the green logo of the mermaid. "We're getting hashtag fraps."

Dragging Nike to the counter of the Starbucks, Karlie placed an order for the two of them. "I'll take a tall Dark Knight frap and this beautiful lady will take a tall Paradise Island." Karlie said as she flashed her iHolo, a small beep sounding as payment went through. Looking back at the boys, Karlie raised an eyebrow before calling out to them.

"Aren't you boys getting anything?" She asked, taking her drink from the barista before dipping a finger in the whipped cream and slowly sucking it off. "You're sorely missing out."

Satisfied with the first taste, Karlie place a straw in the drink as she skipped along with Nike back to the main group.

"So where does everyone want to go first? Clothes? Jewelry? Music? Video games? Food?" Karlie asked in a rapid fire line of question, turning to each member of the group with each new topic. "C'mon guys! It's time to hashtag shop til we drop."
I'm just waiting for the group to move to the mall now so Julien can meet them there tbh.

I'll probably post tomorrow afternoon, going to be busy for the morning but free after that.
Karlie and Katie could get confusing real fast.
@Just The Wind Julien would also be up for skipping!

@Just The Wind Well we've got that 3 person collab we're waiting on. I wondered if anybody actually went to school other than the non-supers. We start training tonight [in-game] if you guys would get with the character development and such. I usually get the "not enough time for character development in your games KL" but then when I make time for it games slow to a snail's pace and we lose people.

Once that collab' posted we'll move things forward if nobody else wants to add anything.


I mean we had plenty of character development going before we were forcibly time skipped. I'd like to actually play out the mall shenanigans if there's going to be any pending the collab and other developments. Obviously if it ends up being only Nike and Karlie who want to skip, it's in the best interest of the RP to skip forward but if the whole group wants to go to the mall, then there's a lot of substance that could be played out there. Rev and Nike are both alien to society and there's a lot of fun to be had with the fish out of water scenario there. Plus there's Karsin's budding flirtation with Karlie, Nike and Rev's difference of opinions and other small elements to be played out. Combat is great and all but it's not really the meat of the RP.

Plus, something could attack the mall! I think it's better to be flexible and roll with what the players have provided in the IC rather than shoehorning us into a predetermined situation simply because it's more convenient.
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