NuttsnBolts is a Moderator. They assist users and keep the forum running smoothly. They have power across all forums.
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8 mos ago
Current Been on the back of my mind for several months now, but I will be retiring from my position as a Guild Moderator and more or less just logging off seeing as I need Mahz to be able to demote me.


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Let me know your thoughts on Cole, guys.

I do always find time travel one of those things to be wary of for roleplays as it can really mess up the flow, but the idea of foreseeing the "possible" future is something that I do like. It doesn't lock the players into what will be, but helps guide them on what may come—while also beimg a useful GM tool.

As a character I do want to see how he plays out. He is very interesting and has a nice degree of depth. Will admit I do need to fully read his cs—along with everyone elses—but I skimmed through just to see what type of cast we were running.

In regards to interactions, I'm always on the fence. I'm not too sure where my character may have met the others, but there's always that off chance that they may have talked before hand during their capture. It also does raise the question of if the characters know about each others ability (loosely mentioned here) as I do believe part of the fun is also not knowing what the person next to you is capable of.
Just as curiosity, sign of respect for the character, and also thinking of dipsey/head-butting conversations—how should characters refer to Taylor with her sexuality, gender, and him-her-they pronouns?

I think I can guess, but I just wanna make sure I portray things right in the narrative and character speech.
So I saw this today... (Looked up since North Korea made a threat on Australia)

Actually made a lot of sense as to why North Korea is going down the road of Nuclear weaponry. I don't agree to it, but I understand their direction and the fears they have of their dynasty being wiped out.

To be honest I've seen a few videos that discuss aspects of the modern world like the ones above and it's rather interesting, confusing, and even scary.
What sort of cast size are you hoping to achieve, and have you still got people working on character sheets? :)

@Grim Fandango

Character sheet sent off. Fingers crossed for if Grim likes it. :D
Anime-Forum, also known as A4.

Site has since been closed but my first RP there was for a Fallout Style RP. Ended up leaving in search of a proper roleplay site after I had some bitch take over my roleplay with God Modding and I had a character declined from a superhero RP for having too much strength and regeneration abilities. First off, the strength was enough to punch in a car door and through concrete and I was told that was too much as my character would "one punch man" everyone, and my character never had regeneration abilities but the GM kept saying I couldn't have that ability. So I gave them the site the bird cause the whole place was a fucking shitstorm... and now you guys are stuck with me.

“...hand to the poor and take from the greedy.”


Janelle Tucker


The Two Tucker Twins


A true lady


» The Performer
Much like her Brother Janelle is a musician and loves her violin, however she is more likely to erupt into a flurry of song and dance as she leaps up onto the bar of the old saloon. Her very actions are enough to lighten any dull mood and bring about the life of the party.

» The Seducer
The act, the performance, the wondrous eyes, and the lustrous body. Janelle has a talent for sinking into the hearts of men, and some women, misleading them into giving her precious information that she can use for later on. Given enough time she has even been able to steal from right under their nose but chooses to not always do so as it can place her in a vulnerable position.

» The Lockpicker
The lady has a precious skill in the art of lock picking. Years of practice and perfecting her own technique have allowed Janelle to extend her grasps to even more riches around her.

» The Intellectual
While both Stephenson and Janelle can read, Stephenson can only recognise basic words while Janelle can read and write full sentences. She has a knack for picking up on details, a skill for making educated guesses on problems, and has even read about the machines and technology from the old world.


If Stephenson is the Pied Piper, than Janelle is the Succubus; a woman who uses her body to mystically draw in those around her, escorting them into a helpless trance of lust and seduction. The woman enjoys toying with people's fragile emotions, speaking to them with soft words lies and deceit, all while utilising her slender, revealing body to aid in her greedy desires. Due to these dangerous actions Janelle does regrettably have blood on her hands, a result of having to take the life of those who have pushed beyond the personal boundaries that she has set for herself.

Outside the performances she can be quite sincere and honest, expressing a sense of empathy that her brother somehow lacks. She is willing to give up some of her fortune for those who are desperately in need, understanding too well the strains and hardships that they may be facing. If she could give to the people then the would would be a much better place, but sadly her foresight is hazed and the only option she can foresee is the desire to steal.


Stephen and Janelle Tucker were born into a family of wealth and nobility, in a town far, far away from Blackfinger. Their father was a well known businessman by the name of Stephen Snr, a trader who specialised in goods that were destined to fetch a pretty penny; while their mother, Anne, was a stay at home house wife who raised the offspring of her and her husband's. There they lived their younger years with a prosperous and carefree childhood, filled to the brim with with luxury, enjoyment... and debt.

It was during their teens that the twins felt the shift from the high life they knew so well and loved, to the low life of poverty and despair. A series of bad trades and corrupt deals shattered the family fortune leaving them with little to truly call their own. There they struggled to survive, living off the streets, off the generosity of the people they performed to, and out of their back pockets as the Samaritans walked away.

As time went on the taste and desire for that life they once had grew and festered inside their minds. Stephenson and Janelle began to raise the stakes of their desires, aiming for the stars when the moon was still within reach. It was through the drunken words of a patron in a saloon that they heard about Blackfinger, and thus they decided they decided that this would be the next deep pocket that they would pick.


» Wooden Handle Knife [x]
Being seductive can draw the attention of many unsavoury people, and what else to protect yourself then to use a knife attached to your hip.

» Violin
Along with her brother's banjo, Janelle's violin is one of the last few possessions that the family held as they spiralled down into poverty. While she doesn't hold the same sentimental value to it as her brother, she still views it as an important memory of their past.

» Picking Tool Set
Throughout Jannel's clothes are a series of picks and shims, hidden within layers of fabric and leather.


The promise of riches and glory. Stephenson and Janelle are looking for that next big score, the deal that will seal them with a lifetime of money, freedom and fame.


» Stephenson Tucker - Twin Brother

“We steal from the rich and give to the needy...”


Stephenson "Stephen" Tucker


The Two Tucker Twins
Stephen Tucker, The Second


A fine gentleman


» The Musician
Music is life, and Stephenson is music. The man loves to act and perform, showing off his skills while occasionally entering into sudden duets with his twin sister. Quite often he can be seen lounging about under the shade of a lone tree, plucking away and humming tunes in preparation for his next big act.

» The Thief
While the music may be a show, the real performance comes from his fine fingers; the prestige, if you will. The man is a thief and a deception to the very eyes. His charm and grandeur is designed to throw off the scent of his devilish ways, plucking the coins and goods out of unsuspecting pockets only to leave them dry and lint free.

» The Quickdraw
When the show goes sour and the guns are drawn Stephenson turns to his trusty pistol, located in a holster on the backside of his banjo. The man can quickly flip out the weapon and fire off a shot before too many realise what is going on. Needless to say Stephenson always hopes that it never gets to this point, but if blood must be spilt to save his own skin, he never chooses to hesitate.


Stephenson is a very suave and confident man, someone who radiates a awing presence of passion and pride. If one was to look close enough they would notice that he has a habit of tilting his head away from whomever he is talking to; that he has a habit of gazing through his thin, wire framed glasses; and that this habit creates the impression as though he is constantly looking down on those around him. When he speaks one may hear the charismatic word that emanate from his lips, a list of stories and songs that hypnotise an audience into a crowd of mindless followers. He is the Pied Piper and the people of the world are his mischief of rats to control.

This self confident attitude does land himself in a spot of bother every now and then as his lustrous aura does attract the attention of those who don't appreciate the flair and finesse. For those situations he can turn very anti-diplomatic and cold, leaving a bullet in the skull of those who threaten him, or his sister.


Stephen and Janelle Tucker were born into a family of wealth and nobility, in a town far, far away from Blackfinger. Their father was a well known businessman by the name of Stephen Snr, a trader who specialised in goods that were destined to fetch a pretty penny; while their mother, Anne, was a stay at home house wife who raised the offspring of her and her husband's. There they lived their younger years with a prosperous and carefree childhood, filled to the brim with with luxury, enjoyment... and debt.

It was during their teens that the twins felt the shift from the high life they knew so well and loved, to the low life of poverty and despair. A series of bad trades and corrupt deals shattered the family fortune leaving them with little to truly call their own. There they struggled to survive, living off the streets, off the generosity of the people they performed to, and out of their back pockets as the Samaritans walked away.

As time went on the taste and desire for that life they once had grew and festered inside their minds. Stephenson and Janelle began to raise the stakes of their desires, aiming for the stars when the moon was still within reach. It was through the drunken words of a patron in a saloon that they heard about Blackfinger, and thus they decided they decided that this would be the next deep pocket that they would pick.


» Pepperbox Pistol [x]
Stephenson owns a 6 shot pepperbox pistol. The weapon is typically stored on the back of his Banjo in a leather holster. Occasionally he will hide it within his breast pocket if he feels that it may draw too much attention.

» Short Sword [x]
A rather odd choice for a weapon in a world filled with guns, but when rounds are short in supply it so happens to be an excellent tool for hunting and camping.

» Banjo
A beautifully crafted 5 string banjo; this was one of the last few possessions that his family held as they fell into poverty. He is rather protective of it as it helps to remind him of the life he once had.

» Smoking Pipe
A finely crafted pipe for smoking tobacco.


The promise of riches and glory. Stephenson and Janelle are looking for that next big score, the deal that will seal them with a lifetime of money, freedom and fame.


» Janelle Tucker - Twin Sister
@6slyboy6 Water under the bridge buddy.
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