Avatar of Raijinslayer


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Merry Christmas boyos, don't forget to, like, be a good person and stuff. Also start thinkin of a new years resolution you'll actually go through with.
5 yrs ago
Status update: staying up all n8ght fuckin sucks and procrastination is a vile temptress.
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7 yrs ago
4 months into this hole 'being a responsible adult thing' and I've come to a conclusion: It sucks and I want to go back to the days where I didn't have to plan out my game time.
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7 yrs ago
Was supposed to be productive tonight. . . will try to be productive in the morning
7 yrs ago
Taking a short break from posting till Monday/Tuesday, hopefully will feel more creative and less brain-dead


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Most Recent Posts

@ZarkunYo, what should I do with Ezekiel and Argus right now, cause I honestly have no idea where the hell to jump back into things.
The fact that your avatar is Tyrian gives me a good idea as to how you'll fit in.

This is true. prays to the gods that we don't have another Talia on our hands.
@canaryroseYou should see the Discord Though,if you don't want to be scared off by our insanity, I wouldn't recommend it.
Yo, I'm still in this, but I've got no idea what to post for either of my characters. also, can someone give me some ideas for future looks for Argus and Ezekiel, cause I'm having trouble finding anything.
Korrigan 'Korrey' Umbraisis

Korrey chuckled, glad that his partner enjoyed Vulcan's dumb little happy dance. As he listened to Felicity belt off her list of facts about herself, he had to let put low whistle. "You remind me of my friend Shivs, talks a mile a minute I tell ya, but she's also the type who'd rather burn a dress than wear. Hates floofy, girly clothing, but I'd bet even she'd be impressed to hear you made that yourself. I thought it was something from one of those big brand designer names that get bandied about hear and there. It looks real good on you too!" Tapping the bottom of Vulcan's container as he turned his attention back to the volunteers around him, he went back to quietly listening to Felicty's voice, though he found himself unable to keep to quiet when he heard about this friend of her's, Nancy. "Restruant kid, eh? Well, you'll have to introduce me sometime so that I can get some home-made grub or somethin'. Body this big needs a lot of fuel to keep it going, so you know I've got quite the appetite."

Korrey mentally took note of Felicities magic type, but didn't mention his ability quite yet. He wanted to delay the eventual reveal of his particular. . . oddity as long as he possibly could, afraid he was going to freak her out with it. Once the two of them reached their dorms, Korrey let out another whistle as he looked around the room, taking in everything there was to see about it and noting all of the features the volunteers mentioned as he set Vulcan down on one of the desks, when he was suddenly handed a paper. Korrey's eyes lit up at the mention of a Monster Hunting Class, nearly getting ready to leap with joy, only to immediately reel it in when he heard he had to have his party join it as well. Glancing at the girl from behind his sunglasses, he got the feeling that she wasn't as much an enthusiast as he was when it came to being an adventurer, especially if her passion was to be a fashion designer. Should he even make a mention of his desire to go, or should he just keep quiet about the whole thing.

Korrey didn't know what to do, and thus ended up staring at his paper, his pencil making slow circles over the monster-hunter class but never touching the paper.

@Invader Len
@Invader LenGotcha, will be sure to bombard the PM's as ideas come to me. Expect dragons. Tons upon tons of dragons.
@Invader Len . . .

makes three alt accounts to break the system

So, we have empty slots for a mages and familiars, and not a ton of time left before the ceremony is up. This was something we promised, and the slots are still up and won't deprive newcomers of their chance to join. After all, we are always open! So, we've come up with a fun contest for you! Now introducing, St. Fortuna's first canon-shaping contest!

Monster Design Contest!

The rules of this contest are simple. You design a monster using the monster species CS below, post it in the OOC, and if it wins, you get a prize! What's the prize? The five winning monsters get to become canon and will be placed in a soon-to-come Bestiary tab in the opening OOC post. The players who make the 2 best monsters get the big prize, they get to make a second character! We're kinda really short on girl characters here, so keep that in mind.

The rules are for monster design are simple. No monsters larger than a school bus, no overpowered monsters, no half-human monsters, and the monsters must be original creations BY YOU. I don't care what art you use for them, but don't go submitting a Chimera or a griffin here. The monster's name, body, and powers must be designed by you. If it's a generic name (i.e., Blank Slime) that's fine, as long as you make something to fill in that blank. You can also mesh up the names of existing animals ATLA style if you want, such as what I've done with the Bearcat.

This contest will go on for 3 days, or until all contestants have submitted a monster. You only get to submit once, so make sure it's the one you want.

Example Monster CS

And with that, our contest is underway! This contest goes on for 3 days maximum, and is completely voluntary. We'll judge your creations fairly, and the best will become canon. Don't miss out on this chance to make your monster!

. . . .Do we have to submit just one?
@BlackPanther*returns high-five* Also, jaden didn't stop moving, he's kind of doing that 'talking while hustling' thing people do in movies and stuff, but never in real-life.
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