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@lavulman Sure ^^ go for it
@ManoftheNorth Kind of my point there. We need people to agree and people wont really agree ^^ Also why am at it...

'She's so bloody adorable!' The bank clerk's expression clearly stated as she listened to Vashi.” So this's the reason why Mei fell for you. Hehehe...” The draenei woman smirked in amusement, throwing a look at Sharon.” She's not like your typical night elf, this one, isn't she? No wonder, no wonder.” She the clerk continued to smirk in amusement. She had known Meirie for centuries actually more like 1500 years or so. She even knew Mei's husband and children before the... The clerk closed her eyes for a moment, pushing that image aside.” That's good, she deserves someone good in her life... Instead of simply wasting somewhere drinking her eternity into oblivion.”

Well the clerk clearly understood why Mei fancied the night elf mage. She was cute, cuddly looking, adorable manners and tickled that maternal instinct to protect her. Though she was never going to say that out loud of course. Mei's choice of companionship was her own.

“Well you can withdraw that amount, Mei's account's been left untouched for decades.” The clerk nodded, throwing a look in the direction of the vault. The berserker was probably getting changed right now... She was a really speedy one too, more likely she'd return in a few minutes tops.


Mei started putting on her armor as soon as she stepped into the vault. She undressed in pretty much two moves and steps, quickly starting to put the armor pieces one by one. They still fit her perfectly as in the day she got them. Her trusty armor... a creation unique in a few ways. An armor forged specially for her as a berserker, made to work with her way of fighting nto against it. From the chest piece to the greaves, boots and gauntlets. All pieces fit perfectly one by one, if she still had her long hair, it would have been like no time had passed since the day she last took it off.

She quickly turned, and reached to grab her swords, first was the red crystal two handed sword that radiated with malicious energy and then there was the jagged steel one which's tip tore a lot more flesh than cut or slice. With those two on her back, she quickly walked out the vault, her steps giving of distinct heavy sounds from the metal armor and her current weight with all the equipment on.


“Ahh there she is. I can hear her steps.” The clerk stated as Mei showed from the corridor she ran in. Her presence was different from before she put the armor on. The former feeling of a washed out warrior down on her luck, was gone as now her patched up simple clothes were replaced by the high quality and clearly well maintained armor. The swords on her back gave off a rather uncomfortable feeling to the surroundings though. Sure draenei used crystal weapons a lot, but those were usually blue ones. Her bloody red crystal was not the typical ones. This one's energy was violent and oppressive.

“Okey, I'm done.” Mei stated, clenching her fist, feeling the gauntlet's resistance.

“Hey Mei...” The clerk called, drawing the berserker's attention before hitting her right in the head with a bolt of magical energy. The other two clerks were kind of shocked at least until they saw the effect of the spell. Then they became confused.

“Dammit... Zazi, you didn't have to... GROWN MY HAIR LONG AGAIN!” Mei shouted in anger as her hair was once more long as it was in the past.

Amelia Payne

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

“Ahhh...” Amelia made a surprised sound as Riley asked if she wanted to go and give their congratulations to the newlyweds and their greetings to Thana now. Amelie looked distressed for a moment before taking a deep breath, shaking her head slightly and then replying.” No... I also think we should wait a little more. We shouldn't rush it... there's more than enough time until the reception's over.” She added with a smile, looking down and noting how not really great were her shoes with this dress.

“You know, I love to hear your singing!” She stated when Riley proposed a private show. Music was one of the few things that still worked as good ways to enjoy the time. Since the apocalypse started, internet was down, television was down, radio was no longer working or at least the music station which she cared about. Beside reading books, everything else was just sort of not around anymore. Having a real singer she really liked listen to here, brought one of her favorite things. She smiled and looked at Riley.” Just say when, we should figure out when our freetime coincides. I want to hear a good few songs, you know. ” Amelia stated with a shy smile, bringing the glass of alcohol to her lips. She decided it was best to only pretty much slightly wet her lips with the drink for now. She'd still get taste, but wouldn't really be drinking. Gosh how long has it been since she was tried alcohol... she was still in highschool when she got tricked into drinking a beer! Her memories were still sort of hazy of the time.

“I..don't know.” Was Amelia's reply when Riley asked her about Dick. He was just so... Amelia shuddered just thinking about it.” Maybe he'd show up later?” Still she added with a tiny smile.” I fear him showing up will end up in a chaotic event.” She mumbled. She was just about to change her mind and say they should go now, but noticed Tati was gone.'Well later it is then.' She thought." So Riley, what are your plans for after the reception?"

Jeanette 'Mosi' Crane

Location: The Almack's.

Mosi was planning to basically throw a stake in Rutherford's plans to go attempt to probably pull Millicent away from Fyror, by moving in front of him and asking for a dance. If nothing else that would give him a pause for thought, but her plans were kind of left in the dust when Virginia went and interrupted Rutherford and Millicent's mother. If Mosi ever had to say one thing about her friend it was that she always picked the prefect moment to strike! In reality she was really glad Millicent would be dancing with Fyror right now, she couldn't stand how her mother and Rutherford were treating her.

With her original plan put on temporary hold, she moved nearby still, but decided to first listen how this will proceed. Mosi smiled under the veil as her friend pretty much accused Rutherford of something really nasty... That accusation was no joke, but Mosi herself was on the wagon of similar way of thinking concerning this... trash of a man. Well no way Mosi would let her friend be the only one to do this! She wanted to take a piece of those two... herself!

“Now what sort of people would refuse such a friendly invitation?” Jeanette stated as she walked and stood next to Virginia, her smile the only thing that could be vaguely see from under the veil.” From what I'm told, only low class people would refuse perfectly polite and sensible invitation such as yours, Virginia. Are the two of you per chance such?” She asked, facing Mrs. Wyndham and Lord TRASH Rutherford.” Ahh excuse me, Virginia, for the interruption. I was just planning to ask this Lord... ehh how was your 'noble' name again... Runterford, Rufterford... ahh yes Lord Rutherford, I believe to dance with me. Unless your lordship's is unable to do so unless you have a certain Mrs. to back you up against someone?”
Hello Vox!

Also a random thing I drew a while back after finishing DMC 4 and getting some inspiration back then xD

Satilla Valen

Location: Towards Apothecary!
Interacting With: The crew!

Kyra's request came as little surprise to the witch, it was reasonable considering the whole situation. What she was more glad about was the fact the other woman gave her some money to buy those supplies they needed with.” Thank you, I will try to restock as best I can.” She replied, carefully taking the money and putting it away in her bag for safekeeping with Skittles the cat. Anyone not here trying to get it and would have their hands all torn up by it's nasty little razor sharp claws! When Sana requested Kyra help her with the stocking up on supplies, a stone fell of her chest. The ranger woman would be of great help. Since she can also intimidate merchant into not inflating prices as much!

“They will probably sell at inflated prices, but I have my way about medicine ingredients shopping.” The witch smiled, her fatigue sort of being pushed aside by the relaxing sensation of not having to figure out a hundred or so ways to circumvent lack of medication as she had to do a few times in the past when she was dead broke from helping people and them not really able to properly repay her with money. How many times she took stuff like jars of preserves or other such things is payment, she lost track of.

“Alright, lets.” She agreed and quickly moved to keep up with Kyra. Medical supplies were of most urgency for adventurers and in the situation with undead hordes roaming about, they'd need to keep at best health as possible and not allow any deaths!

“Prices of healing potions will probably have increased at least by half at best... chances are good they'd be twice and perhaps even more the original price.” Satilla stated to Kyra.” Also they'd be on limited supply with the undead attacks... I propose we focus on herbs and other ingredients mainly with potions being secondary in this case.”
Once more.. time to get into posting state. *Takes a deep breath* LOK'TAR OGAR!!!!!!!!*rushes towards IC*
I will post here tomorrow ^^
@lavulman Bleach lol could have asked xD
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