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Hi, everyone, I'm on hiatus. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Most Recent Posts

@Lady Selune I finished my sheet. Apologies for the wall-of-text bio. I tend to get carried away.

I leave for two hours and oh my gods I love you guys and your nerdy jokes
I'll finish up my sheet as soon as I can bring myself to get out of bed.
@PlatinumSkink Not actually the intention, lol. That's just the order they came into the PM box.
Attention everyone,

Voting is live.
RPGC#13 – Voting and Discussion

You all know the drill by now so I’ll keep this brief. Reviews and constructive criticism welcome, vote for your favorite story by pinging the @vote-bot in a post. For those of you new to the contests, see below.

Example: “I @vote for Entry 0, “Generic Entry Title”, because I love it’s originality!”

Again, please remember to review, and be sure to submit your votes no later than Monday, January 23rd! (Winners to be announced when I wake up on Tuesday the 24th.)

@Lady Selune Got it. Changed my mind, plan B coming up later tonight or tomorrow morning.
@Lady Selune Also is it okay if we play two characters?

Myself and @shylarah would both like to play two apiece.
*falls in*

Hiyo! I'm interested, if you're still looking for more people.
Reminder, @everyone!! Entries are due Monday the 16th, to be posted on the 17th as soon as I wake up.

I'm really excited, and restraining myself from opening the PM box and reading everything right now. Keep the good work coming!
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